
Before describing the various configuration interfaces, I should point out that it is highly recommended to run defconfig before doing anything else. I describe exactly why later in this section, but, for now, suffice it to say that doing so will give you a UML configuration that is much more likely to boot and run.

There are a variety of kernel configuration interfaces, ranging from the almost completely hands-off oldconfig to the graphical and fairly user-friendly xconfig. Here are the major choices.

  • xconfig presents a graphical kernel configuration, with a tree view of the configuration on one side. Selecting a branch there displays the options on that branch in another pane. Selecting one of these options displays the help for that option in a third pane.

Clicking repeatedly on an option causes it to cycle through its possible settings. Normally, these choices are Enable versus Disable or Enable versus Modular versus Disable. Enable means that the option is built into the final kernel binary, Disable means that it's simply turned off, and Modular means that the option is compiled into a kernel module that can be inserted into the kernel at some later point. Some options have numeric or string values. Double-clicking on these opens a little pane in which you can type a new value. The main menu for the UML configuration is shown in Figure 11.1.

Figure 11.1. The xconfig configurator

  • menuconfig presents the same menu organization as text in your terminal window. Navigation is done by using the up and down arrow keys and by typing the highlighted letters as shortcuts. The Tab key cycles around the Select, Exit, and Help buttons at the bottom of the window. Choosing Select enters a submenuExit leaves it and returns to the parent menu. Help displays the help for the current option. Hitting the spacebar will cycle through the settings for the current option. Empty brackets next to an option mean that it is disabled. An asterisk in the brackets means that it is enabled, and an "M" means that it is a module. When you are done choosing options, you select the Exit button repeatedly until you exit the top-level menu and are asked whether to keep this configuration or discard it. Figure 11.2 shows menuconfig running in an xterm window displaying the main UML-specific configuration menu.

    Figure 11.2. The xconfig configurator

  • config is the simplest of the interactive configuration options. It asks you about every configuration option, one at a time. On a native x86 kernel, this is good for a soul-deadening afternoon. For UML, it's not nearly as bad, but this is still not the configuration method of choice.

    Some lesser-known configuration choices are useful in some situations.

  • gconfig is a graphical configurator that's similar to xconfig. It's based on the GTK toolkit (which underlies the GNOME desktop environment) rather than the QT toolkit (which underlies the KDE desktop environment) as xconfig is. gconfig's behavior is nearly the same as xconfig's with the exception that checkboxes invite you to click on them, but they do nothing when you do. Instead, there are N, M, and Y columns on the right, as shown in Figure 11.3, which you can click in order to set options.

    Figure 11.3. The gconfig configurator

  • oldconfig is one of the mostly noninteractive configurators. It gives you a default configuration, with values taken from .config in the kernel tree if it's there, from the host's own configuration, or from the architecture's default configuration when all else fails. It does ask about options for which it does not have defaults.

  • randconfig provides a random configuration. This is used to test the kernel build rather than to produce a useful kernel.

  • defconfig provides a default configuration, using the defaults provided by the architecture.

  • allmodconfig provides a configuration in which everything that can be configured as a module is. This is used either to get the smallest possible kernel binary for a given configuration or to test the kernel build procedure.

  • allnoconfig provides a configuration with everything possible disabled. This is also used for kernel build testing rather than for producing useful kernels.

One important thing to remember throughout this process is that any time you run make in a UML pool, it is essential to put ARCH=um on the command line. This is because UML is a different architecture from the host, just like PowerPC (ppc) is a different architecture from PC (i386). UML's architecture name in the kernel pool is um. I dropped the l from uml because I considered it redundant in a Linux kernel pool.

Because the kernel build procedure will build a kernel for the machine on which it's running unless it's told otherwise, we need to tell it otherwise. This is the purpose of the ARCH=um switchit tells the kernel build procedure to build the um architecture, which is UML, rather than the host architecture, which is likely i386.

If you forget to add the ARCH=um switch at any point, as all of us do once in a while, the tree is likely to be polluted with host architecture data. I clean it up like this:

host% make mrproper host% make mrproper ARCH=um

This does a full clean of both UML and the host architectures so that everything that was changed is cleaned up. Then, restart by redoing the configuration.

