5.6 Using Flow-Tools

A number of programs make up the Flow-Tools software package. Figure 5.1 lists each program and its function. All major tools are described here, categorized into groups of tools that capture flows, tools that view flow data, and tools that manipulate flows.

Figure 5.1. Programs Included with Flow-Tools.




Receive flows, send to stdout


Receive flows, store to disk


Print flow data to the screen


Produce flow reports for other programs


Print flow statistics to the screen


Detect suspicious network traffic


Concatenate flow data files


Sort and concatenate flow data files


Remove old flow data files


Split data files into smaller files


Print meta data on a capture session


Redistribute UDP exports to other addresses


Send flow data in NetFlow format


Add user -defined tags to flows


Filter flows


Generate test flow data


Import data from other NetFlow tools


Export data to other NetFlow tools

flow- xlate

Translate flow data

5.6.1 Capturing Flows

There are two programs in the Flow-Tools distribution that receive flow data. One is flow-capture , which not only receives the flows, but also stores them to files on disk, rotates the files, and ensures that they do not grow larger than a limit you specify on the command line. The other program is flow-receive which sends the flow data to the standard output instead of storing flows on disk.

Note that the output from these commands, whether sent to the standard output or to a file on disk, is not a direct dump of NetFlow data in the format produced by the router. The Flow-Tools package stores flow data in its own format, which, among other things, allows it to easily store data from different versions of NetFlow in a single format.

In the following examples, both the flow-capture and the flow-receive programs will be run from the root account. This is not required; the tools can be run from a user level account instead, but with two caveats. First, if you wish to listen for flows on a port that is number 1024 or lower, you will not be able to do it from a user-level account. You must either modify your router configuration to send flows to a higher numbered port or run the tools from a root account. Second, flow-capture will attempt to write a file in /var/run containing the process ID of the program. If you are not root, you may not be able to write to this file, depending on your system configuration. However you can change this behavior with the -p option described below.

Try using the flow-receive program in conjunction with the flow-print program to check if flows are being received properly from the router:

 Linux# flow-receive 0/0/9995  flow-print   flow-receive:  setsockopt(size=262144)   flow-receive:  New exporter: time=1048976578 src_ip=10.255.255...   flow-receive:  New exporter: time=1048976578 src_ip=10.255.255...   flow-receive:  New exporter: time=1048976578 src_ip=10.255.255...   srcIP          dstIP         prot srcPort dstPort octets packets  17   2706    1497    35     1  6    4028    1497    81     2  17   1035    4665    46     1 1    0       771     74     1  6    47813   3150    81     2  17   65145   6671    138    3  17   1500    1497    35     1   17   33487   33487   53     1  6    80      2990    40     1 6    1680    80      647    4  17   1256    3813    35     1 17   65468   4665    46     1   17   6257    6257    317    4 

This program will continue to run, filling your screen with output, until you break it with Control-C.

The three "new exporter" lines at the beginning are printed to the standard error by flow-receive and inform you every time the program detects a new device sending flows. The slash-delimited argument to flow-receive is a generic syntax that other Flow-Tools programs use as well. The format is localip / remoteip / port . In this case, localip is the local IP address that the program should listen on, [1] remoteip is the IP address that flows must be received from, and port is the local port the program will listen on to receive flows. In either of the address fields, a zero indicates that any address is acceptable. So in our example, 0/0/9995 means the program will accept flows to any local IP address, coming from any IP address, and destined for port 9995. Compare this with the following:

[1] Some machines have more than one address. If a zero is used for the local address, any of the addresses can be used; otherwise , the program will use the specific address listed, and flows received at other IP addresses on the machine will be ignored.

