The Design of the Caching Application Block

The design goals for a custom cache outlined in the Caching Architecture Guide for .NET Framework Applications are to:

  • Decouple the front-end application interface from the internal implementation of the cache storage and management functions.

  • Provide best practices for a high-performance, scalable caching solution.

  • Offer support for cache-specific features, such as dependencies and expirations, and enable the use of custom expiration and dependency implementations.

  • Allow for support of cache management features such as scavenging.

  • Enable extension points for a custom cache storage solution by implementing the storage class interfaces provided.

  • Allow the use of custom cache scavenging algorithms by implementing the classes and interfaces provided.

Except for the last bullet point, the design goals for the Caching Application Block are the same. Additionally, the design goals for the Caching Application Block include providing a caching API that is easy to use, easy to maintain, and easy to configure. Furthermore, the caching solution needs to perform efficiently and must be reliable by ensuring that the BackingStore remains intact if an exception occurs while the cache is being accessed.

One of the most important design goals with this version of the Caching Application Block was to ensure that the cache is thread safe, which helps to ensure that the states of the in-memory cache and the BackingStore remain synchronized. The following sections define the primary classes in the Caching Application Block and explain how they are used to accomplish these design goals. Figure 4.1 provides a high-level overview of many of these classes.

Figure 4.1. Design of Enterprise Library's Caching Application Block

CacheManager, CacheManagerFactory, and CacheFactory

The CacheManager class lies at the core of the Caching Application Block and provides the application interface for a single cache. In the Caching Application Block, it is possible to configure and use multiple caches, and thus multiple CacheManagers, in a single application. This is another factor that differentiates the Caching Application Block from the ASP.NET cache; with ASP.NET there can be only one cache. However, it is recommended by the patterns & practices team that when different types of items (e.g., customer data, countries, zip codes, etc.) are being stored, it is best to store them in different cachesone cache for each type of item. This increases the efficiency of searching when retrieving an item because it reduces the number of items in each cache. In the Caching Application Block, all caching operations occur through the CacheManager class. The CacheManager class provides all the methods needed to add, retrieve, and remove items from the cache.

All of the Enterprise Library application blocks are designed using the factory design pattern. Factories are objects that exist solely to create other objects. In the Caching Application Block, the CacheManagerFactory is used to create an instance of a CacheManager. The CacheManagerFactory uses the features provided by the Configuration Application Block to retrieve configuration information and determine which CacheManager should be created. The CacheManagerFactory class has two overloads for its GetCacheManager method that are used to create a CacheManager: one overload takes the name of a CacheManager and the other one doesn't take any arguments. The overload that requires an argument will initialize the CacheManager with the name that is supplied. The overload that takes no arguments initializes the CacheManager that is configured as the DefaultCacheManager in the configuration data for this application block. In both cases, the private CreateCacheManager method is called to ultimately create the CacheManager.

In its CreateCacheManager method, the CacheManagerFactory first creates a ScavengingPolicy and BackingStore and uses the instances of these objects to construct the actual Cache object that the CacheManager will encapsulate. It then creates instances of the ExpirationTask and ScavengingTask and uses these instances to create a new BackgroundScheduler. The BackgroundScheduler is used to initialize the underlying cache.

An ExpirationPollTimer is also created, and both the BackgroundScheduler and the ExpirationPollTimer are started. The instances of the cache, BackgroundScheduler, and ExpirationPollTimer are passed into the CacheManager's constructor to create the new instance. This new instance is then added to the HashTable of CacheManagers that the CacheManagerFactory manages. Therefore, the CacheManager is held in the scope of the application, and as such, its cache can be accessed from any class or thread concurrently without the need to recreate the CacheManager class multiple times.

It is important to note that the CacheManager does not hold any state and is simply a front-end interface to the cache. This design allows the CacheManager to provide the quickest possible response times to the cache client by performing any operations on the cache metadata after returning the control to the cache client. Because it is such a critical method, I have included the code for the CreateCacheManager in Listing 4.1.

Listing 4.1. The CreateCacheManager Method

private CacheManager CreateCacheManager(string cacheManagerName) {     CacheManager cacheManager =                    cacheManagers[cacheManagerName] as CacheManager;     if (cacheManager != null)     {         return cacheManager;     }     CachingConfigurationView view =          new CachingConfigurationView(ConfigurationContext);     CacheManagerData cacheManagerData =          view.GetCacheManagerData(cacheManagerName);     CacheCapacityScavengingPolicy scavengingPolicy =          new CacheCapacityScavengingPolicy(cacheManagerName, view);     IBackingStore backingStore =          backingStoreFactory.CreateBackingStore(cacheManagerName);     Cache cache = new Cache(backingStore, scavengingPolicy);     ExpirationPollTimer timer = new ExpirationPollTimer();     ExpirationTask expirationTask = CreateExpirationTask(cache);     ScavengerTask scavengerTask =          new ScavengerTask(cacheManagerName, view,                              scavengingPolicy, cache);     BackgroundScheduler scheduler =          new BackgroundScheduler(expirationTask, scavengerTask);     cache.Initialize(scheduler);     scheduler.Start();     timer.StartPolling(new          TimerCallback(scheduler.ExpirationTimeoutExpired),          cacheManagerData.ExpirationPollFrequencyInSeconds * 1000);     cacheManager = new CacheManager(cache, scheduler, timer);     cacheManagers.Add(cacheManagerName, cacheManager);     return cacheManager; } [Visual Basic] Private Function CreateCacheManager(ByVal cacheManagerName As String) _               As CacheManager     Dim cacheManager As CacheManager = _          IIf(TypeOf cacheManagers(cacheManagerName) Is CacheManager,_               CType(cacheManagers(cacheManagerName), CacheManager), _               CType(Nothing, CacheManager))          If Not cacheManager Is Nothing Then               Return cacheManager          End If     Dim view As CachingConfigurationView = _          New CachingConfigurationView(ConfigurationContext)     Dim cacheManagerData As CacheManagerData = _          view.GetCacheManagerData(cacheManagerName)     Dim scavengingPolicy As CacheCapacityScavengingPolicy = _          New CacheCapacityScavengingPolicy(cacheManagerName, view)     Dim backingStore As IBackingStore = _          backingStoreFactory.CreateBackingStore(cacheManagerName)     Dim cache As Cache = New Cache(backingStore, scavengingPolicy)     Dim timer As ExpirationPollTimer = New ExpirationPollTimer()     Dim expirationTask As ExpirationTask = CreateExpirationTask(cache)     Dim scavengerTask As ScavengerTask = _          New ScavengerTask(cacheManagerName, view, _                              scavengingPolicy, cache)     Dim scheduler As BackgroundScheduler = _          New BackgroundScheduler(expirationTask, scavengerTask)     cache.Initialize(scheduler)     scheduler.Start()     timer.StartPolling(New TimerCallback( _          AddressOf scheduler.ExpirationTimeoutExpired), _          cacheManagerData.ExpirationPollFrequencyInSeconds * 1000)     cacheManager = New CacheManager(cache, scheduler, timer)     cacheManagers.Add(cacheManagerName, cacheManager)     Return cacheManager  End Function

When the internal Cache object is constructed, all data in the BackingStore is loaded into an in-memory representation that is contained in the Cache object. This is the only time that the BackingStore is ever readwhen an application makes changes to the cache, the changes are written to both the internal cache and the BackingStore. An application can make requests to the CacheManager object to retrieve cached data, add data to the cache, and remove data from the cache, and it should always be synchronized with the BackingStore. Table 4.1 describes the methods that the CacheManager class exposes for performing these functions.

