C#, 723

CA. See Certificate authority (CA)

CAB, 933

cabling and electrical topology, 1076

cache profiles, configuring, 401–402

caching, content, 400–404

calculated permissions, 1125, 1127

Calculate Workbook, 703

Calendar Web Part, 1060

CAML. See Collaborative Application Markup Language (CAML)

capacity planning, performing, 64–65

card sorting, 233–234

CAS. See code access security (CAS)

cascading style sheets (CSS)

Auto Style Mode, 982–987

custom branding and, 854

features, 981

IntelliSense feature, 988–989

layouts, 990

Link server control, 989

Menu Style Mode, 987–988

Page Editor Options window, 982

Properties task pane, 985–986

catastrophic backup and restore, 1090

Categories Web Part, 1070

Central Administration

Application Management page in, 190

Application Security, 218–223

backup for disaster recovery, 1082

configuring policy settings in, 371–372

deleting My Sites, 281–282

external service connections, 223–225

Home page, 148–156

interface for, 31, 75, 281

moving to, 136

Operations page, 39, 156–181

overview, 148–149

and restoring deleted files from Recycle Bin, 69

SharePoint Site Management, 212–218

workflow management, 225

Central Administration Home page

Administrative Tasks Web Part, 149

farm topology view, 153–156

Farm Topology Web Part, 149

options for launching, 148–156

performing administrative tasks, 150–153

Resources Web Part, 149

Central Administration Operations page

backup and restore, 157, 174

content deployment, 157, 175–181

Data Configuration options, 157, 174–175

defined sections, 157

farm-level management, 157–164

Global Configuration options, 157, 172–174

illus., 156

logging and reporting, 157, 170–171

security configuration, 157, 164–170

Site Management, 172

upgrade and migration, 157, 172

Central Administration tool, 18

Central Administration Web application

create, 134–135

for disaster recovery, 1076

server farm configuration not complete, 862–863

Central Administration Web site, 133

central admin template for central administration sites, 991

Central Security, 423–425

certificate authority (CA), 341, 675–676

Certificate Warning Message, 689

certification authority (CA), 688

CEWP. See Content Editor Web Part (CEWP)

change-control program, 498

Changing Log, 210

Channel Information report, 786

child content type, 508

child portal, 228

Choice Filter Web Part, 1063–1064

Choose List Item dialog box, 1033

Choose Projects To Analyze page, 775

chrome, defined, 1054

Classes with Publishing API Fields report, 782

class library, 30, 790

click distance, 563–564

Closed Web Parts, 1050

CLR. See .NET common language runtime (CLR)

clustered server, disabling event log replication on, 481

CMS Area To Analyze page, 773–774

CMS Assessment Tool

defined, 767

to generate analysis reports, 773–779

installing and running, 772–779

navigating, 781

open reports generated by, 779–781

overview, 771–772

reports generated, 781–787

reviewing reports, 779–787

run, 788

view reports, 780

CMS Assessment Tool Report workbook, 780

CMS Repository, 773

CMS Repository Size report, 785–786

CMS Site Analyzer page, 777–778

code, using forms containing, 750–752. See also managed code

code access security (CAS)

architecture and terminology, 1101–1108

calculating required assembly permission set, 1122–1127

configuring security settings in Web.config file, 1110–1114


partially trusted callers, 1122

permissions, 1102–1103

security evidence, 1103–1104

security policies, 1104

security policy files, 1114–1121

setting secure default policy, 1109–1110

code-behind file, 1022

code-beside model, 1022

code groups, 1117

code identity-based security, 1102

code management, 30

code migration phase, 764

codepage translation tables, 86

collaboration, 4, 11–12, 205. See also informal communication

Collaboration Portal site template, 844

Collaboration Portal Web site, 845

collaboration sites, 632

Collaborative Application Markup Language (CAML), 394–395, 873

collaborative solutions, 76

Colleague Alerts, 267–268

Colleagues Web Part, 1061

Colleague Tracker, 263, 266–268

Colleague Tracker Web Part, 1061

Collect Data From A User, 1031

Collect Feedback workflow, 331

Collect Posting Data, 776

Collect Signatures workflow, 331

Collect Statistics, 773

column data types, choosing, 324–327

columns, 518–520, 526

COM. See Common Object Model (COM)