 Linux# flow-receive 0/  flow-print   flow-receive: setsockopt(size=262144)   flow-receive: Unexpected PDU: src_ip= not configured   flow-receive: New exporter: time=1048977556 src_ip=10.255.255...   flow-receive: Unexpected PDU: src_ip= not configured   flow-receive: Unexpected PDU: src_ip= not configured   srcIP          dstIP        prot srcPort dstPort octets packets 17   6257    6257    388    4 6    2164    3150    122    3  17   6257    6257    316    4   6    5190    1037    132    2 6    1594    1344    13132  316 6    5190    2428    489    4 

Here flows must be received from a device with the IP address There is still a message to standard error when flows from this source are found, but there are also warnings about flows unexpectedly coming from other addresses. Flows from those other addresses are ignored. Note that the addresses checked here are those of the routers or other devices sending and collecting the flows, not the addresses contained within the flows.

It is convenient to use flow-print to visualize flows on the screen, and it can even be useful in diagnosing an ongoing network problem, but for typical use, you will want to store flow data on disk. This is the job of the flow-capture program. Not only will flow-capture store flow data in files, it will also compress it, make sure to separate it into reasonably sized files, and rotate the files to keep the total amount of used disk space under control.

There are many options to flow-capture , but a simple invocation would be:

 Linux# mkdir /var/tmp/flows   Linux# flow-capture -w /var/tmp/flows 0/0/9995 
This example demonstrates the only required options. The path following the -w flag is the name of the directory in which flow files are to be stored. The program will not create it for you, and if it does not exist, it will silently exit. The slash-delimited argument at the end is the port on which flows should be received, using the same syntax as the flow-receive program.

Once started, flow-capture will run in the background. Files will be named according to the date they are created. If a file is currently being created (data is still actively being added to it), the name will begin with tmp- ; otherwise, the file name will begin with the prefix ft- .

By default, flow-capture will:

  • Create a new file every 15 minutes

  • Create a nested directory structure so that each year, month, and day of files has a separate directory

  • Never remove files (the total amount of data will grow without bound)

  • Compress files at a medium compression level

All of these settings can be changed, and they often are. The command line arguments for changing these settings are listed below, along with a few other important options. All of the options to flow-capture are listed in Figure 5.2.

Figure 5.2. Options to the Flow-Capture Program.




Replace 0 AS values


Specify output byte order


Enable TCP client connections


Add a comment


Turn on debugging


Maximum number of files


Maximum data size to store


File name of filter list


Specify active filter


Display help


Use a privacy mask


Specify number of new files per day


Set nesting level


Specify PID file


Execute a program after rotation


Syslog timestamps at specified interval


File to load tags from


Tags to use


Specify output format


Specify directory to store data files in


Set compression level

Bounding the Data Size

The -E argument allows you to specify the maximum size that data files may use in total. You can specify the size in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes by using the letters b, K, M, or G, respectively. For example:

 Linux# flow-capture -w /var/tmp/flows -E 1G 0/0/9995 

would ensure that the data does not exceed 1 gigabyte of disk storage. Flow-capture accomplishes this by deleting the older data files. The program uses a time stamp stored in these files so that you need not worry about copied files being deleted or overlooked for deletion because the Unix time stamp is incorrect.

Also note that only files named with the Flow-Tools naming convention will be deleted. If you rename the file ft-v01.2003-03-30.135300-0500 to flow.save , it will not be cleaned up as usual.

Changing Directory Nesting

By default, the data files are nested into a hierarchical directory structure by year, month, and day. For example:

 Linux# find /var/tmp/flows   /var/tmp/flows   /var/tmp/flows/2003   /var/tmp/flows/2003/2003-03   /var/tmp/flows/2003/2003-03/2003-03-29   /var/tmp/flows/2003/2003-03/2003-03-29/tmp-v01.2003-03-29.190000-0500   /var/tmp/flows/2003/2003-03/2003-03-29/ft-v01.2003-03-29.184647-0500 

There is a directory for the year 2003, one below that for the month of March 2003, and one below that for the day March 29, 2003. In that directory are two flow files, one being created and one already completed. If this level of nesting does not suit you, there are six other options available, each represented by a number. From the flow-capture man page:

 -3   YYYY/YYYY-MM/YYYY-MM-DD/flow-file   -2   YYYY-MM/YYYY-MM-DD/flow-file   -1   YYYY-MM-DD/flow-file    0   flow-file    1   YYYY/flow-file    2   YYYY/YYYY-MM/flow-file    3   YYYY/YYYY-MM/YYYY-MM-DD/flow-file 

Though the documentation states that the default nesting level is 0, it is 3 in every version I have tested . The nesting depth is controlled with the -N flag. If you wish to run flow-capture so that no nesting is performed and all files are stored in a single, flat directory, type:

 Linux# flow-capture -w /var/tmp/flows -N 0 0/0/9995 
Changing the File Rotation Rate

By default, flow-capture will write data into a file for 15 minutes and then close it and create a new file. This is a good way to break up the data into files that you can work with easily. There are also other programs in the Flow-Tools distribution that allow you to merge these files or separate them into even smaller files.

If you wish to change the interval at which new files are created, you can use the -n flag. The argument it takes is the number of times per day that flow-capture should create a new file. The default is 95. That is, 95 times a day it will create a new file, which is 96 files total. If you want to create a file for each hour , you need to ask for a new file to be created 23 times each day, as in:

 Linux# flow-capture -w /var/tmp/flows -n 23 0/0/9995 
Changing the Process ID File

Because flow-capture runs as a daemon, it stores its process ID in a file for the convenience of administrators or other programs that may wish to send it a signal. By default, this file is /var/run/flow-capture.pid . You may not be able to write to this directory if you do not run the program from a root account. In this case, you may specify a different file with the -p option:

 Linux# flow-capture -w /var/tmp/flows -p /var/tmp/pid 0/0/9995 

If you use the filename " - ", no PID file will be created.

Using Compression

Flow-capture compresses flow data so that it takes up less space on disk. While taking up less disk space is an advantage, the trade-off is that it takes computational power to perform the compression. If your server is short on disk space but has lots of processing power, you may wish to use a higher level of compression than the default. On a server with lots of disk space and a slow CPU, you may want less compression or perhaps none at all. The compression level is a value from 0 to 9, where 0 is no compression and 9 is the highest level of compression. The default level is set by the zlib library, typically to 6. If you wish to disable compression, use:

 Linux# flow-capture -w /var/tmp/flows -z0 
Killing Flow-Capture

If you need to stop flow-capture , you can send it a QUIT signal, as in:

 Solaris# ps -ef  grep flow-capture       root 10858     1  0 14:20:06 ?    0:00 flow-capture -w /var...   Solaris# kill -QUIT 10858 

This will cause flow-capture to properly close and rename the data file that it is currently writing. If you kill flow-capture without specifying a signal (which defaults to the TERM signal), the file will be left with its temporary name. All of the Flow-Tools daemons write a file that contains the process ID of the running program. Instead of using ps to look up the process ID, we could have done:

 Solaris# kill -QUIT 'cat /var/run/flow-capture.pid.9995' 

The 9995 on the end of the filename indicates that this flow-capture is running on port 9995, in case more than one copy of flow-capture is running at once.

Note that if a router is sending flow data to a port and there is no program like flow-capture , flow-receive , or flow-fanout listening on that port, the server will respond with ICMP port unreachable messages back to the router. While there is no harm in sending or receiving a small number of these messages, a large number sent at a rapid rate could have an operational impact either on network bandwidth or on the CPU. If you plan to leave flow-capture down for a long time, you may want to turn off the source of the flows or run flow-receive and send the data to /dev/null .

