
Today, C and C++ are very widespread. A lot of software has been written in C or C++, especially for Unix. PostgreSQL is written in C as well, so it seems obvious that PostgreSQL provides a powerful C/C++ interface. In this section, you will take a closer look at this interface.

An Overview of C/C++

Before we get to the C programming interface for PostgreSQL, we will have a closer look at the history and the development of C. C was developed at Bell Laboratories by Dennis Ritchie in 1972 and is today's most widespread programming language. C compilers are available on almost any platform, so C code is very portable as long as developers stick closely to the ANSI C standard.

When Dennis Ritchie developed C, he took many of the principles and ideas from the earlier language, B, and B's earlier ancestors BCPL and CPL. Combined Programming Language (CPL) was a language that was designed to be a high-level programming language that also allows the programmer to influence the behavior of the hardware itself. Platform independency has also always played a major part in C development. One major disadvantage of CPL was that it was too large for use in many applications at that time. In 1967, Basic CPL (BCPL) was created as a scaled-down version of CPL while still retaining the basic features of CPL.

In 1970, Ken Thompson (Bell Labs) developed B ”a scaled-down language of BCPL that was especially optimized for system programming. In 1972, Dennis Richie brought back some generality to the programming language and the result is now known as the C programming language.

Up to that time, the UNIX operating system was still mostly written in Assembler. When the advantages of C became apparent, the major parts of the operating system were rewritten in C. From that time on, the C programming language has always been strongly related to UNIX, and C is still the language of UNIX hackers.

Soon, C was used by many organizations all around the globe. In 1983, an ANSI standard was created to make C applications compatible because many slightly different accents of the language already existed.

C is a procedural language. People soon recognized that some sort of object-orientation would be useful for the language. In October 1970, a first version of "C with classes" was used. In December 1983, "C with classes" finally became known as C++. Along with C, C++ was rapidly developed and became very widespread around the globe. Many compilers, libraries, and documentation were written for C/C++ to make it the language it is today.

Despite the development of many other languages, C/C++ is still the number one and loved by many people. One of the main advantages of the language is its speed. C programs perform extremely well but are, in contrast to Assembler, still readable and, which is very important, portable.

Like most of the software packages used on a UNIX system, PostgreSQL is written in C. Therefore, the C/C++ interface is highly developed and used as the base for building future programming interfaces.

In the next few sections, we will take a closer look at the C/C++ interface of PostgreSQL and how this interface can be used efficiently in some examples. Major parts of the sample code shown in this section have been provided and developed by Erich Fruehstueck, our long time UNIX teacher and C guru. Erich Fruehstueck is the developer and maintainer of the EFEU (EFEU is short for E rich F ruehstueck E ntwicklungs u mgebung) package; a package containing a very powerful C/C++-like UNIX interpreter that can easily be used for working with multidimensional data structures.


The first thing we will deal with in this section is connecting to the database.

The C programming interface to PostgreSQL is called libpq . libpq is the base for other programming interfaces, such as libpq++ (C++), libpgtcl (Tcl), Perl, ECPG, and many others.

The most important function when establishing a connection is PQconnectdb that returns a PGconn object representing one open connection. In general, PQconnectdb and PQsetdbLogin return no null pointer as long as there is enough memory available on the system to create the PGconn object. To check whether a connection has successfully been established, the PQstatus function has to be used. We will have a closer look at that function later in this section.

To expound how a connection can be established using the libpq interface, we have included two examples. The main target is to write a program that establishes a connection to the database and supports some command-line parameters, as is shown in the following code line. We will also have a look at exception handling.

  conn1 db user=hs host=localhost port=5432  

The file containing the main function will be called main.c and contains the code as follows :

 // main1.c #include <stdlib.h> #include "example.h" #define        ARGS        "db [host=name] [port=num] [user=name] [password=auth]" int main (int argc, char **argv) {         char *cinfo;         PGconn *conn;         int i; /*        Build connection info string from command args. */         if        (argc < 2)         {                 fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s %s\n", argv[0], ARGS);                 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);         }         cinfo = paste("dbname", "=", argv[1]);         for (i = 2; i < argc; i++)         {                 char *save = cinfo;                 cinfo = paste(save, " ", argv[i]);                 free(save);         } /*        Make a new connection to the database server */         conn = PQconnectdb(cinfo);         if        (conn == NULL)         {                 fputs("not enough memory to create PGconn data.\n", stderr);                 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);         } /*        Check the status of the connection */         if        (PQstatus(conn) == CONNECTION_BAD)         {                 char *msg = PQerrorMessage(conn);                 fputs(msg ? msg : "PQconnectdb() failed.\n", stderr);                 info(stderr, conn);                 PQfinish(conn);                 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);         } /*        Frontend commands */         info(stdout, conn); /*        Finish connection */         PQfinish(conn);         free(cinfo);         exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } 

First, we include the required C libraries in the program and add a preprocessor command to set the variable ARGS that contains the definition of the command-line parameters accepted by the program.

In main.c , we include only stdlib.h and example.h ”the library we need for interacting with the database is included in example.h :

 /*        header for connection examples - example.h */ #ifndef        _example_h #define        _example_h        1 #include <pgsql/libpq-fe.h> extern char *paste (const char *s1, const char *delim, const char *s2); extern void info (FILE *file, PGconn *conn); #endif /* example.h */ 

As you can see, example.h includes libpq-fe.h , which is the library for interacting with PostgreSQL. Depending on your system, the location of this library may vary. Users of Debian (the program has been tested on Debian 2.2r2) can simply use #include <libpq-fe.h> instead of #include <pgsql/libpq-fe.h> , as has to be done on RedHat 7.1 for example (if you use the standard RPM packages of PostgreSQL). To find out where the required library can be found on the system, simply use the following:

 find /usr/ -name libpq*h -print 2> /dev/null 

example.h also contains the header information we use for the self-defined function we will use in the main.c file.

