3.3 SQL Command Reference

ALL/ANY/SOME Operators

The ALL operator performs a Boolean test of a subquery for the existence of a value in all rows. The ANY operator, and its synonym SOME, performs a Boolean test of a subquery for the existence of a value in any of the rows tested.






Not supported





SQL Server


SQL2003 Syntax

SELECT ... WHERE expression comparison {ALL | ANY | SOME} (subquery)


WHERE expression

Tests a scalar expression, such as a column, against every value in the subquery, for ALL, and against every value until a match is found for ANY and SOME. All rows must match the expression to return a Boolean TRUE value for the ALL operator, while one or more rows must match the expression, for ANY and SOME, to return a Boolean TRUE value.


Compares the expression to the subquery. The comparison must be a standard comparison operator like =, <>, !=, >, >=, <, or <=.

Rules at a Glance

The ALL operator returns a Boolean TRUE value when one of two things happen: either the subquery returns an empty set (i.e., no records) or every record in the set meets the comparison. ALL returns FALSE when any records in the set do not match the value comparison. ANY and SOME operators return a Boolean TRUE when at least one record in the subquery matches the comparison operation, and FALSE when no record matches the comparison operation (or when a subquery returns an empty result set). If even one return value of the subquery is NULL, then the operation evaluates as NULL, not as TRUE.

Do not include special clauses like ORDER BY, GROUP BY, CUBE, ROLLUP, WITH, etc. in your subquery. Refer to SUBQUERY Substatement for more information.

For example, we want to see which authors currently have no titles:

SELECT au_id FROM authors WHERE au_id <> ALL(SELECT au_id FROM titleauthor)

You can use ANY / SOME to perform filtering checks of different kinds. For example, the following query will retrieve any records from the employees table that exist in the employees_archive table that were located in Anchorage:

SELECT * FROM employees WHERE job_lvl = ANY(SELECT job_lvl FROM employees_archive                     WHERE city = 'Anchorage')

The above query returns information about employees who have the same job_lvl as any employee working in Anchorage, Alaska.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

The ALL and ANY/SOME operators are somewhat difficult to get used to. Most developers find it a lot easier to use similar functions like IN and EXISTS.

EXISTS is symantically equivalent to the ANY/SOME operator.

Platform Differences

All of the platforms support ALL and ANY/SOME in the manner described above except MySQL, which doesn't support subqueries until Version 4.0. On pre-Version 4.0 MySQL platforms, consider using the IN operator instead of EXISTS for ANY/SOME.

Oracle supports one minor variation in that you can supply a list of values instead of a subquery. For example, we can find all employees who have a job_lvl value equal to 9 or 14:

SELECT * FROM employee WHERE job_lvl = ALL(9, 14);

DB2 and SQL Server support some additional comparison operators: not greater than (!>) and not less than (!<).

See Also

BETWEEN Operator

The BETWEEN operator performs a Boolean test of a value against a range of values. It returns TRUE when the value is included in the range and FALSE when the value falls outside of the range. The results are NULL (unknown) if any of the range values are NULL.











SQL Server


SQL2003 Syntax

SELECT ... WHERE expression [NOT] BETWEEN lower_range AND upper_range


WHERE expression

Compares a scalar expression, such as a column, to the range of values bounded by upper_range and lower_range.

[NOT] BETWEEN lower_range AND upper_range

Compares the expression to the lower_range and upper_range. The comparison is inclusive, meaning that it is equivalent to saying "where expression is [not] greater than or equal to lower_range and less than or equal to upper_range."

Rules at a Glance

The BETWEEN operator is used to test an expression against a range of values. The BETWEEN operator may be used with any datatype except BLOB, CLOB, NCLOB, REF, and ARRAY.

For example, we want to see title_ids that have year-to-date sales between 10,000 and 20,000:

SELECT title_id FROM titles WHERE ytd_sales BETWEEN 10000 AND 20000

BETWEEN is inclusive of the range of values listed. In this case, it includes the values of 10,000 and 20,000 in the search. If you want an exclusive search, then you must use the greater than (>) and less than (<) symbols:

SELECT title_id FROM titles WHERE ytd_sales > 10000   AND ytd_sales < 20000

The NOT operator allows you to search for values outside of the BETWEEN range. For example, you can also find all the title_ids that were not published during 2002:

SELECT title_id FROM titles WHERE pub_date NOT BETWEEN '01-JAN-2003' AND '31-DEC-2003'

Programming Tips and Gotchas

Some coders are very particular about how the keyword AND is used in WHERE clauses. To prevent a casual reviewer from thinking that the AND used in a BETWEEN operation is a logical AND operator, you might want to use parentheses to encapsulate the entire BETWEEN clause:

SELECT title_id FROM titles WHERE (ytd_sales BETWEEN 10000 AND 20000)   AND pubdate >= '1991-06-12 00:00:00.000'

Platform Differences

All of the platforms support BETWEEN in the manner described above.

See Also

CALL Statement

The CALL statement invokes a stored procedure.




Supported, with variations


Not supported


Supported, with variations


Not supported

SQL Server

Not supported

SQL2003 Syntax

CALL procedure_name ([parameter [,...] ])


CALL procedure_name

Specifies the stored procedure that you want to invoke. It must be a previously defined stored procedure that is available in the current user context (instance, database, schema, etc.).

(parameter [,...])

Provides values for each input parameter required by the stored procedure. Each parameter listed is required by the stored procedure in the same ordinal position. Thus, the fifth parameter listed would provide the value for the fifth argument required by the stored procedure. The parameters must be enclosed in parentheses and separated by commas. Note that the parentheses are required even if there are no parameter values (e.g., even if there are no parameter values, you must still use CALL()). Strings should be in single quotes. If the stored procedure has only OUT parameters, place host variables or parameter markers within the parentheses.

Rules at a Glance

The CALL statement makes it easy to invoke a stored procedure. Simply provide the name of the stored procedure and include any parameters used by the stored procedure, enclosing them within parentheses.

This Oracle example creates a simple stored procedure, and then calls it:

CREATE PROCEDURE update_employee_salary (emp_id NUMBER, updated_salary NUMBER) IS BEGIN   UPDATE employee SET salary = updated_salary WHERE employee_id =emp_id ; END; CALL update_employee_salary(1517, 95000);

Programming Tips and Gotchas

The return status of a called stored procedure can be found, typically, by using GET DIAGNOSTIC. GET DIAGNOSTIC is not widely supported among the various database platforms, so check the platform documentation for more details.

Many platforms also support an alternative command called EXECUTE to perform the same functionality. In some cases, you may prefer EXECUTE to CALL, since the former can be used to execute any kind of prepared SQL, including methods, functions, or batches of SQL code.


DB2 supports CALL along with DESCRIPTOR capabilities:

CALL procedure_name { [(parameter [,...])] | USING DESCRIPTOR      descriptor_name }


USING DESCRIPTOR descriptor_name

Identifies a SQL Descriptor Area (SQLDA) structure containing a valid description of the host variables. An SQLDA is a collection of variables that is required for execution of the SQL DESCRIBE statement. The SQLDA variables are options that can be used by the PREPARE, OPEN, FETCH, EXECUTE, and CALL statements. Values in the SQLDA must be set prior to issuing the CALL statement. This is a deprecated feature in DB2. We recommend that you instead use the standard CALL proc(param, param) syntax.

DB2 allows you to substitute host variables for the procedure name or the parameters, where appropriate. When using the USING DESCRIPTOR clause, the variables must be string variables of 254 or fewer characters.

On DB2, any return status issued by the called stored procedure is returned to the SQLERRD field of the SQLCA (SQL Communications Area). You can also use the GET DIAGNOSTIC statement to retrieve the RETURN_STATUS value (-1 indicates error) or row count.


Not supported.


Oracle allows the CALL statement to invoke standalone stored procedures, functions, and methods, as well as stored procedures and functions contained within a type or package. Following is the Oracle syntax:

CALL [schema.][{type_name | package_name}.]procedure_name@dblink [(parameter [,...])] [INTO :variable_name [[INDICATOR] :indicator_name] ]


CALL [schema.][{type_name | package_name}.] procedure_name@dblink

Calls the named object. You may fully enumerate the object name, including schema, type, etc., or allow Oracle to assume the current schema and database instance. If the procedure or function resides in another database, simply specify the database via a database link name, shown as dblink in the syntax. dblink must refer to a previously created database link.

INTO :variable_name

Specifies the name of a previously declared variable that will store the value returned when you call a function. INTO is required, and only usable, when calling a function.

INDICATOR :indicator_name

Retains the condition of the host variable, for example whether the return value is NULL, for functions precompiled in a Pro*C/C++ routine.

The parameters used in an Oracle CALL statement may not include pseudocolumns or the VALUE or REF functions. You must use a host variable for any parameter that corresponds to an OUT or IN OUT argument of the called stored procedure.


Not Supported.

SQL Server

Not supported. Instead, use the non-ANSI EXECUTE statement.

See Also


The CLOSE CURSOR statement closes a server-side cursor created with a DECLARE CURSOR statement.




Supported, with variations


Not supported





SQL Server

Supported, with variations

SQL2003 Syntax

CLOSE cursor_name



Names a cursor previously created with the DECLARE CURSOR statement.

Rules at a Glance

The CLOSE statement closes a cursor and destroys the cursor result set. All the database platforms release any locks that were held by the cursor, though this is not specified in the ANSI standard. For example:

CLOSE author_names_cursor;

Programming Tips and Gotchas

You can also close a cursor implicitly using a COMMIT statement or, for cursors defined WITH HOLD, using a ROLLBACK statement.


DB2 supports an added optional WITH clause on the CLOSE statement:

CLOSE cursor_name [WITH RELEASE]



Attempts to release all read locks held by the cursor. Note that DB2 is not always able to release all locks since some locks may be in use by other operations.

The WITH RELEASE clause is ignored on cursors run under isolation level 3 CS or UR, when the cursor is defined in a method, when the cursor is defined in a function, or when the cursor is defined in a stored procedure that is called by a function or method. WITH RELEASE may allow phantom read and nonrepeatable read anomalies when run under isolation levels RS or RR. For a detailed explanation of isolation levels, including phantom reads and nonrepeatable reads, refer to SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL.


PostgreSQL supports the ANSI standard syntax. PostgreSQL issues an implicit CLOSE statement for every open cursor when a transaction is ended with a COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement.

SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server supports the ANSI standard syntax, and an additional GLOBAL keyword:

CLOSE [GLOBAL] cursor_name



Identifies the previously defined cursor as a global cursor.

In the ANSI standard behavior, closing a cursor destroys the cursor result set. Locking is a physical feature of each database platform and thus not a part of the ANSI SQL definition. However, all the database platforms covered here drop the locks taken up by the cursor. Another physical implementation detail is that SQL Server does not automatically reallocate memory structures consumed by a cursor to the memory pool. To accomplish such reallocation, you must issue a DEALLOCATE cursor_name command.

This example from Microsoft SQL Server opens a cursor and fetches a result set of all employees who have a last name starting with "K":

DECLARE employee_cursor CURSOR FOR   SELECT lname, fname   FROM pubs.dbo.employee   WHERE lname LIKE 'K%' OPEN employee_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM employee_cursor WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN   FETCH NEXT FROM employee_cursor END CLOSE employee_cursor DEALLOCATE employee_cursor GO

See Also

COMMIT Statement

The COMMIT statement explicitly ends an open transaction and makes the changes permanent in the database. Transactions can be opened implicitly as part of an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement, or opened explicitly with a START statement. In either case, an explicitly issued COMMIT statement will end the open transaction.






Supported, with variations


Supported, with variations


Supported, with variations

SQL Server

Supported, with variations

SQL2003 Syntax




Ends the current, open transaction and writes any data manipulated by the transaction to the database. The optional keyword WORK is noise and has no effect.


AND CHAIN tells the DBMS to treat the next transaction as if it were a part of the preceding transaction. In effect, the two transactions are separate units of work, but they share a common transaction environment (such as transaction isolation level). Including the optional NO keyword tells the DMBS to explicitly use the ANSI default behavior. The COMMIT keyword by itself is functionally equivalent to the statement COMMIT WORK AND NO CHAIN.

Rules at a Glance

For simple operations, you will execute transactions (that is, SQL code that manipulates or changes data and objects in a database) without explicitly declaring a transaction. However, all transactions are best managed by explicitly closing them with a COMMIT statement. Because records and even entire tables can be locked for the duration of a transaction, it is extremely important that transactions are completed as quickly as possible. Thus, manually issuing a COMMIT statement with a transaction can help control user concurrency issues and locking problems on the database.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

The most important gotcha to consider is that some database platforms perform automatic and implicit transactions, while others require explicit transactions. If you assume a platform uses one method of transactions over the other, you may get bitten. Thus, when moving between database platforms you should follow a standard, preset way of addressing transactions. We recommend always using explicit transactions with START TRAN, on database platforms that support it, to begin a transaction, and COMMIT or ROLLBACK to end a transaction.

In addition to finalizing a single or group of data-manipulation operation(s), COMMIT has some interesting effects on other aspects of a transaction. First, it closes any associated open cursors. Second, any temporary table(s) specified with ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS (an optional clause of the CREATE TABLE statement) are cleared of data. Third, all deferred constraints are checked. If any deferred constraints are violated, the transaction is rolled back. Finally, all locks opened by the transaction are released. Please note that SQL2003 dictates that transactions are implicitly opened when one of the following statements is executed:






  • DROP






  • OPEN







If you did not explicitly open a transaction when you started one of the commands listed above, the standard dictates that the DBMS platform open a transaction for you.


DB2 supports the standard, but not the AND [NO] CHAIN clause.


MySQL supports COMMIT and transactions only with InnoDB tables. It does not support the AND [NO] CHAIN clause.


Oracle supports the standard, but not the AND [NO] CHAIN clause. In addition, Oracle has a couple of extensions to the standard clause:

COMMIT [WORK] [ {COMMENT 'text' | FORCE 'text' [, int]} ];


COMMENT 'text'

Associates a comment with the current transaction where 'text' is a literal string up to 255 characters long. The text string is stored in the Oracle data dictionary view DBA_2PC_PENDING with the transaction ID, in case the transaction rolls back.

FORCE 'text' [, int]

Allows an in-doubt distributed transaction to be manually committed, where 'text' is a literal string that identifies the local or global transaction ID. Transactions can be identified by querying the Oracle data dictionary view DBA_2PC_PENDING. The optional int parameter is an integer that explicitly assigns a system change number (SCN) to the transaction. Without int, the transaction commits using the current SCN.

Issuing a COMMIT statement with the FORCE clause will commit only the transaction explicitly identified in the FORCE clause. It will not affect the current transaction unless it is explicitly identified. The FORCE clause is not usable in PL/SQL statements.

The following example commits a transaction while associating a comment with the transaction:

COMMIT WORK COMMENT 'In-doubt transaction, Call (949) 555-1234';


PostgreSQL implements the following syntax:


In PostgreSQL, both the WORK and TRANSACTION keywords are optional. When you issue a COMMIT, all open transactions are written to disk and the results of those transactions then become visible to other users. For example:

INSERT INTO sales VALUES('7896','JR3435','Oct 28 1997',25,    'Net 60','BU7832'); COMMIT WORK;

SQL Server

SQL Server does support the AND [NO] CHAIN clause. SQL Server supports the keyword TRANSACTION as an equivalent to WORK, as in the following syntax:

COMMIT { [TRAN[SACTION] [transaction_name] ] | [WORK] }

Microsoft SQL Server allows the creation of a specific, named transaction using the START TRAN statement. The COMMIT TRANSACTION syntax allows you to specify an explicit, named transaction to close or to store a transaction name in a variable. Curiously, SQL Server still commits only the most recently opened transaction, despite the name of the transaction that is specified.

When you issue COMMIT WORK, SQL Server terminates all open transactions and writes their changes to the database. You may not specify a transaction name when using COMMIT WORK.

See Also


The CONNECT statement establishes a connection to the DBMS and to a specific database within the DBMS.




Supported, with variations


Not supported




Not supported

SQL Server

Supported, with variations

SQL2003 Syntax

CONNECT TO {DEFAULT | {[server_name] [AS connection_name]    [USER user_name ] }



Initiates a default session with the server where the user authorization is the default and the current database is the default. The standard specifies that CONNECT TO DEFAULT is issued implicitly if you start a SQL session without first issuing a CONNECT statement.


Establishes a connection to a named server. The server_name may be a string literal enclosed in single-quotes or a host variable.

AS connection_name

Establishes a connection with the name connection_name shown in single-quotes. The optional connection_name may be a string literal enclosed in single quotes or a host variable. It is optional only for the first connection attached to a server. All subsequent sessions must include the AS clause. This is useful for telling user connections apart when many users, perhaps even a single user, have many open sessions on a given server_name.

USER user_name

Establishes a connection to the named server under the user_name specified.

Rules at a Glance

Issue the CONNECT statement to open an interactive SQL session with a DBMS. The period between issuing the CONNECT and DISCONNECT statements is commonly called a session. Typically, you will complete all work on a DBMS during an explicitly invoked session.

If you do not specify the server name, the connection name, or the username, then the platform DBMS will provide default values for you. The defaults vary from platform to platform.

To connect to the "houston" server under a specific user ID, you might issue the command:

CONNECT TO houston USER pubs_admin

If the DBMS requires named connections, you might use the following, alternative syntax:

CONNECT TO houston USER pubs_admin AS    pubs_administrative_session;

If you want just a simple, short-term connection then you might use the default:


Programming Tips and Gotchas

If the CONNECT statement is invoked without explicitly disconnecting, the old session becomes dormant and the new session becomes active. You can then switch between connections using the SET CONNECTION statement.

The Oracle tool SQL*Plus uses the CONNECT command somewhat differently: to connect a user to a specific schema.


DB2 supports a couple of variations to the ANSI standard:

CONNECT { [TO] {[server_name] [IN SHARE MODE |    IN EXCLUSIVE MODE [ON SINGLE DBPARTITIONNUM] | [RESET] } [USER user_name ] { [USING password] | [NEW password    CONFIRM password]}



Equates to the SQL statement CONNECT TO DEFAULT, when used alone.

TO server_name

Identifies the server to which the connection will be established. The server_name may be a string literal or a character datatype variable of 8 or fewer characters (UDB) or 16 or fewer characters (OS/390 or z/OS).


Establishes a concurrent connection and allows other users to connect to the database. Prevents other users from connecting in exclusive mode.


Acquires an exclusive connection on the application server and prevents any new users from connecting unless they use the same user_name and password. The optional ON SINGLE DBPARTITIONNUM clause is only usable on a partitioned database. This option specifies that the coordinator database partition is connected in exclusive mode, while all other database partitions are connected in share mode.


Executes a COMMIT statement, then disconnects the session from the server.

USER user_name

Establishes the connection under the named user account. The user_name may be a string literal or a character datatype variable of 8 or fewer characters in length.

USING password

Specifies the password for the user account of user_name. It may be a string literal or a character datatype variable of 8 or fewer characters in length.

NEW password CONFIRM password

Specifies a new password that will be assigned to the user account called user_name. It may be a string literal or a character datatype variable of 18 or fewer characters in length.

For example, we might want to change the password for the user account sam to mephrun using a VARCHAR(8) host variable, app_server, to store the value of the application server:

CONNECT TO :app_server USER sam NEW 'mephrun' CONFIRM 'mephrun';


Not supported.


The CONNECT clause allows a database connection as a specific username. Alternately, a connection can be established for special privileges with AS SYSOPER or AS SYSDBA. The Oracle syntax is:

CONN[ECT] [[username/password] {AS {SYSOPER | SYSDBA} ] ]


CONN[ECT] username/password

Establishes a connection to the database instance.


Establishes the connection as one of the two optional system roles.

If another connection is already open, CONNECT commits any open transactions, closes the current session, and opens the new one.

Oracle also allows the CONNECT statement in its SQL*Plus and iSQL*Plus tools.


PostgreSQL does not explicitly support the CONNECT statement. However, it does support the statement SPI_CONNECT under the Server Programming Interface and PG_CONNECT under the PG/TCL programming package.

SQL Server

SQL Server supports the basic elements of the CONNECT statement within Embedded SQL (inside of C++ or Visual Basic programs), as in the following:

CONNECT TO [server_name.]database_name [AS connection_name] USER {login_name[.password] | $integrated}


CONNECT TO server_name.database_name

Specifies the server and database to which you want a connection. You may leave off the server_name if you wish to default to the local server.

AS connection_name

Names the connection as an alphanumeric string up to 30 characters in length. Symbols are allowed, except for hyphens (-), but the first character must be a letter. CURRENT and ALL are reserved and may not be used for a connection_name. You need only define connection names when making more than one connection.

USER {login_name[.password | $integrated]}

Connects the session under the login_name specified using the password provided or using Windows integrated security. The password is optional when supplying a login name.

For example, we can connect to the server named new_york as the Windows login pubs_admin:

CONNECT TO new_york.pubs USER pubs_admin

To issue the same command under SQL Server standard security:

EXEC SQL CONNECT TO new_york.pubs USER pubs_admin

To issue the same command under Windows integrated security:

EXEC SQL CONNECT TO new_york.pubs USER $integrated

To switch to a different connection, you should use the SET CONNECTION statement.

See Also


The ANSI standard does not actually contain a CREATE DATABASE statement. However, since it is nearly impossible to operate a SQL database without this command, we've added CREATE DATABASE here. Almost all database platforms support some version of this command.




Supported, with variations


Supported, with variations


Supported, with variations


Supported, with variations

SQL Server

Supported, with variations

Rules at a Glance

This command creates a new, blank database with a specific name. Most DBMS platforms require the user to possess administrator privileges in order to create a new database. Once the new database is created, you can populate it with database objects (such as tables, views, triggers, and so on) and populate the tables with data.

Depending on the platform, CREATE DATABASE may also create corresponding files on the filesystem that contain the data and metadata of the database.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

Since CREATE DATABASE is not an ANSI command, it is prone to rather extreme variation in syntax between platforms.


The DB2 statement CREATE DATABASE initializes a new database with a variety of user-defined characteristics, such as collation and autoconfiguration options. In addition, the statement also creates the three initial tablespaces, system tables, and recovery logs required by a DB2 database:

CREATE {DATABASE | DB} database_name [AT DBPARITIONNUM] [ON path_and_drive] [ALIAS database_alias] [USING CODESET codeset TERRITORY territory] [COLLATE USING {COMPATIBILTIY | IDENTITY | NLSCHAR | SYSTEM} ] [NUMSEGS int] [DFT_EXTENT_SZ int] [CATALOG TABLESPACE tablespace_definition] [USER TABLESPACE tablespace_definition] [TEMPORARY TABLESPACE tablespace_definition] [WITH "comments"] [AUTOCONFIGURE [USING param value [...] ] [APPLY {DB ONLY | DB AND DBM | NONE} ]


CREATE {DATABASE | DB} database_name

Creates a database called database_name. The name must be unique from all other database names on either the local database directory or the system database directory.


Creates the database on the database partition where the command was issued. This command is used only to recreate a database that was dropped; it should not be used to create a brand new database. Once the CREATE DATABASE AT DBPARTITIONNUM statement is issued, the database must be immediately restored to the node.

ON path_and_drive

Specifies the path and drive, up to 205 characters long, to create the database on a Windows or Unix-based system. When this clause is omitted, the database is created on the default database path declared in the database manager configuration file dftdbpath parameter.

ALIAS database_alias

Declares an alias for the database within the system database directory.


Declares the codeset and territory used by the database. Once these values are set, they cannot be changed later.


Specifies the type of collation used for the database. Once set, the collation sequence cannot be changed later. Options are:


Uses DB2 v2 collation sequence for backward compatibility.


Uses the identity collation sequence, where strings are compared byte for byte.


Uses the collation sequence unique for the database codeset and territory. This option is currently only supported with the Thai code page (CP874).


Uses the collation sequence for the current territory.


Specifies the number of segment directories, as int, created to store DAT, IDX, LF, LB, and LBA files for any default System Managed Space (SMS) tablespaces. This setting does not affect DMS tablespaces, SMS tablespaces with explicitly defined creation characteristics, or SMS tablespaces created after the database is created.


Specifies the default extent size, as int, of the tablespaces in the database.

CATALOG TABLESPACE tablespace_definition

Specifies the definition of the tablespace that holds the catalog tables. Details on the syntax for tablespace_definition are detailed below. When this clause is omitted, the catalog tables will be created in an SMS tablespace called SYSCATSPACE with the values set by the NUMSEGS and DFT_EXTENT_SZ clauses.

USER TABLESPACE tablespace_definition

Specifies the definition of the tablepace that holds the initial user tablespace. Details on the syntax for tablespace_definition are detailed below. When this clause is omitted, the user tablespace will be created in an SMS tablespace called USERSPACE1 with the values set by the NUMSEGS and DFT_EXTENT_SZ clauses.

TEMPORARY TABLESPACE tablespace_definition

Specifies the definition of the tablepace that holds the initial system temporary tablespace. Details on the syntax for tablespace_definition are detailed below. When this clause is omitted, the user tablespace will be created in an SMS tablespace called TEMPSPACE1 with the values set by the NUMSEGS and DFT_EXTENT_SZ clauses.

WITH "comments"

Specifies a description, up to 30 characters in length, for the database within the database directory.

AUTOCONFIGURE [USING param value [...]]

Declares user-defined settings for important database settings such as the buffer pool size. When issued without the USING clause, DB2 calculates the optimal settings and applies them. The list of param settings and their possible values are:


Defines the percentage of memory dedicated to the database. The default is 25, but may range from 1-100. Do not set this to 100 if other applications are running on the server.


Defines the database workload as either 'simple', 'mixed', or 'complex', with 'mixed' as the default. The 'simple' workload tunes I/O for transactions, while 'complex' tunes the workload for more CPU intensive queries. 'Mixed' provides tuning that is effective, though not optimized, for both workloads.


Defines the number of statements per unit of work. The default is 25, but may range from 1-1,000,000.


Defines the expect number of transactions per minute. The default is 60, but may range from 1-50,000.


Defines whether the database should be tuned for better performance (value = 'performance') or better recovery time (value = 'recovery'), or the middle ground (value = 'both'), which is the default.


Defines the number of connected local applications. The default is 0, but may range from 0-5,000.


Defines the number of connections by remote applications. The default is 100, but may range from 0-5,000.


Defines the transaction isolation level of the applications connecting to the database. The default is RR, but valid values include RR, RS, CS, and UR. Refer to the entry on SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL for more details on DB2's isolation levels.


Defines whether buffer pools may be resized or not. The default is yes, but it may also be set to no.


Determines the scope of any autoconfiguration parameters set using the AUTOCONFIGURATION clause:


Applies changes only to the database configuration and buffer pool settings.


Applies settings to the database manager configuration, the database configuration, and the buffer pool settings.


Displays the recommended settings, but does not apply them.

The tablespace_definition used by DB2 has its own syntax as well:

MANAGED BY    {SYSTEM USING ('container' [,...]) |     DATABASE USING ({FILE | DEVICE} 'container' int [,...]) }     [EXTENTSIZE int] [PREFETCHSIZE int] [OVERHEAD int]     [TRANSFERRATE int]



Defines whether the tablespace is managed by a system managed space (SMS) or a database managed space (DMS):

SYSTEM USING ('container' [,...])

Defines one or more containers for the SMS of up to 240 bytes in length. The container may be an absolute or relative directory name.

DATABASE USING ({FILE | DEVICE} 'container' int [,...])

Defines one or more containers for the DMS of up to 254 bytes in length. The container may be an absolute or relative directory name. The type of container (FILE for a filename or DEVICE for a pre-existing device) and its size (int), plus a suffix of K (kilobytes), M (megabytes), or G (gigabytes) are also specified. If the file does not exist when specified, DB2 will create one. The device must already exist to be used.


Defines the number of pages, int, that are written to the container before skipping to the next container. (The size of the pages is determined by the PAGESIZE setting.) Alternately, the extentsize (int) may be declared in bytes by attaching a suffix of K (kilobytes), M (megabytes), or G (gigabytes) to the integer value.


Defines the number of pages, int, that are read from the tablespace when prefetching data. (The size of the pages are determined by the PAGESIZE setting.) Alternately, the extent size (int) may be declared in bytes by attaching a suffix of K (kilobytes), M (megabytes), or G (gigabytes) to the integer value.


Defines the I/O controller overhead, disk seek, and latency time, in milliseconds, int, used to determine the cost of I/O during query optimization. The value for int should be an average for all containers that belong to the tablespace.


Defines the time to read one page into memory, in milliseconds, int, used to determine the cost of I/O during query optimization. The value for int should be an average for all containers that belong to the tablespace.

Note that DB2 tablespaces may also be created using the DB2-specific command CREATE TABLESPACE.

On DB2 servers that are enabled to support Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), the new database is automatically registered in the LDAP directory.

DB2 does not support an ALTER DATABASE statement.

The following example creates a database called sales with specifically declared NUMSEGS, DFT_EXTENT_SZ, and AUTOCONFIGURATION enabled and applied:


The WITH clause adds a description of the sales database to the database directory.


In MySQL, CREATE DATABASE essentially creates a new directory that holds the database objects:



CREATE DATABASE database_name

Creates a database and directory of database_name. The database directory appears under the MySQL data directory. Tables in MySQL then appear as files in the database directory.


Avoids an error if the database already exists.

For example, we could create a database called sales_archive on a MySQL server. If the database already exists, we want to abort the command without causing an error:


Any tables that we create in the sales_archive database will now appear as files within the sales_archive directory.

MySQL does not support an ALTER DATABASE statement.


Oracle provides an extraordinary level of control over database file structures beyond merely naming the database and specifying a path for the database files. CREATE and ALTER DATABASE are very powerful commands in Oracle. Some of the more sophisticated clauses are best used only by experienced DBAs. These commands can be very large and complex. (ALTER DATABASE alone consumes over 50 pages in the Oracle vendor documentation!)

Novices should be aware that CREATE DATABASE, when run, erases all data in the specified datafiles that are already in existence. Similarly, all the data in an existing database will be lost.

Following is the syntax to create a new database in Oracle:


Following is the syntax to alter an existing database:

ALTER DATABASE [database_name]  [ARCHIVELOG | NOARCHIVELOG] | {MOUNT [{STANDBY | CLONE} DATABASE] |    OPEN [READ WRITE | READ ONLY       [RESETLOGS | NORESETLOGS] | [UPGRADE | DOWNGRADE] } | {ACTIVATE [PHYSICAL | LOGICAL] STANDBY DATABASE       [SKIP [STANDBY LOGFILE] ] |    SET STANDBY [DATABASE] TO MAXIMIZE {PROTECTION | AVAILABILITY |       PERFORMANCE} |    REGISTER [OR REPLACE] [PHYSICAL | LOGICAL] LOGFILE ['file']       [FOR logminer_session_name] |    {COMMIT | PREPARE} TO SWITCHOVER TO       {{[PHYSICAL | LOGICAL] PRIMARY | STANDBY} [WITH[OUT]          SESSION SHUTDOWN] [WAIT | NOWAIT]} |       CANCEL} |    START LOGICAL STANDBY APPLY [IMMEDIATE] [NODELAY]       [{INITIAL int | NEW PRIMARY dblink_name | {FINISH |          SKIP FAILED TRANSACTION] } ] |    {STOP | ABORT} LOGICAL STANDBY APPLY |    [[NO]PARALLEL int] } | {RENAME GLOBAL_NAME TO database[.domain[.domain ...]] |    CHARACTER SET character_set |    NATIONAL CHARACTER SET character_set |    DEFAULT TABLESPACE tablespace_name |    DEFAULT TEMPORARY TABLESPACE {GROUP int | tablespace_name} |    {DISABLE BLOCK CHANGE TRACKING | ENABLE BLOCK CHANGE TRACKING [USING       FILE 'file' [REUSE] } |    FLASHBACK {ON | OFF} |    SET TIME_ZONE = '{ {+ | -} hh:mi | time_zone_region}' |    SET DEFAULT {BIGFILE | SMALLFILE} TABLESPACE } | {ENABLE | DISABLE} { [PUBLIC] THREAD int | INSTANCE 'instance_name' } | {GUARD {ALL | STANDBY | NONE} } | {CREATE DATAFILE 'file' [,...] [AS {NEW | file_definition [,...] } ] |    {DATAFILE 'file' | TEMPFILE 'file'} [,...]       {ONLINE | OFFLINE [FOR DROP | RESIZE int [K | M] |          END BACKUP | AUTOEXTEND {OFF | ON [NEXT int [K | M] [MAXSIZE          [UNLIMITED | int [K | M] } |    {TEMPFILE 'file' | TEMPFILE 'file'} [,...]       {ONLINE | OFFLINE | DROP [INCLUDING DATAFILES] |          RESIZE int [K | M] | AUTOEXTEND {OFF | ON [NEXT int [K | M]          [MAXSIZE [UNLIMITED | int [K | M] } |    RENAME FILE 'file' [,...] TO 'new_file_name' [,...] } | {[[NO] FORCE LOGGING] | [ [NO]ARCHIVELOG [MANUAL] ] |       [ADD | DROP] SUPPLEMENTAL LOG DATA [(ALL | PRIMARY KEY | UNIQUE |          FOREIGN KEY) [,...] ] COLUMNS |       [ADD | DROP] [STANDBY] LOGFILE          {{[THREAD int | INSTANCE 'instance_name']} {[GROUP int |              logfile_name [,...]} [SIZE [K | M]] | [REUSE]  |          [MEMBER] 'file' [REUSE] [,...] TO logfile_name [,...]} |       ADD LOGFILE MEMBER 'file' [RESUSE] [,...] TO {[GROUP int |          logfile_name [,...]} |       DROP [STANDBY] LOGFILE {MEMBER 'file' | {[GROUP int | logfile_name          [,...]} }       CLEAR [UNARCHIVED] LOGFILE {[GROUP int | logfile_name [,...]} [,...]          [UNRECOVERABLE DATAFILE] } | {CREATE [LOGICAL | PHYSICAL] STANDBY CONTROLFILE AS 'file' [REUSE] |    BACKUP CONTROLFILE TO       {'file' [REUSE] | TRACE [AS 'file' [REUSE] ] {RESETLOGS |          NORESETLOGS]} } | {RECOVER    {[AUTOMATIC [FROM 'location'] ]  |       {[STANDBY] DATABASE          {[UNTIL {CANCEL | TIME date | CHANGE int}] |          USING BACKUP CONTROLFILE } |       {{[STANDBY] {TABLESPACE tablespace_name [,...] | DATAFILE          'file' [,...] } [UNTIL [CONSISTENT WITH] CONTROLFILE]} |          TABLESPACE tablespace_name [,...] | DATAFILE 'file' [,...]} |       LOGFILE filename [,...] } [{TEST | ALLOW int CORRUPTION | [NO]PARALLEL          int}]} |       CONTINUE [DEFAULT] |       CANCEL [IMMEDIATE][NOWAIT] }    {MANAGED STANDBY DATABASE       {[[NO]TIMEOUT int] [{[NO]DELAY int | DEFAULT DELAY}] [NEXT int]          [[NO]EXPIRE int] [{[NO]PARALLEL int}] [USING CURRENT LOGFILE]          [UNTIL CHANGE int]          [THROUGH             {ALL ARCHIVELOG | {ALL | LAST | NEXT} SWITCHOVER |             [[THREAD int] SEQUENCE int ] } |       [CANCEL [IMMEDIATE] [{WAIT | NOWAIT}] ] |       [DISCONNECT [FROM SESSION] [{[NO]PARALLEL int}]          FINISH [SKIP [STANDBY LOGFILE]] [{WAIT | NOWAIT}] ] |


The syntax elements in Oracle are as follows:

{CREATE | ALTER} DATABASE database_name

Creates or alters a database with the name database_name. The database name can be up to 8 bytes in length and may not contain European or Asian characters. You can omit a database name and allow Oracle to create a database name for you, but beware that Oracle can create some counter-intuitive names.




Specifies passwords for the SYS and SYSTEM users. You may specify neither or both of these clauses, but not just one of them.


Causes existing control files to be reused, enabling you to specify existing files in the CONTROL_FILES parameter in INIT.ORA. Oracle will then overwrite any information those files may contain. This clause is normally used when recreating a database. Consequently, you probably don't want to use this clause in conjunction with MAXLOGFILES, MAXLOGMEMBER, MAXLOGHISTORY, MAXDATAFILES, or MAXINSTANCES.

LOGFILE definition

Specifies one or more logfiles for the database. You may define multiple files all with the same size and characteristics, using the file parameter, or you may define multiple files, each with its own size and characteristics. The entire logfile definition syntax is rather ponderous, but offers a great deal of control:

LOGFILE { ('file' [,...]) [SIZE int [K | M] [GROUP int] [REUSE]} [,...]


LOGFILE ('file' [,...])

Defines one or more files that will act as redo logfiles; file is both the filename and path. Any files defined in the CREATE DATABASE statement are assigned to redo log thread number 1. When specifying multiple redo logfiles, each filename should be enclosed in single quotes and separated from the other names by commas. The entire list should be enclosed in parentheses.

SIZE int [K | M]

Specifies the size of the redo logfile in bytes as an integer value, int. Alternately, you may define the redo logfile in large units than bytes by appending a K (for kilobytes) or an M (for megabytes).


Defines the integer ID, int, of the redo logfile group. The value may be from 1 to the value of the MAXLOGFILES clause. An Oracle database must have at least two redo logfile groups. Oracle will create a redo logfile group for you, at 100 MB each, if you leave off this group ID.


Reuses an existing redo logfile.


Sets the maximum number of logfiles, int, available to the database being created. The minimum, maximum, and default for this clause are OS-dependent.


Sets the maximum number of members (i.e., copies) for a redo logfile group. The minimum value is 1 while the maximum and default values for this clause are OS-dependent.


Sets the maximum number of archived redo logfiles available to a Real Application Cluster. You can use the MAXLOGHISTORY clause only when Oracle is in ARCHIVELOG mode on a Real Application Cluster. The minimum value is 0 while the maximum and default values for this clause are OS-dependent.


Defines how redo logs operate. When used with ALTER DATABASE, allows the current setting to be changed. ARCHIVELOG saves data stored in the redo log(s) to an archiving file, providing for media recoverability. Conversely, NOARCHIVELOG allows a redo log to be reused without archiving the contents. Both options provide recoverability, although NOARCHIVELOG (the default) does not provide media recovery.


Places all instances of the database into FORCE LOGGING mode, in which all changes to the database are logged, except for changes to temporary tablespaces and segments. This setting takes precedence over any tablespace- or object-level settings.


Sets the initial number of datafiles, int, available to the database being created. Note that the INIT.ORA setting, DB_FILES, also limits the number of datafiles accessible to the database instance.


Sets the maximum number of instances, int, which may mount and open the database being created. The minimum value is 1 while the maximum and default values for this clause are OS-dependent.


Controls the language character set in which the data is stored. The value for charset cannot be AL16UTF16. The value of charset is OS-dependent.


Controls the national language character set for data stored in NCHAR, NCLOB, and NVARCHAR2 columns. The value for charset must be either AL16UTF16 (the default) or UTF8.


Creates a locally managed SYSTEM tablespace, otherwise the SYSTEM tablespace will be dictionary managed. This clause requires a default temporary tablespace. If you omit a DATAFILE clause, you can also omit a default temporary tablespace because Oracle will create them both for you.

DATAFILE definition

Specifies one or more datafiles for the database. (All these datafiles become part of the SYSTEM tablespace.) You may repeat filenames to define multiple files all with the same size and characteristics. Alternately, you may repeat the entire DATAFILE clause, with each occurrence defining one or more files with the same size and characteristics. The entire datafile definition syntax is rather large, but offers a great deal of control:

DATAFILE {('file1' [,...]) [GROUP int] [SIZE int [K | M] [REUSE] [AUTOEXTEND [OFF | ON [NEXT int [K | M] [MAXSIZE [UNLIMITED | int [K | M]] } [,...]


DATAFILE ('file1' [,...])

Defines one or more files that will act as the datafile(s), where file1 is both the filename and path. For multiple files, each filename should be enclosed in single-quotes and separated by a comma. The entire list should be enclosed in parentheses.


Defines the integer ID, int, of the datafile group. The value may be from 1 to the value of MAXLOGFILES clause. An Oracle database must have at least two datafile groups. Oracle will create them for you, at 100 MB each, if you leave off this clause.

SIZE int [K | M]

Specifies the size of the datafile in bytes as an integer value, int. Alternately, you may define the datafile in large units by appending a K (for kilobytes) or an M (for megabytes).


Reuses the existing datafile.


Enables (ON) the automatic extension of new or existing data or temp files (but does not redo logfiles). NEXT specifies the next increment of space allocated to the file in bytes, kilobytes (K), or megabytes (M) when more space is needed.


Specifies the maximum disk space allowed for automatic extension of the file. UNLIMITED allows the file to grow without an upper limit, except of course the total capacity of the drive. Otherwise, you may define the maximum size limit as an integer, int, in bytes (the default), kilobytes with the keyword K, and megabytes with the keyword M.


Specifies one or more datafiles for the SYSAUX tablespace. By default, Oracle creates and manages the SYSTEM and SYSAUX tablespaces automatically. You must use this clause if you have specified a datafile for the SYSTEM tablespace. If you omit the SYSAUX clause when using Oracle-managed files, then Oracle will create the SYSAUX tablespace as an online, permanent, locally managed tablespace with a single datafile of 100 MB, using automatic segment-space management and logging.


