Rating and Reviews

Froogle does not actually rate the stores or products. Froogle gets its product ratings information from other merchant sites such as shopping.com, designtechnica.com, pricegrabber.com, and others. Sellers are rated by customers. Sellers and products can be rated from 0 to 5 stars, with 5 stars meaning Excellent and 0 meaning Poor.

Not all the sellers or products are rated. When they do have ratings, the product ratings appear on the left, beneath the product, while the vendor ratings appear beneath the vendor name.

Seller ratings

When a seller is reviewed and rated you see the stars displayed beneath the seller name along with the number of customers that reviewed and rated them.

To see the comments about the seller and why it obtained its rating, click on the stars or the number of sellers rating link. Froogle takes you to a page where you can read customer comments, as shown in Figure 8.9.

image from book
Figure 8.9: Froogle’s review page for eToys

When reviewing the rating, you’ll find the seller’s name highlighted on the left side of the page, under Froogle’s logo. Shown in a box located beneath the seller’s name, is the rating (in stars), also, a numeric version of the rating, and a total of how many reviews were averaged to achieve this rating.

The left side of the page is informational and a way to browse through the comments. The Show section displays information about the reviews. You can click the Positive reviews link to read positive comments left by people about the seller. There are also links to Neutral reviews and Negative reviews. The number of reviews in each category is posted next to each link.

You can search for a term or keyword in all the reviews by typing the keyword in the search box and then clicking Go. For example, when you want to search to see if there is anything wrong with the service or item, type wrong in the box and click Go. If any reviews contain the word wrong, those reviews appear on the results page.

Occasionally, you find an All items from vendor link located below the store name. Clicking this link takes you to a new Froogle page that displays all the items this vendor has registered with Froogle.

Another section located on the left side of the store review page is called Frequently mentioned terms. These terms are the ones that appear frequently within the reviews. This feature is useful in order to see what people are saying frequently about this store.


Some sites add terms at the end of their review such as customer support, customer service, see all ratings, and rating by online, so these terms will appear in the Froogle Frequently mentioned terms.

The Review sources section allows you to see all the sites that Froogle uses to display the store rating. On the right side of the page you can read reviews for the store written by customers. Froogle displays the first ten reviews (if the store has that many). If it has more than ten reviews you can click Next at the bottom of the page to see the next ten. You can sort the reviews by date by clicking the Sort by date link.

Product ratings

Froogle’s product rating page works in a manner similar to the seller rating page. After clicking on the stars or on the numeric rating the review page launches. You will find the box located beneath the Froogle logo that displays the product rating. There are four features located on the left side of the review page. These include:

  • Show

  • Search within the review

  • Frequently mentioned terms

  • Review sources

Read the customer reviews located in the center of the review page. You may find yourself interested in a particular review source. You can group the reviews by source by clicking the Group by review source link.

Google Power Tools Bible
Google Power Tools Bible
ISBN: 0470097124
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 353

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