

AcknowledgementInterval, 152
AcknowledgmentRange, 83
AckRequested, 84
Action, 80
Address, 78
All, 143
AppliesTo, 200
BaseRetransmissionInterval, 152
BinarySecurityToken, 116, 119
Body, 15, 16
Challenge, 198
CoordinationContext, 177, 181
DelegateTo, 201
DeliveryAssurance, 151
DerivedKeyToken, 206
EncryptedData, 59, 116, 124
EncryptedKey, 116, 123
EndpointReference, 7879
Envelope, 15
ExactlyOne, 144
Expires, 82, 152
ExponentialBackoff, 152
FaultTo, 79, 80, 85
Forwardable, 201
From, 79, 80
Header, 15, 7981
InactivityTimeout, 152
Integrity, 199
KeyInfo, 116, 121
LastMessage, 82
MessageID, 80
MessageNumber, 82
OnBehalfOf, 201
OneOrMore, 145
Policy, 78, 154
PolicyAttachment, 154, 155
PolicyReference, 145, 154
PortType, 78, 155
Recipient, 79
ReferenceList, 116, 123
ReferenceProperties, 78
RelatesTo, 80
ReplyTo, 79, 80, 85
RequestEncryption, 200
RequestKeySize, 200
RequestKeyType, 200
RequestProofEncryption, 200
RequestSignatureAlgorithm, 200
Role, 165
Security, 115, 116118, 158159
SecurityContextToken, 203207
SecurityTokenReference, 116, 121
Sequence, 8182
SequenceAcknowledgment, 8384
ServiceName, 78, 165
Signature, 116, 121
SignChallenge, 198
SubjectName, 165
Timestamp, 116, 125, 177
To, 79, 80
TokenIssuer, 164
TokenType, 164, 200
UseKeyRef, 200
UsePublicKey, 200
UsernameToken, 115, 119
UsingPolicy, 155
encapsulation. See DIME (Direct Internet Message Encapsulation); MIME, SOAP Messages with Attachments and EncryptedData element
defined, 116
encrypted attachments example, 59
example, 124
overview, 124
EncryptedKey element
defined, 116
example, 123
overview, 123
encrypting SOAP messages, 135138
EndpointReference element, 7879
endpoints, message, addressing, 7879
Enterprisesec.config file, defined, 33
Envelope element, 15
ExactlyOne element, 144
Expires element, 82, 152
ExponentialBackoff element, 152

Understanding Web Services Specifications and the WSE
Understanding Web Services Specifications and the WSE (Pro Developer)
ISBN: 0735619131
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2006
Pages: 79 © 2008-2017.
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