Specifies the default file type of a subsequently created tablespace. BIGFILE indicating the tablespace will contain a single datafile or tempfile of up to 8 exabytes (8 million terabytes) in size, while SMALLFILE indicates the tablespace is a traditional Oracle tablespace. The default, when omitted, is SMALLFILE.

DEFAULT TABLESPACE tablespace_name

Specifies a default permanent tablespace for the database for all non-SYSTEM users. When this clause is omitted, the SYSTEM tablespace is the default permanent tablespace for non-SYSTEM users. The EXTENT MANAGEMENT clause has the same syntax as in the DEFAULT TEMPORARY TABLESPACE clause appearing later.

DEFAULT TEMPORARY TABLESPACE tablespace_name [TEMPFILE file_definition]

Defines the name and location of the default temporary tablespace for the database. Users who are not explicitly assigned to a temporary tablespace will operate in this one. If you don't create a default temporary tablespace, Oracle uses the SYSTEM tablespace. Under ALTER DATABASE, this clause allows you to change the default temporary tablespace.

TEMPFILE file_definition

The tempfile definition is optional when the DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST INIT.ORA parameter is set. Otherwise, you'll have to define the tempfile yourself. The TEMPFILE definition syntax is otherwise identical to the DATAFILE definition syntax earlier in this section.


Defines the way in which the SYSTEM tablespace is managed. When this clause is omitted, the SYSTEM tablespace is dictionary-managed. Once created as a locally managed tablespace, it cannot be converted back to a dictionary-managed tablespace, nor can any new dictionary-managed tablespaces be created in the database.


Specifies that the Oracle data dictionary manages the tablespace. This is the default. The AUTOALLOCATE and UNIFORM subclauses are not used with this clause.


Declares that the tablespace is locally managed. This clause is optional since all temporary tablespaces have locally managed extents by default. Use of this clause requires a default temporary tablespace. If you do not manually create one, Oracle will automatically create one called TEMP of 10 MB size with autoextend disabled.


Specifies that new extents will be allocated as needed by the locally managed tablespace.

UNIFORM [SIZE int [K | M] ]

Specifies that all extents of the tablespace are the same size (UNIFORM), in bytes, as int. The SIZE clause allows you to configure the size of the extents to your liking in bytes (the default), in kilobytes using the keyword K, or in megabytes using the keyword M. The default is 1M.

UNDO TABLESPACE tablespace_name [DATAFILE temp_datafile_definition]

Defines the name and location for undo data, creating a tablespace named tablespace_name, but only if you have set the UNDO_MANAGEMENT INIT.ORA parameter to AUTO. If you don't use this clause, Oracle manages undo space via rollback segments. (You may also set the INIT.ORA parameter to UNDO_TABLESPACE. If so, the value of the parameter and the tablespace_name used here must be identical.)


DATAFILE temp_datafile_definition

Creates and assigns the datafile, as you have defined it, to the undo tablespace. Refer to the earlier section on DATAFILE for the full syntax on this clause. This clause is required if you have not specified a value for the INIT.ORA parameter DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST.

SET TIME_ZONE = ' { {+ | -} hh:mi | time_zone_region}'

Sets the time zone for the database, either by specifying a delta from Greenwich Mean Time (now called Coordinated Universal Time) or by specifying a time zone region. (For a list of time zone regions, query the tzname column of the v$timezone_names view.) If you do not use this clause, Oracle defaults to the operating-system time zone.


Sets all tablespaces created by the current CREATE DATABASE or ALTER DATABASE statement as either BIGFILE or SMALLFILE. When creating databases, this clause also applies to the SYSTEM and SYSAUX tablespaces.


Mounts a database for users to access. The STANDBY keyword mounts a physical standby database, enabling it to receive archived redo logs from the primary instance. The CLONE keyword mounts a clone database. This clause cannot be used with OPEN.


Opens the database separately from the mounting process. (Mount the database first.) READ WRITE opens the database in read/write mode, allowing users to generate redo logs. READ ONLY allows reads but disallows changes to redo logs. RESETLOGS discards all redo information not applied during recovery and sets the log sequence number to 1. NORESETLOGS retains the logs in their present condition. The optional UPGRADE and DOWNGRADE clauses tell Oracle to dynamically modify the system parameters as required for database upgrade or downgrade, respectively. The default is OPEN READWRITE NORESETLOGS.


Promotes a standby database to the primary database. You can optionally specify a PHYSICAL standby, the default, or a LOGICAL standby. Use the SKIP clause to immediately promote a physical standby and discard any data still unapplied by the RECOVER MANAGED STANDBY DATABASE FINISH statement. The clause STANDBY LOGFILE is noise.


Sets the level of protection for data in the primary database. The old terms PROTECTED and UNPROTECTED equate to TO MAXIMIZE PROTECTION and MAXIMIZE PERFORMANCE, respectively, where:


Provides the highest level of data protection, but has the greater overhead and negatively impacts availability. This setting commits transactions only after all data necessary for recovery has been physically written in at least one physical standby database that uses SYNC log transport mode.


Provides the second highest level of data protection, but the highest level of availability. This setting commits transactions only after all data necessary for recovery has been physically written in at least one physical or logical standby database that uses SYNC log transport mode.


Provides the highest level of performance, but compromises data protection and availability. This setting commits transactions before all data necessary for recovery has been physically written to a standby database.


Manually registers redo logfiles from a failed primary server when issued from a standby server. The logfile may optionally be declared as PHYSICAL or LOGICAL. The OR REPLACE clause allows updates to details for an existing archivelog entry.

FOR logminer_session_name

Registers the logfile with a single, specific LogMiner session in an Oracle Streams environment.


Performs a graceful switchover, moving the current primary database to standby status and promoting a standby database to primary. (In a RAC environment, all instances other than the current instance have to be shutdown.) To gracefully switch over, you should issue the command twice, once to prepare the primary and standby databases to begin exchanging logfiles in advance of the switchover using PREPARE TO SWITCHOVER. To demote the primary database and switchover of the standby databases, use COMMIT TO SWITCHOVER. The PHYSICAL clause puts the primary database into physical standby mode. The LOGICAL clause puts the primary database into logical standby mode. However, you must then issue an ALTER DATABASE START LOGICAL STANDBY APPLY statement.


WITH SESSION SHUTDOWN closes any open application sessions and rolls back any uncommitted transactions during a switchover of physical databases (but not logical ones). WITHOUT SESSION SHUTDOWN, the default, causes the COMMIT TO SWITCHOVER statement to fail if it encounters any open application sessions. WAIT returns control to the console after completion of the SWITCHOVER command, while NOWAIT returns control before the command completes.


Starts to apply redo logs to the logical standby database. IMMEDIATE tells the Oracle LogMiner to read the redo data in the standby redo logfiles. NODELAY tells Oracle to ignore a delay for the apply, such as when the primary database is unavailable or disabled. INITIAL is used the first time you apply logs to the standby database. NEW PRIMARY is required after a switchover has completed or after a standby database has processed all redo logs and another standby is promoted to primary. Use SKIP FAILED TRANSACTION to skip the last transaction and to restart the apply. Use FINISH to apply the data in the redo logs if the primary database is disabled.


Stops the application of redo logs to a logical standby server. STOP performs an orderly stop, while ABORT performs an immediate stop.


[NO]PARALLEL determines whether parallel recovery of media is used. NOPARALLEL is the default and enforces serial reading of the media. PARALLEL with no int value tells Oracle to choose the degree of parallelism to apply. Specifying int declares the degree of parallelism to apply.

RENAME GLOBAL_NAME TO database[.domain[.domain ...]]

Changes the global name of the database, where database is the new name of up to 8 bytes in length. The optional domain specifications identify the database's location in the network. This does not propagate database name changes to any dependent objects like synonyms, stored procedures, etc.


Tells Oracle to stop or start tracking the physical location of all database updates, respectively, and maintain the information in a special file called the block change tracking file. Oracle will automatically create the file as defined by the DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST parameter, unless you add the USING FILE 'file' clause, where 'file' is the path and name of the file. REUSE tells Oracle to overwrite an existing block change tracking file of the same name as 'file'. The USING and REUSE subclauses are only allowed with the ENABLE BLOCK clause.


Places the database in or out of FLASHBACK mode, respectively. When in flashback mode, an Oracle database automatically creates and maintains flashback database logs in the flash recovery area. When OFF, the flashback database logs are deleted and unavailable.


Specifies the time zone for the server. Refer to the SET TIME ZONE statement for more information.


In Real Application Cluster (RAC) environments, you can ENABLE or DISABLE a redo log thread by number (int). You may optionally specify an instance_name to enable or disable a thread mapped to a specific database instance of an Oracle Real Application Cluster environment. The instance_name may be up to 80 characters long. The PUBLIC keyword makes the thread available to any instance. When omitted, the thread is only available when explicitly requested. To enable a thread, the thread must have at least two redo logfile groups. To disable a thread, the database must be open but not mounted by an instance using the thread.


Protects the data in a database from changes. ALL prevents users other than SYS from making changes. STANDBY prevents all users other than SYS from making changes in a logical standby. NONE provides normal security for the database.

CREATE DATAFILE 'file' [,...] [AS {NEW | file_definition}]

Creates a new empty datafile, replacing an existing one. The value 'file' identifies a file (either by filename or file number) that was lost or damaged without a backup. AS NEW creates a new file in the default filesystem using an Oracle-supplied name. AS file_definition allows you to specify a filename and sizing details, as defined under the file_definition section earlier in the list.


Changes the attributes, such as the size, of one or more existing datafiles or tempfiles. You may alter one or more files in a comma-delimited list, identified in the value 'file' by filename or file number. Do not mix datafile and tempfile declarations; only one or the other should appear in this clause at a time, where:


Sets the file online.


Sets the file offline allowing media recovery. FOR DROP is required to take a file offline in NOARCHIVELOG mode, but does not actually destroy the file. It is ignored in ARCHIVELOG mode.

RESIZE int [K | M]

Sets a new size for an existing datafile or tempfile.


Described later in the list under END BACKUP. Used only with the DATAFILE clause.


Drops not only the tempfile, but all datafiles on the filesystem associated with the tempfile. Oracle also adds an entry to the alert log for each file that is erased. Used only with the TEMPFILE clause.


Described earlier in the list under DATAFILE definition.

RENAME FILE 'file' [,...] TO 'new_file_name' [,...]

Renames a datafile, tempfile, or redo logfile member from the old name, 'file', to the 'new_file_name'. You can rename multiple files at once by specifying multiple old and new filenames. This command does not rename files at the operating system level. Rather, it specifies new names that Oracle will use to open the files. You need to rename at the operating system level yourself.


Puts the database into force logging mode (FORCE LOGGING) or takes it out of force logging mode (NO FORCE LOGGING). In the former, Oracle logs all changes to the database except in temporary tablespaces or segments. This database-level FORCE LOGGING setting supersedes all tablespace level declarations regarding force logging mode.


Tells Oracle to create redo logfiles, but the user will handle the archiving of the redo logfiles explicitly. It is used only with the ALTER DATABASE statement and only for backward compatibility for users with older tape backup systems. When this clause is omitted, Oracle defaults the redo logfile destination to the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameter.


ADD places additional column data into the log stream whenever an update is executed. It also enables minimal supplemental logging, which ensures that LogMiner can support chained rows and special storage arrangements like clustered tables. Supplemental logging is disabled by default. You can add the clauses PRIMARY KEY COLUMNS, UNIQUE KEY COLUMNS, FOREIGN KEY COLUMNS, or ALL (to get all three earlier options), if you need to enable full referential integrity via foreign keys in another database, such as a logical standby. In either case, Oracle places either the primary key columns, unique key columns (or where none exist, a combination of columns that uniquely identify each row), foreign key columns, or all three into the log. DROP tells Oracle to suspend supplemental logging.

[ADD | DROP] [STANDBY] LOGFILE [THREAD int] [GROUP int] [MEMBER] 'file' [,...]

ADD adds one or more primary or standby redo logfile groups to the specified instance. THREAD assigns the added files to a specific thread number (int) on a Real Application Cluster. When omitted, the default is the thread assigned to the current instance. GROUP assigns the redo logfile groups to a specific group within the thread. MEMBER adds the specified 'file' (or files in a comma-delimited list) to an existing redo logfile group. DROP LOGFILE MEMBER drops one or more redo logfile members, after issuing an ALTER SYSTEM SWITCH LOGFILE statement.


Reinitializes one or more specified online redo logs. Specify the logs in a comma-delimited list. UNARCHIVED skips archiving the redo logs. UNRECOVERABLE DATAFILE is required when any datafile is offline and the database is in ARCHIVELOG mode.


Creates a control file that maintains a logical or physical standby database. REUSE is needed if the file already exists.


Backs up the current control file of an open or mounted database. TO 'file' identifies a full path and filename for the control file. TO TRACE writes SQL statements to recreate the control file to a trace file. TO TRACE AS 'file' writes all the SQL statements to a standard file rather than a trace file. REUSE is needed if the file already exists. RESETLOGS initializes the trace file with the statement ALTER DATABASE OPEN RESETLOGS, and is only valid when online logs are unavailable. NORESETLOGS initializes the trace file with the statement ALTER DATABASE OPEN NORESETLOGS and is only valid when online logs are available.


Controls media recovery for the database, standby database, tablespace, or file. In Oracle, the ALTER TABLE command is one of the primary means of recovering a damaged or disabled database, file, or tablespace. Use RECOVER when the database is mounted (in exclusive mode), the files and tablespaces involved are not in use (offline), and the database is in either an open or closed state. The entire database can be recovered only when it is closed, but specific files or tablespaces can be recovered in a database that is open.

AUTOMATIC [FROM 'location']

Tells Oracle to automatically generate the name of the next archived redo logfile necessary for continued operation during recovery. Oracle will prompt you if it cannot find the next file. The FROM 'location' clause tells Oracle where to find the archived redo logfile group. The following subclauses may be applied to an automatically recovered database.


Specifies that the database or tablespace to recover is a standby type.


Tells Oracle to recover the entire database. The UNTIL keyword tells Oracle to continue recovery until ALTER DATABASE...RECOVER CANCEL (CANCEL) is issued, until a specified time is reached (TIME) in the format YYYY-MM-DD:HH24:MI:SS, or until a specific system change number (CHANGE int) is reached where int is the number. The clause USING BACKUP CONTROLFILE enables use of the backup, rather than current, control file.

[STANDBY] TABLESPACE tablespace_name [,...] | DATAFILE 'file' [,...]

Recovers one or more specific tablespaces or datafiles, respectively. You may specify more than one tablespace or datafile using a comma-delimited list. You may also recover a datafile by datafile number, rather than by name. The tablespace may be in normal or standby mode. The standby tablespace or datafile is reconstructed using archived redo logfiles copied from the primary database and a control file.


Tells Oracle to recover an older standby tablespace or datafile by using the current standby control file. CONSISTENT WITH are noise words.

LOGFILE filename [,...]

Continues media recovery by applying one or more redo logfiles that you specify in a comma-delimited list.


TEST performs a trial recovery, allowing you to foresee any problems. ALLOW int CORRUPTION tells how many corrupt blocks (int) to tolerate before causing recovery to abort. Int must be 1 for a real recovery, but may be any number you chose when paired with TEST. Parallelism is described earlier in the list.


Determines whether multi-instance recovery continues after interruption. CONTINUE DEFAULT is the same as RECOVER AUTOMATIC, but does not result in a prompt for a filename.


Cancels a managed recovery operation at the next archived log boundary, if it was started with the USING CANCEL clause. The IMMEDIATE keyword cancels the managed recovery in process after the current I/O or archived log boundary, whichever is first. NOWAIT cancels the recovery immediately without regard to current work in process, while WAIT allows current work to complete normally.


Specifies managed physical standby recovery mode on an active component of a standby database. This command is used for media recovery only and not to construct a new database, using the following parameters:


TIMEOUT specifies, in minutes (int), how long the foreground managed recovery operation will wait for the next available redo log before timing out. NOTIMEOUT, the default, tells Oracle to wait indefinitely for the next redo log, or until the instance is shutdown, or until RECOVER CANCEL is issued.


Described earlier.


Tells, in minutes (int), how long Oracle should wait to apply an archived redo log after it has been selected for recovery. DEFAULT DELAY tells Oracle to use the delay specified by the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n INIT.ORA parameter. NODELAY tells Oracle to apply the archived redo log immediately.

NEXT int

Tells Oracle to apply the int next archived redo logs as soon as possible after they have been archived. Incompatible with FINISH.


Tells Oracle, in minutes (int), when to automatically terminate a managed recovery relative to the time the recovery started. NOEXPIRE disables a previously set EXPIRE value. Incompatible with FINISH.


Invokes real time apply, which allows recovery of redos from standby online logs as they are being filled, without first requiring that they be archived by the standby database.


Conducts a managed recovery up to (but not including) the specified system change number called int.


Tells Oracle when to terminate managed recovery to a standby server. THROUGH ALL ARCHIVELOG, the default, continues managed recovery until all archivelogs are recovered. THROUGH...SWITCHOVER controls the termination of managed recovery when Oracle switches over to a secondary standby server. ALL keeps managed recovery in operation through any switchovers. LAST terminates managed recovery after receiving the final end-of-redo indicator. NEXT terminates managed recovery after receiving the next end-of-redo indicator. THROUGH...SEQUENCE tells Oracle to terminate managed recovery when it encounters a specific THREAD number and/or SEQUENCE number.


Causes the managed redo process to occur in the background, leaving the current process available for other tasks. FROM SESSION are noise words. DISCONNECT is incompatible with TIMEOUT.


Recovers the current physical standby online redo logfiles in preparation of the standby assuming the primary database role when the primary database has failed. The FINISH clause, when used without any other keywords, is known as a terminal recovery. The optional clause SKIP [STANDBY LOGFILE] allows the standby to prepare for the primary role when standby online redo logfiles are not available. The FINISH SKIP clause, when used without any other keywords, is known as a terminal incomplete recovery. WAIT tells Oracle to return control after completing the recovery process, while NOWAIT returns control immediately. Incompatible with TIMEOUT, DELAY, EXPIRE, and NEXT.


Controls online backup mode for any datafiles. BEGIN places all datafiles into online backup mode. The database must be mounted and open, in archivelog mode with media recovery enabled. (Note that while the database is in online backup mode the instance cannot be shutdown, and individual tablespaces cannot be backed up, taken offline, or made read only.) END takes all datafiles currently in online backup mode out of that mode. The database must be mounted, but need not be open.

After that long discussion of specific syntax, it's important to establish some Oracle basics.

Oracle allows the use of primary and standby databases. A primary database is a mounted and open database accessible to users. The primary database then ships its redo logs to a standby database where they are recovered, thus making the standby database a very up-to-date copy of the primary.

Unique to the Oracle environment is the INIT.ORA file, which specifies the database name and a variety of other options when creating and starting up the database. You should always define startup parameters, such as the name of any control files, in the INIT.ORA file to identify the control files or else the database will not start. Starting in Oracle 9.1, you can use binary parameter files rather than INIT.ORA files.

When a group of logfiles is listed, they are usually shown in parentheses. The parentheses aren't needed when creating a group with only one member, but this is seldom done. Here's an example using a parenthetical list of logfiles:

CREATE DATABASE publications LOGFILE ('/s01/oradata/loga01','/s01/oradata/loga02') SIZE 5M DATAFILE;

The example above creates a database called publications with an explicitly defined logfile clause and an automatically created datafile. The following example of an Oracle CREATE DATABASE command is much more sophisticated:


This example defines log and data files, as well as all appropriate character sets. We also define a few characteristics for the database, such as the use of ARCHIVELOG mode and CONTROLFILE REUSE mode, the time zone, maximum number of instances, datafiles, etc. The example also assumes that the INIT.ORA parameter for DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST has already been set. Thus, we don't have to define file definitions for the DEFAULT TEMPORARY TABLESPACE and UNDO TABLESPACE clauses.

When issued by a user with SYSDBA privileges, this statement creates a database and makes it available to users in either exclusive or parallel mode, as defined by the value of the CLUSTER_DATABASE initialization parameter. Any data that exists in predefined datafiles is erased. You will usually want to create tablespaces and rollback segments for the database. (Refer to the vendor documentation for the platform specific commands CREATE TABLESPACE and CREATE ROLLBACK SEGMENT.)

Oracle has tightened up security around default database user accounts. Many default database user accounts are now locked and expired during initial installation. Only SYS, SYSTEM, SCOTT, DBSNMP, OUTLN, AURORA$JIS$UTILITY$, AURORA$ORB$UNAUTHENTICATED, and OSE$HTTP$ADMIN are the same as they were in earlier versions. You must manually unlock and assign a new password to all locked accounts, as well as assign a password to SYS and SYSTEM during the initial installation.

In the next example, we add more logfiles to the current database, then add a datafile:

ALTER DATABASE ADD LOGFILE GROUP 3    ('diskf: log3.sales_arch_log','diskg:log3.sales_arch_log') SIZE 50M; ALTER DATABASE sales_archive CREATE DATAFILE 'diskF:sales_rpt4.dbf' AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 25M MAXSIZE UNLIMITED;

We can set a new default temporary tablespace, as shown in the next example:


Next, we'll perform a simple full database recovery:


In the next example, we perform a more elaborate partial database recovery:


Now, we'll perform a simple recovery of a standby database in managed standby recovery mode:


In the following example, we gracefully switch over from a primary database to a logical standby, and promote the logical standby to primary:

-- Demotes the current primary to logical standby database. ALTER DATABASE COMMIT TO SWITCHOVER TO LOGICAL STANDBY; -- Applies changes to the new standby. ALTER DATABASE START LOGICAL STANDBY APPLY;

-- Promotes the current standby to primary database.



PostgreSQL's implementation of the CREATE DATABASE command creates a database and a file location for the datafiles:

CREATE DATABASE database_name    [ WITH {[LOCATION = 'dbpath' ] [TEMPLATE = tmp_name]    [ENCODING = enc_value]} ]


WITH LOCATION = 'dbpath'

Specifies the file path where the database will be located. You can leave off this clause to accept the default location or use the clause WITH LOCATION = DEFAULT. The path must be prepared in advance using the initlocation command (which is a Unix command, not a SQL statement). In general, PostgreSQL uses environmental variable names (an environmental variable name is a pathname without slashes). If you want to specify an absolute file and path name, like /usr/local/pgsql/data01, you must set and compile the server with the ALLOW_ABSOLUTE_DBPATH parameter.

TEMPLATE = tmp_name

Names a template to use for creating the new database. You can leave off this clause to accept the default template describing the location of the database files or use the clause TEMPLATE = DEFAULT. The default is to copy the standard system database template1. You can get a pristine database (one that contains only required database objects) by specifying TEMPLATE = template0.

ENCODING = enc_value

Specifies the multibyte encoding method to use in the new database using either a string literal (such as 'SQL_ASCII'), an integer encoding number, or DEFAULT for the default encoding.

For example, to create the database sales_revenue in the /home/teddy/private_db directory:

CREATE DATABASE sales_revenue WITH LOCATION = '/home/teddy/private_db';

Be careful using absolute file- and pathnames, since they impact security and data integrity issues.

PostgreSQL advises that databases used as templates be treated as read-only. Template databases should not be used for general purpose "copy database" functionality.

PostgreSQL does not support the ALTER DATABASE command.

SQL Server

SQL Server offers a high degree of control over the OS filesystem structures that hold the database and its objects. The syntax for Microsoft SQL Server's CREATE DATABASE statement looks like this:

CREATE DATABASE database_name [ ON file_definition [,...] ] [, FILEGROUP filegroup_name file_definition [,...] ] [ LOG ON file_definition [,...] ] [ COLLATE collation_name] [ FOR LOAD | FOR ATTACH ]

Following is the syntax for ALTER DATABASE:

ALTER DATABASE database_name {ADD FILE file_definition [,...] [TO FILEGROUP filegroup_name] | ADD LOG FILE file_definition [,...] | REMOVE FILE file_name | ADD FILEGROUP filegroup_name  | REMOVE FILEGROUP filegroup_name  | MODIFY FILE file_definition | MODIFY NAME = new_database_name  | MODIFY FILEGROUP filegroup_name {filegroup_property  | NAME = new_filegroup_name } | SET {state_option | cursor_option  | auto_option | sql_option |  recovery_option}      [,...] [ WITH termination_option] | COLLATE collation_name }

Parameter descriptions are as follows:

{CREATE | ALTER} DATABASE database_name

Creates a database, or alters an existing database, of database_name. The name cannot be longer than 128 characters. You should limit the database name to 123 characters when no logical filename is supplied, since SQL Server will create a logical filename by appending a suffix to the database name.

{ON | ADD} file_definition [,...]

Defines the disk file(s) that store the data components of the database for CREATE DATABASE or adds disk file(s) for ALTER DATABASE. ON is required for CREATE DATABASE only if you wish to provide one or more file definitions, where the syntax for file_definition is:

{[PRIMARY] ([NEW][NAME = file_name] [, FILENAME = 'os_file_name']   [, SIZE = int [KB | MD | GB | TB] ] [, MAXSIZE = { int |  UNLIMITED } ] [, FILEGROWTH = int]) } [,...]



Defines the file_definition as the primary file. Only one is allowed per database. (If you don't define a primary file, SQL Server defaults primary status to the file that it autocreates, in the absence of any user-defined file, or to the first file that you define.) The primary file, or groups of files (also called filegroups), contains the logical start of the database, all the database system tables, and all other objects not contained in user filegroups.

[NEW]NAME = file_name

Defines the logical name of the file defined by the file_definition for CREATE DATABASE. Use NEWNAME for ALTER DATABASE to define a new logical name for the file. In either case, the logical name must be unique within the database. This clause is optional when using FOR ATTACH.

FILENAME = 'os_file_name'

Defines the operating system path and filename for the file defined by file_definition. The file must be in a non-compressed directory on the filesystem. For raw partitions, specify only the drive letter of the raw partition.

SIZE = int [KB | MB | GB | TB]

Defines the size of the file defined by the file_definition. This clause is optional, but defaults to the file size for the primary file of the model database, which is usually very small. Logfiles and secondary datafiles default to 1MB in size. The value of int defaults to megabytes; however, you can explicitly define the size of the file using suffixes for kilobyte (KB), megabyte (MB), gigabyte (GB), and terabyte (TB). Size cannot be smaller than 512KB or the size of the primary file of the model database.


Defines the maximum size the file may grow to. Suffixes, as described under the entry for SIZE, are allowed. The default, UNLIMITED, allows the file to grow until all available disk space is consumed. Not required for files on raw partitions.


Defines the growth increment for the file each time it grows. Suffixes, as described under the entry for SIZE, are allowed. You may also use the percentage (%) suffix to indicate that the file should grow by the percentage of the total disk space currently consumed. If you omit the FILEGROWTH clause, the file will grow in 10% increments, but never less than 64KB. Not required for files on raw partitions.

[ADD] LOG {ON | FILE} file_definition

Defines the disk file(s) that store the log component of the database for CREATE DATABASE or adds disk file(s) for ALTER DATABASE. You can provide one or more file_definitions for the transaction logs in a comma-delimited list. Refer to the earlier section under the keyword ON for the full syntax of file_definition.

REMOVE FILE file_name

Removes a file from the database and deletes the physical file. The file must be emptied of all content first.

[ADD] FILEGROUP filegroup_name file_definition [,...]

Defines any user filegroups and their file definitions used by the database. All database have at least one primary filegroup (though many databases only use the primary filegroup that comes with SQL Server by default). Adding filegroups and then moving files to the filegroups can allow you greater control over disk I/O. (We recommend that you do not add filegroups without careful analysis and testing.)

REMOVE FILEGROUP filegroup_name

Removes a filegroup from the database and deletes all the files in the filegroup. The files and the filegroup must be empty first.

MODIFY FILE file_definition

Changes the definition of a file. This clause is very similar to the {ADD | ON} FILE clause. For example: MODIFY FILE (NAME = file_name, NEWNAME = new_file_name, SIZE=...).

MODIFY NAME = new_database_name

Changes the database name from its current name to new_database_name.

MODIFY FILEGROUP filegroup_name {filegroup_property | NAME = new_filegroup_name }

Used with ALTER DATABASE, this clause has two forms. The first form allows you to change a filegroup name, as in MODIFY FILEGROUP filegroup_name NAME = new_filegroup_name. The second form allows you to specify a filegroup_property for the filegroup, which must be one of the following:


Sets the filegroup to read-only and disallows updates to all objects within the filegroup. READONLY can only be enabled by users with exclusive database access and cannot be applied to the primary filegroup.


Disables the READONLY property and allows updates to objects within the filegroup. READWRITE can only be enabled by users with exclusive database access.


Sets the filegroup as the default filegroup for the database. All new tables and indexes are assigned to the default filegroup unless explicitly assigned elsewhere. Only one default filegroup is allowed per database. (By default, the CREATE DATABASE statement sets the primary filegroup as the default filegroup.)

SET {state_option | cursor_option | auto_option | sql_option | recovery_option} [,...]

Controls a wide variety of behaviors for the database. These are discussed in the rules and information later in this section.

WITH termination_option

Used after the SET clause, WITH sets the rollback behavior for incomplete transactions whenever the database is in transition. When omitted, transactions must commit or rollback on their own with the database state changes. There are two termination_option settings:


Causes the database to roll back in int number of seconds, or immediately. SECONDS is a noise word and does not change the behavior of the ROLLBACK AFTER clause.


Causes database state or option changes to fail if a change cannot be completed immediately, without waiting for the current transaction to independently commit or roll back.

COLLATE collation_name

Defines or alters the default collation used by the database. Collation_name can be either a SQL Server collation name or a Windows collation name. By default, all new databases receive the collation of the SQL Server instance. (You can execute the query SELECT * FROM ::fn_helpcollations() to see all the collation names available.) To change the collation of a database, you must be the only user in the database, no schema bound objects that depend on the current collation may exist in the database, and the collation change must not result in the duplication of any object names in the database.


Places the database in special startup mode. FOR LOAD is supported only for backward compatibility with versions earlier than 7.0 and sets the database to a status of loading and "dbo use only." FOR ATTACH creates the database from a set of pre-existing operating system files, almost always database files created previously. Because of this, the new database must have the same code page and sort order as the previous database. You only need the file_definition of the first primary file or those files that have a different path from the last time the database was attached. In general, you should use the sp_attach_db system stored procedure over the CREATE DATABASE FOR ATTACH statement unless you need to specify more than 16 file_definitions.

The CREATE DATABASE command should be issued from the master system database. You can, in fact, issue the command CREATE DATABASE database_name, with no other clauses, to get a very small, default database.

SQL Server uses files, formerly called devices, to act as a repository for databases. Files are grouped into one or more filegroups, with at least a PRIMARY filegroup assigned to each database. A file is a predefined block of space created on the disk structure. A database may be stored on one or more files or filegroups. SQL Server also allows the transaction log to be placed in a separate location from the database using the LOG ON clause. These functions allow sophisticated file planning for optimal control of disk I/O. For example, we can create a database called sales_report with a data and transaction logfile:

USE master GO CREATE DATABASE sales_report ON (NAME = sales_rpt_data, FILENAME =    'c:\mssql\data\salerptdata.mdf',    SIZE = 100, MAXSIZE = 500, FILEGROWTH = 25) LOG ON (NAME = 'sales_rpt_log',    FILENAME = 'c:\mssql\log\salesrptlog.ldf',    SIZE = 25MB, MAXSIZE = 50MB,    FILEGROWTH = 5MB) GO

When a database is created, all objects in the model database are copied into the new database. All of the empty space within the file or files defined for the database is then initialized (i.e., emptied out), which means that creating a new and very large database can take a while, especially on a slow disk.

A database always has at least a primary datafile and a transaction logfile, but may also have secondary files for both the data and log components of the database. SQL Server uses default filename extensions: .mdf for primary datafiles, .ndf for secondary files, and .ldf for transaction logfiles. The following example creates a database called sales_archive with several very large files that are grouped into a couple of filegroups:

USE master GO CREATE DATABASE sales_archive ON PRIMARY (NAME = sales_arch1, FILENAME = 'c:\mssql\data\archdata1.mdf',       SIZE = 100GB, MAXSIZE = 200GB, FILEGROWTH = 20GB),    (NAME = sales_arch2,       FILENAME = 'c:\mssql\data\archdata2.ndf',       SIZE = 100GB, MAXSIZE = 200GB, FILEGROWTH = 20GB),    (NAME = sales_arch3,       FILENAME = 'c:\mssql\data\archdat3.ndf',       SIZE = 100GB, MAXSIZE = 200GB, FILEGROWTH = 20GB) FILEGROUP sale_rpt_grp1    (NAME = sale_rpt_grp1_1_data,    FILENAME = ' c:\mssql\data\SG1Fi1dt.ndf',       SIZE = 100GB, MAXSIZE = 200GB, FILEGROWTH = 20GB),  (NAME = sale_rpt_grp1_1_data,    FILENAME = ' c:\mssql\data\SG1Fi2dt.ndf',       SIZE = 100GB, MAXSIZE = 200GB, FILEGROWTH = 20GB), FILEGROUP sale_rpt_grp2 (NAME = sale_rpt_grp2_1_data, FILENAME = ' c:\mssql\data\SRG21dt.ndf',       SIZE = 100GB, MAXSIZE = 200GB, FILEGROWTH = 20GB),  (NAME = sale_rpt_grp2_2_data, FILENAME = ' c:\mssql\data\SRG22dt.ndf',       SIZE = 100GB, MAXSIZE = 200GB, FILEGROWTH = 20GB), LOG ON    (NAME = sales_archlog1,     FILENAME = 'd:\mssql\log\archlog1.ldf',       SIZE = 100GB, MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED, FILEGROWTH = 25%),    (NAME = sales_archlog2,     FILENAME = 'd:\ mssql\log\archlog2.ldf',       SIZE = 100GB, MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED, FILEGROWTH = 25%) GO

The FOR ATTACH clause is commonly used for situations like a salesperson traveling with a database on a CD. This clause tells SQL Server that the database is attached from an existing operating-system file structure, such as a DVD-ROM, CD-ROM, or portable hard drive. When using FOR ATTACH, the new database inherits all the objects and data of the parent database, not the model database.

The following examples show how to change the name of a database, file, or filegroup:

-- Rename a database ALTER DATABASE sales_archive MODIFY NAME = sales_history GO -- Rename a file ALTER DATABASE sales_archive MODIFY FILE  NAME = sales_arch1, NEWNAME = sales_hist1 GO -- Rename a filegroup ALTER DATABASE sales_archive MODIFY FILEGROUP  sale_rpt_grp1 NAME = sales_hist_grp1 GO

There may be times when you want to add new free space to a database, especially if you have not enabled it to auto-grow:

USE master GO ALTER DATABASE sales_report ADD FILE (NAME = sales_rpt_added01, FILENAME = 'c:\mssql\data\salerptadded01.mdf',    SIZE = 50MB, MAXSIZE = 250MB, FILEGROWTH = 25MB) GO

When you alter a database, you can set many behavior options on the database. State options (shown as state_option in the earlier syntax diagram) control how users access the database. Following is a list of valid state options:


Sets the number and type of users with access to the database. SINGLE_USER mode allows only one user to access the database at a time. RESTRICTED_USER mode allows access only members of the system roles db_owner, dbcreator, or sysadmin. MULTI_USER, the default, allows concurrent database access from all users who have permission.


Sets the database to offline (unavailable) or online (available).


Sets the database to READ_ONLY mode, where no modifications are allowed, or to READ_WRITE mode, where data modifications are allowed. READ_ONLY databases can be very fast for query intensive operations, since almost no locking is needed.

Cursor options control default behavior for cursors in the database. In the ALTER DATABASE syntax shown earlier, you can replace cursor_option with any of the following:


When set ON, any open cursors are closed when a transaction commits or rolls back. When set OFF, any open cursors remain open when transactions are committed and open cursors close when a transaction rolls back unless the cursor is INSENSITIVE or STATIC. (See DECLARE CURSOR Command later in this chapter for more details.)


Sets the default scope of all cursors in the database to either LOCAL or GLOBAL. (See DECLARE CURSOR Command later in this chapter for more details.)

In the SET clause, auto_option controls the automatic file handling behaviors of the database. The following are valid replacements for auto_option:


When set ON, the database automatically shuts down cleanly and frees all resources when the last user exits. When set OFF, the database remains open when the last user exits. The default is OFF.


When set ON, statistics are automatically created when SQL Server notices they are missing during query optimization. When set OFF, statistics are not created during optimization. The default is ON.


When set ON, the database files may automatically shrink. The database periodically looks for an opportunity to shrink files, though the time is not always predictable. When set OFF, files will shrink only when you explicitly and manually shrink them. The default is OFF.


When set ON, out-of-date statistics are reassessed during query optimization. When set OFF, statistics are reassessed only by explicitly and manually recompiling them using the SQL Server command UPDATE STATISTICS.

The sql_options clause controls ANSI compatibility of the database. You can use the standalone SQL Server command SET ANSI_DEFAULTS ON to enable all the ANSI SQL92 behaviors at one time, rather than using the individual statements below. In the SET clause, you can replace sql_option with any of the following:


When set ON, the CREATE TABLE statement causes columns with no nullability setting to default to NULL. When set OFF, the nullability of a column defaults to NOT NULL. The default is OFF.


When set ON, comparisons to null yield UNKNOWN. When set OFF, comparisons to null yield null if both non-UNICODE values are null. The default is OFF.


When set ON, strings are padded to the same length for insert or comparison operations on VARCHAR and VARBINARY columns. When set OFF, strings are not padded. The default is ON. (We recommend that you do not change this!)


When set ON, the database warns when problems like "divide by zero" or "null in aggregates" occur. When set OFF, these warnings are not raised. The default is OFF.


When set ON, divide-by-zero and overflow errors cause a query or Transact-SQL batch to terminate and roll back any open transactions. When set OFF, a warning is raised but processing continues. The default is ON. (We recommend that you do not change this!)


When set ON, returns a null when a null is concatenated to a string. When set OFF, nulls are treated as empty strings when concatenated to a string. The default is OFF.


When set ON, an error is raised when a numeric expression loses precision. When set OFF, losses of precision result in rounding of the result from the numeric expression. The default is OFF.


When set ON, double quotation marks identify an object identifier with special characters or one that is a reserved word (e.g., a table named SELECT). When set OFF, identifiers may not contain special characters or reserved words and all occurrences of double quotation marks signify a literal string value. The default is OFF.


When set ON, triggers can fire recursively. That is, the actions taken by one trigger may cause another trigger to fire, and so on. When set OFF, triggers cannot cause other triggers to fire. The default is OFF.

Recovery options control the recovery model used by the database. Use any of the following in place of recovery_option in the ALTER DATABASE syntax:


When set to FULL, database backups and transaction logs provide full recoverability even for bulk operations like SELECT...INTO, CREATE INDEX, etc. FULL is the default for SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition and Enterprise Edition. FULL provides the most recoverability, even from a catastrophic media failure, but uses more space. When set to BULK_LOGGED, logging for bulk operations is minimized. Space is saved and fewer I/Os are incurred, but risk of data loss is greater than under FULL. When set to SIMPLE, the database can only be recovered to the last full or differential backup. SIMPLE is the default for SQL Server 2000 Desktop Edition and Personal Edition.


When set ON, SQL Server can detect incomplete I/O operations at the disk level by checking each 512-byte sector per 8K database page. (Torn pages are usually detected in recovery.) The default is ON.

For example, we may want to change some behavior settings for the sales_report database without actually changing the underlying file structure:


This statement puts the database online and in read-only mode. It also sets the AUTO_CREATE_STATISTICS behavior to ON.

See Also


The CREATE FUNCTION and CREATE PROCEDURE statements are very similar in syntax and coding (as are the respective ALTER statements).

The CREATE PROCEDURE statement creates a stored procedure, which takes input arguments and performs conditional processing against various objects in the database. According to the ANSI standard, a stored procedure returns no result set (though it may return a value in an OUTPUT parameter). For example, you might use a stored procedure to perform all the processes that close an accounting cycle.

The CREATE FUNCTION statement creates a user-defined function (UDF), which takes input arguments and returns a single value output in the same way as system-supplied functions like CAST() or UPPER(). These functions, once created, can be called in queries and data-manipulation operations, such as INSERT, UPDATE, and the WHERE clause of DELETE statements. Refer to Chapter 4 for descriptions of built-in SQL functions and their individual vendor implementations.




Supported, with variations


Supported, with limitations


Supported, with variations


Supported, with limitations

SQL Server

Supported, with variations

SQL2003 Syntax

Use the following syntax to create a stored procedure or function:


Use the following syntax to alter a pre-existing UDF or stored procedure:




Creates a new stored procedure or user-defined function with the name object_name. A user-defined function returns a value, where a stored procedure, in ANSI SQL, does not.

([IN | OUT| INOUT] [parameter_name] datatype [,...])

Declares one or more parameters to be passed into a stored procedure in a comma-delimited list enclosed in parentheses. Parameters used with a procedure may pass a value IN, OUT, or both in and out via INOUT.

The syntax for the parameter declaration is:

[{IN | OUT | INOUT}] parameter_name1 datatype,  [{IN | OUT | INOUT}] parameter_name2 datatype,[...]

