
for RuBoard

This workshop will help reinforce the concepts covered in today's lesson.



Why can't you pass a data reader by value between application domains?


Data reader classes are derived from MarshalByRefObject , which can be referenced from remote application domains but not serialized and copied between them. As a result, you can pass a data reader by reference but not by value. However, passing it by reference means that each time a method or property of the data reader is accessed from the remote domain, a call to the hosting domain must be made and the results returned. This results in unnecessary overhead.


When would you use GetValues instead of methods such as GetString , GetInt32 , and GetByte ?


The GetValues method retrieves all the columns in the row and places them in an array of type System.Object . This is more efficient than reading each column individually, although to use the data with a strong type, you then need to access the element of the array and cast it to the appropriate type.


How can I retrieve a large binary value with a data reader?


For large binary values, you would typically want to call the GetBytes method on the column repeatedly, each time retrieving a specific amount of data and placing it in a buffer (an array of bytes).


Why would you declare a parameter as IDataReader rather than as SqlDataReader or OleDbDataReader ?


Creating methods that accept parameters or variables declared as the IDataReader interface rather than a derived type allows your code to work with any .NET Data Provider. Two specific examples include writing code in an ASP.NET page that casts the data reader returned from a data access class into IDataReader and then binds the data reader to a DataGrid , and writing methods that manipulate any object that implements the IDataReader interface.



Write a method that uses a SqlDataReader to save the cover images of all titles for which images exist in the database. (Note that the images are JPEG and are all the same cover.)


One possible solution might be

 Private Sub SavePhotos(ByVal connect As String)   Dim con As New SqlConnection(connect)   Dim com As New SqlCommand( _     "SELECT ISBN, cover FROM Titles WHERE cover IS NOT NULL", con)   Dim dr As SqlDataReader   Dim isbn As String   Dim cover() As Byte   Try     con.Open()     dr = com.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)     Do While dr.Read       isbn = Trim(dr.GetString(0))       cover = CType(dr.GetValue(1), Byte())       ' Now write out the file       Dim fs As New FileStream(isbn & ".jpg", FileMode.OpenOrCreate)       Dim br As New BinaryWriter(fs)       br.Write(cover)       br.Close()       fs.Close()     Loop   Catch e As Exception     ' Handle the error     Console.WriteLine(e.Message)   Finally     dr.Close()   End Try End Sub 
for RuBoard

Sams Teach Yourself Ado. Net in 21 Days
Sams Teach Yourself ADO.NET in 21 Days
ISBN: 0672323869
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 158
Authors: Dan Fox © 2008-2017.
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