5.3 WMI and some (server) products

5.3 WMI and some (server) products

5.3.1 Internet Information Server provider

The Internet Information Server (IIS) provider is available with IIS 6.0, which comes with Windows Server 2003. It is made up of one single provider implemented as a method, instance, and class provider. It is available from the Root\MicrosoftIISv2 namespace (see Table 5.18).

Table 5.18: The Internet Information Server Provider

Provider Name

Provider Namespace

Class Provider

Instance Provider

Method Provider

Property Provider

Event Provider

Event Consumer Provider

Support Get

Support Put

Support Enumeration

Support Delete

Windows Server 2003

Windows XP

Windows 2000 Server

Windows 2000 Professional

Windows NT 4.0












This provider supports a collection of WMI classes whose purpose is to expose the information contained in the IIS metabase. The IIS metabase is nothing more than a database containing all IIS configuration settings. This information is stored in a collection of objects and properties defining the various settings supported by IIS. Of course, if we have objects and properties in the metabase, it means we have a schema defining those objects and properties. Therefore, as in any schema implementation, we also have objects with properties (part of the schema) defining objects and properties that can be stored in the metabase. These objects are called the Schema Management Objects. We will not go into the IIS metabase schema discovery, since this would detract from the WMI focus, but it is important to know that WMI classes reflect the IIS metabase schema definitions, whose object instances are represented by WMI instances. This is the reason why the IIS provider is implemented as a class provider (to retrieve the IIS metabase schema definitions as WMI classes) and an instance provider (to retrieve the IIS metabase data stored in the IIS metabase objects).

Understanding how WMI maps the IIS metabase is not an easy thing. So, let's take a concrete example. For instance, the IIS metabase schema contains definitions for the IISWebServer metabase class and its related properties, such as the ServerBindings property. Therefore, the CIM repository contains some equivalent WMI classes and properties to expose the same information through WMI. In this specific example (see Figure 5.17), we will have an IISWebServer WMI class made from the CIM_ManagedSystemElement superclass (left-center position). However, the CIM repository object model is slightly different from the IIS metabase object model. For example, the IISWebServer WMI class doesn't have a property called ServerBindings. Instead, the IISWebServer WMI class has an association with the IISWebServerSetting WMI class made from the CIM_Setting superclass (right upper-corner position), which exposes a WMI class property called ServerBindings. The association between the IISWebServer and IISWebServerSetting WMI classes is made with the IISWbServer_IIsWebServerSetting association class made from the CIM_ElementSetting class (center-top position).

click to expand
Figure 5.17: The IISWebServer class associations with their respective superclasses.

The ServerBindings property of the IISWebServerSetting WMI class contains a WMI instance of an object made from the ServerBinding class (which is made from the IIsStructuredDataClass superclass), as shown with WMI CIM Studio in Figure 5.18.

click to expand
Figure 5.18: The ServerBindings property and ServerBinding instance.

As we can see in Figure 5.17, the IISWebServer WMI class has some other associations. All associations are made from association classes derived from the CIM_ElementSetting or CIM_Component superclasses. On the other hand, all associated classes are made from the CIM_Setting or CIM_ManagedSystemElement superclasses. Next, when a WMI class exposing IIS settings requires a structured representation, the property that should expose the structured information actually exposes an instance made from a class derived from the IIsStructuredDataClass superclass (i.e., ServerBinding class). This indicates that all IIS WMI classes are always made from five superclasses (see Figure 5.17):

  • The CIM_ManagedSystemElement class: The CIM_ManagedSystemElement class contains subclasses that correspond to node definitions of the metabase Schema. For example, an IIsWebServer WMI instance corresponds to the IIsWebServer node of the IIS metabase, which represents an instance of an IIS Web server. As another example, the IIsWebVirtualDir instance corresponds to the IIsWebVirtualDir node of the IIS metabase, which represents an instance of a Web virtual directory. The IIsWebServer WMI instance and the IIsWebVirtualDir instance expose read-only properties and methods, whereas the associated instances made from the CIM_Setting subclasses contain the writeable properties for the nodes. For example, the IIsWebServer class derived from the CIM_ManagedSystemElement class exposes readonly properties for an IIS Web server as well as methods that can modify some properties of the IIsWebServerSetting class instance and manage the IIS Web Server (i.e., start or stop the Web server).

    On the other hand, the IIsWebServerSetting class properties (derived from the CIM_Setting class and associated with the IISWebServer class) can be updated to modify the IIS Web server settings (see Figure 5.19).

    click to expand
    Figure 5.19: The associations of the CIM_ManagedSystemElement superclass.

  • The CIM_Setting class: The classes derived from the CIM_Setting superclass expose properties corresponding to the metabase node properties that can be set at those nodes. The associated classes derived from the CIM_ManagedSystemElement class expose methods that manipulate the node properties. As previously mentioned, the IIsWebServerSetting class (derived from the CIM_Setting superclass) and the IIsWebServer class (derived from the CIM_ManagedSystemElement class) refer to Web sites on your Web server, where the IIsWebServer class contains the read-only properties of a Web site and the IIsWebServerSetting class contains the writeable properties of a Web site (see Figure 5.20).

    click to expand
    Figure 5.20: The associations of the CIM_Setting superclass.

  • The IIsStructuredDataClass class: The classes derived from the IIsStructuredDataClass class contain properties whose data requires a structured representation. For example, the ServerBindings property in the metabase is a string whose format is "IP:Port:Hostname." In the WMI representation, a ServerBinding class is available with three properties corresponding to the IP address, the port number, and the host name. In Figure 5.18, a class such as the IIsWebServerSetting class (made from the CIM_Setting class) contains a property called ServerBindings, which is an array of ServerBinding class instances.

  • The CIM_Component class: The classes created from this association superclass map each class made from the CIM_ManagedSystemElement superclass to another class made from the CIM_ManagedSystemElement superclass. As with any association classes, the properties of these classes are references to the two associated classes (see Figure 5.21).

    click to expand
    Figure 5.21: The CIM_Component class with its references.

  • The CIM_ElementSetting class: The classes created from this association class associate each class made from the CIM_ManagedSystemElement superclass to its matching class made from the CIM_Setting superclass. The properties of these classes are references to the two associated classes (see Figure 5.22).

    click to expand
    Figure 5.22: The CIM_ElementSetting class with its references.

To read information from the metabase with scripts, it is possible to use ADSI in the IIS: namespace (all IIS versions) or WMI (IIS 6.0 only). A script reading the IISWebServer ServerBindings property with ADSI will look as follows:

    1: Set objIISWebServer = GetObject ("IIS://LocalHost/W3SVC/1")    2:    3: arrayServerBindings = objIISWebServer.Get ("ServerBindings")    4:    5: For Each varServerBinding In arrayServerBindings    6: WScript.Echo "ServerBindings: '" & varServerBinding & "''    7: Next 

At line 1, the "W3SVC/1" represents the IIS Web server instance to be accessed via ADSI. Next, the script requests the ServerBindings property from the object representing the Web service instance (line 3). From line 5 through 7, the "For Each" loop enumerates all values found in the ServerBindings property.

The ADSUTIL.VBS script from an IIS installation (check %SystemDrive%\Inetpub\AdminScripts folder) uses ADSI to access the IIS metabase. For example, to read the IISWebServer ServerBindings property with ADSUTIL.VBS, we should use the following command line:

 C:\>adsutil.vbs GET W3SVC/l/ServerBindings Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.6 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996–2001. All rights reserved. ServerBindings                  : (LIST)  (1 Items)   ":81:" 

In addition to being able to retrieve all properties stored in the IIS metabase, ADSUTIL.VBS also allows most configuration settings and operations handled by the "Internet Information Services" MMC from the command line.

With WMI, to retrieve the ServerBindings of the IISWebServer "W3SVC/1" node from the metabase, we should retrieve the IISWebServerSettings WMI instance (which is actually associated with the IISWebServer WMI class and contains the Web server configuration settings). This is illustrated in Sample 5.15. However, for information completeness, the code enumerates all properties of the IISWebServerSettings WMI instance, which explains why it is slightly longer than the ADSI example.

Sample 5.15: Viewing the IISWebServer ServerBindings property with WMI

start example

  1: <?xml version="1.0"?>  .:  8:<package>  9:  <job> ..: 13:    <runtime> ..: 17:    </runtime> 18: 19:    <script language="VBScript" src="/books/2/679/1/html/2/..\Functions\DisplayFormattedPropertiesFunction.vbs" /> 20:    <script language="VBScript" src="/books/2/679/1/html/2/..\Functions\DisplayFormattedPropertyFunction.vbs" /> 21:    <script language="VBScript" src="/books/2/679/1/html/2/..\Functions\TinyErrorHandler.vbs" /> 22: 23:    <object prog  reference="true"/> 24: 25:    <script language="VBscript"> 26:    <![CDATA[ ..: 30:    Const cComputerName = "LocalHost" 31:    Const cWMINameSpace = "root\MicrosoftIISv2" 32:    Const cWMIClass = "IISWebServer" ..: 59:    objWMILocator.Security_.AuthenticationLevel = wbemAuthenticationLevelDefault 60:    objWMILocator.Security_.ImpersonationLevel = wbemImpersonationLevelImpersonate 61: 62:    Set objWMIServices = objWMILocator.ConnectServer(strComputerName, cWMINameSpace, _ 63:                                                     strUserID, strPassword) ..: 66:    Set objWMIWebServerInstances = objWMIServices.InstancesOf (cWMIClass) ..: 69:    For Each objWMIWebServerInstance In objWMIWebServerInstances 70:        DisplayFormattedProperties objWMIWebServerInstance, 0 71: 72:        Set objWMIAssociatedInstances = objWMIServices.ExecQuery _ 73:                                           ("Associators Of {IISWebServer='" & _ 74:                                           objWMIWebServerInstance.Name & "'}") 75:        For Each objWMIAssociatedInstance In objWMIAssociatedInstances 76:            DisplayFormattedProperties objWMIAssociatedInstance, 2 77:        Next ..: 79:    Next ..: 85:    ]]> 86:    </script> 87:  </job> 88:</package> 

end example

Sample 5.15 does not use any new scripting techniques. However, it exploits the IISWebServer class associations in place to retrieve all required information. First, the script retrieves all instances of the IISWebServer WMI class (line 66) to enumerate all instances retrieved (lines 69 through 77). For each instance of the IISWebServer class, the script requests all existing associations (lines 72 through 74), as shown in Figure 5.17. This is done with the help of the WQL data query:

 Associators Of   {IISWebServer='W3SVC/1'} 

To restrict the list of associations to the IISWebServerSetting class, the following WQL data query can be used:

 "Associators Of {IISWebServer='W3SVC/1'} Where AssocClass=IIsWebServer_IIsWebServerSetting" 

Next all instances are enumerated to display all their properties (lines 75 through 77). The display of the properties is performed in the DisplayFormattedProperties() function. This function acts recursively if a property, such as the ServerBindings property of the IISWebServerSetting class, exposes an object instance. Therefore, the output will be as follows for the first IIS Web server instance:

   1:    C:\>ViewIISSettings.wsf   2:    Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.6   3:    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996–2001. All rights reserved.   4:   5:   6:    - IIsWebServer --------------------------------------------------------------------   7:    AppIsolated: ............................. 2   8:    AppPackageID: ............................   9:    AppPackageName: ..........................  10:    *Name: ................................... W3SVC/1  11:    ServerState: ............................. 2  12:  13:      - IIsWebServerSetting -----------------------------------------------------------  14:      AccessExecute: ......................... FALSE  15:      AccessFlags: ........................... 1 ...: 146:      EnableDocFooter: ....................... FALSE 147:      EnableReverseDns: ...................... FALSE 148:      FrontPageWeb: .......................... FALSE 149: 150:        - HttpCustomHeader ------------------------------------------------------------ 151:        *Keyname: ............................ 152: 153: 154:        - HttpError ------------------------------------------------------------------- 155:        *HandlerLocation: .................... J:\WINDOWS\help\iisHelp\common\400.htm 156:        *HandlerType: ........................ FILE 157:        *HttpErrorCode: ...................... 400 158:        *HttpErrorSubcode: ................... * ...: 334:        - HttpError ------------------------------------------------------------------- 335:        *HandlerLocation: .................... J:\WINDOWS\help\iisHelp\common\500-15.htm 336:        *HandlerType: ........................ FILE 337:        *HttpErrorCode: ...................... 500 338:        *HttpErrorSubcode: ................... 15 339: 340:      HttpExpires: ........................... D, 0x15180 341:      HttpPics: .............................. ...: 379:     MaxEndpointConnections: ................ 255 380: 381:       - MimeMap --------------------------------------------------------------------- 382:       *Extension: .......................... 383: 384:     *Name: ................................. W3SVC/1 385:     NetLogonWorkstation: ................... 0 386:     NotDeletable: .......................... FALSE ...: 396:     RevocationFreshnessTime: ............... 128 397:     RevocationURLRetrievalTimeout: ......... 0 398: 399:       - ScriptMap ------------------------------------------------------------------- 400:       *Extensions: ......................... .asp 401:       *Flags: .............................. 1 ...: 556:       - SecureBinding --------------------------------------------------------------- 557:       *IP: ................................. 558:       *Port: ............................... 443: 559: 560:     ServerAutoStart: ....................... TRUE 561: 562:       - ServerBinding --------------------------------------------------------------- 563:       *Hostname: ........................... 564:       *IP: ................................. 565:       *Port: ............................... 80 566: 567:     ServerComment: ......................... Default Web Site 568:     ServerListenBacklog: ................... 40 ...: 577:     UseHostName: ........................... FALSE 578:     Win32Error: ............................ 0 579: 580:   - IIsWebServer -------------------------------------------------------------------- 581:   AppIsolated: ............................. 2 582:   AppPackageID: ............................ 583:   AppPackageName: .......................... 584:   *Name: ................................... W3SVC/2 585:   ServerState: ............................. 2 ...: ...: ...: 

We recognize from line 562 through 565 the properties of the ServerBinding class instance. Of course, Sample 5.15 retrieves all available properties. To just retrieve the IlSWebServer ServerBindings property, such as we did with ADSI, the code to use will look as follows:

  1:   Set objWMIServices = GetObject ("winmgmts:root\MicrosoftIISv2")  2:  3:   Set objWMIWebServerInstance = objWMIServices.Get ("IISWebServerSetting='W3SVC/1'")  4:   arrayWMIServerBindings = objWMIWebServerInstance.ServerBindings  5:  6:   For Each objWMIServerBindingInstance In arrayWMIServerBindings  7:       WScript.Echo objWMIServerBindingInstance.Port  8:       WScript.Echo objWMIServerBindingInstance.Hostname  9:       WScript.Echo objWMIServerBindingInstance.IP 10:   Next 

Even if it is possible to perform many IIS metabase configurations through ADSI or WMI, the ADSI metabase access method has some limitations compared with the WMI access method. For example, the WMI access method implicitly offers all advantages of the WMI architecture, such as the WQL queries, the standard WMI COM API object model and instrumentation (i.e., Event notifications), and the CIM repository object model capabilities to associate entities. ADSI doesn't have these features. On the other hand, it is important to note that only ADSI allows you to extend the IIS metabase. However, once the extensions are created, the IIS WMI provider can return existing schema extensions. This can be done because the IIS provider is also implemented as a class provider.

Even if the IIS metabase object model is slightly different from the WMI class object model, it is clear that a good knowledge of the IIS metabase is an indispensable foundation in understanding the meaning of each WMI class representing manageable IIS entities. The Root\MicrosoftIISv2 namespace contains more than 300 WMI classes related to the IIS management, which makes it impossible to review them one by one in this section. Moreover, all these classes reflect the IIS metabase schema. However, with the Internet Information Server 6.0 in Windows Server 2003, Microsoft has created a very nice IIS Provider Tutorial. It is available from the Internet Information Server MMC by selecting "Help" and "Help Topics." This tutorial is located in the "Programmatic Administration Guide" and is entitled the "IIS WMI Provider Tutorial." It is also possible to access the tutorial directly from the IISMMC.CHM help file located in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Help directory. For anyone interested in delving into the IIS management from WMI, this tutorial is worth reading! Of course, you can also continue to use the LoadCIMinXL.Wsf (see Sample 4.32 in the appendix) to retrieve detailed information about the IIS WMI classes.

5.3.2 Exchange 2000

With the release of Exchange 2000, Microsoft included three WMI providers: ExchangeRoutingTableProvider, ExchangeQueueProvider, and ExchangeClusterProvider, which provide an easy way for any application to access Exchange 2000 management information. Each of the three providers relates to a specific component set of Exchange 2000:

  • The ExchangeRoutingTableProvider runs on top of the routing API.

  • The ExchangeQueueProvider runs on top of the queue API.

  • The ExchangeClusterProvider runs on top of the cluster API.

Each of these providers delivers information with a set of classes available in the Root\CIMv2\Applications\Exchange namespace to ease the notification and diagnostics of some problems that may occur in Exchange 2000. With the release of Service Pack 2, Exchange 2000 delivers two additional WMI providers:

  • The Exchange Message Tracking provider runs on top of the message tracking API.

  • The Exchange DS Access provider runs on top of the DSAccess API.

These two providers expose a set of classes available from the Root\MicrosoftExchangeV2 WMI namespace (see Table 5.19).

Table 5.19: The Exchange 2000 WMI Providers

Provider Name

Provider Namespace

Class Provider

Instance Provider

Method Provider

Property Provider

Event Provider

event Consumer Provider

Support Get

Support Put

Support Enumeration

Support Delete

Exchange 2000 RTM

Exchange 2000 SP1

Exchange 2000 SP2

Exchange 2000 Providers

Exchange Queue provider






Exchange Cluster provider






Exchange Routing Table provider







Exchange Message Tracking Log provider








Exchange DS Access provider






The release of Exchange 2000 Service Pack 3 does not add anything new regarding WMI.

Note that none of these providers is implemented as event providers. This will imply the use of the WITHIN statement when executing WQL event queries. Moreover, as we will see in the following text, none of the classes supported by these providers is associated with any other classes. They are implemented as standalone classes providing information about some specific Exchange components. The Routing Table provider

The Exchange Routing Table WMI provider works on top of the Exchange Transport Core. You may think that the purpose of this provider is to access available existing routes from the routing table of Exchange 2000, but you'd be wrong. Rather, its purpose is as follows:

  • To publish the status of the local Exchange 2000 server in the routing table, based on the monitoring conditions configured with the Exchange System Manager (ESM).

  • To retrieve the status of other Exchange 2000 servers in the organization from the routing table, based on the monitoring conditions configured with the ESM.

  • To publish the status of the Exchange 2000 local connectors in the routing table.

  • To retrieve the status of other Exchange 2000 connectors present in the organization from the routing table.

The routing table is used as a transport to publish the local status of the server and the local connector states in the organization. To perform this task, the Exchange Routing Table provider implements a dedicated way of access to and from the routing table only for the System Attendant. Every Exchange 2000 server in the organization is publishing its state in the routing table in this way. This means that it is possible for one server to get the status of all the servers and connectors in the enterprise as they are seen from that server. To distinguish the information retrieved between the server and the connectors, the Exchange Routing Table provider implements two WMI classes: ExchangeServerState and ExchangeConnectorState. Each of these classes has a specific set of properties.