If you would like to force flow-capture to stop writing to the current file, close it, and start a new file, you can send it a HUP signal:

 Solaris# ps -ef  grep flow-capture       root 10862     1  1 14:24:01 ?  0:00 flow-capture -w /var...   Solaris# kill -HUP 10862 
Allowing Remote Clients

The -c option to flow-capture will allow a remote client to make a TCP connection to the program to receive flow data. Currently, the implementation does not work very well; the connection is often closed unexpectedly. With luck this will be fixed in a future release. Also note that if you do not use an external wrapper, any client connecting to the server can receive access to your NetFlow data. The number listed after the -c simply specifies the maximum number of clients that can connect at any one time:

 Server# flow-capture -w /var/tmp/flows -c 10 0/0/9995   Client% nc server.example.com 9995  flow-print   srcIP          dstIP         prot srcPort dstPort octets packets 6    3531    139     144    3  6    4662    1089    1218   24 17   1026    137     78     1 17   1025    137     78     1 

The nc program is described in Chapter 9, Basic Tools. An alternative to allowing remote clients to receive flow data via TCP is to forward UDP flows to them using flow-fanout , as described in the section on manipulating flow data.

5.6.2 Viewing Flow Data

Flow-Tools includes four programs for viewing flow data. They are:

  • Flow-print. Prints flow data in ASCII. A number of predefined reporting formats are available.

  • Flow-report. Generates reports with comma-separated field values, suitable for feeding into another program to produce graphs or to perform other data processing.

  • Flow-stat. Available only in later versions of Flow-Tools. This program generates reports based on statistics of interest to the administrator, such as high bandwidth use by port.

  • Flow-dscan. Analyzes flow data to find suspicious network traffic such as port scans . The program notifies the user if any are found.


Earlier we saw how flow-print could be used to examine data received in real time from flow-receive . Now you can feed it flow data stored in files from flow-capture :

 Solaris# cat ft-v01.2003-03-30.133000-0500  flow-print   srcIP         dstIP         prot srcPort dstPort octets packets 6    80      1862    35879  26   6    80      4633    695    4  6    80      1188    218    3  6    80      1458    596    5 6    3456    60263   40     1 6    80      33135   633    3 

If you use the -n flag, flow-print will print symbolic names wherever possible:

 Solaris# cat ft-v01.2003-03-30.133000-0500  flow-print -n   srcIP          dstIP         prot srcPort dstPort octets packets  tcp  http    1862    35879  26 tcp  http    nrcabq- 596    5 tcp  Gnutell 3244    120    3  udp  3283    3283    33     1  udp  1297    ms-sql- 404    1 tcp  eDonkey 3913    144    3  tcp  imaps   49332   167    1 tcp  http    1310    11689  11   tcp  http    1307    40     1   tcp  http    1191    4505   5 

Here you can see the IP protocol name has been printed, and when a port number is a well-known service, the name instead of the number is printed.

In addition to the simple output format above, the flow-print program has over 20 other formats available. The desired format can be specified with the -f option. For example:

 Solaris# cat ft-v01.2003-03-30.133000-0500  flow-print -n -f 5   Start             End               Sif   SrcIPaddress    SrcP  DIf  DstIPaddr...   0330.13:29:56.046 0330.13:29:56.398 3   80    40   10.228.0....   0330.13:29:56.046 0330.13:29:56.098 3   80    41   10.202.1....   0330.13:29:56.058 0330.13:29:56.198 3     80    30   10.243.0....   0330.13:29:56.082 0330.13:29:56.650 3     80    7    10.249.0....   0330.13:29:56.086 0330.13:29:56.086 3    3456  42   10.226.0....   0330.13:29:56.098 0330.13:29:57.846 3     80    10   10.252.2.... 

The formats, as described in the Flow-Tools documentation, are listed in Figure 5.3. Note that some formats print two lines per flow while others print only one.

Figure 5.3. Formats for Flow-Print .



