
JarFile java.util.jar

Java 1.2

This class represents a JAR file and allows the manifest, file list, and individual files to be read from the JAR file. It extends java.util.zip.ZipFile , and its use is similar to that of its superclass. Create a JarFile by specifying a filename or File object. If you do not want JarFile to attempt to verify any digital signatures contained in the JarFile , pass an optional boolean argument of false to the JarFile( ) constructor. As of Java 1.3, temporary JAR files can be automatically deleted when they are closed. To take advantage of this feature, pass ZipFile.OPEN_READZipFile.OPEN_DELETE as the mode argument to the JarFile( ) constructor.

Once you have created a JarFile object, obtain the JAR Manifest with getManifest( ) . Obtain an enumeration of the java.util.zip.ZipEntry objects in the file with entries( ) . Get the JarEntry for a specified file in the JAR file with getJarEntry( ) . To read the contents of a specific entry in the JAR file, obtain the JarEntry or ZipEntry object that represents that entry, pass it to getInputStream( ) , and then read until the end of that stream. JarFile does not support the creation of new JAR files or the modification of existing files.

Figure 16-110. java.util.jar.JarFile

 public class  JarFile  extends java.util.zip.ZipFile {  // Public Constructors  public  JarFile  (String  name  ) throws java.io.IOException;        public  JarFile  (java.io.File  file  ) throws java.io.IOException;        public  JarFile  (String  name  , boolean  verify  ) throws java.io.IOException;        public  JarFile  (java.io.File  file  , boolean  verify  ) throws java.io.IOException;  1.3  public  JarFile  (java.io.File  file  , boolean  verify  , int  mode  ) throws java.io.IOException;  // Public Constants  public static final String  MANIFEST_NAME  ;  =  "META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"  // Public Instance Methods  public JarEntry  getJarEntry  (String  name  );        public Manifest  getManifest  ( ) throws java.io.IOException;  // Public Methods Overriding ZipFile  public java.util.Enumeration<JarEntry>  entries  ( );        public java.util.zip.ZipEntry  getEntry  (String  name  );        public java.io.InputStream  getInputStream  (java.util.zip.ZipEntry  ze  )         throws java.io.IOException;  synchronized  } 

Passed To

Pack200.Packer.pack( )

Returned By

java.net.JarURLConnection.getJarFile( )

Java In A Nutshell
Java In A Nutshell, 5th Edition
ISBN: 0596007736
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 1220

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