

Gates, Bill, 4, 11, 29, 111, 153–154, 157–172

background of, 157

and corporate memory, 168–169

on "digital nervous system," 160–161

and empowerment of workers, 153, 165–168

and the Internet, 162–164

on the Internet, 154, 159

and leadership body of knowledge, 50

and success of Microsoft, 157–159

on technology revolution, 159–161

vision of, 45

General Electric (GE), 4, 8–11, 20, 22, 24, 25, 34, 38–39, 48

and "best ideas," 49

market capitalization of, 99

meritocracy at, 51

stock performance of, 27, 30

training-related costs at, 86

vision of Jack Welch and growth of, 46–47

Work-Out cultural initiative at, 42

(See also Welch, Jack)

Gerstner, Lou, 11, 20, 30, 33–34, 107–126, 128

on challenge from within IBM, 108

on cultural change, 40–41

as evangelical leader, 36–37

and focusing on the marketplace, 114–118

on IBM as solutions company, 107

and IBM's service businesses, 119–121

initial strategy of, 112–114

and the Internet, 121–123

and investment in R&D, 123–125

and new focus of IBM on solutions, 118–119

vision of, 47–48

Glass, David, 33

on company culture, 43

on small-town strategy, 211, 212

on supplier as partner, 216

on Sam Walton, 36–37, 201, 202, 204

Global Crossing, 6

G.O. culture, 188, 189

Greenspan, Alan, 4, 160

Grove, Andy, 5, 7, 11, 22, 131–132, 134–152

background of, 134–135

on company culture, 43

company culture under, 41, 43

as evangelical leader, 40

"execution and strategy" approach of, 135–136

on failure of companies, 131

on IBM's losses, 110

and Intel's crisis in 1980s, 137–140

and leadership body of knowledge, 50

and strategic inflection points, 141–148

on today as time of strategic choice for companies, 132

vision of, 45–46

"Guardian" attitude, 145

What the Best CEOs Know[c] 7 Exceptional Leaders and Their Lessons for Transforming Any Business
What the Best CEOs Know[c] 7 Exceptional Leaders and Their Lessons for Transforming Any Business
ISBN: 007146252X
Year: 2002
Pages: 109 © 2008-2017.
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