
ByteBuffer java.nio

Java 1.4 comparable

ByteBuffer holds a sequence of bytes for use in an I/O operation. ByteBuffer is an abstract class, so you cannot instantiate one by calling a constructor. Instead, you must use allocate( ) , allocateDirect( ) , or wrap( ) .

allocate( ) returns a ByteBuffer with the specified capacity. The position of this new buffer is zero, and its limit is set to its capacity. allocateDirect( ) is like allocate( ) except that it attempts to allocate a buffer that the underlying operating system can use "directly." Such direct buffers" may be substantially more efficient for low-level I/O operations than normal buffers, but may also have significantly larger allocation costs.

If you have already allocated an array of bytes, you can use the wrap( ) method to create a ByteBuffer that uses the byte array as its storage. In the one-argument version of wrap( ) you specify only the array; the buffer capacity and limit are set to the array length, and the position is set to zero. In the other form of wrap( ) you specify the array, as well as an offset and length that specify a portion of that array. The capacity of the resulting ByteBuffer is again set to the total array length, but its position is set to the specified offset, and its limit is set to the offset plus length.

Once you have obtained a ByteBuffer , you can use the various get( ) and put( ) methods to read data from it or write data into it. Several versions of these methods exist to read and write single bytes or arrays of bytes. The single-byte methods come in two forms. Relative get( ) and put( ) methods query or set the byte at the current position and then increment the position. The absolute forms of the methods take an additional arguement that specifies the buffer element that is to be read or written and do not affect the buffer position. Two other relative forms of the get( ) method exist to read as sequence of bytes (starting at and incrementing the buffer's position) into a specified byte array or a specified sub-array. These methods throw a BufferUnderflowException if there are not enough bytes left in the buffer. Two relative forms of the put( ) method copy bytes from a specified array or sub-array into the buffer (starting at and incrementing the buffer's position). They throw a BufferOverflowException if there is not enough room left in the buffer to hold the bytes. One final form of the put( ) method transfers all the remaining bytes from one ByteBuffer into this buffer, incrementing the positions of both buffers.

In addition to the get( ) and put( ) methods, ByteBuffer also defines another operation that affect the buffer's content. compact( ) discards any bytes before the buffer position, and copies all bytes between the position and limit to the beginning of the buffer. The position is then set to the new limit, and the limit is set to the capacity. This method compacts a buffer by discarding elements that have already been read, and then prepares the buffer for appending new elements to those that remain .

All Buffer subclasses, such as CharBuffer , IntBuffer and FloatBuffer have analogous methods which are just like these get( ) and put( ) methods except that they operate on different data types. ByteBuffer is unique among Buffer subclasses in that it has additional methods for reading and writing values of other primitive types from and into the byte buffer. These methods have names like getInt( ) and putChar( ) , and there are methods for all primitive types except byte and boolean . Each method reads or writes a single primitive value. Like the get( ) and put( ) methods, they come in relative and absolute variations: the relative methods start with the byte at the buffer's position, and increment the position by the appropriate number of bytes (two bytes for a char , four bytes for an int , eight bytes for a double , etc.). The absolute methods take an buffer index (it is a byte index and is not multiplied by the size of the primitive value) as an argument and do not modify the buffer position. The encoding of multi-byte primitive values into a byte buffer can be done most-significant byte to least-significant byte ("big-endian byte order") or the reverse ("little-endian byte order"). The byte order used by these primitive-type get and put methods is specified by a ByteOrder object. The byte order for a ByteBuffer can be queried and set with the two forms of the order( ) method. The default byte order for all newly-created ByteBuffer objects is ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN .

Other methods that are unique to ByteBuffer( ) are a set of methods that allow a buffer of bytes to be viewed as a buffer of other primitive types. asCharBuffer( ) , asIntBuffer( ) and related methods return "view buffers" that allow the bytes between the position and the limit of the underlying ByteBuffer to be viewed as a sequence of characters , integers, or other primitive values. The returned buffers have position, limit, and mark values that are independent of those of the underlying buffer. The initial position of the returned buffer is zero, and the limit and capacity are the number of bytes between the position and limit of the original buffer divided by the size in bytes of the relevant primitive type (two for char and short , four for int and float , and eight for long and double ). Note that the returned view buffer is a view of the bytes between the position and limit of the byte buffer. Subsequent changes to the position and limit of the byte buffer do not change the size of the view buffer, but changes to the bytes themselves to change the values that are viewed through the view buffer. View buffers use the byte ordering that was current in the byte buffer when they were created; subsequent changes to the byte order of the byte buffer do not affect the view buffer. If the underlying byte buffer is direct, then the returned buffer is also direct; this is important because ByteBuffer is the only buffer class with an allocateDirect( ) method.