command-line tool Stsadm.exe, 1084–1085

comments variable, 1031

Common Data View Task action panel, 1004–1006

Common Object Model (COM), 750

Communications Web Parts, 1059

Compatibility report, 1009

compilation mode, 976

compilation schedule, setting audience, 294–295

compliance officer, 351

compliance requirements document, 350

conditional branch, 1034

Conditional Formatting, 1005

conditions, 1027–1029

confidentiality, 499. See also privacy; security policy

configurable, 200

Configuration Wizard

application pools, 141–142

complete Wizard input, 135–136

create Central Administration Web application, 134–135

create new farm, 133

modifying farm, 139

moving to Central Administration, 136

registration changes, 141

server farm connection, 132

Web sites, 141–142

Welcome page, 131

Configure Database Connection Wizard, 995–996

Configure Document Conversions page, 399

Configure InfoPath Forms Services, 726–727

Configure Profile Import page, 245–246

Configure Search Settings page, 566–567

Connect To A Server Farm page, 815

consolidation, benefits of, 66

Contact Details Web Part, 1067

Contacts Web Parts, 1059


caching, 400–404

defined, 766–764

deploying, 116–117

deploying SharePoint portals, 66–67

Enterprise Content Management (EMC) services, 66

identifying, need translation, 114

managing, 67–70

redistributing, as needed, 834

reorganizing and consolidating, 65–66

reusable, 394

separating, and permission, 385–386

submitting, to Records Center, 373–377

surveying current, 55–56

targeting, using audiences, 296–297

using Audiences to target, 650–653

See also document(s); Records Center

Content and Structure Reports list, 394

content-based evidence, 1103–1104

content database

associate multiple databases with Web application, 206, 210–211

configuring additional, 210–211

function of, 138

organizing and resizing, 802–803

content database migration

alternatives and tradeoffs, 838–839

description of, 796–799

no upgraded search settings during, 849

performing, 827–830

of SharePoint Portal Server 2003 Web sites, 866–867

content deployment

defined, 175

how languages and variations affect, planning, 116–117

paths and jobs, 177–181

settings for, 176–177

task description, 157

Content Deployment Settings management page, 407–408

Content Editor Web Part (CEWP), 831, 1067

content index, 560

content management

features of, 4

records and document management, 8–9

rights management, 10

Web content, 8

Content Management Assessment Tool Report Workbook, 773

Content Management Server 2002

migrating from, to SharePoint Server 2007

administrator-oriented migration tasks, 766

CMS Assessment Tool, 771–787

code migration phase, 765

content migration phase, 763–764

developer-oriented migration tasks, 766–767

Incremental migration option, 766

migration steps summary, 788–793

overview, 759–760

In Place migration option, 765

reasons to migrate, 760–763

SharePoint Server 2007 content migration, 766–771

Side by Side migration option, 765

Content Management Server migration link, 768

Content Management Server Publishing API, 767, 772

Content Management Server 2002 Publishing API, 792–793

Content Management Server 2002 Service Pack 2, 789

content manager, 351

content migration

overview, 767–771

running jobs, 770–771

content migration phase, 763–764

content pages, 28, 972–973, 977

content placeholder definition, 971

content placeholders, 971, 973–975. See also master page(s)

