
On the CD The scripts in this section will demonstrate the use of PHP and MySQL for authentication of users. You will find the code for the authentication project on the CD-ROM in the folder named chapter16code. The mini-application consists of six scripts:

  • createpasswordtable.php creates a stand-alone table with fields for user ID and for the password encrypted using the md5 program. The md5 program uses standard encryption techniques to produce a 32-character string.

  • register.php is a form and a form handler for accepting new IDs and passwords. If the ID already exists in the database, the user is prompted to try again.

  • signin.php is a form and a form handler for accepting an ID and a password. If the ID and password pair exist in the database, a session variable is set and the user can continue to a page of the application.

  • page.php essentially is a place holder for a real application. If users navigate to this page without signing in, they will see a message with a link telling them to go sign in. If they are signed in, as indicated by the presence of a session variable, they see a message indicating this and a link to sign out.

  • endsession.php says goodbye to the user and destroys the session.

  • showids.php would not be part of a regular application, but is produced here for you to use to examine the encrypted passwords.

Although the reasoning in this exposition was to produce a stand-alone system for you to study, it still would make sense when building an entire application to define a distinct table for IDs and passwords. You might detect that this table is part of the shopping cart application database. Notice that this code, shown in Table 16.1, resembles other code for creating MySQL tables. The records in the table have two fields.

Table 16.1: PHP Code to Create Tables for Passwords


Start PHP

function createtable($tname,$fields) {

Header for function

global $DBname, $link;

Use global values for database and link. Assumes connection has been made

$query="CREATE TABLE ".$tname." (".$fields.")";

Define query

if (mysql_db_query($DBname,$query, $link)) {

Invoke query and test if it worked

print ("The table, $tname, was created successfully.<br>\n");}

Print positive message

else {


print ("The table, $tname, was not created. <br>\n");}

Print negative message: table was not created


Ends function definition



<html><head><title>Creating password table </title></head><body>

HTML starting tags


Start PHP


Connecting to database

$tname = "ptable";

Set name of table

$fields="uid char(10) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, pass char(32)";

Define fields

createtable($tname, $fields);

Invoke function to create table


Close link




Closing HTML tags

The register.php script, shown in Table 16.2, is invoked to establish a new user. Anyone can register as long as he or she choose a unique ID. The password is encrypted for storage in the database. Figure 16.1 shows how the screen looks after filling out the form.

click to expand
Figure 16.1: Form for creating user ID and password.

Table 16.2: PHP Code for Registration


Starting HTML tags


Start PHP


Connecting code

$tname = "ptable";

Set name of table

if (@($submitted)) {

If test to see if form has been submitted

$pword1 = trim($pword1);

Trims the input (removing white space)

$pword2 = trim($pword2);

Trims the input

$uid = trim($uid);

Trims the input

$oksofar = true;

Sets the oksofar variable, which might be set to false if there are any problems


Sets up a pattern specifying between 4 to 10 alphanumeric characters

if (!eregi($pattern,$uid)){

Does a case-insensitive test on the user ID

print ("Please make your id a combination ");

If the test fails, prints instructions…

print ("of at least 4 and not more than 10 alphanumeric characters. ");

... continues with instructions

print ("Use the BACK function on your browser to return to the form.");

More instructions

$oksofar = false;

Sets the oksofar variable to false.


End of clause for first test

if (!eregi($pattern,$pword1)){

Checks the first password for its format

print ("Please make your password a combination ");

If the test fails, prints instructions…

print ("of at least 4 and not more than 10 alphanumeric characters. ");

…continues with instructions

print ("Use the BACK function on your browser to return to the form.");

More instructions

$oksofar = false;

Sets the oksofar variable to false


End of clause for test

if (StrCmp($pword1,$pword2)!=0) {

Test to see if the user entered two identical copies of the password. This requires the use of the StrCmp function for comparison of strings

print ("The two passwords did not match. Please try again. ");

If test fails, prints out message

print ("Use the BACK function on your browser to return to the form.");

Prints out instructions

$oksofar = false;

Sets the oksofar variable to false


End of clause for test

$query = "Select * from ptable where uid='$uid'";

Define query to check if the user ID is already in the table

$result=mysql_db_query($DBname, $query, $link);

Invoke query

if (mysql_num_rows($result)!=0) {

If this query produced a recordset with more than zero rows—that is, there was an entry with that ID

print ("The id is already taken. Please try again. ");

Print out message to try again.

print ("Use the BACK function on your browser to return to the form.");

More instructions

$oksofar = false;

Set oksofar variable to false


End of clause for test

if ($oksofar) {

If there have been no problems

$pw1 = md5($pword1);

Encrypt the password.