Another class, CacheFactory, refines the CacheManagerFactory class with static methods that simply pass through to an instance of the CacheManagerFactory class. This provides a simpler interface for developers because it allows a CacheManager to be created without directly having to instantiate a factory class, and it just contains a single method: GetCacheManager.GetCacheManager contains two overloads: one overload accepts no arguments and wraps around the CacheManagerFactory's GetCacheManager method, and the other overload accepts a string and wraps around the CacheManagerFactory's GetCacheManager(string) method. Both the CacheManagerFactory and the CacheFactory class can be used to obtain a CacheManager.

Table 4.1. CacheManager Class




This overloaded method adds new CacheItem to cache. If another item already exists with the same key, that item is removed before the new item is added. The Add method enables adding items to the cache with or without metadata (expiration policies, scavenging priority, etc.). In the simplest case, the Add method just contains a key/value pair. If any failure occurs during this process, the cache will not contain the item being added.


Returns the number of items currently in the cache.


Removes all items and metadata from the cache. If an error occurs during the removal, the cache is left unchanged.


Returns the value associated with the given key.


Returns the item identified by the provided key.


Removes the given item and its metadata from the cache. If no item exists with that key, this method does nothing.

Cache Objects

A Cache object receives requests from a CacheManager and implements all operations between the BackingStore and the in-memory representation of the cached data. A cache is simply a copy of the master data stored in memory or on disk. Therefore, a Cache object simply contains a hash table that holds the in-memory representation of the data; however, that item of data must first be packaged as a CacheItem object. A CacheItem includes the data itself, together with other information such as the item's key, its priority, a RefreshAction, and an array of expiration policies. (All of these classes are explained in detail in the following sections.) The Cache object uses a hash table as a lock to control access to the items in the cache, both from the application and from the BackgroundScheduler. It also provides thread safety for the entire Caching Application Block.

When an application adds an item to the cache by calling CacheManager's Add method, the CacheManager simply forwards the request to the Cache object. If there isn't an item in the in-memory hash table that matches the key for the item being added, the Cache object will first create a dummy cache item and add it to an in-memory hash table. Then, whether the item exists or not, it will use the item found for this key as a snapshot of the item before performing the insert. It then locks the cache item in the in-memory hash table, adds the item to BackingStore, and finally replaces the existing cache item in the in-memory hash table with the new cache item. (In the case where the item was not already in the in-memory hash table, it replaces the dummy item.)

If there is an exception while writing to the BackingStore, it removes the dummy item added to the in-memory hash table and does not continue. The Caching Application Block enforces a strong exception safety guarantee. This means that if an Add operation fails, the state of the cache rolls back to what it was before it tried to add the item. In other words, either an operation is completed successfully or the state of the cache remains unchanged. (This is also true for the Remove and Flush methods.)

If the number of cached items exceeds a predetermined limit when the item is added, the BackgroundScheduler object begins scavenging. When adding an item, the application can use an overload of the Add method to specify an array of expiration policies, the scavenging priority, and an object that implements the ICacheItemRefreshAction interface. As explained later in this chapter, a RefreshAction receives a notification when an item is removed from the cache.

When an application calls the CacheManager's GetData method to retrieve an item, the CacheManager object forwards the request to the Cache object. If the item is in the cache, it is returned from the Cache's in-memory representation. If it isn't in the cache, the request returns the value null (or Nothing in VB.NET). If the item is expired, the item also returns the value null (or Nothing in VB.NET).

CacheService Objects

As described in the section "Custom Cache Detailed Design" of the Caching Architecture Guide for .NET Framework Applications, a CacheManager object has references to both a CacheStorage and a CacheService object. The CacheStorage object is used for inserting, getting, and removing items from the cache storage. The Caching Application Block implements this design by way of the BaseBackingStore class (and classes that inherit from it). The CacheService object is designed to manage metadata that may be associated with CacheItems. This metadata may include items like expiration policies, priorities, and callbacks. While a single CacheService class does not exist in the Caching Application Block, the functionality that such a service is designed to implement does exist by way of the BackgroundScheduler and ExpirationPollTimer classes.

The BackgroundScheduler Class

The BackgroundScheduler class is designed to periodically monitor the lifetime of the items in the cache. It is responsible for expiring aging cache items and scavenging lower-priority cache items. When an item expires, the BackgroundScheduler first removes it and then, optionally, notifies the application that the item was removed. At this point, it is the application's responsibility to refresh the cache as necessary.

The BackgroundScheduler operates in a worker thread. If a request is made to the BackgroundScheduler, the BackgroundScheduler packages the request as a message and puts it in a message queue instead of immediately executing the requested behavior. This all occurs in the caller's thread. From its own thread, the BackgroundScheduler sequentially removes messages from the queue and then executes the request. The advantage to performing operations serially on a single thread is that it guarantees that the code will run in a single-threaded environment. This makes both the code and its effects simpler to understand.

The ExpirationPollTimer Class

The ExpirationPollTimer triggers the expiration cycle and makes a call to the BackgroundScheduler. The frequency of the timer that regulates how often the BackgroundScheduler should check for expired items can be set through configuration. The unit is in seconds and is determined by the ExpirationPollFrequencyInSecond attribute in the configuration data.

Expiration Policies

An important aspect of caching state is the way in which it is kept consistent with the master data and other application resources. Expiration policies can be used to define the contents of a cache that are invalid based on the amount of time that the data has been in the cache or on notification from another resource. The first type of expiration policy is known as a time-based expiration and the second is known as a notification-based expiration.