In the main function, we define three variables we will use later in the program:

*paste (const char *s1, const char *delim, const char *s2) will be used to make one string out of the command line flags. info(FILE *file, PGconn *conn) will be used to retrieve information about the authentification process.

Let's get back to main.c.

After defining the variables, we start building the connect string we need to establish the connection to the database. The first parameter passed to the function is the name of the database; if it is not defined, an error will be displayed and fprintf is used to display the error:

 fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s %s\n", argv[0], ARGS); 

The error message itself is defined in the preprocessor command in line 4 in the main.c file. Let's see what happens when we execute the script without parameters:

 [erich@duron ex1]$  ./conn1  usage: ./conn1 db [host=name] [port=num] [user=name] [password=auth] 

In the next step, the connect string is compiled using paste ”the complete connect string is assigned cinfo :

 for (i = 2; i < argc; i++) {         char *save = cinfo;         cinfo = paste(save, " ", argv[i]);         free(save); } 

The paste function used here is defined in paste.c :

 // paste.c #include <stdlib.h> #include "example.h" /*        paste strings */ char *paste (const char *s1, const char *delim, const char *s2) {         size_t n1, nx, n2;         char *s;         n1 =strlen(s1);         nx = strlen(delim);         n2 = strlen(s2);         s = malloc(n1 + nx + n2 + 1);         if        (s == NULL)         {                 fprintf(stderr, "malloc(%d) failed.\n", n1 + nx + n2);                 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);         }         strcpy(s, s1);         strcpy(s + n1, delim);         strcpy(s + n1 + nx, s2);         return s; } 

After we have computed the connect string, we can easily establish the connection to the database by using:

 conn = PQconnectdb(cinfo); 

If PQconnectdb returns a NULL pointer, the connect process has failed due to a lack of memory. Checking the NULL pointer is the first thing that should be done when establishing the connection. The second thing is to check the result of the PQstatus function. PQstatus has to be called with the result of the PQconnectdb function. If PQstatus returns CONNECTION_BAD , the connection has not been established successfully. We extract the error using PQerrorMessage and display it by using the following:

 fputs(msg ? msg : "PQconnectdb() failed.\n", stderr); info(stderr, conn); 

info is a function defined in info.c :

 // info.c /*        Connection Info */ #include <stdlib.h> #include "example.h" static void pval (FILE *file, const char *name, const char *val) {         if        (val)         {                 fprintf(file, "\t%s = \"%s\"\n", name, val);         }         else        fprintf(file, "\t%s = NULL\n", name); } void info (FILE *file, PGconn *conn) {         fprintf(file, "PGconn = { \n");         pval(file, "status", (PQstatus(conn) == CONNECTION_OK) ? "ok" : "bad");         pval(file, "dbname", PQdb(conn));         pval(file, "user", PQuser(conn));         pval(file, "pass", PQpass(conn));         pval(file, "host", PQhost(conn));         pval(file, "port", PQport(conn));         pval(file, "tty", PQtty(conn));         pval(file, "options", PQoptions(conn));         fprintf(file, "} \n"); } 

After compiling the program, we can easily execute it by using a command such as follows:

 [erich@duron ex1]$  conn1 db user=bad_user  

Some people do not like this kind of syntax. To show you that options can be extracted from the command line differently, we have included a version of the program that uses getopt instead of paste and PQsetdbLogin instead of PQconnectdb to establish the connection to the database. Both versions of the program perform exactly the same task but use different functions for connecting to the database:

 // main2.c #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "example.h" #define        OPTIONS        "?h:p:u:a:" #define        ARGS        "[-h host] [-p port] [-u user] [-a auth] db" /*        main program */ int main (int argc, char **argv) {         char *pghost, *pgport, *login, *passwd, *dbname;         PGconn *conn;         int opt; /*        Parse command line options */         pghost = NULL;         pgport = NULL;         login = NULL;         passwd = NULL;         dbname = NULL;         while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, OPTIONS)) != -1)         {                 switch (opt)                 {                 case '?':                         fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s %s\n", argv[0], ARGS);                         exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);                 case 'h':                         pghost = optarg;                         break;                 case 'p':                         pgport = optarg;                         break;                 case 'u':                         login = optarg;                         break;                 case 'a':                         passwd = optarg;                         break;                 default:                         exit(EXIT_FAILURE);                 }         }         if        (optind == argc - 1)         {                 dbname = argv[optind];         }         else         {                 fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s %s\n", argv[0], ARGS);                 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);         } /*        Make a new connection to the database server */         conn = PQsetdbLogin(pghost, pgport, NULL, NULL, dbname, login, passwd);         if        (conn == NULL)         {                 fputs("not enough memory to create PGconn data.\n", stderr);                 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);         } /*        Check the status of the connection */         if        (PQstatus(conn) == CONNECTION_BAD)         {                 char *msg = PQerrorMessage(conn);                 fputs(msg ? msg : "PQsetdbLogin() failed.\n", stderr);                 info(stderr, conn);                 PQfinish(conn);                 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);         } /*        Frontend commands */         info(stdout, conn); /*        Finish connection */         PQfinish(conn);         exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } 

The program accepts the same parameters as our first example. This time, the syntax is different:

 [erich@duron ex1]$  ./conn2 -?  usage: ./conn2 [-h host] [-p port] [-u user] [-a auth] db 

The name of the database does not have to be the first parameter anymore because all flags are extracted using getopt .

After we have presented and explained all components of our two examples, we can write a Makefile to compile the programs. Using Makefiles (or software that generates Makefiles) for compiling your software is very useful because it saves a lot of time when compiling huge applications. If the Makefile has been written properly, it is even possible to install and remove a compiled application correctly.

We have included a Makefile that compiles the previous code. We have tried to write a "beautiful" Makefile so that C newbies and Windows hackers can see how a Makefile should look. In general, we have tried to show you short Makefiles in the book that do the basic job. I guess this section about C is a good place to show a "full" Makefile containing a little bit more than just the plain compiler commands.