To provide an optional parameter_name, make sure the name is unique within the stored procedure. The optional AS LOCATOR subclause is used to validate an external routine with a RETURNS parameter that is a BLOB, CLOB, NCLOB, ARRAY, or user-defined type. If you need to change the datatype of a RETURNS parameter on the fly, use the CAST clause (refer to the function, CAST, in Chapter 4). For example, RETURNS VARCHAR(12) CAST FROM DATE.When used with ALTER, this clause adds parameters to a pre-existing stored procedure. Refer to Chapter 2 for details on datatypes.


Declares the datatype of the result returned by a function. (This clause is used only in the CREATE FUNCTION statement and is not used in stored procedures.) The key purpose of a user-defined function is to return a value.


Declares the language in which the function is written. Most database platforms do not support all of these languages, and often support several not mentioned, like Java. When omitted, the default is SQL. When used with ALTER, this clause changes the existing LANGUAGE value to the value that you declare.


Indicates, for external routines only, whether certain implicit and automatic parameters are passed, explicitly, with the options (SQL) or not (GENERAL). (The difference between SQL style and GENERAL style is that SQL style passes automatic SQL parameters, such as indicators, while the GENERAL style does not automatically pass parameters.) The default is PARAMETER STYLE SQL. When used with ALTER, this clause changes the existing PARAMETER STYLE value to the value that you declare.

SPECIFIC specific_name

Uniquely identifies the function generally used with user-defined types.


States the nature of values returned by a function. (This clause is used only in CREATE and ALTER FUNCTION statement.) DETERMINISTIC functions always return the same value when given the same parameter values. NOT DETERMINISTIC functions may return variable results when given the same parameter values. For example, CURRENT_TIME is not deterministic because it returns a constantly advancing value corresponding to the time.


Specifies, in conjunction with the LANGUAGE setting, the type of SQL contained in the user-defined function. When used with ALTER, this clause changes the existing SQL style value to the value that you declare.


Indicates that no SQL statements of any type are in the function. It is used with a non-SQL LANGUAGE setting such as LANGUAGE ADA...CONTAINS NO SQL.


Indicates that SQL statements other than read or modify statements are in the function. This is the default.


Indicates the function contains SELECT or FETCH statements.


Indicates the function contains INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements.


These options are for use with a host LANGUAGE that cannot support nulls. The RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT setting causes the function to immediately return a null value if it is passed a null value. The CALL ON NULL INPUT setting causes the function to handle nulls according to standard rules, for example returning UNKNOWN when a comparison of two null values occurs. (This clause is used in the CREATE and ALTER PROCEDURE and FUNCTION statements.) When used with ALTER, this clause changes the existing NULL style value to the value that you declare.


Declares that a certain number of cursors, int, can be opened by the stored procedure and that those cursors are visible after returning from the procedure. When omitted, the default is DYNAMIC RESULT SETS 0. (This clause is not used in CREATE FUNCTION statements.) When used with ALTER, this clause changes the existing DYNAMIC RESULT SETS value to the value that you declare.


Returns the static values of a user-defined type or ARRAY datatype. Required for non-SQL functions that contain parameters that use user-defined types or ARRAYS. (This clause is not used in CREATE PROCEDURE statements.) This clause must be the last clause in the function or procedure declaration before the code_block.


Declares the procedural statements that handle all processing within the user-defined function or stored procedure. This is the most important, and usually largest, part of a function or procedure. We assume you're interested in a user-defined function of LANGUAGE SQL, so note that the code_block may not contain SQL-Schema statements, SQL-Transaction statements, nor SQL-Connection statements. While we assume that you're interested in SQL-based UDFs and stored procedures (this is a SQL book after all), you can declare that the code block is derived externally. The syntax for external code_blocks is:

EXTERNAL [NAME external_routine_name] [PARAMETER STYLE  {SQL | GENERAL}] [TRANSFORM GROUP group_name]


EXTERNAL [NAME external_routine_name]

Defines an external routine and assigns a name to it. When omitted, the unqualified routine name is used.




Transforms values between user-defined types and host variables in a user-defined function or a stored procedure. When omitted, the default is TRANSFORM GROUP DEFAULT.

NAME new_object_name

Declares the new name to use for a previously defined UDF or stored procedure. This clause is only used with ALTER FUNCTION and ALTER PROCEDURE statements.


Allows you to cause changes to CASCADE down to all dependent UDFs or stored procedures, or to RESTRICT a change from happening if there are dependent objects. We strongly recommend that you do not issue an ALTER statement against UDFs or stored procedures that have dependent objects. This clause is only used with ALTER FUNCTION and ALTER PROCEDURE statements.

Rules at a Glance

With a user-defined function (UDF), you declare the input arguments and the single output argument that the function passes back out. You can then call the user-defined function just as you would any other function, for example, in SELECT statements, INSERT statements, or the WHERE clause of DELETE statements.

User-defined functions and stored procedures, when referred to generically, are called routines.

With a stored procedure, you declare the input arguments that go into the stored procedure and the output arguments that come out from it. You invoke a stored procedure using the CALL statement.

The content of the code_block must conform to the rules of whatever procedural language is supported by the database platform. Some platforms do not have their own internal procedural language, requiring you to use EXTERNAL code_block constructs.

For example, you might want build a user-defined function on Microsoft SQL Server that returns the first and last name of a person as a single string:

CREATE FUNCTION formatted_name (@fname VARCHAR(30), @lname VARCHAR(30)) RETURNS VARCHAR(60) AS BEGIN    DECLARE @full_name VARCHAR(60)    SET @full_name = @fname + ' ' + @lname    RETURN @full_name END

You could then use this user-defined function as any other function:

SELECT formatted_name(au_fname, au_lname) AS name, au_id AS id FROM authors

The SELECT statement in this example will return a result set with the two columns, name and id.

The ANSI statement CREATE METHOD is supported only by DB2 at this time. A method is essentially a special purpose user-defined function and follows the same syntax.

Stored procedures behave similarly. In the following small example, this Microsoft SQL Server stored procedure generates a unique 22-digit value (based on elements of the system date and time) and returns it to the calling process:

-- A Microsoft SQL Server stored procedure CREATE PROCEDURE get_next_nbr    @next_nbr CHAR(22) OUTPUT AS BEGIN   DECLARE @random_nbr INT   SELECT @random_nbr = RAND() * 1000000 SELECT @next_nbr =   RIGHT('000000' + CAST(ROUND(RAND(@random_nbr)*1000000,0))AS     CHAR(6), 6) +   RIGHT('0000' + CAST(DATEPART (yy, GETDATE()) AS CHAR(4)), 2) +   RIGHT('000'  + CAST(DATEPART (dy, GETDATE()) AS CHAR(3)), 3) +   RIGHT('00'   + CAST(DATEPART (hh, GETDATE()) AS CHAR(2)), 2) +   RIGHT('00'   + CAST(DATEPART (mi, GETDATE()) AS CHAR(2)), 2) +   RIGHT('00'   + CAST(DATEPART (ss, GETDATE()) AS CHAR(2)), 2) +   RIGHT('000'  + CAST(DATEPART (ms, GETDATE()) AS CHAR(3)), 3) END GO

In this next, and final, ANSI SQL2003 example, we change the name of an existing stored procedure:

ALTER PROCEDURE get_next_nbr NAME 'get_next_ID' RESTRICT;

Programming Tips and Gotchas

A key advantage of a stored procedure or function is the fact that it is precompiled, meaning that once created its query plans are already stored in the database. Precompiled routines can often (though not always) be cached in database memory to provide an additional boost in performance. A stored procedure or user-defined function can perform many statements with a single communication to the server, thus reducing network traffic.

Implementations of user-defined functions and stored procedures vary widely by platform. Some database platforms do not support internal code_block content. On these platforms, you can only write an external code_block. Be sure to read about the variations and capabilities on each platform.

If you execute an ALTER PROCEDURE or FUNCTION statement, dependent objects may become invalid after a change to an object they depend on. Be careful to check all dependencies when altering UDFs or stored procedures on which other UDFs or stored procedures may depend.


DB2's implementations of these commands are very close to the ANSI standard. Although the syntax diagrams are long, much of the usage is identical to the ANSI standard. Consequently, the keyword explanation section that follows the syntax diagram is relatively short, since many of the clauses are explained in the SQL standard.

DB2 supports several classifications of functions. Each kind of UDF has its own set of allowable syntax, though much of it is shared across the various kinds of UDF. DB2 allows external scalar functions, external table functions, OLE-DB external table functions, sourced (or template) functions, and SQL functions. DB2 supports two kinds of stored procedures: external and SQL.

The following syntax is the full syntax to create any sort of stored procedure or a UDF in DB2. It is grouped together here to give you a concise list of clause definitions. However, refer to the sections below for greater detail on the specific allowable syntax for each type of UDF and stored procedure. If you prefer, for example, to see only the allowable syntax for a SQL user-defined function, then skip to the section below. The total available syntax for UDFs and stored procedures follows:


In addition, use the following syntax to alter a pre-existing UDF or stored procedure, and assign it the characteristics that you declare:

ALTER {PROCEDURE | FUNCTION} object_name [EXTERNAL NAME external_routine_name] [ [NOT] FENCED] [ [NOT] THREADSAFE]

Following are the parameter descriptions for DB2:

RETURNS {datatype | {ROW | TABLE} column_list}

Allows you to return a single value of datatype, a ROW of values, or a TABLE of values where column_list uses the syntax column_name1 datatype1, column_name2 datatype2 [,...].


Same as the ANSI standard, though DB2 supports other languages than in the ANSI standard. When you declare a LANGUAGE setting, other options are restricted or made available.


Similar to the ANSI SQL standard but with a richer variety of choices. PARAMETER STYLE is only used with external stored procedures or user-defined functions. The various styles determine how parameters are passed, where:


Defines that when parameters are passed with the CALL statement, a null indicator for each parameter and a qualified and specific name for the stored procedure or function are also passed. In addition, the SQLSTATE and SQL diagnostic string are passed back to DB2.


Available only with the LANGAUGE JAVA clause, the DB2GENERAL clause specifies that the parameters are passed using the convention defined for Java.


Passes parameters directly from the CALL statement to the stored procedure without using a SQLDA structure. Nulls are not passed. Only available with LANGUAGE C or COBOL.


Same as GENERAL, but also passes null indicators.


Passes parameters using the Java and SQLJ Routines specifications. For example, INOUT and OUT parameters are passed as a single entry array. Available only with the LANGUAGE JAVA clause. This clause is mutually exclusive of the DBINFO clause and PROGRAM TYPE clause.

EXTERNAL NAME [external_routine_name]

Registers a new function or procedure using a linked and interfaced external program. When external_routine_name is omitted, object_name is assumed to be the name of the external program. The method of linking depends on the LANGUAGE setting.


Same as the ANSI standard, though certain options are not usable for certain LANGUAGE settings.


Declares that updateable special registers receive their initial value from the invoking process. The invoking process could be a UDF, a stored procedure, trigger, view, or user issuing a CALL statement.


Specifies whether (or NOT) the external stored procedure or user-defined function is "safe" to run in DB2's manager operating environment process or address space. This is used only for external stored procedures. NOT FENCED procedures tend to be faster, but open the database up to potential risks.


Declares whether the method is safe to run in the same process as other routines (THREADSAFE) or not (NOT THREADSAFE). When declared THREADSAFE, a procedure is considered safe to run in the same process as other UDFs and stored procedures. NOT THREADSAFE can only be used with FENCED stored procedures.


Tells whether the external stored procedure should expect parameters in the style of a SUB routine or a MAIN routine. SUB, the default, declares that the parameters are expected as separate arguments. MAIN declares that the parameters are expected as an argument counter and argument vector. MAIN also requires that the external stored procedure is named "main" and that it is built as a shared library, not as a standalone executable. PROGRAM TYPE MAIN is only valid with LANGUAGE C or COBOL and PARAMETER STYLE GENERAL, GENERAL WITH NULLS, SQL, or DB2SQL.


Provides a scratch pad for any external function or procedure. A SCRATCHPAD provides a way for a UDF to save its state from one call to the next. The default is NO SCRATCHPAD. If an int is specified, it represents the size of the scratch pad in bytes (defaulting to 100 bytes). One scratch pad is initialized per reference to an external routine.


FINAL CALL causes the routine to invoke two extra times. The first invocation occurs before data is first loaded so the routine can perform any one-time initialization needed. The second invocation occurs last and allows the routine to do any cleanup needed. Table functions are always a FINAL CALL. This clause is incompatible with PARAMETER STYLE JAVA. The clause NO FINAL CALL prevents a final call from happening.


Allows the routine to be split in parallel across multiple CPUs (a.k.a. parallelized) during plan optimization on an SMP or MPP server, with ALLOW PARALLEL. Otherwise, DB2 enforces the serial processing of a routine on a single CPU, regardless of how many CPUs exist on the server, with DISALLOW PARALLEL. ALLOW PARALLEL is the default, unless the routine contains any of these clauses: NOT DETERMINISTIC, EXTERNAL ACTION, SCRATCHPAD, or FINAL CALL.


Tells whether the external stored procedure receives an additional argument (DBINFO) or not (NO DBINFO, the default) when invoked. The DBINFO argument tells the database name, application ID, application authorization ID, code page, database release version, and platform. DBINFO is mutually exclusive of LANGAUGE OLD and PARAMETER STYLE JAVA and DB2GENERAL.


Declares the transform group, group_name, if the routine uses a user-defined structured type for either a parameter or return datatype.

PREDICATES (predicate_definition)

Used with CREATE FUNCTION to create a user-defined predicate. This option is used when defining user-defined functions for use with DB2's index extensions. Index extensions are quite complex and not used by the average DB2 user. Consequently, you should refer to DB2's documentation on index extensions for information on this clause. In addition, DETERMINISTIC with NO EXTERNAL ACTION clauses are required to use PREDICATES.

DB2 accommodates several kinds of user-defined functions: external scalar, external table, OLE-DB, source/template, and SQL, and two kinds of stored procedures: external and SQL. Each of these types allows a mix of only some of the clauses shown above.

DB2 external scalar user-defined functions

This variation of the CREATE FUNCTION statement is used to register a user-defined external scalar function with an application server. (Remember that scalar functions return a single value each time they are invoked and are valid wherever SQL expressions are valid.) An external scalar UDF allows the following clauses:


The following code is an example of an external scalar UDF, called report_reader.center, that defines the center of a circle. The statement explicitly declares all option clauses, even those that have identical defaults to the declared values:


Note that the report_reader.center UDF uses a scratch pad and can accumulate and act on results stored there

DB2 external table user-defined functions

This variation of the CREATE FUNCTION statement is used to register a user-defined external table function with an application server. (A table function can be used in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement, returning a table to the SELECT one row at a time.) An external table UDF allows the following clauses:


Following is an example external table UDF that retrieves message header information and some message text from Microsoft Exchange:


Note that the external function, mail.header!list, should already exist.

DB2 OLE-DB external table user-defined functions

This variation of the CREATE FUNCTION statement registers a user-defined OLE-DB external table function to access data from an OLE-DB provider. The table function may then be used in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement. This is useful to link to non-DB2 sources of relational data. An OLE-DB external table UDF allows the following clauses:

CREATE FUNCTION object_name (parameter_name datatype) [,...])    RETURNS TABLE datatype [,...] ] [SPECIFIC specific_name]    [LANGUAGE OLEDB] [EXTERNAL NAME external_routine_name]    [DETERMINISTIC | NOT DETERMINISTIC] [ [NO] EXTERNAL ACTION]    [STATIC DISPATCH] [CALLED ON NULL INPUT |       RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT]    [CARDINALITY int] code_block

The following example registers an OLE-DB table function that retrieves order information from the Microsoft Access database called Northwind:

CREATE FUNCTION orders () RETURNS TABLE (orderid INTEGER, customerid CHAR(5), employeeid INTEGER,    orderdate TIMESTAMP, requireddate TIMESTAMP, shippeddate TIMESTAMP,    shipvia INTEGER, freight DEC(19,4)) LANGUAGE OLEDB EXTERNAL NAME '!orders!Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.3.51;    Data Source=c:\sqllib\samples\oledb\nwind.mdb';

Note that the connection string is defined in the external name of the function.

DB2 sourced user-defined functions

This variation of the CREATE FUNCTION statement registers a user-defined function that is based on another existing scalar or column function. This statement can also be used to register a function template with an application server that acts as a federated server. (A function template is a partial function that has no executable code, but instead uses it to map to a data source function. Once the mapping is created, the user specifies the function template in queries to the federated server. The federated server will invoke the data source function and return values that correspond to those in the RETURNS portion of the template definition.) A source/template UDF allows the following clauses:

CREATE FUNCTION object_name (parameter_name datatype [,...])    RETURNS datatype [,...] ]    [SOURCE {object_name [input_argument [,...] ] |       [SPECIFIC specific_name] ]    [AS TEMPLATE [DETERMINISTIC | NOT DETERMINISTIC]       [ [NO] EXTERNAL ACTION] ] code_block

For example, the following sourced UDF is based on the report_reader.center scalar function created earlier in this section. The following function, called fn_center, accepts only integer arguments:


In the next example, using a federated server, we can invoke an Oracle UDF, called statistics in the schema scott, that returns table statistics as a double-precision floating point value:


DB2 SQL user-defined functions

This variation of the CREATE FUNCTION statement defines a SQL scalar, table, or row function. This application shows the most common form of SQL UDF's in DB2. (Remember a scalar function returns a single value when invoked. A table function may be used in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement and returns a table. A row function returns a row and may be used as a transform function.)

A SQL UDF allows the following clauses:

CREATE FUNCTION object_name [(parameter_name datatype [,...])] RETURNS {datatype | {ROW | TABLE} column_list}       [SPECIFIC specific_name]    [LANGUAGE SQL] [DETERMINISTIC | NOT DETERMINISTIC]       [ [NO] EXTERNAL ACTION]    [CONTAINS SQL | READS SQL DATA] [STATIC DISPATCH]    [CALLED ON NULL INPUT] [PREDICATES (predicate_definition) ] code_block

Here's an example of a SQL user-defined function that returns a concatenated name from separate fields:

CREATE FUNCTION prod.cust_name  (in_custno INTEGER)   RETURNS VARCHAR(31)   LANGUAGE SQL   READS SQL DATA   NO EXTERNAL ACTION   DETERMINISTIC   RETURN     SELECT (c.firstnme CONCAT ' '       CONCAT c.midinit CONCAT '. '       CONCAT c.lastname)       AS name       FROM prod.customer c       WHERE c.custno = 10;

DB2 external stored procedure

This variation of the CREATE PROCEDURE statement defines an external procedure with a DB2 application server. Usually, external procedures are written in a non-SQL language like C or Java. An external procedure allows the following clauses:


Following is an example of an external procedure. In the example, we define a procedure definition in DB2 for a C program that, when passed an author ID, tells us the total books sold, the total sales in dollars, and the book titles the specified author wrote:


DB2 SQL stored procedure

This variation of the CREATE PROCEDURE statement defines a SQL-based procedure with a DB2 application server. A SQL procedure allows the following clauses:


The following SQL stored procedure returns a customer's record based upon a SOUNDEX function on their name and state:

CREATE PROCEDURE prod.custlookup  (IN in_lastname VARCHAR(15),   IN in_st CHARACTER(2))   DYNAMIC RESULT SETS 1   LANGUAGE SQL   NOT DETERMINISTIC   CALLED ON NULL INPUT   MODIFIES SQL DATA   INHERIT SPECIAL REGISTERS   P1: BEGIN     DECLARE cursor1 CURSOR WITH RETURN FOR       SELECT *         FROM prod.customer c         WHERE SOUNDEX (c.lastname) = SOUNDEX (in_lastname)           AND c.st = UPPER (in_st);     OPEN cursor1;   END P1;

DB2 has recently implemented new procedural extensions to SQL. You can now define the code_block for a DB2 UDF or stored procedure using conditional processing constructs like IF...THEN and WHILE loops (as shown in the examples above).


READ SQL DATA and CONTAINS SQL are the only SQL-style options allowed when you chose LANGUAGE SQL. These clauses disable the CAST clause and the RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT clause. It also makes available (though optional) the RETURNS {ROW | TABLE} clause, FEDERATED clause, PREDICATES clause, and INHERIT SPECIAL REGISTERS clause.

ALTER FUNCTION and PROCEDURE on DB2 merely change the characteristics of an existing UDF or stored procedure. The two examples shown next make a function and a procedure, respectively, NOT FENCED.




MySQL does not support the ALTER FUNCTION statement, nor does it support the CREATE PROCEDURE and ALTER PROCEDURE statements.

All user-defined functions created on a MySQL database are, in effect, external function calls:

CREATE [AGGREGATE] FUNCTION function_name RETURNS {STRING | REAL | INTEGER} SONAME shared_program_library_name ;



Creates an external function with a function_name of not more than 64 characters. The module will be stored in the mysql2/udf directory, with an extension of .udf. If AGGREGATE is specified, the user-defined function must return an aggregate value like SUM() or AVG().


Returns either STRING for character data, REAL for floating-point numbers, or INTEGER for whole numbers.

SONAME shared_program_library_name

Names the C/C++ program that performs the processing. This shared_program can be compiled and built into the MySQL engine, or it can function as an independent, linked program.

Once implemented, a MySQL UDF may be called just like any built-in function, such as ABS() or SOUNDEX().

The implementation of CREATE FUNCTION in MySQL is dependent on procedural code in C/C++ under an operating system that supports dynamic loading. The C/C++ program is named in the shared_program_library_name option. The function may be compiled either directly into the MySQL server, making the function permanently available, or as a dynamically callable program. For example, the code behind the UDF created in the following statement might be found on a Unix server:



Oracle supports ALTER and CREATE for both FUNCTION and PROCEDURE object types. (You may also wish to learn about Oracle packages, which can also be used to create UDFs and stored procedures. Check Oracle's documentation.) Oracle's CREATE PROCEDURE syntax is as follows:

CREATE [OR REPLACE] {FUNCTION | PROCEDURE} [schema.]object_name [(parameter1 [IN | OUT | IN OUT] [NOCOPY] datatype] [,...]) ] ] RETURN datatype [DETERMINISTIC] [AUTHID {CURRENT_USER | DEFINER}] [PARALLEL_ENABLE [(PARTITION prtn_name BY {ANY | {HASH | RANGE}    (column [,...]) [{ORDER | CLUSTER} BY (column [,...]) ] ] { [PIPELINED | AGGREGATE] USING [schema.]implementation_type] |    [PIPELINED] {IS | AS} } {code_block | LANGUAGE {JAVA NAME external_program_name |    C [NAME external_program_name]    LIBRARY lib_name [AGENT IN (argument [,...]) [WITH CONTEXT]    [PARAMETERS (param [,...]) ] };

The ALTER FUNCTION and ALTER PROCEDURE statement shown next is used to recompile invalid UDFs or stored procedures:

ALTER {FUNCTION | PROCEDURE} [schema.]object_name COMPILE [DEBUG] [compiler_param = value [...] ] [REUSE SETTINGS]

Following are the parameter descriptions:

CREATE [OR REPLACE] FUNCTION [schema.]object_name

Creates a new UDF or stored procedure. Use OR REPLACE to replace an existing procedure or UDF without first dropping it, and then having to reassign all permissions to it. Certain clauses are only used with user-defined functions, including the RETURN clause, the DETERMINISTIC clause, and the entirety of the USING clause.


Specifies whether a parameter is an input to the function, an output from the function, or both.


Speeds up performance when an OUT or IN OUT argument is very large, as with a VARRAY or RECORD datatype.


Forces the routine to run in the permission context of either the current user or the person who owns the function, using AUTHID CURRENT_USER or AUTHID DEFINER, respectively.


Enables the routine to be executed by a parallel query operation on an SMP or parallel-processor server. This clause is used only for UDFs. (Don't use session state or package variables because they can't be expected to be shared among parallel execution servers.) Define the behavior of the PARALLEL_ENABLE query operation using these subclauses, where:

PARTITION prtn_name BY {ANY | {HASH | RANGE} (column [,...])

Defines partitioning of inputs on functions with REF CURSOR arguments. This may benefit table functions. ANY allows random partitioning. You can restrict partitioning to a specific RANGE or HASH partition on a comma-delimited column list.

{ORDER | CLUSTER} BY (column [,...])

Orders or clusters parallel processing based on a comma-delimited column list. ORDER BY causes the rows to be locally ordered on the parallel execution server according to the column list. CLUSTER BY restricts the rows on the parallel execution server to the key values identified in the column list.

{PIPELINED | AGGREGATE} [USING [schema.] implementation_type]

PIPELINED iteratively returns the results of a table function, instead of the normal serial return of the VARRAY or nested table result set. This clause is only used for UDFs. The clause PIPELINED USING implementation_type is for an external UDF that uses a language like C++ or Java. The AGGEGATE USING implementation_type clause defines a UDF as an aggregate function (a function that evaluates many rows, but returns a single value).


Oracle treats IS and AS equally. Use either one to introduce the code_block.


Oracle allows a PL/SQL code block for user-defined functions and stored procedures. Alternately, you may use the LANGUAGE clause for stored procedures written in Java or C.

LANGUAGE {JAVA NAME external_program_name | C [NAME external_program_name] LIBRARY lib_name [AGENT IN (argument) [WITH CONTEXT] [PARAMETERS (params) ] }

Defines the Java or C implementation of the external program. The parameters and semantics of each declaration are specific to Java and C, not SQL.

ALTER {FUNCTION | PROCEDURE} [schema.]object_name

Recompiles an invalid standalone stored routine. Use CREATE ... OR REPLACE to change the arguments, declarations, or definition of an existing routine.


Recompiles the routine. Note that COMPILE is required. (You can see compile errors with the SQL*Plus command SHOW ERRORS.) The routine is marked valid if no compiler errors are encountered. The following optional subclauses may also be included with the COMPILE clause, where:


Generates and stores code used by the PL/SQL debugger.

compiler_param = value [...]

Specifies a PL/SQL compiler parameter. Allowable parameters include PLSQL_OPTIMIZE_LEVEL, PLSQL_CODE_TYPE, PLSQL_DEBUG, PLSQL_WARNINGS, and NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS. Refer to Oracle's documentation on the PL/SQL compiler for more details.


Maintains the existing compiler switch settings and reuses them for recompilation. Normally, Oracle drops and reacquires compiler switch settings.

In Oracle, UDFs and stored procedures are very similar in composition and structure. The primary difference is that a stored procedure cannot return a value to the invoking process, while a function may return a single value to the invoking process.

For example, you can pass in the name of a construction project to the following function to obtain the project's profit:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION project_revenue (project IN varchar2) RETURN NUMBER AS    proj_rev NUMBER(10,2); BEGIN    SELECT SUM(DECODE(action,'COMPLETED',amount,0)) -           SUM(DECODE(action,'STARTED',amount,0))   +           SUM(DECODE(action,'PAYMENT',amount,0))    INTO proj_rev    FROM construction_actions    WHERE project_name = project;    RETURN (proj_rev); END;

In this example, the user-defined function accepts the project name as an argument. Then it processes the project revenue, behind the scenes, by subtracting the starting costs from the completion payment and adding any other payments into the amount. The RETURN (proj_rev); line returns the amount to the invoking process.

In Oracle, UDFs cannot be used in the following situations:

  • In a CHECK constraint or DEFAULT constraint of a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement.

  • In a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE, the UDF cannot, either directly or indirectly (if invoked by another routine):

    • Have an OUT or IN OUT parameter. (Indirect calls may take OUT and IN OUT parameters.)

    • Terminate the transaction with COMMIT, ROLLBACK, SAVEPOINT, or a CREATE, ALTER, or DROP statement that implicitly issues a COMMIT or ROLLBACK.

    • Use session control (SET ROLE) or system control (the Oracle-specific statement ALTER SYSTEM) statements.

    • Write to a database (when a component of a SELECT statement or a parallelized INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement).

    • Write to the same table that is modified by the statement that calls the UDF.

Note that when you recompile a routine with the ALTER statement, it is marked valid if no compiler errors are encountered. (It is marked invalid if any errors are encountered.) Perhaps more importantly, any objects that depend upon the recompiled routine are marked invalid, regardless of whether an error occurs. You can either recompile those dependent objects yourself, or you can allow Oracle to take some additional time to recompile them at runtime.

By way of example, the following recompiles the project_revenue function and maintains any compiler information for the PL/SQL debugger:



PostgreSQL supports the CREATE FUNCTION statement, but not CREATE PROCEDURE, ALTER FUNCTION, or ALTER PROCEDURE. Since PostgreSQL does not have an internal procedural language, user-defined functions are usually external functions, though they may be simple SQL queries. The syntax to use to create a function is:

CREATE [OR REPLACE] FUNCTION function_name    ([ parameter [,...] ]) RETURNS datatype AS {code_block | object_file, link_symbol} LANGUAGE {C | SQL | PLPGSQL | PLTCL | PLTCLU | PLPERL |    internal} [WITH {[ISCACHABLE] [,] [ISSTRICT]} ]


CREATE [OR REPLACE] function_name

Creates a new function of the name you provide, or replaces an existing function. OR REPLACE does not enable you to change the name, input parameters, or output results of an existing function. You must drop and recreate a function to change any of those settings.

RETURNS datatype

Specifies the type of data required by the function.

AS {code_block | object_file, link_symbol}

Defines the composition of the user-defined function. The code_block can be a string defining the function (dependent on the LANGUAGE setting), such as an internal function name, the path and name of an object file, a SQL query, or the text of a procedural language. The definition also can be an object file and link symbol for a C-language function.


Defines a call to an external program or an internal SQL routine. Since all of the language options, except SQL, are programs compiled in other languages, they are beyond the scope of this book. However, the LANGUAGE SQL clause should be used when writing SQL user-defined functions.

Add a new language not installed by default on PostgreSQL by using the CREATE LANGUAGE statement.


Optimizes PostgreSQL performance by indicating that the function always returns the same value when provided with the same parameter values. WITH ISCACHABLE is similar to the ANSI setting DETERMINISTIC, except that this setting then allows the optimizer to pre-evaluate the call of the function. WITH ISSTRICT is similar to the ANSI setting RETURNS NULL ON NULL INPUT. When omitted, the default behavior is similar to CALLED ON NULL INPUT. Note that you may include both keywords in a single function declaration.

PostgreSQL also allows function overloading in which the same function name is allowed for different functions, as long as they accept distinct input parameters.

Whenever you drop an existing function, all dependent objects are invalidated and must be recompiled.

Here's an example of a simple SQL function in PostgreSQL:

CREATE FUNCTION max_project_nbr RETURNS int4 AS "SELECT MAX(title_ID) FROM titles AS RESULT" LANGUAGE 'sql';

In this example, we created a UDF that returns the maximum title_ID from the titles table.

PostgreSQL uses CREATE FUNCTION as a substitute for CREATE PROCEDURE, as well as to define actions for CREATE TRIGGER.

SQL Server

SQL Server supports CREATE and ALTER for both types of routines. By default, SQL Server stored procedures can return result sets and SQL Server UDFs can return single or multirow result sets using the TABLE datatype on RETURNS arguments, contrary to the ANSI standard. However, this makes SQL Server routines more flexible and powerful. Use the following syntax to create a user-defined function or stored procedure:

CREATE {FUNCTION | PROCEDURE} [owner_name.]object_name[;int] ([ {@parameter datatype [VARYING] [=default] [OUTPUT]} [,...] ]) RETURNS {datatype | TABLE] [WITH {ENCRYPTION | SCHEMABINDING | RECOMPILE |    RECOMPILE, ENCRIPTION}] [FOR REPLICATION] [AS]    code_block

Use the following syntax to alter an existing user-defined function or stored procedure:

ALTER {FUNCTION | PROCEDURE} [owner_name.]object_name[;int] ([ {@parameter datatype [VARYING] [=default] [OUTPUT]} [,...] ]) RETURNS {datatype | TABLE] [WITH {ENCRYPTION | SCHEMABINDING | RECOMPILE |    RECOMPILE, ENCRIPTION}] [FOR REPLICATION] [AS]    code_block

Following are the parameter descriptions:

CREATE {FUNCTION | PROCEDURE} [owner_name.] object_name[;int]

Creates a new UDF or stored procedure in the current database. For SQL Server stored procedures, you may optionally specify a version number in the format procedure_name;1, where 1 is an integer indicating the version number. This facility allows you to have multiple versions of a single stored procedure.

{@parameter datatype [VARYING] [=default] [OUTPUT]} [,...]

Defines one or more input arguments for a UDF or stored procedure. SQL Server parameters are always declared with an at sign (@) as the first character.



Used in stored procedures with a CURSOR datatype parameter. Indicates that the result set is constructed dynamically by the procedure.

= default

Assigns a default value to the parameter. The default value is used whenever the stored procedure or UDF is invoked without supplying a value for the parameter.


Used for stored procedures, OUTPUT is functionally equivalent to the ANSI OUT clause in the CREATE FUNCTION statement. The value stored in the return parameter is passed back to the calling procedure through the return variables of the SQL Server EXEC[UTE] command. Output parameters can be any datatype except TEXT and IMAGE.

RETURNS {datatype | TABLE}

Allows SQL Server UDFs to return a single datatype value or to return multiple values via the TABLE datatype. The TABLE datatype is considered inline if it has no accompanying column list and is defined with a single SELECT statement. If the RETURN clause returns multiple values via the TABLE datatype, and if the TABLE has defined columns and datatypes, the function is considered a multistatement, table-valued function.


Allows the assignment of additional characteristics to a SQL Server UDF or stored procedure.


Tells SQL Server to encrypt the column in the system table that stores the text of the function, thus preventing unwarranted review of the function code. Usable by both UDFs and stored procedures.


Specifies that the function is bound to a specific database object, such as a table or view. That database object cannot be altered or dropped as long as the function exists (or maintains the SCHEMABINDING option). Usable only by UDFs.


Tells SQL Server not to store a cache plan for the stored procedure, but instead to recompile the cache plan each time the stored procedure is executed. This is useful when using atypical or temporary values in the procedure, but can cause serious degradation in performance. Used only by stored procedures. Note that RECOMPILE and ENCRYPTION can be invoked together.


Disables execution of the stored procedure on a subscribing server. It is used primarily to create a filtering stored procedure that is executed only by SQL Server's built-in replication engine. It is incompatible with RECOMPILE.

Like tables (see CREATE TABLE), local and global temporary stored procedures may be declared by prefixing a pound symbol (#) and double-pound symbol (##) to the name of the procedure, respectively. Temporary procedures exist only for the duration of the user or process session that created them. When that session ends, the temporary procedure automatically deletes itself.

A SQL Server stored procedure or UDF may have as many as 1,024 input parameters, specified by the at sign (@). Parameters are defined using SQL Server datatypes. (Parameters of CURSOR datatype must be both VARYING and OUTPUT.) The user or calling process must supply values for any input parameters. However, a default value can be supplied for any input parameter to allow the procedure to execute without a user- or process-supplied value. The default must be a constant or NULL, but it may contain wildcard characters, as discussed later in this chapter in the section LIKE Operator.

SQL Server requires that one or more user-supplied parameters be declared for a given user-defined function. All SQL Server datatypes are supported as parameters, except TIMESTAMP. Values returned by the function can be any datatype except TIMESTAMP, TEXT, NTEXT, or IMAGE. If an inline table value is required, the TABLE option without an accompanying column list may be used.

The ALTER FUNCTION and ALTER PROCEDURE statements support the full syntax provided by the corresponding CREATE statements. You can use the ALTER statements to change any of the attributes of an existing routine without changing permissions or affecting any dependent objects.

For UDFs, the code_block is either a single SELECT statement for an inline function, in the format RETURN (SELECT...), or a series of Transact-SQL statements following the AS clause for a multistatement operation. When using RETURN (SELECT), the AS clause is optional. Some other rules for SQL Server UDFs:

  • When using the AS clause, the code_body should be encapsulated in BEGIN...END delimiters.

  • UDFs cannot make any permanent changes to data or cause other lasting side effects. A number of other restrictions exist as a result. For example, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements may modify only TABLE variables local to a function.

  • When returning a scalar value, a SQL Server UDF must contain the clause RETURN datatype, where datatype is the same as that identified in the RETURNS clause.

  • The last statement of the code_block must be an unconditional RETURN that returns a single datatype value or TABLE value.

  • The code_block may not contain any global variables that return a perpetually changing value, such as @@CONNECTIONS or GETDATE. But it may contain those that return a single, unchanging value, such as @@SERVERNAME.

The following is an example of a scalar function that returns a single value. Once created, the scalar UDF can then be utilized in a query just like a system-supplied function. For example:

CREATE FUNCTION metric_volume -- Input dimensions in centimeters.    (@length decimal(4,1),    @width decimal(4,1),    @height decimal(4,1)) RETURNS decimal(12,3) -- Cubic Centimeters. AS BEGIN       RETURN (@length * @width * @height)    END GO SELECT project_name,    metric_volume(construction_height,       construction_length,       construction_width) FROM housing_construction WHERE metric_volume(construction_height,       construction_length,       construction_width) >= 300000 GO

An inline table-valued UDF supplies values via a single SELECT statement using an AS RETURN clause. For example, we can supply a store ID and find all of their titles:

CREATE FUNCTION stores_titles (@stor_id varchar(30)) RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN (SELECT title, qty    FROM sales AS s    JOIN titles AS t ON t.title_id = s.title_id    WHERE s.stor_id = @storeid)

Now, let's alter the UDF just a bit by changing the input argument datatype length and adding another condition to the WHERE clause (indicated in boldface):

ALTER FUNCTION stores_titles (@stor_id VARCHAR(4)) RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN (SELECT title, qty    FROM sales AS s    JOIN titles AS t ON t.title_id = s.title_id    WHERE s.stor_id = @storeid AND s.city = 'New York')

User-defined functions that return TABLE values are often selected as result set values or are used in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement, just as a regular table is used. These multi-statement, table-valued functions can have very elaborate code bodies since the code_block is composed of many Transact-SQL statements that populate a TABLE return variable.

Here is an example invoking a multistatement, table-valued function in a FROM clause. Notice that a table alias is assigned, just as for a regular table:

SELECT co.order_id, co.order_price FROM   construction_orders AS co,        fn_construction_projects('Cancelled') AS fcp WHERE  co.construction_id = fcp.construction_id ORDER BY co.order_id


For stored procedures, the code_block clause contains one or more Transact-SQL commands, up to a maximum size of 128 MB, delimited by BEGIN and END clauses. Some rules about Microsoft SQL Server stored procedures include:

  • The code_block allows most valid Transact-SQL statements, but SET SHOWPLAN_TEXT and SET SHOWPLAN_ALL are prohibited.

  • Some other commands have restricted usages within stored procedures, including ALTER TABLE, CREATE INDEX, CREATE TABLE, all DBCC statements, DROP TABLE, DROP INDEX, TRUNCATE TABLE, and UPDATE STATISTICS.

  • SQL Server allows deferred name resolution, meaning that a stored procedure compiles without an error even though it references an object that has not yet been created. SQL Server creates the execution plan and fails only when the object is actually invoked, for instance in a stored procedure, if the object still doesn't exist.

  • Stored procedures can be nested easily in SQL Server. Whenever a stored procedure invokes another stored procedure, the system variable @@NESTLEVEL is incremented by 1. It is decreased by 1 when the called procedure completes. Use SELECT @@NESTLEVEL inside a procedure or from an ad hoc query session to find the current nesting depth.

In the following example, a SQL Server stored procedure generates a unique 22-digit value (based on elements of the system date and time) and returns it to the calling process:

-- A Microsoft SQL Server stored procedure CREATE PROCEDURE get_next_nbr    @next_nbr CHAR(22) OUTPUT AS BEGIN   DECLARE @random_nbr INT   SELECT @random_nbr = RAND() * 1000000 SELECT @next_nbr =   RIGHT('000000' + CAST(ROUND(RAND(@random_nbr)*1000000,0))      AS CHAR(6), 6) +   RIGHT('0000' + CAST(DATEPART (yy, GETDATE())      AS CHAR(4)), 2) +   RIGHT('000'  + CAST(DATEPART (dy, GETDATE())      AS CHAR(3)), 3) +   RIGHT('00'   + CAST(DATEPART (hh, GETDATE())      AS CHAR(2)), 2) +   RIGHT('00'   + CAST(DATEPART (mi, GETDATE())      AS CHAR(2)), 2) +   RIGHT('00'   + CAST(DATEPART (ss, GETDATE())      AS CHAR(2)), 2) +   RIGHT('000'  + CAST(DATEPART (ms, GETDATE())      AS CHAR(3)), 3) END


See Also


Indexes are special objects built on top of tables that speed many data-manipulation operations, such as SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements. The selectivity of a given WHERE clause and the available query plans the database query optimizer can choose from is usually based upon the quality of indexes that have been placed on the table in a given database.

The CREATE INDEX command is not a part of the ANSI SQL standard, and thus varies greatly among vendors.




Supported, with variations


Supported, with variations


Supported, with variations


Supported, with variations

SQL Server

Supported, with variations

Common Vendor Syntax

CREATE [UNIQUE] INDEX index_name ON table_name (column_name [, ...])



Creates a new index named index_name in the current database and schema context. Since indexes are associated with specific tables (or sometimes views), the index_name need only be unique to the table it is dependent on. The UNIQUE keyword defines the index as a unique constraint for the table and disallows any duplicate values into the indexed column or columns of the table. (Refer to Section 2.4.)

