Users can be very particular about the way their reports are laid out. In many cases, you will be creating new reports to replace existing ones. It may be that the user was getting a report from a legacy system, from an Access report or a spreadsheet, or from a ledger book. Whatever the case, the user is used to seeing the data presented in a certain way with everything arranged just so.
Now you come along with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services, telling the user that the new reporting system is infinitely better than the old way—more efficient, more timely, with more delivery options. That is all well and good with the user, but invariably the question will arise, “Can you make the report look the same as what I have now?” No matter how antiquated or inefficient the current reporting system might be, it is familiar, perhaps even comforting to your users. Change is difficult. The irony of the human race is that on a large scale we like change, but on an individual level, we mainly want things to stay the same.
Even if Reporting Services is well established and you are not converting reports from an existing system, users will still have preconceived notions. They will have a vision for the way a new report should be laid out. These visions need to be respected. After all, the report developer is not the one who has to look at the report every day, week, or month—the user is! The user is the one who probably knows how to best turn the data into something useful.
What the users don’t want to hear is, “I’m sorry, but we can’t do it that way in Reporting Services.” You will be miles ahead if you spend your time fulfilling your users’ vision rather than convincing them that Reporting Services is a great tool, despite the fact that it cannot do what they want it to do. The techniques in this section, and also in parts of Chapter 8, will help you to make Reporting Services reports do exactly what your users want them to do. After all, if your users ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy!
Successful report development means never having to say, “I’m sorry.”
Creating a reusable template for reports
Using values from the Globals collection
Business Need Galactic Delivery Services is looking to increase the efficiency of its report developers. GDS would like a template that can be used for each new report created. The report template will include the GDS logo and the company name in a header across the top of each page. The template will also include a footer across the bottom of each page showing the date and time the report was printed, who printed the report, the current page number, and the total number of pages in the report.
Create the Template Project and the Template Report with a Page Header
Create the Page Footer on the Template Report
Copy the Template to the Report Project Directory
Create a new Reporting Services project called Template in the MSSQLRS folder. (If you need help with this task, see the section “The Transport List Report” in Chapter 5.)
Add a blank report called GDSReport to the Template project. (Do not use the Report Wizard.)
Select the Layout tab.
From the main menu, select Report | Page Header. A space for the page header layout will appear above the layout area for the body of the report. (If Report is not showing on the main menu, click anywhere on the report layout. The Format and Report menu choices will appear.) Drag the gray bar separating the page header and the body down so that the page header area is larger.
From the Toolbox, place an image item in the layout area for the page header. The Image Wizard will appear.
Click Next.
The Embedded choice should be selected. Click Next.
Click New Image. Browse to the GDS.gif image file and select it. Click Open.
Click Next.
Click Finish to exit the Image Wizard. The image will be placed in the page header.
Modify the following properties of the image:
Property | Value |
Location: Left | 0in |
Location: Top | 0in |
Name | tmpl_Logo |
Place a text box in the layout area for the page header. Modify the following properties of the text box:
Property | Value |
Color | DarkBlue |
Font: FontSize | 30pt |
Font: FontWeight | Bold |
Location: Left | 0.75in |
Location: Top | 0in |
Name | tmpl_Name |
Size: Width | 5.25in |
Size: Height | 0.625in |
Value | Galactic Delivery Services |
VerticalAlign | Middle |
Tip | You can use the toolbar buttons on the Formatting toolbar to set the contents of a text box to be bold, italicized or underlined. You can also use this toolbar to change color, background color, and text alignment. If you do not see the Formatting toolbar in Visual Studio, select View | Toolbars | Formatting from the main menu. |
Click in the page header layout area outside of the text box and image. Page Header is selected in the drop-down list at the top of the Properties window.
Modify the following property for the page header:
Property | Value |
Size: Height | 0.75in |
Task Notes Reporting Services reports have a page header layout area that can be used to create a page heading for the report. The page header has properties so that it can be turned off on the first page or the last page of the report. Aside from these options, if the page header is turned on in the Report menu, it will appear on each report page.
The page header can be populated with images, text boxes, lines, and rectangles. You cannot, however, place any data regions, tables, matrixes, lists, or charts in a page header. In fact, you cannot directly reference fields from a dataset in the page header.
Each report item placed in the report layout is given a name. Up to this point, we have been letting Visual Studio provide a default name for each item (textbox1, image2, and so on). In most cases, these default names will work just fine. The only time you need to provide a more meaningful name is when you need to reference one report item from another, such as when one item toggles the visibility of another, or when you are creating a template.
The reason we need to provide nondefault names for our report template is to avoid any naming collisions when we create reports using our template. When you add the first text box to a report created with our template, it will automatically be called textbox1. This will cause a problem if we already have a text box called textbox1 that came from our template.
In order to avoid these naming collisions, we need to provide names for the report items in our template that are not likely to be duplicated in a report. For this reason, we put the prefix “tmpl_” in front of the name of each item. These names should be unique enough to prevent naming collisions when we put our template to use.
