

Java 1.4

This class is an SSL-enabled subclass of that is used to listen for and accept connections from clients and to create SSLSocket objects for communicating with those clients. Create an SSLServerSocket and bind it to a local port by calling one of the inherited getServerSocket( ) methods of an SSLServerSocketFactory . Once a SSLServerSocket is created, use it as you would a regular ServerSocket : call the inherited accept( ) method to wait for and accept a connection from a client, returning a Socket object. With SSLServerSocket , the Socket returned by accept( ) can always be cast to an instance of SSLSocket .

SSLServerSocket defines methods for setting the enabled protocols and cipher suites, and for querying the full set of supported protocols and suites. See SSLSocket , which has methods with the same names , for details. If your server desires or requires authentication by its clients, call setWantClientAuth( ) or setNeedClientAuth( ) . These methods cause the SSLSocket objects returned by accept( ) to be configured to request or require client authentication.

In typical SSL networking scenarios, the client requires the server to provide authentication information. When you create an SSLServerSocket using the default SSLServerSocketFactory , the authentication information required is an X.509 public key certificate and the corresponding private key. The default SSLServerSocketFactory uses an X509KeyManager to obtain this information. The default X509KeyManager attempts to read this information from the file specified by the system property . It uses the value of the the as the keystore password, and uses the value of the system property to specify the keystore type. The key store should only contain valid keys and certificate chains that identify the server; the X509KeyManager automatically chooses a key and certificat chain that are appropriate for the client.

Figure 18-12.

 public abstract class  SSLServerSocket  extends {  // Protected Constructors  protected  SSLServerSocket  ( ) throws;        protected  SSLServerSocket  (int  port  ) throws;        protected  SSLServerSocket  (int  port  , int  backlog  ) throws;        protected  SSLServerSocket  (int  port  , int  backlog  ,  address  )          throws;  // Public Instance Methods  public abstract String[ ]  getEnabledCipherSuites  ( );        public abstract String[ ]  getEnabledProtocols  ( );        public abstract boolean  getEnableSessionCreation  ( );        public abstract boolean  getNeedClientAuth  ( );        public abstract String[ ]  getSupportedCipherSuites  ( );        public abstract String[ ]  getSupportedProtocols  ( );        public abstract boolean  getUseClientMode  ( );        public abstract boolean  getWantClientAuth  ( );        public abstract void  setEnabledCipherSuites  (String[ ]  suites  );        public abstract void  setEnabledProtocols  (String[ ]  protocols  );        public abstract void  setEnableSessionCreation  (boolean  flag  );        public abstract void  setNeedClientAuth  (boolean  need  );        public abstract void  setUseClientMode  (boolean  mode  );        public abstract void  setWantClientAuth  (boolean  want  );   } 

Java In A Nutshell
Java In A Nutshell, 5th Edition
ISBN: 0596007736
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 1220 © 2008-2017.
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