So, with that in mind, you can configure the UML kernel with something as simple as this:

host% make defconfig ARCH=um

This will give you the default configuration, which is recommended if this is the first time you are building UML. In this case, feel free to skip over to where we build UML. Otherwise, I'm going to talk about a number of UML-specific configuration options that are useful to know.

I recommend starting with defconfig before fine-tuning the UML configuration with another configurator. This is because, when starting with a clean tree, the other configurators look for a default configuration to start with. Unfortunately, they look in /boot and find the configuration for the host kernel, which is entirely unsuitable for UML. Using a configuration that started like this is likely to give you a UML that is missing many essential drivers and won't boot. Running defconfig as the first step, before anything else, will start you off with the default UML configuration. This configuration will boot, and the configuration you end up with after customizing it will likely boot as well. If it doesn't, you know what configuration changes you made and which are likely to have caused the problem.

Useful Configuration Options

Execution Mode-Specific Options

A number of configuration options are related to UML's execution mode. These are largely associated with tt mode, which may not exist by the time you read this. But it may still be present, and you may have to deal with a version of UML that has it.

  • MODE_TT and MODE_SKAS are the main options controlling UML's execution mode. They decide whether support for tt and skas modes, respectively, are compiled into the UML kernel. skas0 mode is part of MODE_SKAS. With MODE_TT disabled, tt mode is not available. Similarly, with MODE_SKAS disabled, skas3 and skas0 modes are not available. If you know you don't need one or the other, disabling an option will result in a somewhat smaller UML kernel. Having both enabled will produce a UML binary that tests the host's capabilities at runtime and chooses its execution mode accordingly.

    Given a UML with skas0 support, MODE_TT really isn't needed since skas0 will run on a standard, unmodified host. This used to be the rationale for tt mode, but skas0 mode makes it obsolete. At this point, the only reason for tt mode is to see if a UML problem is skas specific. In that case, you'd force UML to run in tt mode and see if the problem persists. Aside from this, MODE_TT can be safely disabled.

  • STATIC_LINK forces the build to produce a statically linked binary. This is an option only when MODE_TT is disabled because a UML kernel with tt mode compiled in must be statically linked. With tt mode absent, the UML kernel is linked dynamically by default. However, as we saw in the last chapter, a statically linked binary is sometimes useful, as it simplifies setting up a chroot jail for UML.

  • NEST_LEVEL makes it possible to run one UML inside another. This requires a configuration option because UML maps code and data into its own process address spaces in tt and skas0 modes. In tt mode, the entire UML kernel is present. In skas0 mode, there are just the two stub pages.

    When the UML process is another instance of UML, they will both want to load that data at the same location in the address space unless something is done to change that. NEST_LEVEL changes that. The default value is 0. By changing it to 1, you will build a UML that can run inside another UML instance. It will map its data lower in its process address spaces than the outer UML instance, so they won't conflict with each other.

    This is a total nonissue with skas3 mode since the UML kernel and its processes are in different address spaces. You can run a skas3 UML inside another UML without needing to specially configure either one.

  • HOST_2G_2G is necessary for running a tt or skas0 UML on hosts that have the 2GB/2GB address space split. With this option enabled on the host, the kernel occupies the upper 2GB of the address space rather than the usual 1GB. This is uncommon but is sometimes done when the host kernel needs more address space for itself than the 1GB it gets by default. This allows the kernel to directly access more physical memory without resorting to Highmem.

    The downside of this is that processes get only the lower 2GB of address space, rather than the 3GB they get normally. Since UML puts some data into the top of its process address spaces in both tt and skas0 modes, it will try to access part of the kernel's address space, which is not allowed. The HOST_2G_2G option makes this data load into the top of a 2GB address space.

  • CMDLINE_ON_HOST is an option that makes UML management on the host slightly easier. In tt mode, UML will make the process names on the host reflect the UML processes running in them, making it easy to see what's happening inside a UML from the host. This is accomplished through a somewhat nasty trick that ensures there is space on the initial UML stack to write this information so that it will be seen on the host. However, this trick, which involves UML changing its arguments and exec-ing itself, confuses some versions of gdb and makes it impossible to debug UML. Since this behavior is specific to tt mode, it is not needed when running in skas mode, even if tt mode support is present in the binary.