The states retrieved from the ExchangeServerState class are based on the monitoring conditions set with the ESM. Different information states are available from this class for the critical components of an Exchange 2000 server installation. The ESM allows an Administrator to configure a set of conditions determining a state for the monitored component (see Figure 5.23). With the ESM, it is possible to define a monitoring condition with a corresponding state for:

  • The queues

  • The disk space available on any disk in the system

  • The memory usage

  • The CPU usage for a "warning" and/or a "critical" threshold

  • Any Windows 2000 services relevant to Exchange 2000

Figure 5.23: The Exchange System Manager monitoring settings.

The ExchangeConnectorState class is based on the same principle as the ExchangeServerState class. The class provides a monitoring capability of the connectors configured in an Exchange organization. The state is published in the routing table. When this class is interrogated from the ESM or by a script, the class offers a list of the connectors available from the routing table with their corresponding status. Using this class, it is possible to know the current state of all the connectors in the Exchange 2000 organization as seen from that server (see Figure 5.24).

click to expand
Figure 5.24: The Exchange System Manager showing the Exchange servers and connectors state.

The set of properties exposed by the ExchangeServerState class can be retrieved with the LoadCIMinXL.Wsf script (see Sample 4.32 in the appendix). If we reuse the GetCollectionOfInstances.wsf script (see Sample

1.5, "Listing all instances of a class with their properties formatted"), we obtain the following output for the ExchangeServerState class:

  1:    C:\>GetCollectionOfInstances.wsf ExchangeServerState                                         /NameSpace:Root\CIMV2\Applications\Exchange  2:    Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.6  3:    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996–2001. All rights reserved.  4:  5:  6:    ClusterState: ............................ 1  7:    ClusterStateString: ...................... OK  8:    CPUState: ................................ 1  9:    CPUStateString: .......................... OK 10:    DisksState: .............................. 1 11:    DisksStateString: ........................ OK 12:    *DN: ..................................... CN=NET-DPEN6400A,CN=Servers,                                                   CN=Administrative Group - EMEA,                                                   CN=Administrative Groups,CN=LissWareNET,                                                   CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,                                                   CN=Configuration,DC=LissWare,DC=NET 13:    GroupDN: ................................. CN=Seattle,CN=Routing Groups,                                                   CN=Administrative Group - EMEA,                                                   CN=Administrative Groups,CN=LissWareNET,                                                   CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,                                                   CN=Configuration,DC=LissWare,DC=NET 14:    GroupGUID: ............................... {088D875C-335A-4429-807F-B8B257CE15DE} 15:    GUID: .................................... {B5ED627E-E59A-4A43-8B6C-F71E5F2CEC6E} 16:    MemoryState: ............................. 1 17:    MemoryStateString: ....................... OK 18:    Name: .................................... NET-DPEN6400A 19:    QueuesState: ............................. 1 20:    QueuesStateString: ....................... OK 21:    ServerMaintenance: ....................... FALSE 22:    ServerState: ............................. 1 23:    ServerStateString: ....................... OK 24:    ServicesState: ........................... 1 25:    ServicesStateString: ..................... OK 26:    Unreachable: ............................. FALSE 27:    Version: ................................. 6132 

Table 5.20 lists the ExchangeServerState class properties.

Table 5.20: The ExchangeServerState Class Properties



ClusterState Property

When the ExchangeServerState instance represents a clustered Exchange server, the ClusterState property specifies the state of the clustered resources on that server.

ClusterStateString Property

When the ExchangeserverState instance represents a clustered Exchange server, the ClusterStateString property specifies the state of the cluster resources on that server.

CPUState Property

The CPUState property specifies the current state of the CPU on the Exchange server. This is the same state information shown on the Monitoring and Status Properties page of the Exchange System Manager.

CPUStateString Property

The CPUStateString property specifies the current state of the CPU on the Exchange server.

DisksState Property

The DisksState property specifies the current state of the disk storage on the computer running Exchange 2000 Server.

DisksStateString Property

The DisksStateString property specifies the current state of the disk storage on the computer running Exchange 2000 Server.

DN Property

The DN property specifies the Microsoft Active Directory distinguished name (DN) of the Exchange server object.

GroupDN Property

The GroupDN property specifies the DN of the Exchange 2000 Server routing group in Active Directory.

GroupGUID Property

The GroupGUID property specifies the globally unique identifier (GUID) of the Exchange 2000 Server routing group in Active Directory.

GUID Property

The GUID property specifies the GUID of the Exchange 2000 Server server object in Active Directory.

MemoryState Property

The MemoryState property specifies the current state of the memory on the computer running Exchange 2000 Server.

MemoryStateString Property

The MemoryStateString property specifies the current state of the memory on the computer running Exchange 2000 Server.

Name Property

The Name property specifies the name of the computer running Exchange 2000 Server.

QueuesState Property

The QueuesState property specifies the current state of the queues on the computer running Exchange 2000 Server.

QueuesStateString Property

The QueuesStateString property specifies the current state of the queues on the computer running Exchange 2000 Server.

ServerMaintenance Property

The ServerMaintenance property, when TRUE, specifies that the notifications set up in the Exchange 2000 Server System Manager Monitoring and Status page have been disabled.

ServerState Property

The ServerState property specifies the current state of the computer running Exchange 2000 Server.

ServerStateString Property

The ServerStateString property specifies the current state of the computer running Exchange 2000 Server.

ServicesState Property

The ServicesState property specifies the current state of the monitoring services running on the Exchange 2000 Server computer.

ServicesStateString Property

The ServicesStateString property specifies the current state of the monitoring services running on the Exchange 2000 Server computer.

Unreachable Property

The Unreachable property, when TRUE, specifies that the Exchange 2000 Server computer is currently Unreachable.

Version Property

The Version property indicates the version of the Exchange server. The Queue provider

The WMI Queue provider is based on the Queue API. The scope of this provider is local to the Exchange 2000 server. The provider implements two WMI classes:

  • The ExchangeLink class to retrieve information about the Exchange links directly from the Queue API

  • The ExchangeQueue class to retrieve information about the Exchange queues directly from the Queue API

For both classes, most of the properties are the ones exposed by the Queue API.

From a scripting and management perspective, for both classes, the most interesting data is the IncreasingTime property. The Queue API does not provide this property directly. This is a property calculated by the WMI Queue provider (see Figure 5.25).

click to expand
Figure 5.25: The IncreasingTime property behavior from the ExchangeLink and ExchangeQueue classes.

The IncreasingTime value represents the length of time, while the number of messages in the Link/Queue has not decreased. The time is returned in milliseconds. To monitor this property, it is important to understand how the calculation is made. Two important factors influence how to monitor the value:

  • The sampling frequency (Tx interval in Figure 5.25)

  • The IncreasingTime value threshold to determine a critical situation

Each time a sample is taken, the IncreasingTime property is calculated and a new value is determined. The first polling interval (A in Figure 5.25) always returns an IncreasingTime value of zero, because it is the first sample read. But when the second polling interval occurs (A' in Figure 5.25), the IncreasingTime value will be equal to the T1 interval, because the number of messages has not decreased between A and A'.

When the next polling interval occurs (B in Figure 5.25), the IncreasingTime value will be equal to zero, because the number of messages has decreased between A' and B. It is important to note that the number of messages has decreased below the prior measured level. If the number of message levels does not decrease below the prior level, the IncreasingTime value is equal to T1 + T2. If the number of messages decreases to below the prior level, then the IncreasingTime value is set to zero.

For the same situation, if the polling interval is changed to measure at point A for the first sample and at point C for the second sample, the IncreasingTime value will not be equal to zero, because the number of messages has not been detected as decreasing below the number of messages measured at point A. The IncreasingTime value will be equal to T1 + T2 + T3 + T4.

Furthermore, if the polling is done between:

  • A and B: IncreasingTime is equal to T1 + T2.

  • B and C: IncreasingTime is equal to T1 + T2 + T3 + T4.

  • C and D: IncreasingTime is equal to T1 + T2 + T3 + T4 + T5 + T6.

  • D and E: IncreasingTime is equal to zero.

    Now, if the polling is done in the following way:

  • A and A': IncreasingTime is equal to T1.

  • A' and B: IncreasingTime is equal to zero.

  • B and B': IncreasingTime is equal to T3.

  • B' and C: IncreasingTime is equal to T3 + T4.

  • C and C': IncreasingTime is equal to T3 + T4 + T5.

  • C' and D: IncreasingTime is equal to T3 + T4 + T5 + T6.

  • D and D': IncreasingTime is equal to zero.

  • D' and E: IncreasingTime is equal to T8.

  • E and E': IncreasingTime is equal to zero.

By changing the sampling frequency, we see that the IncreasingTime value can be very different. With the slowest sampling frequency, we miss the decreasing period between A and B. With the fastest polling frequency, this decreasing period is detected. Now, it is important to look at this behavior in a real-time scale.

If we suppose that the Tx interval is equal to one minute, the alert threshold for the IncreasingTime value is set on 30,000 ms (30 s), and the polling interval is set every Tx (every one minute), you will get a notification at point A'. This will be useless, because the queue has decreased between A' and B. It is clear that you don't want to be notified for such a situation. In a production environment the number of messages can increase suddenly for one minute (or more), but the number of messages can decrease rapidly in the next few minutes. In such a case, you get an alert for a noncritical situation.

Now, if we suppose that the Tx interval is equal to one hour, the alert threshold for the IncreasingTime value is set on 14,400,000 ms (4 h), and the polling interval is set every Tx (every one hour), you will only get a notification at point D. This is a better situation, because you are notified for a nondecreasing situation after four hours. On the other hand, it is a little bit too long to be notified, because this situation may hide a real problem.