 #        Makefile for running example #        Configuration parameters DB=        db                # Name of database PSQL=        psql -q                # PostgreSQL - frontend PQINC=        -I/usr/include/postgresql PQLIB=        -lpq #        Compiling rules CC=        gcc CPPFLAGS= $(PQINC) CFLAGS= -O2 LDFLAGS= $(PQLIB) #        Show usage of make for current example usage::         @echo "usage: make setup  run  clean" #        Rules for commands main1.o: example.h main1.c         $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c main1.c -o $@ main2.o: example.h main2.c         $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c main2.c -o $@ paste.o: example.h paste.c         $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c paste.c -o $@ info.o: example.h info.c         $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) -c info.c -o $@ clean::         rm -f main1.o main2.o paste.o info.o setup:: conn1 clean::         rm -f conn1 conn1: main1.o paste.o info.o         $(CC) $(CFLAGS) main1.o paste.o info.o -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) setup:: conn2 clean::         rm -f conn2 conn2: main2.o info.o         $(CC) $(CFLAGS) main2.o info.o -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) #        Rules for example database setup::        stamp_db clean::         -dropdb $(DB)         rm -f stamp_db stamp_db:         if test -f $@; then dropdb $(DB); fi         createdb $(DB)         touch $@ #        Run the example run:: setup conn1 conn2         @echo "Running example"         -conn1 $(DB)         -conn1 $(DB) user=postgres         -conn1 $(DB) user=bad_user         -conn1 bad_database         -conn2 $(DB)         -conn2 -u postgres $(DB)         -conn2 -u bad_user $(DB)         -conn2 bad_database 

Let's test the Makefile:

 [erich@duron ex1]$  make  usage: make setup  run  clean 

make tells us that three major targets are defined in the Makefile. We have not set up a database yet, because generating and removing the database is also included in the Makefile.

Let's have a look at what has to be done when setting up the database and compiling the code:

 [erich@duron ex1]$  make setup -n  gcc -O2  -I/usr/include/postgresql -c main1.c -o main1.o gcc -O2  -I/usr/include/postgresql -c paste.c -o paste.o gcc -O2  -I/usr/include/postgresql -c info.c -o info.o gcc -O2  main1.o paste.o info.o -o conn1 -lpq gcc -O2  -I/usr/include/postgresql -c main2.c -o main2.o gcc -O2  main2.o info.o -o conn2 -lpq if test -f stamp_db; then dropdb db          ; fi createdb db touch stamp_db 

First, we compile our source files with the help of Richard M. Stallman's (in my opinion one of the greatest hackers in history and the father of free software and the GPL) C compiler (GNU C compiler). If make setup has been used before, a file called stamp_db exists. If this file does not exist, the database has to be recreated.

make run is used to execute the software. We can use make run without running make setup first. Our Makefile runs make setup implicitly if the sources have not been compiled and if the database has not been initialized yet.

make run executes the sample code with various settings. Some of these settings will not work.

 [erich@duron ex1]$  make run -n  echo "Running example" conn1 db conn1 db                 user=postgres conn1 db                 user=bad_user conn1 bad_database conn2 db conn2 -u postgres db conn2 -u bad_user db conn2 bad_database 

Our sample program tells us which connect string is used to establish the connection to the database and whether the connection has been established successfully. Look at what happens when we execute the software:


We execute the programs as user erich . You have to make sure that this user has enough rights to run the batch job.

 [erich@duron ex1]$  make run  Running example conn1 db PGconn = {         status = "ok"         dbname = "db"         user = "erich"         pass = ""         host = NULL         port = "5432"         tty = ""         options = "" } conn1 db                 user=postgres FATAL 1:  user "postgres" does not exist PGconn = {         status = "bad"         dbname = "db"         user = "postgres"         pass = ""         host = NULL         port = "5432"         tty = ""         options = "" } make: [run] Error code 1 (ignored) conn1 db                 user=bad_user FATAL 1:  SetUserId: user 'bad_user' is not in 'pg_shadow' PGconn = {         status = "bad"         dbname = "db"         user = "bad_user"         pass = ""         host = NULL         port = "5432"         tty = ""         options = "" } make: [run] Error code 1 (ignored) conn1 bad_database FATAL 1:  Database "bad_database" does not exist in the system catalog. PGconn = {         status = "bad"         dbname = "bad_database"         user = "erich"         pass = ""         host = NULL         port = "5432"         tty = ""         options = "" } make: [run] Error code 1 (ignored) conn2 db PGconn = {         status = "ok"         dbname = "db"         user = "erich"         pass = ""         host = NULL         port = "5432"         tty = ""         options = "" } conn2 -u postgres db FATAL 1:  user "postgres" does not exist PGconn = {         status = "bad"         dbname = "db"         user = "postgres"         pass = ""         host = NULL         port = "5432"         tty = ""         options = "" } make: [run] Error code 1 (ignored) conn2 -u bad_user db FATAL 1:  user "bad_user" does not exist PGconn = {         status = "bad"         dbname = "db"         user = "bad_user"         pass = ""         host = NULL         port = "5432"         tty = ""         options = "" } make: [run] Error code 1 (ignored) conn2 bad_database FATAL 1:  Database "bad_database" does not exist in the system catalog. PGconn = {         status = "bad"         dbname = "bad_database"         user = "erich"         pass = ""         host = NULL         port = "5432"         tty = ""         options = "" } make: [run] Error code 1 (ignored) 

Our Makefile not only produces binaries and creates a database, it also makes sure that the stuff created can be removed from the system safely. Therefore, we have included make clean . In the following code, you can see what make clean is good for:

 [erich@duron ex1]$ make clean -n rm -f main1.o main2.o paste.o info.o rm -f conn1 rm -f conn2 dropdb db rm -f stamp_db 

Finally, it can be said that connecting and disconnecting with the help of the libpq library is an easy task. In the next section, we will see how other things, such as selecting data, can be done.

Simple Selects ”An Example

After dealing with the authentification process and database connections, we will see how data can be retrieved from the database by using simple SELECT statements.

