ProblemYou want to see what locales are available. SolutionCall Locale.getAvailableLocales( ) . DiscussionA typical runtime may have dozens of locales available. The program ListLocales uses the method getAvailableLocales( ) and prints the list: // File Locale[] list = Locale.getAvailableLocales( ); for (int i=0; i<list.length; i++) System.out.println(list[i]); } } The list is far too long to show here, as you can judge by the first few entries: > java ListLocales en en_US ar ar_AE ar_BH ar_DZ ar_EG ar_IQ ar_JO ar_KW ar_LB ar_LY ar_MA ar_OM ar_QA ar_SA ar_SD ar_SY ar_TN ar_YE be be_BY On my system, the complete list has an even dozen dozen (144) locales, as listed by the command java ListLocales | wc -l. |