The key is to find a compromise between the polling intervals to detect quickly any nondecreasing situations without getting an alert for increasing situations that are temporary. A best practice is to choose, for instance, to poll every 10 s and an IncreasingTime threshold value of 1,800,000 ms (30 min). In this situation, the flow represented in Figure 5.25 will never generate an alert. Only real nondecreasing situations longer than a half-hour will be detected with a precision of 10 s.

Again, you can use the LoadCIMinXL.Wsf script (see Sample 4.32 in the appendix) to discover the ExchangeLink and ExchangeQueue class properties. To get a notification if the IncreasingTime reaches a fixed value, the following WQL event query can be used:

  1:    C:\>GenericEventAsyncConsumer.wsf "Select * From __InstanceModificationEvent Within 5                                          Where TargetInstance ISA 'ExchangeQueue' And                                          TargetInstance.IncreasingTime > 10000"                                          /Namespace:root\CIMV2\Applications\Exchange  2:    Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.6  3:    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996–2001. All rights reserved.  4:  5:    Waiting for events...  6:  7:    BEGIN - OnObjectReady.  8:    Saturday, 22 June, 2002 at 09:33:17: '__InstanceModificationEvent' has been triggered.  9:      PreviousInstance (wbemCimtypeObject) 10:        CanEnumAll (wbemCimtypeBoolean) = True 11:        CanEnumFailed (wbemCimtypeBoolean) = True 12:        CanEnumFirstNMessages (wbemCimtypeBoolean) = True 13:        CanEnumFrozen (wbemCimtypeBoolean) = True 14:        CanEnumInvertSense (wbemCimtypeBoolean) = True 15:        CanEnumLargerThan (wbemCimtypeBoolean) = True 16:        CanEnumNLargestMessages (wbemCimtypeBoolean) = False 17:        CanEnumNOldestMessages (wbemCimtypeBoolean) = False 18:        CanEnumOlderThan (wbemCimtypeBoolean) = True 19:        CanEnumRecipient (wbemCimtypeBoolean) = True 20:        CanEnumSender (wbemCimtypeBoolean) = True 21:        GlobalStop (wbemCimtypeBoolean) = False 22:        IncreasingTime (wbemCimtypeUint32) = 5227 23:        *LinkName (wbemCimtypeString) = CurrentlyUnreachableLink 24:        MsgEnumFlagsSupported (wbemCimtypeUint32) = -1073741505 25:        NumberOfMessages (wbemCimtypeUint32) = 1 26:        *ProtocolName (wbemCimtypeString) = SMTP 27:        *QueueName (wbemCimtypeString) = net-dpep6400a.Emea.LissWare.NET 28:        SizeOfQueue (wbemCimtypeUint64) = 243 29:        Version (wbemCimtypeUint32) = 4 30:        VirtualMachine (wbemCimtypeString) = NET-DPEN6400A 31:        *VirtualServerName (wbemCimtypeString) = 1 32:      SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR (wbemCimtypeUint8) = (null) 33:      TargetInstance (wbemCimtypeObject) 34:        CanEnumAll (wbemCimtypeBoolean) = True 35:        CanEnumFailed (wbemCimtypeBoolean) = True 36:        CanEnumFirstNMessages (wbemCimtypeBoolean) = True 37:        CanEnumFrozen (wbemCimtypeBoolean) = True 38:        CanEnumInvertSense (wbemCimtypeBoolean) = True 39:        CanEnumLargerThan (wbemCimtypeBoolean) = True 40:        CanEnumNLargestMessages (wbemCimtypeBoolean) = False 41:        CanEnumNOldestMessages (wbemCimtypeBoolean) = False 42:        CanEnumOlderThan (wbemCimtypeBoolean) = True 43:        CanEnumRecipient (wbemCimtypeBoolean) = True 44:        CanEnumSender (wbemCimtypeBoolean) = True 45:        GlobalStop (wbemCimtypeBoolean) = False 46:        IncreasingTime (wbemCimtypeUint32) = 10415 47:        *LinkName (wbemCimtypeString) = CurrentlyUnreachableLink 48:        MsgEnumFlagsSupported (wbemCimtypeUint32) = -1073741505 49:        NumberOfMessages (wbemCimtypeUint32) = 1 50:        *ProtocolName (wbemCimtypeString) = SMTP 51:        *QueueName (wbemCimtypeString) = net-dpep6400a.Emea.LissWare.NET 52:        SizeOfQueue (wbemCimtypeUint64) = 243 53:        Version (wbemCimtypeUint32) = 4 54:        VirtualMachine (wbemCimtypeString) = NET-DPEN6400A 55:        *VirtualServerName (wbemCimtypeString) = 1 56:      TIME_CREATED (wbemCimtypeUint64) = (null) 57:    END - OnObjectReady. 

As we can see, the IncreasingTime value is higher than 10 s between the PreviousInstance (line 22) and the TargetInstance (line 46). Tables 5.21 and 5.22 list the ExchangeLink and ExchangeQueue properties, respectively.

Table 5.21: The ExchangeLink Properties



ActionFreeze Property

The ActionFreeze property, when TRUE, specifies that the link supports freezing messages in its queues. The ActionFreeze property corresponds to the sixth bit (0x00000020) of the SupportedLinkActions property.

ActionKick Property

The ActionKick property, when TRUE, specifies that the link can trigger its queues to retry transmitting waiting messages immediately, instead of waiting for the default protocol timeout before retrying the transmission. The ActionKick property corresponds to the first bit (0x00000001) of the SupportedLinkActions property.

ActionThaw Property

The ActionThaw property, when TRUE, specifies that the link supports thawing messages in its queues. Thawing a queue is also known as "unfreezing" that queue. The ActionThaw property corresponds to the seventh bit (0x00000040) of the SupportedLinkActions property.

ExtendedStateInfo P

The ExtendedStatelnfo property specifies the text description of the current link status.

GlobalStop Property

The GlobalStop property specifies whether the link is currently stopped.

IncreasingTime Property

The IncreasingTime property specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, that the number of messages waiting to be transferred by the link has been increasing.

LinkDN Property

The LinkDN property specifies the Active Directory globally unique identifier (GUID) of the connector object that generated the link.

LinkName Property

The LinkName property specifies the name of the link.

NextScheduledConnection Property

The NextScheduledConnection property specifies the date and time when a connection will be attempted to transfer waiting messages.

NumterOfMessages Property

The NumberOfMessages property specifies the number of messages that are waiting for transmission across the link

OldestMessge Property

The OldestMessage property specifies the date and time that the oldest message that is still waiting to be transmitted was received into the link

ProtocolName Property

The ProtocolName property specifies the transmission protocol for the link.

SizeOfQueue Property

The SizeOfQueue property specifies the total size of the messages in the link, in bytes.

StateActive Property

The StateActive property, when TRUE, specifies that the link is active. The StateActive property corresponds to first bit (0x00000001) of the StateFlags property.

StateFlags Property

The StateFlags property specifies the state of the link. The individual bits of this property are available as the link State... and Type... properties of this class.

StateFrozen Property

The StateFrozen property indicates whether the link is currently frozen. The StateFrozen property corresponds to the sixth bit (0x00000020) of the StateFlags property.

StateReady Property

The StateReady property, when TRUE, specifies that the link is ready to accept new messages. The StateReady property corresponds to the second bit (0x00000002) of the StateFlags property.

StateRemote Property

The StateRemote property, when TRUE, specifies that the destination for messages in this link is on a remote server, instead of the messages being delivered to a local store. The StateRemote property corresponds to the fifth bit (0x00000010) of the StateFlags property.

StateRetry Property

The StateRetry property, when TRUE, specifies that the link is retrying a transmission that was unsuccessful. The StateRetry property corresponds to the third bit (0x00000004) of the StateFlags property.

StateScheduled Property

The StateScheduled property, when TRUE, specifies that the link is scheduled for periodic activation, as compared with asynchronous, on-demand activation. The StateScheduled property corresponds to the fourth bit (0x00000008) of the StateFlags property.

SupportedLinkActions Property

The SupportedLinkActions property specifies the actions supported by the link. The individual bits of this property are available as the Action... properties in this class.

TypeCurrentlyUnreachable Property

The TypeCurrentlyUnreachable property, when TRUE, specifies that the link holds messages for destinations that currently cannot be reached. The TypeCurrentiyUnreachable property corresponds to the thirteenth tit (0x00001000) of the StateFlags property.

TypeDeferredDelivery Property

The TypeDeferredDelivery property, when TRUE, specifies that the link holds mail that is awaiting a trigger to start transmission. The TypeDeferredDelivery property corresponds to the fourteenth bit (0x00002000) of the StateFlags property.

TypeInternal Property

The TypeInternal property indicates that the link is used for internal message processing. The Typelnternal property corresponds to the fifteenth tit (0x00004000) of the StateFlags property.

TypeLocalDelivery Property

The TypeLocalDelivery property, when TRUE, specifies that the link handles local mail delivery. The TypeLocalDelivery property corresponds to the tenth bit (0x00000200) of the StateFlags property.

TypePendingCategorization Property

The TypePendingCategorization property, when TRUE, specifies that the link is resolving addresses against entries in Active Directory. The TypePendingCategorization property corresponds to the twelfth tit (0x00000800) of the StateFlags property.

TypePendingRouting Properly

The TypePendingRouting property, when TRUE, specifies that the link is determining the routing of the next message that is waiting to be transmitted. The TypePendingRouting property corresponds to the eleventh tit (0x00000400) of the StateFlags property.

TypePendingSubmission Property

The TypePendingSubmission property, when TRUE, specifies that the link handles messages that have not yet been submitted to the routing engine. The TypePendingSubmission property corresponds to the sixteenth bit (0x00008000) of the StateFlags property.