We have compiled a small sample database that we will use in this section to show you how things work:

 -- Seting up example tables -- CREATE TABLE "persons" (         "name" text,         "birth" date,         "gender" character(1) ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX persons_name_key on persons ("name"); CREATE TABLE "income" (         "name" text,         "year" integer,         "income" integer ); CREATE INDEX income_name_key on income ("name"); COPY "persons"  FROM stdin; Albert         1970-01-01        m John           1973-04-04        m Carla          1963-10-21        f Jenny          1982-09-21        f Hans           1978-08-09        m Epi            1976-06-12        m Etschi         1960-02-20        f Bill           1980-07-12        m \. COPY "income"  FROM stdin; Albert         1997        32000 Albert         1998        28000 Albert         1999        30000 Albert         2000        35000 Jon            1998        20000 Jon            1999        40000 Jon            2000        50000 Carla          1998        30000 Carla          1999        32000 Jenny          1999        45000 Jenny          2000        45000 Hans           1999        47000 Hans           2000        59000 Epi            1999        25000 Epi            2000        21000 Etschi         1999        30000 Etschi         2000        34000 Bill           1999        41000 Bill           2000        43000 \. CREATE VIEW pincome         AS SELECT, p.gender, i.year, i.income         FROM persons p, income i         WHERE =; 

The following example shows how data can be retrieved from a table. Like our first example, the program supports some command-line parameters:

 // main1.c #include <stdlib.h> #include "example.h" #define        ARGS        "db [host=name] [port=num] [user=name] [password=auth]" int main (int argc, char **argv) {         char *cinfo;         PGconn *conn;         int i; /*        Build connection info string from command args. */         if        (argc < 2)         {                 fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s %s\n", argv[0], ARGS);                 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);         }         cinfo = paste("dbname", "=", argv[1]);         for (i = 2; i < argc; i++)         {                 char *save = cinfo;                 cinfo = paste(save, " ", argv[i]);                 free(save);         } /*        Make a new connection to the database server */         conn = PQconnectdb(cinfo);         if        (conn == NULL)         {                 fputs("not enough memory to create PGconn data.\n", stderr);                 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);         } /*        Check the status of the connection */         if        (PQstatus(conn) == CONNECTION_BAD)         {                 char *msg = PQerrorMessage(conn);                 fputs(msg ? msg : "PQconnectdb() failed.\n", stderr);                 info(stderr, conn);                 PQfinish(conn);                 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);         } /*        Frontend commands */         example_select(conn); /*        Finish connection */         PQfinish(conn);         free(cinfo);         exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } 

The first thing that has to be done is to include the header files, such as example.h :

 // example.h /*      header for connection examples */ #ifndef _example_h #define _example_h      1 #include <pgsql/libpq-fe.h> extern char *paste (const char *s1, const char *delim, const char *s2); extern void info (FILE *file, PGconn *conn); extern PGresult *query (PGconn *conn, const char *cmd); extern void example_select (PGconn *conn); #endif /* example.h */ 

As in previous examples, we connect to the database and display an error if the connect process fails. To execute the query, use


The function is defined in select.h . We simply have to pass the database handle to the function.

The code of select.c is as follows:

 // select.c /*        Selection example */ #include <stdlib.h> #include "example.h" #define        QUERY "SELECT * FROM pincome ORDER BY name, year" void example_select (PGconn *conn) {         PGresult *res;         int i, j, n, k;         printf("query: %s\n", QUERY);         res = query(conn, QUERY);         if        (PQresultStatus(res) != PGRES_TUPLES_OK)         {                 fprintf(stderr, "Command didn't return tuples properly\n");                 PQclear(res);                 return;         }         n = PQntuples(res);         k = PQnfields(res);         for (j = 0; j < k; j++)         {                 if        (j)        printf("  ");                 printf("%10s", PQfname(res, j));         }         printf("\n");         for (i = 0; i < n; i++)         {                 for (j = 0; j < k; j++)                 {                         if        (j)        printf("  ");                         printf("%10s", PQgetvalue(res, i, j));                 }                 printf("\n");         }         PQclear(res); } 

After including all required header files, we define the query string using a preprocessor command.

In example_select , we define several variables: res is a pointer to the result of the query. The integer values defined next are used in the loops that display the header and the result of the query.

To execute the query, call the query function defined in query.c :

 // query.c /*        Connection Info */ #include <stdlib.h> #include "example.h" PGresult *query (PGconn *conn, const char *cmd) {         PGresult *result;         char *msg;         result = PQexec(conn, cmd);         if        (result == NULL)         {                 fputs("not enough memory to create PGresult data.\n", stderr);                 PQfinish(conn);                 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);         }         switch (PQresultStatus(result))         {         case PGRES_BAD_RESPONSE:         case PGRES_NONFATAL_ERROR:         case PGRES_FATAL_ERROR:                 msg = PQresultErrorMessage(result);                 fputs(msg ? msg : "PQexec() failed.\n", stderr);                 PQclear(result);                 PQfinish(conn);                 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);         default:                 break;         }                 return result; } 

In query.c , we call PQexec to select data from the table. If the function returns NULL , the system has run out of memory and we terminate the program. Otherwise , we use PQresultStatus to check the return value of the query. Depending on the return value, we decide whether we have to quit the application. If no error has occurred, we return a pointer to the result to the calling function that is, in our case, example_select . Back in example_select , we use the PQresultStatus function to check for errors again and compute the number of tuples and fields. We will need this information to display the result correctly.

The first thing we have to display is the header of the result. Consequently, we use the PQfname function to find out which label is assigned to a certain column. After displaying the header, we extract and display the data. PQgetvalue extracts one field from the result, and we can display the result by using a simple printf command. In the previous example, we want the result to be displayed as a string that is 10 bytes long.

Finally, we clear the result of the query.