ON table_name

Declares the pre-existing table that the index is associated with. The index is dependent upon the table. If the table is dropped, so is the index.

(column_name [, ...])

Defines one or more columns in the table that are indexed. The pointers derived from the indexed column or columns enable the database query optimizer to greatly speed up data manipulation operations like SELECT and DELETE statements. All major vendors support composite indexes, also known as concatenated indexes. These indexes are used when two or more columns are best searched as a unitfor example, last name and first name.

Rules at a Glance

Indexes are created on tables to speed data manipulation operations that go against the tables such as those in a WHERE or JOIN clause. Indexes may also speed other operations, like:

  • Identifying a MIN() or MAX() value in an indexed column.

  • Sorting or grouping columns of a table.

  • Searching based on IS NULL or IS NOT NULL.

  • Fetching data much more quickly when the indexed data is all that is requested. A SELECT statement that retrieves data from an index and not directly from the table itself is called a covering query. An index that answers a query in this way is a covering index.

After creating a table, you can create indexes on columns within the table. It is a good idea to create indexes on columns that are frequently part of the WHERE clause or JOIN clause of the queries that go against a table. For example, the following statement creates an index on a column in the sales table that is frequently used in the WHERE clause of queries against that table:

CREATE INDEX ndx_ord_date ON sales(ord_date);

In another case, we want to set up the pub_name and country as a unique index on the publishers table:

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX unq_pub_id ON publishers(pub_name, country);

Since the index is unique, any new record entered into the publishers table must have a unique combination of publisher name and country.

Some vendor platforms allow you to create indexes on views as well as tables.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

Concatenated indexes are most useful when queries address the columns of the index starting from the left. If you omit left-side columns in a query against a concatenated key, the query may not perform as well. For example, assume that we have a concatenated index on (last_name, first_name). If we query only by first_name, the concatenated index that starts with last_name and includes first_name may not be any good to us. Some of the vendor platforms have advanced their query engines to the point where this is much less of a problem.

Creating an index may take as much as 1.2 to 1.5 times more space than the table currently occupies. Make sure you have enough room! Most of that space is released after the index has been created.

You should be aware that there are situations in which too many indexes can actually slow down system performance. In general, indexes greatly speed lookup operations, especially in SELECT statements, against a table or view. However, every index you create adds overhead whenever you perform an UPDATE, DELETE, or INSERT operation because the database must then update all dependent indexes with the values that have changed in the table. As a rule of thumb, six to twelve indexes are about the most you might want to create on a single table.

In addition, indexes take up extra space within the database. The more columns in an index, the more space it consumes. This is not usually a problem, but sometimes catches novices off guard when developing a new database.

Most databases use indexes to create statistical samplings, usually just called statistics, so that the query engine can quickly determine which, if any, index or combination of indexes will be most useful for a query. These indexes are always fresh and useful when the index is first created, but may become stale and less useful over time as records are deleted, updated, and inserted within the table. Consequently, indexes, like day-old bread, are not guaranteed to be useful as they age. You need to be sure to refresh, rebuild, and maintain your databases regularly to keep index statistics fresh.


DB2 supports the CREATE INDEX statement, but not the ALTER INDEX statement. (DB2 does have the COMMENT ON INDEX statement to allow users to update the comment for an index without dropping and recreating the index. Also, DB2 has a RENAME INDEX statement to rename an index with having to drop and recreate it.) The CREATE INDEX statement has additional clauses that allow partitioning based upon indexed columns, as well as other clauses that impact how data is physically arranged on disk:

CREATE [UNIQUE] INDEX index_name ON table_name ({column_name [ASC | DESC]} [, ...]) [SPECIFICATION ONLY] [INCLUDE (column_name [ASC | DESC] [,...])] [{CLUSTER | EXTEND USING index_extension [(constant [,...]) ] } ] [PCTFREE int] [MINPCTUSED int] [[DIS]ALLOW REVERSE SCANS] [COLLECT [SAMPLED [DETAILED] ] STATISTICS]



Specifies that the values in the index are kept in either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC) order. When ASC or DESC is omitted, ASC is used by default.


Used to indicate that the value defined by table_name is a nickname; that is, it is the name of a table in a federated database. A DB2 federated database integrates data from heterogeneous data sources, such as tables on Oracle or SQL Server, and names them locally within the DB2 database as a nickname. To tell the DB2 optimizer about indexes on one of these nicknamed Oracle or SQL Server tables, create an index against the nickname and declare SPECIFICATION ONLY. DB2 then knows that the index exists and is available to the optimizer, but that it does not have to create the index.

INCLUDE (column_name [,...])

Adds extra columns to a unique index for added selectivity, but any such included columns are not counted towards uniqueness. The main use for INCLUDE columns is to build covering indexes. Any columns added with the INCLUDE clause count towards the column and byte maximum allowed by DB2. INCLUDE is mutually exclusive of EXTEND USING and SPECIFICATION ONLY clauses, and cannot be used when indexing temporary tables.


Declares that the index is clustered. A clustered index specifically controls the physical arrangement of the rows in the table to speed query I/O. The cluster factor is maintained and improved dynamically as data is inserted into the table. Only one clustered index is allowed per table. CLUSTER is mutually exclusive of EXTEND USING and SPECIFICATION ONLY clauses, and cannot be used with temporary tables or tables in append mode.

EXTEND USING index_extension [(constant [,...]) ]

Names an index extension that manages the index. The index must be defined on a single column that is either a structured or a distinct type. One or more constants must be provided for any parameters required by the type. EXTEND cannot be used on a temporary table. Index extensions are very complex and somewhat uncommon. Refer to the vendor documentation for more detail.


Specifies a percentage (int) of space, which must be an integer of 0 to 99, to leave free on each index page of the index when it is created. When omitted, the default is 10. This option cannot be used on nicknames or temporary tables.


Defines the percentage (int) of free space, which must be an integer of 0 to 99, required on an index page before DB2 will consider merging index pages together. DB2 recommends a value of 50 or below so that the database will not spend excessive I/O merging index pages. This clause is usually effective only if background processes are able to gain an occasional table lock. If this is not possible due to heavy usage, consider using the DB2 command REORG INDEXES. This option cannot be used on nicknames or temporary tables.


Declares that the index can or cannot support scans under the order that the index was created in, with ALLOW and DISALLOW, respectively. The default is DISALLOW. This option cannot be used on nicknames.


Collects index statistics during index creation. If the SAMPLED and DETAILED clauses are left off, then basic index statistics are created. The DETAILED clause collects extra statistics information for the index, namely PAGE_FETCH_PAIRS and CLUSTERFACTOR. The SAMPLED clause tells DB2 that sampling, a shortcut, can be used on extra statistics information from the DETAILED clause.

DB2 will not create a new index where an identical index exists. DB2 considers an index identical to another when one index contains the same columns in the same order as the other.

DB2 allows online use of a table while a new index is being created. Read access is always available during the index creation process, but write access is temporarily locked at the end of the index build process. Use the DB2 command LOCK TABLE to temporarily lock the table and avoid read access. You should also use the DB2 command RUNSTATS to update index statistics whenever a great deal of data has changed or after an index is created without the COLLECT STATISTICS clause included in the statement. The following two index creation examples are functionally the same:

-- collect basic index statistics at index creation CREATE INDEX ndx_ord_date ON sales(ord_date) COLLECT STATISTICS; -- collect index statistics after index creation LOCK TABLE sales IN EXCLUSIVE MODE; CREATE INDEX ndx_ord_date ON sales(ord_date); RUNSTATS ON TABLE sales AND INDEX ndx_ord_date;

Now, we'll collect detailed statistics using sampling on the publishers table:


You may wish to create an index on a nicknamed object. In the example below, the publishers nickname represents the current_publishers table:

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX unq_pub_id ON publishers(pub_name, country) SPECIFICATION ONLY;

The following example shows how to create an extended indextype on a structured type column. The coordinate_positions UDT requires a literal value to maintain the satellite_images column:

CREATE INDEX satellite_images ON gis_sites(coordinates) EXTEND USING (coordinate_positions (x'00010010010000100020'));

DB2 also supports a statement called CREATE INDEX EXTENSION. It is used to enable user-defined indexing on typed tables. Refer to the vendor documentation for more details.


MySQL supports a form of the CREATE INDEX statement, but not the ALTER INDEX statement. MySQL indexes are always stored in B-tree structures on the filesystem. Strings within an index are automatically prefix- and end-space-compressed. MySQL's CREATE INDEX syntax is:

CREATE [UNIQUE | FULLTEXT] INDEX index_name    ON table_name (column_name(length) [,...])



Creates a full-text search index against a column. Full-text indexes are only supported on MyISAM table types, CHAR, VARCHAR, or TEXT datatypes, and do not support the (length) clause.

MySQL supports the basic industry standard syntax for the CREATE INDEX statement. Interestingly, MySQL also lets you build an index on the first length characters of a CHAR or VARCHAR column. MySQL requires the (length) clause for BLOB and TEXT columns. Specifying a length can be useful when selectivity is sufficient in the first, say, 10 characters of a column, and in those situations where saving disk space is very important. For example:

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX unq_pub_id ON publishers(pub_name(25),    country(10))

This example indexes only the first 25 characters of the pub_name column and the first 10 characters of the country column.

As a general rule, MySQL allows at least 16 keys per table with a total maximum length of at least 256 bytes. This can vary by storage engine, however.


Oracle allows the creation of indexes on tables, partitioned tables, clusters, and index-organized tables, as well as on scalar type object attributes of a typed table or cluster, and on nested table columns using the CREATE INDEX statement. Oracle also allows several types of indexes, including normal B-tree indexes, BITMAP indexes (useful for columns that have each value repeated 100 or more times), partitioned indexes, function-based indexes (based on an expression rather than a column value), and domain indexes.

Oracle index names must be unique within a schema, not just to the table they are assigned to.

Oracle also supports the ALTER INDEX statement. It is used to change or rebuild an existing index without forcing the user to drop and recreate the index. Oracle's CREATE INDEX syntax is:

CREATE [UNIQUE | BITMAP] INDEX index_name {ON    {table_name ({column | expression} [ASC | DESC] [,...]) [{INDEXTYPE IS       index_type [PARALLEL [int] | NOPARALLEL] [PARAMETERS ('values') }] |    CLUSTER cluster_name |    FROM table_name WHERE condition [LOCAL partitioning] } [ {LOCAL partitioning | GLOBAL partitioning} ] [physical_attributes_clause] [{LOGGING | NOLOGGING}] [ONLINE] [COMPUTE STATISTICS] [{TABLESPACE tablespace_name | DEFAULT}] [{COMPRESS int | NOCOMPRESS}] [{NOSORT | SORT}] [REVERSE] [{PARALLEL [int] | NOPARALLEL}]

The syntax for ALTER INDEX is:

ALTER INDEX index_name { {ENABLE | DISABLE} | UNUSABLE | RENAME TO new_index_name | COALESCE |    [NO]MONITORING USAGE | UPDATE BLOCK REFERENCES |    PARAMETERS ('ODCI_params') | alter_index_partitioning_clause |    rebuild_clause |       [DEALLOCATE UNUSED [KEEP int [K | M | G | T] ]       [ALLOCATE EXTENT ([SIZE int [K | M | G | T] ] [DATAFILE 'filename']          [INSTANCE int]) ]       [SHRINK SPACE [COMPACT] [CASCADE] ]       [{PARALLEL [int] | NOPARALLEL}]       [{LOGGING | NOLOGGING}]       [physical_attributes_clause] }

where the non-ANSI clauses are:


Creates an index bitmap for each index value, rather than indexing each individual row. Bitmaps are best for low concurrency tables, like read-intensive tables. BITMAP indexes are incompatible with global partitioned indexes, the INDEXTYPE clause, or index-organized tables without a mapping table association.


Specifies that the values in the index are kept in either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC) order. When ASC or DESC is omitted, ASC is used by default. However, be aware that Oracle treats DESC indexes as function-based indexes, so there is some difference in functionality between ASC indexes and DESC indexes. You may not use ASC or DESC when also using the INDEXTYPE clause. DESC is ignored on BITMAP indexes.

INDEXTYPE IS index_type [PARAMETERS ('values')]

Creates an index on a user-defined type of index_type. Domain indexes require that the user-defined type already exists (refer to the CREATE/ALTER TYPE Statement section). If the user-defined type requires arguments, pass them in using the optional PARAMETERS clause. You may also optionally parallelize the creation of the type index using the PARALLEL clause (explained below in more detail).

CLUSTER cluster_name

Declares a clustering index based on the specified pre-existing cluster_name. On Oracle, a clustering index physically co-locates two tables that are frequently queried on the same columns, usually a primary key and a foreign key. (Clusters are created with the Oracle-specific command CREATE CLUSTER.) You do not declare a table or columns on a CLUSTER index, since both the tables involved and the columns indexed are already declared with the previously issued CREATE CLUSTER statement.

GLOBAL partitioning

Includes the full syntax of:

GLOBAL PARTITION BY     {RANGE (column_list) (PARTITION [partition_name] VALUE LESS THAN        (value_list) [physical_attributes_clause] [TABLESPACE        tablespace_name] [LOGGING | NOLOGGING] } [,...]), |    HASH (column_list) (PARTITION [partition_name]        {[TABLESPACE tablespace_name] [[OVERFLOW] TABLESPACE          tablespace_name] [VARRAY varray_name STORE AS {LOB           lob_segment_name] [LOB (lob_name) STORE AS [lob_segment_name]           [TABLESPACE tablespace_name] } } |       [STORE IN (tablespace_name [,...])] [OVERFLOW STORE IN           (tablespace_name [,...]), } [,...] }

The GLOBAL PARTITION clause declares that the global index is manually partitioned via either range or hash partitioning onto partition_name. (The default is to partition the index equally in the same way the underlying table is partitioned, if at all.) You can specify a maximum of 32 columns, though none may be ROWID. You may also apply the [NO]LOGGING clause, TABLESPACE clause, and the physical_attributes_clause (defined earlier) to a specific partition. You cannot partition on ROWID. You may include one or more partitions, along with any attributes, in a comma-delimited list, according to the following:


Creates a range-partitioned global index based on the range of values from the table columns listed in the column_list.

VALUE LESS THAN (value_list)

Sets an upper bound for the current partition of the global index. The values in the value_list correspond to the columns in the column_list, both of which are comma-delimited lists of columns. Both lists are prefix-dependent, meaning that for a table with columns (a, b, c), you could define partitioning on (a, b) or (a, b, c), but not (b, c). The last value in the list should always be the keyword MAXVALUE.


Creates hash-partitioned global index assigned rows in the index to each partition based on a hash function of the values of the columns in the column_list. You may specify the exact tablespace to store special database objects such as VARRAYs, and LOBs, and for any OVERFLOW of the specified (or default) tablespaces.

LOCAL partitioning

Supports local index partitioning on range-partitioned indexes, list-partitioned indexes, hash-partitioned indexes, and composite-partitioned indexes. You may include zero or more partitions, along with any attributes, in a comma-delimited list. When omitted, Oracle generates one or more partitions consistent with those of the table partition. Index partitioning is done in one of three ways:

Range- and list-partitioned indexes

Applied to regular or equipartitioned tables. Range- and list-partitioned indexes (synonyms for the same thing) follow the syntax:

LOCAL [ (PARTITION [partition_name]     { [physical_attributes_clause] [TABLESPACE tablespace_name]           [LOGGING | NOLOGGING] |       [COMPRESS | NOCOMPRESS] } [,...]) ]

All of the options are the same as for GLOBAL PARTITION (earlier), except that the scope is for a local index.

Hash-partitioned indexes

Applied to hash-partitioned tables. Hash-partitioned indexes allow you to choose between the earlier syntax and the optional syntax:

 LOCAL {STORE IN (tablespace_name [,...])  |    (PARTITION [partition_name [TABLESPACE tablespace_name] ] } 

to store the index partition on a specific tablespace. When you supply more tablespace names than index partitions, Oracle will cycle through the tablespaces when it partitions the data.

Composite-partitioned indexes

Composite-partitioned indexes can be applied on composite-partitioned tables using the following syntax:

LOCAL [STORE IN (tablespace_name [,...]) ] PARTITION [partition_name     {[physical_attributes_clause] [TABLESPACE tablespace_name]     [LOGGING | NOLOGGING] |       [COMPRESS | NOCOMPRESS] }       [ {STORE IN (tablespace_name [,...]) |       (SUBPARTITION [subpartition_name [TABLESPACE             tablespace_name]) } ]

You may use the LOCAL STORE clause shown under the hash-partitioned indexes entry or from the LOCAL clause under the range- and list-partitioned indexes entry. (When using the LOCAL clause, substitute the keyword SUBPARTITION for PARTITION.)


Establishes values for one or more of the following settings: PCTFREE int (discussed here), INITRANS int, and STORAGE (discussed in theCREATE/ALTER TABLE Statement section). When omitted, Oracle defaults to PCTFREE 10 and INITRANS 2. The default for MAXTRANS depends on the system block size, according to the following:


Designates the percentage of free space to leave on each block of the index as it is created. This speeds up new entries and updates on the table. However, PCTFREE is only applied when the index is created. It is not maintained over time. Therefore, the amount of free space can erode over time as records are inserted, updated, and deleted from the index. This clause is not allowed on index-organized tables.


Designates the initial number of concurrent transactions allocated to each data block of the database. The value may range from 1 to 255. If a physical_attributes_clause is omitted, Oracle defaults to PCTFREE 10 and INITRANS 2.


Tells Oracle to log the creation of the index on the redo logfile (LOGGING), or to not log it (NOLOGGING). This clause also sets the default behavior for subsequent bulk loads using Oracle SQL* Loader. For partitioned indexes, this clause establishes the default value of all partitions, segments associated with the partitions, and the defaults used on any partitions or subpartitions later added with an ALTER TABLE...ADD PARTITION statement. (When using NOLOGGING, we recommend that you take a full backup after the index has been loaded in case the index must be rebuilt due to a failure.)


Allows data manipulation on the table while the index is being created. Even when ONLINE, there is a very small window at the end of the create index operation where the table will be locked while the index creation completes. Any changes made to the base table at that time will then be reflected in the newly created index. ONLINE is incompatible with bitmap, cluster, or parallel clauses. It also cannot be used on indexes on a UROWID column or on index-organized tables with more than 32 columns in their primary keys.


Collects statistics while the index is created, when it can be done at relatively little cost. Otherwise, you will have to collect statistics after the index is created.

TABLESPACE tablespace_name | DEFAULT

Assigns the index to a specific tablespace. When omitted, the index is placed on the default tablespace. Use the DEFAULT keyword to explicitly place an index into the default tablespace. (When local partitioned indexes are placed in TABLESPACE DEFAULT, the index partition (or subpartition) is placed in the corresponding tablespace of the base table partition (or subpartition).


Enables or disables key compression, respectively. Compression eliminates repeated occurrences of key column values, yielding a substantial space savings at the cost of speed. The integer value, int, defines the number of prefix keys to compress. The value can range from 1 to the number of columns in the index for nonunique indexes, and from 1 to n-1 columns for unique indexes. The default is NOCOMPRESS, but if you specify COMPRESS without an int value, the default is COMPRESS n (for nonunique indexes) or COMPRESS n-1 (for unique indexes), where n is the number of columns in the index. COMPRESS can only be used on nonpartitioned and nonbitmapped indexes.


NOSORT an index to be created quickly for a column that is already sorted in ascending order. If the values of the column are not in perfect ascending order, the operation aborts, allowing a retry without the NOSORT option. REVERSE, by contrast, places the index blocks in storage by reverse order (excluding rowid). REVERSE is mutually exclusive of NOSORT and cannot be used on a bitmap index or an index-organized table. NOSORT is most useful for creating indexes immediately after a base table is loaded with data in pre-sorted order.


Allows the parallel creation of the index using multiple server process, each operating on a distinct subset of the index, to speed up the operation. An optional integer value, int, may be supplied to define the exact number of parallel threads used in the operation. When omitted, Oracle calculates the number of parallel threads to use. NOPARALLEL, the default, causes the index to be created serially.


Enables or disables a pre-existing function-based index, respectively. You cannot specify any other clauses of the ALTER INDEX statement with ENABLE or DISABLE.


Marks the index (or index partition or subpartition) as unusable. When UNUSABLE, an index (or index partition or subpartition) may only be rebuilt or dropped and recreated before it can be used.

RENAME TO new_index_name

Renames the index from index_name to new_index_name.


Merges the contents of index blocks used to maintain the index-organized table so that the blocks can be reused. COALESCE is similar to SHRINK, though COALESCE compacts the segments less densely than does SHRINK, and it does not release unused space.


Declares that Oracle should clear existing information on index usage and monitor the index, posting information in the V$OBJECT_USAGE dynamic performance view, until ALTER INDEX ... NOMONITOR USAGE is executed.


Updates all stale guess data block addresses stored as part of the index row on normal or domain indexes of an index-organized table. The guess data blocks contain the correct database addresses for the corresponding blocks identified by the primary key. This clause cannot be used with other clauses of the ALTER INDEX statement.


Specifies a parameter string passed, without interpretation, to the ODCI indextype routine of a domain index. The parameter string, called 'ODCI_params', may be up to 1,000 characters long. Refer to the vendor documentation for more information on ODCI parameter strings.


Refer to Oracle partitioned and subpartitioned tables in the CREATE/ALTER TABLE Statement section for more details.


Rebuilds the index or a specific partition (or subpartition) of the index. A successful rebuild marks an UNUSABLE index as USABLE. The syntax for the rebuild_clause is:

REBUILD {[NO]REVERSE | [SUB]PARTITION partn_name}    [{PARALLEL [int] | NOPARALLEL}] [TABLESPACE tablespace_name]    [PARAMETERS ('ODCI_params')] [ONLINE] [COMPUTE STATISTICS]    [COMPRESS int | NOCOMPRESS] [[NO]LOGGING]    [physical_attributes_clause]



Stores the bytes of the index block in reverse order and excludes rows when the index is rebuilt (REVERSE) or stores the bytes of the index blocks in regular order (NOREVERSE).


Deallocates unused space at the end of the index (or at the end of each range- or hash-partition of a partitioned index) and frees the space for other segments in the tablespace. The optional KEEP keyword defines how many bytes, int, above the high-water mark the index will keep after deallocation. You can append a suffix to the int value to indicate that the value equals kilobytes (K), megabytes (M), gigabytes (G), or terabytes (T). When the KEEP clause is omitted, all unused space is freed.

ALLOCATE EXTENT ([SIZE int [K | M | G | T] ] [DATAFILE 'filename'] [INSTANCE int])

Explicitly allocates a new extent for the index using the specified parameters. You may mix and match any of the parameters. SIZE specifies the amount of next extent. The size of the extents may be in bytes (no suffix), kilobytes (K), megabytes (M), gigabytes (G), or terabytes (T). DATAFILE allocates an entirely new datafile to the index extent. INSTANCE, used only on Oracle Real Application Clusters, makes a new extent available to a freelist group associated with the specified instance.


Shrinks the index segments, though only segments in tablespaces with automatic segment management may be shrunk. Shrinking a segment moves rows in the table, so make sure ENABLE ROW MOVEMENT is also used in the ALTER TABLE...SHRINK statement. Oracle compacts the segment, releases the emptied space, and adjusts the high-water mark unless the optional keywords COMPACT and/or CASCADE are applied. The COMPACT keyword only defragments the segment space and compacts the index, but it does not readjust the high-water mark nor empty the space immediately. The CASCADE keyword performs the same shrinking operation (with some restrictions and exceptions) on all dependent objects of the index. The statement ALTER INDEX ... SHRINK SPACE COMPACT is functionally equivalent to ALTER INDEX ... COALESCE.

By default, Oracle indexes are non-unique. It is also important to know that Oracle's regular B-tree indexes do not include records that have a null key value.

Oracle does not support indexes on columns with the following datatypes: LONG, LONG RAW, REF (with the SCOPE attribute), or user-defined datatypes. You may create indexes on functions and expressions, but they cannot allow null values or aggregate functions. When you create an index on a function, the function, if it has no parameters, should show an empty set. For example: function_name( ). If the function is a UDF, it must be DETERMINISTIC.

Oracle supports a special index structure called an index-organized table (IOT). IOTs combine the table data and primary key index on a single physical structure, instead of having separate structures for the table and for the index. IOTs are created using the CREATE TABLE...ORGANIZATION INDEX statement. Refer to CREATE/ALTER TABLE Statement for more information on making an IOT.

Oracle automatically creates any additional indexes on an index-organized table as secondary indexes. Secondary indexes do not support the REVERSE clause.

Oracle allows the creation of partitioned indexes and tables with the PARTITION clause. Consequently, Oracle's indexes also support partitioned tables. The LOCAL clause tells Oracle to create separate indexes for each partition of a table. The GLOBAL clause tells Oracle to create a common index for all the partitions.

Note that any time an object name is referenced in the syntax diagram, you may optionally supply the schema. This applies to indexes, tables, etc., but not to tablespaces. You must have the explicitly declared privilege to create an index in a schema besides the current one.

As an example, you can use a statement such as the following to create an Oracle index that is compressed, created in parallel, and with compiled statistics, but without logging the creation:


As with other Oracle object creation statements, you can control how much space they consume and in what increments they grow. The following example constructs an index in Oracle on a specific tablespace with specific instructions for how the data is to be stored:

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX unq_pub_id ON publishers(pub_name, country) STORAGE (INITIAL 10M NEXT 5M PCTINCREASE 0) TABLESPACE publishers;

For example, when you create the housing_construction table as a partitioned table on an Oracle server, you should also create a partitioned index with its own index partitions:

CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX project_id_ind ON housing_construction(project_id) GLOBAL PARTITION BY RANGE (project_id)    (PARTITION part1 VALUES LESS THAN ('H')       TABLESPACE construction_part1_ndx_ts,    PARTITION part2 VALUES LESS THAN ('P')       TABLESPACE construction_part2_ndx_ts,    PARTITION part3 VALUES LESS THAN (MAXVALUE)       TABLESPACE construction_part3_ndx_ts);

If in fact the housing_construction table used a composite partition, we could accommodate that here:

CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX project_id_ind ON housing_construction(project_id) STORAGE (INITIAL 10M MAXEXTENTS UNLIMITED) LOCAL (PARTITION part1 TABLESPACE construction_part1_ndx_ts,        PARTITION part2 TABLESPACE construction_part2_ndx_ts           (SUBPARTITION subpart10, SUBPARTITION subpart20,            SUBPARTITION subpart30, SUBPARTITION subpart40,            SUBPARTITION subpart50, SUBPARTITION subpart60),        PARTITION part3 TABLESPACE construction_part3_ndx_ts);

In the following example, we could rebuild the project_id_ind index that was created earlier by using parallel execution processes to scan the old index and build the new index in reverse order:


Similarly, we could split out an additional partition on project_id_ind:


      PARTITION part3_b TABLESPACE constr_p3_b);


PostgreSQL allows the creation of ascending-order indexes, as well as UNIQUE indexes. Its implementation also includes a performance enhancement under the USING clause. PostgreSQL's CREATE INDEX syntax is:

CREATE [UNIQUE] INDEX index_name ON table_name [USING {BTREE | RTREE | HASH} ] {function_name | (column_name [,...]) } [WHERE condition]



Specifies one of three dynamic access methods to optimize performance. Of particular importance is the fact that the indexes are fully dynamic and do not require periodic refreshes of their statistics. The USING options are as follows:


Uses Lehman-Yao's high-concurrency B-tree structures to optimize the index. This is the default method when no other is specified. B-tree indexes, the default, can be invoked for comparisons using =, <, <=, >, and >=. B-tree supports multicolumn indexes.


Uses Guttman's quadratic-split algorithm R-tree structures to optimize the index. R-tree indexes can be invoked for comparison using <<, &<, &>, >> @, ~=, and &&. R-tree indexes must be single-column indexes.


Uses Litwin's linear hashing algorithm to optimize the index. Hash indexes can be invoked for comparisons using =. Hash indexes must be single-column indexes.


Uses Generalized Index Search Trees (GISTs) to optimize the index. GIST indexes may be multicolumn.


Defines a user-defined function, rather than a column from the base table, as the basis of the index values. A function-based index is mutually exclusive of a regular column-based index.

WHERE condition

Defines a WHERE clause search condition, which is then used to generate a partial index. A partial index contains entries for a select set of records in the table, not all records of the table. You can get some interesting effects from this clause. For example, you can pair UNIQUE and WHERE to enforce uniqueness for a subset of the table rather than for the whole table. The WHERE clause must:

  • Reference columns in the base table (though they need not be columns of the index itself).

  • Not make use of aggregate functions.

  • Not use subqueries.

In PostgreSQL, a column may have an associated operator class based on the datatype of the column. An operator class specifies the operators for a particular index. Although users are free to define any valid operator class for a given column, the default operator class is the appropriate operator class for that column type.

In the following example, we create an index using the GIST indextype. We also make sure that uniqueness is only enforced for publishers outside of the USA:

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX unq_pub_id ON publishers(pub_name, country) USING GIST WHERE country <> 'USA';

SQL Server

SQL Server's CREATE INDEX syntax is:

CREATE [UNIQUE] [[NON]CLUSTERED] INDEX index_name ON {table_name | view_name} (column [ASC | DESC] [,...]) [WITH [PAD_INDEX]    [[,] FILLFACTOR = int]    [[,] IGNORE_DUP_KEY]    [[,] DROP_EXISTING]    [[,] STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE] ]    [[,] SORT_IN_TEMPDB] ] [ON filegroup]



Controls the physical ordering of data for the table using either a CLUSTERED or NONCLUSTERED index. The columns of a CLUSTERED index determine the order in which the records of the table are physically written. Thus, if you create an ascending clustered index on column A of table Foo, the records will be written to disk in ascending alphabetical order. The NONCLUSTERED clause, the default, when either value is omitted, creates a secondary index containing only pointers and has no impact on how the actual rows of the table are written to disk.


Specifies that the values in the index are kept in either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC) order. When ASC or DESC is omitted, ASC is used by default.


Allows the specification of one or more optional attributes for the index.


Specifies that space should be left open on each 8K index page, according to the value established by the FILLFACTOR setting.


Declares a percentage value, int, from 1 to 100 that tells SQL Server how much of each 8K data page should be filled at the time the index is created. This is useful to reduce I/O contention and page splits when a data page fills up. Creating a clustered index with an explicitly defined fillfactor can increase the size of the index, but also speed up processing in certain circumstances.


Controls what happens when a duplicate record is placed into a unique index through an insert or update operation. If this value is set for a column, only the duplicate row is excluded from the operation. If this value is not set, then all records in the operation (even nonduplicate records) are rejected as duplicates.


Drops any pre-existing indexes on the table and rebuilds the specified index.


Stops SQL Server from recomputing index statistics. This can speed the CREATE INDEX operation, but it may mean that the index is less effective.


Stores any intermediate results used to build the index in the system database, TEMPDB. This increases the space needed to create the index, but could speed processing if TEMPDB is on a different disk than the table and index.

ON filegroup

Creates the index on a given pre-existing filegroup. This enables the placing of indexes on a specific hard disk or RAID device. Issuing a CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX...ON FILEGROUP effectively moves a table to the new filegroup, since the leaf level of the clustered index is the same as the actual data pages of the table.

SQL Server allows the creation of a unique clustered index on a view, effectively materializing the view. This can greatly speed up data retrieval operations against the view. Once a view has a unique clustered index, nonclustered indexes also can be added to the view. Note that the view also must be created using the SCHEMABINDING option. Indexed views are only allowed in SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition, unless you add a NOEXPAND hint to the view. Indexed views support data retrieval, but not data modification. (See the SQL Server section of CREATE/ALTER VIEW Statement" for specific restrictions on indexed views.)

SQL Server allows up to 249 nonclustered indexes (unique or non-unique) on a table, as well as one primary key index. Index columns may not be of datatype NTEXT, TEXT, or IMAGE. Concatenated keys may contain up to 16 columns and/or a total of 900 bytes across all fixed-length columns.

SQL Server automatically parallelizes the creation of the index according to the configuration option max degree of parallelism.

It is often necessary to build indexes that span several columnsi.e., a concatenated key. Here is an example:

CREATE UNIQUE INDEX project2_ind ON housing_construction(project_name, project_date) WITH PAD_INDEX, FILLFACTOR = 80 ON FILEGROUP housing_fg GO

Adding the PAD_INDEX clause and setting the FILLFACTOR to 80 tells SQL Server to leave the index and data pages 80% full, rather than 100% full. The example also tells SQL Server to create the index on the housing_fg filegroup, rather than the default filegroup.

See Also


The CREATE/ALTER METHOD statements allow the creation of a new database method or the alteration of an already existing database method. An easy (but loose) way to think of a method is that it is a user-defined function associated with a user-defined type. For example, a method called Office, of type Address, can accept a VARCHAR input parameter and passes out a result of Address.

An implicitly defined method is created every time a structured type is created (see CREATE/ALTER TYPE Statement" for more details). Using a combination of the CREATE TYPE statement and the CREATE METHOD statement creates user-defined methods.




Supported, with variations


Not supported


Not supported


Not supported

SQL Server

Not supported

SQL2003 Syntax

{CREATE | ALTER} [INSTANT | STATIC] METHOD method_name    ([ [{IN | OUT | INOUT}] param datatype [AS LOCATOR] [RESULT] [,...]) RETURNS datatype FOR udt_name [SPECIFIC specific_name] code_body



Creates a new method or alters an existing method and, optionally, specifies it as an INSTANT or STATIC method.

([IN | OUT | INOUT] param datatype [,...])

Declares one or more parameters to be passed into the method in a comma-delimited list enclosed in parentheses. Parameters used with a method may pass a value IN, OUT, or both in and out via INOUT. The syntax for the parameter declaration is:

[{IN | OUT | INOUT}] parameter_name1 datatype,  [{IN | OUT | INOUT}] parameter_name2 datatype,[...]

Make sure the name is unique within the method. When used with ALTER, this clause adds parameters to a pre-existing method. Refer to Chapter 2 for details on datatypes.


The optional AS LOCATOR clause is used to validate an external routine with a RETURNS parameter that is a BLOB, CLOB, NCLOB, ARRAY, or user-defined type. In other words, the locator (i.e., a pointer) for the LOB is returned but not the entire value of the LOB.


Designates a user-defined type, but is not needed for standard datatypes.

RETURNS datatype

Declares the datatype of the results returned by a method. The key purpose of a user-defined method is to return a value. If you need to change the datatype of a RETURNS parameter on the fly, use the CAST clause (refer to the function CAST). For example, RETURNS VARCHAR(12) CAST FROM DATE.

FOR udt_name

Associates the method with a specific, pre-existing user-defined type, created using CREATE TYPE.

SPECIFIC specific_name

Uniquely identifies the function generally used with user-defined types.

Rules at a Glance

User-defined methods are essentially a different approach to the same output provided by user-defined functions. For example, consider the following two pieces of code:

CREATE FUNCTION my_fcn (order_udt) RETURNS INT; CREATE METHOD my_mthd () RETURNS INT FOR order_udt;

Although the code sections for the function and method are different, they do exactly the same thing.

The rules for use and invocation of methods are otherwise the same as for functions.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

The main difficulty with methods is that they are an object-oriented approach to the same sort of functionality provided by user-defined functions. Since they accomplish the same work, using a different approach, it can be hard to decide which approach to use.


DB2 supports both the CREATE METHOD and ALTER METHOD statements:

CREATE [SPECIFIC] METHOD method_name    ([ [{IN | OUT | INOUT}] [param] datatype [AS LOCATOR] [RESULT] [,...]) [RETURNS datatype [{AS LOCATOR | CAST FROM datatype [AS LOCATOR] } ] FOR udt_name EXTERNAL [NAME 'name'] [TRANSFORM GROUP group_name] code_body

The syntax for ALTER METHOD is quite a bit simpler:

ALTER METHOD method_name FOR udt_name EXTERNAL NAME 'name'


[SPECIFIC] METHOD method_name

Defines the method being created or altered. The optional SPECIFIC keyword identifies a method using the name assigned (either implicitly or explicitly) using the CREATE TYPE statement. The method must exist in the named or current schema.

CAST FROM datatype

Returns a different datatype to the invoking statement from the datatype that was returned by the method.

EXTERNAL [NAME 'external_name'] [TRANSFORM GROUP group_name]

Indicates that the statement is registering an external method, rather than creating an internal (SQL) method. The user-defined type created using the CREATE TYPE statement must be defined with a LANGUAGE other than SQL.

NAME 'name'

Defines the name of the external code that implements the method. The name may be up to 254 characters long. The name must be appropriate for the type of LANGUAGE associated with the user-defined type. This clause may also define the name of an internal (SQL) method specification for user-defined types defined with LANGUAGE SQL.


Specifies a transform group for user-defined structure type transformations when the method is invoked. When omitted, the transform group DB2_FUNCTION is the default.

The method specification is determined by the LANGUAGE setting of the CREATE TYPE statement associated with the method. For LANGUAGE SQL, the method specification is SQL. For any other LANGUAGE setting, the method specification is external.

The following example method, called office_zip, checks to see if a ZIP Code is valid based on the user-defined type address_type:

CREATE METHOD office (address address_type) RETURNS INTEGER FOR address_type RETURN (CASE    WHEN (self..zip = address.zip) THEN 1 -- valid    ELSE 0                                -- invalid END);

In the next example, the method distance uses and external routine and transform group to process the between two address_types:

CREATE METHOD distance (address_type) FOR address_type EXTERNAL NAME 'addrlib!distance' TRANSFORM GROUP method_group;

Later, we could change the method so that it uses a different external routine:

ALTER METHOD distance () FOR TYPE address_type EXTERNAL NAME 'newaddrlib!distance_2';


Not supported.


Not supported.


Not supported.

SQL Server

Not supported.

See Also


CREATE ROLE allows the creation of a named set of privileges that may be assigned to users of a database. When a role is granted to a user, that user gets all the privileges and permissions of that role. Roles are generally accepted as one of the best means for maintaining security and controlling privileges within a database.




Not supported


Not supported


Supported, with variations


Not supported

SQL Server

Not supported

SQL2003 Syntax



CREATE ROLE role_name

Creates a new role and differentiates that role from a host DBMS user and other roles. A role can be assigned any permission that a user can be assigned. The important difference is that a role can then be assigned to one or more users, thus giving them all the permissions of that role.


Assigns a role immediately to the currently active user or currently active role along with the privilege to pass the use of the role on to other users. By default, the statement defaults to WITH ADMIN CURRENT_USER.

Rules at a Glance

Using roles for database security can greatly ease administration and user maintenance. The general steps for using roles in database security are:

  1. Assess the needs for roles and pick the role names (e.g., administrator, manager, data_entry, report_writer, etc.).

  2. Assign permissions to each role as if it were a standard database user using the GRANT statement. For example, the manager role might have permissions to read and write from all user tables in a database, while the report_writer role only has permissions to execute read-only reports against certain reporting tables in the database.

  3. Use the GRANT statement to grant roles to users of the system according to the types of work they will perform.

Permissions can be disabled using the REVOKE command.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

The main problem with roles is that occasionally a database administrator will provide redundant permissions to a role and separately to a user. If you ever need to prevent a user's access to the resource in situations like this, you usually will need to REVOKE the permissions twice. The role must be revoked from the user and then the specific user-level privilege must also be revoked from the user.


Not supported.

Instead, DB2 uses operating system groups, so you can achieve similar functionality but you need to:

  1. Create an OS group.

  2. Grant or revoke permissions to the group.

  3. Add users to the group at the OS level.

DB2 allows OS groups to be assigned special admin roles at the instance level using the sysadm_group, sysctrl_group, and sysmaint_group configuration parameters.


Not supported.


Although it is not currently supported by the ANSI standard, Oracle also offers an ALTER ROLE statement. Oracle supports the concept of roles, though Oracle's implementation of the commands is very different from the ANSI SQL standard:

{CREATE | ALTER} ROLE role_name    [NOT IDENTIFIED |     IDENTIFIED {BY password | EXTERNALLY | GLOBALLY |        USING package_name}]



Identifies the name of the new role being created or the pre-existing role being modified.


Declares that no password is needed for the role to receive authorization to the database. This is the default.


Declares that the users of the role must authenticate themselves by the method indicated before the role is enabled via the SET ROLE command, where:

BY password

Creates a local role authenticated by the string value of password. Only single-byte characters are allowed in the password even when using a multibyte character set.


Creates an external role that is authenticated by the operating system or a third-party provider. In either case, the external authentication service will likely require a password.


Creates a global role that is authenticated by an enterprise directory service, such as an LDAP directory.

USING package_name

Creates an application role that enables a role only through an application that uses a PL/SQL package of package_name. If you omit the schema, Oracle assumes that the package is in your schema.

In Oracle, the role is created first, then granted privileges and permissions as if it is a user via the GRANT command. When users want to get access to the permissions of a role protected by a password, they use the SET ROLE command. If a password is placed on the role, any user wishing to access it must provide the password with the SET ROLE command.

Oracle ships with several preconfigured roles. CONNECT, DBA, and RESOURCE are available in all versions of Oracle. EXP_FULL_DATABASE and IMP_FULL_DATABASE are newer roles used for import and export operations. The GRANT statement reference has a more detailed discussion of all of the preconfigured roles available in Oracle.

