
Now that you understand the fundamentals of HTTP and the basic techniques for addressing the problems of state and authentication, you can examine the problem domain of enterprise Web applications. There are several technology constraints as well as some high-level design concepts that drive modern Web application design. Enterprise Web applications can be quite complex, and it's worthwhile to explore some reasons these systems tend toward complicated designs. The following sections discuss some common drivers toward abstraction in the Web problem domain, and you learn about common architecture decisions for Web applications.


As programmers perfect their skills, naturally they try to make their jobs easier by writing reusable code and creating tools and frameworks. Web programming has a lot of redundant code, so Web programmers tend to create frameworks to abstract out the redundancy.

For example, say a Web site has 20 different actions users can perform, such as checking a balance, paying a bill, and reporting a fraudulent charge. A straightforward implementation might have 20 different servlets, one for each user action, and a considerable amount of overlapping code. All the servlets need to check that users are authenticated and authorized for various resources; they all need to access the database and the session; and they all need to present HTML results to users. One simple refactoring would be moving common functions into objects that all the servlets use. This would get rid of a lot of redundant code for tasks such as authentication and make the application easier to maintain, as changes need to be made in only one place. There are plenty of other opportunities for refactoring out redundant code. For example, the programmer might observe that some servlets behave similarly and decide to merge them into one servlet that behaves differently based on a configuration file.

What does abstraction mean from a security perspective? These kinds of modifications are usually beneficial because they increase an application's consistency, readability, and simplicity, all of which are usually good for security. That said, it's possible to overdo it. There's something to be said for having highly related sections of code located close to each other. It's easy to abstract out functionality so that security-critical logic is spread out over multiple files. When this is done in a way that makes it difficult to remember the application's entire control flow, developers increase the risk of a flaw caused by incorrect logic across multiple modules.

Presentation Logic

Presentation logic is code that's primarily concerned with displaying and formatting data, as opposed to business- or application-oriented logic that's responsible for tasks such as communicating with databases or authenticating users. Web application development is often a collaborative effort between graphical designers and application programmers, so this division can make sense from a logistical perspective. If the presentation code can be cleanly divorced from the rest of the code, Web application programmers can be responsible for performing the correct actions on the back end and getting the correct data to the presentation logic, and the more graphically oriented designers can be responsible for laying out the presentation of the data and making sure it looks appealing.

In a Web application, this separation between presentation and application logic can generally be accomplished by having each page first call into other code to perform the necessary processing and gather the required data. The application programmer creates this first part of the code, which is responsible for performing actions users request and then filling out a data structure. The second part of the code, the presentation logic, is responsible for rendering the contents of the data structure into HTML.

XML can be used for this purpose, too; application developers can write code that presents an XML document to the presentation logic. This presentation logic could be an XSLT stylesheet written by a designer that instructs the server how to render the data into HTML.

Business Logic

The programs that make up a Web application have to deal with the vagaries of a HTTP/HTML-based user interface as well as the actual business logic that drives the site. Business logic is a somewhat nebulous term, but it generally refers to procedures and algorithms an application performs that directly relate to business items and processes. For example, in a banking Web site, business logic includes tasks such as looking up bank accounts, enforcing rules for money transfers, and verifying a request for a credit limit increase. Business logic doesn't include tasks related to the Web site infrastructure or interface, such as expiring a user's token, making sure a user is authenticated to the Web site, formatting HTML output, and handling missing form input in a user request.

Another related concept is business objects, which encapsulate business logic in an object-oriented framework. For example, a banking site might define business objects such as Customer, Account, and TRansfer, and define methods that carry out business logic, such as Account.getStatement() and TRansfer.Validate().

N-Tier Architectures

Many enterprise Web applications are constructed with multiple tiers, in which Web site functionality is divided into separate components and distributed across multiple servers, as shown in Figure 17-3.

Figure 17-3. N-tier architecture

The client tier is usually a client's Web browser, although some Web applications might have Java applets or other client-side code that performs user interface functions. Mobile phones are also included in this tier. For Web services, the client tier can include normal client applications that talk to the Web server via Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). (Web services and SOAP are discussed more in Chapter 18.)

The Web tier is essentially the Web server. This tier is typically responsible for handling user requests, dispatching requests to the business logic, handling the results from the business logic, and rendering results into HTML for end users. The Web tier is composed of Web server software; application code such as ASP, PHP, or Java servlets; and HTML and any accompanying presentation logic.

The business tier handles the business logic of a Web application. This tier handles requests from the Web tier to perform business functions. It's often implemented by using an application server that hosts business objects. These objects are implemented as software components, such as COM objects, Web services, or JavaBeans. Java, .NET, and Visual Basic are popular choices for this functionality.

The data tier handles storing and retrieving data for the Web application. It typically includes machines that run a relational database management system (RDBMS) and legacy machines containing enterprise data. The business tier talks to the data tier to retrieve the data needed to carry out the business logic. The Web tier might also talk to the data tier if it needs to handle user authentication and session management.