To compile the sources, we use a Makefile again. The following is the code of a very simple Makefile:

 setup   :       main1.c paste.c info.c query.c select.c example.h         gcc -g  -I/usr/include/postgresql -c main1.c -o main1.o         gcc -g  -I/usr/include/postgresql -c paste.c -o paste.o         gcc -g  -I/usr/include/postgresql -c info.c -o info.o         gcc -g  -I/usr/include/postgresql -c query.c -o query.o         gcc -g  -I/usr/include/postgresql -c select.c -o select.o         gcc -g  main1.o paste.o info.o query.o select.o -o sel1 -lpq         if test -f stamp_db; then dropdb db             ; fi         createdb db         touch stamp_db         psql -q db < setup.sql clean   :         rm -f main1.o paste.o info.o query.o select.o         rm -f sel1         dropdb db         rm -f stamp_db run     :         ./sel1 db 

To set up the database and compile the sources, we use make again:

 [erich@duron ex2]$  make setup  gcc -g  -I/usr/include/postgresql -c main1.c -o main1.o gcc -g  -I/usr/include/postgresql -c paste.c -o paste.o gcc -g  -I/usr/include/postgresql -c info.c -o info.o gcc -g  -I/usr/include/postgresql -c query.c -o query.o gcc -g  -I/usr/include/postgresql -c select.c -o select.o gcc -g  main1.o paste.o info.o query.o select.o -o sel1 -lpq if test -f stamp_db; then dropdb db             ; fi createdb db CREATE DATABASE touch stamp_db psql -q          db              < setup.sql 

The paste.c and info.c files are the same as in the previous examples, so we have not included the code again.

To execute the program, we use make run :

 [erich@duron ex2]$  make run  Running example sel1 db query: SELECT * FROM pincome ORDER BY name, year       name      gender        year      income     Albert           m        1997       32000     Albert           m        1998       28000     Albert           m        1999       30000     Albert           m        2000       35000       Bill           m        1999       41000       Bill           m        2000       43000      Carla           f        1998       30000      Carla           f        1999       32000        Epi           m        1999       25000        Epi           m        2000       21000     Etschi           f        1999       30000     Etschi           f        2000       34000       Hans           m        1999       47000       Hans           m        2000       59000      Jenny           f        1999       45000      Jenny           f        2000       45000 

All records in pincome are returned and displayed onscreen.

Of course, we have also defined make clean to safely remove the binaries and the database created by make setup :

 [erich@duron ex2]$  make clean -n  rm -f main1.o paste.o info.o query.o select.o rm -f sel1 dropdb db rm -f stamp_db 

Binary Cursors and COPY

In this section, we will see how data can be sent to PostgreSQL using some sort of COPY and how data can be retrieved with the help of binary cursors. In some cases, binary cursors have a significant advantage over "ordinary" cursors because many C programs work with binary data internally. If the database has to convert the binary data to ASCII, the application has to convert the result back to a binary format. If the data is retrieved in binary format, the whole transformation process can be skipped , and your applications will run faster.

The program we will present next is already quite long, and we recommend that you spend some time to understand every line completely:

 // main.c #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "example.h" #define        OPTIONS        "?h:p:u:a:dcn:" #define        ARGS        "[-h host] [-p port] [-u user] [-a auth] \ [-d] [-c] [-n anz] db tab" /*        main program */ int main (int argc, char **argv) {         char *pghost, *pgport, *login, *passwd;         char *dbname, *tabname;         int debug, create, ngrp;         PGconn *conn;         int opt; /*        Parse command line options */         pghost = NULL;         pgport = NULL;         login = NULL;         passwd = NULL;         dbname = NULL;         tabname = NULL;         debug = 0;         create = 0;         ngrp = 2;         while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, OPTIONS)) != -1)         {                 switch (opt)                 {                 case '?':                         fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s %s\n", argv[0], ARGS);                         exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);                 case 'h':                         pghost = optarg;                         break;                 case 'p':                         pgport = optarg;                         break;                 case 'u':                         login = optarg;                         break;                 case 'a':                         passwd = optarg;                         break;                 case 'd':                         debug = 1;                         break;                 case 'c':                         create = 1;                         break;                 case 'n':                         ngrp = strtol(optarg, NULL, 0);                         break;                 default:                         exit(EXIT_FAILURE);                 }         }         if        (optind == argc - 2)         {                 dbname = argv[optind];                 tabname = argv[optind + 1];         }         else         {                 fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s %s\n", argv[0], ARGS);                 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);         } /*        Make a new connection to the database server */         conn = PQsetdbLogin(pghost, pgport, NULL, NULL, dbname, login, passwd);         if        (conn == NULL)         {                 fputs("not enough memory to create PGconn data.\n", stderr);                 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);         } /*        Check the status of the connection */         if        (PQstatus(conn) == CONNECTION_BAD)         {                 char *msg = PQerrorMessage(conn);                 fputs(msg ? msg : "PQsetdbLogin() failed.\n", stderr);                 info(stderr, conn);                 PQfinish(conn);                 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);         }         if        (debug)                 PQtrace(conn, stderr); /*        Frontend commands */         if        (create)                 sample_data(conn, tabname, ngrp);         else        cursor_example(conn, tabname, ngrp); /*        Finish connection */         PQfinish(conn);         exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } 

First, we include the required libraries and define some variables. In the next step, some variables are initialized. One of these values is debug . If debug is set to a value different than zero, the application will display debugging information during the execution of the program. This can be very useful if you are looking for tricky bugs . We use PQtrace for generating the debugging information. PQtrace enables the frontend and backend messages.


Using PQtrace is only useful if you know the basics of PostgreSQL's internal protocols.

To turn off tracing, PQuntrace has to be used.

Because we want the program to understand command-line options, we use getopt to extract the flags from the input.

