RAD (rapid application development) tools 360
Read method (IDataReader) 349
read-only collections 248, 453-455
creating 75
data portal mechanism and 275
name -value lists and 350
read-only objects 248, 451-453
creating 74
data portal mechanism and 274
ReadOnlyBase class 74, 107, 451
data portal mechanism and 274
implementing 187, 248
ReadOnlyCollectionBase class 75, 453
data portal mechanism and 275
implementing 187, 249-251
name-value objects and 352
project performance and 377
read-only lists and 509
using CSLA .NET and 382
Receive method (MessageQueue class) 729
ReceiveById method (MessageQueue class) 731
redundancy 9
referential integrity 21
reflection 152-156
calling methods through 300-302
importing namespace for 299
loading DataSets and 749-751
no-touch deployment and 769
#region directive 425
regions 425
RegisterChannel method (ChannelServices class) 134
RegisterWellKnownClientType method (RemotingConfiguration class) 135
regsvcs.exe utility 148, 317
relational models 60
database administrators and 383
vs. object-oriented models 360, 388
database diagrams for 388-390
simplifying complex 370-376
.rem extension 127
.remoteconfig file extension 772, 774, 790
ASP.NET security and 779, 782
remoting 116, 278, 312-322
batch processing and 708
configuration for 284, 315
client-side 131
server-side 120
security and 771
serialization and 138-141
testing 317
remoting hosts 128, 312-322
remoting servers 120-129
testing 128
RemotingConfiguration class 135
Remove a project (use case) 363
Remove a resource (use case) 363
Remove button (Windows Forms) 547
Remove method
BatchQueue class 711, 712
BusinessCollectionBase class 74
ProjectResources class 503
RulesCollection class 223-226
remove operation, BusinessCollectionBase class and 235
RemoveChild method (BusinessCollectionBase class) 235
report engines 691, 748
report generation 687-693, 748
.NET environment and 693
ObjectAdapter class for 764-767
reports , large vs. small 690, 749
RequiredFieldValidator controls (Web Forms) 587
ResolveEventArgs class 783
Resource class 482-488, 626-637, 679
DataPortal methods 485-488
ResourceAssignment class 499-502, 620, 638
Windows Forms and 562, 564
ResourceAssignments class 508
ResourceEdit form
Web Forms 583, 627, 629-639
ChooseRole form and 615
Windows Forms 558-565
data binding for 560
invoking 549
ResourceList class 514
ResourceList form (Web Forms) 583
resources (PTracker) 363
assigning 363
external access and 364
resource- related stored procedures for 396-398
Web Forms UI for 611-615, 621-625
Windows Forms UI for 536, 549, 555-567
resources for further reading
.NET security objects 69
ADO .NET transactions, performance and 483
data bound ListView control 533
data portals 67, 87
impersonation 319
no-touch deployment 141
object factories 426
object-oriented technology 63
remoting 127
Resources form (Web Forms) 625-628
Resources table (PTracker) 387
ResourceSelect form (Windows Forms) 546, 555, 565
ResumeLayout method (.NET) 547
business logic and 41
frameworks and 39
threads and 733
Role property
Assignment class 491
ProjectResource class 619, 677
role-based security 158, 381
exposing roles for 340
RoleList class 480, 489, 491
ChooseRole control for (Web Forms) 615-621
setting, Windows Forms and 548, 563
Roles property (Assignment class) 490
Roles table 325, 385
Rollback method (SqlTransaction class, ADO.NET) 175, 484, 486
root collections 443-447
root objects 210
adding/editing 416
collections and 233
creating 406
without defaults 436
deleting 420, 436
retrieving 412
structure of 431-437
switchable objects and 441-443
Rule data type 221
Rule structure 86
rules. See business rules, tracking broken
RulesCollection class 86, 220, 223-226
RunApp method (Launcher class) 780, 781
RunApplication method 778

Expert C# Business Objects
Expert C# 2008 Business Objects
ISBN: 1430210192
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 111

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