The following example uses CREATE to specify a new role in Oracle, GRANTs it privileges, assigns it a password with ALTER ROLE, and GRANTs that role to a couple of users:

CREATE ROLE boss; GRANT ALL ON employee TO boss; GRANT CREATE SESSION, CREATE DATABASE LINK TO boss; ALTER ROLE boss IDENTIFIED BY le_grande_fromage; GRANT boss TO emily, jake;


Although PostgreSQL does not support the CREATE ROLE command, it offers a nearly identical facility of its own called CREATE GROUP. PostgreSQL also offers an ALTER GROUP statement to modify existing groups. In PostgreSQL, a group and a role are identical:

{CREATE | ALTER} GROUP name [ [WITH] {SYSID int | USER username [,...] }] [ {DROP | ADD} username [,...] }



Specifies if a new group (i.e., role) is created or if an existing group is modified where name is the name of the group to create or modify.

WITH {SYSID int | USER username [,...]

Assigns an explicit group ID to the new group, with the SYSID clause, or assigns a list of one or more pre-existing users to the group. When omitted, PostgreSQL will create the group using the highest assigned group ID plus one (starting at 1). The WITH clause is only used with the CREATE GROUP statement.

{DROP | ADD} username

Drops or adds one or more pre-existing users to the group. Used only with the ALTER GROUP clause.

Use the DROP GROUP clause to drop a group you no longer want.

SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server does not support the CREATE ROLE command, but has the equivalent capability via the system stored procedure sp_add_role.

See Also


This statement creates a schemai.e., a named group of related objects. A schema is a collection of tables, views, and permissions granted to specific users or roles. According to the ANSI standard, specific object permissions are not schema objects in themselves and do not belong to a specific schema. However, roles are sets of privileges that do belong to a schema.




Supported, with limitations


Not supported


Supported, with variations


Not supported

SQL Server

Supported, with limitations

SQL2003 Syntax

CREATE SCHEMA [schema_name] [AUTHORIZATION owner_name] [DEFAULT CHARACTER SET char_set_name] [PATH schema_name [,...] ]    [ ANSI CREATE statements [...] ]    [ ANSI GRANT statements [...]  ]


CREATE SCHEMA [schema_name]

Creates a schema called schema_name. When omitted, the database will create a schema name for you using the name of the user who owns the schema.


Sets the owner_name as the user who owns the schema. When omitted, the current user is set as the owner. The ANSI standard allows you to omit either the schema_name or the AUTHORIZATION clause, or to use them both together.


Declares a default character set of char_set_name for all objects created within the schema.

PATH schema_name [,...]

Optionally declares a file path and filename for any unqualified routines (i.e., stored procedures, user-defined functions, user-defined methods) in the schema.

ANSI CREATE statements [...]

Contains one or more CREATE statements. No commas are used between the CREATE statements.

ANSI GRANT statements [...]

Contains one or more GRANT statements to previously defined objects. Usually, the objects were created earlier in the same CREATE SCHEMA statement, but they may be any previously created object. No commas are used between the GRANT statements.

Rules at a Glance

The CREATE SCHEMA statement is a container that can hold many other CREATE and GRANT statements. The most common way to think of a schema is as all of the objects that a specific user owns. For example, the user jake may own several tables and views including the table, publishers, in his own schema. Meanwhile, the user dylan may own several other tables and views in his schema, but may also own his own separate copy of the publishers table.

The ANSI standard requires that all CREATE statements are allowed in a CREATE SCHEMA statement. In practice, most implementations of CREATE SCHEMA only allow three subordinate statements: CREATE TABLE, CREATE VIEW, and GRANT. The order of the commands is not important, meaning you can grant privileges on tables or views whose CREATE statements appear later in the CREATE SCHEMA statement.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

It is not required, but is considered a best practice, to arrange the objects and grants within a CREATE SCHEMA statement in an order that will execute naturally. In other words, CREATE VIEW statements should follow the CREATE TABLE statements that they depend on, and then GRANT statements should come last.

If your database system uses schemas, we recommend that you always reference your objects by schema and then object name (as in jake.publishers). If you do not include a schema qualifier, the database platform will typically assume the default schema for the current user connection.

Some database platforms do not explicitly support the CREATE SCHEMA command. However, they implicitly create a schema when a user creates database objects. For example, Oracle creates a schema whenever a user is created. The CREATE SCHEMA command is simply a single-step method of creating all the tables, views, and other database objects along with their permissions.


DB2 supports the basic elements of the CREATE SCHEMA statement. It does not support the PATH or DEFAULT CHARACTER SET clauses:

CREATE SCHEMA [schema_name] [AUTHORIZATION owner_name]    [ ANSI CREATE statements [...] ]    [ ANSI GRANT statements [...]  ]

The syntax and usage is otherwise identical to the ANSI standard.

DB2 creates a schema implicitly whenever a new schema is referenced in a GRANT or CREATE statement.

DB2 does not support an ALTER SCHEMA statement.


Not supported.


In Oracle, the CREATE SCHEMA does not create a schemaonly the CREATE USER statement does that. CREATE SCHEMA allows a user to perform multiple CREATEs and GRANTs in a previously created schema in one SQL statement:

CREATE SCHEMA AUTHORIZATION schema_name    [ ANSI CREATE statements [...] ]    [ ANSI GRANT statements [...]  ]

Note that Oracle only allows ANSI standard CREATE TABLE, CREATE VIEW, and GRANT statements within a CREATE SCHEMA statement. You should not use any of Oracle's extensions to these commands when using the CREATE SCHEMA statement.

The following Oracle example places the permissions before the objects within the CREATE SCHEMA statement:

CREATE SCHEMA AUTHORIZATION emily    GRANT SELECT, INSERT ON view_1 TO sarah    GRANT ALL ON table_1 TO sarah    CREATE VIEW view_1 AS       SELECT column_1, column_2       FROM table_1       ORDER BY column_2    CREATE TABLE table_1(column_1 INT, column_2 CHAR(20));

As the example above shows, the order of the statements within the CREATE SCHEMA statement is unimportant. Oracle commits the CREATE SCHEMA statement only if all CREATE and GRANT statements in the statement complete successfully.


Not supported.

SQL Server

SQL Server supports the basic CREATE SCHEMA statement without support for the PATH clause or the DEFAULT CHARACTER SET clause:

CREATE SCHEMA AUTHORIZATION owner_name    [ ANSI CREATE statements [...] ]    [ ANSI GRANT statements [...]  ]

If any statement fails within the CREATE SCHEMA statement, then the entire statement fails.

SQL Server does not require that the CREATE or GRANT statements be in any particular order, except that nested views must be declared in their logical order. Thus, if view_100 references view_10, then view_10 must appear in the CREATE SCHEMA statement before view_100.

For example:

CREATE SCHEMA AUTHORIZATION katie    GRANT SELECT ON view_10 TO public    CREATE VIEW view_10(col1) AS SELECT col1 FROM foo    CREATE TABLE foo(col1 INT)    CREATE TABLE foo       (col1 INT PRIMARY KEY,        col2 INT REFERENCES foo2(col1))    CREATE TABLE foo2       (col1 INT PRIMARY KEY,        col2 INT REFERENCES foo(col1))

See Also


Manipulating tables is one of the most common activities that database administrators and programmers perform when working with database objects. This section details how to create and modify tables.

The ANSI standard represents a sort of least common denominator among the vendors, though not every option of the ANSI standard version of CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE is offered by each of the vendors. However, the ANSI standard does represent the basic form that can be used across all of the platforms. In turn, the vendor platforms offer a variety of extensions and additions to the ANSI standards for CREATE and ALTER TABLE.

Typically, a great deal of consideration goes into the design and creation of a table. This discipline is known as database design. The discipline of analyzing the relationship of a table to its own data and to other tables within the database is known as normalization. We recommend that database programmers and administrators alike study both database design and normalization principles thoroughly before issuing CREATE TABLE commands.




Supported, with variations


Supported, with variations


Supported, with variations


Supported, with variations

SQL Server

Supported, with variations

SQL2003 Syntax

The SQL2003 statement CREATE TABLE creates a permanent or temporary table within the database where the command is issued. The syntax is as follows:

CREATE [{LOCAL TEMPORARY| GLOBAL TEMPORARY}] TABLE table_name    (column_name datatype attributes [,...]) |    [column_name WITH OPTIONS options] |    [LIKE  table_name] |    [REF IS column_name      {SYSTEM GENERATED | USER GENERATED | DERIVED} ]    [CONSTRAINT constraint_type [constraint_name] [,...] ] [OF type_name [UNDER super_table] [table_definition] ] [ON COMMIT {PRESERVE ROWS | DELETE ROWS}

The SQL2003 statement ALTER TABLE allows many useful modifications to be made to an existing table without dropping any existing indexes, triggers, or permissions assigned to it. Following is the ALTER TABLE syntax:

ALTER TABLE table_name [ADD [COLUMN] column_name datatype attributes] | [ALTER [COLUMN] column_name SET DEFAULT default_value] | [ALTER [COLUMN] column_name DROP DEFAULT] | [ALTER [COLUMN] column_name ADD SCOPE table_name | [ALTER [COLUMN] column_name DROP SCOPE {RESTRICT | CASCADE}] | [DROP [COLUMN] column_name {RESTRICT | CASCADE}] | [ADD table_constraint] | [DROP CONSTRAINT table_constraint_name {RESTRICT | CASCADE}]



Declares a permanent table or a TEMPORARY table of LOCAL or GLOBAL scope. Local temporary tables are only accessible to the session that created them and are automatically dropped when the session that created them terminates. Global temporary tables are accessible by all active sessions, but are automatically dropped when the session that created them terminates. Do not qualify a temporary table with a schema name.

(column_name datatype attributes [,...])

Defines a comma-delimited list of one or more columns, their datatypes, and any additional attributes such as nullability. Every table declaration must contain at least one column, which may include:


Specifies a name for a column. The name must be a valid identifier according to the rules of the specific DBMS. Make sure the name makes sense!


Associates a specific datatype with the column of column_name. An optional length may be specified for datatypes that allow user-defined lengths, for example VARCHAR(255). It must be a valid datatype on the specific DBMS. Refer to Chapter 2 for a full discussion of acceptable datatypes and vendor variations.


Associates specific constraint attributes with the column_name. Many attributes may be applied to a single column_name, no commas required. Typical ANSI attributes include:


Tells the column to reject null values or accept null values, when NOT NULL is omitted. Any INSERT or UPDATE statement that attempts to place a null value in a NOT NULL column will fail and roll back.

DEFAULT expression

Tells the column to use the value of expression when no value is supplied by an INSERT or UPDATE statement. The expression must be acceptable according to the datatype of the column; for example, no alphabetic characters may be used in an INTEGER column. Expression may be a string or numeric literal, but you may also define a user-defined function or system function. SQL2003 allows these system functions in a DEFAULT expression: NULL, USER, CURRENT_USER, SESSION_USER, SYSTEM_USER, CURRENT_PATH, CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_TIME, LOCALTIME, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, LOCALTIMESTAMP, ARRAY, or ARRAY[ ].

COLLATE collation_name

Defines a specific collation, or sort order, for the column it is assigned to. The name of the collation is platform dependent. If you do not define a collation, the columns of the table default to the collation of the character set used for the column.


Indicates whether references are to be checked on a REF column defined with a scope clause. The optional ON DELETE clause tells whether any values in records referenced by a deleted record should set to NULL or whether the operation should be restricted.

CONSTRAINT constraint name [constraint_type [constraint]]

Assigns a constraint and, optionally a constraint name, to the specific column. Constraint types are discussed in Chapter 2. Because the constraint is associated with a specific column, the constraint declaration assumes that the column is the only one in the constraint. After the table is created, the constraint is treated as a table-level constraint.

column_name [WITH OPTIONS options]

Defines a column with special options, such as a scope clause, a default clause, a column-level constraint, or a COLLATE clause. For many implementations, the WITH OPTIONS clause is restricted to the creation of typed tables.

LIKE table_name

Creates a new table with the same column definitions as the pre-existing table of table_name.


Defines the object identifier column (OID) for a typed table. An OID is necessary for the root table of a table hierarchy. Based on the option, the REF might be automatically generated by the system (SYSTEM GENERATED), manually provided by the user when inserting the row (USER GENERATED), or derived from another REF (DERIVED). Requires the inclusion of a REFERENCES column attribute for column_name.

CONSTRAINT constraint_type [constraint_name] [,...]

Assigns one or more constraints to the table. This option is noticeably different than the CONSTRAINT option at the column level because column-level constraints are assumed to apply only to the column they are associated with. Table-level constraints, however, give the option of associating multiple columns with a constraint. For example, in a sales table you might wish to declare a unique constraint on a concatenated key of store_id, order_id, and order_date. This can only be done using a table-level constraint. Refer to Chapter 2 for a full discussion of constraints.

OF type_name [UNDER super_table] [table_definition]

Declares that the table is based upon a pre-existing user-defined type (see CREATE/ALTER TYPE Statement"). In this situation, the table may have only a single column for each attribute of the structured type, plus an additional column as defined in the REF IS clause. The REF datatype is described in greater detail in the section CREATE/ALTER TYPE Statement. This clause is incompatible with the LIKE table_name clause.


UNDER super_table [table_definition]

Declares the direct supertable of the currently declared table within the same schema, if any exists. The table being created is thus a direct subtable of the supertable. You may optionally provide a complete table_definition of the new subtable, complete with columns, constraints, etc.


ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS preserves data rows in a temporary table on issuance of a COMMIT statement. ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS deletes all data rows in a temporary table on COMMIT.

ADD [COLUMN] column_name datatype attributes

Adds a column to a table, along with the appropriate datatype and attributes.

ALTER [COLUMN] column_name SET DEFAULT default_value

Adds a default value to the column if none exists, and resets the default value if a previous one exists.


Completely removes a default from the named column.

ALTER [COLUMN] column_name ADD SCOPE table_name

Adds a scope to the named column. A scope is a reference to a user-defined datatype (see CREATE/ALTER TYPE Statement").


Drops a scope from the named column. RESTRICT and CASCADE clauses are defined at the end of this list.


Drops the named column from the table. RESTRICT and CASCADE clauses are defined at the end of this list.

ADD table_constraint

Adds a table constraint of the specified name and characteristics to the table.


Drops a previously defined constraint from the table.


Tells the DBMS to abort the command if it finds any other objects in the database that depend on the object.


Tells the DBMS to drop any other objects that depend on the object.

Rules at a Glance

The typical CREATE TABLE statement is very simple. Generally, it names the table and any columns contained in the table. Many table definitions also include a nullability constraint for most of the columns, as in this SQL Server example:

CREATE TABLE housing_construction    (project_number      INT          NOT NULL,    project_date         DATE         NOT NULL,    project_name         VARCHAR(50)  NOT NULL,    construction_color   NCHAR(20)   ,    construction_height  DECIMAL(4,1),    construction_length  DECIMAL(4,1),    construction_width   DECIMAL(4,1),    construction_volume  INT)

This example adds a foreign key to the example table:

-- Creating a column-level constraint CREATE TABLE favorite_books    (isbn         CHAR(100)    PRIMARY KEY,    book_name     VARCHAR(40)  UNIQUE,    category      VARCHAR(40)  ,    subcategory   VARCHAR(40)  ,    pub_date      DATETIME     NOT NULL,    purchase_date DATETIME     NOT NULL,       CONSTRAINT fk_categories FOREIGN KEY (category)          REFERENCES category(cat_name));

The foreign key on the categories column relates it to the cat_name table in the category table. All the vendors mentioned in this book support this syntax.

Examples for creating a table with each constraint type are shown in Chapter 2. Similarly, the foreign key could be added after the fact as a multicolumn key including both the category and subcategory columns:

ALTER TABLE favorite_books ADD CONSTRAINT fk_categories    FOREIGN KEY (category, subcategory)    REFERENCES category(cat_name, subcat_name));

Now, we could use an ALTER TABLE statement to drop the constraint altogether:

ALTER TABLE favorite_books DROP CONSTRAINT fk_categories RESTRICT;

Listed here are more full examples from pubs, the sample database that ships with Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Adaptive Server:

-- For a Microsoft SQL Server database CREATE TABLE jobs    (job_id  SMALLINT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED,    job_desc VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'New Position',    min_lvl  TINYINT NOT NULL CHECK (min_lvl >= 10),    max_lvl  TINYINT NOT NULL CHECK (max_lvl <= 250)) -- For a MySQL  database CREATE TABLE employee    (emp_id INT AUTO_INCREMENT CONSTRAINT PK_emp_id PRIMARY KEY,    fname VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,    minit CHAR(1) NULL,    lname VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,    job_id SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1       REFERENCES jobs(job_id),    job_lvl TINYINT DEFAULT 10,    pub_id CHAR(4) NOT NULL DEFAULT ('9952')       REFERENCES publishers(pub_id),    hire_date DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT (CURRENT_DATE()); CREATE TABLE publishers    (pub_id char(4) NOT NULL       CONSTRAINT UPKCL_pubind PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED       CHECK (pub_id IN ('1389', '0736', '0877', '1622', '1756')       OR pub_id LIKE '99[0-9][0-9]'),    pub_name varchar(40) NULL,    city varchar(20) NULL,    state char(2) NULL,    country varchar(30) NULL DEFAULT('USA'))

Once you get into the vendor extensions, the CREATE TABLE command is no longer portable between database platforms. The following is an example of an Oracle CREATE TABLE statement with many storage properties:

CREATE TABLE classical_music_cds    (music_id        INT,    composition      VARCHAR2(50),    composer         VARCHAR2(50),    performer        VARCHAR2(50),    performance_date DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE,    duration         INT,    cd_name          VARCHAR2(100), CONSTRAINT pk_class_cds PRIMARY KEY (music_id)    USING INDEX TABLESPACE index_ts    STORAGE (INITIAL 100K NEXT 20K), CONSTRAINT uq_class_cds UNIQUE    (composition, performer, performance_date)    USING INDEX TABLESPACE index_ts    STORAGE (INITIAL 100K NEXT 20K)) TABLESPACE tabledata_ts;

When issuing a CREATE or ALTER statement, we recommend that it be the only statement in your transaction. For example, do not attempt to create a table and select from it in the same batch. Instead, (1) create the table, (2) verify the operation, (3) COMMIT, and then (4) perform any subsequent operations against the table.

Table_name is the name for a new or existing table. New table names should start with an alphabetic character and in general contain no other special symbol besides underscore (_). Length of the name and exact composition is governed differently according to each vendor.

When creating or altering a table, the list of column definitions is always encapsulated within parentheses and separated by commas between each new column definition.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

The user issuing the CREATE TABLE command must have the appropriate permissions. Similarly, any user wishing to ALTER or DROP a table should own the table within his own schema or have adequate permissions to the alter or drop the table. Since the ANSI standard does not specify the privileges required, expect some variation between vendors.

You can encapsulate a CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement within a transaction, using a COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement to explicitly conclude the transaction. We recommend that it be the only command in the transaction.

You can have a great deal of control over the way that the records of a table are physically written to disk through extensions to the ANSI standard. DB2 and SQL Server use a technique called clustered indexes to control the way that records are written to disk. Oracle uses a technique that is functionally similar called an index-organized table.

Some databases will lock a table that is being modified by an ALTER TABLE statement. It is wise to issue this command only on tables that are not in use on a production database.

Some databases will lock the target and source tables when using the CREATE TABLE...LIKE statement.


DB2 supports a very rich and elaborate set of extensions to the CREATE TABLE statement:

CREATE TABLE table_name    {(column_name datatype attributes [,...]) |    OF type_name [{UNDER super_table INHERIT SELECT PRIVILEGES |       HIERARCHY hierarchy_name}] [table_definition] |    AS subquery {derived_table_options |       DEFINITION ONLY [copy_options] } |    [LIKE  table_name] [copy_options] |    [ [(staging_column [,...]) ]    FOR table_name PROPAGATE IMMEDIATE] } [ORGANIZE BY [DIMENSTIONS] (column_name [,...]) ] [DATA CAPTURE {NONE | CHANGES} ] [IN tablespace_name [INDEX IN tablespace_name]    [LONG IN tablespace_name]] [VALUE COMPRESSION] [WITH RESTRICT ON DROP] [NOT LOGGED INITIALLY] [{REPLICATED | PARTITIONING KEY (column_name [,...])    [USING HASHING] } ] [OPTIONS (REMOTE_SERVER 'server_name'    [, REMOTE_SCHEMA 'schema_name']    [, REMOTE_TABNAME 'table_name'] ]

Similarly rich, the DB2 statement ALTER TABLE allows many useful modifications to be made to an existing table without dropping any existing indexes, triggers, or permissions assigned to it:

ALTER TABLE table_name {[ADD { {[COLUMN] column_name datatype attributes} |    table_constraint | partitioning_key | RESTRICT_ON_DROP } | {[ALTER { {CHECK | FOREIGN KEY} constraint_name constraint_definition] |    [COLUMN] column_name column_definition } | {[DROP constraint_type constraint_name] | partitioning_key |    RESTRICT_ON_DROP } |  [DATA CAPTURE {NONE | CHANGES [INCLUDE LONGVAR COLUMNS]} |  [ACTIVATE NOT LOGGED INITIALLY [WITH EMPTY TABLE] ] |  [PCTFREE int] |  [LOCKSIZE {ROW | TABLE} ] |  [APPEND {ON | OFF} ] |  [ [NOT] VOLATILE [CARDINATITY] ] |  [ [DE]ACTIVATE VALUE COMPRESSION] } [...] | SET MATERIALIZED QUERY AS {DEFINITION ONLY | subquery]

The parameters for both commands are as follows:

(column_name datatype attributes [,...])

Defines columns according to the ANSI standard. However, DB2 supports several additional attributes that are specific to special datatypes on DB2. All the ANSI standard attributes, such as NOT NULL, are supported. Refer to the section on datatypes in Chapter 2 for more details.


Similar to the ANSI standard OF clause in the CREATE TABLE command, with two added optional clauses INHERIT and HIERARCHY. INHERIT tells DB2 that any user or group with read privileges on the super_table should also have read privileges on the new subtable. HIERARCHY associates the subtable with a table hierarchy, where hierarchy_name is the name of the root table of the hierarchy. When omitted, DB2 will generate its own hierarchy_name.


Defines the elements of the typed table, including addition options for columns, an OID column on the root table, and table constraints.

AS subquery

Materializes the table from the results of a query. You may include a standard column definition list, but the columns must match the number and datatype of columns retrieved by the subquery.


The full syntax for derived_table_options is:


The keywords have the following meanings:


Defers the insertion of data into the table until a DB2 REFRESH TABLE command is issued.


Allows the table to be refreshed only when a DB2 REFRESH TABLE statement is issued (via DEFERRED) or immediate after any data manipulation operation (via IMMEDIATE).


Enables or disables the derived table for query optimization when DB2 decides optimization is appropriate. Of course, the table is always available for direct queries.


Declares that the derived table data is maintained automatically by the SYSTEM (the default) or manually by the USER via the DB2 REFRESH TABLE command. If you select MAINTAINED BY USER, the table must also be declared as REFRESH DEFERRED.

DEFINITION ONLY [copy options]

Defines the table without populating the table with a query result set.


Allows the modification of the DEFINITION ONLY and LIKE clauses. Copy options include:


Includes or excludes column defaults of the copied table, respectively. INCLUDING is the default for base tables or temporary tables. Otherwise, EXCLUDING is the default.


Includes or excludes column attributes of the copied table, respectively. The IDENTITY attributes of the column may optionally be copied.

LIKE table_name [copy options]

Copies the entire set of column definitions from an existing table, table_name, though a view or nickname is also allowed. You may use the copy_options shown previously in the list to alter the default behavior of the LIKE clause.

[(staging_column [,...]) ] FOR table_name PROPAGATE IMMEDIATE]

Defines an intermediate table (i.e., a staging table) between the base table(s) that define a derived table and the derived table itself. (Naturally, this clause should only be used with the AS subquery clause.)

The components of this clause are:


Defines one or more staging columns. However, the list of staging columns will always contain two more columns than the number of columns in the derived table GLOBALTRANSID and GLOBALTRANSTIME. The PROPAGATE clause, adds one more column OPERATIONTYPE which is used to maintain consistency in replicated a materialized query table. When omitted, DB2 will create the appropriate staging columns it needs for the operation.

FOR table_name

Names the table that defines the staging table. table_name must represent a derived table with REFRESH DEFERRED already existing in the database. Whenever a REFRESH TABLE command is issued, the contents of the staging table are used to refresh the derived table.


Specifies that data modifications to the underlying tables cascade immediately to the staging table.

ORGANIZE BY [DIMENSIONS] (column_name [,...])

Defines a cluster or dimension on a column or group of columns, depending on whether the DIMENSIONS keyword is excluded or included, respectively. In effect, a clustered index is defined with the ORGANIZE BY clause, while the ORGANIZE BY DIMENSIONS clause is used to create a clustered index on more than one column (i.e., on a dimension).


Writes extra data to the log in support of inter-database replication. NONE declares that no extra information will be stored, while CHANGES declares that changes are written to the log. The DATA CAPTURE CHANGES clause is required on replicated tables. This clause is incompatible when creating subtables.

IN tablespace_name [INDEX IN tablespace_name][LONG IN tablespace_name]

Declares a specific, pre-existing tablespace where the table is placed. This clause is incompatible when creating a subtable and in System Managed tablespaces. The components of the clause are:

INDEX IN tablespace_name

Declares a separate pre-existing tablespace where the indexes of the table will be placed. When omitted, the default is the same tablespace as the table data.

LONG IN tablespace_name

Declares a separate pre-existing tablespace where the data of long datatypes (LONG VARCHAR, LONG VARGRAPHIC, LOB, etc.) for the table will be placed. When omitted, the default is the same tablespace as the table data.


Enables high compression storage of NULL and 0-length data values.


Restricts the table and its tablespace from being dropped.


Declares that any changes to the data of the table that occur in the same batch as when the table is created are not logged. On the other hand, all catalog changes and storage changes are logged. This setting can cause the rollback of an entire batch of work under certain circumstances.


Declares that the data in the table is replicated on each database partition of the database partition group where it is defined, in effect copying the data to all database partitions. This clause is incompatible with PARTITIONING KEY, but is required for derived tables.


Defines a partitioning key for the table where column_name becomes the partitioning key. The column_name may not be a long or special datatype LONG VARCHAR, LONG VARGRAPHIC, BLOB, CLOB, DBCLOB, DATALINK or structured or distinct types built upon these datatypes. This clause is incompatible when creating subtables. When omitted and the table is defined on a database partition group, DB2 will attempt to find a method for partitioning the table. Otherwise, the table will be placed on a single-partition database partition group. USING HASHING declares that a hashing algorithm is used to distribute data among the partitions.

OPTIONS (REMOTE_SERVER 'server_name' [, REMOTE_SCHEMA 'schema_name'] [, REMOTE_TABNAME 'table_name']

Defines a remote operation, such as creating, altering, or dropping a table on a federated system. This is called transparent DDL. Federated systems are quite complex and are outside of the ANSI standard. Refer to the vendor documentation for more information.

ADD table_constraint

Adds a table-level constraint to an existing table.

ALTER {CHECK | FOREIGN KEY} constraint_name constraint_definition

Alters the attributes of an existing CHECK or FOREIGN KEY of constraint_name and assigns it a new constraint_definition. You may also apply these additional constraint characteristics:


Changes the constraint to ENFORCED or NOT ENFORCED. Under ENFORCED, the constraint is automatically enforced by the database. NOT ENFORCED causes the constraint to not be checked during data modification operations.


Enables or disables query optimization on the constraint.

ALTER [COLUMN] column_name column_definition

Alters a specific column, column_name, in the table. You can change a number of column characteristics beyond the standard column definition options, including things like SCOPE, COMPRESS, and identity alterations. Refer to the material later in this section for information on type-related attributes and other alterable attributes. Some additional characteristics can be changed on a column-by-column basis, such as:


Alters the length of the named VARCHAR column to int. The value of int should not increase the total row length or the total primary key length beyond the allowed maximum.

SET EXPRESSION AS (generation-expression)

Alters the original generated expression, a sort of auto-incrementing identity column, of the named column to a new generation-expression. The difference between a generated expression and an identity is that identities are automatically handled by DB2, but generated expressions give you full control over the values returned by the expression. Generated expressions can be quite complex and are covered in the vendor documentation. This clause requires the table be placed in "check pending state," where the data in the table is not verified against constraints, via DB2's SET INTEGRITY statement. Afterwards, the values must all be checked.


Alters the inline length of the named structured type column to int, storing the values inline with the rest of the data in the row.

DROP constraint_type constraint_name

Drops a constraint of constraint_name from the table. The constraint_type may be any of the allowable types: primary key, foreign key, unique, check, as well as PARTITIONING KEY. You may also substitute constraint_type with RESTRICT ON DROP, to drop the RESTRICT ON DROP characteristic.


Captures extra information to the log in support of replication. Usable with any non-typed table. The options for DATA CAPTURE are:


Specifies that no extra information is captured.


Writes extra information to the table in support of replication. This clause is required for replication. This clause is incompatible with tables that store data on non-catalog partitions. The INCLUDE LONGVAR COLUMNS clause includes LONG VARCHAR and LONG VARGRAPHIC columns in the data replication.


Disables logging of any transaction made in the same batch as the ALTER TABLE statements. Statements that are not logged include INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, CREATE INDEX, DROP INDEX, or another ALTER TABLE statement. Logging returns to normal after the current SQL batch completes. The optional WITH EMPTY TABLE clause tells DB2 to empty the table of data. The data is not recoverable except through the DB2 RECOVER facility.


Declares a percentage of free space, int, that DB2 should leave on each page during load or reorganization of the table.


Declares that locks should be taken at a ROW or TABLE level when reading or writing data in the table. The default is ROW. This clause is only supported in the root table of a typed-table hierarchy.


Adds all new data to the end of the table when turned ON or puts data in the free space available within data pages throughout the table when turned OFF. The default is OFF. Setting this value to ON causes DB2 not to keep any free space information. The APPEND clause is not usable on tables with a clustered index.


Declares whether the table cardinality varies greatly over time. When set to VOLATILE, tells DB2 to generally ignore statistics in favor of an index scan because the amount of data in the table change a great deal. VOLATILE is supported only on normal tables and the root table of a typed-table hierarchy. NOT VOLATILE tells DB2 that the amount of data in the table is generally static, so that it can use existing statistics and optimization paths. Adding the optional CARDINALITY keyword tells DB2 that the amount of data in the table may change but that the table itself is static.


Deactivates or activates the compression of NULL and zero-length data values in the table for all datatypes of BLOB, CLOB, DBLOB, LONG VARCHAR, or LONG VARGRAPHIC.


Alters the properties of a materialized query table. DEFINITION ONLY tells DB2 to consider the table as a normal table and not a materialized query table. When using DEFINITION ONLY, the materialized query table cannot be replicated. The subquery clause is any valid subquery used to define a materialized query table. The subquery redefines a regular table as a materialized query table during query optimization. When using the subquery clause, the table may not be a typed table, have constraints, unique indexes, or triggers, or be defined as or referenced in a materialized query table.

DB2 also has a number of special attributes that may be applied to columns over the standard constraints that the ANSI SQL standard provides. These optional attributes are specific to specific datatypes. The following are LOB-related attributes:


Declares whether changes made to the column are written to the logfile (LOGGED) or not (NOT LOGGED). The default is LOGGED. However, any LOB values greater than 10 megabytes should not be logged and those over 1 gigabyte cannot be logged.


Compresses the values of LOBs as much as possible, usually by freeing any extra space on the last group used by the LOB or allowing free space in the last group to go unused. COMPACT takes some extra processing and I/O overhead. NOT COMPACT is the default.

For example, you might have a table called emp_images, which stores the security ID images of your employees:

CREATE TABLE emp_images    (emp_id          INT NOT NULL,     emp_photo_image LONGVARGRAPHIC NOT LOGGED COMPACT)

DB2 supports the following datalink-related attributes:


Defines a URL as the type of link.


Declares that there is no check for file existence.


Declares that file existence will be checked. Additional options may impact the style of check, including:


Sets the level of checks between the DATALINK value and an actual file. The optional ALL keyword disables operating system control for deleting or renaming the file.


Sets read permission on the file as either filesystem derived (FS) or database derived (DB).


Sets write permission on the file as either filesystem derived (FS), no writes allowed (BLOCKED), or determined by the Data Links Manager (ADMIN). The WRITE PERMISSION ADMIN clause is based on a passed token. You should further specify [NOT] REQUIRING TOKEN FOR UPDATE, which details whether a write token is needed to finish a file update operation.


Declares that DB2 will support point in time recovery of files referenced by the values in the column (YES) or not (NO). RECOVERY YES also requires the INTEGRITY ALL clause and either WRITE PERMISSION BLOCKED or WRITE PERMISSION ADMIN.


Declares that DB2 either return the file to its original permissions when the DATALINK value is changed or deleted (RESTORE) or that the file is deleted when unlinked (DELETE). ON UNLINK RESTORE requires the INTEGRITY ALL clause and either WRITE PERMISSION BLOCKED or WRITE PERMISSION ADMIN. ON UNLINK DELETE requires the READ PERMISSION DB clause and either WRITE PERMISSION BLOCKED or WRITE PERMISSION ADMIN.


Defines a default group of file link options: INTEGRITY ALL, READ PERMISSION FS, WRITE PERMISSION FS, and RECOVERY NO.

DB2 supports the following type-related attributes:

SCOPE type_name

Declares the scope of a reference-type column, where type_name is the pre-existing typed table or view. It is required for columns that will be used as the left operand of a dereference operator or as the argument of a DEREF function.


Declares a maximum byte size, int, for a structured-type column. If the structured type is too long, DB2 will automatically store the structured types in a separate table from the base table, similar to the way LOB values are stored.

DB2 supports just one storage-related attribute:


Defines that the system default value for any column is compressed. It should not be used on columns of DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP datatypes. You gain some storage space at the sacrifice of performance.

Use the following DEFAULT-related attributes to set various defaults:


Declares a default for the column. That is, whenever an INSERT or UPDATE (or LOAD) statement does not provide a value for the column, then DB2 will use the default value you specify. WITH is a noise word. When omitted, NULL is always the default. The options for the DEFAULT clause are:


Inserts the CURRENT SCHEMA system value. The column must have a character datatype of sufficient length to store CURRENT SCHEMA.


Inserts the USER system value. The column must have a character datatype of sufficient length to store USER.


Inserts a null value, the default.


Can be any constant string, date, or number of 254 characters or fewer.


Tells DB2 to generate values for the column, in particular for IDENTITY columns, either every time a record is inserted in the table (ALWAYS) or whenever a value is not provided for the column (BY DEFAULT).

AS (expression)

Assigns the default value based on the evaluation of an expression. The expression might be something like an external user-defined function, a subquery, or a stored procedure. Refer to the ALTER COLUMN...generated expressions material earlier in this section.


Declares that the column is an auto-incrementing identity for a column of a number datatype. Identities can be either ascending or descending in nature. DB2 allows only one identity column per table. All identity columns are implicitly NOT NULL. Identities are further defined by these optional characteristics:


Declares the seed value (i.e., the starting value), int, of the identity column. The default is MINVALUE for ascending identities and MAXVALUE for descending identities.


Declares the amount each entry to the identity will increase (if positive) or decrease (if negative). The default is 1. A negative INCREMENT BY value tells DB2 that the identity is descending in nature.


Declares the value, int, at which the identity either cycles to the beginning or stops generating values. Both clauses may appear as attributes of an identity. They are not mutually exclusive. NO MINVALUE, the default minimum value setting, tells DB2 to start ascending identities at the START WITH value or 1, if omitted. MINVALUE int tells DB2 the lowest allowable value for a descending identity. NO MAXVALUE, the default maximum value setting, tells DB2 to stop or recycle ascending identities at maximum value allowed for the datatype. For descending identities, the default is the START WITH value or -1, when omitted. MINVALUE int tells DB2 the highest allowable value for an ascending identity.


Declares that DB2 should recycle the identity values (CYCLE) when the maximum value is exceeded on ascending identities (or the minimum value is decremented on a descending identity) or that DB2 should stop generating identities (NO CYCLE) once the minimum or maximum is reached. NO CYCLE is the default. DB2 will generate duplicate values under the CYCLE setting.

[NO] CACHE [int]

Tells DB2 to cache some pre-allocated values in memory (CACHE) or not (NO CACHE). You may optionally tell DB2 how many identity values, int, to cache using CACHE int.


Tells DB2 whether identity values must be generated in the order they were requested (ORDER) or not (NOT ORDER). When omitted, NOT ORDER is the default.

For example, our company has acquired another company with a whole roster of employees. We want to assign the new employees a new emp_id based on our current highest emp_id identity column value:

CREATE TABLE temp_emp   (new_emp_id INT NOT NULL GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY       (START WITH 500, INCREMENT BY 1, NO CYCLE, CACHE),    dept       VARCHAR (50) NOT NULL,    mgr_id     INT,    location   CHAR(30))

DB2 supports the creation of temporary tables, but not in the CREATE TABLE statement. Instead, use the DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE statement described in the DB2 documentation.

However, be extra careful whenever altering a table. You should generally expect that any procedural objects that are dependent on the table, such as procedures or functions, will become invalid.

-- Creating a column-level constraint CREATE TABLE favorite_books    (isbn         CHAR(100)    PRIMARY KEY,    book_name     VARCHAR(40)  UNIQUE,    category      VARCHAR(40)  NULL,    subcategory   VARCHAR(40)  NULL,    pub_date      DATETIME     NOT NULL,    purchase_date DATETIME     NOT NULL,       CONSTRAINT fk_categories FOREIGN KEY (category)          REFERENCES category(cat_name));

In the following example, we alter our example table, favorite_books, to not log SQL changes for replication. We also assign some free space to the data pages of the table:


We also finally decide that although the records in the table change quite frequently, the table structure itself should be static:



The MySQL syntax for CREATE TABLE creates a permanent or local temporary table within the database in which the command is issued.

CREATE [TEMPORARY] TABLE [IF NOT EXISTS] table_name {(column_name datatype attributes   constraint_type constraint_name [,...])  [constraint_type [constraint_name] [,...] ]    [MATCH FULL | MATCH PARTIAL]    [ON {DELETE | UPDATE} {RESTRICT | CASCADE | SET NULL |     NO ACTION | SET DEFAULT}] LIKE other_table_name } {[TYPE = {ISAM | MyISAM | HEAP | BDB | InnoDB | MERGE |   MRG_MyISAM} |    AUTO_INCREMENT = int |    AVG_ROW_LENGTH = int |    CHECKSUM = {0 | 1} |    COMMENT = "string" |    DELAY_KEY_WRITE = {0 | 1} |    MAX_ROWS = int |    MIN_ROWS = int |    PACK_KEYS = {0 | 1} |    PASSWORD = "string" |    ROW_FORMAT= { default | dynamic | static | compressed } |    RAID_TYPE = {1 | STRIPED | RAID0} |    RAID_CHUNKS = int |    RAID_CHUNKSIZE = int |    INSERT_METHOD = {NO | FIRST | LAST} |    DATA DIRECTORY = "path to directory"    INDEX DIRECTORY = " path to directory "] } [[IGNORE | REPLACE] select_statement]

The MySQL syntax for ALTER TABLE allows modifications to a table or even renaming of a table:

ALTER [IGNORE] TABLE table_name {[ADD [COLUMN] (column_name datatype attributes ] [FIRST | AFTER column_name]] | [ADD [UNIQUE | FULLTEXT] INDEX [index_name] |    (index_col_name [,...]) ] | [ADD PRIMARY KEY (index_col_name [,...]) ] | [ALTER [COLUMN] column_name {SET DEFAULT literal | |    DROP DEFAULT}] | [CHANGE | MODIFY] [COLUMN] old_col_name new_column_name]     [FIRST | AFTER column_name] | [MODIFY] column_name datatype attributes | [DROP [COLUMN] column_name] | [DROP PRIMARY KEY] | [DROP INDEX index_name] | [{ENABLE | DISABLE} KEYS] | [RENAME [TO] new_tbl_name] | [table_options] } [,...]

Keywords and parameters are as follows:


Creates a table that persists for the duration of the connection under which it was created. Once that connection closes, the temporary table is automatically deleted.


Prevents an error if the table already exists. A schema specification is not required.


Allows standard ANSI SQL constraints to be assigned at the column or table level. MySQL fully supports these constraints: primary key, unique, and default (must be a constant). MySQL provides syntax support for check, foreign key, and references constraints, but they are not functional except on InnoDB tables. MySQL also has three specialty constraints:


Creates a fulltext-search index to facilitate rapid searches of large blocks of text. Note that only MyISAM tables support FULLTEXT indexes and that they can only be made on CHAR, VARCHAR, and TEXT columns.


Sets up an integer column so that it automatically increases its value by 1 (starting with a value of 1). MySQL only allows one AUTO_INCREMENT column per table. When the maximum value is deleted, the value is reused. When all records are deleted (using DELETE or TRUNCATE), the values may start over. This option is allowed on ISAM tables, but not MyISAM and InnoDB tables.


When an INDEX characteristic is assigned to a column, a name for the index also can be included. (A MySQL synonym for INDEX is KEY.) If a name is not assigned to the primary key, MySQL assigns a name of column_name plus a numeric suffix (_2, _3,. . .) to make it unique. All table types, except for the ISAM table type, support indexes on NULL columns, or on BLOB or TEXT datatype columns. Note that UNIQUE without INDEX is valid syntax on MySQL.


