
[A] [B] [C] [D] [E] [F] [G] [H] [I] [J] [K] [L] [M] [N] [O] [P] [Q] [R] [S] [T] [U] [V] [W] [X] [Z]

m attribute (multiline matches)
m flag (regular expressions) 2nd
magic cookies
makeBarChart( ) function
makeCanvas( ) function (SVG)
makeDataURL( ) function (SVG)
makeObjectTag( ) function (SVG)
Map object (Java)
map( ) method (Array)
margin attribute
margin properties, setting
match( ) method (String)
     lastIndex property and
Math object 2nd
     max( ) function
max( ) function
     Math class
max-age attribute (cookie) 2nd
MAX_VALUE constant
maxLength property
mayscript attribute
members, class
     Circle class, defining for
     class methods
     class properties
     instance methods
     instance properties
     allocation and deallocation
     attacks using allocation
     deallocating (garbage collection)
memory leaks in IE 2nd
message property (Error)
<meta> tag
metacharacters in regular expressions
metaKey property (MouseEvent) 2nd
method property
methods 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th
     borrowing from one class to use in another
     class 2nd
     common object methods
         toString( )
         valueOf( )
     defineClass( )
     defining for built-in classes
     event handlers defined as
     Function object 2nd
     functions as
         invoking in JavaScript 2nd 3rd
         property accessor
     overridden, invoking
     browser war with Netscape
     JScript interpreter 2nd
     JScript.NET language
     Visual Basic Scripting Edition
     VML (Vector Markup Language)
MIME types
MimeType object
MIN_VALUE constant
- (minus sign)
     -- (decrement) operator 2nd 3rd
         loop variables, decrementing
     -= (assignment) operator 2nd
         conversions to other types
    -- (decrement) operator
         positioning in code
     subtraction operator 2nd 3rd
     unary negation operator 2nd
mixins (mixin classes)
modification date, Document object
modularizing software, event handlers and
         adding symbol to global namespace
         classes as modules
         initialization code
     DOM 2nd
         events 2nd
         testing support for
     module-related utilities
         closures as
         importing symbols from
     testing for availability of a module
modulo operator 2nd
mouse event handlers
mouse events 2nd
     capturing in IE event model
     converting mouse coordinates
     dragging document elements (example)
mouse pointer, X and Y coordinates
mouse, substituting keyboard for
mousedown events
MouseEvent interface 2nd 3rd 4th
     initMouseEvent( ) method
MouseEvents module (DOM)
moveBy( ) method (Window) 2nd
moveTo( ) method (Window) 2nd 3rd
movies, Flash
     embedding and accessing
     JavaScript API for XSLT
     open source JavaScript interpreters 2nd
MSXML2.DOMDocument object
mtasc (ActionScript compiler)
multidimensional arrays 2nd
     accessing with JavaArray objects
     concat( ) method and
multiline matches 2nd
multiline property (RegExp)
multiple attribute
multiple scripts in HTML document
multiplication operator 2nd

JavaScript. The Definitive Guide
JavaScript: The Definitive Guide
ISBN: 0596101996
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 767

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