
 < Day Day Up > 

<html:link />

The <html:link /> tag is used to generate an HTML hyperlink. The URL for the generated link can be calculated using either the forward, href, or page attributes. The <html:link /> tag has a body type of JSP and supports 37 attributes, described in Table 16.13.

Table 16.13: <html:link /> Tag Attributes




Identifies a keyboard character to be used to immediately move focus to the HTML element defined by this tag. (optional)


Used to create a link naming a Struts Action as its target. The name of the Action should be a defined Action name from the struts-config.xml file. (optional)


Used to append an HTML anchor to the end of a generated hyperlink. (optional)


Identifies the name of the global forward element that will receive control of the forwarded request. (optional)


Specifies the URL of the resource to forward the current request to. (optional)


If set to true, then the name of the HTML tag is rendered as propertyName[indexnumber]. The [] characters surrounding the index are generated for every iteration and taken from its ancestor, the <logic:iterate /> tag. The indexed attribute is valid only when the tag using it is nested with a <logic:iterate /> tag. The default value is false. (optional)


Specifies a JSP scripting variable, exposed by the <logic:iterate /> tag, that will hold the current index of the current object in the named collection. (optional)


Specifies an anchor to be defined within the hosting page so that you can reference it with hyperlinks hosted in the same document. (optional)


Identifies a scripting variable referencing a java.util.Map object, whose collection of key/value pairs is used as the HTTP request parameter augmenting the redirected request. (optional)


Specifies a JavaScript function that is executed when the containing element loses its focus. (optional)


Specifies a JavaScript function that is executed when this element loses input focus and its value has changed. (optional)


Specifies a JavaScript function that is executed when this element receives a mouse click. (optional)


Specifies a JavaScript function that is executed when this element receives a mouse double-click. (optional)


Specifies a JavaScript function that is executed when this element receives input focus. (optional)


Specifies a JavaScript function that is executed when this element has focus and a key is pressed. (optional)


Specifies a JavaScript function that is executed when this element has focus and a key is pressed and released. (optional)


Specifies a JavaScript function that is executed when this element has focus and a key is released. (optional)


Specifies a JavaScript function that is executed when this element is under the mouse pointer and a mouse button is pressed. (optional)


Specifies a JavaScript function that is executed when this element is under the mouse pointer and the pointer is moved. (optional)


Specifies a JavaScript function that is executed when this element is under the mouse pointer but the pointer is then moved outside the element. (optional)


Specifies a JavaScript function that is executed when this element is not under the mouse pointer but the pointer is then moved inside the element. (optional)


Specifies a JavaScript function that is executed when this element is under the mouse pointer and a mouse button is released. (optional)


Specifies an application-relative path of the image source used by this input tag. (optional)


Used to add a named request parameter to a hyperlink. The corresponding parameter value is indicated by the paramName attribute. (optional)


Identifies the name of a scripting variable of type java.lang.String that references the value to be used for the request parameter identified by the paramId attribute. (optional)


Used to identify a data member of the bean named by the paramName attribute that is dynamically added to this src URL. (optional)


Specifies the scope of the bean specified by the paramName attribute. If the paramScope attribute is not specified, then the tag searches for the bean in the scopes, in the order of page, request, session, and application. (optional)


Used to identify a data member of the bean named by the name attribute that contains the java.util.Map object of parameters. (optional)


Identifies the scope of the bean specified by the name attribute. If the scope attribute is not specified, then the tag searches for the bean in the scopes, in the order of page, request, session, and application. (optional)


Specifies a Cascading Style Sheet style to apply to this HTML element. (optional)


Specifies a Cascading Style Sheet class to apply to this HTML element. (optional)


Specifies an HTML identifier to be associated with this HTML element. (optional)


Identifies the tab order of this element in relation to the other elements of the containing Form. (optional)


Used to name a window target in a framed environment. (optional)


Specifies the advisory title for this HTML element. (required)


Specifies a resources key (to be retrieved from a resource bundle) that references a title string for this element. (optional)


If set to true, indicates that the current transaction control token should be included in the generated URL. The default value is false. (optional)

 < Day Day Up > 

Professional Jakarta Struts
Professional Jakarta Struts (Programmer to Programmer)
ISBN: 0764544373
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 183 © 2008-2017.
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