TypeRemoteDelivery Property

The TypeRemoteDelivery property, when TRUE, specifies that the link is currently handling a remote message delivery. The TypeRemoteDelivery property corresponds to the ninth tit (0x00000100) of the StateFlags property.

Version Property

The Version property specifies the version number of the underlying link control software.

VirtualMachine Property

The VirtualMachine property specifies the name of the virtual machine that is the source of the link.

VirtualServerName Property

The value of the VirtualServerName property is the integer number of the virtual machine that is the source of the link This number is the Microsoft Active Directory common name (CN) for the virtual server object

Table 5.22: The ExchangeQueue Properties



CanEnumAll Property

The CanEnumAII property, when TRUE, specifies that the queue can enumerate all of the messages that it has waiting for transmission. The CanEnumAII property corresponds to the thirty-first bit (0x40000000) of the MsgEnumFlagsSupported property.

CanEnumFailed Property

The CanEnumFailed property, when TRUE, specifies that the queue can enumerate the messages that it has waiting for transmission that it was unable to transfer. The CanEnumFailed property corresponds to the ninth bit (0x00000100) of the MsgEnumFlagsSupported property.

CanEnumFirstNMessages Property

The CanEnumFirstNMessages property, when TRUE, specifies that the queue can enumerate the first N messages that it has waiting for transmission. The CanEnumFirstNMessages property corresponds to the first bit (0x00000001) of the MsgEnumFlagsSupported property.

CanEnumFrozen Property

The CanEnumFrozen property, when TRUE, specifies that the queue can enumerate messages that it has waiting for transmission that have been frozen. The CanEnumFrozen property corresponds to the sixth bit (0x00000020) of the MsgEnumFlagsSupported property.

CanEnumInvertSense Property

The CanEnumInvertSense property, when TRUE, specifies that the queue can enumerate messages that it has waiting for transmission that do not match the criteria requested. For example, requesting the oldest messages while inverting the request sense would return the newest messages. The CanEnumInvertSense property corresponds to the thirty-second bit (0x80000000) of the MsgEnumFlagsSupported property.

CanEnumLargerThan Property

The CanEnumLargerThan property, when TRUE, specifies that the queue can enumerate the messages that it has waiting for transmission that are larger than a specified value. The Can EnumLargerThan property corresponds to the fourth bit (0x00000008) of the MsgEnumFlagsSupported property.

CanEnumNLargestMessages Property

The CanEnumNLargestMessages property, when TRUE, specifies that the queue can enumerate the specified number of the largest messages that it has waiting for transmission. The CanEnumNLargestMessages property corresponds to the seventh bit (0x00000040) of the MsgEnumFlagsSupported property.

CanEnumNOldestMessages Property

The CanEnumNOldestMessages property, when TRUE, specifies that the queue can enumerate the specified number of the oldest messages that it has waiting for transmission. The CanEnumNOldestMessages property corresponds to the eighth bit (0x00000080) of the MsgEnumFlagsSupported property.

CanEnumOlderThan Property

The CanEnumOlderThan property, when TRUE, specifies that the queue can enumerate the messages that it has waiting for transmission that arrived before a specified date and time. The CanEnumOlderThan property corresponds to the fifth tit (0x00000010) of the MsgEnumFlagsSupported property.

CanEnumRecipient Property

The CanEnumRecipient property, when TRUE, specifies that the queue can enumerate the recipients of messages that it has waiting for transmission. The CanEnumRecipient property corresponds to the fourth tit (0x00000004) of the MsgEnumFlagsSupported property.

CanEnumSender Property

The CanEnumSender property, when TRUE, specifies that the queue can enumerate the senders of messages that it has waiting for transmission. The Can EnumSender property corresponds to the second bit (0x00000002) of the MsgEnumFlagsSupported property.

GlobalStop Property

The GlobalStop property specifies whether the queue is currently stopped.

IncreasingTime Property

The IncreasingTime property specifies the amount of time, in milliseconds, that the number of messages waiting to be transferred by the queue has been increasing.

LinkName Property

The LinkName property specifies the name of the link in which this queue is contained.

MsgEnumFlagsSupported Property

The MsgEnumFlagsSupported property specifies a tit-mapped set of flags that indicate what types of objects can be enumerated. The individual tits of this property are available as the queue CanEnum... properties in the class.

NumberOfMessages Property

The NumberOfMessages property specifies the number of messages that are waiting for transmission by the queue.

ProtocolName Property

The ProtocolName property specifies the transmission protocol for the queue.

QueueName Property

The QueueName property specifies the name of the queue.

SizeOfQueue Property

The SizeOfQueue property specifies the total size of all messages in the queue, in bytes.

Version Property

The Version property specifies the version number of the Exchange software.

VirtualMachine Property

The VirtualMachine property specifies the name of the virtual machine that is the source of the link.

VirtualServerName Property

The value of the VirtualServerName property is the integer number of the virtual machine that is the source of the queue. This number is the Microsoft Active Directory common name (CN) for the virtual server object. The Cluster provider

The Cluster provider implements the ExchangeClusterResource class directly, based on the cluster service. The State property contains the state of the Exchange 2000 Cluster group. This class is similar in function to the ExchangeServerState, but it works at the cluster level instead of the server level. Table 5.23 lists the ExchangeClusterResource properties.

Table 5.23: The ExchangeClusterResource Properties



Name Property

The Name property returns the name of the Exchange cluster resource.

Owner Property

The Owner property for a cluster resource specifies the cluster node of which the resource is a part.

State Property

The State property specifies the current state of the duster resource.

Type Property

The Type property specifies the resource type.

VirtualMachine Property

The VirtualMachine property returns the name of the virtual machine that owns this resource. The Message Tracking Logs provider

When "Message Tracking" is enabled on an Exchange 2000 server, all messages that go through this server are logged in a shared directory. The content of this directory can be examined with the Exchange System Manager, via the "Message Tracking Center," as shown in Figure 5.26.

click to expand
Figure 5.26: The "Message Tracking" user interface.

With the tracking center, it is possible to track messages by sender, target recipients, server name, and message ID. It is also possible to select a window time (start date, end date) for the selection.

Before Exchange 2000 Service Pack 2, this was the only easy way to retrieve this information. Once Service Pack 2 is installed, it is possible to retrieve the same information with WMI.

The Message Tracking Logs WMI provider is called the ExchangeMessageTrackingProvider and gives access in read-only mode to the messages logged in the "Exchange Message Tracking" system. This provider supports one single class, called the Exchange_MessageTrackingEntry class (see Tables 5.24 and 5.25), which is a template representing a message tracking entry. With the GetCollectionOfInstances.wsf script (see Sample 1.5, "Listing all instances of a class with their properties formatted"), it is possible to list all instances of the Exchange_MessageTrackingEntry class.

Table 5.24: The Exchange_MessageTrackingEntry Class Properties




The KeyID property uniquely identifies the message to which the log entry pertains.


The AttemptedPartnerServer property indicates the server to which Exchange tried to send a message, but was unable to complete the transfer.


The ClientIP property indicates the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) address of the messaging client that originally submitted the message.


The ClientName property indicates the name of the messaging client application that submitted the message.


The Cost property indicates the relative effort required to transfer the message. There are no specific units used in this property. Higher values indicate slower network connections must be used, or a greater number of transfers is required to transfer the message.


The DeliveryTime property indicates the date and time, in coordinated universal time (UTC), when the message was transferred successfully from the computer running Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server.


The Encrypted property indicates, when TRUE, that the message is encrypted.


The EntryType property indicates what occurred to cause the message tracking log entry to be created.


The ExpansionDL property indicates the name of the Exchange distribution list that was expanded. After the distribution list is expanded, the message recipient list includes the names of the individual members of that distribution list.


The LinkedMessagelD property provides a string that can be used to retrieve message tracking log entries for the message after it has been transferred.


The MessageID property indicates the identifier string for the message. The identifier may be assigned by the messaging client application or by the computer running Exchange 2000 Server.


The OriginationTime property indicates the date and time, in UTC, when the message was created by the messaging client application.


The PartnerServer property indicates the server to which Exchange transferred the message.

Priority Property

The Priority property specifies the importance of the message, as displayed by the messaging client application.

"Urgent" "Normal" "Not Urgent"


The RecipientAddress property is an array that specifies the email addresses of each message recipient.


The RecipientCount property indicates how many recipients are in the recipients list for the message.


The RecipientStatus property is an array that indicates the status of an individual message recipient.


The SenderAddress property specifies the email address of the message sender.


The ServerIP property indicates the TCP/IP protocol address of the computer running Exchange 2000 Server.


The Server property indicates the computer name of the computer running Exchange 2000 Server that created the message tracking log entry.


The Size property indicates the message size, including attachments, in bytes.


The Subject property indicates the subject of the message, as found in the Subject: message header.


The SubjectID property specifies an identifier created by the messaging client application.


The TimeLogged property indicates the date and time, in UTC, when the message tracking log entry was created.


The Version property indicates the version of the service that created the message tracking log entry.