Click in the report layout area.
From the main menu, select Report | Page Footer. A space for the page footer layout will appear below the layout area for the body of the report.
Page Footer will be selected. Modify the following property for the page footer:
Property | Value |
Size: Height | 0.375in |
Place a text box in the layout area for the page footer. Modify the following properties of the text box:
Property | Value |
Font: FontSize | 8pt |
Location: Left | 0in |
Location: Top | 0.125in |
Name | tmpl_ReportName |
Size: Width | 2.25in |
Size: Height | 0.25in |
Right-click the text box and select Expression from the context menu, or select <Expression…> from the drop-down list for the Value property in the Property window. Select Expression from the context menu. The Edit Expression dialog box will appear.
Expand “Globals” under Fields.
Highlight “ReportName” under Fields. Click Insert. The expression to return ReportName from the Globals collection is placed in the Expression area.
Click OK to exit the Edit Expression dialog box.
Place a second text box in the layout area for the page footer. Modify the following properties of the text box:
Property | Value |
Font: FontSize | 8pt |
Location: Left | 2.75in |
Location: Top | 0.125in |
Name | tmpl_PageNumber |
Size: Width | 1in |
Size: Height | 0.25in |
Right-click this text box and select Expression from the context menu. The Edit Expression dialog box will appear.
Type the following in the Expression area after the equals sign:
"Page " &
There should be a space both before and after the ampersand character (&).
Expand “Globals” under Fields.
Highlight “PageNumber” under Fields. Click Append. The expression to return PageNumber from the Globals collection is added to the Expression area.
After the PageNumber expression, type the following:
& " of " &
There should be a space both before and after each ampersand.
Highlight “TotalPages” under Fields. Click Append. The expression to return TotalPages from the Globals collection is added to the Expression area.
Click OK to exit the Edit Expression dialog box.
Place a third text box in the layout area for the page footer. Modify the following properties of the text box:
Property | Value |
Font: FontSize | 8pt |
Location: Left | 4.25in |
Location: Top | 0.125in |
Name | tmpl_DateTime |
Size: Width | 2.25in |
Size: Height | 0.25in |
TextAlign | Right |
Right-click this text box and select Expression from the context menu. The Edit Expression dialog box will appear.
Expand “Globals” under Fields.
Highlight “ExecutionTime” under Fields. Click Insert. The expression to return ExecutionTime from the Globals collection is added to the Expression area.
Click OK to exit the Edit Expression dialog box. Your report layout should appear similar to Figure 7-1.
Figure 7-1: The report template layout
Select the Preview tab. Your report should appear similar to Figure 7-2.
Figure 7-2: The report template on the Preview tab
For a better look at what the header and footer will look like on a printed report, click the Print Preview button, as shown in Figure 7-3.
Figure 7-3: The report template in Print Preview mode
Let’s put the page header closer to the top of the page and the page footer closer to the bottom of the page. Select the Layout tab.
In the main menu, select Report | Report Properties. The Report Properties dialog box will appear.
Select the Layout tab in the Report Properties dialog box.
Modify the following values:
Property | Value |
Top margin | 0.5in |
Bottom margin | 0.5in |
Click OK.
Select the Preview tab.
Click the Print Preview button.
Click Save All in the toolbar.
Task Notes Reporting Services provides a number of global values you can use in your reports, including the following:
ExecutionTime | The date and time the report was executed. (This is not the time it takes for the report to run but rather the time at which the report was run.) |
Language | The language the report is output in. |
Page Number | The current page number within the report. |
ReportFolder | The folder that the report resides in. |
ReportName | The name of the report. |
ReportServerURL | The URL of the Internet server hosting the report. |
TotalPages | The total number of pages in the report. |
UserID | The network user name of the person executing the report. |
These global values are commonly used in the page header and page footer areas of the report. It is possible, however, to use them anywhere in the report.
The report has its own properties that can be modified. You are most likely to use the Report Properties dialog box to modify the page width, the page height, and the margins. In Chapter 8, however, we will explore some of the other properties available in this dialog box.
From the main menu, select File | Close Solution to close the solution.
Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the folder for the Template project. From the My Documents folder, the path should be the following:
Visual Studio Project\MSSQLRS\Template
In the Template folder, highlight the file GDSReport.rdl. This is the template report we just created.
Press CTRL-C to copy this file.
Navigate to the directory where Reporting Services stores its templates. In a default installation of SQL Server 2000 and Reporting Services, this path will be this:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Report Designer\ ProjectItems\ReportProject
Select the ReportProject folder.
Press CTRL-V to paste the copied file in this directory.
Close Windows Explorer.
Task Notes When we add a new item to a report project, Visual Studio looks in the ProjectItems\ReportProjects folder. Any report files (.rdl) it finds in this folder are included in the Templates area of the Add New Item dialog box. This is shown in Figure 7-4.
Figure 7-4: The Add New Item dialog box with custom templates
In the remainder of this chapter, we will use our new template to create reports.