If you want to import a huge amount of data into the database, it is not recommended to use a set of INSERT statements because of speed. INSERT statements are ghastly slow compared to COPY , so the performance of your application will suffer when the amount of data increases . In this example, we will show how COPY can be used. Let's have a closer look at sample.c :

 //sample.c *        Selection example */ #include <stdlib.h> #include "example.h" #define        SQL_CREATE        "CREATE TABLE %s (idx int4, val real)" #define        SQL_COPY        "COPY %s from stdin" void sample_data (PGconn *conn, const char *name, int rows) {         PGresult *res;         char buf[256];         int i;         vquery(conn, sql(SQL_CREATE, name), PGRES_COMMAND_OK);         res = xquery(conn, sql(SQL_COPY, name), PGRES_COPY_IN);         srand48(0);         for (i = 1; i <= rows; i++)         {                 sprintf(buf, "%d\t%.5f\n", i, drand48());                 if        (PQputline(conn, buf) != 0)                         fprintf(stderr, "PQputline() failed\n");         }         if        (PQputline(conn, "\.\n") != 0)                 fprintf(stderr, "PQputline() failed\n");                 if        (PQendcopy(conn) != 0)                 fprintf(stderr, "PQendcopy() failed\n");         PQclear(res); } 

The function generates random records and stores them in a table. sample_data needs two additional files. Let's have a look at sql.c first:

 // sql.c /*        Function to insert parameters in a sql-command:         In real applications there should be checks to avoid         buffer overflow. Using a fixed size buffer is not a good idea. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include "example.h" static char sql_buf[1024]; char *sql (const char *fmt, ...) {         va_list args;         va_start(args, fmt);         vsprintf(sql_buf, fmt, args);         va_end(args);         return sql_buf; } 

The second file needed is query.c :

 // query.c /*        Connection Info */ #include <stdlib.h> #include "example.h" PGresult *query (PGconn *conn, const char *cmd) {         PGresult *result;         const char *msg;         result = PQexec(conn, cmd);         if        (result == NULL)         {                 fputs("not enough memory to create PGresult data.\n", stderr);                 PQfinish(conn);                 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);         }         switch (PQresultStatus(result))         {         case PGRES_BAD_RESPONSE:         case PGRES_NONFATAL_ERROR:         case PGRES_FATAL_ERROR:                 fprintf(stderr, "PQexec() failed.\n");                 fprintf(stderr, "Command was: %s.\n", cmd);                 if        ((msg = PQresultErrorMessage(result)) != NULL)                         fputs(msg, stderr);                 PQclear(result);                 PQfinish(conn);                 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);         default:                 break;         }                 return result; } PGresult *xquery (PGconn *conn, const char *cmd, ExecStatusType type) {         PGresult *result = query(conn, cmd);         int stat = PQresultStatus(result);         if        (stat != type)         {                 fprintf(stderr, "PQexec() returns %s where %s is expected.\n",                         PQresStatus(stat), PQresStatus(type));                 fprintf(stderr, "Command was: %s.\n", cmd);                 PQclear(result);                 PQfinish(conn);                 exit(EXIT_FAILURE);         }         return result; } void vquery (PGconn *conn, const char *cmd, ExecStatusType type) {         PQclear(xquery(conn, cmd, type)); } 

The code for working with the database cursor is included in cursor.c :

 // cursor.c /*        Selection example */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include "example.h" #include "pgsql/postgres.h" /*        SQL-Commands are defined as Macro */ #define        SQL_BEGIN        "BEGIN" #define        SQL_DECL        "DECLARE tmpcursor BINARY CURSOR FOR select * from %s" #define        SQL_FETCH        "FETCH %d in tmpcursor" #define        SQL_CLOSE        "CLOSE tmpcursor" #define        SQL_COMMIT        "COMMIT" /*        Function to get index of column with diagnostic-messages */ static int getidx (PGresult *res, const char *name) {         int i = PQfnumber(res, name);         if        (i < 0)                 fprintf(stderr, "Column %s not defined.\n", name);         return i; } /*        Binary cursor example */ void cursor_example (PGconn *conn, const char *name, int rows) {         PGresult *res;         int i, n, k;         int i_idx, i_val;         int *p_idx;         double *p_val; /*        start a transaction block */         vquery(conn, SQL_BEGIN, PGRES_COMMAND_OK);         vquery(conn, sql(SQL_DECL, name), PGRES_COMMAND_OK); /*        get the column index after first request. */         res = xquery(conn, sql(SQL_FETCH, rows), PGRES_TUPLES_OK);         n = PQntuples(res);         i_idx = getidx(res, "idx");         i_val = getidx(res, "val"); /*        if i_idx or i_val ist not defined, set n to 0 to         omit data evaluation. */         if        (i_idx < 0  i_val < 0)        n = 0; /*        get data as long as FETCH returns tuples */         for (k = 1; n > 0; k++)         {                 printf("# group %d: %d rows\n", k, n);                 for (i = 0; i < n; i++)                 {                         p_idx = (int *) PQgetvalue(res, i, 0);                         p_val = (double *) PQgetvalue(res, i, 1);                         printf("%d\t%g\n", *p_idx, *p_val);                 }                 PQclear(res);                 res = xquery(conn, sql(SQL_FETCH, rows), PGRES_TUPLES_OK);                 n = PQntuples(res);         }         PQclear(res); /*        close transaction */         vquery(conn, SQL_CLOSE, PGRES_COMMAND_OK);         vquery(conn, SQL_COMMIT, PGRES_COMMAND_OK); } 

First, we include the header files and declare some preprocessor variables. getidx is used to get the index of a column. cursor_example shows how binary cursors can be used.