Table 5.25: The Exchange_MessageTrackingEntry EntryType Property Meaning




Message received through X400




Report received


Message submitted






Message transferred out


Report transferred out


Message delivered


Report delivered






Distribution list expanded


Message redirected


Message rerouted


Server downgraded by MTA


Report absorbed


Report generated


Unroutable report discarded


Message deleted by Administrator


Probe deleted by Administrator


Report deleted by Administrator


Message delivered locally


Message transferred in over backbone


Message transferred out over backbone


Message transferred out over gateway


Message transferred in over gateway


Report transferred in over gateway


Report transferred out over gateway


Report generated


SMTP: Message queued outbound


SMTP: Message transferred out


SMTP: Inbound message received


SMTP: Inbound message transferred


SMTP: Message rerouted


SMTP: Report transferred in


SMTP: Report transferred out


SMTP: Report generated


SMTP: Report absorbed


SMTP: Message submitted to Advanced Queuing


SMTP: Started outbound transfer of message


SMTP: Message sent to badmail directory


SMTP: Advanced Queue failure


SMTP: Message delivered locally


SMTP: Message submitted to Categorizer


SMTP: Started message submission to Advanced Queue


SMTP: Advanced Queue failed to deliver message


SMTP Store Driver: Message submitted from Store


SMTP Store Driver: Message delivered locally to Store


SMTP Store Driver: Message submitted to MTA


SMTP: Non-delivery report (NDR) generated


SMTP: Message transferred out

  1     C:\>GetCollectionOfInstances.wsf Exchange_MessageTrackingEntry                     /NameSpace:Root\MicrosoftExchangeV2 /Machine:net-dpep6400a.emea.LissWare.NET  2:    Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.6  3:    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996–2001. All rights reserved.  4:  5:    ClientIP: ................................  6:    ClientName: .............................. net-dpen6400a.LissWare.NET  7:    DeliveryTime: ............................ 0  8:    Encrypted: ............................... FALSE  9:    EntryType: ............................... 1019 10:    InstallDate: ............................. 10-05-2002 12:15:01 11:    *KeyID: ..................................                        \\net-dpep6400a.Emea.LissWare.NET\NET-DPEP6400A.log\20020510.log,2082 12:    MessageID: ...............................                        8C05225BE6E2A5438AF2FC417C0D60BB2C8F@net-dpen6400a.LissWare.NET 13:    OriginationTime: ......................... 10-05-2002 12:15:31 14:    Priority: ................................ 0 15:    RecipientAddress: ........................ Administrator@LissWare.NET 16:    RecipientCount: .......................... 1 17:    RecipientStatus: ......................... 0 18:    SenderAddress: ........................... Alain.Lissoir@LissWare.NET 19:    ServerIP: ................................ 20:    ServerName: .............................. net-dpep6400a.Emea.LissWare.NET 21:    Size: .................................... 3339 22:    TimeLogged: .............................. 10-05-2002 12:15:31 23:    Version: ................................. Version: 6.0.3590.0 24: 25:    ClientIP: ................................ 26:    ClientName: .............................. net-dpen6400a.LissWare.NET 27:    DeliveryTime: ............................ 0 28:    Encrypted: ............................... FALSE 29:    EntryType: ............................... 1025 30:    InstallDate: ............................. 10-05-2002 12:15:31 31:    *KeyID: ..................................                        \\net-dpep6400a.Emea.LissWare.NET\NET-DPEP6400A.log\20020510.log,2361 32:    MessageID: ...............................                        8C05225BE6E2A5438AF2FC417C0D60BB2C8F@net-dpen6400a.LissWare.NET 33:    OriginationTime: ......................... 10-05-2002 12:15:31 34:    Priority: ................................ 0 35:    RecipientAddress: ........................ Administrator@LissWare.NET 36:    RecipientCount: .......................... 1 37:    RecipientStatus: ......................... 0 38:    SenderAddress: ........................... Alain.Lissoir@LissWare.NET 39:    ServerIP: ................................ 40:    ServerName: .............................. net-dpep6400a.Emea.LissWare.NET 41:    Size: .................................... 3339 42:    TimeLogged: .............................. 10-05-2002 12:15:31 43:    Version: ................................. Version: 6.0.3590.0 44: ..: 84: 85:    DeliveryTime: ............................ 1 86:    Encrypted: ............................... FALSE 87:    EntryType: ............................... 1028 88:    InstallDate: ............................. 10-05-2002 12:15:31 89:    *KeyID: ..................................                        \\net-dpep6400a.Emea.LissWare.NET\NET-DPEP6400A.log\20020510.log,3198 90:    MessageID: ...............................                        8C05225BE6E2A5438AF2FC417C0D60BB2C8F@net-dpen6400a.LissWare.NET 91:    OriginationTime: ......................... 10-05-2002 12:15:31 92:    Priority: ................................ 0 93:    RecipientAddress: ........................ Administrator@LissWare.NET 94:    RecipientCount: .......................... 1 95:    RecipientStatus: ......................... 0 96:    SenderAddress: ........................... Alain.Lissoir@LissWare.NET 97:    ServerName: .............................. net-dpep6400a.Emea.LissWare.NET 98:    Size: .................................... 3339 99:    TimeLogged: .............................. 10-05-2002 12:15:32 The DSAccess provider

The DSAccess component of Exchange 2000 manages access to the Active Directory for various Exchange components. DSAccess also caches Active Directory requests to improve performance. Because the Active Directory is a critical component of Exchange 2000, it is important to closely monitor which Active Directory server(s) Exchange 2000 is using. Having too many Exchange 2000 servers working with the same Active Directory server(s) may seriously impact overall system performance. As shown in Figure 5.27, once Service Pack 2 is installed, the Exchange System Manager displays which Active Directory Domain Controller is being used by the Exchange 2000 server.

Figure 5.27: The "DSAccess" user interface.

Besides this user interface extension, Microsoft also implemented a WMI provider, called ExchangeDsAccessProvider, supporting one WMI class called the Exchange_DSAccessDC class. Basically, this provider, with its supported class, retrieves the same set of information. However, due to the WMI capabilities, it is possible to monitor the DSAccess state—something that is not possible from the Exchange System Manager. By reusing the GetCollectionOfInstances.wsf script (see Sample 1.5, "Listing all instances of a class with their properties formatted"), the following output shows the list of properties exposed by the Exchange_DSAccessDC class.

  1:    C:\>GetCollectionOfInstances.wsf Exchange_DSAccessDC /NameSpace:Root\MicrosoftExchangeV2  2:    Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.6  3:    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996–2001. All rights reserved.  4:  5:  6:    ConfigurationType: ....................... 1  7:    DirectoryType: ........................... 0  8:    InstallDate: ............................. 01-01-2000  9:    IsFast: .................................. TRUE 10:    IsInSync: ................................ TRUE 11:    IsUp: .................................... TRUE 12:    LDAPPort: ................................ 389 13:    *Name: ................................... net-dpen6400a.LissWare.NET 14:    *Type: ................................... 0 15: 16:    ConfigurationType: ....................... 1 17:    DirectoryType: ........................... 0 18:    InstallDate: ............................. 01-01-2000 19:    IsFast: .................................. TRUE 20:    IsInSync: ................................ TRUE 21:    IsUp: .................................... TRUE 22:    LDAPPort: ................................ 389 23:    *Name: ................................... net-dpen6400a.LissWare.NET 24:    *Type: ................................... 1 25: 26:    ConfigurationType: ....................... 1 27:    DirectoryType: ........................... 0 28:    InstallDate: ............................. 01-01-2000 29:    IsFast: .................................. TRUE 30:    IsInSync: ................................ TRUE 31:    IsUp: .................................... TRUE 32:    LDAPPort: ................................ 3268 33:    *Name: ................................... net-dpen6400a.LissWare.NET 34:    *Type: ................................... 2 

Table 5.26 lists the Exchange_DSAccessDC properties.

Table 5.26: The Exchange_DSAccessDC Class Properties




The Name property specifies the computer name of the domain controller. When creating new DSAccessDC instances, or when retrieving a specific DSAccessDC instance, the Name property is required.


The DirectoryType property indicates the role that the domain controller plays in the Exchange system.

"Configuration Domain Controller"

"Local Domain Controller"

"Global Catalog"


The AsyncConnectionCount indicates the number of asynchronous (non-blocking) connections currently open between the computer running Exchange 2000 Server and the domain controller.


The ConfigurationType property indicates whether the instance describes a domain controller that was detected automatically, or one that was specified manually.




The DirectoryType property indicates whether the domain controller is an Active Directory or an Exchange Server 5.5 directory service.

"Active Directory"

"Exchange 5.5 Directory"


The IsFast property indicates, when TRUE, that the domain controller response time has been less than two seconds.


The IsInSync property indicates whether the domain controller is synchronized with the Global Catalog server and with the Configuration domain controller.


The IsUp property indicates whether the domain controller was available the last time Exchange attempted to access it.


The LDAPPort property specifies the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) port on which the domain controller listens for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) requests.


The SyncConnectionCount indicates the number of synchronous (blocking) connections currently open between the computer running Exchange 2000 Server and the domain controller.

With the script in Sample 6.17 ("A generic script for asynchronous event notification") in the appendix, the following command-line sample can be used to receive a notification for any changes that occur to any instances of the Exchange_DSAccessDC class. Note the presence of the WITHIN statement, since none of the Exchange WMI providers is implemented as event providers. The WQL event query will look as follows:

 Select * From_InstanceModificationEvent Within 5 Where TargetInstance ISA 'Exchange_DSAccessDC' 

5.3.3 SQL Server 2000

When installing SQL Server 2000, no WMI support is provided with the installation. To add the WMI management capabilities to your SQL Server installation, another setup from the folder "\x86\Other\WMI," located on the SQL Server 2000 CD, must be executed. This setup creates the Root\MicrosoftSQLServer namespace and registers the unique WMI SQL provider implemented as an instance and method provider in the CIM repository (see Table 5.27).

Table 5.27: The WMI SQL Provider Capabilities

Provider Name

Provider Namespace

Class Provider

Instance Provider

Method Provider

Property Provider

Event Provider

Event Consumer Provider

Support Get

Support Put

Support Enumeration

Support Delete

MS SQL Provider

MicrosoftSQLServer 2000








During the setup, a collection of WMI classes is created in the Root\MicrosoftSQLServer namespace that maps manageable instances of SQL Server 2000. The SQL Server WMI classes model objects, such as databases and tables, with their associated settings. The SQL Server WMI implementation provides several management capabilities, including:

  • Create, change, or delete managed objects, such as creating or deleting a database. For instance, to create a database, the Create method of the MSSQL_Database class must be invoked. However, to delete a database, the WMI instance of the database must be retrieved, and then the Delete_ method of the SWBemObject object representing the database instances must be invoked.

