ProblemYou want to write a script that gathers input from a user. SolutionCreate a form from within your script and send it to the user. The script can arrange to have itself invoked again to process the form's contents when the user fills it in and submits it. DiscussionWeb forms are a convenient way to enable your visitors to submit information such as a set of search keywords, a completed survey result, or a response to a questionnaire. Forms are also beneficial for you as a developer because they provide a structured way to associate data values with names by which to refer to them. A form begins and ends with <form> and </form> tags. Between those tags, you can place other HTML constructs, including special elements that become input fields in the page that the browser displays. The <form> tag that begins a form should include two attributes, action and method. The action attribute tells the browser what to do with the form when the user submits it. This will be the URL of the script that should be invoked to process the form's contents. The method attribute indicates to the browser what kind of HTTP request it should use to submit the form. The value will be either get or post, depending on the type of request you want the form submission to generate. Section 19.5 discusses the difference between these two request methods; for now, we'll always use post. Most of the form-based web scripts shown in this chapter share some common behaviors:
This approach isn't the only one you can adopt, of course. One alternative is to place a form in a static HTML page and have it point to the script that processes the form. Another is to have one script generate the form and a second script process it. If a form-creating script wants to have itself invoked again when the user submits the form, it should determine what its own pathname within the web server tree is and use that value for the action attribute of the opening <form> tag. For example, if a script is installed as /cgi-bin/myscript in your web tree, you could write the <form> tag like this: <form action="/cgi-bin/myscript" method="post"> However, each of our language APIs provides a way for a script to obtain its own pathname. That means no script needs to have its pathname hardwired into it, which gives you greater latitude to install the script where you want. PerlIn Perl scripts, the module provides three methods that are useful for creating <form> elements and constructing the action attribute. start_form( ) and end_form( ) generate the opening and closing form tags, and url( ) returns the script's own pathname. Using these methods, a script generates a form like this: print start_form (-action => url (), -method => "post"); # ... generate form elements here ... print end_form (); start_form( ) supplies a default request method of post, so you can omit the method argument if you're constructing post forms. RubyIn Ruby scripts, create a cgi object, and use its form method to generate a form. The method arguments provide the <form> tag attributes, and the block following the method call provides the form content. To get the script pathname, use the SCRIPT_NAME member of the ENV hash: cgi.out { cgi.form("action" => ENV["SCRIPT_NAME"], "method" => "post") { # ... generate form elements here ... } } The form method supplies a default request method of post, so you can omit the method argument if you're constructing post forms. The script pathname is also available from the cgi.script_name method. PHPIn PHP, a script's pathname can be obtained from the PHP_SELF member of the $HTTP_SERVER_VARS array or the $_SERVER array. Unfortunately, checking multiple sources of information is a lot of fooling around just to get the script pathname in a way that works reliably for different versions and configurations of PHP, so a utility routine to get the path is useful. The following function, get_self_path( ), shows how to use $_SERVER if it's available and fall back to $HTTP_SERVER_VARS otherwise. The function thus prefers the most recently introduced language features, but still works for scripts running under older versions of PHP: function get_self_path () { global $HTTP_SERVER_VARS; $val = NULL; if (isset ($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"])) $val = $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; else if (isset ($HTTP_SERVER_VARS["PHP_SELF"])) $val = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS["PHP_SELF"]; return ($val); } $HTTP_SERVER_VARS is a global variable, but must be declared as such explicitly using the global keyword if used in a nonglobal scope (such as within a function). $_SERVER is a "superglobal" array and is accessible in any scope without being declared as global. The get_self_path( ) function is part of the Cookbook_Webutils.php library file located in the lib directory of the recipes distribution. If you install that file in a directory that PHP searches when looking for include files, a script can obtain its own pathname and use it to generate a form as follows: include "Cookbook_Webutils.php"; $self_path = get_self_path (); print ("<form action=\"$self_path\" method=\"post\">\n"); # ... generate form elements here ... print ("</form>\n"); PythonPython scripts can get the script pathname by importing the os module and accessing the SCRIPT_NAME member of the os.environ object: import os print "<form action=\"" + os.environ["SCRIPT_NAME"] + "\" method=\"post\">" # ... generate form elements here ... print "</form>" JavaIn JSP pages, the request path is available through the implicit request object that the JSP processor makes available. Use that object's geTRequestURI( ) method as follows: <form action="<%= request.getRequestURI () %>" method="post"> <%-- ... generate form elements here ... --%> </form> See AlsoThe examples shown in this section have an empty body between the opening and closing form tags. For a form to be useful, you'll need to create body elements that correspond to the types of information that you want to obtain from users. It's possible to hardwire these elements into a script, but Recipes Section 19.2 and Section 19.3 describe how MySQL can help you create the elements on the fly based on information stored in your database. |