To compile the sources and generate binaries out of it, we use a Makefile:

 [erich@duron ex3]$  make setup  gcc -g -O2 -I/usr/include/postgresql -c main.c -o main.o gcc -g -O2 -I/usr/include/postgresql -c paste.c -o paste.o gcc -g -O2 -I/usr/include/postgresql -c info.c -o info.o gcc -g -O2 -I/usr/include/postgresql -c query.c -o query.o gcc -g -O2 -I/usr/include/postgresql -c sql.c -o sql.o gcc -g -O2 -I/usr/include/postgresql -c cursor.c -o cursor.o gcc -g -O2 -I/usr/include/postgresql -c sample.c -o sample.o gcc -g -O2 main.o paste.o info.o query.o sql.o cursor.o sample.o -o tprog -lpq if test -f stamp_db; then dropdb db             ; fi createdb db CREATE DATABASE touch stamp_db 

Now we want to execute the program. We can use make run to start tprog :

 [erich@duron ex3]$  make run  Running example tprog -c -n 8 db                 data tprog -n 5 db            data # group 1: 5 rows 1       5.00302e-270 2       5.24281e-315 3       5.12022e-315 4       5.25281e-315 5       5.22851e-315 # group 2: 3 rows 6       5.00302e-270 7       5.23803e-315 8       5.20034e-315 echo "DROP TABLE data;"  psql -q db 

We execute the script twice. First we create eight random records. The second time the script is executed, we want the result to be displayed.

Environment Variables

Like many other programming interfaces, libpq can access environment variables. For example, PQconnectdb or PQsetdbLogin can access the following variables. Usually, the value of the environment variables is taken. If required, the value is not defined by the user:

  • PGHOST Sets the default server name.

  • PGPORT Sets the TCP port to which PostgreSQL is listening.

  • PGDATABASE This sets the default database used by PostgreSQL.

  • PGUSER Sets the default username we use to connect to the database.

  • PGPASSWORD If password authentification is required, the password can be defined in PGPASSWORD .

  • PGREALM This variable is used in combination with Kerberos authentification and defines the Kerberos realm used with PostgreSQL.

  • PGOPTIONS Additional runtime parameters for the backend can be defined using PGOPTIONS .

  • PGTTY Sets the file or tty on which debugging information from the backend processes is displayed.

  • PGDATESTYLE Use this variable to set the default style for displaying dates and time.

  • PGTZ Is used to set the default time zone.

  • PGCLIEBTENCODING If MULTIBYTE support was enabled at compile time, this variable can be used to set the default client encoding used by PostgreSQL.

  • PGGEQO Sets the default mode for the generic optimizer.

Because libpq is the base for many other programming interfaces, the environment variables just listed are also supported by most other programming interfaces.

A Reference of the C Interface

After showing you some examples of how libpq can be used and after dealing with environment variables, we have included a complete reference of libpq .

Database Connection Functions

PostgreSQL provides some functions that are essential for connecting to a database. In

this section, you will see how these functions can be used efficiently.

  • PGconn *PQconnectdb(const char *conninfo) Makes a new connection to the database server. conninfo is a string containing the parameters accepted by the function. The following parameters are valid: host , hostaddr , port , dbname , user , password , options , tty , and requiressl . An example of a valid connect string would be user=hs dbname=db port=5432 host=localhost . If an error occurs, CONNECTION_BAD is returned.

  • PGconn *PQsetdbLogin(const char *pghost, const char *pgport, const char *pgoptions, const char *pgtty, const char *dbName, const char *login, const char *pwd) Can also be used to establish a connection to the database. In contrast to *PQconnectdb , *PQsetdbLogin uses a fixed number of parameters but offers the same functionalities as *PQconnectdb . If an error occurs, CONNECTION_BAD is returned.

  • PGconn *PQsetdb(char *pghost, char *pgport, char *pgoptions, char *pgtty, char *dbName) This macro is used to call *PQsetdbLogin . The parameters for login and password are set to NULL . If an error occurs, CONNECTION_BAD is returned.

  • PGconn *PQconnectStart(const char *conninfo) and PostgresPollingStatusType PQconnectPoll(PGconn *conn) These are used to connect to the database server. This is done in a way that the application's thread of execution is not blocked on remote I/O while doing so. The format of the connect string is the same as in the previously described functions described. If an error occurs, CONNECTION_BAD is returned.

  • PQconninfoOption *PQconndefaults(void) Returns the default connection parameters in the following struct:

     struct PQconninfoOption      {          char   *keyword;                 /* The keyword of the option */          char   *envvar;                 /* Fallback environment variable name */          char   *compiled;                 /* Fallback compiled in default value */          char   *val;                 /* Option's current value, or NULL */          char   *label;                 /* Label for field in connect dialog */          char   *dispchar;                 /* Character to display for this field                    in a connect dialog. Values are:                    ""        Display entered value as is                    "*"       Password field - hide value                    "D"       Debug option - don't show by default */          int     dispsize;                 /* Field size in characters for dialog */      } 
  • void PQfinish(PGconn *conn) Terminates a connection to the database server. If the connect process fails, it is recommended to call PQfinish to free the allocated memory. The pointer to the connection should not be used after closing it.

  • void PQreset(PGconn *conn) Resets the connection, which means that the current connection is closed and reestablished using the same parameters. This function may be essential for you, especially when connections get lost or when an error occurs.

  • int PQresetStart(PGconn *conn) and PostgresPollingStatusType PQresetPoll(PGconn *conn) Resets the connection in a non-blocked manner.

  • char *PQdb(const PGconn *conn) Returns the name of the database to which we are currently connected. The content of the PGconn object used to compute the result stays the same while the connection is established. This affects the *PQdb and the functions used to retrieve information about that object.

  • char *PQuser(const PGconn *conn) Extracts the user from the PGconn object.

  • char *PQpass(const PGconn *conn) Returns the password used when establishing the current connection.

  • char *PQhost(const PGconn *conn) Returns the name of the database host to which we are currently connected.

  • char *PQport(const PGconn *conn) Used to retrieve the port the connection is using.

  • char *PQtty(const PGconn *conn) Returns the tty used for debugging purposes.

  • char *PQoptions(const PGconn *conn) Returns the options passed to the backend when the connection was established.

  • ConnStatusType PQstatus(const PGconn *conn) Returns the status of the connection. This function is normally used to check whether a connection has been established successfully. Valid connections return CONNECTION_OK , while invalid connection return CONNECTION_BAD .

  • char *PQerrorMessage(const PGconn* conn) Used to extract the most recent error messages that are occurring during the work with the connection handle.