The Caching Application Block's expiration process is performed by the BackgroundScheduler that periodically examines the CacheItems to see if any items have expired. The ExpirationPollFrequencyInSeconds setting for a CacheManager controls how frequently the expiration cycle occurs for that instance of the CacheManager. Expiration is a two-part process. The first part is known as marking and the second part is known as sweeping. The process is divided into separate tasks to avoid any conflicts that can occur if the application is using a cache item that the BackgroundScheduler is trying to expire.

  • During marking, BackgroundScheduler makes a copy of the hash table and examines each cache item in it to see if it can be expired. It locks the item while it is doing this. If an item is eligible for expiration, the BackgroundScheduler sets a flag in the cache item.

  • During sweeping, the BackgroundScheduler reexamines each flagged CacheItem to see if it has been accessed since it was flagged. If it has been accessed, the item is kept in the cache. If it hasn't been accessed, it is expired and removed from the cache. A Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) event occurs when an item expires. WMI events publish management information, like performance counters, about an application so that management systems, like Microsoft Operations Manager, can better manage an application.

The Caching Application Block ships with four expiration policies; three are time-based expirations and one is a notification-based expiration. The time-based expirations are AbsoluteTime, SlidingTime, and ExtendedFormatTime. The notification-based expiration is FileDependency. Furthermore, the Caching Application Block provides the capability for adding a custom extension policy to the ones that already exist by creating a new class that implements the ICacheItemExpiration interface. This interface, as well as the expiration policies that ship with Enterprise Library, are shown in Figure 4.2.

Figure 4.2. Expiration Policies in Enterprise Library's Caching Application Block

Time-Based Expirations.

Time-based expirations invalidate data based on either relative or absolute time periods. Use time-based expiration when volatile cache items, such as those that have regular data refreshes or those that are valid for only a set amount of time, are stored in a cache. Time-based expiration enables policies to be set that keep items in the cache only as long as their data remains current. For example, if an application displays product information that gets updated in the product catalog once a day at most, the product information can be cached for the time that those products remain constant in the catalog, that is, for a 24-hour period.

There are two categories of time-based expiration policies: absolute and sliding.

  • Absolute time expiration policies allow the lifetime of an item to be defined by specifying the absolute time for an item to expire. They can use a simple or extended time format. With a simple format absolute time expiration, the lifetime of an item is defined by setting a specific date and time, for example, July 26, 2007 12:00 AM. The Caching Application Block refers to this type of expiration simply as an AbsoluteTime expiration. Listing 4.2 shows the code to create an AbsoluteTime expiration.

    Absolute time expirations can also be in an extended time format. With an extended time format, the lifetime of an item is defined by specifying expressions such as every minute, every Sunday, expire at 5:15 AM on the 15th of every month, and so on. Extended time format uses this format:

    <Minute><Hour> <Day of month> <Month> <Day of week>

    where an asterisk (*) is used to represent all periods. Therefore, an expression to indicate that an item should expire at midnight every Saturday can be represented by the string 0 0 * * 6 (0 minutes, 0 hours, every day of the month, every month, on Saturday). Listing 4.3 shows the code to create this ExtendedFormatTime expiration expression.

  • Sliding expiration policies allow the lifetime of an item to be defined by specifying an interval between the last time the item was accessed and the duration until it is expired. For example, it might be desirable to expire a particular cache item if it hasn't been accessed in the last five minutes. The code to create such a SlidingTime expiration is shown in Listing 4.4.

Listing 4.2. Creating an AbsoluteTime Expiration

[C#] DateTime expiryTime = new DateTime(2007, 7, 26, 0, 0, 0); AbsoluteTime absExpiryTime = new AbsoluteTime(expiryTime); [Visual Basic] Dim expiryTime As DateTime = New DateTime(2007, 7, 26, 0, 0, 0) Dim absExpiryTime As AbsoluteTime = New AbsoluteTime(expiryTime)

Listing 4.3. Creating an ExtendedFormatTime Expiration

[C#] ExtendedFormatTime expireTime = new ExtendedFormatTime("0 0 * * 6"); [Visual Basic] Dim expireTime As ExtendedFormatTime = _     New ExtendedFormatTime("0 0 * * 6")

Listing 4.4. Creating a SlidingTime Expiration

[C#] TimeSpan expiryTime = new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0); SlidingTime slideExpireTime = new SlidingTime(expiryTime); [Visual Basic] Dim expiryTime As TimeSpan = New TimeSpan(0, 5, 0) Dim slideExpireTime As SlidingTime = New SlidingTime(expiryTime)

Notification-Based Expirations.

Notification-based expirations invalidate data based on instructions from an internal or external source. Notification-based expirations define the validity of a cached item based on the properties of an application resource, such as a file, a folder, or any other type of data source. If a dependency changes, the cached item is invalidated and removed from the cache.

The Caching Application Block ships with one notification-based expiration: the FileDependency expiration. With the FileDependency expiration, the item expires after a specific file has been modified. For example, a cache item can be set to expire if an XML file that contains product information has been modified. Listing 4.5 shows how to create a FileDependency expiration.

Listing 4.5. Creating a FileDependency Expiration

[C#] FileDependency expireNotice = new FileDependency("ProductInfo.xml"); productsCache.Add(myProduct.ProductID, myProduct, CacheItemPriority.Normal, null, expireNotice); [Visual Basic] Dim expireNotice As FileDependency = New FileDependency("Products.XML") productsCache.Add(myProduct.ProductID, myProduct, _ CacheItemPriority.Normal, Nothing, expireNotice)

Creating a Custom Expiration Policy

More often than not, the master data source for an enterprise application is a database and not a file. Therefore, a useful notification-based expiration would be one that expires a cached item based on modifications that are made to a database table instead of a file. While no such notification-based expiration policy ships with Enterprise Library, there is an example of a similar type of expiration that extends the ASP.NET cache capabilities. It was developed by Rob Howard and can be found at It is called the SqlDependency Expiration and can be found under the example for ASP.NET Cache Invalidation on Database Change. I have taken the ideas behind this expiration policy and refactored it to not only work with Enterprise Library's Caching Application Block, but to also take advantage of the Data Access Application Block's data transparency features (explained in more detail in Chapter 3).

Fortunately, the designers of the Caching Application Block foresaw that there might be a need for other expiration policies other than the ones that shipped with Enterprise Library and allowed the addition of custom expiration policies as an extension point. All that is required of a custom expiration policy is to implement the ICacheItemExpiration interface. This interface contains three methods: Initialize, HasExpired, and Notify. Listing 4.6 shows the HasExpired method for a custom DatabaseDependency expiration policy. This is the most interesting part of this expiration policy, because it is the check to determine if any data in the table has been modified and signifies to the BackgroundScheduler that this item has expired if it has. The Notify and Initialize methods for this expiration policy do nothing.

