
 < Day Day Up > 


page area in a PivotChart, 346

page breaks, 14, 155

Page Down key, 127

Page objects, 417, 434

Page Up key, 127

PageFields property, 350, 354

pages, navigating in a wizard application, 435-37

PageSetup object, 154

ParamArray arguments, not allowed in events, 310

Parameter object, 482, 488, 490

Parameter property, 374, 375


of FollowHyperlink method, 146

for the Open method of Workbooks, 130

of property routines, 307

of ThisWorkbook.SaveAs, 135

with the Workbooks.OpenText method, 134

of Worksheet.Protect method, 157-58

Parameters collection, 489

Parameters property, 488

Parent property

of AddIn object, 245

of AddIns collection, 244

of Chart object, 325, 340

parse information, 133

Password keyword, accessing a SQL Server database, 486

Password parameter

of Open method, 130

of Protect method, 157

of SaveAs method, 136

PasswordChar property, 406


entering before opening workbooks, 157

guaranteeing a minimum length for, 197

hard-to-guess, 144

hiding information, 406

requiring to open workbooks, 141-42

verifying, 142

PasteFace method, 376

path of a workbook, 140

Path property of AddIn object, 245

Pattern property, 234

PatternColor property, 234

PatternColorIndex property, 234


filling the interior of a cell, 234

viewing available, 235

pause, simulating in VBA code, 448

pausing macros, 117

PEARSON function, 5

per argument in IPMT function, 209

period (.), referencing subelements of a data type, 73

Picture property

of Image control, 410

of UserForm object, 398, 399

PictureAlignment property, 410

pictures, displaying, 410

PictureSizeMode property, 410

PictureTiling property, 410

pigments, 220

PivotCache method, 351, 352

PivotCache object, 352-53, 356, 357

PivotCaches collection, 351, 352

PivotCharts, 346, 358

PivotField object, 353

properties and methods of, 354-55

returning, 350

PivotFields collection, 350, 354, 358

PivotFields (index) method, 351

PivotItem objects, 354, 356

PivotItems method, 354, 355

PivotTable Field List, 343

PivotTable functionality, 526

PivotTable objects, 348, 349-51, 353, 354, 358

PivotTable Options dialog box, 345

PivotTable Web Components, 534

PivotTable wizard

creating PivotCharts, 346

creating PivotTables, 343

PivotTables, 341

based on OLAP data sources, 348

creating, 343, 357-58

graphical representation of, 346

managing large volumes of data, 347

manipulating programmatically, 359-64

pivoting programmatically, 359

programming, 356-59

recording and restoring arbitrary positions, 361-64

resetting to original position, 361

sources of data for, 347

updating information displayed in, 351

using on protected worksheets, 158

PivotTables collection, 348, 349

PivotTableWizard method

of PivotTable object, 351

from the Worksheet object, 349

pixels, 220

Plot Area object, 322

PlotBy property of Chart object, 337

pmt argument

of PV function, 212

of RATE function, 211

PMT function, 208

points, 155, 174

POISSON function, 5

pop-up controls, 380

pop-up menus

creating, 381

displaying, 380-81

specifying command bars as, 371

portrait mode, 154

portrait orientation, changing, 73

Position property

of CommandBar object, 368

of PivotField object, 353, 355

of PivotItem object, 356

POST field, 537

pound signs (##) in DateDiff, 216

PPMT function, 210

Precision property of Parameter object, 490

present value. See PV (present value)

