

ABOR FTP command, description of, 342

Aborted member of

System.Threading.ThreadState enumeration, description of, 191

AbortRequested member of

System.Threading.ThreadState enumeration, description of, 191

abstract coupling, introducing to subjects, 15

AcceptChanges method

of DataRow class, 461

of DataSet class, explanation of, 457

of DataTable class, 459

ACCT FTP command, description of, 340

ACLs (access control lists), viewing, 540

actors in Doggie computer game

determining screen coordinates of, 237

dimensions of, 226

moving, 227-230

removing, 224-225

Add method of DataTableCollection class, explanation of, 458

AddCategory event handler, using with BuyDirect application, 577-578

AddHandler statement

in Click event handling example, 12

in myTextBox control, 14

AddNew method of DataView class, explanation of, 462

AddressFamily enumeration, using with Socket objects, 334

AddTabPage method of XMLEditor class, overview of, 176

AddToCart page in ASP.NET, using with BuyDirect application, 565-566

AdjustHScrollBar method of StyledTextArea class, implementing, 69

AdjustVScrollBar method of StyledTextArea class, implementing, 69

Admin section of BuyDirect application

accessing, 576

EditCategory page of, 577-579

EditProduct page of, 579-580

Login page of, 576

Main Menu page of, 577

ADO.NET (ActiveX Data Objects for the NET Framework)

architecture of, 436-438

Command objects used with, 444-449

connection object used with, 439-449

constructing connection objects in, 443-444

data adapter objects used with, 454-455

data objects in, 436-437

Data Reader objects used with, 449-453

DataColumn class used with, 460

DataRow class used with, 460-461

DataSet objects used with, 437, 455

DataTable class used with, 458-459

DataTableCollection class used with, 457

DataView class used with, 461

namespaces in, 437-438

transactions used with, 453-454

ADO.NET data providers. See .NET data providers

ALLO FTP command, description of, 342

<allow> element of <authorization> configuration section, explanation of, 541-542

AllowDBNull property of DataColumn class, explanation of, 460

AllowDelete property of DataView class, explanation of, 462

AllowEdit property of DataView class, explanation of, 462

AllowNew property of DataView class, explanation of, 462

&amp notation in XML documents, meaning of, 101

ampersand (&), using with entities in DTDs, 107

anti-aliasing, applying, 272-273

&apos notation in XML documents, meaning of, 101

APPE FTP command, description of, 341

application configuration files, using in .NET, 501-513

@ Application directive in Global.asax file, explanation of, 516

<appSettings> configuration setting, purpose of, 503-504

ArrangeIcons member, using with MDI applications, 129

ArrayLists, using with InputBox classes, 323

arrow keys, triggering events with, 10

ASCII mode

changing to, 371, 381, 386-387

returning to after using SendRETRCommand, 365

returning to after using SendSTORCommand, 367

ASP.NET applications, 501

applying settings to resources in, 514-515

<authentication> configuration section used with, 506

<authorization> configuration section used with, 506

configuring, 501

configuring with Global.asax file, 515-521

<customErrors> configuration section used with, 508

deploying, 521-524

enabling authentication in, 526-527

forms-based authentication used with, 530-538

<globalization> configuration section used with, 508

<httpRuntime> configuration section used with, 509

<identity> configuration section used with, 509-510

impersonation used with, 542-543

<location> setting used with, 514-515

<pages> configuration section used with, 510-511

passport authentication in, 538-539

<processModel> configuration section used with, 511-512

securing, 524-526

<sessionState> configuration section used with, 512

<trace> configuration section used with, 512-513

Windows authentication used with, 526-530

ASP.NET pages in BuyDirect application

AddToCart page, 565-566

Browse page, 563

CheckOut page, 573-575

default page, 558

ProductDetails page, 563-565

Search page, 559-562

ShoppingCart page, 566-573

.aspx files in BuyDirect application, explanation of, 547

assemblies, deploying into Global Assembly Cache, 522-524

@ Assembly directive in Global.asax file, explanation of, 517

asterisk (*)

in Doggie computer game, 213

as operator for child elements in XML documents, 105

using with users attribute, 541

attack Boolean variable in Cat class, explanation of, 239-240, 242

attributes in XML

versus child elements, 102

purpose of, 98, 101

specifying, 108-109


explanation of, 524

using, 526-539

Authentication Methods dialog box, displaying, 529

<authentication> configuration section in <system.web> section

description of, 505

example of, 506, 525-526

using with forms-based authentication, 532-533


explanation of, 524

using, 539-542

<authorization> configuration section in <system.web> section

description of, 505

example of, 506

role in web.config file, 533

for URL authorization, 541-542

AutoIncrement property of DataColumn class, explanation of, 460

AutoIncrementSeed property of DataColumn class, explanation of, 460

AutoIncrementStep property of DataColumn class, explanation of, 460

automatic paging, using with DataGrid controls, 497-500

autoMove variable in Line class, meaning of, 324

AutoPostBack property, updating values with, 487-488

AutoReset property, using with server- based timers, 201

Real World. NET Applications
Real-World .NET Applications
ISBN: 1590590821
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 82 © 2008-2017.
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