Describe how the data should be physically stored. You can convert tables between types using the ALTER TABLE statement. Only InnoDB and BDB tables offer recoverability with the COMMIT or ROLLBACK statements. All other table types will result in the loss of data if the database crashes, but are much faster and take up less space. The default is MyISAM. Following is the list of MySQL table types:


Creates a transaction-safe table with page locking. Tables of this type are based on the BerkeleyDB transaction processing engine available at http://www.sleepycat.com. BDB maintains logfiles and keeps track of checkpoints and ROLLBACK and COMMIT statements. BDB tables must have a declared primary key. Some operations on BDB tables are slower than the same operations on MyISAM tables.


Creates a memory resident table that uses hashed indexes. Since they are memory resident, they are not transaction safe. Any data that they contain will be lost if the server crashes. Think of HEAP tables as an alternative to temporary tables. If you use HEAP tables, always specify the MAX_ROWS option so that you do not use all available memory. HEAP tables also do not support BLOB columns, TEXT columns, AUTO_INCREMENT constraints, ORDER BY clauses, or variable-length record format.


Creates a transaction-safe table with row-level locking. It also provides an independently managed tablespace, checkpoints, non-locking reads and fast reads from large datafiles for heightened concurrency and performance. Requires the innodb_data_file_path startup parameter. InnoDB supports all ANSI constraints including CHECK and FOREIGN KEY. (InnoDB is a separate complete transaction processing engine available at http://www.innodb.com. Well-known developer web sites like Slashdot.org run on InnoDB.) InnoDB requires special setup, including a possible recompile of the MySQL kernel, init file parameters, and the creation of tablespaces. Although InnoDB is included by default in the binary distributions of MySQL 4.0 and greater, you should check with your DBA to ensure you can use InnoDB tables.


Creates a table in the older ISAM style. ISAM is deprecated as a feature and will probably not be supported beyond MySQL v5.0.


Collects several identically structured MyISAM tables for use as one table. The MERGE table type provides some of the performance benefits of a partitioned table. The two keywords, MERGE and MRG_MyISAM, are synonyms. SELECT, DELETE, and UPDATE statements operate against the collection of tables as if they were one table. Think of a merge table as the collection, but not as the table(s) containing the data. Dropping a merge table only removes it from the collection. It does not erase the table or data from the database. Specify a MERGE table by using the statement UNION=(table1, table2, ...).


Stores data in .MYD files and indexes in .MYI files. MyISAM is based on ISAM code with several extensions. MyISAM is a binary storage structure that is more portable than ISAM. MyISAM supports AUTO_INCREMENT columns, compressed tables (with the myisampack utility), and large table sizes. Under MyISAM, BLOB and TEXT columns can be indexes, and up to 32 indexes are allowed per table.


Sets the auto_increment value, int, for the table (MyISAM only).


Sets an approximate average row length for tables with variable-size records. MySQL uses avg_row_length * max_rows to decide how big a table may be.

CHECKSUM = {0 | 1}

When set to 1, maintains a checksum for all rows in the table (MyISAM only). Makes processing slower, but is less prone to corruption.

COMMENT = "string"

Allows a comment of up to 60 characters.


When set to 1, delays key table updates until the table is closed (MyISAM only).

MAX_ROWS = int

Sets a maximum number of rows to store in the table. The default maximum is 4 GB of space.

MIN_ROWS = int

Sets a minimum number of rows to store in the table.

PACK_KEYS = {0 | 1}

When set to 1, compacts the indexes of the table, making reads faster but updates slower (MyISAM and ISAM only). By default, only strings are packed. When set to 1, both strings and numeric values are packed.

PASSWORD = "string"

Encrypts the .FRM file with a password, "string", but not the table itself.

ROW_FORMAT = { default | dynamic | static | compressed }

Determines how future rows should be stored in a MyISAM table. DYNAMIC allows the rows to be of variable sizes (i.e., using VARCHAR) while FIXED expects fixed size columns (i.e., CHAR, INT, etc.).


Enables tables to cross the 2 gigabyte/4 gigabyte size limit for MyISAM datafiles (but not index files) on operating systems that don't support very large files. The RAID_TYPE clause is intended as a workaround for database servers experiencing the aforementioned size limits, so you should not use RAID_TYPE on operating systems that support larger files. The keywords 1, STRIPED, and RAIDZERO are all synonyms, where STRIPED is the most commonly seen. The --with-raid init parameter is required. Currently, MySQL handles the RAID_CHUNKS and RAID_CHUNKSIZE clauses automatically.


Overrides the default subdirectories used for the RAID_TYPE. MySQL usually creates subdirectories named 00, 01, and 02 in the database directory for all each MyISAM table. Each subdirectory will contain a file called my_table_name.MYD.


Sets a chunksize other than the default of 1,024 bytes. As the file size for the MyISAM table grows, MySQL will allocate additional space in int bytes in a round-robin fashion.


Required for MERGE tables. If no setting is specified for a MERGE table or the value is NO, then INSERTS are disallowed. FIRST inserts all records to the first table in the collection, while LAST inserts them all to the last table of the collection

DATA DIRECTORY = "path to directory"

Overrides the default path and directory that MySQL should use for MyISAM table storage.

INDEX DIRECTORY = "path to directory"

Overrides the default path and directory that MySQL should use for MyISAM index storage.


Creates a table with columns based upon the elements listed in the SELECT statement. The new table will be populated with the results of the SELECT statement if the statement returns a result set.


The altered table will include all duplicate records unless the IGNORE keyword is used. Otherwise, the statement will fail if a duplicate row is encountered, the table has a unique index or primary key, and IGNORE is not used.

{ADD | COLUMN} [ FIRST | AFTER column_name]

Adds or moves a column, index, or key to the table. When adding or moving columns, the new column appears as the last column on the table unless it is placed AFTER another named column.


Allows the definition or reset of a default value for a column. If you reset a default, MySQL will assign a new default value to the column.

Renames a column or changes its datatype.


Changes a column's datatype or attributes such as NOT NULL. Existing data in the column is automatically converted to the new datatype.


Drops the column, key, or index. A dropped column is also removed from any indexes it participated in. When dropping a primary key, MySQL will drop the first unique key if no primary key is present.


Enables or disables all non-unique keys on a MyISAM table simultaneously. This can be useful for bulk loads where you want to temporarily disable constraints until after the load is finished. It also speeds performance by finishing all index block flushing at the end of the operation.

RENAME [TO] new_tbl_name

Renames a table.

For example:

CREATE TABLE test_example   (column_a INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,   PRIMARY KEY(column_a),   INDEX(column_b))   TYPE=HEAP IGNORE SELECT column_b,column_c FROM samples;

This creates a heap table with three columns: column_a, column_b, and column_c. Later on, we could change this table to the MyISAM type:


Three operating-system files are created when MySQL creates a MyISAM table: a table definition file with the extension .FRM, a datafile with the extension .MYD, and an index file with the extension .MYI. The .FRM datafile is used for all other tables.

The following example creates two base MyISAM tables and then creates a MERGE table from them:

CREATE TABLE message1    (message_id   INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,     message_text CHAR(20)); CREATE TABLE message2    (message_id   INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,     message_text CHAR(20)); CREATE TABLE all_messages    (message_id   INT AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,     message_text CHAR(20))     TYPE=MERGE UNION=(message1, message2) INSERT_METHOD=LAST;

The following example renames both a table and a column:

ALTER TABLE employee RENAME AS emp; ALTER TABLE employee CHANGE employee_ssn emp_ssn INTEGER;

Since MySQL allows the creation of indexes on a portion of a column (for example, on the first ten characters of a column), you can also build short indexes on very large columns.

MySQL can redefine the datatype of an existing column. To avoid losing any data, the values contained in the column must be compatible with the new datatype. For example, a date column could be redefined to a character datatype, but not a character datatype to an integer. Here's an example:


MySQL allows some additional flexibility in the ALTER TABLE statement by allowing users to issue multiple ADD, ALTER, DROP, and CHANGE clauses in a comma-delimited list in a single ALTER TABLE statement. However, be aware that the CHANGE column_name and DROP INDEX clauses are MySQL extensions not found in SQL2003. MySQL supports the clause MODIFY column_name to mimic the same feature found in Oracle.


The Oracle syntax for CREATE TABLE creates a relational table either by declaring the structure or by referencing an existing table. You can modify a table after it is created using the ALTER TABLE statement. Oracle also allows the creation of a relational table that uses user-defined types for column definitions. You can also create an object table that is explicitly defined to hold a specific UDT, usually a VARRAY or NESTED TABLE type, as well as XMLType tables.

The standard ANSI style CREATE TABLE statement is supported, but Oracle has added many sophisticated extensions to the command. For example, Oracle allows significant control over the storage and performance parameters of a table. In both the CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements, you'll see a great deal of nesting and reusable clauses. To make this somewhat easier to read, we have broken Oracle's CREATE TABLE statement into three distinct variations (relational table, object table, and XML table) so that you can more easily follow the syntax.

The CREATE TABLE syntax for a standard relational table, which has no object or XML properties, is as follows:

CREATE [GLOBAL] [TEMPORARY] TABLE table_name [ ({column | attribute} [SORT] [DEFAULT expression] [{column_constraint |       inline_ref_constraint} ] |    {table_constraint_clause | table_ref_constraint} |    {GROUP log_group (column [NO LOG] [,...]) [ALWAYS] | DATA       (constraints [,...]) COLUMNS}) ] [ON COMMIT {DELETE | PRESERVE} ROWS] [table_constraint_clause] {  [physical_attributes_clause] [TABLESPACE tablespace_name]       [storage_clause] [[NO]LOGGING] |    [CLUSTER (column [,...])] |    {[ORGANIZATION      {HEAP [physical_attributes_clause][TABLESPACE         tablespace_name][storage_clause]          [COMPRESS | NOCOMPRESS] [[NO]LOGGING] |       INDEX [physical_attributes_clause][TABLESPACE           tablespace_name][storage_clause]          [PCTTHRESHOLD int] [COMPRESS [int] | NOCOMPRESS]          [MAPPING TABLE | NOMAPPING][...] [[NO]LOGGING]          [[INCLUDING column] OVERFLOW             [physical_attributes_clause][TABLESPACE tablespace_name]             [storage_clause] [[NO]LOGGING] } ] |       EXTERNAL ([TYPE driver_type]) DEFAULT DIRECTORY directory_name          [ACCESS PARAMETERS {USING CLOB subquery | (opaque_format) } ]          LOCATION ([directory_name:]'location_spec' [,...])          [REJECT LIMIT {int | UNLIMITED} ] } } [{ENABLE | DISABLE} ROW MOVEMENT] [[NO]CACHE] [[NO]MONITORING] [[NO]ROWDEPENDENCIES] [PARALLEL int | NOPARALLEL] [NOSORT] [[NO]LOGGING]] [COMPRESS [int] | NOCOMPRESS] [{ENABLE | DISABLE} [[NO]VALIDATE]    {UNIQUE (column [,...] | PRIMARY KEY | CONSTRAINT constraint_name} ]    [USING INDEX  {index_name | CREATE_INDEX_statement} ] [EXCEPTIONS INTO]    [CASCADE] [{KEEP | DROP} INDEX] ]  | [partition_clause] [AS subquery]

The relational table syntax contains a large number of optional clauses. However, the table definition must contain, at a minimum, either column names and datatypes specifications or the AS subquery clause.

The Oracle syntax for an object table follows:

CREATE [GLOBAL] [TEMPORARY] TABLE table_name AS object_type [[NOT] SUBSTITUTABLE AT ALL LEVELS] [ ({column | attribute} [DEFAULT expression] [{column_constraint |       inline_ref_constraint} ] |    {table_constraint_clause | table_ref_constraint } |    {GROUP log_group (column [NO LOG] [,...]) [ALWAYS] | DATA       (constraints [,...]) COLUMNS}) ] [ON COMMIT {DELETE | PRESERVE} ROWS] [OBJECT IDENTIFIER IS {SYSTEM GENERATED | PRIMARY KEY}] [OIDINDEX [index_name] ([physical_attributes_clause] [storage_clause]) ] [physical_attributes_clause] [TABLESPACE tablespace_name] [storage_clause]

The Oracle syntax for an XMLType table follows:

CREATE [GLOBAL] [TEMPORARY] TABLE table_name OF XMLTYPE [ ({column | attribute} [DEFAULT expression] [{column_constraint |       inline_ref_constraint} ] |    {table_constraint_clause | table_ref_constraint } |    {GROUP log_group (column [NO LOG] [,...]) [ALWAYS] | DATA       (constraints [,...]) COLUMNS}) ] [XMLTYPE {OBJECT RELATIONAL [xml_storage_clause] |    CLOB [lob_segname] [lob_params]}] [xml_schema_spec] [ON COMMIT {DELETE | PRESERVE} ROWS] [OBJECT IDENTIFIER IS {SYSTEM GENERATED | PRIMARY KEY}] [OIDINDEX index_name ([physical_attributes_clause] [storage_clause]) ] [physical_attributes_clause] [TABLESPACE tablespace_name] [storage_clause]

The Oracle syntax for ALTER TABLE changes the table or column properties, storage characteristics, LOB or VARRAY properties, partitioning characteristics, and integrity constraints associated with a table and/or its columns. The statement does other things like move an existing table into a different tablespace, free recuperated space, compact the table segment, and adjust the "high-water mark."

The ANSI SQL standard uses the ALTER keyword to modify existing elements of a table, while Oracle uses MODIFY to mean the same thing. Since they are essentially the same thing, please consider the behavior of otherwise identical clauses (for example, ANSI's ALTER TABLE...ALTER COLUMN to Oracle's ALTER TABLE...MODIFY COLUMN) to be functionally equivalent.

Oracle's ALTER TABLE syntax is:

ALTER TABLE table_name -- alter table characteristics    [physical_attributes_clause] [storage_clause]    [[NO]LOGGING] [[NO]CACHE] [[NO]MONITORING] [[NO]COMPRESS]    [SHRINK SPACE [COMPACT] [CASCADE] ]    [UPGRADE [[NOT] INCLUDING DATA] column_name datatype attributes]    [[NO]MINIMIZE RECORDS_PER_BLOCK]    [PARALLEL int | NOPARALLEL]    [{ENABLE | DISABLE} ROW MOVEMENT]    [{ADD | DROP} SUPPLEMENTAL LOG       {GROUP log_group [(column_name [NO LOG] [,...]) [ALWAYS] ] |       DATA ({ALL | PRIMARY KEY | UNIQUE | FOREIGN KEY} [,...]) COLUMNS} ]    [ALLOCATE EXTENT       [(SIZE int[K|M|G|T] ] [DATATILE 'filename'] [INSTANCE int} ])]    [DEALLOCATE UNUSED [KEEP int[K|M|G|T] ] ]    [ORGANIZATION INDEX ...       [COALESCE] [MAPPING TABLE | NOMAPPING] [{PCTTHRESHOLD int]          [COMPRESS int | NOCOMPRESS]       [ { ADD OVERFLOW [TABLESPACE tablespace_name] [[NO]LOGGING]             [physical_attributes_clause]] ] |           OVERFLOW { [ALLOCATE EXTENT (SIZE int [K | M]] [DATAFILE                 'filename'] [INSTANCE int]) |              [DEALLOCATE UNUSED [KEEP int [K | M]] } ] ]    [RENAME TO new_table_name] -- alter column characteristics    [ADD (column_name datatype attributes [,...]) ]    [DROP { {UNUSED COLUMNS | COLUMNS CONTINUE} [CHECKPOINT int] |       {COLUMN column_name | (column_name [,...]) } [CHECKPOINT int]          [{CASCADE CONSTRAINTS | INVALIDATE}] } ]    [SET UNUSED {COLUMN column_name | (column_name [,...]) }       [{CASCADE CONSTRAINTS | INVALIDATE}]    [MODIFY { (column_name datatype attributes [,...]) |       COLUMN column_name [NOT] SUBSTITUTABLE AT ALL LEVELS [FORCE] } ]    [RENAME COLUMN old_column_name TO new_column_name]    [MODIFY {NESTED TABLE | VARRAY} collection_item [RETURN AS {LOCATOR |       VALUE}]] -- alter constraint characteristics    [ADD CONSTRAINT constraint_name table_constrain_clause]    [MODIFY CONSTRAINT constraint_name constraint_state_clause]    [RENAME CONSTRAINT old_constraint_name TO new_constraint_name]    [DROP { { PRIMARY KEY | UNIQUE (column [,...]) } [CASCADE]          [{KEEP | DROP} INDEX] |       CONSTRAINT constraint_name [CASCADE] } ] -- alter table partition characteristics    [alter partition clauses] -- alter external table characteristics    DEFAULT DIRECTORY directory_name       [ACCESS PARAMETERS {USING CLOB subquery | (opaque_format) } ]       LOCATION ([directory_name:]'location_spec' [,...])    [ADD (column_name ...)][DROP column_name ...][MODIFY (column_name ...)]    [PARALLEL int | NOPARALLEL]    [REJECT LIMIT {int | UNLIMITED} ]    [PROJECT COLUMN {ALL | REFERENCED} ]} } -- move table clauses    [MOVE [ONLINE] [physical_attributes_clause]       [TABLESPACE tablespace_name] [[NO]LOGGING] [PCTTHRESHOLD int]       [COMPRESS int | NOCOMPRESS] [MAPPING TABLE | NOMAPPING]       [[INCLUDING column] OVERFLOW          [physical_attributes_clause] [TABLESPACE tablespace_name]          [[NO]LOGGING]] ]       [LOB ...] [VARRAY ...] [PARALLEL int | NOPARALLEL] ] -- enable/disable attributes and constraints    [{ {ENABLE | DISABLE} [[NO]VALIDATE]] {UNIQUE (column [,...]) |       PRIMARY KEY | CONSTRAINT constraint_name} ]       [USING INDEX  {index_name | CREATE_INDEX_statement |          [TABLESPACE tablespace_name] [physical_attributes_clause]          [storage_clause]          [NOSORT] [[NO]LOGGING]] [ONLINE] [COMPUTE STATISTICS]          [COMPRESS | NOCOMPRESS] [REVERSE]          [{LOCAL | GLOBAL} partition_clause]          [EXCEPTIONS INTO table_name] [CASCADE] [{KEEP | DROP} INDEX] ] |    [{ENABLE | DISABLE}] [{TABLE LOCK | ALL TRIGGERS}] } ]

The parameters are as follows:


Specifies a column constraint using the syntax found in the description later.

GROUP log_group (column [NO LOG] [,...]) [ALWAYS] | DATA (constraints [,...]) COLUMNS

Specifies a log group rather than a single logfile for the table.


Declares whether a declared temporary table should keep the data in the table active for the entire session (PRESERVE) or only for the transaction that the temporary table is created in (DELETE).


Specifies a table constraint using the syntax found in the description later.


Specifies the physical attributes of the table using the syntax found in the description later.

TABLESPACE tablespace_name

Specifies the name of the tablespace where the table you are creating will be stored. If omitted, the default tablespace for the schema owner will be used. See below for specifics. See the Oracle Concepts manual to learn about tablespaces and their use.


Specifies physical storage characteristics of the table using the syntax found in the description later.


Specifies that redo log records will be written during object creation (LOGGING) or not (NOLOGGING). LOGGING is the default. In case of database failure under the NOLOGGING option, the operation cannot be recovered by applying logfiles, and the object must be recreated. NOLOGGING can speed the creation of database objects. The LOGGING clause replaces the older RECOVERABLE clause, which is deprecated.

CLUSTER (column [,...])

Declares that the table is part of a clustered index. The column list should correspond, one to one, with the columns in a previously declared clustered index. Because it uses the clustered indexes space allocation, the CLUSTER clause is compatible with the physical_attributes_clause, storage_clause, or TABLESPACE clause. Tables containing LOBs are incompatible with the CLUSTER clause.


Declares how the data of the table should be recorded to disk. HEAP, the default for an Oracle table, declares that no order is associated with the storage of rows of data (i.e., the physical order in which records are written to disk) for this table. The ORGANIZATION HEAP clause allows several optional clauses, described in detail elsewhere in this list, control storage, logging, and compression for the table.


Declares how the data of the table should be recorded to disk. INDEX declares that the records of the table are physically written to disk in the sort order defined by the primary key of the table. Oracle calls this an index-organized table. A primary key is required. Note that the physical_attributes_clause, the TABLESPACE clause, and the storage_clause all described in greater detail elsewhere in this section as well as the [NO]LOGGING keyword may all be associated with the new INDEX segment as you create it. In addition, the following subclauses may also be associated with an ORGANIZATION INDEX clause:


Declares the percentage, int, of space in each index block preserved for data. Data, on a record by record basis, that cannot fit in this space will be placed in the overflow segment.


Declares the point at which a record is to split between index and overflow portions. All columns that follow the specified column will be stored in the overflow segment. The column cannot be a primary key column.


Tells the database to create a mapping of local to physical ROWIDs. This mapping is required to create a bitmap index on an IOT. Mappings are also partitioned identically if the table is partitioned. NOMAPPING tells the database not to create the ROWID map.


Declares that a record that exceeds the PCTTHRESHOLD value be placed in a segment described in this clause. The physical_attributes_clause, the TABLESPACE clause, the storage_clause all described elsewhere in the list in greater detail and the [NO]LOGGING keyword may all be associated with a specific OVERFLOW segment when you create it. The optional INCLUDING column clause defines a column at which to divide an IOT row into index and overflow portions. Primary key columns are always stored in the index. However, all non-primary key columns that follow column are stored in the overflow data segment.


Declares how the data of the table should be recorded to disk. EXTERNAL declares that the table stores its data outside of the database and is usually read-only. Its metadata is stored in the database but its data is stored outside of the database. There are some restrictions on external tables. They cannot be temporary. They cannot have constraints. They can only have column, datatype, and attribute column-descriptors. LOB and LONG datatypes are disallowed. No other ORGANIZATION clauses are allowed with EXTERNAL. The following subclauses may be used with the ORGANIZATION EXTERNAL clause:

TYPE driver_type

Defines the access driver API for the external table. The default is ORACLE_LOADER.

DEFAULT DIRECTORY directory_name

Defines the default directory on the filesystem where the external table resides.

ACCESS PARAMETERS {USING CLOB subquery | (opaque_format) }

Assigns and passes specific parameters to the access driver. Oracle does not interpret this information. USING CLOB subquery tells Oracle to derive the parameters and their values from a subquery that returns a single row with a single column of datatype CLOB. The subquery cannot contain an ORDER BY, UNION, INTERSECT, or MINUS/EXCEPT. The opaque_format clause allows you to list parameters and their values as described in the ORACLE LOADER section of the "Oracle9i Database Utilities" guide.

LOCATION (directory_name:'location_spec' [,...])

Defines one or more external data sources, usually as files. Oracle does not interpret this information.


Defines the number of conversion errors, int, that are allowed during the query to the external data source before Oracle aborts the query and returns an error. UNLIMITED tells Oracle to continue with the query no matter how many errors are encountered. The default is 0.


Specifies that a row may be moved to a different partition or subpartition if required due to an update of the key (ENABLE) or not (DISABLE). The DISABLE keyword also specifies that Oracle return an error if an update to a key would require a move.


Buffers a table for rapid reads, while NOCACHE turns off this behavior. Index-organized tables offer CACHE behavior.


Specifies that modification statistics can be collected for this table (MONITORING) or not (NOMONITORING). NOMONITORING is the default.


Specifies whether a table will use row-level dependency tracking, a feature that applies a system change number (SCN) greater than or equal to the last time of the transaction affecting the row. The SCN adds 6 extra bytes of space to each record. Row-level dependency tracking is most useful in replicated environments with parallel data propagation. NOROWDEPENDENCIES is the default.


Allows for the parallel creation of the table by distinct CPUs to speed the operation. It also enables parallelism for queries and other data-manipulation operations against the table after its creation. An optional integer value may be supplied to define the exact number of parallel threads used to create the table in parallel, as well as the parallel threads allowed to service the table in the future. (Oracle calculates the best number of threads to use in a given parallel operation, so the PARALLEL clause is an optional feature.) NOPARALLEL, the default, creates the table serially and disallows future parallel queries and data-manipulation operations.


Specifies if the table should be compressed or not. On index-organized tables, only the key is compressed; on heap-organized tables, the entire table is compressed. This can greatly reduce the amount of space consumed by the table. NOCOMPRESS is the default. In index-organized tables, you can specify the number of prefix columns, int, to compress. The default value for int is the number of keys in the primary key minus one. You need not specify an int value on other clauses such as ORGANIZATION. When you omit the int value, Oracle will apply compression to the entire table.

{ENABLE | DISABLE} [[NO]VALIDATE]] {UNIQUE (column [,...] | PRIMARY KEY | CONSTRAINT constraint_name}

Declares whether the named key or constraint applies to all of the data in the new table. ENABLE specifies that the key or constraint applies to all new data in the table. DISABLE specifies that the key or constraint is disabled for the new table, with the following options:.


Verifies that all existing data in the table complies with the key or constraint (VALIDATE) or not (NOVALIDATE). When NOVALIDATE is specified with ENABLE, Oracle does not verify that existing data in the table complies with the key or constraint, but ensures that new data added to the table does comply with the constraint.

{UNIQUE (column [,...] | PRIMARY KEY | CONSTRAINT constraint_name}

Declares the unique constraint, primary key, or constraint that is enabled or disabled.

USING INDEX index_name | CREATE_INDEX_statement

Declares the name, index_name, of a pre-existing index (and its characteristics) used to enforce the key or constraint, or creates a new index, CREATE_INDEX_statement. If neither are declared, Oracle creates a new index.


Specifies the name of a table into which Oracle places information about rows violating the constraint. Run the utlexpt1.sql script before using this keyword to explicitly create this table.


Cascades the disablement/enablement to any integrity constraints that depend on the constraint named in the clause. Usable only with the DISABLE clause.


Lets you keep (KEEP) or drop (DROP) an index used to enforce a unique or primary key. You can drop the key only when disabling it.


Declares partitioning and subpartitioning of a table. Partitioning syntax can be quite complex. Refer to the material later in this section under Oracle partitioned and subpartitioned tables for the full syntax and examples.

AS subquery

Declares a subquery that inserts rows into the table upon creation. The column names and datatypes used in the subquery can act as substitutes for column name and attribute declarations for the table.

AS object_type

Declares that the table is based on a pre-existing object type.


Declares whether row objects corresponding to subtypes can be inserted into the type table or not. When this clause is omitted, the default is SUBSTITUTABLE AT ALL LEVELS.

inline_ref_constraint and table_ref_constraint

Declares a reference constraint used by an object-type table or XMLType table. These clauses are described in greater detail later in this section under Oracle XMLType and object-type tables.


Declares whether the object ID (OID) of the object-type table is SYTEM GENERATED or based on the PRIMARY KEY. When omitted, the default is SYSTEM GENERATED.

OIDINDEX [index_name]

Declares an index, and possibly a name for the index, if the OID is system generated. You may optionally apply a physical_attributes_clause and a storage_clause to the OIDINDEX. If the OID is based on the primary key, then this clause is unnecessary.


Declares that the table is based on Oracle's XMLTYPE datatype.

XMLTYPE {OBJECT RELATIONAL [xml_storage_clause] | CLOB [lob_segname] [lob_params]}

Declares how the underlying storage of the XMLTYPE is handled. OBJECT RELATIONAL stores the data in object-relational columns. This subclause requires an xml_schema_spec and a schema that has been preregistered using the DBMS_XMLSCHEMA package. CLOB specifies that the XMLTYPE data will be stored in a LOB column. You may optionally specify the LOB segment name and/or the LOB storage parameters.


Allows you to specify the URL of a registered XML schema and an XML element name. The element name is required but the URL is optional.

ADD ...

Adds a new column, constraint, overflow segment, or supplemental log group to an existing table.


Changes an existing column, constraint, or supplemental log group on an existing table.

DROP ...

Drops an existing column, constraint, or supplemental log group from an existing table. You can explicitly drop columns marked as unused from a table with DROP UNUSED COLUMNS; however, Oracle will also drop all unused columns when any other column is dropped. The INVALIDATE keyword causes any object that depends on the dropped object to become invalid and unusable until it is recompiled or when it is next used. The COLUMNS CONTINUE clause is used only when a DROP COLUMN statement failed with an error and you wish to continue where it left off.


Renames an existing table, column, or constraint on an existing table.


Declares a column or columns to be unused. The column or columns are no longer accessible from SELECT statements, though they still count toward the maximum number of columns allowed per table (1000). SET UNUSED is the fastest way to render a column unusable within a table, but it is not the best way. Only use SET UNUSED as a shortcut until you can actually use ALTER TABLE...DROP to drop the column.


Merges the contents of index blocks used to maintain the index-organized table so that the blocks can be reused. COALESCE is similar to SHRINK, though COALESCE compacts the segments less densely than does SHRINK and it does not release unused space.


Explicitly allocates a new extent for the table using the specified parameters. You may mix and match any of the parameters. The size of the extents may be in bytes (no suffix), kilobytes (K), megabytes (M), gigabytes (G), or terabytes (T).


Deallocates unused space at the end of the table, LOB segment, partition, or subpartition. The deallocated space is then usable by other objects in the database. The KEEP keyword tells how much space you want to have left over after deallocation is complete.


Shrinks the table, index-organized table, index, partition, subpartition, materialized view, or materialized log view, though only segments in tablespaces with automatic segment management may be shrunk. Shrinking a segment moves rows in the table, so make sure ENABLE ROW MOVEMENT is also used in the ALTER TABLE...SHRINK statement. Oracle compacts the segment, releases the emptied space, and adjusts the high-water mark unless the optional keywords COMPACT and/or CASCADE are applied. The COMPACT keyword only defragments the segment space and compacts the table row for subsequent release, but it does not readjust the high-water mark nor empty the space immediately. The CASCADE keyword performs the same shrinking operation (with some restrictions and exceptions) on all dependent objects of the table, including secondary indexes on index-organized tables. Used only with ALTER TABLE.


Converts the metadata of object tables and relational tables with object columns to the latest version for each referenced type. The INCLUDING DATA clause will convert the data to the latest type format (INCLUDING DATA) or leave it unchanged (NOT INCLUDING DATA).

MOVE ...

Moves the tablespace, index-organized table, partition, or subpartition to a new location on the filesystem.


Tells Oracle to restrict or leave open the number of records allowed per block. The MINIMIZE keyword tells Oracle to calculate the maximum number of records per block and set the limit at that number. (Best to do this when a representative amount of data is already in the table.) This clause is incompatible with nested tables and index-organized tables. NOMINIMIZE is the default.


Determines how the driver for the external data source validates the rows of the external table in subsequent queries. REFERENCE processes only those columns in the select item list. ALL processes the values in all columns, even those not in the select item list, and validates rows with full and valid column entries. Under ALL, rows are rejected when errors occur, even on columns that are not selected. ALL returns consistent results, while REFERENCE returns varying numbers of rows depending on the columns referenced.


Enables or disables table-level locks and all triggers on the table, respectively. ENABLE TABLE LOCK is required if you wish to change the structure against an existing table, but it is not required when changing or reading the data of the table.

A global temporary table is available to all user sessions, but the data stored within a global temporary table is visible only to the session that inserted it. The ON COMMIT clause, which is allowed only when creating temporary tables, tells Oracle to either truncate the table after each commit against the table (DELETE ROWS) or to truncate the table when the session terminates (PRESERVE ROWS). For example:

CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE shipping_schedule   (ship_date DATE,    receipt_date DATE,    received_by VARCHAR2(30),    amt NUMBER) ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS;

The CREATE TABLE statement shown above creates a global temporary table, shipping_schedule, which retains inserted rows across multiple transactions.

The Oracle physical_attributes_clause

The physical_attributes_clause (as shown in the following code block) defines storage characteristics for an entire local table, or if the table is partitioned, for a specific partition (discussed later). To declare the physical attributes of a new table or change the attributes on an existing table, simply declare the new values:

-- physical_attributes_clause [{PCTFREE int | PCTUSED int | INITRANS int |   MAXTRANS int | storage_clause}]



Defines the percentage of free space reserved for each data block in the table. For example, a value of 10 reserves 10% of the data space for new rows to be inserted.


Defines the minimum percentage of space allowed in a block before it can receive new rows. For example, a value of 90 means new rows are inserted in the data block when the space used falls below 90%. The sum of PCTFREE and PCTUSED cannot exceed 100.


Rarely tinkered with; it defines the allocation of from 1 to 255 initial transactions to a data block.


Defines the maximum number of concurrent transactions on a data block.

The Oracle storage_clause and LOBs

The storage_clause controls a number of attributes governing the physical storage of data:

-- storage_clause STORAGE ([ {INITIAL int [K | M]             | NEXT int [K | M]             | MINEXTENTS int             | MAXEXTENTS { int | UNLIMITED}             | PCTINCREASE int             | FREELISTS int             | FREELIST GROUPS int             | BUFFER_POOL {KEEP | RECYCLE | DEFAULT} ] [...])

When delineating the storage clause attributes, enclose them in parentheses and separate them with spacesfor example, (INITIAL 32M NEXT8M). The attributes are as follows:

INITIAL int [K | M]

Sets the initial extent size of the table in bytes, kilobytes (K), or megabytes (M). Oracle 10g allows [K|M|G|T] to describe the size allocation in bytes, kilobytes (K), megabytes (M), gigabytes (G), and terabytes (T).

NEXT int [K | M]

Tells how much additional space to allocate after INITIAL is filled.


Tells Oracle to create a minimum number of extents. By default, only one is created, but more can be created when the object is initialized.


Tells Oracle the maximum extents allowed. This value may be set to UNLIMITED. (Note that UNLIMITED should be used with caution since a table could grow until it consumes all free space on a disk.)


Controls the growth rate of the object after the first growth. The initial extent gets allocated as specified. The second extent is the size specified by NEXT. The third extent is NEXT + (NEXT * PCTINCREASE). When PCTINCREASE is set to 0, NEXT is always used. Otherwise, each added extent of storage space is PCTINCREASE larger than the previous extent.


Establishes the number of freelists for each group, defaulting to 1.


Sets the number of groups of freelists, defaulting to 1.


Specifies a default buffer pool or cache for any non-cluster table where all object blocks are stored. Index-organized tables may have a separate buffer pool for the index and overflow segments. Partitioned tables inherit the buffer pool from the table definition unless they are specifically assigned a separate buffer pool.


Puts object blocks into the KEEP buffer pool; that is, directly into memory. This enhances performance by reducing I/O operations on the table. KEEP takes precedence over the NOCACHE clause.


Puts object blocks into the RECYCLE buffer pool.


Puts object blocks into the DEFAULT buffer pool. When omitted, DEFAULT is the default buffer pool behavior.

For example, the table books_sales is defined on the sales tablespace as consuming an initial 8 MB of space, to grow by no less than 8 MB when the first extent is full. The table has no less than 1 and no more than 8 extents, limiting its maximum size to 64 MB:

CREATE TABLE book_sales   (qty NUMBER,    period_end_date DATE,    period_nbr NUMBER) TABLESPACE sales STORAGE (INITIAL 8M NEXT 8M MINEXTENTS 1 MAXEXTENTS 8);

An example of a LOB table called large_objects with special handling for text and image storage might look like:

CREATE TABLE large_objects   (pretty_picture   BLOB,    interesting_text CLOB) STORAGE (INITIAL 256M NEXT 256M) LOB (pretty_picture, interesting_text)    STORE AS (TABLESPACE large_object_segment       STORAGE (INITIAL 512M NEXT 512M)       NOCACHE LOGGING);

The exact syntax used to define a LOB, CLOB, or NCLOB column is defined by the lob_parameter_clause. LOBs can appear at many different levels within an Oracle table. For instance, separate LOB definitions could exist in a single table in a partition definition, a subpartition definition, and at the top table-level. The syntax of lob_parameter_clause follows:


In the lob_parameter_clause, each parameter is identical to those of the wider CREATE TABLE LOB-object level. However, the following four parameters are unique to LOBs:


Defines whether the LOB value is stored inline with the other columns of the row and the LOB locator (ENABLE), when it is smaller than approximately 4,000 bytes or less, or outside of the row (DISABLE). This setting cannot be changed once it is set.


Allocates int number of bytes for LOB manipulation. int should be a multiple of the database blocksize, otherwise Oracle will round up. int should also be less than or equal to the value of NEXT, from the storage_clause, or else an error results. When omitted, the default chunk size is one block. This setting cannot be changed once it is set.


Defines the maximum percentage, as int, of the overall LOB storage dedicated to maintaining old versions of the LOB. When omitted, the default is 10%.


Used in place of PCTVERSION on databases in automatic undo mode. RETENTION tells Oracle to retain old versions of the LOB.

The following example shows our large_objects LOB table with added parameters to control inline storage and retention of old LOBs:

CREATE TABLE large_objects   (pretty_picture   BLOB,    interesting_text CLOB) STORAGE (INITIAL 256M NEXT 256M) LOB (pretty_picture, interesting_text)    STORE AS (TABLESPACE large_object_segment       STORAGE (INITIAL 512M NEXT 512M)       NOCACHE LOGGING       ENABLE STORAGE IN ROW       RETENTION);

The earlier example added parameter values for STORAGE IN ROW and RETENTION. But since we did not set one for CHUNK, that value is set to the Oracle default for the LOB.

Oracle nested tables

Oracle allows the declaration of a NESTED TABLE in which a table is virtually stored within a column of another table. The STORE AS clause enables a proxy name for the table within a table, but the nested table must be created initially as a user-defined datatype. This capability is valuable for sparse arrays of values, but we don't recommend it for day-to-day tasks. For example:

CREATE TYPE prop_nested_tbl AS TABLE OF props_nt; CREATE TABLE proposal_types    (proposal_category VARCHAR2(50),    proposals          PROPS_NT) NESTED TABLE props_nt STORE AS props_nt_table;

This example creates a table called proposal_types along with a nested table called props_nt, which is stored as props_nt_table.

Oracle compressed tables

Oracle 10g (and Oracle 9i Release 2) allows compression of both keys and entire tables. (Oracle 9i allowed only key compression.) Although compression adds a tiny bit of overhead, it significantly reduces that amount of disk space consumed by a table. This is especially useful for databases pushing the envelop in terms of size. Key compression is handled in the ORGANIZE INDEX clause, while table compression is handled in the ORGANIZE HEAP clause.

Oracle partitioned and subpartitioned tables

Oracle allows tables to be partitioned and subpartitioned. You can also break out LOBs onto their own partition(s). A partitioned table may be broken into distinct parts, possibly placed on separate disk subsystems to improve I/O performance, based on four strategies: range, hash, list, and a composite of the first three. Partitioning syntax is quite elaborate:

{  PARTITION BY RANGE (column [,...]) (PARTITION [partition_name]       VALUES LESS THAN ({MAXVALUE | value} [,...])       [table_partition_description]) |    PARTITION BY HASH (column [,...])       {(PARTITION [partition_name] [partition_storage_clause] [,...] |          PARTITIONS hash_partition_qty [STORE IN (tablespace [,...])]          [OVERFLOW STORE IN (tablespace [,...])]} |    PARTITION BY LIST (column [,...]) (PARTITION [partition_name]       VALUES ({MAXVALUE | value} [,...])       [table_partition_description] |    PARTITION BY RANGE (column [,...])       {subpartition_by_list | subpartition_by_hash}       (PARTITION [partition_name] VALUES LESS THAN          ({MAXVALUE | value} [,...])       [table_partition_description])  }

The following example code shows the orders table partitioned by range:

CREATE TABLE orders    (order_number NUMBER,    order_date    DATE,    cust_nbr      NUMBER,    price         NUMBER,    qty           NUMBER,    cust_shp_id   NUMBER) PARTITION BY RANGE(order_date)    (PARTITION pre_yr_2000 VALUES LESS THAN       TO_DATE('01-JAN-2000', 'DD-MON-YYYY'),    PARTITION  pre_yr_2004 VALUES LESS THAN       TO_DATE('01-JAN-2004', 'DD-MON-YYYY'    PARTITION post_yr_2004 VALUES LESS THAN       MAXVALUE)) ;

This example creates three partitions on the orders table one for the orders taken before the year 2000 (pre_yr_2000), one for the orders taken before the year 2004 (pre_yr_2004), and another for the orders taken after the year 2004 (post_yr_2004) all based on the range of dates that appear in the order_date column.

The next example creates the orders table based on a hash value in the customer_shipping_id:

CREATE TABLE orders    (order_number NUMBER,    order_date    DATE,    cust_nbr      NUMBER,    price         NUMBER,    qty           NUMBER,    cust_shp_id   NUMBER) PARTITION BY HASH (cust_shp_id)    (PARTITION shp_id1 TABLESPACE tblspc01,    PARTITION  shp_id2 TABLESPACE tblspc02,    PARTITION  shp_id3 TABLESPACE tblspc03) ENABLE ROW MOVEMENT;

The big difference in how the records are divided among partitions between the hash partition example and the range partition example is that the range partition code explicitly defines where each record goes, while the hash partition example allows Oracle to decide (by applying a hash algorithm) in which partition to place the record. (Note that we also enabled row movement for the table.)