ByteBuffer defines some additional methods, which, like the get( ) and put( ) methods have analogs in all Buffer subclasses. duplicate( ) returns a new buffer that shares the content with this one. The two buffers have independent position, limit, and mark values, although the duplicate buffer starts off with the same values as the original buffer. The duplicate buffer is direct if the original is direct and is read-only if the original is read-only. The buffers share content, and content changes made to either buffer are visible through the other. asReadOnlyBuffer( ) is like duplicate( ) except that the returned buffer is read-only, and all of its put( ) and related methods throw a ReadOnlyBufferException . slice( ) is also somewhat like duplicate( ) except the returned buffer represents only the content between the current position and limit. The returned buffer has a position of zero, a limit and capacity equal to the number of remaining elements in this buffer, and an undefined mark. isDirect( ) is a simple method that returns true if a buffer is a direct buffer and false otherwise . If this buffer has a backing array and is not a read-only buffer (e.g., if it was created with the allocate( ) or wrap( ) methods) then hasArray( ) returns TRue , array( ) returns the backing array, and arrayOffset( ) returns the offset within that array of the first element of the buffer. If hasArray( ) returns false, then array( ) and arrayOffset( ) may throw an UnsupportedOperationException or a ReadOnlyBufferException .

Finally, ByteBuffer and other Buffer subclasses override several standard object methods. The equals( ) methods compares the elements between the position and limit of two buffers and returns true only if there are the same number and have the same value. Note that elements before the position of the buffer are not considered . The hashCode( ) method is implemented to match the equals( ) method: the hashcode is based only upon the elements between the position and limit of the buffer. This means that the hashcode changes if either the contents or position of the buffer changes. This means that instances of ByteBuffer and other Buffer subclasses are not usually useful as keys for hashtables or java.util.Map objects. toString( ) returns a string summary of the buffer, but the precise contents of the string are unspecified. ByteBuffer and each of the other Buffer subclasses also implement the Comparable interface and define a compareTo( ) method that performs an element-by-element comparison operation on the buffer elements between the position and the limit of the buffer.

Figure 13-3. java.nio.ByteBuffer

 public abstract class  ByteBuffer  extends Buffer  implements Comparable<ByteBuffer> {  // No Constructor   // Public Class Methods  public static ByteBuffer  allocate  (int  capacity  );        public static ByteBuffer  allocateDirect  (int  capacity  );        public static ByteBuffer  wrap  (byte[ ]  array  );        public static ByteBuffer  wrap  (byte[ ]  array  , int  offset  , int  length  );  // Public Instance Methods  public final byte[ ]  array  ( );        public final int  arrayOffset  ( );        public abstract CharBuffer  asCharBuffer  ( );        public abstract DoubleBuffer  asDoubleBuffer  ( );        public abstract FloatBuffer  asFloatBuffer  ( );        public abstract IntBuffer  asIntBuffer  ( );        public abstract LongBuffer  asLongBuffer  ( );        public abstract ByteBuffer  asReadOnlyBuffer  ( );        public abstract ShortBuffer  asShortBuffer  ( );        public abstract ByteBuffer  compact  ( );        public abstract ByteBuffer  duplicate  ( );        public abstract byte  get  ( );        public abstract byte  get  (int  index  );        public ByteBuffer  get  (byte[ ]  dst  );        public ByteBuffer  get  (byte[ ]  dst  , int  offset  , int  length  );        public abstract char  getChar  ( );        public abstract char  getChar  (int  index  );        public abstract double  getDouble  ( );        public abstract double  getDouble  (int  index  );        public abstract float  getFloat  ( );        public abstract float  getFloat  (int  index  );        public abstract int  getInt  ( );        public abstract int  getInt  (int  index  );        public abstract long  getLong  ( );        public abstract long  getLong  (int  index  );        public abstract short  getShort  ( );        public abstract short  getShort  (int  index  );        public final boolean  hasArray  ( );        public abstract boolean  isDirect  ( );        public final ByteOrder  order  ( );        public final ByteBuffer  order  (ByteOrder  bo  );        public ByteBuffer  put  (ByteBuffer  src  );        public abstract ByteBuffer  put  (byte  b  );        public final ByteBuffer  put  (byte[ ]  src  );        public abstract ByteBuffer  put  (int  index  , byte  b  );        public ByteBuffer  put  (byte[ ]  src  , int  offset  , int  length  );        public abstract ByteBuffer  putChar  (char  value  );        public abstract ByteBuffer  putChar  (int  index  , char  value  );        public abstract ByteBuffer  putDouble  (double  value  );        public abstract ByteBuffer  putDouble  (int  index  , double  value  );        public abstract ByteBuffer  putFloat  (float  value  );        public abstract ByteBuffer  putFloat  (int  index  , float  value  );        public abstract ByteBuffer  putInt  (int  value  );        public abstract ByteBuffer  putInt  (int  index  , int  value  );        public abstract ByteBuffer  putLong  (long  value  );        public abstract ByteBuffer  putLong  (int  index  , long  value  );        public abstract ByteBuffer  putShort  (short  value  );        public abstract ByteBuffer  putShort  (int  index  , short  value  );        public abstract ByteBuffer  slice  ( );  // Methods Implementing Comparable   5.0  public int  compareTo  (ByteBuffer  that  );  // Public Methods Overriding Object  public boolean  equals  (Object  ob  );        public int  hashCode  ( );        public String  toString  ( );   } 



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Too many methods to list.

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java.nio.charset.Charset.encode( ) , java.nio.charset.CharsetEncoder.encode( )

Java In A Nutshell
Java In A Nutshell, 5th Edition
ISBN: 0596007736
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 1220 © 2008-2017.
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