Content Query Web Part, 1066

content recovery

Command-Line tool stsadm.exe, 1084–1085

defined, 1082

document versioning, 1083

restoring to alternate server farm, 1086–1087

two-stage Recycle Bin for documents and lists, 1083–1084

Content Repository, 759, 772–773

Content Rollup Web Parts, 1060–1062

content source(s)

adding, 443–444

creating and managing, 566–577

defined, 557

planning, 570

specifying account to use when crawling, 574

types of, 559–560, 569–570

WFE topology for crawling, 629

Content Source Scope, 592

Content Type Binding element, 905

Content Type Configuration page, 518

Content Type element, 905

content type IDs, 512–513

content type(s)

adding, to document library, 520–528

associating documents with, 529–532

associating page layout with, 389

attaching workflow to, 535–542

configurations, 505

configuration setting in document library, 524

configuration settings for, in document library, 524

configuring columns for, 518–520

configuring document library views for multiple, 528–529

creating, 513–534

creating and managing, 354–355

default, 506–508

defined, 15, 354, 503

extending, 534–645

IDs, 512–513

inheritance for, 354–355

inheritance model, 508–511

introducing, 503–513

and Pages document library, 389

permissions for creating and modifying, 514

removing from document library, 526–527

searching by using, 546–550

setting document templates order and default, 527–528

site settings for access to gallery, 515

uploading multiple documents to multiple, document library, 532

uploading new document template for, 525

using, to format e-mail, 542–545

versioning and modifications to existing, 532–534

See also Form library; page layout

context, 44

contextual relevance, 4

Contributor Group Properties window, 965

Contributor Settings

adding, to site templates, 970

configuring, 962–969

Creating Pages, 966–967

determining, 964

Editing, 967

Folders, 965

Formatting window, 968

General, 965

Images, 968–969

SharePoint, 969

Contributor Settings Alert message box, 963

Contributor Settings window, 963

control element, 905

conversion. See document conversion

core actions, 1029–1031

Corporate Intranet Site, 5. See also portal

Corporate Intranet site template, 5

corporate portals, 66–67

corpus, 573

costs, hardware and software, 53

Counter Logs, 451–452


defined, 450

selecting, 461–462

See also entries for specific counter types

crawled properties, mapping, 445–447

Crawled Property Selection dialog box, 446, 590–591

crawler, 559–560, 626–627

crawler impact rules, 562

Crawler Impact Rules, 576–577, 624–625

crawler process, 561–562


desktop search, 557

enterprise search, 557

Internet search, 558

intranet search, 557

See also search administration

Crawl Log, 573, 579–582

Crawl Log page, 580

crawl rules

administering, 574

Crawler Impact Rules, 576–577

crawling complex URLs, 575–576

importance of, 562

specifying account to use when crawling content source, 574

upgrading and, 849

crawl schedule, 444, 572–573, 849

Create A New Master Page window, 979

Create Content Deployment Job page, 180

Create Migration Profile page, 769–770

Create New List Item dialog box, 1032

Create New Web Application page, 194

Create Or Configure This Farm's Shared Services, 259

Create Or Extend Web Application page, 194–195

Create Scope configuration page, 547

Create Scope Display Group page, 593–594

Create Scope page, 585–586

Creating Pages window, 966–967

credentials authentication mode, 422–423

critical services placement, 75

CRM. See Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

cross-scope Feature activation, 930

cryptic errors, 483–484

CSS. See cascading style sheets (CSS)

CSS IntelliSense feature, 988–989

CSS report, 1009

CSS style settings, 968

Current User Web Part, 1064

Custom Action element, 906

Custom Action Group element, 906

custom activities, 1037–1039

custom ASP.NET pages, 752

custom branding, 854

customer content type group, 510

Customer Relationship Management (CRM), 414

customization, 978

customized pages. See unghosted (customized) pages

custom metadata. See content type(s)

custom placeholders, migrate, 792

custom site definitions. See site definition(s)

custom site templates, 875

Custom Source profile import selection, 245

custom survey variable, 1031

Custom Task Wizard, 1031

Custom Workflow, 375–376

Microsoft Office Sharepoint Server 2007 Administrator's Companion
MicrosoftВ® Office SharePointВ® Server 2007 Administrators Companion
ISBN: 0735622825
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 299

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