Find a Synonym or Antonym with the Thesaurus

Using the Thesaurus, you can search for a more suitable word than the word you originally chose.

The thesaurus can help you find a synonym – a word with a similar meaning – for the word you originally chose, as well as an antonym – a word with an opposite meaning.

image from book

  1. Click the word for which you want to find an opposite or substitute.

  2. Click Tools.

  3. Click Research.

    image from book

    The Research task pane appears.

    image from book The word you selected appears here.

  4. Click image from book to display a list of resources you can use to search for information.

  5. Click Thesaurus.

    image from book

    A list of words with similar meanings appears.

    image from book Each bold word represents a part of speech – a noun, a verb, an adjective – with a similar meaning to the word you selected.

    image from book Each word listed below a bold word is a synonym for the bold word.

    image from book Antonyms are marked.

    image from book

  6. Point the mouse at the word you want to use in your document.

    image from book image from book appears beside the word.

  7. Click to image from book display a list of choices.

  8. Click Insert.

    image from book

    Word replaces the word in your document with the one appearing in the Research task pane.

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Is there a faster way I can display synonyms and antonyms?

  1. Click the word for which you want a synonym or antonym.

  2. Press image from book+image from book or right-click the word, and point to Synonyms.

  3. Click a choice to replace the word in your document.

    image from book

image from book

Teach Yourself Visually Word 2003
Teach Yourself VISUALLY Word 2003
ISBN: 0764539973
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 175
Authors: Ruth Maran © 2008-2017.
If you may any questions please contact us: