

NAT, 307

National Crime Faculty (NCF), 349

National Crime Information Center (NCIC), 51–52

data regarding persons, 51–52

data regarding property, 51

defined, 51

Interstate Identification Index (III) access, 52

National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), 48

National Drug Pointer Index (NDPIX), 53

National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS), 47

offense categories, 48–49

primary crimes, 47–48

National Infrastructure Protection Center (NIPC) database, 53

National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), 53

National Integrated Ballistics Information Network (NIBIN), 52

National Law Enforcement Telecommunications Systems (NLETS), 50–51

data available from Canada, 50–51

data available from other states, 50

defined, 50

national files, 50

See also Criminal data

National Operations and Analysis Hub (NOAH), 13

National Uniform Crime Reporting System (UCR/NIBRS), 53

Natural language processing (NLP), 8, 125

application, 125–26

defined, 125

development, 125

text mining and, 140

Neighborhood profiles, 43–45

ACORN database, 43

demographic data, 45

lifestyle clusters, 45

lifestyle information, 44

preferences data, 45

residential data, 45

socioeconomic data, 45

See also demographic data

Netcat, 308

NetFraud, 256–57, 266–67

NetMaker, 197

NETMAP, 84, 101–2

data decomposition, 101

data tracing, 102

defined, 101

layout support, 101

link chart, 85, 101

in money-laundering investigations, 84

security levels configuration, 102

See also Link analysis tools

Network architectures, 162–63

Neural Network Chromatogram Retrieval System (NNCRS), 172–77

background, 173–74

closest non-match, 177

research history, 174–77

second match, 176

summary, 173

Neural networks, 2, 9–11, 159–204

advantages, 164–65

architectures, 162–63

artificial (ANNs), 365, 366

Chicago Internal Affairs case study, 167–68

chromatogram retrieval system case study, 172–77

classification, 159

clustering, 159–60

clustering border smugglers with SOM, 169–72

connection weights, 161

as core technology, 195

defined, 160–61

for detecting criminal behavior, 10

effectiveness, 164

false positives, 195–96

forecasting, 160

in fraud detection, 264–66

functioning of, 161–62

functions of, 159–60

generalizing, 160

IDS development with, 322

investigative applications, 178

knowledge from, 161

Kohonen nets, 10

MLPs, 162–63

MO modeling case study, 179–95

as pattern-recognition engines, 9

reasons for using, 164–65

solutions, 164

SOMs, 10–11

training, 10, 163

using, 163–64

Neural network tools, 196–204

Attrasoft, 165–67, 196

BioComp iModel, 197

BrainMaker, 197–98

COGNOS 4Though, 197

MATLAB Neural Net Toolbox, 198–99

NeuralWare, 200–201

NeuroSolutions, 199–200

ProForma, 201–2

SPSS Neural Connection, 202

STATISTICA Neural Networks, 198, 202–3

Ward Systems packages, 203–4

NeuralWare, 200–201

InstaNet facility, 200

Predict product, 201

Professional II/PLUS, 200

See also Neural network tools

NeuroSolutions, 199–200

defined, 199

"feel," 199

principal component analysis (PCA), 199

wizard, 200

See also Neural network tools

Neusciences aXi Decision Tree, 228

Next Generation Intrusion Detection Expert System (NIDES), 318–19

Nmap, 305–6

Investigative Data Mining for Security and Criminal Detection
Investigative Data Mining for Security and Criminal Detection
ISBN: 0750676132
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 232
Authors: Jesus Mena © 2008-2017.
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