

File class, 342–346

common attributes for, 344

contents of, 336

differences between FileInfo and, 343

Open method, 347–350

opening files using, 347

FileAccess enumeration values, 348

FileInfo class, 342–346

contents of, 336

differences between File class and, 343

Open method, 347–350

opening files using, 347

sample listing for, 345–346

Filelnfo.exe file, 346

FileMode enumeration values, 348

files. See also .resources files; validating XML files

application configuration, 891–893

DeckPlayer.cpp, 284–285

managing I/O, 335–346

Directory and DirectoryInfo, 337–342

File and FileInfo, 342–346

FileSystemInfo, 336–337

manipulating, 350

in .NET Framework class library, 335–336

opening, 346–347

removing from Solution Explorer, 268

.resx, 894

text formats for assembly resources, 893–894

text name/value pair resource, 894


reading from, 665–672

updating existing, 683–686

validating, 673–678

FileShare enumeration values, 349

FileStream class, 352–355

FileStream.exe file, 355

FileSystemInfo class, 336–337

finally block, 210–212

Finally.exe file, 212

FindZipCode Web service, 787–803

accessing using SOAP, 798–802

console Web services client application, 801–802

debugging, 802–803

FindZipCodeClass.asmx, 789

FindZipCodeClass.cpp, 788

FindZipCodeClass.h, 789–790

FindZipCode's WSDL, 792–794

function of, 787

HTML to consume, 796–798

HTTP POST request, 795

HTTP POST response, 796

request SOAP wrapper, 794–795

response SOAP wrapper, 795

trying out remote copy of, 799

first-in-first-out (FIFO) collection, 322

floating-point built-in value type, 43–45

FloatingPoint.exe file, 45

flow control constructs, 85–89

if statement, 85–87

switch statement, 87–89


adding Web Forms, 722

creating Web-shared, 723

Debugging, 736–737

fonts, 563–568

about, 563–564

GDI+, 563–568

generating random, 565–567

properties of, 564

FontsGalore.exe file, 567–568

for loop, 91–93

ForEach.exe file, 306

ForEach interface, 301–306

Form class

caution changing InitializeComponent() method, 380

properties of, 379–380

forward slash (/), 709

forward-only access to XML, 664–686

implementing with .NET Framework class library, 664

reading from file, 665–672

updating existing file, 683–686

validating file, 673–678

writing new XML stream, 678–683

function overloading, 100–101

functional notation, 38

functions in Managed C++, 94–103

arguments passed to main(), 102–103

defined, 35

function overloading, 100–101

general format of, 94–95

passing arguments to, 95–97

prototypes, 100

returning values from, 97–100

Managed C++ and. NET Development
Managed C++ and .NET Development: Visual Studio .NET 2003 Edition
ISBN: 1590590333
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 169 © 2008-2017.
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