$query = "INSERT INTO $tname values ('$uid','$pw1')";

Define a query to insert a new record in the table

$result = mysql_db_query($DBname, $query, $link);

Invoke the query

if ($result) {

Check on result

print("Registration successful.<br>\n");

Print positive message


End of clause

else {


print ("Registration not successful. <br>\n");

Print negative message


End of clause


End of if no problems

$submitted = FALSE;

Reset submitted variable


Close link


ends if submitted

else {

Else (present form)

print ("<h1>Register<br>\n </h1> ");

Print out heading

print ("Create a user id and a password. Make each a combination ");

Print out instructions

print ("of at least 4 and not more than 10 alphanumeric characters. <br>");

….continue with instructions

print ("<form action=\"register. php\" method=post>\n");

Print out form tag

print ("User name: <input type=text name=\"uid\" size=10><br>\n");

Print out username tag (that is, user ID)

print ("Password: <input type=password name=\"pword1\" size=10><br>\n");

Print out input tag for password as a password tag so typing is not revealed

print ("Enter password again: <input type=password name=\"pword2\" size=10><br>\n");

Print out second input tag

print ("<input type=hidden name=\"submitted\" value=\"True\"><br>\n");

Print out hidden tag to hold submitted value

print ("<input type=submit name=\"submit\" value=\"Sign up!\"><br>\n");

Print out Submit button

print ("</form><br>\n");

Print out form end tag


End of clause for form not submitted


Close PHP


Closing HTML

The script presents and handles the form. Note that several tests are done on the input.

The signin PHP script, shown in Table 16.3, is for a registered user to sign in, giving ID and password. Figure 16.2 shows the screen.

click to expand
Figure 16.2: Form for signing in.

Table 16.3: PHP Code for Signing In


Start PHP

if (@($submitted)) {

Check if form has been submitted

$pword1 = trim($pword1);

Trim the password

$uid = trim($uid);

Trim the user id

$oksofar = true;

Set oksofar to true

$pw1= md5($pword1);

Encrypt the submitted password


Connecting to the database

$query = "Select * from ptable where uid='$uid' and pass='$pw1'";

Define the query

$result=mysql_db_query($DBname, $query, $link);

Invoke the query

if (mysql_num_rows($result)==0) {

If test: checks for a match

print ("No match for id and password. ");

If test fails, that is, there is no match, prints a message

print ("Use the BACK function on your browser to return to the form.");

Prints instructions

$oksofar = false;

Set oksofar variable to false


Ends clause for test

if ($oksofar) {

If there was a match, indicated by oksofar still being true


Register user as a variable


Set user to the value $uid

print("Sign in okay as $user. <a href='page.php'>Continue. </a>");

Print out message and give option to continue


End clause

$submitted = FALSE;

Set submitted variable to false


Close link


ends if submitted

else {

Else clause (to present a form)


Ends PHP

<html><head><title>Sign in</title></head><body>

Regular HTML tags

<h1>Sign in<br></h1>


<form action="signin.php" method=post>

Form with action indicated as this script

User name: <input type=text name="uid" size=10><br>

User field

Password: <input type=password name=”pword1” size=10><br>

Password field

<input type=hidden name="submitted" value="True"><br>

Hidden tag (submitted flag)

<input type=submit name="submit" value="Sign up!"><br>

Submit button


End of form


Start PHP


End the clause for form to be





Closing HTML tags

This script both handles and presents a form. Notice that the typical HTML starting tags are not placed at the start of the script. This is required since the code to set the session variable must precede any output.

The page.php script, shown in Table 16.4, is a placeholder for the first page of an application. Note that it starts the session explicitly using the session_start function. This really means start or resume a session. It was not necessary in the signin.php script because the session_register function started the session.

Table 16.4: Code to Check for Valid User


Start PHP


Resume or start the session

if (!session_is_registered("user")) {

Check if user exists as a session variable



You need to <a href="signin.php">SIGN IN.</a>

Print message and link for the visitor to sign in


Restart PHP


End clause for there not being a registered user

else {

Else clause

print("<html><head><title>First page </title></head><body>");

Print out starting HTML tags

print ("You are signed in. User id is $user");

Print out message to user

print ("<br><a href=\"endsession.php\">Sign out and end session </a>");

Print out option to sign out


End clause for there being a user




HTML closing tags

Figure 16.3 shows what page.php produces when the user has signed in.

click to expand
Figure 16.3: Screen showing successful sign in.

The endsession.php script, shown in Table 16.5, signs the user out by printing a goodbye message and destroying the session. In a real application, you should insert similar code either in a script by itself or as part of other scripts. This protects any user who does not exit the browser after completing his or her business. Figure 16.4 shows what endsession.php produces.

click to expand
Figure 16.4: Screen showing goodbye message.

Table 16.5: PHP Code for Signing User Out


Start PHP


Start or resume session

print("Good-bye, $user.");

Print out message, making use of the session variable $user


Destroy session




Closing HTML tags

The showids.php script, shown in Table 16.6, is to show you the state of the password table.

Table 16.6: PHP Script to Show Contents of Password Table

<html><head><title>Show ids and passwords</title></head><body>

Starting HTML tags

<h1>Id and encrypted passwords</h1><p>



Start PHP

require ("opendbo.php");

Connecting to database



<table border=1>

Table tag


Start PHP

$query="Select * from ptable";

Define query to get the entire table

$result=mysql_db_query($DBname, $query, $link);

Invoke query

while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

While loop: iterates over the entire recordset, fetching a row at a time

print ("<tr><td>");

Print out table tags


Print out the uid field


Print out table datum close tag


Print out table datum start tag


Print out the pass field


Print out the table tags closing the row


Ends while loop

print ("</table>");

Print out table closing tag


Close link




Closing HTML tags

Figure 16.5 shows the display of the password table.

click to expand
Figure 16.5: Display of IDs and encrypted passwords.

Can you guess either of the passwords?

Creating Database Web Applications with PHP and ASP
Creating Database Web Applications with PHP and ASP (Charles River Media Internet & Web Design)
ISBN: 1584502649
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 125
Authors: Jeanine Meyer

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