    This option controls whether the exec takes place. Disabling it will disable the nice process names on the host, but those are present only in tt mode anyway.

  • PT_PROXY is a tt modespecific debugging option. Because of the way that UML uses ptrace in tt mode, it is difficult to use gdb to debug it. The tracing thread uses ptrace on all of the other threads, including when they are running in the kernel. gdb uses ptrace in order to control the process it has debugged, and two processes can't simultaneously use ptrace on a single process.

    In spite of this, it is possible to run gdb on a UML thread, in a clever but fairly nasty way. The UML tracing thread uses ptrace on gdb, intercepting its system calls. It emulates some of them in order to fake gdb into believing that it has successfully attached to a UML process and is controlling it. In reality, gdb isn't attached to or controlling anything. The UML tracing thread is actually controlling the UML thread, intercepting gdb operations and performing them itself.

    This behavior is enabled with the PT_PROXY operation. It gets its name from the ptrace operation proxying that the UML tracing thread does in order to enable running gdb on a tt mode UML. At runtime, this is invoked with the debug switch. This causes the tracing thread to start an xterm window with the captive gdb running inside it.

    Debugging a skas mode UML with gdb is much simpler. You can simply start UML under the control of gdb and debug it just as you would any other process.

  • The KERNEL_HALF_GIGS option controls the amount of address space that a tt mode UML takes for its own use. This is similar to the host 2GB/2GB option mentioned earlier, and the motivation is the same. A larger kernel virtual address space allows it to directly access more physical memory without resorting to Highmem.

    The value for this option is an integer, which specifies how many half-gigabyte units of address space that UML will take for itself. The default value is 1increasing to 2 would cause UML to take the upper 1GB, rather than .5GB, for itself.

    In skas mode, with tt mode disabled, this is irrelevant. Since the kernel is in its own address space, it has a full process address space for its own use, and there's no reason to want to carve out a large chunk of its process address spaces.

Generic UML Options

A number of other configuration options don't depend on UML's execution mode. Some of these are shared with other Linux architectures but differ in interesting ways, while others are unique to UML.

  • The SMP and NR_CPUS options have the same meaning as with any other architectureSMP controls whether the UML kernel will be able to support multiple processors, and NR_CPUS controls the maximum number of processors the kernel can use.

    However, SMP on UML is different enough from SMP on physical hardware to warrant a discussion. Having an SMP virtual machine is completely independent from the host being SMP. An SMP UML instance has multiple virtual processors, which do not map directly to physical processors on the host. Instead, they map directly to processes on the host. If the UML instance has more virtual processors than the host has physical processors, the virtual processors will just be multiplexed on the physical ones by the host scheduler. Even if the host has the same or a greater number of processors than the UML instance, it is likely that the virtual processors will get timesliced on physical processors anyway, due to other demands on the host.

    An SMP UML instance can even be run on a uniprocessor host. This will lose the concurrency that's possible on an SMP host, but it does have its uses. Since having multiple virtual processors inside the UML instance translates into an equal number of potentially running processes on the host, a greater number of virtual processors provides a greater call on the host's CPU consumption. A four-CPU UML instance will be able to consume twice as much host CPU time as a two-CPU instance because it has twice as many processes on the host possibly running.

    Running an SMP instance on a host with a different number of processors is also useful for kernel debugging. The multiplexing of virtual processors onto physical ones can open up timing holes that wouldn't appear on a physical system. This can expose bugs that would be very hard or impossible to find on physical hardware.

    NR_CPUS limits the maximum number of processors that an SMP kernel will support. It does so by controlling the size of some internal data structures that have NR_CPUS elements. Making NR_CPUS unnecessarily large will waste some memory and maybe some CPU time by making the CPU caches less effective but is otherwise harmless.

  • The HIGHMEM option also means the same thing as it does on the host. If you need more physical memory than can be directly mapped into the kernel's address space, what's left over must be Highmem. It can't be used for as many purposes as the directly mapped memory, and it must be mapped into the kernel's address space when needed and unmapped when it's not. Highmem is perfect for process memory on the host since that doesn't need to be mapped into the kernel's address space.