Listing 4.6. HasExpired Method for the DatabaseDependency Expiration Policy

[C#] public bool HasExpired() {     bool bRetVal = false;     try     {          DateTime currentLastWriteTime = DateTime.MinValue;          Database db =                DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase               (dependencyDatabaseInstance);          IDataReader dataReader =                db.ExecuteReader               ("GetLastNotificationDate", dependencyTableName);          if( dataReader.Read())               currentLastWriteTime = dataReader.IsDBNull(0) ?                                         DateTime.MinValue :                                         dataReader.GetDateTime( 0 );          dataReader.Close();          if (lastModifiedTime.Equals(DateTime.MinValue))          {               lastModifiedTime = currentLastWriteTime;          }          if (lastModifiedTime.Equals(currentLastWriteTime) == false)          {               lastModifiedTime = currentLastWriteTime;               bRetVal = true;          }     }     catch (Exception e)     {          throw new ApplicationException(String.Format("{0}:{1}",                     SR.ExceptionInvalidDatabaseNotificationInfo                    (dependencyTableName),e.Message), e);     }     return bRetVal; } [Visual Basic] Public Function HasExpired() As Boolean     Dim bRetVal As Boolean = False     Try          Dim currentLastWriteTime As DateTime = DateTime.MinValue          Dim db As Database = _               DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase _                    (dependencyDatabaseInstance)          Dim dataReader As IDataReader = _               db.ExecuteReader _                ("GetLastNotificationDate", dependencyTableName)          If dataReader.Read() Then               currentLastWriteTime = IIf(dataReader.IsDBNull(0), _                                        DateTime.MinValue, _                                        dataReader.GetDateTime(0))          End If          dataReader.Close()          If lastModifiedTime.Equals(DateTime.MinValue) Then               lastModifiedTime = currentLastWriteTime          End If          If lastModifiedTime.Equals(currentLastWriteTime) = False Then               lastModifiedTime = currentLastWriteTime               bRetVal = True          End If     Catch e As Exception          Throw New ApplicationException(String.Format("{0}:{1}", _                    SR.ExceptionInvalidDatabaseNotificationInfo _                    (dependencyTableName),e.Message), e)     End Try     Return bRetVal End Function

After the DatabaseDependency expiration policy has been created, using it with the Caching Application Block is just as easy as using the other expiration policies (see Listing 4.7).

Listing 4.7. Setting a DatabaseDependency Expiration Policy for a CacheItem

[C#] //Monitor the Products table in the Northwind DB instance. DatabaseDependency expireNotice =           new DatabaseDependency("Northwind", "Products"); productsCache.Add(myProduct.ProductID, myProduct,           CacheItemPriority.Normal, null, expireNotice); [Visual Basic] 'Monitor the Products table in the Northwind DB instance. Dim expireNotice As DatabaseDependency = _          New DatabaseDependency ("Northwind", "Products"); productsCache.Add(myProduct.ProductID, myProduct, _          CacheItemPriority.Normal, Nothing, expireNotice)

The ICacheItemRefreshAction Interface (aka CacheItemRemovedCallback)

The ICacheItemRefreshAction is a bit of a misnomer. The Caching Application Block does an excellent job of keeping similar terminology and design to what it laid out in the Caching Architecture Guide for .NET Framework Applications; however, it seems to deviate on this one item. The delegate that is described as the CacheItemRemovedCallback in the Caching Architecture Guide for .NET Framework Applications is known as the ICacheItemRefreshAction interface in the Caching Application Block.

During the development of the Caching Application Block, the responsibility for this delegate changed. Originally, callbacks were only designed for expirations, and the purpose of the callback was solely to allow the owner of that item to refresh it in the cache. However, as development progressed, the requirement surfaced that callbacks were needed for removals and scavengings too, but the name was never changed. So, even though the name implies that an implementation of this interface should refresh a cached item, it is not necessary to do so. Rather, the ICacheItemRefreshAction interface just defines the contract that must be implemented so that an object will be notified when an item is removed from cache. It is then up to that implementation to determine what action should occur.

It is important to note that the implementing class of an ICacheItemRefreshAction must be serializable. Take care when implementing this interface not to create an object that maintains too much state about its environment, because all portions of its environment will be serialized as well, possibly creating a huge object graph. Figure 4.3 illustrates the ICacheItemRefreshAction interface as well as the enumeration that is passed to the Refresh method, which lists the possible values for why an item may have been removed from the cache. This enumeration is named CacheItemRemovedReason.

Figure 4.3. The ICacheItemRefreshAction Interface and Reasons for Removing an Item from Cache

As Figure 4.3 illustrates, there is only one method that must be developed to implement the ICacheItemRefreshAction interface. This is the Refresh method. Listing 4.8 provides an example of an implementation that does not refresh the cache, but instead leverages the Logging and Instrumentation Application Block to log the fact that an item was removed from the cache.

Listing 4.8. Implementing the ICacheItemRefreshAction Interface

[C#] public class LoggingRefreshAction : ICacheItemRefreshAction {     public void Refresh(string key,                         object expiredValue,                         CacheItemRemovedReason removalReason)     {          // Log that the item has been removed from cache.          Logger.Write(String.Format("The {0} with the key {1} was               removed from the cache for the following reason: {2}",               expiredValue.GetType().Name, key,               removalReason.ToString()), Category.General,               Priority.Normal);     } } [Visual Basic] Public Class LoggingRefreshAction : Inherits ICacheItemRefreshAction     Public Sub Refresh(ByVal key As String, _                        ByVal expiredValue As Object, _                        ByVal removalReason As CacheItemRemovedReason)          'Log that the item has been removed from cache.          Logger.Write(String.Format("The {0} with the key {1} was" & _                         " removed from the cache for the following " & _                         "reason: {2}", expiredValue.GetType().Name, key, _                         removalReason.ToString()), Category.General,_                        Priority.Normal)     End Sub  End Class


The Caching Architecture Guide for .NET Framework Applications defines the third major component of a custom cache triad to be CacheStorage. The CacheStorage implementation separates the cache functionality from the cache data store. The Caching Application Block implements this design and provides an extension point to the block with the IBackingStore interface and the BaseBackingStore abstract base class. This interface defines the contract that must be implemented by all BackingStores.

Implementers of this method are responsible for interacting with their underlying persistence mechanisms to store and retrieve CacheItems. All methods must guarantee Weak Exception Safetythat operations must complete entirely, or they must completely clean up from the failure and leave the cache in a consistent state. The mandatory cleanup process will remove all traces of the item that caused the failure, causing that item to be expunged from the cache entirely.

