Now that you've upgraded to dynamic storage, let's create a new volume on that disk. To do so, use the Disk Management utility. Disk Management lets you create, delete, and format partitions on basic drives, and it also enables management of simple and spanned volumes. The process for creating new partitions and new volumes is almost identical, so by learning to create a new volume, you're also essentially learning how to create a new partition. Just follow these steps: 1. | Right-click an area of free space on the dynamic disk in Disk Management and choose Create Volume. The Create Volume Wizard appears. Click Next to continue.
| 2. | Select the type of volume to create, as shown in Figure 4-12. Choose the radio button of the volume you want to create and click the Next button. Note that only the volume types supported by your computer's hardware configuration are available.
Figure 4-12. Select the volume to create. 
| 3. | The Select Disks dialog box appears, where you set the size of your new volume. The maximum volume size possible will be the amount of free space recognized. Choose the size of the volume and the disk you want it created on and then click Next.
| 4. | The Assign Drive Letter or Path dialog box appears next, where you specify a drive letter or choose to mount the volume in an empty folder. See the "Mounting a Drive" sidebar for explanation of the latter.
| 5. | Next, the Format Volume dialog box appears. Here you choose to format the volume with FAT16, FAT32, or NTFS, as shown in Figure 4-13. You can also give the volume a label. The quick format does not scan the disk for potential bad sectors, but instead just rewrites the volume's "Table of Contents." After you've made your choice, click the Next button.
Figure 4-13. Formatting a volume. 
| 6. | The Completing the Create Volume Wizard dialog box appears, summarizing your selections. If you need to make changes, click the Back button to return to the appropriate dialog box. Click Finish to complete the process.
| Mounting a Drive You can also mount a new volume into an existing folder. This creates more room on an existing volume without actually resizing it. It also allows you to store all information, no matter where it's stored, in a single directory hierarchy. For example, if you have a C: drive that you want to store music in, but you can't expand the C: drive's capacity to do so, you could create a new volume of 20GB or so and mount the new volume in an empty folder called Music. In Explorer, the Music folder looks like a drive instead of a folder. Now the C: drive's capacity looks like it's expanded by 20GB, but in reality, any files stored in the Music directory are placed on the new volume. There are two requirements for mounting a drive. The mount point must be an empty folder, and the volume that hosts the mount point folder must be formatted with NTFS. |