Client tiers are usually nothing more than users with Web browsers on the Internet. Many Web applications combine the Web tier and the business tier into one tier and implement all Web site functionality in programs that run on the Web server. This approach is usually a solid choice for small to medium applications. The data tier is usually a database server running on its own machine or a mainframe with some sort of middleware bridge, such as Open Database Connectivity (ODBC); however, some smaller sites place the database server directly on the Web server.

Applications with multiple business and data tiers aren't uncommon, especially in the financial sector. An extreme, real-world example of this multitiered architecture is a Web system composed of a Java servlet Web tier talking to a Web Services business tier written in Visual Basic, talking to a COM object business tier written in Visual Basic, talking to a COM object business tier written in C++, talking to a proprietary business tier server written in C++, talking to a back-end business tier running on a legacy system. The security logic for a lot of the system is located on the legacy system, which effectively relegated an audit of several hundred thousand lines of source code to a black box test.

Business Tier

The business tier is typically an application server containing object-oriented software components that encapsulate the Web application's business logic. For example, if a user logs in to a banking Web site, the Web tier would probably handle authentication and setting up the user session. It would then tell the business tier that a user logged in via an RPC-style message or object invocation. This notification could cause the business tier to create a User object, which would contact the back-end database to retrieve information about that user, such as the user's account numbers. The User object could in turn create Account objects for all that user's accounts. Those Account objects could contact the database to retrieve account information about the user's accounts. These objects stay alive in the business tier and keep the account information in memory, anticipating a request from the Web tier.

If the user later clicks a link for a checking account balance inquiry, the Web tier brokers the request and then requests an account overview from the business tier. The business tier then retrieves that information from the appropriate Account object and hands it directly to the Web tier.

The business tier is responsible for maintaining its own state across requests from the Web tier. Business objects usually stay alive in memory until their corresponding users log out from the Web site. Ideally, the business tier should be independent from the Web tier. If another application needs access to the same business information or functionality, it should be able to interface directly with the business tier. Therefore, distributed component technologies, such as Web Services, can work well to facilitate this degree of interoperability, although simpler technologies are often chosen for the sake of performance.

Separating business logic from the application logic for the Web site is a common design decision for large-scale applications. This design choice has many advantages and a few disadvantages. A design with this added layer has attractive characteristics from an object-oriented software engineering perspective, as it seems more amenable to maintenance and potential reuse, and the division seems logical. However, this separation can obfuscate the security impact of decisions made at higher layers.

In general, if the business logic code is self-contained, it should be easier to write and maintain. It should also simplify the Web application code because it's primarily concerned with maintaining state, displaying output, and verifying authentication and authorization, with the exception of a few straightforward calls to business objects to perform business-oriented tasks.

Separating business logic from the rest of the functionality has potential disadvantages, however. If business objects have a sequence of events that must occur in a particular order across multiple user requests, such as a multistep process for making a credit card payment, you effectively have two state machines that have to be kept in sync. The Web tier needs to be robust enough to call the business object methods only in the correct order, regardless of the sequencing of events users attempt. It also needs to reset or roll back the transaction in the business object when errors occur. Business objects becoming out of sync with the Web tier could lead to denial-of-service conditions and security exposures.

Threading issues can also be more subtle with business objects. If you have multiple threads or hosts in the Web tier using the same business object at the same time, the potential for race conditions and desynchronization attacks can increase.

Web Tier: Model-View-Controller

Enterprise Web applications often further divide up functionality in the Web tier. This division is often done via the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture pattern, which describes a user interface as being composed of three different modules. It's not a Web-specific model; it actually originated in the Smalltalk language and is used for general-purpose user interface design. It's just that the Web development community, or at least the Java Web development community, has embraced the MVC model for enterprise Web application development. Figure 17-4 shows this model. The dashed lines represent an indirect relationship, and the solid lines indicate a direct relationship. The MVC components are described in the following sections.

Figure 17-4. Mode- View-Controller (MVC) architecture


The Model component is software that models the underlying business processes and objects of a Web site. It corresponds to the business logic of an enterprise Web application. In an n-tier architecture with a separate business tier, the Model component refers to the software in the Web tier that's responsible for driving interaction with the business tier.


The View component is responsible for rendering the model's contents into a view for the user. It corresponds to the Web site's presentation logic.


The Controller component takes user input and commands the model or View component to act on the input. In a Web application, this component is a piece of code that maps Web requests to model actions, and then selects the correct view based on the results of the model's processing.

In a multitier MVC Web application, the Controller software handles requests from users. Based on these requests, the Controller calls the correct model action to handle the request. The model then calls business objects in the business tier, which may or may not proceed to call to the back-end data tier. The model interprets responses from the business tier and populates itself with that information. The Controller then chooses the view based on results from the model, and the View component renders the model's data back to the client.

The Art of Software Security Assessment. Identifying and Preventing Software Vulnerabilities
The Art of Software Security Assessment: Identifying and Preventing Software Vulnerabilities
ISBN: 0321444426
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 194 © 2008-2017.
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