The abstract BaseBackingStore class, which implements the IBackingStore interface, is provided to facilitate the creation of BackingStores. This class contains implementations of common policies and utilities that can be used by all BackingStores. Table 4.2 lists the BaseBackingStore's methods and properties. All methods other than the Add, CurrentCacheManager, and Load methods are abstract and must therefore be overridden by a concrete BackingStore.

The concrete cache storage classes that are included with the Caching Application Block are the NullBackingStore, the IsolatedStorageBackingStore, and the DataBackingStore.

  • The NullBackingStore class simply retains the cached items in memory.

  • The IsolatedStorageBackingStore class stores cache items in domain-specific isolated storage and is configured to use a named isolated storage.

  • The DataBackingStore class uses a database as its BackingStore and leverages the Data Access Application Block to connect to and perform database operations against a database.

Table 4.2. BaseBackingStore Methods and Properties




Is responsible for adding a CacheItem to the BackingStore. This operation must be successful even if an item with the same key already exists. This method must also meet the exception safety guarantee and make sure that all traces of the new or old item are gone if the add fails in any way.


Gets the current name of the CacheManager using this instance.


Loads all CacheItems from the underlying database.


A protected method that adds a new item to the persistence store.


The number of objects stored in the BackingStore.


Flushes all CacheItems from the BackingStore. This method must meet the Strong Exception Safety guarantee.


A protected method that is responsible for loading items from the underlying persistence store.


An overloaded method that removes an item with the given key from the BackingStore.


A protected method that removes existing items stored in the persistence store with the same key as the new item.


An overloaded protected method that updates the last accessed time for a cache item referenced by this unique storage key.

The Caching Application Block communicates with all BackingStores through the IBackingStore interface. Figure 4.4 shows the relationship between the IBackingStore, BaseBackingStore, DataBackingStore, IsolatedStorageBackingStore, and NullBackingStore classes.

Figure 4.4. Available BackingStores in Enterprise Library's Caching Application Block

Memory-Resident Cache (NullBackingStore)

A memory-resident cache contains techniques that implement in-memory temporary data storage. Memory-based caching is usually used when an application is frequently using the same data or an application often needs to reacquire the data. By default, the Caching Application Block stores items only in memory by way of a NullBackingStore. The NullBackingStore doesn't persist cached items; cached data exists only in memory. This means that cached data will not live past application restarts; that is, the cached items will be refreshed from the original data source when the application restarts.

Disk-Resident Cache

A disk-resident cache contains technologies that use disk-based data storages, such as files or databases. Disk-based caching is useful when large amounts of data need to be handled, the data in the application services may not always be available for reacquisition, or the cached data must survive process recycles and computer reboots. Both the overhead associated with data processing and interprocess communications can be reduced by storing data that has already been transformed or rendered nearer to the data consumer.

If a CacheManager has been configured to use a persistent BackingStore, the Caching Application Block will load the cache contents from the BackingStore when the cache is first created. After the initial load, the BackingStore is updated after each operation on the in-memory cache. However, the BackingStore is never read from again (unless the cache is disposed and recreated, for example, on application restart). It is also important to note that while an application can use more than one CacheManager, the Caching Application Block does not support the use of the same persistent BackingStore location and partition name by multiple CacheManagers in an application. For example, configuring an application with two CacheManagers that both leverage isolated storage and have a partition name of ProductCache will most likely cause data corruption.

In its original state, the Caching Application Block supports two types of persistent BackingStores, each of which is suited to particular situations: isolated storage and data cache storage. Additionally, you can also extend the Caching Application Block to support additional types of BackingStores, including custom cache storage.

Isolated Storage

Isolated storage is a data storage mechanism that provides isolation and safety by defining standardized ways of associating code with saved data. When an application stores data in a file without leveraging isolated storage, the file name and storage location must be carefully chosen to minimize the possibility that the storage location will be known to another application and, therefore, vulnerable to corruption. Without a standard system in place to manage these problems, developing ad hoc techniques that minimize storage conflicts can be complex and the results can be unreliable.

With isolated storage, data is always isolated by user and by assembly. Credentials such as the origin or the strong name of the assembly determine assembly identity. Data can also be isolated by application domain using similar credentials. Because of the obstacles that must be overcome to isolate by user, isolated storage is rarely used for server applications; it is, however, a good choice for smart client applications.

When using isolated storage, you don't need to write any code to determine unique paths to specify safe locations in the file system, and data is protected from other applications that only have isolated storage access. "Hard-coded" information that indicates where an application's storage area is located is unnecessary.

When configured to use isolated storage, the Caching Application Block isolates the BackingStore by the cache instance name, the user name, the assembly, and the application domain. The data compartment is an abstraction, not a specific storage location; it consists of one or more isolated storage files, called stores, which contain the actual directory locations where data is stored. For example, a smart client application might have a data compartment associated with it, and a directory in the file system would implement the store that actually preserves the data for that application. For the developer, the location of the data compartment is transparent.[3]

[3] Introductory formation about isolated storage is from

The decision whether or not to use isolated storage must be weighed very carefully. The general rule is that it usually makes sense for smart client applications where the cache needs to survive application restarts, but it does not generally make sense for server applications. The following are some other scenarios for using isolated storage.

  • Downloaded controls. Managed code controls downloaded from the Internet are not allowed to write to the hard drive through normal I/O classes, but they can use isolated storage to persist users' settings and application states.

  • Persistent Web application storage. Web applications are also prevented from using I/O classes. These programs can use isolated storage for the same purposes as downloaded components.

  • Shared component storage. Components that are shared between applications can use isolated storage to provide controlled access to data stores.

  • Roaming. Applications can also use isolated storage with roaming user profiles. This allows a user's isolated stores to roam with the profile.

Data Cache Storage

The data cache storage is a disk-resident storage mechanism that allows an application to leverage the Data Access Application Block to store cached data in a database. The Data Access Application Block BackingStore option is suitable for server applications where each application domain has its own cache and access to a database. Currently, the Caching Application Block includes a script to create the required database schema for Microsoft SQL Server and has only been tested against Microsoft SQL Server databases. Other database types, like Oracle and DB2, can certainly be used as BackingStores; however, you must first port the SQL script to support that database type.

It is important to note that each CacheManager object that is running in a single application domain must use a different portion of the database. A partition for a data cache store is defined as a combination of the application name and the cache instance name. Therefore, two separate and distinct applications cannot have the same application name and cache instance name where both leverage the same Data Access Application Block configuration. For example, two distinct applications that are both configured to use the DataBackingStore, both named Northwind, and both have CacheManagers named ProductCache will be seen as sharing a CacheManager across application domains and is not supported by the Caching Application Block. Rather, every application that leverages the data cache store should have its own instance and partition.