    This is true for tt mode UML instances, as well, since they follow the host's model of having the kernel occupy its process address spaces. However, for skas UML instances, which are in a different address space entirely, kernel access to process memory that has been mapped from the Highmem area is slow. It has to temporarily map the page of memory into its address space before it has access to it. This is one of the few examples of an operation that is faster in tt mode than in skas mode.

    The mapping operation is also slower for UML than for the host, making the performance cost of Highmem even greater. However, the need for Highmem is less because of the greater amount of physical memory that can be directly mapped into the skas kernel address space.

  • The KERNEL_STACK_ORDER option is UML-specific and is somewhat specialized. It was introduced in order to facilitate running valgrind on UML. valgrind creates larger than normal signal frames, and since UML receives interrupts as signals, signal frames plus the normal call stack have to fit on a kernel stack. With valgrind, they often didn't, due to the increased signal frame size.

    This was later found to be useful in a few other cases. Some people doing kernel development in UML discovered that their code was overflowing kernel stacks. Increasing the KERNEL_STACK_ORDER parameter is useful in demonstrating that their system crashes are due to stack overflows and not something else, and to allow them to continue working without immediately needing to reduce their stack usage.

  • By default, 3_LEVEL_PGTABLES is disabled on 32-bit architectures and enabled on 64-bit architectures. It is not available to be disabled in the 64-bit case, but it can be enabled for a 32-bit architecture. Doing this provides UML with the capability to access more than 4GB of memory, which is the two-level pagetable limit. This provides a way to experiment with very large physical memory UML instances on 32-bit hosts. However, the portion of this memory that can't be directly mapped will be Highmem, with the performance penalties that I have already mentioned.

  • The UML_REAL_TIME_CLOCK option controls whether time intervals within UML are made to match real time as much as possible. This matters because the natural way for time to progress within a virtual machine is virtuallythat is, time progresses within the virtual machine only when it is actually running on the host. So, if you start a sleep for two seconds inside the UML instance and the host does other things for a few seconds before scheduling the instance, then five seconds or so will pass before the sleep ends. This is correct behavior in a sensethings running within the UML instance will perceive that time flows uniformly, that is, they will see that they can consistently do about the same amount of work in a unit of time. Without this, in the earlier example, a process would perceive the sleep ending immediately because it did no work between the start of the sleep and its end since the host had scheduled something else to run.

    In another sense, this is incorrect behavior. UML instances often have people interacting with them, and those people exist in real time. When someone asks for a five-second pause, it really should end in five real seconds, not five virtual ones. This behavior has actually broken tests. Some Perl regression tests run timers and fail if they take too long to expire. They measure the time difference by using gettimeofday, which is tied to the host's gettimeofday. When gettimeofday is real time and interval timers are virtual, there is bound to be a mismatch.

    So, the UML_REAL_TIME_CLOCK option was added to fix this problem. It is enabled by default since that is the behavior that almost everyone wants. However, in some cases it's not desired, so it is a configuration option, rather than hard coded. Intervals are measured by clock ticks, which on UML are timer interrupts from the host. The real-time behavior is implemented by looking at how many ticks should have happened between the last tick and the current one. Then the generic kernel's timer routine is called that many times. This makes the UML clock catch up with the real one, but it does so in spurts. Time stops for a while, and then it goes forward very quickly to catch up.

    When you are debugging UML, you may have it stopped at a gdb prompt for a long time. In this case, you don't want the UML instance to spend time in a loop calling the timer routine. For short periods of time, this isn't noticeable. However, if you leave the debugger for a number of hours before continuing it, there will be a noticeable pause while the virtual clock catches up with the real one.

    Another case is when you have a UML instance running on a laptop that is suspended overnight. When you wake it up, the UML instance will spend a good amount of time catching up with the many hours of real time it missed. In this case, the UML instance will appear to be hung until it catches up. If either of these situations happens enough to be annoying, and real-time timers aren't critical, you can disable this option.

Virtual Hardware Options

UML has a number of device drivers, each with its own configuration option. I'm going to mention a few of the less obvious ones here.

  • The MCONSOLE option enables the MConsole driver, which is required in order to control and configure the instance through an MConsole client. This is on by default and should remain enabled unless you have a good reason to not want it.

