


modifying in DataSet objects, 472-479

updating with CommandBuilder objects, 481-482

data adapter objects, properties of, 454

data binding

of arrays to ListBox controls, 485

to DataGrid controls, 490-500

to ListBox controls, 489-490

overview of, 483-490

data cells, obtaining, 471

data editing, performing with DataGrid controls, 491-497

data from databases, populating DataSet objects with, 467-471

data objects in ADO.NET, purpose of, 436-437

data paging with DataGrid controls, overview of, 497-500

Data Reader class

methods of, 450-451

properties of, 450

Data Reader objects

example of, 451-452

overview of, 449

data sockets. See sockets

database data, populating DataSet objects with, 467-471

Database property of Connection in ADO.NET, explanation of, 440

databases, accessing for BuyDirect application, 550-553

DataBind method, explanation of, 483-484

DataColumn class

overview of, 460

properties of, 460

DataColumn objects, constructing, 465-466

DataGrid controls

automatic column generation in, 562

data binding to, 490-500

data paging with, 497-500

editing data with, 491-497

invoking event handlers in, 496-497

with Update and Cancel buttons, 496-497

using automatic paging with, 497-500

using with EditCategory page of Admin section, 578

using with ShoppingCart page in ASP.NET, 566-568

DataRow class

methods of, 461

overview of, 460

properties of, 461

DataRow objects, creating, 466, 475

DataSet class

methods of, 457

overview of, 456

properties of, 456

DataSet object in ADO.NET

modifying data in, 472-481

overview of, 455

populating programmatically, 463-467

populating with data from databases, 467-471

purpose of, 437

updating, 475

DataSet property of DataTable class, explanation of, 459

DataSetName property of DataSet class, explanation of, 456

DataSource properties, assigning to data sources or collections, 483

DataSource property of Connection in ADO.NET, explanation of, 440

DataTable class

methods of, 459

overview of, 458

properties of, 458-459

DataTable objects

adding DataColumn objects to, 466

using with ShoppingCart page in ASP.NET, 568-570

DataTableCollection class

methods of, 458

overview of, 457

properties of, 458

DataType property of DataColumn class, explanation of, 460

DataView class

methods of, 462

overview of, 461

properties of, 462

DataView objects

using with EditCategory page of Admin section, 578

using with ShoppingCart page in ASP.NET, 568, 570

DboObject class, role in BuyDirect application, 550-552

default page in ASP.NET, using with BuyDirect application, 558

DefaultValue property of DataColumn class, explanation of, 460

DefaultViewManager property of DataSet class, explanation of, 456

DELE FTP command

description of, 342

example of, 350, 372, 382-383

sending to connected FTP servers, 360


declaring, 16

declaring for StyledTextArea control, 24

purpose of, 15

Delete method

of DataRow class, 461

of DataView class, 462

using with Rect object, 314

DeleteChar method of Model class, overview of, 31-32

DeleteCommand property of Data adapter object, explanation of, 454

DeleteDir method of FTP class, example of, 382, 408

DeleteFile method of FTP class, example of, 382-383, 408

DeleteLocalFile method of Form1 class, overview of, 405-406

DeleteRemoteFile method of Form1 class, overview of, 406-409

<deny> element of <authorization> configuration section, explanation of, 541-542

dependents pattern. See Observer design pattern

Depth property of Data Reader classes, explanation of, 450

Deserialize method

of IFormatter interface, 285

of SoapFormatter class, 287-288

design patterns

Command, 126

Memento, 289

Observer, 12-15

Singleton, 135-137

DesignTimeVisible property of SQL command classes, using with ADO.NET, 445

DetectKeyDown method, using with Doggie computer game, 227

digest authentication, explanation of, 528

directories. See also current directory contents, local current directory, remote current directory

changing in connected FTP servers, 398-400

creating in remote current directories, 424-425

creating under local current directories, 422-423

securing with Windows authentication, 528

directory names, obtaining at remote servers, 388-389

DirectoryItem object, constructing with GetDirectoryItem method of Form1 class, 413