It is possible, however, to have the same application run in multiple processes (for example, the application is deployed on multiple computers in a Web farm). There are three possible ways to configure the Caching Application Block for this circumstance.

  • Partitioned caches. All instances of the application use the same database instance, but each instance of the application uses a different database partition. In this scenario, each CacheManager operates independently. Although they share the same BackingStore database instance, each CacheManager persists the cache data to a different partition. In effect, there is one cache for each application instance. When an application restarts, each CacheManager loads its data from its own partition in the BackingStore.

  • Shared partition. All instances of the application use the same database instance and the same database partition, and all CacheManagers can read from and write to the cache. Each instance of an application operates against a unique in-memory cache. When an application creates a CacheManager, the CacheManager populates the in-memory cache with the data in the BackingStore. This means that if an application creates a CacheManager when it starts, and if all of the application instances are started at the same time, each in-memory cache will be loaded with identical data. Because the applications are using the same partition, each application instance does not require additional storage in the BackingStore.

After the CacheManagers are created, the in-memory cache contents are determined by the application instance using the cache. How an instance of the application uses the cache can vary from one instance to another as requests are routed to different servers. Different instances of an executing application can have in-memory caches with different contents. As an application adds and removes items, the contents of the in-memory cache change. The in-memory cache contents also change when the CacheManager removes or scavenges expired items.

As the in-memory cache changes, the CacheManager updates the BackingStore to reflect these changes. This is risky, though, because the BackingStore does not notify CacheManager instances when its contents have changed. Therefore, when one application instance changes the BackingStore contents, the other application instances will have in-memory caches that don't match the BackingStore data. This means that after an application restarts, the in-memory cache can have contents that are different from the contents it contained before the application restarted.

  • Single writer. All instances of the application use the same database instance and the same database partition, and only one CacheManager can write to the cache. All CacheManagers can read from the cache. In this scenario, only one instance of the application writes to the cache. All other application instances can only read from the cache.

The instance of the application that writes to the cache is the master. The in-memory cache of the master is always identical to the data in the BackingStore. The in-memory cache in each application instance is populated with data from the BackingStore at the time the CacheManager is created. The application instances that can only read data from the cache receive a snapshot of the data. However, this is rarely wise because the application instances don't have the ability to refresh their caches; therefore, their caches become stale and shrink as items expire.

Custom Cache Storage

As previously mentioned, Enterprise Library's Caching Application Block has been designed to allow another extension point by adding and using custom BackingStores in addition to the BackingStores that ship with the application block. There are two ways that the Caching Application Block can be extended with a BackingStore: by creating and adding a custom BackingStore, or by creating and adding a new BackingStore with all the design-time features as the ones that ship with the Caching Application Block.

The simplest approach from a development perspective is to simply create a new custom BackingStore that inherits from the abstract BaseBackingStore class. Be sure that the implementation guarantees the BackingStore will remain intact and functional if an exception occurs during any operation that accesses it. For example, if the application tries to add an item to the cache and there is already an item in the cache with the same name, an exception may be thrown. The implementation should remove the older item from both the BackingStore and the in-memory representation, and then it should throw an exception to the application.

Because of the way the Cache object operates, any BackingStore is guaranteed to be called in a single-threaded manner. This means that custom BackingStore implementations do not need to be overly concerned with thread safety. Furthermore, custom configuration information for a custom BackingStore can be retrieved through an Extensions collection that the Caching Application Block provides for all custom BackingStores. When the BackingStore is initialized, it can retrieve its necessary configuration information via this collection.

For example, imagine that a new BackingStore was needed in an enterprise that leveraged an XML file on the server instead of a database. A quick way to provide this type of functionality and use it with the Caching Application Block is to create a new class that derives from the BaseBackingStore class and overrides the abstract methods. This class would need to read configuration information to determine the name of the file that it should use as the BackingStore, and it might also need a partition name to avoid collisions between applications that might choose the same XML file name. Listing 4.9 illustrates how you can use the Extensions collection to get the configuration information for just such a custom BackingStore.

Listing 4.9. Initialize Method for a Custom BackingStore

[C#] public override void Initialize(ConfigurationView configurationView) {     ArgumentValidation.CheckForNullReference           (configurationView, "configurationView");     ArgumentValidation.CheckExpectedType           (configurationView, typeof (CachingConfigurationView));     CachingConfigurationView cachingConfigurationView =           (CachingConfigurationView) configurationView;     CustomCacheStorageData  customConfiguration =           (CustomCacheStorageData)               cachingConfigurationView.GetCacheStorageDataForCacheManager               (CurrentCacheManager);     partitionName = customConfiguration.Extensions["PartitionName"];     xmlFileName = String.Format("{0}.{1}",          customConfiguration.Extensions["XmlFileName"],partitionName);     if (customConfiguration.StorageEncryption != null)     {          StorageEncryptionFactory encryptionFactory = new               StorageEncryptionFactory               (cachingConfigurationView.ConfigurationContext);          encryptionProvider =               encryptionFactory.CreateSymmetricProvider               (CurrentCacheManager);     } } [Visual Basic] Public Overrides Sub Initialize _     (ByVal configurationView As ConfigurationView)     ArgumentValidation.CheckForNullReference _           (configurationView, "configurationView")     ArgumentValidation.CheckExpectedType _           (configurationView, GetType(CachingConfigurationView))     Dim cachingConfigurationView As CachingConfigurationView = _          CType(configurationView, CachingConfigurationView)     Dim customConfiguration As CustomCacheStorageData = _          (CustomCacheStorageData) _          cachingConfigurationView.GetCacheStorageDataForCacheManager_          (CurrentCacheManager)     partitionName = customConfiguration.Extensions("PartitionName")     xmlFileName = String.Format("{0}.{1}", _          customConfiguration.Extensions("XmlFileName"),partitionName)     If Not customConfiguration.StorageEncryption Is Nothing Then          Dim encryptionFactory As StorageEncryptionFactory = _               New StorageEncryptionFactory _                    (cachingConfigurationView.ConfigurationContext)          encryptionProvider = _               encryptionFactory.CreateSymmetricProvider _               (CurrentCacheManager)     End If  End Sub

Implementing this method as well as the abstract methods defined by the BaseBackingStore class makes it easy to create new custom BackingStores. This is a nice feature of the Caching Application Block because it does not tie an enterprise into just using the BackingStores that ship with the application block, and it doesn't require a massive amount of development to create a new one.

