Chapter Two. Ink On Paper

The craft of printing is a combination of art and science that has been developed and refined over hundreds of years. Because printing is a complicated mechanical undertaking, numerous variables affect the printing process. Such factors include the type of press, the direction of the grain in the paper as it goes through the press, the kind of ink being used, and the prevailing temperature and humidity during the press run. Stand by a thundering press that is running at full speed, watch the paper race through the printing units, and consider the tons of machinery churning out your job. You'll wonder how it ever works at allit's an impressive feat. A skilled pressman is an artisan who can work miracles, but there are still some physical limitations to what can be achieved with ink on paper. It's a long trip from what you see on your monitor to the printed paper that flies out of the press.

Real World(c) Print Production
Real World Print Production
ISBN: 0321410181
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 132
Authors: Claudia McCue © 2008-2017.
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