

DAO (Data Access Object)
benefits, Interoperability Benefits
overview, Using JDBC and ADO.NET to Share Data
pattern, The DAO Pattern
shared session state storage, Deciding Where to Store the Shared Session Data
update operations, Extending the DAO to Include an Update Operation, How the Update Operation Works
Data Access Component (DAC)., see data access object (dao)
Data Access Layer Component (DALC)., see data access object (dao)
Data Access Object (DAO), Summary
benefits, Interoperability Benefits
overview, Using JDBC and ADO.NET to Share Data
pattern, The DAO Pattern
shared session state storage, Deciding Where to Store the Shared Session Data
update operations, Extending the DAO to Include an Update Operation, How the Update Operation Works
data exchange
binary serialization, Using Binary Serialization, Running the Sample Code, Breaking the Sample Code, Can Binary Serialization Ever Be Used for Interoperability?
challenges, Data Exchange Challenges, What Is Serialization?
deserialization, What Is Serialization?
overview, Chapter 3: Exchanging Data Between .NET and Java
performance testing, Introducing the Interoperability Performance Tests, Interoperability Performance TestXML Serialization
recommendations, Data Exchange Recommendations
sample scenario, Our Sample Scenario
serialization, What Is Serialization?
XML parsing, XML Parsing, Limitations of Parsing XML
XML serialization, Using XML Serialization
XML serialization for .NET platform, XML Serialization for the .NET Platform, Serializing an Object to XML, Deserializing an Object from XML
XML serialization for Java platform, XML Serialization for the Java Platform, What About JAXB?
XML serialization type compatibility, Using XML Serialization and Ensuring Type Compatibility, Introducing XML Schema, What Is an XSD?, Creating an XSD, Generating Types from an XSD, Generating a class in Java from the XSD, Using the Generated Classes with XML Serialization, The Java sample code, Starting with a Class, Generating an XSD from an existing class in .NET, XSD Type Mapping
data exchange., see binary data exchange
data passing options, .NET Remoting, Advantages of Using .NET Remoting
data sharing., see also shared databases
data storage, session state, Setting Up the Shared Session State Database, Deciding Where to Store the Shared Session Data
data transfers., see .net remoting
data type compatibility
XML serialization, Using XML Serialization and Ensuring Type Compatibility
data type mappings
.NET vs. Java, Type Mappings
XSD vs. .NET vs. Electric XML, XSD Type Mapping
data types
complex, Data Exchange Challenges
nonexistent, Data Exchange Challenges
pre-existing, XSD tools with, Starting with a Class, Generating an XSD from an existing class in .NET
primitive, Data Exchange Challenges
shared proxy files and, Using the Same Proxy File
testing data exchange, Data Exchange Recommendations
Web services, Define Data Types First, Keep Data Types Simple and Based on XSD
XSD type generation, Generating Types from an XSD, Generating a class in Java from the XSD
data types., see also serialization
database drivers., see managed providers
BizTalk Server, Prerequisites for BizTalk Server 2004 Beta 1, Installing BizTalk Server 2004 Beta 1
shared session state, Setting Up the Shared Session State Database, Deciding Where to Store the Shared Session Data
UDDI, Using UDDI Services in Windows Server 2003
databases., see also shared databases
dbscript.sql, Creating a Sample Database Table
DCOM (Distributed Component object Model)
described, What Is an XML Web Service?
MSMQ-MQSeries bridge messaging, Testing WebSphere MQ to MSMQ Connectivity
Decision shape, BizTalk Server, The Stock Processes Orchestration: Step by Step
decryption, Tracing the Output, How the Samples Work
DecryptionKeyProvider class, How the Samples Work
.NET channels, Chapter 4: Connectivity with .NET Remoting
.NET formatters, Chapter 4: Connectivity with .NET Remoting
credentials, Web service, Configuring Credentials for the .NET Client
queue managers, Configuring WebSphere MQ
delaying call returns, The Sample Code
denial-of-service attacks, Transactions
BizTalk orchestration, Deploying the Orchestration, Starting the Orchestration
deployment descriptors
described, Building and Deploying to a J2EE Application Server
deployment descriptors, MDB, Topic-Driven Interoperability with Message Driven Beans
descriptions, Web service., see uddi (universal description, discovery, and integration)
descriptor files
described, Building and Deploying to a J2EE Application Server
.NET platform, Deserializing an Object from XML
binary, What Is Serialization?, Running the Sample Code
described, What Is Serialization?
Deserialize method, Deserializing an Object from XML
Electric XML, Deserializing an Object from XML
Java platform, Deserializing an Object from XML
Java sample code, Using the Generated Classes with XML Serialization
XML, What Is Serialization?
Deserialize method, How the Sample Code Works, Deserializing an Object from XML
asynchronous calls and, The Sample Code
detail element, How SOAP Defines Exceptions
development, technology-aligned
overview, Technology-Aligned Development
Digest authentication
Web services, Enabling Authentication and Authorization for the .NET Web Service
DIME (Direct Internet Message Encapsulation), DIME and WS-Attachments
DimeAttachment class, Running the .NET Client, Two-Way File Operations
Direct Internet Message Encapsulation (DIME), DIME and WS-Attachments
directories., see also uddi (universal description, discovery, and integration)
Web services, What Is an XML Web Service?
discovery, Web service., see uddi (universal description, discovery, and integration)
disjoint user experiences, avoiding, Avoiding a Disjoint User Experience
roles, Installing ASP.NET on Windows Server 2003
XSD documents, Creating an XSD
distributed applications
technology options, What Is an XML Web Service?
Distributed Component object Model (DCOM)
described, What Is an XML Web Service?
Document class, The Java sample code
document exchange., see binary data exchange
Document Object Model (DOM) parsers, XML Parsing
Document/Literal style, Web servicces, Standardize on a Document/Literal Style
DOM XML parsers, XML Parsing
domain controllers
MSMQ-MQSeries bridge, Architecture Prerequisites for the MSMQ-MQSeries Bridge, Setting Up Sites and MSMQ Routing Support
dotNETWebService directory, Enabling Authentication and Authorization for the .NET Web Service
WebSphere MQ, Downloading and Installing
JDBC, Connecting to Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Using JDBC
duplicating messages, avoiding, Reliable Messaging
dynamic look ups., see uddi (universal description, discovery, and integration)
dynamic routing, WS-Referral

Microsoft. NET and J2EE Interoperability Toolkit
Microsoft .NET and J2EE Interoperability Toolkit (Pro-Developer)
ISBN: 0735619220
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 132
Authors: Simon Guest © 2008-2017.
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