One of the worrisome aspects of using this approach, however, is that the configuration information will not be strongly typed. That is, there is a greater possibility that an error can be made when entering the configuration information for a custom BackingStore than there is when adding configuration information for one of the BackingStores that ship with the Caching Application Block. The Enterprise Library Configuration Tool will not perform any validation on the name or the values of the items that are stored in the Extensions collection. For example, an administrator may accidentally transpose some of the characters for the name of the XmlFileName item by accidentally typing XlmFileName. Such an error would not be caught at design time, but rather it would be caught at runtime when an attempt to retrieve the XmlFileName item takes place in the Initialize method.

To avoid these types of errors and provide a more user-friendly experience for configuring a custom BackingStore, a new BackingStore can be created and used that has all the design-time features as the ones that ship with the Caching Application Block. To create such a BackingStore, a few more steps are required than with the kind of custom BackingStore just discussed.

The first task is to create a data transfer object that is responsible for housing the configuration information needed by the new BackingStore. By expanding the previous example and creating a custom BackingStore that uses an XML file, the custom BackingStore will need to retain information about the name of the XML file and the partition name. Therefore, a data transfer object must be created that encapsulates this information. This object will be used by design-time classes for setting the configuration information, and it will be used by the custom BackingStore to initialize itself in its Initialize method. Listing 4.10 shows two properties of an xmlFileCacheStorageData class that let the file name and partition name be set and retrieved.

Listing 4.10. Properties for the XmlFileCacheStorageData Class

[C#] [XmlAttribute("xmlFileName")] public string XmlFileName {     get { return xmlFileName; }     set { xmlFileName = value; } } [XmlAttribute("partitionName")] public string PartitionName {     get { return partitionName; }     set { partitionName = value; } } [Visual Basic] <XmlAttribute("xmlFileName")>_ Public Property XmlFileName() As String     Get          Return xmlFileName     End Get     Set          xmlFileName = Value     End Set End Property <XmlAttribute("partitionName")>_ Public Property PartitionName() As String     Get          Return partitionName     End Get     Set          partitionName = Value     End Set End Property

The second task that must be completed is the same as the task that needed to be completed for the previous type of custom BackingStore; that is, to create a class that inherits from the abstract BaseBackingStore class and override the abstract methods. The only difference between this class and the one created for the previous type is that in this class' Initialize method, the data transfer object that was just created will be used instead of the CustomCacheStorageData class. Listing 4.11 shows what the revised Initialize method would look like.

Listing 4.11. Initialize Method for the XmlFileBackingStore

[C#] public override void Initialize(ConfigurationView configurationView) {     ArgumentValidation.CheckForNullReference           (configurationView, "configurationView");     ArgumentValidation.CheckExpectedType           (configurationView, typeof (CachingConfigurationView));     CachingConfigurationView cachingConfigurationView =           (CachingConfigurationView) configurationView;     xmlFileCacheStorageData xmlFileConfiguration =               (xmlFileCacheStorageData)               cachingConfigurationView.GetCacheStorageDataForCacheManager               (CurrentCacheManager);     partitionName = xmlFileConfiguration.PartitionName;     xmlFileName = String.Format("{0}.{1}",               xmlFileConfiguration.XmlFileName,               xmlFileConfiguration.PartitionName);     if (xmlFileConfiguration.StorageEncryption != null)     {          StorageEncryptionFactory encryptionFactory = new               StorageEncryptionFactory               (cachingConfigurationView.ConfigurationContext);          encryptionProvider =               encryptionFactory.CreateSymmetricProvider               (CurrentCacheManager);     } } [Visual Basic] Public Overrides Sub Initialize _      (ByVal configurationView As ConfigurationView)      ArgumentValidation.CheckForNullReference _           (configurationView, "configurationView")     ArgumentValidation.CheckExpectedType _           (configurationView, GetType(CachingConfigurationView))     Dim cachingConfigurationView As CachingConfigurationView = _          CType(configurationView, CachingConfigurationView)     Dim xmlFileConfiguration As xmlFileCacheStorageData = CType _           (cachingConfigurationView.GetCacheStorageDataForCacheManager _           (CurrentCacheManager), xmlFileCacheStorageData)     Dim partitionName = xmlFileConfiguration.PartitionName     Dim xmlFileName = String.Format("{0}.{1}", _          xmlFileConfiguration.XmlFileName, _          xmlFileConfiguration.PartitionName)     If Not xmlFileConfiguration.StorageEncryption Is Nothing Then          Dim encryptionFactory As StorageEncryptionFactory = New _               StorageEncryptionFactory _                (cachingConfigurationView.ConfigurationContext)          encryptionProvider = _          encryptionFactory.CreateSymmetricProvider _                (CurrentCacheManager)     End If  End Sub

The last step is to create the design-time classes that allow the Enterprise Library Configuration Tool to present the user-friendly interface that makes configuring a new BackingStore easier and less error-prone. This step is not absolutely necessary; a new BackingStore can still be used even if design-time classes for it do not exist. In that case, however, the configuration information for it needs to be entered and modified manually, and the benefits with respect to validating configuration information will not be realized.

Three tasks must be performed to create the design-time classes needed to configure a new BackingStore.


Create a ConfigurationNode for the new BackingStore.


Create a ConfigurationDesignManager for the new BackingStore.


Modify the AssemblyInfo file so the Enterprise Library Configuration Tool can recognize the design-time features for the new BackingStore.

Chapter 2 provides much more detail about how and why these classes need to be created. The next few paragraphs document the specific steps needed to create the design-time interface for the XmlFileBackingStore.

The first task is to create a new ConfigurationNode that provides a user with the ability to add and modify the configuration properties of the XmlFileBackingStore. The specific properties that need to be exposed are the FileName and the PartitionName. The Caching Application Block's design-time assembly provides an abstract base class named CacheStorageNode that makes it easier to create a ConfigurationNode for a BackingStore. Listing 4.12 shows the XmlFileCacheStorageNode class that is derived from the CacheStorageNode base class.