Examples of list and composite partitioning are shown with the subpartitioning information detailed in the next paragraph. In addition to breaking tables apart into partitions (for easier backup, recovery, or performance reasons), you may further break it apart into subpartitions. The subpartition_by_list clause syntax follows:

SUBPARTITION BY LIST (column) [SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE    { (SUBPARTITION subpartition_name          [VALUES {DEFAULT | {val | NULL} [,...] }          [partitioning_storage_clause]) |       hash_subpartition_qty } ]

For example, we'll recreate the orders table once again, this time using a range-hash composite partition. In a range-hash composite partition, the partitions are broken apart by range values, while the subpartitions are broken apart by hashed values. List partitions and subpartitions are broken apart by a short list of specific values. Because you must list out all the values by which the table is partitioned, the partition value is best taken from a small list of values. In this example, we've added a column (shp_region_id) that allows four possible regions:

CREATE TABLE orders    (order_number NUMBER,    order_date    DATE,    cust_nbr      NUMBER,    price         NUMBER,    qty           NUMBER,    cust_shp_id   NUMBER,    shp_region    VARCHAR2(20)) PARTITION BY RANGE(order_date) SUBPARTITION BY LIST(shp_region)    SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE((SUBPARTITION shp_region_north             VALUES ('north','northeast','northwest'),          SUBPARTITION shp_region_south             VALUES ('south','southeast','southwest'),          SUBPARTITION shp_region_central             VALUES ('midwest'),          SUBPARTITION shp_region_other             VALUES ('alaska','hawaii','canada')    (PARTITION pre_yr_2000 VALUES LESS THAN       TO_DATE('01-JAN-2000', 'DD-MON-YYYY'),    PARTITION  pre_yr_2004 VALUES LESS THAN       TO_DATE('01-JAN-2004', 'DD-MON-YYYY'    PARTITION post_yr_2004 VALUES LESS THAN       MAXVALUE)) ENABLE ROW MOVEMENT;

This code example not only sends the records of the table to one of three partitions based on the order_date, it further partitions the records into one of four subpartitions based on the region where the order is being shipped and on the value of the shp_region column. By using the SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE, you apply the same set of subpartitions to each partition. You can manually override this behavior by specifying subpartitions for each partition.

You may also subpartition using a hashing algorithm. The subpartition_by_hash clause follows:

SUBPARTITION BY HASH (column [,...])    {SUBPARTITIONS qty [STORE IN (tablespace_name [,...]) ] |    SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE       { (SUBPARTITION subpartition_name [VALUES {DEFAULT | {val | NULL}             [,...] } [partitioning_storage_clause]) |          hash_subpartition_qty }

The table_partition_description clause referenced in the partitioning syntax (in the earlier section Oracle partitioned and subpartitioned tables) is, in itself, very flexible and supports precise handling of LOB and VARRAY data:

[segment_attr_clause] [[NO] COMPRESS [int]] [OVERFLOW segment_attr_clause] [partition_level_subpartition_clause] [{ LOB { (lob_item [,...]) STORE AS lob_param_clause |       (lob_item) STORE AS {lob_segname (log_param_clause) |          log_segname | (log_param_clause) } } |    VARRAY varray_item {[{[ELEMENT] IS OF [TYPE] (ONLY type_name) |          [NOT] SUBSTITUTABLE AT ALL LEVELS}] STORE AS LOB { log_segname |             [log_segname] (log_param_clause) } |       [{[ELEMENT] IS OF [TYPE] (ONLY type_name) |          [NOT] SUBSTITUTABLE AT ALL LEVELS}]

The partition_level_subpartition_clause syntax follows:

{SUBPARTITIONS hash_subpartition_qty [STORE IN (tablespace_name [,...])] |    SUBPARTITION subpartition_name [VALUES {DEFAULT | {val | NULL} [,...] ]       [partitioning_storage_clause] }

The partition_storage_clause (see the earlier section Oracle partitioned and subpartitioned tables), like the table-level storage_clause defined earlier, defines how elements of a partition (or subpartition) are stored. The syntax follows:

[{TABLESPACE tablespace_name] | [OVERFLOW TABLESPACE tablespace_name] |    VARRAY varray_item STORE AS LOB log_segname |    LOB (lob_item) STORE AS { (TABLESPACE tablespace_name) |       Log_segname [(TABLESPACE tablespace_name)] }]

In this final partitioning example, we'll again recreate the orders table using a composite range-hash partition, this time with LOB (actually, an NCLOB column) and storage elements:

CREATE TABLE orders    (order_number NUMBER,    order_date    DATE,    cust_nbr      NUMBER,    price         NUMBER,    qty           NUMBER,    cust_shp_id   NUMBER,    shp_region    VARCHAR2(20),    order_desc    NCLOB) PARTITION BY RANGE(order_date) SUBPARTITION BY HASH(cust_shp_id)    (PARTITION pre_yr_2000 VALUES LESS THAN       TO_DATE('01-JAN-2000', 'DD-MON-YYYY') TABLESPACE tblspc01          LOB (order_desc) STORE AS (TABLESPACE tblspc_a01             STORAGE (INITIAL 10M NEXT 20M))          SUBPARTITIONS subpartn_a,    PARTITION  pre_yr_2004 VALUES LESS THAN       TO_DATE('01-JAN-2004', 'DD-MON-YYYY') TABLESPACE tblspc02          LOB (order_desc) STORE AS (TABLESPACE tblspc_a02             STORAGE (INITIAL 25M NEXT 50M))       SUBPARTITIONS subpartn_b TABLESPACE tblspc_x07,    PARTITION post_yr_2004 VALUES LESS THAN       MAXVALUE (SUBPARTITION subpartn_1,          SUBPARTITION subpartn_2,          SUBPARTITION subpartn_3          SUBPARTITION subpartn_4)) ENABLE ROW MOVEMENT;

In this somewhat more complex example, we now define the orders table with the added NCLOB table called order_desc. In the pre_yr_2000 and pre_yr_2004 partitions, we specify that all of the non-LOB data goes to tablespaces tblspc01 and tblspc02, respectively. However, the NCLOB values of the order_desc column will be stored in the tblespc_a01 and tblspc_a02, respectively, with their own unique storage characteristics. Note that the subpartition subpartn_b under partition pre_yr_2004 is also stored in its own tablespace, tblspc_x07. Finally, the last partition (post_yr_2004) and its subpartitions are stored in the default tablespace for the orders table because no partition- or subpartition-level TABLESPACE clause overrides the default.

Altering partitioned and subpartition tables

Anything about partitions and subpartitions that is explicitly set by the CREATE TABLE statement may be altered after the table is created. Many of the clauses shown later are merely repetitions of clauses that are described in the earlier section about creating partitioned tables; for example, the SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE clause or the MAPPING TABLE clause. Consequently, these clauses will not be repeated. Altering the partitions and/or subpartitions of an Oracle table is governed by this syntax:

ALTER TABLE table_name    [MODIFY DEFAULT ATTRIBUTES [FOR PARTITION partn_name]       [physical_attributes_clause] [storage_clause] [PCTTHRESHOLD int]       [{ADD OVERFLOW ... | OVERFLOW ...}] [[NO]COMPRESS]       [{LOB (lob_name) | VARRAY varray_name} [(lob_parameter_clause)] ]       [COMPRESS int | NOCOMPRESS]     [SET SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE {hash_subpartn_quantity |       (SUBPARTITION subpartn_name [partn_list] [storage_clause])}]     [MODIFY PARTITION partn_name       { [table_partition_description] |          [[REBUILD] UNUSABLE LOCAL INDEXES] |          [ADD [subpartn specification] ] |          [COALESCE SUBPARTITION [[NO]PARALLEL] [update_index_clause] ] |          [{ADD | DROP} VALUES (partn_value [,...]) ] |          [MAPPING TABLE {ALLOCATE EXTENT ... | DEALLOCATE UNUSUED ...} ]     [MODIFY SUBPARTITION subpartn_name {hash_subpartn_attributes |       list_subpartn_attributes} ]     [MOVE {PARTITION | SUBPARTITION} partn_name       [MAPPING TABLE] [table_partition_description] [[NO]PARALLEL]       [update_index_clause] ]     [ADD PARTITION [partn_name] [p table_partition_description]       [[NO]PARALLEL] [update_index_clause] ]     [COALESCE PARTITION [[NO]PARALLEL] [update_index_clause] ]     [DROP {PARTITION | SUBPARTITION} partn_name [[NO]PARALLEL]       [update_index_clause] ]     [RENAME {PARTITION | SUBPARTITION} old_partn_name TO  new_partn_name]     [TRUNCATE {PARTITION | SUBPARTITION} partn_name       [{DROP | REUSE} STORAGE] [[NO]PARALLEL] [update_index_clause] ]     [SPLIT {PARTITION | SUBPARTITION} partn_name {AT | VALUES}        (value [,...])       [INTO (PARTITION [partn_name1]  [table_partition_description] ,          (PARTITION [partn_name2]  [table_partition_description]) ]          [[NO]PARALLEL] [update_index_clause] ]     [MERGE {PARTITION | SUBPARTITION} partn_name1 , partn_name2       [INTO PARTITION [partn_name] [partn_attributes] ] [[NO]PARALLEL]       [update_index_clause] ]     [EXCHANGE {PARTITION | SUBPARTITION} partn_name WITH TABLE table_name       [{INCLUDING | EXCLUDING} INDEXES] [{WITH | WITHOUT} VALIDATION]       [[NO]PARALLEL] [update_index_clause] [EXCEPTIONS INTO table_name] ]



Modifies a wide variety of attributes for the current partition or a specific partition of partn_name. Refer to the earlier section Oracle partitioned and subpartitioned tables for all the details on partition attributes.

SET SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE {hash_subpartn_quantity | (SUBPARTITION subpartn_name [partn_list] [storage_clause]) }

Sets a new subpartition template for the table.


Changes a wide variety of physical and storage characteristics, including the storage properties of LOB and VARRAY columns, of a pre-existing partition or subpartition called partn_name. Additional syntax may be appended to the MODIFY PARTITION partn_name clause:

{ [table_partition_description] | [[REBUILD] UNUSABLE LOCAL INDEXES] |    [ADD [subpartn specification] ] |     [COALESCE SUBPARTITION [[NO]PARALLEL] [update_index_clause]       { [{UPDATE | INVALIDATE} GLOBAL INDEXES] |          UPDATE INDEXES [ (index_name ({index_partn | index_subpartn})) [,...] ] } ] |    [{ADD | DROP} VALUES (partn_value [,...]) ] |    [MAPPING TABLE {ALLOCATE EXTENT ... | DEALLOCATE UNUSUED ...}



Described in the earlier section Oracle partitioned and subpartitioned tables. This clause may be used on any partitioned table.


Marks the local index partition as UNUSABLE. Adding the optional REBUILD keyword tells Oracle to rebuild the unusable local index partition as part of the operation performed by the MODIFY PARTITION statement. This clause may not be used with any other subclause of the MODIFY PARTITION statement nor may it be used on tables with subpartitions. This clause may be used on any partitioned table.

ADD [subpartn specification]

Adds a hash or list subpartition specification, as described in the earlier section Oracle partitioned and subpartitioned tables, to an existing range partition. This clause may be used to define range-hash or range-list composite partitions only. Oracle populates the new subpartition with rows from other subpartitions using either the hash function or the list values you specify. We recommend the total number of subpartitions be set to a power of 2 for optimal load balancing. You may add range-list subpartitions only if the table does not already have a DEFAULT subpartition. When adding range-list subpartitions, the list value clause is required but it cannot duplicate values found in any other subpartition of the current partition. The only storage or physical attribute you may couple with this clause for both range-hash and range-list subpartitions is the TABLESPACE clause.


Coalesces the subpartition of a range-hash composite partitioned table. This clause tells Oracle to distribute the contents of the last hash subpartitions to one or more remaining subpartition in the set, and then drop the last hash subpartition. Oracle also drops local index subpartitions corresponding to the subpartition you are coalescing. The update_index_clause is described later in this list. Global indexes may be updated or invalidated using the syntax {UPDATE | INVALIDATE} GLOBAL INDEXES. In addition, local indexes, index partitions, or index subpartitions may be updated using the syntax UPDATE INDEXES (index_name ({index_partn | index_subpartn}].

{ADD | DROP} VALUES (partn_value [,...])

Adds a new value (or values) or drops existing values on an existing list-partitioned table, respectively. Local and global indexes are not affected by this clause. Values cannot be added to or dropped from a DEFAULT list partition.


Defines a mapping table for a partitioned table that is an IOT. The ALLOCATE EXTENT and DEALLOCATE UNUSED clauses are described earlier in the syntax description list of the "CREATE TABLE" statement. This clause may be used on any type of partitioned table, as long as the table is an index-organized table.

MODIFY SUBPARTITION subpartn_name {hash_subpartn_attributes | list_subpartn_attributes}

Modifies a specific hash or list subpartition according to the subpartition attributes described in the earlier section Oracle partitioned and subpartitioned tables.

[MOVE {PARTITION | SUBPARTITION} partn_name [MAPPING TABLE] [table_partition_description] [[NO]PARALLEL] [update_index_clause] ]

Moves a specified partition (or subpartition) of partn_name to another partition (or subpartition) described in the table_partition_description clause, which is described in the earlier section Oracle partitioned and subpartitioned tables. Moving a partition is I/O intensive, so the optional PARALLEL clause may be used to parallelize the operation. When omitted, NOPARALLEL is the default. In addition, you may optionally update or invalidate the local and global index as described in the update_index_clause shown below in this list.

ADD PARTITION [partn_name] [table_partition_description] [[NO]PARALLEL]

Adds a new partition (or subpartition) of partn_name to the table. The ADD PARTITION clause supports all aspects of creating a new partition or subpartition, via the table_partition_description clause, which is described in the earlier section Oracle partitioned and subpartitioned tables. Adding a partition may be I/O intensive, so the optional PARALLEL clause may be used to parallelize the operation. When omitted, NOPARALLEL is the default. In addition, you may optionally update or invalidate local and global indexes on the table using the update_index_clause shown earlier in this list.


Controls the status assigned to indexes once the partitions and/or subpartitions of a table are altered. By default, Oracle invalidates the entire index(es) of a table, not just those portions of the index on the partition and/or subpartition being altered. You may update or invalidate global indexes on the table OR update one or more specific index(es) on the table, respectively, using this syntax:

{ UPDATE | INVALIDATE} GLOBAL INDEXES] |    UPDATE INDEXES [ (index_name ({index_partn|index_subpartn})) [,...] }

COALESCE PARTITION [[NO]PARALLEL] [update_index_clause]

Takes the contents of the last partition of a set of hash partitions and rehashes the contents to one or more of the other partitions in the set. The last partition is then dropped. Obviously, this is only for use with hash partitions. The update_index_clause, shown earlier in this list, may be applied to update or invalidate the local and/or global indexes of the table being coalesced.

DROP {PARTITION | SUBPARTITION} partn_name [[NO]PARALLEL] [update_index_clause]

Drops an existing range or list partition or subpartition of partn_name from the table. The data within the partition is also dropped. If you want to keep the data, use the MERGE PARTITION clause. If you want to get rid of a hash partition or subpartition, use the COALESCE PARTITION clause instead. Tables with only a single partition are not affected by the ALTER TABLE...DROP PARTITION statement; instead, use the DROP TABLE statement.

RENAME {PARTITION | SUBPARTITION} old_partn_name TO new_partn_name

Renames an existing partition or subpartition of old_partn_name to a new name of new_partn_name.


Removes all of the rows of a partition or subpartition of partn_name. If you truncate a composition partition, all the rows of the subpartition(s) are also dropped. On IOTs, mapping table partitions and overflow partitions are also truncated. LOB data and index segments, if the table has any LOB columns, are also truncated. Finally, disable any existing referential integrity constraints on the data, or else delete the rows from the table first, then truncate the partition or subpartition. The optional DROP STORAGE and REUSE STORAGE subclauses define whether the space freed by the truncated data is made available for other objects in the tablespace or still allocated to the original partition or subpartition, respectively.

SPLIT {PARTITION | SUBPARTITION} partn_name {AT | VALUES} (value [,...]) [INTO (PARTITION [partn_name1] [table_partition_description], (PARTITION [partn_name2] [table_partition_description]) ] [ [NO]PARALLEL] [update_index_clause] ]

Creates from the current partition (or subpartition) of partn_name two new partitions (or subpartitions) called partn_name1 and partn_name2. These new partitions may have their own complete specification, as defined by the table_partition_description clause. When omitted, the new partitions inherit all physical characteristics of the current partition. When splitting a DEFAULT partition, all of the split values go to partn_name1 while all of the default values go to partn_name2. For IOTs, Oracle splits any mapping table partition in a manner corresponding to the split. Oracle also splits LOB and OVERFLOW segments, but you may also specify your own LOB and OVERFLOW storage characteristics, described in the earlier section Oracle partitioned and subpartitioned tables. Additional syntax for this clause is described below:

{AT | VALUES} (value [,...])

Splits range partitions (using AT) or list partitions (using VALUES) according to the value or values you specify. The AT (value) clause defines the new noninclusive upper range for the first of the two new partitions. The new value should be less than the partition bound of the current partition, but greater than the partition bound of the next lowest partition (if one exists). The VALUES (value1, value2, [,...]) clause defines the values going into the first of the two new list partitions. The first new list partition is built from value1 and the second is built from the remaining partition values in the current partition of partn_name. The value list must include values that already exist in the current partition, but it cannot contain all of the values of the current partition.


Defines the two new partitions that result from the split. At a minimum, the two PARTITION keywords, in parentheses, are required. Any characteristics not explicitly declared for the new partitions are inherited from the current partition of partn_name, including any subpartitioning. There are a few restrictions to note. When subpartitioning range-hash composition partitioned tables, only the TABLESPACE value is allowed for the subpartitions. Subpartitioning is not allowed at all when splitting range-list composite partitioned tables. Any indexes on heap-organized tables are invalidated by default when the table is split. You must use the update_index_clause to update their status.

[MERGE {PARTITION | SUBPARTITION} partn_name1, partn_name2 [INTO PARTITION [partn_name] [partn_attributes]] [[NO]PARALLEL] [update_index_clause] ]

Merges the contents of two or more partitions or subpartitions of a table into a single new partition. Oracle then drops the two original partitions. Merged range partitions must be adjacent and are then bound by the higher boundary of the original two partitions when merged. Merged list partitions need not be adjacent and result in a single new partition with a union of the two sets of partition values. If one of the list partitions was the DEFAULT partition, then the new partition will be the default. Merged range-list composite partitions are allowed but may not have a new subpartition template. Oracle creates a subpartition template from the existing one(s) or, if none exist, creates a new DEFAULT subpartition. Physical attributes not defined explicitly are inherited from the table-level settings. By default, Oracle makes all local index partitions and global indexes UNUSABLE unless you override this behavior using the update_index_clause. (The exception to this rule is with IOTs, which, being index-based, will remain USABLE throughout the merge operation.) Merge operations are not allowed on hash-partitioned tables, so use the COALESCE PARTITION clause instead.


Exchanges the data and index segments of a nonpartitioned table with a partitioned table, or of a partitioned table of one type to another partitioned type. The structure of the tables in the exchange must be identical, including the same primary key. All segment attributes (like tablespaces, logging, and statistics) of the current partitioned table, called partn_name, and the table it is being exchanged with, called table_name, are exchanged. Tables containing LOB columns will also exchange LOB data and index segments. Additional syntax details, which are not previously defined elsewhere in this list, follow:

WITH TABLE table_name

Defines the table that will exchange with the current partition or subpartition.


Exchanges local index partitions or subpartitions with the table index (on nonpartitioned tables) or the local index (on hash-partitioned tables), using the INCLUDING INDEXES clause. Alternately, marks all index partitions and subpartitions as well as regular indexes and partitioned indexes of the exchanged table to be marked with UNUSABLE status, using the EXLCUDING INDEXES clause.


Returns errors when any rows in the current table fail to map into a partition or subpartition of the exchanged table, using the WITH VALIDATION clause. Otherwise, the WITHOUT VALIDATION clause may be included to skip checking of row mapping between the tables.


Places the ROWIDs of all rows violating a UNIQUE constraint (in DISABLE VALIDATE state) on the partitioned table. When omitted, Oracle assumes a table in the current schema called EXCEPTIONS. The EXCEPTIONS table is defined in the utlexcpt.sql and utlexpt1.sql scripts that ship with Oracle. Refer to the Oracle documentation if you need these scripts.

There are a couple of notes to remember about altering a partitioned table. First, altering a partition on a table that serves as the source for one or more materialized views requires that the materialized views be refreshed. Second, bitmap join indexes defined on the partitioned table being altered will be marked UNUSABLE. Third, several restrictions apply if the partitions (or subpartitions) are ever spread across tablespaces that use different block sizes. Refer to the Oracle documentation when attempting these sorts of alterations to a partitioned table.

In the next few examples, assume we are using the orders table partitioned as shown below:

CREATE TABLE orders    (order_number NUMBER,    order_date    DATE,    cust_nbr      NUMBER,    price         NUMBER,    qty           NUMBER,    cust_shp_id   NUMBER) PARTITION BY RANGE(order_date)    (PARTITION pre_yr_2000 VALUES LESS THAN       TO_DATE('01-JAN-2000', 'DD-MON-YYYY'),    PARTITION  pre_yr_2004 VALUES LESS THAN       TO_DATE('01-JAN-2004', 'DD-MON-YYYY'    PARTITION post_yr_2004 VALUES LESS THAN       MAXVALUE)) ;

The following statement will mark all of the local index partitions as UNUSABLE in the orders table for the post_yr_2004 partition:


However, we've decided to now split the orders table partition post_yr_2004 into two all new partitions, pre_yr_2008 and post_yr_2008. Values that are now less than MAXVALUE will be stored in the post_yr_2008 partition, while values less than `01-JAN-2008' will be stored in pre_yr_2008:

ALTER TABLE orders SPLIT PARITION post_yr_2004    AT (TO_DATE('01-JAN-2008','DD-MON-YYYY'))    INTO (PARTITION pre_yr_2008, PARTITION post_yr_2008);

Assuming that the orders table contained a LOB or a VARRAY column, we could further refine the alteration by including additional details for handling these columns, while also updating the global indexes as the operation completes:

ALTER TABLE orders SPLIT PARITION post_yr_2004    AT (TO_DATE('01-JAN-2008','DD-MON-YYYY'))    INTO       (PARTITION pre_yr_2008          LOB (order_desc) STORE AS (TABLESPACE order_tblspc_a1),       PARTITION post_yr_2008)          LOB (order_desc) STORE AS (TABLESPACE order_tblspc_a1))    UPDATE GLOBAL INDEXES;

Now, assuming the orders table has been grown at the upper end, lets merge together the partitions at the lower end:

ALTER TABLE orders    MERGE PARTITIONS pre_yr_2000, pre_yr_2004    INTO PARTITION yrs_2004_and_earlier;

After a few years more, we might want to even get rid of the oldest partition, or if not get rid of it, at least give it a better name:

ALTER TABLE orders DROP PARTITION yrs_2004_and_earlier; ALTER TABLE orders RENAME PARTITION yrs_2004_and_earlier TO pre_yr_2004;

Finally, let's truncate a table partition, delete all of its data, and return the empty space for use by other objects in the tablespace:


As the examples illustrate, anything relating to partitioning and subpartitioning that can be created with the Oracle CREATE TABLE statement can later be changed, augmented, or cut down using the Oracle ALTER TABLE statement.

Organized tables: heaps, IOTs, and external tables

Oracle 10g allows powerful means of controlling the physical storage behavior of tables.

The most useful aspect of the ORGANIZATION HEAP clause is that you can now compress an entire table within Oracle. This is extremely useful for reducing disk storage costs in database environments with multi-terabyte tables. The following example creates the orders table in a compressed and logged heap along with a primary key constraint and storage details:

CREATE TABLE orders    (order_number NUMBER,    order_date    DATE,    cust_nbr      NUMBER,    price         NUMBER,    qty           NUMBER,    cust_shp_id   NUMBER,    shp_region    VARCHAR2(20),    order_desc    NCLOB, CONSTRAINT ord_nbr_pk PRIMARY KEY (order_number)) ORGANIZATION HEAP    COMPRESS LOGGING PCTTHRESHOLD 2 STORAGE    (INITIAL 4M NEXT 2M PCTINCREASE 0 MINEXTENTS 1 MAXEXTENTS 1) OVERFLOW STORAGE    (INITIAL 4M NEXT 2M PCTINCREASE 0 MINEXTENTS 1 MAXEXTENTS 1) ENABLE ROW MOVEMENT;

To define the same table using an index-organized table based on the order_date column, we would use this syntax:

CREATE TABLE orders    (order_number NUMBER,    order_date    DATE,    cust_nbr      NUMBER,    price         NUMBER,    qty           NUMBER,    cust_shp_id   NUMBER,    shp_region    VARCHAR2(20),    order_desc    NCLOB, CONSTRAINT ord_nbr_pk PRIMARY KEY (order_number)) ORGANIZATION HEAP    INCLUDING order_date PCTTHRESHOLD 2 STORAGE    (INITIAL 4M NEXT 2M PCTINCREASE 0 MINEXTENTS 1 MAXEXTENTS 1) OVERFLOW STORAGE    (INITIAL 4M NEXT 2M PCTINCREASE 0 MINEXTENTS 1 MAXEXTENTS 1) ENABLE ROW MOVEMENT;

Finally, we will create an external table that stores our customer shipping information called cust_shipping_external. The code shown in bold is the opaque_format_spec:

CREATE TABLE cust_shipping_external    (external_cust_nbr NUMBER(6),    cust_shp_id        NUMBER,    shipping_company   VARCHAR2(25)) ORGANIZATION EXTERNAL    (TYPE oracle_loader    DEFAULT DIRECTORY dataloader    ACCESS PARAMETERS       (RECORDS DELIMITED BY newline       BADFILE 'upload_shipping.bad'       DISCARDFILE 'upload_shipping.dis'       LOGFILE 'upload_shipping.log'       SKIP 20       FIELDS TERMINATED BY "," OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"'          (client_id INTEGER EXTERNAL(6),          shp_id CHAR(20),          shipper CHAR(25)))    LOCATION ('upload_shipping.ctl')) REJECT LIMIT UNLIMITED;

Examining this example, we see that the external table type is ORACLE_LOADER and the default directory is DATALOADER. The example illustrates the fact that you define the metadata of the table within Oracle and then describe how that metadata references a data source outside of the Oracle database server itself.

Oracle XMLType and object-type tables

When an Oracle XMLType table is created, Oracle automatically stores the data in a CLOB column, unless you create an XML schema-based table. (For details on Oracle's XML support, see Oracle's XMLDB Developer's Guide.) The following code example first creates an XMLType table, distributors, with the implicit CLOB data storage, and followed by a second code example, suppliers, with a more sophisticated XML-schema definition:

CREATE TABLE distributors OF XMLTYPE; CREATE TABLE suppliers OF XMLTYPE XMLSCHEMA "http://www.lookatallthisstuff.com/suppliers.xsd" ELEMENT "vendors";

A key advantage of a table based on an XML schema is that you can create B-Tree indexes on them. In the following example, we create an index on suppliercity:

CREATE INDEX supplier-city-index ON suppliers (S."XMLDATA"."ADDRESS"."CITY");

You may similarly create tables using a mix of standard and XMLTYPE columns. In this case, the XMLTYPE column may store its data as a CLOB, or it may store its data in an object-relational column of a structure determined by your specification. For example, we'll recreate the distributors table (this time with some added storage specifications) and the suppliers table with columns of both standard and XMLTYPE:

CREATE TABLE distributors    (distributor_id NUMBER,    distributor_spec XMLTYPE) XMLTYPE distributor_spec STORE AS CLOB    (TABLESPACE tblspc_dist    STORAGE (INITIAL 10M NEXT 5M)    CHUNK 4000    NOCACHE    LOGGING); CREATE TABLE suppliers    (supplier_id NUMBER,    supplier_spec XMLTYPE) XMLTYPE supplier_spec STORE AS OBJECT RELATIONAL    XMLSCHEMA "http://www.lookatallthisstuff.com/suppliers.xsd"    ELEMENT "vendors" OBJECT IDENTIFIER IS SYSTEM GENERATED OIDINDEX vendor_ndx TABLESPACE tblspc_xml_vendors;

When creating XML and object tables, you may refer to inline_ref_constraint and table_ref_constraint clauses. The syntax for an inline_ref_constraint clause is:

{SCOPE IS scope_table |    WITH ROWID |    [CONSTRAINT constraint_name] REFERENCES object [ (column_name) ]       [ON DELETE {CASCADE | SET NULL} ]       [constraint_state] }

The only difference between an inline reference constraint and a table reference constraint is that inline reference constraints operate at the column level and table reference constraints operate at the table level, respectively. (This is essentially the same behavior and coding rule as standard relational constraints like PRIMARY KEY or FOREIGN KEY.) The syntax for a table_ref_constraint follows:

{SCOPE FOR (ref_col | ref_attr) IS scope_table |    REF (ref_col | ref_attr) WITH ROWID |    [CONSTRAINT constraint_name] FOREIGN KEY (ref_col | ref_attr)       REFERENCES object [ (column_name) ]       [ON DELETE {CASCADE | SET NULL} ]       [constraint_state] }

The constraint_state clause contains a number of options that have already been defined earlier in the Oracle CREATE TABLE statement. However, these options are only applied to the condition of the scope reference:


USING INDEX {index_name | (create_index_statement) | index_attributes}

Object-type tables are useful for creating tables containing user-defined types. For example, the following code creates the building_type type:

CREATE TYPE OR REPLACE building_type AS OBJECT    (building_name VARCHAR2(100),    building_address VARCHAR2(200));

We can then create a table called offices_object_table that contains the object and defines some of its characteristics, such as OID information. In addition, we'll create two more tables, based upon building_type, that reference the object type as an inline_ref_constraint and a table_ref_constraint, respectively:

CREATE TABLE offices_object_table    OF building_type (building_name PRIMARY KEY) OBJECT IDENTIFIER IS PRIMARY KEY; CREATE TABLE leased_offices    (office_nbr NUMBER,    rent        DEC(9,3),    office_ref  REF building_type       SCOPE IS offices_object_table); CREATE TABLE owned_offices    (office_nbr NUMBER,    payment     DEC(9,3),    office_ref  REF building_type       CONSTRAINT offc_in_bld REFERENCES offices_object_table);

In these examples, the SCOPE IS clause defines the inline_ref_constraint, while the CONSTRAINT clause defines the table_ref_constraint.


When using the Oracle command ALTER TABLE, you are able to ADD, DROP, or MODIFY every aspect of each element of the table. For example, the syntax diagram shows that the method for adding or modifying an existing column includes its attributes, but we need to explicitly state that the attributes include any Oracle-specific extensions. So while the ANSI standard only lets you modify attributes such as DEFAULT or NOT NULL, as well as column-level constraints assigned to the column, Oracle also allows you to alter any special characteristics like LOB, VARRAY, NESTED TABLE, index-organized table, CLUSTER, or PARTITION settings that might exist.

For example, the following code adds a new column to a table in Oracle, and also adds a new, unique constraint to that table:

ALTER TABLE titles ADD subtitle VARCHAR2(32) NULL CONSTRAINT unq_subtitle UNIQUE;

When a foreign key constraint is added to a table, the DBMS verifies that all existing data in the table meets that constraint. If they do not, the ALTER TABLE fails.

Any queries that use SELECT * return the new columns, even if this was not planned. Precompiled objects, such as stored procedures, can return any new columns if they use the %ROWTYPE attribute. Otherwise, a precompiled object may not return any new columns.

Oracle also allows multiple actions, such as ADD or MODIFY, to multiple columns to be performed by enclosing the actions within parentheses. For example, the following command adds several columns to a table with a single statement:

ALTER TABLE titles ADD (subtitles VARCHAR2(32) NULL,    year_of_copyright INT,

   date_of_origin DATE);


PostgreSQL supports the ANSI standards for CREATE and ALTER TABLE with a couple of extensions that enable you to quickly build a new table from existing table definitions. Following is the syntax for CREATE TABLE:

CREATE [LOCAL][[TEMP]ORARY TABLE table_name (column_name datatype attributes [,...] | CONSTRAINT constraint_name [{NULL | NOT NULL}]   {[UNIQUE] | [PRIMARY KEY (column_name [,...])] | [CHECK (expression) ]   | REFERENCES reference_table (reference_column [,...])      [MATCH {FULL | PARTIAL | default}]      [ON {UPDATE | DELETE}         {CASCADE | NO ACTION | RESTRICT | SET NULL | SET  DEFAULT value}]      [[NOT] DEFERRABLE] [INITIALLY {DEFERRED | IMMEDIATE}] } [,...] | [table_constraint][,...] [WITH[OUT] OIDE] [INHERITS (inherited_table [,...])] [ON COMMIT {DELETE | PRESERVE} ROWS] [AS select_statement]

The PostgreSQL syntax for ALTER TABLE is:

ALTER TABLE [ONLY] table_name [*] [ADD [COLUMN] column_name datatype attributes [...] ] | [ALTER [COLUMN] column_name      {SET DEFAULT value | DROP DEFAULT | SET STATISTICS int}] | [RENAME [COLUMN] column_name TO new_column_name] | [RENAME TO new_table_name] | [ADD table_constraint] | [DROP CONSTRAINT constraint_name RESTRICT ] | [OWNER TO new_owner]

The parameters are as follows:


Checks a value inserted into the column against the values of a column in another table. It also can be used as part of a FOREIGN KEY declaration. The MATCH options are FULL, PARTIAL, and the default where MATCH has no other keyword. Full match forces all columns of a multicolumn foreign key either to be NULL or to contain a valid value. The default allows mixed nulls and values. Partial matching is a valid syntax, but is not supported. The REFERENCES clause also allows several different behaviors to be declared for ON DELETE and/or ON UPDATE referential integrity as follows:


Produces an error when the foreign key is violated (the default).


A synonym for NO ACTION.


Sets the value of the referencing column to the value of the referenced column.


Sets the referencing column value to NULL.


Sets the referencing column to its declared default value or NULL, if no default value exists.


The DEFERRABLE option of the REFERENCES clause tells PostgreSQL to defer evaluation of all constraints to the end of a transaction. NOT DEFERRABLE is the default behavior for the REFERENCES clause. Similar to the DEFERRABLE clause is the INITIALLY clause. Specifying INITIALLY DEFERRED checks constraints at the end of a transaction; INITIALLY IMMEDIATE checks constraints after each statement (the default).


Can be declared only as a table-level constraint and not as a column-level constraint. All options for the REFERENCES clause are supported as part of the FOREIGN KEYS clause. The syntax follows:

[FOREIGN KEY (column_name [,...]) REFERENCES...]


Specifies that rows of the new table should have automatically assigned object IDs (WITH OIDS) or not (WITHOUT OIDS). The default is WITH OIDS. OIDs are assigned based on a 32-bit counter. Once the counter is surpassed, the OID numbers cycle over and uniqueness can no longer be guaranteed. We recommend that you add a unique index to any OID columns you specify to avoid an error with duplicate OIDs on very large tables. A table with an inherited structure receives the OID setting of its parent table.

INHERITS inherited_table

Specifies a table or tables from which the table you are creating inherits all columns. The newly created table also inherits functions attached to tables higher in the hierarchy. If any inherited column appears more than once, the statement fails.


Used only with temporary tables. This clause controls the behavior of the temporary table after records are committed to the table. ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS clears the temporary table of all rows after each commit. This is the default if the ON COMMIT clause is omitted. ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS saves the rows in the temporary table after the transaction has committed.

AS select_statement

Enables you to create and populate a table with data from a valid SELECT statement. The column names and datatypes do not need to be defined, since they are inherited from the query. The CREATE TABLE...AS statement has similar functionality to SELECT...INTO, but is more readable.


Specifies that only the named table is affected by the ALTER TABLE statement and not any parent or subtables in a table hierarchy.

OWNER TO new_owner

Changes the owner of the table to the user identified by new_owner.

A PostgreSQL table cannot have more than 1,600 columns. However, you should limit the number of columns to well below 1,600 for performance reasons. For example:

CREATE TABLE distributors    (name    VARCHAR(40) DEFAULT 'Thomas Nash Distributors',     dist_id INTEGER DEFAULT NEXTVAL('dist_serial'),     modtime TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);

Unique to PostgreSQL is the ability to create column-level constraints with multiple columns. Since PostgreSQL also supports standard table-level constraints, the ANSI-standard approach is still the recommended approach.

PostgreSQL's implementation of ALTER TABLE allows the addition of extra columns using the ADD keyword. Existing columns may have new default values assigned to them using ALTER COLUMN...SET DEFAULT, while ALTER COLUMN...DROP DEFAULT allows the complete erasure of a column-based default. In addition, new defaults may be added to columns using the ALTER clause, but only newly inserted rows will be affected by such new default values. RENAME allows new names for existing columns and tables.

SQL Server

SQL Server offers a plethora of options when defining or altering a table, its columns, and its table-level constraints. Its CREATE TABLE syntax is:

CREATE TABLE table_name ({column_name datatype [ [DEFAULT default_value]    | {IDENTITY [(seed,increment) [NOT FOR REPLICATION]]]    [ROWGIDCOL][NULL | NOT NULL]    | [{PRIMARY KEY | UNIQUE}         [CLUSTERED | NONCLUSTERED]         [WITH FILLFACTOR = int] [ON {filegroup | DEFAULT}] ]    | [[FOREIGN KEY]         REFERENCES reference_table[(reference_column[,...])]         [ON {DELETE | UPDATE} {CASCADE | NO ACTION}]         [NOT FOR REPLICATION]    | [CHECK [NOT FOR REPLICATION] (expression)    | [COLLATE collation_name] | column_name AS computed_column_expression } [,...] | [table_constraint] [,...]) [ON {filegroup | DEFAULT} ] [TEXTIMAGE_ON {filegroup | DEFAULT} ]

The SQL Server version of ALTER TABLE is:

ALTER TABLE table_name [ALTER COLUMN column_name new_datatype attributes {ADD | DROP} ROWGUIDCOL] | [ADD [COLUMN] column_name datatype attributes][,...] | [WITH CHECK | WITH NOCHECK] ADD table_constraint][,...] | [DROP { [ CONSTRAINT ] constraint_name | COLUMN column_name }] [,...] | [{ CHECK | NOCHECK } CONSTRAINT { ALL | constraint_name [,...] }] | [{ ENABLE | DISABLE } TRIGGER { ALL | trigger_name [,...] }]

The parameters are as follows:

IDENTITY [(seed, increment)]

Creates and populates the column with a monotonically increasing number when applied to an integer column. The IDENTITY starts counting at the value of seed and increases by the value of increment. When either are omitted, the default is 1.


Specifies that the values of an IDENTITY or FOREIGN KEY are not replicated to subscribing servers. This helps in situations in which different servers require the same table structures, but not the exact same data.


Identifies a column as a global unique identifier, which ensures no two values are ever repeated across any number of servers. Only one such column may be identified per table. It does not, however, create the unique values itself. They must be inserted using the NEWID function.


Applies to any column except those with a TIMESTAMP datatype or an IDENTITY property. The DEFAULT must be a constant value such as a character string or a number, and a system function such as GETDATE() or NULL.


Defines a primary key constraint for the table. The primary key declaration differs from the ANSI standard by allowing you to assign the clustered or nonclustered attributes on the primary key index, as well as a starting fillfactor. (Refer to the CREATE/ALTER INDEX Statement for more information.) The attributes of a primary key include:


Declares that the column or columns of the primary key set the physical sort order of the records in the table. CLUSTERED is the default when the clustered or nonclustered keywords are omitted.


Declares that the primary key index maintains pointers to all of the records of the table.


Declares that a percentage of space, int, should remain free on each data page when the table is created. SQL Server does not maintain FILLFACTOR over time. You should rebuild the index on a regular basis.

ON {filegroup | DEFAULT}

Specifies that the primary key is located either on the pre-existing, named filegroup or is assigned to the DEFAULT filegroup.


Checks values as they are inserted into the table against a column in another table in order to maintain referential integrity. Foreign keys are described in detail in Chapter 2. A foreign key can only reference columns that are defined as a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE index on the referencing table. A referential action may be specified to take place on the reference_table when the record is deleted or updated, according to the following:


Specifies that an action needs to happen in the local table when either (or both) an UPDATE or DELETE occur on the referenced table.


Specifies that any DELETE or UPDATE also takes place on the referring table to any records dependent on the value of the FOREIGN KEY.


Specifies that no action occur on the referring table when a record on the current table is deleted or updated.


Specifies that an IDENTITY property should not be enforced when the data is replicated from another database. This ensures that data from the published server are not assigned new identity values.


Ensures that a value inserted into the specified column of the table is a valid value based on the CHECK expression. For example, the following shows a table with two column-level CHECK constraints.

CREATE TABLE people     (people_id     CHAR(4)              CONSTRAINT pk_dist_id PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED          CONSTRAINT ck_dist_id CHECK (dist_id LIKE '          [A-Z][A-Z][A-Z][A-Z]'),      people_name   VARCHAR(40) NULL,      people_addr1  VARCHAR(40) NULL,      people_addr2  VARCHAR(40) NULL,      city          VARCHAR(20) NULL,      state         CHAR(2)     NULL          CONSTRAINT def_st DEFAULT ("CA")         CONSTRAINT chk_st REFERENCES states(state_ID),      zip           CHAR(5)     NULL          CONSTRAINT ck_dist_zip          CHECK(zip LIKE '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'),      phone         CHAR(12)    NULL,      sales_rep     empid       NOT NULL DEFAULT USER) GO

The CHECK constraint on the people_id ensures an all-alphabetic ID, while the one on zip ensures an all-numeric value. The REFERENCES constraint on state performs a look-up on the states table. The REFERENCES constraint is essentially the same as a CHECK constraint, except that it derives its list of acceptable values from the values stored in another column. This example illustrates how column-level constraints are named using the CONSTRAINT constraint_name syntax.


