The INSERT Statement

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The INSERT statement, introduced in Chapter 13, is used to add a new row or rows to a table or a view. The basic syntax for the INSERT statement is shown here:

 INSERT [INTO] table_name  [(column_list)] VALUES       expression  | derived_table 

The INTO keyword and the column_list parameter are optional. The column_list parameter specifies which columns you are inserting data into; these values will have a one-to-one correspondence (in order) with the values listed in the expression (which can be simply a list of values). Let's look at some examples.

Inserting Rows

The following code example demonstrates how to insert a single row of data into the items table:

 INSERT INTO items      (item_category, item_id, price, item_desc) VALUES ('health food', 1, 4.00, 'tofu 6 oz.') GO 

Because we specified a value for each column in the table and listed these values in the same order as their corresponding columns were defined in the table, we would not have to use the column_list parameter at all. But if the values were not in the same order as the columns, you could get the wrong data in a column or receive an error. For example, if you try to run this next statement, you will get the error message that follows it:

 INSERT INTO items  VALUES (1, 'health food', 4.00, 'tofu 6 oz.') GO Server: Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Syntax error converting the varchar value 'health food' to a column of data type smallint. 

This message is returned and the row is not inserted because we ordered the values incorrectly. We tried to insert the item ID into the item_category column, and the item category into the item_id column. The values were not compatible with the data types for those columns. If they had been compatible, SQL Server would have allowed us to insert the row, whether or not the values were in the proper place.

To see how the one row that we inserted in the table appears, query the table to select all rows, by using the following SELECT statement:

 SELECT * from items  GO 

You will get the following result set:

 item_category item_id price item_desc  --------------- ------- -------- ------------ health food 1 4.00 tofu 6 oz. 

When the items table was created, the price column was defined to allow null values, and the item_desc (description) column was assigned a default value of No desc. If no value is specified in the INSERT statement for the price column, a NULL will be inserted in that column for the new row. If no value is specified for the item_desc column, the default value No desc will be inserted in that column for the new row.

Omitting Column Values

In the first sample INSERT statement in the preceding section, we could have omitted values as well as column names for the columns price and item_desc because those columns have default values. If we omit a value for a column, we must specify the remaining columns in column_list because otherwise, SQL Server will match the listed values to the columns in the order in which the columns were defined in the table.

For example, suppose we leave out the price column value and do not specify any value for column_list, such as in this query:

 INSERT INTO items  VALUES ('junk food', 2, 'fried pork skins') GO 

SQL Server will attempt to insert the value given for item_desc (fried pork skins; the third value in the list of values) into the price column (the third column in the table). An error will result because fried pork skins is a char data type value, while price is a smallmoney data type. These are incompatible data types. The error message will look something like this:

 Msg 213, Level 16, State 4, Server NTSERVER, Line 1  Insert Error: Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition. 

Imagine what could have happened to table integrity had fried pork skins been a value of a data type compatible with the data type specified for price. SQL Server would have unknowingly inserted the value into the wrong column, and the table data would have inconsistent data.

Remember that a value inserted in a table or view must be of a data type compatible with the column definition. Also, if a row being inserted violates a rule or constraint, you'll get an error message from SQL Server, and the insert will fail.

To avoid incompatible data type errors, order the names in column_list to match the order of the corresponding values, as shown here:

 INSERT INTO items      (item_category, item_id, item_desc) VALUES ('junk food', 2, 'fried pork skins') GO 

Because we did not specify the price, the price column will get a NULL for this row. Now execute the following SELECT statement:

SELECT  * FROM items

You should see the following result set (which now includes the two rows we inserted). Notice the NULL in the price column.

item_category item_id price item_desc  --------------- ------- --------- ---------------- health food 1 4.00 tofu 6 oz. junk food 2 NULL fried pork skins

Now let's add another row, without specifying values for either the price or the item_desc column, as shown here:

 INSERT INTO items  (item_category, item_id) VALUES ('toys', 3) GO 

The result set for this row alone can be found by using this query:

SELECT  * FROM items WHERE item_id = 3

The result set will appear as follows:

item_category item_id price item_desc  --------------- ------- --------- ----------- toys 3 NULL No desc

Notice the NULL in the price column and the No desc in the item_desc column. You can change these values by using the UPDATE statement, as you'll see later in this chapter.

The four types of columns for which SQL Server will automatically provide a value when one is not specified are columns that allow null values, columns with a default value, identity columns, and timestamp columns. We have seen what happens with nullable columns and columns with default values. An identity column gets the next available identity value, and a timestamp column gets the current timestamp value. (These types of columns are described in Chapter 10.) In most cases, you cannot manually insert data values into these two types of columns.


Exercise caution when performing an INSERT operation on a table. Be sure that the data you are inserting is being put in its intended column. Make sure you thoroughly test any T-SQL code before you use it to access or modify any important data.

Adding Rows from Another Table

You can also insert rows into a table from another table. You do this by using a derived table in the INSERT statement or by using the EXECUTE clause with a stored procedure that returns rows of data.


A derived table is the result set from a SELECT statement nested in the FROM clause of another t-sql statement. For a more detailed explanation, see Chapter 14.

To perform an insertion by using a derived table, let's first create a second small table named two_newest_items, into which we will insert rows from the items table. The CREATE TABLE statement for the new table is shown here:

CREATE TABLE two_newest_items  ( item_id SMALLINT NOT NULL, item_desc VARCHAR(30) DEFAULT 'No desc' ) GO 

To insert the two most recent item_id and item_desc column values from the items table into the two_newest_items table, use the following INSERT statement:

 NSERT INTO two_newest_items  (item_id, item_desc) SELECT TOP 2 item_id, item_desc FROM items ORDER BY item_id DESC GO 

Notice that instead of using a value list in this INSERT statement, we used a SELECT statement. This SELECT statement returns data from an existing table, and that returned data is used as the value list. Also, notice that we did not use parentheses around the SELECT statement—parentheses would cause a syntax error to be returned.

We can query this new table for all rows by using this query:

SELECT  * FROM two_newest_items

The following result set will appear:

item_id item_desc  ------- ------------ 3 No desc 2 fried pork skins

Notice that we included the ORDER BY item_id DESC clause in the INSERT statement. This clause tells SQL Server to order the results by item_id in descending order.

If we create the SELECT statement in the preceding insertion example as a stored procedure and use the EXECUTE statement with a stored procedure name, we'll get the same results we got in that example. (Stored procedures are explained in Chapter 21.) To do that, we first delete all existing rows in the two_newest_items table by using the DELETE statement so we can start with an empty table. (For details, see the section "The DELETE Statement" later in this chapter.) Then we create a stored procedure named top_two and use it with the EXECUTE statement to insert two new rows into the two_newest_items table. The T-SQL statements to perform these actions are as follows:

 DELETE FROM two_newest_items GO CREATE PROCEDURE top_two AS SELECT TOP 2 item_id, item_desc FROM items ORDER BY item_id DESC GO INSERT INTO two_newest_items (item_id, item_desc) EXECUTE top_two GO

The two rows that were inserted in the previous example are deleted, and then the INSERT statement inserts two new rows (containing the same data) by using the stored procedure top_two.


You can also specify table hints with the INSERT statement. For details about which hints can be used with the INSERT statement, use the Search tab of Books Online to search for "Locking Hints" and select the topic "Locking Hints."

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Administrator's Companion
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Administrators Companion
Year: 2005
Pages: 264 © 2008-2017.
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