

Cabela's, 175

Calvin Klein, 52

Candles/candle accessories, 69, 187, 191, 197–200

demographic variables, 199–200

industry snapshot, 197–98

purchase drivers, 198–99

retail overview, 198

Careful indulgers, 39, 44

Carl, Fred, 255

Car ownership, 9

Cartier, 50

Cascade effect, 93

Casual Corner, 126

Casual dress, 128

CD burners, 154

CDW Computer Centers, 153

Chain Store Age magazine, 209

Champs Sports, 174

Chaney, William, 91

Charitable giving, 109

Chico's FAS, 111, 136, 137–38


clothing for, 119–22, 133–35

computer purchases and, 152, 154, 155

musical instruments and, 161

pet accessories and, 165

prerecorded music/videos and, 172

toy purchases for, 179–80

Children's Place, The, 121

China. See Tabletop items

Christian Booksellers Association, 149

Christian Dior, 51, 52

Christmas decorations. See Seasonal decorations

Christmas shopping, 179

Christopher Lowell Show, 156

Christopher Radko, 202

Circuit City, 18, 146, 167

Clark, Maxine, 105–7

Cleaning/cleanliness, 67, 184–85

Clean Sweep, 108

Clothes washer/dryer ownership, 9–10


business casual, 128

infant's/child's, 133–35

men's, 126–29

teen's & tween's, 133–35

women's, 111, 135–40

Cluster analysis, 37–38

Clutter, 186, 189

Coach leather bags, 117–18

Coca-Cola, 53, 78

Cocooning, 96, 107, 185, 196, 206

Collectibles, 83–84, 177

Christmas decorations as, 201

defined, 203

demographic variables, 206–7

industry snapshot, 204–5

purchase drivers, 206

retail overview, 205

Colonial Candle of Cape Cod, 198

Color, 268

Colorado Pen Direct, 222

Community involvement, 111

Competition, 112

Competitive analysis, 17–18

Competitive consumption, 89

CompUSA, 153

Computers/software, 68, 151–55, 250

demographic variables, 154–55

impact on greeting card market, 221

industry snapshot, 151–52

purchase drivers, 154

retail overview, 152–53

Conflicteds, 39, 45–46

Connecting, 107–12

Constantine, Susannah, 115


consumer confidence, 24

motivation/emotion and, 7, 37

motivation study of. See Consumer motivation study

research, 7, 92

spending, 2–3, 5, 110. See also Discretionary spending

Consumer durable purchases, 76

Consumer motivation study, 38–46

bargain hunters, 39, 46

careful indulgers, 39, 44

conflicteds, 39, 45–46

impulsives, 39, 44–45

self-expressives, 39, 42–43

Cooking tools, 186

Cosmetics, 48, 54–55, 57, 129–33, 247

Costco, 263

Country Curtains, 240

Crafts/sewing/knitting/needlework supplies, 155–58

demographic variables, 158

industry snapshot, 156

purchase drivers, 157–58

retail overview, 156–57

Crane & Co., 221–22

Crate & Barrel, 235

Credit card financing, 76

Cross merchandising, 270

Cruz, Penelope, 30

Cultural values, 251

Customer service, 265

Custom framing, 193

Why People Buy Things They Don't Need. Understanding and Predicting Consumer Behavior
Why People Buy Things They Dont Need: Understanding and Predicting Consumer Behavior
ISBN: 0793186021
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 137 © 2008-2017.
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