  • Administer managed objects, such as backing up databases and logs. For instance, invoking the SQLBackup method of the MSSQL_ SQLServer class will perform a backup of the SQL server.

  • Retrieve information on specific managed objects, such as determining whether full-text indexing is enabled on a table. This can be done easily by reading the FullTextIndexActive property of the MSSQL_ Table instance.

  • Query managed objects that meet a specific criterion, such as listing all encrypted stored procedures. This can be performed with some traditional WQL data queries.

  • Execute methods defined for managed objects. For instance, to rebuild indexes from a table it is necessary to invoke the RebuildIndex method of the MSSQL_Table class.

  • Generate events when a managed object is created, changed, or deleted, such as sending an event when a database option is changed. This can be done easily with a WQL event query. However, since the SQL WMI provider is not implemented as an event provider, the WQL event query requires the use of the WITHIN statement.

  • Enumerate managed objects. As another example, to list all tables in a database it is necessary to retrieve all MSSQL_Table instances associated with the MSSQL_Database instance.

  • Describe relationships between managed objects. For instance, to identify which logins are authorized to access a database it is necessary to enumerate MSSQL_Login instances associated with the MSSQL_ Database instance via the MSSQL_DatabaseLogin association class.

    Besides these functionalities, there are two interesting points to note:

  • The SQL Server 2000 WMI implementation maps over the SQL Distributed Management Objects API (SQL-DMO) but does not support the management of the SQL replication.

  • The SQL Server 2000 WMI implementation can also be used with SQL Server 7.0.

The SQL WMI classes supported are listed in Table 5.28.

Table 5.28: The WMI SQL Classes






The MSSQL_BackupDevice class represents backup devices known to the SQL Server installation.



The MSSQL_Check class represents the attributes of a SQL Server integrity constraint.



The MSSQL_Column class represents columns in a SQL Server table.



The MSSQL_ConfigValue class represents the SQL Server configuration values. Some SQL Server configuration options do not take effect until the SQL Server service has been stopped and restarted. You can force the server to immediately accept changes in some options by using the ReconfigureWithOverride method. The DynamicReconfigure property indicates whether the ConfigValue object requires a restart.



The MSSQL_Database class represents a SQL Server database. Each SQL Server installation can contain one or more databases.



The MSSQL_DatabaseFile class is an extension to the CIM_DataFile class. It contains properties that are relevant to an operating system file that is also a file storing SQL Server database data.



The DatabaseRole object represents the properties of a SQL Server database role. SQL Server database roles establish groups of users with similar security attributes. Database permissions can be granted by role, simplifying database security planning and administration.



The MSSQL_DatabaseSetting class represents the settings for a database. These settings control the access to and the behavior of the database.



The MSSQL_Default object represents the attributes of a SQL Server default. Defaults provide data to columns and user-defined data types when no other data is available on an INSERT statement execution. Unlike DRI defaults, represented by the MSSQL_DRIDefault class, the defaults represented by the MSSQL_Default class can be bound to one or more columns and datatypes.



The MSSQL_DRI Default class represents the properties of a Microsoft SQL Server column default. Defaults provide data to columns and user-defined data types when no other data is available on an INSERT statement execution. Unlike other defaults, the Declarative Referential Integrity defaults are associated with one and only one column.



The MSSQL_ErrorLog class represents the error logs used by the SQL Server installation.



The MSSQL_ErrorLogEntry class represents the entries in a SQL Service error log.



The MSSQL_FileGroup class represents the groups of operating system files used to store a database. A SQL Server filegroup categorizes the operating system files containing data from a single SQL Server database to simplify database administration tasks, such as backup. A filegroup cannot contain the operating system files of more than one database, though a single database can contain more than one filegroup.



The MSSQL_ForeignKey class represents the foreign keys defined for a SQL Server database table.



The MSSQL_FullTextCatalog class represents a single Microsoft Search persistent data store. Microsoft Search enables full-text queries on data maintained by Microsoft SQL Server. The service both builds the indexes providing full-text query capability and participates in query resolution by providing result data during a full-text query. Index data is maintained within a full-text catalog.



The MSSQL_FullTextCatalogService class represents the Microsoft Search full-text indexing service. The Microsoft Search full-text indexing service enables full-text queries on data maintained by SQL Server. Microsoft Search both builds the indexes providing full-text query capability and participates in query resolution by providing result data during a full-text query.



The MSSQL_Index class represents an index for a SQL Server table. A SQL Server index optimizes access to data in SQL Server tables. Indexes are also used to enforce some constraints, such as UNIQUE and PRIMARY KEY constraints.



The MSSQL_Index Table Information class represents the information regarding the age and structure of the index statistical information.



The MSSQL_IntegratedSecurity Setting class represents the security settings of a SQL Server installation. This setting affects all login connections to SQL Server regardless of the login authentication type.



The MSSQL_LanguageSetting class represents the properties of an installed SQL Server language record. Language record identifiers categorize system messages so that error and status information can be presented as localized text. A language record specifies the format for dates displayed in system messages.



The MSSQL_Login class represents the login authentication records present in a SQL Server installation.



The MSSQL_PrimaryKey class represents a primary key of a table. A primary key must also be a candidate key of the table.



The MSSQL_Process class represents SQL Server processes. Note that these are not the same as an operating system's notion of a process. These are the processes identified by the SQL Server and assigned a SQL Server process ID by SQL Server.



The MSSQL_Registry Setting class represents the installation and run-time parameters of SQL Server stored in the registry.



The MSSQL_Rule class represents a single Microsoft SQL Server data-integrity rule. SQL Server offers several mechanisms for ensuring data integrity. A SQL Server rule is a Transact-SQL condition_expression syntax element that defines a data-integrity constraint. A rule can be bound to a column or user-defined data type.



The MSSQL_SQLServer class represents a SQL Server installation. There will be one instance of this class for each installation of SQL Server on the computer system.



The MSSQL_SQLServerRole class represents a SQL Server security role not constrained to operation within a single database. Roles are used to establish groups of users, in order to make it convenient to set permissions for a group of users.



The MSSQL_StoredProcedure class represents standard as well as extended stored procedure defined in a SQL Server database. SQL Server stored procedures can contain input and output parameters and can return the results of one or more SELECT statements or a single long integer. In order to create an instance of a new stored procedure, the Text properties need to be specified along with the key properties of the class. The Text property specifies the Transact-SQL script that defines the stored procedure.



The MSSQL_StoredProcedureParameter class represents the input and output parameters of a SQL Server stored procedure.



The MSSQL_SystemDatatype class represents base data type defined in Microsoft SQL Server.



The MSSQL_Table class represents a table in the SQL Server database.



The MSSQL_TransactionLog class represents the transaction log of a Microsoft SQL Server database. A SQL Server transaction log maintains a record of modifications to the Operating System files containing the data of an SQL Server database. The transaction log provides data-recovery assistance in the event of system failure and an SQL Server database has at least one operating system file that stores transaction log records. A transaction log can be written to more than one operating system file. Each SQL Server database maintains its own transaction log and the operating system file or files that store log records cannot be shared with another database.



The MSSQL_Trigger class represents a trigger. SQL Server supports using triggers as a kind of stored procedure. Triggers are executed when a specified data modification, such as an attempt to delete a row, is attempted on the table on which the trigger is defined.



The MSSQL_UniqueKey object represents a unique key in a database. All candidate keys that are not the primary key are unique keys.



The User object exposes the attributes of a single Microsoft SQL Server database user.



The MSSQL_UserDatatype class represents a data type defined by a user.



The MSSQL_UserDefinedFunction class represents a user-defined function in the SQL Server database.



The MSSQL_View class represents view tables in the database.



The MSSQL_BaseDatatype class represents an association between a user-defined datatype and the system datatype from which it is derived.



The MSSQL_ColumnDatatype class associates a column its data type.



The MSSQL_ColumnDefault class associates a column to the default for the column.



The MSSQL_ColumnDRIDefault class associates a column to a DRI default.



The MSSQL_ColumnRule class represents an association between a column and a rule bound to the column.



The MSSQL_DatabaseCandidateKey class represents an association between a database and a candidate key that is present in one of the tables in the database. This association allows an application to perform a single traversal to find the candidate keys in a database



The MSSQL_DatabaseDatabaseRole class associates database role to the database within which the role is defined.



The MSSQL_DatabaseDatabaseSetting class associates a SQL Server database to an instance of the MSSQL_DatabaseSetting class that contains the settings for the database.



The MSSQL_DatabaseDatatype class associates a database to the datatypes defined within the database.



The MSSQL_DatabaseDefault association associates a database to the defaults defined within the database.



The MSSQL_DatabaseFileDataFile class associates a CIM_DataFile class to the MSSQL_DatabaseFile class that contains database file-specific properties of an Operating System file.



The MSSQL_DatabaseFileGroup class represents an association between a database and the file group that contains the operating system files that store the data for the database.



The MSSQL_DatabaseFullTextCatalog class represents an association between a database and a full-text catalog that stores index data used for full-text queries against the database.



The MSSQL_DatabaseLogin class represents an association between a database and a login that is mapped to a user defined in the database. This association allows an application to perform a single traversal to find the logins mapped to the users defined in the database.



The MSSQL_DatabaseOwnerLogin class represents an association between a database and the login mapped to the user that owns the database.



The MSSQL_DatabaseRoleDatabasePermission class represents the permissions that a database role has for the database in which it is defined. The instances of this class represent only the permission that has been explicitly granted or denied to the user object. For example, if a database role has permissions to access a database by virtue of being a member of another database role, then there will not be a permission association instance between the role and the database.



