

C (clear) key, 76

Calendars, 107

Call lists, 260-261

Call menu, 62-63

Calling-line identification (CLI), 104

'Calling party pays' (CPP) charging, 99

Car user interfaces, 191-207

creating simulations of, 199

design challenges with, 199-200

driving simulators for, 205-206

prototypes of, 199

regulation of, 193

'Steering Wheel' project for, 193-207

for text entry, 201-205

time as critical factor in, 195-196

Carroll, John, 233

CDMA (see Code Division Multiple Access)

Cellular standards, 17, 26

Change (as research theme), 125

Chinese, in screen menu, 65, 66

Choices, complexity of, 254-255

Classic phones, 17, 18

control keys for, 21

features for, 21, 25

functionality in, 25

Clear (C) key, 76

CLI (calling-line identification), 104

Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), 17, 286

Cognitive load, 164

Cognitive walkthroughs, 117


culture-dependent meanings of, 98

displays, color, 40

Command UI, 50

Committees, 145

Communication, 93, 113-116

conventions in, 5-6

digital tools as shapers of, 127

of research results, 109-110

Competition, design, 147-148

Complexity, 255-256

Compression (in text messages), 115

Concept creation, 140

competition in, 147-148

testing during, 149

Conference calls, 104-105

Connection reliability, 221

Consistency management, 152-153

Consumer electronics industry, 249

Consumer segments, 16-19

Consumer studies, 113-128

communication phenomena in, 113-116

context-free vs. context-sensitive factors in, 124-126

context in, 120-121

methods for, 126-127

product development applications of, 127-128

segmentation of users in, 121-122

and social dimension of products, 122-124

sociology in, 117, 120

usability factors in, 116-117

Content presentation quality, 221

Contexts (of phone use), 120-126

Contextual design/research approach, 136

Contextual inquiry method, 101, 126

Contextual knowledge, 92, 109

Contextual user needs studies, 126

Control device proliferation, 40-41

Control keys, 21

in Navi-key style, 24

and perceived usability, 25

in Series 30, 23

style of, 21

Controllers, 18

Conventions, 5-6, 20, 40

Costs of use, 223

CPP ('calling party pays') charging, 99

Critical use cases, 173

Cultural artifacts, 122

Cultural differences, 26, 93-94, 149

Cultural end-user research, 94, 97-110

communicating results of, 109-110

contextual inquiry method for, 101

ethnographic methods for, 100

and functional vs. emotional needs, 97-98

in India, 97-110

language issues in, 108

local help in, 101

multidisciplinary team for, 100, 101

observation of phenomena in, 102-108

phases of, 99

Cultural research, 126

Cultural sociology, 117, 120


meaning of, 126

as research theme, 125

Customer needs, 29

Mobile Usability(c) How Nokia Changed the Face of the Mobile Phone
Mobile Usability: How Nokia Changed the Face of the Mobile Phone
ISBN: 0071385142
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 142 © 2008-2017.
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