  • The MAGIC_SYSRQ option is actually a generic kernel option but is related to MCONSOLE tHRough the MConsole sysrq command. Without MAGIC_SYSRQ enabled, the sysrq command won't work.

  • The UML_RANDOM option enables a "hardware" random number generator for UML. Randomness is often a problem for a server that needs random numbers to seed ssh or https sessions. Desktop machines can rely on the user for randomness, such as the time between keystrokes or mouse movements. Physical servers rely on randomness, such as the time between I/O interrupts, from their drivers, which is sometimes insufficient.

    Virtual machines have an even harder time since they have fewer sources of randomness than physical machines. It is not uncommon for ssh or https key generation to hang for a while until the UML instance acquires enough randomness. The UML random number generator has access to all of the host's randomness from the host's /dev/random, rather than having to generate it all itself. If the host has problems providing enough random numbers, key generation and other randomness-consuming operations will still hang. But they won't hang for as long as they would without this driver.

    In order to use this effectively, you need to run the hwrng tools within the UML instance. This package reads randomness from /dev/hwrng, which is attached to this driver, and feeds it into /dev/random, from where the randomness is finally consumed.

  • The MMAPPER option implements a virtual iomem driver. This allows a host file to be used as an I/O area that is mapped into the UML instance's physical memory. This specialized option is mostly used for writing emulated drivers and cluster interconnects.

    The WATCHDOG and UML_WATCHDOG options implement a "hardware" watchdog for UML. The "hardware" portion of it is a process running outside of UML. This process is started when the watchdog device is opened within the UML instance and communicates with the driver through a pipe. It expects to receive some data through that pipe at least every 60 seconds. This happens when the process inside the UML instance that opened the device writes to it. If the external watchdog process doesn't receive input within 60 seconds, it presumes that the UML instance is hung and takes measures to deal with it.

    If it was told on its command line that there is an MConsole notify socket, it will send a "hang" notification there. (We saw this in Chapter 8.) Otherwise, it will kill the UML instance itself by sending the main process a sufficiently severe signal to shut it down.


A number of networking options control how the UML instance can exchange packets with the host and with other UML instances. UML_NET enables UML networkingit must be enabled for any network drivers to be available at all. The rest each control a particular packet transport, and their names should be self-explanatory:








UML_NET and all of the transport options are enabled by default. Disabling ones that will not be needed will save a small amount of code.


A similar set of console and serial line options control how they can be connected to devices on the host. Their names should also be self explanatory:






The file descriptor channel, which, by default, the main console uses to attach itself to stdin and stdout, is not configurable. It is always on because people were constantly disabling it and sending mail to the UML mailing lists wondering why UML wouldn't boot.

There is an option, SSL, to enable UML serial line support. Serial lines aren't much different from consoles, so having them doesn't do much more than add some variety to the device names through which you can attach to a UML instance.

Finally, the default settings for console zero, the rest of the consoles, and the serial lines are all configurable. These values are strings, and describe what host device the UML devices should be attached to. These, and their default values, are as follows:

  • CON_ZERO_CHAN0,fd:1

  • CON_CHANxterm

  • SSL_CHANpty


I talked about a number of debugging options in the context of tt mode already since they are specific to tt mode. A few others allow UML to be profiled by the gprof and gcov tools. These work only in skas mode since a tt mode UML instance breaks assumptions made by them.

The GPROF option enables gprof support in the UML build, and the GCOV option similarly enables gcov support. These change the compilation flags so as to tell the compiler to generate the code needed for the profiling. In the case of gprof, the generated code tracks procedure calls and keeps statistical information about where the UML instance is spending its time. The code generated for gcov tracks what blocks of code have been executed and how many times they were executed.

A UML profiling run is just like any other process. You start it, exercise it for a while, stop it, and generate the statistics you want. In the case of UML, the profiling starts when UML boots and ends when it shuts down. Running gprof or gcov after that is exactly like running it on any other application.

User Mode Linux
User Mode Linux
ISBN: 0131865056
EAN: 2147483647
Year: N/A
Pages: 116
Authors: Jeff Dike © 2008-2017.
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