The MSSQL_DatabaseRoleStoredProcedurePermission class represents the permissions that a database role has for a stored procedure. The instances of this class represent only the permission that has been explicitly granted or denied to the user object. For example, if a database role has permissions to access the stored procedure by virtue of being a member of another database role, then there will not be a permission association instance between the role and the stored procedure.



The MSSQL_DatabaseRoleTablePermission class represents the permissions that a database role has for a table. The instances of this class represent only the permissions that have been explicitly granted or denied to the user object. For example, if a database role has permissions to access the table by virtue of being a member of another database role, then there will not be a permission association instance between the role and the table.



The MSSQL_DatabaseRoleUserDefined Function Permission class represents the permissions that a database role has for a table. The instances of this class represent only the permissions that have been explicitly granted or denied to the user object. For example, if a database role has permissions to access the user-defined function by virtue of being a member of another database role, then there will not be a permission association instance between the role and the user-defined function.



The MSSQL_DatabaseRoleViewPermission class represents the permissions that a database role has for a view. The instances of this class represent only the permissions that have been explicitly granted or denied to the user object. For example, if a database role has permissions to access the view by virtue of being a member of another database role, then there will not be a permission association instance between the role and the view.



The MSSQL_DatabaseRule class represents an association between a database and the rules defined within the database.



The MSSQL_DatabaseStoredProcedure class represents an association between the database and a stored procedure defined within the database.



The MSSQL_DatabaseTable class represents an association between a database and a table contained within the database.



The MSSQL_DatabaseTransactionLog class represents an association between the database and the transaction log for the database.



The MSSQL_DatabaseUser class represents an association between a database and a user defined for the database.



The MSSQL_DatabaseUserDefinedFunction class represents an association between a database and a user-defined function defined within the database.



The MSSQL_DatabaseView class represents an association between a database and a view contained within the database.



The MSSQL_DBMSObjectOwner class represents an association between a SQL database object and the user who owns the object.



The MSSQL_ErrorLogDataFile class represents an association between a SQL Server error log, and the operating system file used to store the error log.



The MSSQL_ErrorLogErrorLogEntry class represents an association between an error log and an entry in the error log.



The MSSQL_FileGroupDatabaseFile class represents an association between a database file group and an operating system files that is part of the group.



The MSSQL_FullTextWin32Service represents an association between an instance of MSSQL_FullTextCatalogService and the corresponding instance of the Win32_Service.



The MSSQL_IndexColumn class represents an association between an index and a column that participates in the index.



The MSSQL_IndexFileGroup class represents an association between an index and a file group that stores the index.



The MSSQL_IndexStatistics class represents an association between an index and the statistical information stored with the index.



The MSSQL_KeyColumn class represents an association between a key and a column that is part of the key.



The MSSQL_KeyFileGroup class represents an association between a key and the file group used to store the key.



The MSSQL_LoginDefaultDatabase class represents an association between a login and the default database for the login.



The MSSQL_LoginWin32Group class represents an association between a login and the Win32 user group used for authentication by the login.



The MSSQL_LoginWin32UserAccount class represents an association between a login and the Win32 user account used for authentication by the login.



The MSSQL_MemberDatabaseRole class represents an association between two database roles, one being a member of the other.



The MSSQL_MemberLogin class represents an association between a SQL Server role and a login that is a member of the role.



The MSSQL_MemberUser class represents an association between a database role and a user that is a member of the role.

MSSQL_ ReferencedKey


The MSSQL_ReferencedKey class represents an association between a foreign key and the candidate key that the foreign key references.



The MSSQL_ReferencedTable class represents an association between a foreign key and the table that contains the primary key referenced by the foreign key.



The MSSQL_SQLServerBackupDevice class represents an association between a SQL Server installation and a backup device known to SQL Server.



The MSSQL_SQLServerConfigValue class represents an association between a SQL Server installation and the configured value settings for the installation.



The MSSQL_SQLServerDatabase class represents an association between a SQL Server installation and a database that is part of the installation.



The MSSQL_SQLServerErrorLog represents an association between a SQL Server installation and the error log used by the installation.



The MSSQL_SQLServerIntegratedSecuritySetting class represents an association between a SQL Server installation and its security settings.



The MSSQL_SQLServerLanguageSetting class represents an association between a SQL Server installation and its language settings.



The MSSQL_SQLServerLogin class represents an association between a SQL server and a login defined within the SQL Server.



The MSSQL_SQLServerRegistry class represents an association between a SQL Server installation and its registry setting.



The MSSQL_SQLServerServerRole class represents an association between a SQL server and server roles defined within the SQL server.



The MSSQL_SQLServerSQLServerConnectionSetting class represents an association between a SQL Server installation and the settings used by the SQL Server provider to connect to the SQL Server.



The MSSQL_SQLServerUser class represents an association between a SQL Server and a database user. This association allows an application to perform a single traversal to find the database users in a SQL Server and the login that they are mapped to.



The MSSQL_StoredProcedureStoredProcedureParameter class associates a stored procedure to a parameter used in the stored procedure.



The MSSQL_TableCheck class represents an association between a table and the checks defined for the table.



The MSSQL_TableColumn class represents an association between a table and a column contained in the table.



The MSSQL_TableFileGroup class represents an association between a table and the file groups used to store the table.



The MSSQL_Tablelndex class represents an association between a table and an index defined for the table.



The MSSQL_TableKey class represents an association between a table and a key defined for the table.



This class associates a table with the file group that is used to store the variable-length data in the table.



The MSSQL_TableTrigger class represents an association between a table and a trigger defined for the table.



The MSSQL_TransactionLogDataFile class represents an association between SQL Server transaction log and the Operating System file that is used to store the log.



The MSSQL_UserDatabasePermission class represents the permissions granted to a user for a database. The instances of this class represent only the permission that has been explicitly granted or denied to the user object. For example, if a user has permissions to access a database by virtue of being a member of a certain database role, then there will not be a permission association instance between the user and the database.



The MSSQL_UserDatatypeDefault class represents an association between a user-defined datatype and the rule bound to the column.



The MSSQL_UserDatatypeRule class represents an association between a user-defined datatype and the rule bound to the column.



The MSSQL_UserLogin class represents an association between a database user and the login used to authenticate the user.



The MSSQL_UserStoredProcedurePermission class represents the permissions granted to a user for a stored procedure. The instances of this class represent only the permission that has been explicitly granted or denied to the user object. For example, if a user has permissions to access a stored procedure by virtue of being a member of a certain database role, then there will not be a permission association instance between the user and the stored procedure.



The MSSQL_UserTablePermission class represents the permissions granted to a user for a table. The instances of this class represent only the permission that has been explicitly granted or denied to the user object. For example, if a user has permissions to access a table by virtue of being a member of a certain database role, then there will not be a permission association instance between the user and the table.



The MSSQL_UserUserDefinedFunctionPermission class represents the permissions granted to a user for a stored procedure. The instances of this class represent only the permission that has been explicitly granted or denied to the user object. For example, if a user has permissions to access a user defined function by virtue of being a member of a certain database role, there will not be a permission association instance between the user and the user defined function.



The MSSQL_UserViewPermission class represents the permissions granted to a user for a view. The instances of this class represent only the permission that has been explicitly granted or denied to the user object. For example, if a user has permissions to access a view by virtue of being a member of a certain database role, then there will not be a permission association instance between the user and the view.

View Classes



CIM_DataFile is a type of logical file that is a named collection of data or executable code.



The CIM_LogicalFile class represents a named collection of data (this can be executable code) located in a file system on a storage extent.



A logical element that contains the information necessary to represent and manage the functionality provided by a device and/or software feature. A service is a general -purpose object to configure and manage the implementation of functionality. It is not the functionality itself.



The Win32_BaseService class represents executable objects that are installed in a registry database maintained by the Service Control Manager. The executable file associated with a service can be started at boot time by a boot program or by the system. It can also be started on-demand by the Service Control Manager. Any service or process that is not owned by a specific user, and that provides an interface to some functionality supported by the computer system, is a descendent (or member) of this class. Example: The dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) client service on a Windows NT/Windows 2000 computer system.



The Win32_Group class represents data about a group account. A group account allows access privileges to be changed for a list of users. Example: Marketing2.



The Win32_Process class represents a sequence of events on a Win32 system. Any sequence consisting of the interaction of one or more processors or interpreters, some executable code, and a set of inputs, is a descendent (or member) of this class. Example: A client application running on a Win32 system.



The Win32_Service class represents a service on a Win32 computer system. A service application conforms to the interface rules of the Service Control Manager (SCM) and can be started by a user automatically at system boot through the Services control panel utility, or by an application that uses the service functions included in the Win32 API. Services can execute even when no user is logged on to the system.



The Win32_UserAccount class contains information about a user account on a Win32 system.



The Win32_GroupUser class represents an association between a group and an account that is a member of that group.

It is important to mention that the Root\MicrosoftSQLServer namespace doesn't only contain SQL server classes. It also contains classes from the Root\CIMv2 namespace. Actually, the Root\MicrosoftSQLServer namespace contains a registration of the WMI View provider (see Chapter 3, section 3.9.1) to make classes such as Win32_Service and Win32_Process from the Root\CIMv2 namespace available in the Root\MicrosoftSQLServer (see bottom of Table 5.28). Figure 5.28 shows the view class Qualifiers for the Win32_Process class.

click to expand
Figure 5.28: The Win32_Process View class in the Root\MicrosoftSQLServer namespace.

Leveraging WMI Scripting
Leveraging WMI Scripting: Using Windows Management Instrumentation to Solve Windows Management Problems (HP Technologies)
ISBN: 1555582990
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 82
Authors: Alain Lissoir

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