Create a Slideshow

In Chapter 5, you added photos to your iMovie project. Once incorporated into your movie, however, the photos get converted to video clips. In iDVD, you can build a slideshow that presents your photos sequentially, with transitions between each one and a soundtrack in the background. Although you could accomplish something similar in iMovie, it's much easier to do it here.

In iPhoto, I made an album of my favorite photos. It's easier to drag an album into iDVD, but you can also select the photos you want and drag them in as a group to create a new slideshow.


Set options for the slideshow.

Making a Movie in imovie HD and iDVD 5. Visual QuickProject Guide
Making a Movie in iMovie HD and iDVD 5: Visual QuickProject Guide
ISBN: 0321330188
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 124
Authors: Jeff Carlson © 2008-2017.
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