Radios. See TVs/radios/VCRs/DVD players
RadioShack, 146
Ralph Lauren, 30–31, 50, 51, 122
Ready 2 Dress (Constantine and Woodall), 115
Real Simple magazine, 108
ReCollections, 157
Recording Industry Association of America, 170–71
Recreational Equipment/REI, 175
Recreation/entertainment/hobbies, 97, 101, 104
audio equipment and stereo systems, 145–47
books/magazines/newsletters, 147–51
computers/software, 151–55
consumer spending on, 141–42
crafts/sewing/knitting/ needlework supplies, 155–58
era of leisure predicted, 142
indulgence and, 36
musical instruments, 158–61
pet accessories, 161–65
photography equipment/ supplies, 165–68
purchase incidence, 144
self-actualization and, 142–43
sporting goods/exercise equipment, 144, 173–76
toys/dolls/games, 177–80
TVs/radios/VCRs/DVD players, 181–83
videos/music/DVDs, prerecorded, 168–72, 131–32
Reid, Charles J., 49
Relaxation, 69–71
Research, of new purchase, 7, 68
Restoration Hardware, 215, 238
Retail, 98–107
see also specific store or product
excess space crisis, 262–64
growth of specialty chains, 263–64
location considerations, 265
sources, 101–4
trade in millions, 99
Retail Brand Alliance, 126
Retail-tainment, 71
Revlon, 131
Revson, Charles, 131
Ritz, Benjamin, 167
Ritz, David, 167
Ritz Camera Centers, 167
Rivers, Mark, 72
Rolex, 50
Ronco Inventions, 27, 28–30
Room sprays, 190
Rooms to Go, 215
Rosenthal, 56
Ross, 136
Ross Simons, 124
Rubbermaid, 33
Rugs. See Textiles, home
Rydin, Craig, 34–35