presentation file, opening, 446

Preserve keyword, 66

PreserveColumnFilter property, 553

PreserveNumberFormatting property, 554

preset filters, 293

Prev button

adding to a user form, 425

adding to a wizard application, 436

Preview parameter, 148

primary colors, 220

primary key, 469

principal, 210

Print dialog box, controls in, 147

Print Preview

BeforePrint event triggered by, 271

displaying a workbook in, 148

event triggered by, 269

taking a user directly to, 148

testing BeforePrint, 272

PrintArea property, 182

Print_Area range, 183

Print_Area reserved name, 182

PrintEmbeddedCharts procedure, 339

PrintObject property, 337, 339

PrintOut method, 147, 339

PrintPreview method, 148, 339

Print_Titles reserved name, 182

PrintToFile parameter, 148

PrintWorksheetOnly procedure, 339

Priority property of CommandBarControl object, 374

private class-level variables, 306, 309

Private declaration, 90

Private element

of Function procedure, 99

of Sub procedure, 86

private key, 38

Private keyword, 310

Private parts of a class, 303

Private statement, 302

procedural pitfalls, 97

procedural programming languages, 25

Procedure box in Code window, 43

procedure calls, 97-98

Procedure item on Insert menu, 45

Procedure Separator option, 51


adding to modules or class modules, 54

assigning to events, 265

calculating average sales, 173

calling from other modules, 94

calling from within the same, 97

changing the scope from Public to Private, 93

error-handling abilities of, 82

executing, 47, 48

hiding all in a module from view, 92

keeping as short as possible, 54

passing arguments to, 101

resuming execution of, 84

returning a value, 85

running Sub procedures from within, 93-97

with the same name, 95

stopping the execution of, 48

storing, 55

toggle Design mode for selected, 48

types of, 85

using a copy of the original data, 103

writing bite-sized, 104

processor cycles, saving, 309

ProgId property of AddIn object, 245

program flow, controlling, 73-82

program window controls, 19

programming style, 54


adding class modules to, 305

basing on recorded code, 356

testing in Visual Basic, 425

Project Explorer

compared to Windows Explorer, 53

developing projects, 55-57

Project Explorer item on the View menu, 45

Project Explorer window

copying modules from within, 57

displaying, 45

selecting a macro, 41

Project Properties dialog box, 48

projects, 41

adding code to, 53

copying modules between, 57

developing with Project Explorer, 55-57

displaying all open, 266

elements utilized by, 42

folders within, 42

renaming, 97

setting properties for, 48

properties, 26, 107, 299

of AddIn object, 245-46

adding synonyms for existing, 313

of AddIns collection, 244

as adjectives, 300

of Application object, 108

of Borders object, 236

of Chart object, 336

of ChartObject object, 337

of ChartTitle object, 337

of a class, 304

of Command object, 488

of CommandBar object, 367-68

of CommandBarComboBox object, 378-79

of CommandBarControl object, 373-76

of CommandBarPopup object, 380

of CommandBars collection, 366-67

of Connection object, 484

defining, 304, 305

of Errors collection, 486

of Field object, 494-95

of Fields collection, 494

of Font object, 231

of Interior object, 234

of ListObject object, 541-42

of Recordset object, 491-94

types of, 305

of user form controls, 402-4

of user forms, 399

of Validation object, 187

of workbooks, 138-44

of XmlMap object, 553-54

of XPath object, 557

Properties button in Print dialog box, 147

Properties item on Tools menu, 48

Properties window, 42

changing the Name property, 305

displaying, 45

sizing user forms, 398

Property Get statement, 306

Property Let routines, 317

Property Let statement, 306

property routines

compared to private class-level variables, 309

defining, 306

parameters of, 307

using to detect errors, 317

Property Set statement, 306

property statements with user defined types, 308

PropertyTests collection, 285, 286

Protect method

of Sheet and Worksheet object, 157

of Workbook object, 142, 157

of Worksheet object, 156, 157-59

protection, removing from workbooks, 144

ProtectStructure property, 143

ProtectWindow property, 143

Provider ComboBox control, 502

Provider keyword, 485

Provider_Change event in DBInfo user form, 503

PrToFileName parameter, 148

public class-level variables, 304

defining, 305

returning and modifying, 313

Public declaration, 90

Public element

of a Function procedure, 99

of a Sub procedure, 86

public functions, 309

public key, 38

Public keyword, 100

Public modifier, 63

Public parts of a class, 303

Public statement, 302

public subroutines, 309

public-key encryption, 38

Publish as Web Page dialog box, 523

Publish button

in Publish as Web Page dialog box, 524

in Save as Web Page dialog box, 522

Publish method, 542

PublishInteractivePage procedure, 535

PublishResultsToWeb procedure, 534

PutData routine, 427-28

PV (present value), 211, 212

pv argument

of PMT function, 208

of RATE function, 211

 < Day Day Up > 

Microsoft Excel 2003 Programming Inside Out
Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Programming Inside Out (Inside Out (Microsoft))
ISBN: 0735619859
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 161 © 2008-2017.
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