1 line, interfaces, hex ports


2 line (includes timing and flags)


2 line candidate TCP syn attack flows


1 line, no interfaces, decimal ports


1 line with AS number


1 line, 132 column


show ip accounting emulation


1 line, 132 column +router_id


1 line, 132 column +encapsulation


1 line with tag values


AS aggregation


Protocol Port aggregation


Source Prefix aggregation


Destination Prefix aggregation


Prefix aggregation


Destination aggregation (Catalyst)


Source Destination aggregation (Catalyst)


Full Flow (Catalyst)


ToS AS Aggregation


ToS Proto Port aggregation


ToS Source Prefix aggregation


ToS Destination Prefix aggregation


ToS Prefix Aggregation


ToS Prefix Port aggregation


While flow-print produces output that is easy to read on the screen, it is not particularly well suited for other use. If you wish to process the data in some automated way, be it performing a statistical analysis or simply importing the data into a graphing program, you will want to use the flow-report program to produce data in a simple comma-separated format.

In order to produce a flow report, you must first create a configuration file that specifies a few options. The following sample configuration file can be placed in /var/tmp/report.conf :

 stat-report myreport     type ip-source/destination-address/ip-source/destination-port     output       records 50       sort +octets   stat-definition stat1     report myreport 

The first section defines a report called myreport. The next line specifies which general type of report it should be. This is a required line and the value must be one of the 80 or so valid report types available. The names for all of them are listed in the flow-report Web page and man page that comes with the Flow-Tools distribution.

Next, the output section of the report lists options associated with the output. Here we have specified that a maximum of 50 records should be printed. After the first 50, the program will end the report. Next, the sort +octets line asks for the report to be sorted by octets, with the largest numbers first.

Run the report with:

 Solaris# flow-report -s /var/tmp/report.conf \      -Sstat1 < ft-v01.2003-03-30.153000...   # recn: ip-source-address,ip-destination-address,ip-source-po...,,50100,50100,15,1544300277,1351782,3613224,,50000,50000,14,1499274579,1244856,3612348,,1058,5004,14,724389220,626401,3606776,,445,1424,3,162981116,110004,905944,,17100,17100,15,102237923,131847,3611996,,17000,17000,15,102097558,131666,3611024,,3519,59,3,78775788,74993,904048,,32949,21088,18,74854576,57740,4514472,,119,1038,4,74036545,70162,959184 

The first line of output, beginning with a comment character, lists the order of the fields for the rest of the report. Here the first field is the source IP address of the flow, the second is the destination IP address, and so on. After that, each line is a line of data. Note that each line does not correspond to a single flow. For this report, each line corresponds to one unique combination of IP source address, IP destination address, source port, and destination port. This set of data objects is called the key for the report. The values for octets and packets listed on each line are the cumulative values for all flows matching a particular key.

There are a number of useful options to the stat-report and output commands in the configuration file. For example, you can display additional data such as the number of packets per second transmitted. You can also choose to view data such as the byte and packet counts as percentages of all observed data instead of viewing the raw numbers. All of the options are listed in the documentation.


The flow-stat program is available only in later versions of Flow-Tools. It is a convenient way to produce the kind of data that flow-report generates, but it does not require a configuration file, and it prints the results in a readable format. Like flow-print , it uses a number of predefined formats. Here is an example of one of the many available reports. This one lists traffic by port number:

 Solaris# flow-stat -f7 -w -P -S2 < ft-v01.2003-03-30.153000-0500   #  --- ---- ---- Report Information --- --- ---   #   # Fields:   Percent Total   # Symbols:  Disabled   # Sorting:  Descending Field 2   # Name:     UDP/TCP port   #   # Args:     flow-stat -f7 -w -P -S2   #   #   # port          flows   octets   packets   duration   #   50100           0.007   18.431   8.360     0.208   50000           0.007   17.893   7.695     0.159   5004            0.036   5.015    3.119     1.190   80              6.637   4.421    2.939     3.105   1058            0.044   4.323    1.937     0.066   1214            2.690   3.438    1.775     3.560   4662            2.214   2.194    1.899     4.257   56464           0.226   2.178    12.750    6.706   17100           0.007   1.223    0.829     0.212   17000           0.005   1.220    0.821     0.160   445             0.253   1.037    0.924     0.188   1424            0.011   0.994    0.526     0.044   5005            0.075   0.989    3.856     2.385 