DirectoryList property of FTP class, example of, 381

Disconnect method

of Form1 class, 403

of FTP class, 383

DisplayCaret method of View class, overview of, 44-45

DisplayDetails method, using with BuyDirect application, 565

Dispose method

of Connection object in ADO.NET, 441

overriding in FindDialog class, 158

using with Rect object, 314

of View class, 46

Dns class, using with IPAddress instance, 336

DNS names, mapping IP addresses to, 336-337

<!DOCTYPE> tag

external public DTD used with, 106

syntax for, 103

Document class

constructors of, 166

event for, 174

Find method of, 167

GetTextPrinter method of, 167

InitializeComponent method of, 167

IsFilenameUsed method of, 167-168

methods of, 167-173

OnClosing method of, 168

OnGotFocus method of, 168

OnTitleChanged method of, 168

Print method of, 168

PrintPreview method of, 168

properties of, 166-167

RebuildTree method of, 168

Save method of, 169

SaveAs method of, 169-170

SelectLine method of, 170

SetupPage method of, 171

StatusBar property of, 166

Text property of, 167

Title property of, 167

UpdateLineAndColumnNumbers method of, 171

using, 165-174

ValidateDocument method of, 171-173

WriteToLeftPanel method of, 173

WriteToRightPanel method of, 173

DocumentElement property, representing root element with, 154

DoDownload method of FTP class, example of, 383-386

Doggie computer game

animating cat images in, 244-245

blue lines in, 210

capturing key presses in, 227

characters and cell type sin, 213

classes in, 207-208

compiling and running, 253

components of, 205-206

contents of client area in, 222

creating maze for, 209-215

description of, 188

DrawCell method used with, 212-213

drawing current frames in, 222-226

initiating objects in, 220

locating code for, 253

locating code listings for, 208

main loop in, 221-222

mazeData variable used with, 211

moving actors in, 227-230

moving cats in, 239-243

navigating, 210

objective of, 206

performing game logic for, 204

playing, 205-207

processing user input for, 204

removing actors from, 224-225

SetState method and GameManager object used with, 218-220

starting, 217-218

updating positions in, 231-239

Doggie instance in maze, indicating coordinate of, 231

DoggieGame.exe file, accessing, 253

dollar sign ($) in Doggie computer game, meaning of, 214

double forward slashes (//), using with FPIs, 106

DoUpload method of FTP class, example of, 386-388

Download method

of Form1 class, 410

of FTP class, 388

DownloadFile method of Form1 class, overview of, 400, 409-410

DpiX property of Graphics class, explanation of, 266

DpiY property of Graphics class, explanation of, 266

Draw method

calling for Maze class, 229-230

of Dog class, 230

using with Doggie computer game, 221-224

using with Line class, 327-328

DrawActor method, using with Doggie computer game, 226, 230

DrawArea class in UML class diagram editor

capturing MouseMove event with, 281-282

code for, 276-277

compiling, 277

explanation of, 330

DrawCaret method of View class

calling, 51

overview of, 46-47

DrawCell method, using with Doggie computer game, 212-213

DrawEllipse method of Graphics class, overview of, 265


with Brush class, 262

with Color structure, 259-260

with Drawing2D.GraphicsPath class, 267-268

with Font class, 267

with Graphics class, 262-267

with Pen class, 261

with Point structure, 257-258

with Rectangle structure, 259

with Size structure, 258

drawing application, creating, 275-282

drawing coordinates, applying translate transforms to, 274-275

drawing planes, applying rotation to, 273-274

Drawing2D.GraphicsPath class of System.Drawing namespace, overview of, 267-268

DrawLine method of Graphics class, using, 263-264

DrawMembers method

for ClassRect class, 317

for InterfaceRect class, 320

using with Rect object, 312

DrawName method

for ClassRect class, 317

for InterfaceRect class, 320

using with Rect object, 311

DrawNode method, calling for use with XmlViewer component of MDI component, 154-155

DrawNode recursive subroutine, using with XML documents, 120

DrawRectangle method of Graphics class, overview of, 264

DrawString class, example of, 6

DrawString method of Graphics class, overview of, 265

DrawString method, using, 50

DTDs (document type definitions)

checking validity of XML documents with, 103-111

versus schemas, 109-110

Real World. NET Applications
Real-World .NET Applications
ISBN: 1590590821
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 82 © 2008-2017.
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