Listing 4.12. XmlFileCacheStorageNode Class

[C#] public class XmlFileCacheStorageNode : CacheStorageNode {     xmlFileCacheStorageData xmlFileCacheStorageData;     public XmlFileCacheStorageNode():           this(new xmlFileCacheStorageData(SR.XmlFileCacheStorage))     {     }     [Browsable(false)]     public override string Type     {          get { return xmlFileCacheStorageData.TypeName; }     }     [Required]     [SRDescription(SR.Keys.FileNameDescription)]     [SRCategory(SR.Keys.CategoryGeneral)]     public string FileName     {          get { return xmlFileCacheStorageData.XmlFileName; }          set { xmlFileCacheStorageData.XmlFileName = value; }     }     [Required]     [SRDescription(SR.Keys.FilePartitionNameDesciption)]     [SRCategory(SR.Keys.CategoryGeneral)]     public string PartitionName     {          get { return xmlFileCacheStorageData.PartitionName; }          set { xmlFileCacheStorageData.PartitionName = value; }     } } [Visual Basic] Public Class XmlFileCacheStorageNode : Inherits CacheStorageNode     Private xmlFileCacheStorageData As xmlFileCacheStorageData     Public Sub New()          Me.New(New xmlFileCacheStorageData(SR.XmlFileCacheStorage))     End Sub     <Browsable(False)> _     Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Type() As String          Get               Return xmlFileCacheStorageData.TypeName          End Get     End Property     <Required,  _          SRDescription(SR.Keys.FileNameDescription), _          SRCategory(SR.Keys.CategoryGeneral)> _     Public Property FileName() As String          Get               Return xmlFileCacheStorageData.XmlFileName          End Get          Set               xmlFileCacheStorageData.XmlFileName = Value          End Set     End Property     <Required, _          SRDescription(SR.Keys.FilePartitionNameDesciption), _          SRCategory(SR.Keys.CategoryGeneral)> _     Public Property PartitionName() As String          Get               Return xmlFileCacheStorageData.PartitionName          End Get          Set               xmlFileCacheStorageData.PartitionName = Value          End Set     End Property End Class

A new class that implements the IConfigurationDesignManager interface is needed to register the new XmlFileCacheStorageNode and associate menu items and commands with it. An XmlIncludeType also needs to be added so the Configuration Application Block knows how to create the xmlFileCacheStorageData type. Listing 4.13 shows the RegisterIncludeTypes and RegisterNodeTypes methods that are called from the virtual Register method for the new xmlFileBackingStoreConfigurationDesignManager.

Listing 4.13. Registration Methods for the xmlFileBackingStore-ConfigurationDesignManager

[C#] private static void RegisterXmlIncludeTypes     (IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {     IXmlIncludeTypeService xmlIncludeTypeService =          serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IXmlIncludeTypeService))          as IXmlIncludeTypeService;     xmlIncludeTypeService.AddXmlIncludeType          (CacheManagerSettings.SectionName,          typeof(xmlFileCacheStorageData)); } private static void RegisterNodeTypes(IServiceProvider serviceProvider) {     INodeCreationService nodeCreationService =          ServiceHelper.GetNodeCreationService(serviceProvider);     Type nodeType = typeof(XmlFileCacheStorageNode);     NodeCreationEntry entry =          NodeCreationEntry.CreateNodeCreationEntryNoMultiples          (new AddChildNodeCommand(serviceProvider, nodeType), nodeType,          typeof(xmlFileCacheStorageData), SR.XmlFileCacheStorage);          nodeCreationService.AddNodeCreationEntry(entry); } [Visual Basic] Private Shared Sub RegisterXmlIncludeTypes _      (ByVal serviceProvider As IServiceProvider)     Dim xmlIncludeTypeService As IXmlIncludeTypeService = _          IIf(TypeOf serviceProvider.GetService _          (GetType(IXmlIncludeTypeService)) Is IXmlIncludeTypeService,_          CType(serviceProvider.GetService _           (GetType(IXmlIncludeTypeService)), IXmlIncludeTypeService),_          CType(Nothing, IXmlIncludeTypeService))     xmlIncludeTypeService.AddXmlIncludeType _    (CacheManagerSettings.SectionName, GetType(xmlFileCacheStorageData)) End Sub Private Shared Sub RegisterNodeTypes _           (ByVal serviceProvider As IServiceProvider)     Dim nodeCreationService As INodeCreationService = _          ServiceHelper.GetNodeCreationService(serviceProvider)     Dim nodeType As Type = GetType(XmlFileCacheStorageNode)     Dim entry As NodeCreationEntry = _          NodeCreationEntry.CreateNodeCreationEntryNoMultiples _          (New AddChildNodeCommand(serviceProvider, nodeType), _               nodeType, GetType(xmlFileCacheStorageData), _               SR.XmlFileCacheStorage)     nodeCreationService.AddNodeCreationEntry(entry) End Sub

Lastly, a new assembly attribute needs to be added to the AssemblyInfo.cs (or vb) file because the Enterprise Library Configuration Tool looks for this to determine whether it should load a new ConfigurationDesignManager. Listing 4.14 shows the part of the AssemblyInfo file that sets the ConfigurationDesignManagerAttribute to the xmlFileBackingStoreConfigurationDesignManager.

Listing 4.14. Assembly Attribute for the xmlFileBackingStore-ConfigurationDesignManager

[C#] [assembly :     ConfigurationDesignManager(     typeof(xmlFileBackingStoreConfigurationDesignManager)) ] [Visual Basic] <assembly : _     ConfigurationDesignManager( _     GetType(xmlFileBackingStoreConfigurationDesignManager)) >

Once this assembly has been compiled and deployed so the Enterprise Library Configuration Tool can access it, you can add and configure the XmlFileBackingStore just as easily as any of the BackingStores that ship with Enterprise Library's Caching Application Block. (You'll see how to do this for all of the BackingStores a little later in the chapter.) Figure 4.5 shows the list of options for adding a BackingStore in the Enterprise Library Configuration Tool once this new assembly has been deployed.

Figure 4.5. Available BackingStores Now Include the XmlFileBackingStore

Encrypting Cached Data

It is often important to ensure that data that must be secured in its original format is also secured when being transmitted to and from the cache and when stored inside the cache. Data that is stored in a cache may be accessed or altered by a process that isn't permitted access to the master data. The DataBackingStore, IsolatedStorageBackingStore, and custom BackingStores allow cache item data to be encrypted before it is persisted to storage; however, the NullBackingStore does not.

Methods to prevent tampering of cache items usually include signing and verifying the items, and spoofing can be prevented by encrypting the cache items. The Caching Application Block does not offer any functionality in the way of signing data; however, it does offer the option to encrypt the cache data that is written to persistent storage. The Caching Application Block uses the Cryptography Application Block to create a symmetric encryption algorithm provider that you can use to encrypt cached data. You'll learn how to configure a BackingStore to use a symmetric encryption algorithm later in this chapter. More detailed information about using symmetric encryption algorithms in Enterprise Library can be found in Chapter 8.

Fenster Effective Use of Microsoft Enterprise Library(c) Building Blocks for Creating Enterprise Applications and Services 2006
Effective Use of Microsoft Enterprise Library: Building Blocks for Creating Enterprise Applications and Services
ISBN: 0321334213
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 103
Authors: Len Fenster © 2008-2017.
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