The -f7 argument designates the format type. Other possible formats are listed in Figure 5.4. The -w flag specifies that wide columns can be used, -P asks for values to be reported as percentage of the total, and -S2 causes the rows to be sorted by the second data column, in this case the octets column. In this example, traffic to or from port 50100 or 50000 is taking up 36.3 percent of the total bandwidth in use.

Figure 5.4. Formats for Flow-Stat .



Overall Summary


Average packet size distribution


Packets per flow distribution


Octets per flow distribution


Bandwidth per flow distribution


UDP/TCP destination port


UDP/TCP source port


UDP/TCP port


Destination IP


Source IP


Source/Destination IP


Source or Destination IP


IP protocol


Octets for flow duration plot data


Packets for flow duration plot data


short summary


IP Next Hop


Input interface


Output interface


Source AS


Destination AS


Source/Destination AS




Input/Output Interface


Source Prefix


Destination Prefix


Source/Destination Prefix


Exporter IP


Engine Id


Engine Type


Source Tag


Destination Tag


Source/Destination Tag


The flow-dscan program attempts to detect unusual network traffic like port scanning and host scanning. Before you run the program, you will have to create two files in the current working directory:

 Solaris# touch dscan.suppress.dst dscan.suppress.src 

flow-dscan can use these files to suppress warnings about hosts that should not be reported. For now, the files can remain empty, but they must be present nonetheless.

You can instruct flow-dscan to run and print its warning messages to standard error with the -b flag:

 Solaris# cat ft-v01.2003-03-30.153000-0500  flow-dscan -b   flow-dscan: load_suppress 0   flow-dscan: load_suppress 1   flow-dscan: host scan: ip= ts=1049056190 start=0330...   flow-dscan: host scan: ip= ts=1049056204 start=0330...   flow-dscan: port scan: src= dst= ts=104906...   flow-dscan: host scan: ip= ts=1049056209 start=03...   flow-dscan: host scan: ip= ts=1049056215 start=03...   flow-dscan: host scan: ip= ts=1049056223 start=03...   flow-dscan: host scan: ip= ts=1049056226 start=0...   flow-dscan: host scan: ip= ts=1049056229 start=03... 

If the -b flag is not used, flow-dscan will instead run in the background and send alert messages to syslog.

5.6.3 Manipulating Flow Data

The various methods for manipulating flow data are discussed in the following sections.

Flow-Cat and Flow-Merge

As seen earlier, the default behavior of flow-capture is to store 15 minutes' worth of flows in a single data file. What if you need to work with more than just 15 minutes? Perhaps you would like to produce a report on traffic from an entire day. Or maybe you wish to look for certain kinds of traffic over the entire month.

The flow-cat and flow-merge programs can be used in these circumstances. Both programs will combine flow data from separate files into a single set of flow data. This data can then be written to a single large data file or used directly in a pipeline. The difference between the two programs is that flow-merge will sort the data so that the new file contains all flows in their original chronological order. In contrast, flow-cat simply appends the data in the order the files are listed on the command line.