  • int PQbackendPID(const PGconn *conn) Returns the PID (process id) of the backend process related to the connection.

  • SSL *PQgetssl(const PGconn *conn) Returns NULL if SSL is not used. In case of an SSL connection, the SSL structure used will be the result. USE_SSL must be defined to get the prototype for this function.

Query Execution Functions

Now that you have seen how you can connect to the database, you will take a closer look at the functions needed for executing queries.

  • PGresult *PQexec(PGconn *conn, const char *query) Passes a query defined by a string to the PostgreSQL server. If the query cannot be executed successfully, a NULL pointer is returned; otherwise, a pointer to a PGresult structure is generated. If an error occurs, the PQerrorMessage message will be used to find out more about the error. PGresult contains the data passed to the application by the backend. To access the data, use one of the functions to retrieve data provided by PostgreSQL:

  • ExecStatusType PQresultStatus(const PGresult *res) Can return the status of a result. The following is a list of all possible values:

    • PGRES_EMPTY_QUERY An empty string was sent to the backend.

    • PGRES_COMMAND_OK The result is empty, but the query has been executed successfully.

    • PGRES_TUPLES_OK The query was successfully executed.

    • PGRES_COPY_OUT Copy Out (from server) data transfer started.

    • PGRES_COPY_IN Copy In (to server) data transfer started).

    • PGRES_BAD_RESPONSE The response of the server cannot be understood .

    • PGRES_NONFATAL_ERROR A non-fatal error occurred.

    • PGRES_FATAL_ERROR The query could not be executed, and a fatal error occurred.

  • SQL commands, such as INSERT and UPDATE , do not return tuples, so the status of the query is PGRES_COMMAND_OK . If PGresult contains tuples and the query can be executed, the result will be PGRES_TUPLES_OK .

  • char *PQresultErrorMessage(const PGresult *res) Returns the most recent error.

  • int PQntuples(const PGresult *res) Used to find the number of tuples in the result.

  • int PQnfields(const PGresult *res) Returns the number of fields in every tuple.

  • int PQbinaryTuples(const PGresult *res) Returns binary data. Currently, this function can only be used in combination with a binary cursor.

  • char *PQfname(const PGresult *res, int field_index) Used to extract the label of a certain field in the result.

  • int PQfnumber(const PGresult *res, const char *field_name) Helps to find the correct index of a field for a given name.

  • Oid PQftype(const PGresult *res, int field_index) Returns the type of a field as an integer value. To find the name of the data type, simply query pg_type .

  • int PQfsize(const PGresult *res, int field_index) Finds how many bytes are used for a specific field.

  • int PQfmod(const PGresult *res, int field_index) Returns the type-specific modification data of a field.

  • char* PQgetvalue(const PGresult *res, int tup_num, int field_num) Returns the value of exactly one field as a NULL terminated ASCII string. If PQbinaryTuples() is set to 1 , the value returned by PQgetvalue is in binary format (PostgreSQL's internal data structure is used).

  • int PQgetlength(const PGresult *res, int tup_num, int field_num) Returns the length of a field. You have to keep in mind that the binary size may have nothing to do with the size of the field represented as ASCII characters. Use PQfsize to find the binary size of the field.

  • int PQgetisnull(const PGresult *res, int tup_num, int field_num) Checks whether a given field contains a NULL value. In case of a NULL value, the function returns 1 .

  • char * PQcmdStatus(const PGresult *res) Returns the command status string of the PGresult object.

  • char * PQcmdTuples(const PGresult *res) Returns the number of rows affected by an SQL command. This command is extremely useful when working with DELETE , UPDATE , and INSERT . If PQcmdTuples is used with a different command, an empty string is returned.

  • Oid PQoidValue(const PGresult *res) Extracts the object ID of the tuples inserted. If the command is not used in combination with INSERT , InvalidOid is returned.

  • char * PQoidStatus(const PGresult *res) Does the same as PQoidValue , but it is not thread safe.

  • void PQprint(FILE* fout, const PGresult *res, const PQprintOpt *po) Prints all tuples and, optionally , the attribute names to the specified output stream. In the past, this function was used by psql but is currently no longer supported.

  • void PQclear(PQresult *res) Has to be used to get rid of a PGresult object. Using PQclear is the only way to do the job, because closing a connection does not free the memory allocated by a PGresult structure.

  • PGresult* PQmakeEmptyPGresult(PGconn *conn, ExecStatusType status) Creates an empty PGresult object that has a certain status. In general, this function is used by the library internally. The function is exported because it might be useful in some applications.

Asynchronous Query Processing

Queries sent to the server using PQexec have some significant restrictions. In general, the application has to wait until the query has been processed successfully. In the meantime, the application could have done something useful, such as refreshing the user interface. Another problem is that the entire program is controlled by Pqexec , and there is no way to quit an ongoing query.

To solve some of these restrictions, PostgreSQL supports some additional functions:

  • int PQsetnonblocking(PGconn *conn, int arg) Sets the nonblocking status of a connection. TRUE means that the status is set to non-blocking; FALSE means blocking. In case of non-blocking , calling PQputline , PQputnbytes , PQsendQuery , and PQendcopy will return an error if they have to be called again. PQexec automatically sets the state to blocking during execution.

  • int PQisnonblocking(const PGconn *conn) Can be used to find the current blocking status. If TRUE is returned, the connection is set to non-blocking mode; FALSE means blocking.

  • int PQsendQuery(PGconn *conn, const char *query) Sends a query to the server, but does not wait for the result. If the query has been stated successfully, TRUE is returned; otherwise, an error has occurred. The error can be checked by using PQerrorMessage . To find the result of a query we have started with the help of PqsendQuery , we have to call the PQgetResult function. PQsendQuery cannot be called again until PQgetResult has

PostgreSQL Developer's Handbook2001
PostgreSQL Developer's Handbook2001
Year: 2004
Pages: 125 © 2008-2017.
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