

access to data, managing, 3

action attribute, <form> tag, 106

ActiveState Perl, installation, 79, 482–486

add, data to database, 68–71

add-ons, speed, 113

add_person subroutine, command-line phonebook program, 351, 353

add_phone subroutine, command-line phonebook program, 355

Add_Question function

add_questions.cgi, 135, 162


Add_Question function, 135

correct input box, 134

Get_Test_Config function, 134

header function, 135

here document, 136–138

program listing, 169–171

qq block, 136

Qtext input box, 134

qw command, 134

strict module, 133

use command, 133

Add_Record subroutine, phonebook.cgi, 85, 93, 118, 123

address table, example, 4, 35

add_upd_person subroutine, graphical phonebook application, 374

add_upd_phone subroutine, graphical phonebook application, 374

admin_album_end.tmpl, program listing, 471

admin_album_row.tmpl, program listing, 471

admin_album_top.tmpl, program listing, 471


output, 455–456

overview, 454

program listing, 466–470

Show_A lbum subroutine, 458–459

UPDATE statement, 457

Update_Data subroutine, 457

admin_footer.tmpl, program listing, 472

admin_list_row.tmpl, program listing, 472

admin_main.tmpl, program listing, 472–474

album table, index.cgi (photo album program), 446

album_end.tmpl, program listing, 474

album_row.tmpl, program listing, 474

album_top.tmpl, program listing, 475

ALTER TABLE statement, 32, 503

ampersand (&), XML, 313, 402

anonymous subroutine declaration, graphical phonebook application, 363


apache_1.3.23.tar.gz, 492

Linux installation, 491–493

Windows installation, 32, 481, 487–491

Apache Web server

downloading, 487

embedding Perl interpreter into, 113

appendination (.=) operator, 75

@ARGV, 428

array, reference compared to dereference, 149

array slice, 450

asterisk (*)

SELECT statement, 39

shell wildcard, 120

atomic value, 5

auction application

auction table, 182

Bidding_Open subroutine, 199

bids table, 183–184, 214

bind_columns function, 188, 190, 193

CGI module, 185, 188, 196

Check_Data function, 199, 201

checking for text data, 202–203

closed_tmpl template, 199

connect method, 186, 189, 197


CURRENCY type, 203

database tables, 182–184

Date_Cmp function, 205

Date::Manip module, 205

DBI module, 185, 188, 196

disconnect function, 186

donor table, 182–183

double quote (qq) function, 211

DROP statement, 214

Drop_Down_Item_List function, 186, 208

drop-down list, 184

Drop_Down_List function, 189, 199

error key, 201

execute method, 208

Exporter module, 205

fetch function, 190

fetchrow_array function, 190, 212

filter key, 201

Get_Item_Detail function, 197, 211

Get_Item_Table function, 189–190, 213

header function, 186, 190, 198

@INC array, 185, 196

index.cgi page, 184

index.tmpl, 187

Is_Bidding_Open function, 207–208

item table, 183, 214

join function, 199

lib method, 185, 188

MAX function, 212

namespace, 204

overview, 181

page, 187, 195

Page_Header function, 186, 190, 198, 206

param function, 196

PATH environment variable, 186, 188–189, 197

PHONE type, 203

prepare method, 208

Print_Page subroutine, 187, 190, 200, 205, 207

push function, 212

quote word (qw) function, 210

required key, 201

SELECT statement, 208

shift function, 206, 211

SmallAuction module, 185, 188, 196

sprintf function, 191, 198

strict module, 185, 188, 196

Submit_Bit function, 200

subselect, 213–214

substr function, 191

taint switch, 185, 188, 195

template file, 186

TMPL file handle, 206

UnixDate function, 205

value key, 201

warnings switch, 185, 188, 195

auction database

auction table, 182

auction_id field, 182

bids table, 183–184

bidtime field, 184

donor table, 182–183

donor_id field, 183

foreign key, 183

item table, 183

item_id field, 183

min_bid field, 183

min_incr field, 183

name field, 182

primary key, 182–183

start_bidding field, 182

stop_bidding field, 182

value field, 183


appendination operator, 232

auction_img database, 232

CGI module, 230

DBI module, 230

execute function, 233

header function, 231

INSERT INTO statement, 233

param function, 231

prepare function, 233

program listing, 241–242

quote function, 233

strict module, 230

taint switch, 230

uploadInfo function, 231

warnings switch, 230

auto_increment, 182

autoincrementing, MySQL, 354

automatic e-mail report system

axis labels, 333

bars3d object, 333

bitmap image object, 336

connect method, 324

crontab, 323

DBI module, 324, 327

die method, 324

disconnect method, 326, 329

execute method, 325

fetchrow_array method, 325, 329

finish method, 326, 329

first_used field, 322

GD::Graph module, 332–333

HTML::Template module, 327

IMG tag, 336

ip field, 322

last_used field, 322

list mode, 324

MIME::Lite module, 322, 324, 327

output, 337

overview, 321, 327

param method, 328

raw PNG data, 336

SELECT statement, 324–325, 335

selectrow_array method, 324, 328

sendmail, 322

session table, 321

strict module, 324, 327

template_2.html, 331

template_3.html, 336–337

template_2.txt, 330–331

<tmpl_loop> tag, 331

<tmpl_var> tag, 331

totalsession parameter, 329

totalusers template variable, 328

Type parameter, 330

user table, 321

user_id field, 322

valid field, 322

warnings switch, 324, 327, 332

WHERE statement, 335

available_drivers method, 513

axis labels,, 333

Perl Database Programming
Perl Database Programming
ISBN: 0764549561
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 175 © 2008-2017.
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