Here is a simple example using flow-merge to view data from multiple files:

 Solaris# flow-merge ft-v01.2003-03-30.140900-0500 \      ft-v01.2003-03-30.140937-0500  flow-print   srcIP         dstIP        prot  srcPort  dstPort  octets  packets    17    3283     3283     33     1    17    3283     3283     33     1    17    5353     5353     116    1  17    3283     3283     33     1  17    3283     3283     33     1 

You can also specify a directory name instead of a list of files, and the programs will include all flow data files beneath that directory. The following will concatenate all flows from March 29 and store them in a new file:

 Solaris# flow-cat -o mar-29-flows \      /var/tmp/flows/2003/2003-03/2003-03-29 

Note that both programs are resource intensive and can take a long time to run when processing large amounts of data. flow-merge typically takes longer to complete than flow-cat , so if you do not need the flows merged by time, use flow-cat instead. Most of the time, the files you combine will be in chronological sequence anyway. Additionally, if you give the -g option to either program, it will ensure that the files on the command line are sorted by capture time before processing.


The flow-split program performs exactly the opposite operation of flow-merge and flow-cat : It takes flow data and splits it into separate smaller files, based on criteria you specify on the command line. For example, the -T flag instructs it to split flows after a given number of seconds:

 Solaris# cat ft-v01.2003-03-29.231500-0500  flow-split -T 300 

Here the original data file happened to store 15 minutes' worth of flows. flow-split will create three files, each storing 5 minutes (300 seconds) of flow data. By default, the files will be named split.0 , split.1 , and so on. You can change the base name for the files with the -o option.


flow-expire is a utility that will expire old flow data exactly as flow-capture does. It is useful in circumstances where you wish to store NetFlow data on a separate machine from where it is collected. The following will remove old data files in order to keep the total data size at less than 10 gigabytes:

 Solaris# flow-expire -E 10G -w /var/tmp/flows 

The flow-header program prints meta information that flow-capture stores in the header portion of a Flow-Tools data file. For example:

 Solaris# cat ft-v01.2003-03-30.160000-0500  flow-header   #   # mode:                 normal   # capture hostname:     server.example.com   # capture start:        Sun Mar 30 16:00:00 2003   # capture end:          Sun Mar 30 16:15:00 2003   # capture period:       900 seconds   # compress:             on   # byte order:           big   # stream version:       3   # export version:       1   # lost flows:           0   # corrupt packets:      0   # sequencer resets:     0   # capture flows:        422712   # 

Be aware that some programs, like flow-cat and flow-merge , require an additional argument in order to preserve header data between the input data and the output data.


Cisco routers can send exported NetFlow data to only a single host and port, which can be a serious limitation. In our environment, for example, there are two groups that need access to flow data: the Network Operations group and the Network Security group. Say that each group wants to use a different tool to capture flow data because different tools suit their different needs. The only practical solution is to send two feeds of NetFlow data, one to each group . Since the router cannot perform this task, flow-fanout will do it instead.

The flow-fanout program listens on a port, receives flow data packets, and then sends that data as is to as many other host/port pairs as you wish to configure. This is the only program in the Flow-Tools package that does not need to know anything about the flows themselves ; it simply receives UDP packets and forwards them to other hosts.

The following will listen for NetFlow data on port 9995 and then send it on to two other hosts:

 Solaris# ./flow-fanout 0/0/9995 0/ 0/ 

Note that one piece of information is lost when flows are forwarded in this way. The NetFlow data packets do not contain a field indicating which router generated the flow. Typically, this can be determined from the source IP address of the exported UDP packets, but not if a flow is forwarded from one host to another. In the above example, the machines and will see flows coming from the IP address of the server that is forwarding them.

The flow-fanout program does have a trick for preserving the originating router information. If you use the -s flag on the command line, it will forge the source addresses of the outgoing UDP packets for each flow to be that of the original address that sent the flow. For example:

 Solaris# ./flow-fanout -s 0/0/9995 0/ \      0/ 
Other Flow-Tools Programs

There are a few other useful tools in the Flow-Tools package. For example, the flow-send program will read flows from a data file and send them back in NetFlow format. The flow-filter command (and in later releases, flow-nfilter ) allows you to filter flows based on ports, IP addresses, and more.

Open Source Network Administration
Linux Kernel in a Nutshell (In a Nutshell (OReilly))
ISBN: 130462101
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 85

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