Allows programmers to change, on a column-by-column basis, the sort order and character set that is used by the column.


Controls the placement of text, ntext, and image columns allowing you to place LOB data on the pre-existing filegroup of your choice. When omitted, these columns are stored in the default filegroup with all other tables and database objects.


Tells SQL Server whether the data in the table should be validated against any newly added constraints or keys. When constraints are added using WITH NOCHECK, the query optimizer ignores them until they are enabled via ALTER TABLE table_name CHECK CONSTRAINT ALL. When constraints are added using WITH CHECK, the constraints are checked immediately against all data already in the table.


Enables an existing constraint with CHECK CONSTRAINT or disables one with NOCHECK CONSTRAINT.

{ENABLE | DISABLE} TRIGGER { ALL | trigger_name [,...] }

Enables or disables the specified trigger or triggers, respectively. All triggers on the table may be enabled or disabled by substituting the keyword ALL for the table name, as in ALTER TABLE employee DISABLE TRIGGER ALL. You may, alternately, disable or enable a single trigger_name or more than one trigger by placing each trigger_name in a comma-delimited list.

SQL Server allows any column-level constraint to be named by specifying CONSTRAINT constraint_name..., and then the text of the constraint. Several constraints may be applied to a single column, as long as they are not mutually exclusive (for example, PRIMARY KEY and NULL).

SQL Server also allows a local temporary table to be created, but not using ANSI syntax. A local temporary table, which is stored in the tempdb database, requires a prefix of a single pound sign (#) to the name of the table. The local temporary table is usable by the person or process that created it, and is deleted when the person logs out or the process terminates. A global temporary table, which is usable to all people and processes that are currently logged in, can be established by prefixing two pound signs (##) to the name of the table. The global temporary table is deleted when its process terminates or its creator logs out.

SQL Server also allows the creation of tables with columns that contain a computed value. Such a column does not actually contain data. Instead, it is a virtual column containing an expression using other columns already in the table. For example, a computed column could have an expression, such as order_cost AS (price * qty). Computed columns also can be constants, functions, variables, noncomputed columns, or any of these combined with each other using operators.

Any of the column-level constraints shown earlier also may be declared at the table level. That is, PRIMARY KEY constraints, FOREIGN KEY constraints, CHECK constraints, and others may be declared after all the columns have been defined in the CREATE TABLE statement. This is very useful for constraints that cover more than one column. For example, a column-level UNIQUE constraint can be applied only to that column. However, declaring the constraint at the table level allows it to span several columns. Here is an example of both column-level and table-level constraints:

-- Creating a column-level constraint CREATE TABLE favorite_books     (isbn          CHAR(100)    PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED,      book_name     VARCHAR(40)  UNIQUE,      category      VARCHAR(40)  NULL,      subcategory   VARCHAR(40)  NULL,      pub_date      DATETIME     NOT NULL,      purchase_date DATETIME     NOT NULL) GO -- Creating a table-level constraint CREATE TABLE favorite_books     (isbn          CHAR(100)    NOT NULL,      book_name     VARCHAR(40)  NOT NULL,      category      VARCHAR(40)  NULL,      subcategory   VARCHAR(40)  NULL,      pub_date      DATETIME     NOT NULL,      purchase_date DATETIME     NOT NULL,         CONSTRAINT pk_book_id   PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED (isbn)            WITH FILLFACTOR=70,         CONSTRAINT unq_book     UNIQUE CLUSTERED (book_name,pub_date)) GO

These two commands provide nearly the same results, except that the table-level UNIQUE constraint has two columns, whereas only one column is included in the column-level UNIQUE constraint.

The following example adds a new CHECK constraint to a table, but does not check to ensure that the existing values in the table pass the constraint:


In this example, we further add a new column with an assigned DEFAULT value that is placed in each existing record in the table:

ALTER TABLE favorite_book ADD reprint_nbr INT NULL CONSTRAINT add_reprint_nbr DEFAULT 1 WITH VALUES GO -- Now, disable the constraint ALTER TABLE favorite_book NOCHECK CONSTRAINT add_reprint_nbr


See Also


A trigger is a special kind of stored procedure that fires automatically (hence the term "trigger") when a specific data-modification statement is executed against a table. The trigger is directly associated with the table and is considered a dependent object. For example, you might want all of the part_numbers in the sales table to be updated when a part_number is changed in the products table, thus ensuring that part numbers are always in sync.

ALTER TRIGGER is not an ANSI-supported statement.




Supported, with variations


Not supported


Supported, with variations


Supported, with variations

SQL Server

Supported, with variations

SQL2003 Syntax

CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name {BEFORE | AFTER} {DELETE | INSERT | UPDATE [OF column [,...]} ON table_name [REFERENCING {OLD {[ROW] | TABLE} [AS] old_name | NEW  {ROW | TABLE} [AS] new_name}] [FOR EACH { ROW | STATEMENT }] [WHEN (conditions)] [BEGIN ATOMIC] code_block [END]


CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name

Creates a trigger of trigger_name and associates it with a specific table.


Declares that the trigger logic is fired either BEFORE or AFTER the data manipulation operation that invoked the trigger. BEFORE triggers perform their operations before the INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE operation occurs, allowing you to do dramatic things like circumvent the data manipulation operation altogether. AFTER triggers fire after the data manipulation operation has completed, but are useful for after-the-fact operations like recalculating running totals.

DELETE | INSERT | UPDATE [OF column [,...] ]

Defines the data manipulation operation that causes the trigger to fire: DELETE statements, INSERT statements, or UPDATE statements. You may optionally chose which columns will trigger an update trigger using UPDATE OF column [,...]. If an update occurs on any columns not in the column list, the trigger will not fire.

ON table_name

Declares the pre-existing table that the trigger is dependent on.

REFERENCING {OLD {[ROW] | TABLE} [AS] old_name | NEW {ROW | TABLE} [AS] new_name}

Enables aliasing for the old or new ROW or TABLE acted upon by the trigger. Although the syntax shows the options as exclusive, you may have up to four aliasing references: one for old row, one for old table, one for new row, and one for new table. The alias OLD refers to the data contained in the table or row before the data manipulation operation that fired the trigger, while the alias NEW refers to the data that would be contained in the table or row after the data manipulation operation that fired the trigger. Note that the syntax indicates that ROW is optional, but TABLE is not. (That is, OLD ROW AS is the same as OLD AS, but for TABLE, the only valid option is OLD TABLE AS.) INSERT triggers do not have an OLD context, while DELETE triggers do not have a NEW context. The keyword AS is noise and may be omitted. If the REFERENCING clause specifies either OLD ROW or NEW ROW, then the FOR EACH ROW clause is required.


Tells the database to apply the trigger for each row in the table that has changed (ROW) or for each SQL statement issued against the table (STATEMENT). For example, a single UPDATE statement will update the salaries of 100 employees. If you specify FOR EACH ROW, the trigger will execute 100 times. If you specify FOR EACH STATEMENT, the trigger will execute only once.

WHEN (conditions)

Allows you to define additional criteria for a trigger. For example, you might have a trigger called DELETE employee, which will fire whenever an employee is deleted. When a trigger fires, if the search conditions contained in the WHEN clause evaluate to TRUE, the trigger action will fire. Otherwise, the trigger will not fire.

BEGIN ATOMIC | code_block | END

The ANSI standard requires that the code_block should contain only one SQL statement or, for multiple SQL statements, put them in a BEGIN and END block.

Rules at a Glance

Triggers, by default, fire once at the statement level. That is, a single INSERT statement might insert 500 rows into a table, but an insert trigger on that table fires only one time. Some vendors allow a trigger to fire for each row of the data-modification operation. So, a statement that inserts 500 rows into a table that has a row-level insert trigger fires 500 times, once for each inserted row.

In addition to being associated with a specific data-modification statement (INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE) on a given table, triggers are associated with a specific time of firing. In general, triggers can fire BEFORE the data-modification statement is processed, AFTER it is processed, or (when supported by the vendor) INSTEAD OF processing the statement. Triggers that fire before or instead of the data-modification statement do not see the changes that the statement renders, while those that fire afterwards can see and act upon the changes that the data-modification statement renders.

Triggers make use of two pseudotables. They are pseudotables in the sense that they are not declared with a CREATE TABLE statement, but they exist logically on the database. The pseudotables have different names on the different platforms, but we'll call them Before and After here. They are structured exactly the same as the table a trigger is associated with. However, they contain snapshots of the table's data. The Before table contains a snapshot of all the records in the table before the trigger fired, while the After table contains a snapshot of all the records in the table after the event occurred that fired the trigger. You can then use comparison operations to compare the data in the table before and after the event fired the trigger to determine exactly what you want to happen.

Here is an Oracle BEFORE trigger that uses the OLD and NEW pseudotables to compare values. (By way of comparison, SQL Server uses the DELETED and INSERTED pseudotables in the same way, while DB2 requires that you provide a REFERENCING clause to give names to the pseudotables.) This trigger creates an audit record before changing an employee's pay record:

CREATE TRIGGER if_emp_changes BEFORE DELETE OR UPDATE ON employee FOR EACH ROW WHEN (new.emp_salary <> old.emp_salary) BEGIN   INSERT INTO employee_audit   VALUES ('old', :old.emp_id, :old.emp_salary, :old.emp_ssn); END;

You can also take advantage of capabilities within each database platform to make your triggers more powerful and easier to program. For example, Oracle has a special IF...THEN clause for use just in triggers. This IF...THEN clause takes the form: IF DELETING THEN, IF INSERTING THEN, or IF UPDATING THEN. The following example builds an Oracle DELETE and UPDATE trigger that uses the IF DELETING THEN clauses:

CREATE TRIGGER if_emp_changes BEFORE DELETE OR UPDATE ON employee FOR EACH ROW BEGIN   IF DELETING THEN     INSERT INTO employee_audit     VALUES ('DELETED', :old.emp_id, :old.emp_salary, :old.emp_ssn);   ELSE     INSERT INTO employee_audit     VALUES ('UPDATED', :old.emp_id, :new.emp_salary, :old.emp_ssn);   END IF; END;

This SQL Server example adds a new table called contractor to the database. All records in the employee table that indicate that the employee is a contractor were moved into the contractor table. Now all new employees inserted into the employee table will go into the contractor table instead through an INSTEAD OF INSERT trigger:

CREATE TRIGGER if_emp_is_contractor INSTEAD OF INSERT ON employee BEGIN   INSERT INTO contractor   SELECT * FROM inserted WHERE status = 'CON'   INSERT INTO employee   SELECT * FROM inserted WHERE status = 'FTE' END GO

Adding triggers to a table that already has data in it does not cause the triggers to fire. A trigger will fire only for data-modification statements declared in the trigger definition that occur after the trigger is created.

A trigger generally ignores structural changes to tables, such as an added column or an altered datatype on an existing column, after the trigger has been created unless a table modification directly interferes with the operation of the trigger. For example, adding a new column to a table will result in any existing trigger ignoring the new column, except for UPDATE triggers. On the other hand, removing a column from a table that is used by a trigger will cause the trigger to fail every time it executes.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

One of the key programming issues associated with triggers is the inappropriate and uncontrolled use of nested triggers and recursive triggers. A nested trigger is a trigger that invokes a data-manipulation operation that causes other triggers to fire. For example, assume we have three tables, T1, T2, and T3. Table T1 has a BEFORE INSERT trigger that inserts a record into table T2. Table T2 also has a BEFORE INSERT trigger that inserts a record into table T3. Although this is not necessarily a bad thing if your logic is well considered and fully thought out, it does introduce two problems. First, an insert into table T1 requires many more I/O operations and transactions than a simple INSERT statement against table T1. Second, you can get yourself into hot water if, in fact, table T3 performs an INSERT operation against table T1. In a case like that, you may have a looping trigger process that can consume all available disk space and even shut down the server.

Recursive triggers are triggers that can fire themselves; for example an INSERT trigger that performs an INSERT against its own base table. If the procedural logic within the code_body is not properly constructed, you can cause a looping trigger error. However, recursive triggers often require setting a special configuration flag before they can be used on the various database platforms.


DB2 supports a superset of the ANSI SQL standard for the CREATE TRIGGER statement. It does not support an ALTER TRIGGER statement. The CREATE TRIGGER syntax is:

CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name {NO CASCADE BEFORE | AFTER | INSTEAD OF} {[DELETE] | [INSERT] | [UPDATE [OF (column [,...]) ]} ON table_name [REFERENCING    {OLD[_TABLE] [AS] old_name | NEW[_TABLE]    [AS] new_name} DEFAULTS NULL] [FOR EACH { ROW | STATEMENT }] MODE DB2SQL [WHEN (conditions)] code_block 



Declares that the trigger action is applied before the data-modification operation is applied to the table. This clause also declares that the trigger action will not cause any other triggers to fire.

ON table_name

Specifies the pre-existing table or view that the trigger is associated with. Triggers can be declared on regular tables, but not on temporary tables, nicknames, catalog tables, or materialized query tables. When creating triggers on a view, only INSTEAD OF triggers are allowed. The view must be a non-typed view that does not use the WITH CHECK OPTION clause. The data-modification operation applied to the view should be translated against the base table to determine whether it will fire the trigger or not.

OLD[_TABLE] [AS] old_name | NEW[_TABLE] [AS] new_name

Defines the alias for the ANSI before and after pseudotables using OLD_TABLE and NEW_TABLE, respectively. If you leave off the _TABLE keyword, then DB2 assigns the trigger operation as row-level, and allows you to access the row (singular) data prior to triggering the SQL operation. Adding in the _TABLE keyword declares that the trigger operation allows you to reference the set (plural) of row data prior to triggering the SQL operation. OLD and OLD_TABLE may only be used on DELETE or UPDATE triggers. Conversely, NEW and NEW_TABLE can only be used on INSERT and UPDATE triggers. OLD and NEW may only be specified once each. OLD_ TABLE and NEW_TABLE may only be specified once each and not on NO CASCADE BEFORE triggers.


Inserts default values where they have been created.


Specifies that the trigger action applies either at the row level or the statement level. The FOR EACH STATEMENT clause is only allowed on AFTER triggers.


Declares that the mode of the trigger is DB2 SQL, the only mode currently supported.

WHEN (conditions)

Meets the ANSI SQL standard with the exception that this clause is not allowed on DB2 INSTEAD OF triggers.

DB2 does not prevent a new trigger from being created that has the same definition as an older trigger. Thus, it's possible to have two (or more) AFTER DELETE triggers on a single table. In a situation like this, DB2 will always fire the triggers in the order they were created.

Be careful declaring a BEFORE DELETE trigger on a table with a self-referencing constraint and a delete rule of CASCADE. Such a trigger may produce results that you did not expect!

DB2 allows the COMMENT ON object_type statement, so that you can provide extra commentary on any supported DB2 object. For example, you can issue the COMMENT ON TRIGGER trigger_name statement to add comments on any trigger you add to the database. You can use this on tables, views, etc.

DB2 does not specifically drop the triggers associated with a table or view when the table or view itself is dropped. Consequently, you should first issue a DROP TRIGGER statement followed by a DROP TABLE statement to avoid leaving orphaned triggers behind. Conversely, triggers are not reinstated if a table is dropped and then recreated. The triggers should be recreated as well.

BEFORE and AFTER triggers are allowed on typed tables at any level of a typed-table hierarchy. Triggers may activate on rows of subtables. If a SQL statement activates multiple triggers, the triggers will be executed in their creation order, even if they are attached to different tables in the typed-table hierarchy.


Not supported.


Oracle supports the ANSI standard for CREATE TRIGGER, with several additions and variations:

CREATE [OR REPLACE] TRIGGER trigger_name {BEFORE | AFTER | INSTEAD OF} { {[object_event] [database_event] [...] ON {DATABASE | schema.SCHEMA} } |    {[DELETE] [OR] [INSERT] [OR] [UPDATE [OF column [,...] ]] [...]}       ON {table_name | [NESTED TABLE column_name OF] view_name}    [REFERENCING {[OLD [AS] old_name] [NEW [AS] new_name]       [PARENT [AS] parent_name]}    [FOR EACH ROW] } [WHEN (conditions)] code_block

The syntax for ALTER TRIGGER, which allows you to rename, enable, or disable a trigger without dropping and recreating it, is shown below:

ALTER TRIGGER trigger_name { {ENABLE | DISABLE} | RENAME TO new_name |    COMPILE [compiler_directives] [DEBUG] [REUSE SETTINGS]}



Recreates an existing trigger by assigning a new definition to an existing trigger of trigger_name.


In addition to the standard data-modification events, Oracle allows triggers to fire based on object events. object_event operations may be paired with BEFORE and AFTER keywords. An object_event fires the trigger whenever such an event occurs, according to the following keywords:


Fires whenever an ALTER statement (except ALTER DATABASE) is issued.


Fires whenever Oracle validates the structure of a database object, or collects or deletes statistics on an index.


Fires whenever Oracle associates a statistics type with a database object.


Fires whenever Oracle tracks a SQL statement or operation against a schema object.


Fires whenever an Oracle comment is added in the data dictionary to a database object.


Fires whenever Oracle encounters any object_event in this list.


Fires whenever Oracle disassociates a statistics type from a database object.


Fires whenever a DROP statement erases a database object from the data dictionary.


Fires whenever a user grants privileges or roles to another user or role.


Fires whenever the NOAUDIT statement causes Oracle to stop tracking SQL statements or operations against schema objects.


Fires whenever the RENAME statement changes the name of a database object.


Fires whenever a user revokes privileges or roles from another user or role.


Fires whenever a TRUNCATE statement is issued against a table or cluster.


In addition to the standard data-modification events, Oracle allows triggers to fire based on database events. Database_event operations may be paired with BEFORE and AFTER keywords. The list of allowable database_event keywords is:


Fires whenever a client application logs on to the database. Valid for AFTER triggers only.


Fires whenever a client application logs off of the database. Valid for BEFORE triggers only.


Fires whenever a server error message is logged. Valid for AFTER triggers only.


Fires whenever an instance of the database is shut down. Valid for BEFORE triggers only with the ON DATABASE clause only.


Fires whenever an instance of the database is opened. Valid for AFTER triggers with the ON DATABASE clause.


Fires whenever a server error causes a transaction to suspend. Valid for AFTER triggers only.


Declares that the trigger fires whenever any database user invokes a triggering event with ON DATABASE. The trigger then fires for events occurring anywhere in the entire database. Otherwise, ON schema.SCHEMA declares that the trigger fires whenever a user connected as schema invokes a triggering event. The trigger then fires for events occurring anywhere in the current schema.

ON [NESTED TABLE column_name OF] view_name

Declares that the trigger fires only if the data-manipulation operation applies to the column(s) of the view called view_name. The ON NESTED TABLE clause is compatible only with INSTEAD OF triggers.


Defines the alias for the current row of the parent table (i.e., supertable). Otherwise, identical to the ANSI standard.


Enables a deactivated trigger when used with ALTER TRIGGER. You may alternately use the statement ALTER TABLE table_name ENABLE ALL TRIGGERS.


Disables an activated trigger when used with ALTER TRIGGER. You may alternately use the statement ALTER TABLE table_name DISABLE ALL TRIGGERS.

RENAME TO new_name

Renames the trigger to new_name, though the state of the trigger remains unchanged when used with ALTER TRIGGER.


Compiles a trigger, whether valid or invalid, and all the objects that the trigger depends on. If any the objects are invalid, then the trigger is invalid. If all of the objects are valid, including the code_body of the trigger, then the trigger becomes valid. The subclauses of the COMPILE clause are:


Tells the PL/SQL compiler to generate and store the extra information for use by the PL/SQL debugger.


Tells Oracle to retain all compiler switch settings, which can save significant time during the compile process.


Defines a special value for the PL/SQL compiler in the format: directive = 'value'. The directives are: PLSQL_OPTIMIZE_LEVEL, PLSQL_CODE_TYPE, PLSQL_DEBUG, PLSQL_WARNINGS, and NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS. They may each specify a value once in the statement. The directive is valid only for the unit being compiled.

When referencing values in the OLD and NEW pseudotables, the values must be prefaced with a colon (:), except in the trigger's WHEN clause, where no colons are used. In this example, we'll call a procedure in the code_body and use both :OLD and :NEW values as arguments:

CREATE TRIGGER scott.sales_check BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OF ord_id, qty ON scott.sales    FOR EACH ROW    WHEN (new.qty > 10)    CALL check_inventory(:new.ord_id, :new.qty, :old.qty);

Multiple trigger types may be combined into a single trigger command if they are of the same level (row or statement) and they are on the same table. When triggers are combined in a single statement, the clauses IF INSERTING THEN, IF UPDATING THEN, and IF DELETING THEN may be used in the PL/SQL block to break the code logic into distinct segments. An ELSE clause also can be used in this structure.

Following is an example of a database_event-style trigger:

CREATE TRIGGER track_errors AFTER SERVERERROR ON DATABASE BEGIN    IF (IS_SERVERERROR (04030))       THEN INSERT INTO errors ('Memory error');    ELSE (IS_SERVERERROR (01403))       THEN INSERT INTO errors ('Data not found');    END IF; END;

In another example, we can create a trigger that is SCHEMA-wide in scope:

CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER create_trigger AFTER CREATE ON scott.SCHEMA BEGIN    RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR (num => -20000, msg =>    'Scott created an object');



PostgreSQL's implementation of CREATE TRIGGER offers a subset of features found in the ANSI standard. On PostgreSQL, a trigger may fire BEFORE a data-modification operation is attempted on a record and before any constraints are fired or it may fire AFTER a data-manipulation operation fires (and after constraints have been checked), making all operations involved in the transaction visible to the trigger. Finally, the trigger may fire INSTEAD OF the data-modification operation and completely replace the INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement with some other behavior. The CREATE TRIGGER syntax is:

CREATE TRIGGER trigger_name { BEFORE | AFTER } { {[DELETE] [OR | ,] [INSERT] [OR | ,] [UPDATE]} [OR ...] } ON table_name FOR EACH { ROW | STATEMENT } EXECUTE PROCEDURE function_name (parameters)

The parameters are:


Declares an additional trigger action. The OR keyword is a synonym for the comma delimiter.


Explicitly declares that the trigger acts on the row level. This is also the default. Although PostgreSQL does not reject the STATEMENT keyword, it does not enforce statement-level triggers.

EXECUTE PROCEDURE function_name (parameters)

Executes a previously defined function (created using CREATE FUNCTION) rather than a block of procedural code. (PostgreSQL does not have its own procedural language.)

The following is an example of a PostgreSQL BEFORE trigger that checks at a row level to ensure that the specified distributor code exists in the distributors table before inserting or updating a row in the sales table:

CREATE TRIGGER if_dist_exists BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON sales FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE check_primary_key    ('dist_id', 'distributors', 'dist_id');

BEFORE and AFTER triggers are supported by the ANSI standard. INSTEAD OF triggers on PostgreSQL completely skip the data-modification operation that triggered them in favor of code that you substitute for the data-modification operation.

SQL Server

SQL Server supports the basics of the ANSI standard with the addition of the INSTEAD OF trigger type and a column change check. It does not support the REFERENCING or WHEN clauses. Its syntax is:

{CREATE | ALTER} TRIGGER trigger_name ON table_name [WITH ENCRYPTION] {FOR | AFTER | INSTEAD OF} {[DELETE] [,] [INSERT] [,] [UPDATE]} [WITH APPEND] [NOT FOR REPLICATION] AS   [IF UPDATE(column) [{AND | OR} UPDATE(column)][...] ]   code_block


{CREATE | ALTER} TRIGGER trigger_name

Creates a new trigger of trigger_name or alters an existing trigger of trigger_name by adding or changing trigger properties or the trigger code_block. When altering an existing trigger, the permissions and dependencies of the existing trigger are maintained.

ON table_name

Declares the table or view that the trigger is dependent on. Views may have INSTEAD OF triggers defined on them, as long as they are updateable and do not have the WITH CHECK clause on them.


Encrypts the text of the CREATE TRIGGER statement as shown in the syscomments table. This option is useful to protect important intellectual property. WITH ENCRYPTION prevents the trigger from use in a SQL Server replication scheme.


Tells SQL Server when the trigger should fire. (FOR and AFTER are synonyms.) AFTER specifies that the trigger fire only after the triggering data-modification statement (and any cascading actions and constraint checks) have completed successfully. The INSTEAD OF trigger is similar to the ANSI BEFORE trigger in that the code of the trigger may completely replace the data-modification operation. It specifies that the trigger is executed instead of the data-modification statement that fired the trigger. INSTEAD OF DELETE triggers cannot be used when there is a cascading action on the delete. Only INSTEAD OF triggers can access TEXT, NTEXT, or IMAGE columns.


Adds an additional trigger of an existing type to a table or view. This clause is supported for backward compatibility with earlier versions of the product and can be used only with FOR triggers.


Prevents data-manipulation operations invoked through SQL Server's built-in replication engine from firing the trigger.

IF UPDATE(column) [{AND | OR} UPDATE(column)][...]

Allows you to chose the specific columns that fire the trigger. A column-specific trigger fires only on UPDATE and INSERT operations, but not on DELETE operations. If an UPDATE or INSERT occurs on any columns not in the column list, the trigger will not fire.

SQL Server allows multiple triggers for a given data-manipulation operation on a table or view. Thus, three UPDATE triggers are possible on a single table. Multiple AFTER triggers are possible on a given table. Their specific order is undefined, though the first and last triggers can be explicitly declared using the sp_settriggerorder system stored procedure. Only one INSTEAD OF trigger is possible per INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement on a given table.

In SQL Server, any combination of triggers is made possible in a single trigger definition statement by separating each option with a comma. (When doing so, the same code fires for each statement in the combination definition.)

SQL Server implicitly fires in the FOR EACH STATEMENT style of the ANSI standard.

SQL Server instantiates two important pseudotables when a trigger is fired: deleted and inserted. They are equivalent to the before and after pseudotables, respectively, described earlier in the ANSI Rules at a Glance section. These tables are identical in structure to the table on which the triggers are defined, except that they contain the old data before the data-modification statement fired (deleted) and the new values of the table after the data-modification statement fired (inserted).

The AS IF UPDATE(column) clause tests specifically for INSERT or UPDATE actions on a given column or columns, in the way the ANSI statement uses the UPDATE(column) syntax. Specify multiple columns by adding separate UPDATE(column) clauses after the first. Follow the AS IF UPDATE(column) clause with a Transact-SQL BEGIN...END block to allow the trigger to fire multiple Transact-SQL operations. This clause is functionally equivalent to the IF...THEN...ELSE operation.

In addition to intercepting data modification statements as shown in the ANSI SQL example, SQL Server allows you to perform other sorts of actions when a data modification operation occurs. In the following example, we've decided that the table sales_archive_2002 is off limits and that anyone who attempts to alter data in these tables is to be notified of that restriction:

CREATE TRIGGER archive_trigger ON sales_archive_2002 FOR INSERT, UPDATE AS RAISERROR (50009, 16, 10, 'No changes allowed to this table') GO

SQL Server does not allow the following statements within the Transact-SQL code_block of a trigger: ALTER, CREATE, DROP, DENY, GRANT, REVOKE, LOAD, RESTORE, RECONFIGURE, or TRUNCATE. In addition, it does not allow any DISK statements or the UPDATE STATISTICS command.

SQL Server also allows triggers to fire recursively using the recursive triggers setting of the sp_dboption system stored procedure. Recursive triggers, by their own action, cause themselves to fire again. For example, if an INSERT trigger on table T1 performs an INSERT operation on table T1, it might perform a recursive operation. Since recursive triggers can be dangerous, this functionality is disabled by default.

Similarly, SQL Server allows nested triggers up to 32 levels deep. If any one of the nested triggers performs a ROLLBACK operation, no further triggers execute. An example of nested triggers is a trigger on table T1 firing an operation against table T2, which also has a trigger that fires an operation against table T3. The triggers cancel if an infinite loop is encountered. Nested triggers are enabled with the nested triggers setting of the system stored procedure sp_configure. If nested triggers are disabled, recursive triggers are disabled as well, despite the recursive triggers setting of sp_dboption.

In the following example, we want to reroute the user activity that occurs on the people table, especially update transactions, so that changes to records in the people table are instead written to the people_reroute table. (A more elaborate version of the people table is shown in SQL Server in the CREATE/ALTER TABLE Statement section.) Our update trigger will record any changes to columns 2, 3, or 4 of the people table and write it to the people_reroute table. The trigger will also record which user issued the update transaction and the time of the transaction:

CREATE TABLE people    (people_id    CHAR(4),    people_name   VARCHAR(40),    people_addr   VARCHAR(40),    city          VARCHAR(20),    state         CHAR(2),    zip           CHAR(5),    phone         CHAR(12),    sales_rep     empid NOT NULL) GO CREATE TABLE people_reroute    (reroute_log_id       UNIQUEIDENTIFIER DEFAULT NEWID(),    reroute_log_type      CHAR (3) NOT NULL,    reroute_people_id     CHAR(4),    reroute_people_name   VARCHAR(40),    reroute_people_addr   VARCHAR(40),    reroute_city          VARCHAR(20),    reroute_state         CHAR(2),    reroute_zip           CHAR(5),    reroute_phone         CHAR(12),    reroute_sales_rep     empidNOT NULL,    reroute_user sysname DEFAULT SUSER_SNAME(),    reroute_changed datetime DEFAULT GETDATE()) GO CREATE TRIGGER update_person_data ON people FOR update AS IF (COLUMNS_UPDATED(people_name)    OR COLUMNS_UPDATEE(people_addr)    OR COLUMNS_UPDATED(city)) BEGIN -- Audit OLD record.    INSERT INTO people_reroute (reroute_log_type, reroute_people_id,       reroute_people_name, reroute_people_addr, reroute_city)    SELECT 'old', d.people_id, d.people_name, d.people_addr, d.city    FROM deleted AS d -- Audit NEW record.    INSERT INTO people_reroute (reroute_log_type, reroute_people_id,       reroute_people_name, reroute_people_addr, reroute_city)    SELECT 'new', n.people_id, n.people_name, n.people_addr, n.city    FROM inserted AS n END GO

Note that SQL Server CREATE statements allow deferred name resolution, meaning that a command is processed even if it refers to a database object that does not yet exist in the database.

See Also


The CREATE TYPE statement allows you to create a user-defined type (UDT); that is, a user-defined datatype or "class" in object-oriented terms. UDTs extend SQL capabilities into the realm of object-oriented programming by allowing inheritance and other object-oriented features. You can also create something called typed tables with the CREATE TABLE statement using a previously created type made with the CREATE TYPE statement. Typed tables are based on UDTs and are equivalent to "instantiated classes" from object-oriented programming.




Supported, with variations


Not supported


Supported, with limitations


Supported, with variations

SQL Server

Not supported

SQL2003 Syntax

CREATE TYPE type_name [UNDER supertype_name] [AS [new_udt_name] datatype [attribute] [,...]    {[REFERENCES ARE [NOT] CHECKED       [ON DELETE          {NO ACTION | CASCADE | RESTRICT | SET NULL | SET DEFAULT} ] ] |    [DEFAULT value] |    [COLLATE collation_name] } ]    [ [NOT] INSTANTIABLE]    [ [NOT] FINAL] [REF IS SYTEM GENERATED |    REF USING datatype      [CAST {(SOURCE AS REF) | (REF AS SOURCE) WITH identifier} ] |    REF new_udt_name [,...] } ] [CAST {(SOURCE AS DISTINCT) | (DISTINCT AS SOURCE)} WITH identifier] [method_definition [,...] ]

The syntax below alters an existing user-defined datatype:

ALTER TYPE type_name {ADD ATTRIBUTE type_definition |    DROP ATTRIBUTE type_name}


{CREATE | ALTER} TYPE type_name

Creates a new type or alters an existing type of type_name.

UNDER supertype_name

Creates a subtype that is dependent upon a single, pre-existing, named supertype. (A UDT can be a supertype if it is defined as NOT FINAL.)

AS [new_udt_name] datatype [attribute] [,...]

Defines attributes of the type as if they were column declarations in a CREATE TABLE statement without constraints. You should either define the UDT attribute on an existing datatype, like VARCHAR(10), or on another, previously created UDT or even on a user-defined domain. Defining a UDT using a predefined datatype (e.g., CREATE TYPE my_type AS INT) creates a distinct type, while a UDT defined with an attribute definition is a structured type. The allowable attributes for a structured type are below:


Produces an error when the foreign key is violated (the default).


A synonym for NO ACTION.


Sets the value of the referencing column to the value of the referenced column.


Sets the referencing column value to NULL.


Defines a default value for the UDT when no value is supplied by the user. Follows the rules of a DEFAULT in the CREATE/ALTER TABLE Statement section.

COLLATE collation_name

Assigns a collation that is, a sort order for the UDT. When omitted, the collation of the database where the UDT was created applies. Follows the rules of a COLLATION in the CREATE/ALTER TABLE Statement section.


Defines the UDT such that it can be instantiated. INSTANTIABLE is required for typed tables, but not standard UDTs.


Required for all UDTs. FINAL means the UDT may have no subtypes. NOT FINAL means the UDT may have subtypes.


Defines either a system-generated or user-generated reference specification that is, a sort of unique identifier that acts as a pointer that another type may reference. By referencing a pre-existing type using its reference specification, new types may inherit properties of pre-existing types. There are three ways to tell the DBMS how the typed table's reference column gets its values (i.e., its reference specification):

new_udt_name [,...]

Declares the reference specification is provided by another pre-existing UDT called new_udt_name.


Declares the reference specification is system-generated. (Think of an automatically incrementing column.) This is the default when the REF clause is omitted.

USING datatype [CAST {(SOURCE AS REF) | (REF AS SOURCE) WITH identifier]

Declares that the user defines the reference specification. You do this by using a predefined datatype and optionally casting the value. You can CAST (SOURCE AS REF) WITH identifier to cast the value with the specified datatype to the reference type of the structured type. You can CAST (REF AS SOURCE) WITH identifier to cast the value for the structured type to the datatype. The WITH clause allows you to declare an additional identifier for the cast datatype.

CAST {(SOURCE AS DISTINCT) | (DISTINCT AS SOURCE)} WITH identifier method_definition [,...]

Defines one or more pre-existing methods for the UDT. A method is merely a specialized user-defined function and is created using the CREATE METHOD statement (see CREATE FUNCTION). The method_definition clause is not needed for structured types since their method(s) are implicitly created. The default characteristics of a method are LANGUAGE SQL, PARAMETER STYLE SQL, NOT DETERMINISTIC, CONTAINS SQL, and RETURN NULL ON NULL INPUT.

ADD ATTRIBUTE type_definition

Adds an additional attribute to an existing UDT, using the format described earlier under the AS clause. Available via the ALTER TYPE statement.


Drops an attribute from an existing UDT. Available via the ALTER TYPE statement.

Rules at a Glance

You are able to create user-defined types (UDTs) as a way to further ensure data integrity in your database and to ease the work involved in doing so. An important concept of UDTs is that they allow you to easily create subtypes. Subtypes are UDTs built upon other UDTs (the supertype). Subtypes inherit the characteristics of their supertypes. The UDT that subtypes are dependent on is called a parent type or supertype.

Assume, for example, that you want to define a general UDT for phone numbers called phone_nbr. You could then easily build new subtypes of phone_nbr called home_phone, work_phone, cell_phone, pager_phone, etc. Each of the subtypes could then inherit the general characteristics of the parent type, but then have characteristics of their own. In the following example, we create a general root UDT called money and then several subtypes:

CREATE TYPE money (phone_number DECIMAL (10,2))    NOT FINAL; CREATE TYPE dollar UNDER money AS DECIMAL(10,2)    (conversion_rate DECIMAL(10,2)) NOT FINAL; CREATE TYPE euro   UNDER money AS DECIMAL(10,2)    (dollar_conversion_rate DECIMAL(10,2)) NOT FINAL; CREATE TYPE pound  UNDER euro    (euro_conversion_rate DECIMAL(10,2)) FINAL;

Programming Tips and Gotchas

The biggest programming gotcha for user-defined types is that they are simply seldom used or well understood by most database developers and database administrators. Consequently, they can be problematic due to simple ignorance. They offer, however, a consistent and labor-saving approach for representing commonly reused conceptual elements in a database, such as address (e.g., street1, street2, city, state, postal code).


DB2 supports most elements of the ANSI standard with a few specific enhancements. The CREATE TYPE syntax is:

CREATE [DISTINCT] TYPE type_name [UNDER supertype_name] [AS [new_udt_name] datatype [WITH COMPARISONS] [[NOT] INSTANTIABLE] [INLINE LENGTH int] [WITHOUT COMPARISONS]  [NOT FINAL] MODE DB2SQL [REF USING datatype] [CAST {(SOURCE AS REF) | (REF AS SOURCE)}   WITH identifier } ] [[OVERRIDING] METHOD method_definition [,...] ]

The syntax below alters an existing user-defined datatype on DB2:

ALTER TYPE type_name {ADD ATTRIBUTE type_definition |    DROP ATTRIBUTE type_name [RESTRICT] |    ADD METHOD method_definition |    ALTER METHOD method_name [[NOT] FENCED] [[NOT] THREADSAFE] |    DROP METHOD method_name [RESTRICT] }

The parameters are:


Defines a distinct type. A distinct type is always sourced from one of the existing datatypes that ships with DB2. CREATE DISTINCT TYPE generates one or more function to cast between the distinct type and its source type.


Generates support for the comparison operators (=, <>, <, <=, >, and >=) for use with a distinct type. This clause is used only with CREATE DISTINCT TYPE. Even when creating a distinct type, WITH COMPARISONS should not be used if the source datatype is BLOB, CLOB, DBCLOB, LONG VARCHAR, LONG VARGRAPHIC, or DATALINK.


Defines the maximum length in bytes, int, of a structured type column. When omitted, DB2 calculates the maximum length itself.


Declares that there are no comparison functions supported for the structure type.


This is a required clause needed to maintain ANSI compliance.


Declares that the method of a subtype overrides a method of the same name on the supertype. This allows easy reimplementation of methods in subtypes.

METHOD method_definition [,...]

DB2 supports a number of SQL routine characteristics and external routine characteristics on the method_definition. In short, you must define a method in the CREATE/ALTER TYPE statement, but then you must also define the implementation of the method using CREATE METHOD. Creating methods are explained in CREATE/ALTER FUNCTION/PROCEDURE Statements.

ADD METHOD method_definition

Adds a new method, method_definition, to the existing type, type_name. However, the method is not usable until a CREATE METHOD statement defines the implementation of the method.

ALTER METHOD method_name

Alters a method, but the method must not be LANGUAGE SQL.


Declares whether the method is safe to run in the database's operating system process (NOT FENCED) or not (FENCED). NOT FENCED methods can introduce integrity problems when not adequately set up to prevent errors. This clause is incompatible with NOT THREADSAFE.


Declares whether the method is safe to run in the same process as other routines (THREADSAFE) or not (NOT THREADSAFE).

DROP METHOD method_name

Drops an existing method of method_name.


Disallows an attribute or method from being dropped when the type, type_name, is used in other existing objects, such as a table, view, column, index extension, etc.

In this example, we create a supertype for employee and a subtype for manager:

CREATE TYPE employee AS    (last_name VARCHAR(32),     emp_id    INT,     dept      REF(dept),     salary    DECIMAL(10,2)) MODE DB2SQL; CREATE TYPE manager UNDER emp AS    (bonus DECIMAL(10,2)) MODE DB2SQL;

The following example shows a more elaborate type hierarchy for addresses:

CREATE TYPE address_type AS    (street1       VARCHAR(30),     street2       VARCHAR(30),     city          VARCHAR(30),     state         VARCHAR(10),     locality_code CHAR(15)) NOT FINAL MODE DB2SQL    METHOD SAMEZIP (addr address_type)    RETURNS INTEGER    LANGUAGE SQL    DETERMINISTIC    CONTAINS SQL    NO EXTERNAL ACTION    METHOD DISTANCE (address_type)    RETURNS FLOAT    LANGUAGE C    DETERMINISTIC    PARAMETER STYLE SQL    NO SQL    NO EXTERNAL ACTION CREATE TYPE spain_address_type UNDER address_type AS    (family_name VARCHAR(30)) NOT FINAL MODE DB2SQL CREATE TYPE usa_address_type UNDER address_type AS    (zip VARCHAR(10)) NOT FINAL MODE DB2SQL

In the above example, we created a type called address_type with two subtypes: spain_address_type and usa_address_type.

The example that follows shows how to create a distinct type in DB2 used to identify an employee mailstop.


In essence, the type mailstop now functions like a regular datatype and may be used to create columns in tables, variables in stored procedures, etc. The WITH COMPARISONS clause tells DB2 to create the standard pre-existing system operators for use with the distinct type. Specific functions, such as AVG, MIN, or LENGTH, may not work unless the CREATE FUNCTION statement is used to register the function for the distinct type.


Not supported.


Oracle has CREATE TYPE and ALTER TYPE statements, but they are not ANSI standard. Instead of a single CREATE TYPE statement, Oracle uses CREATE TYPE BODY to define the code that makes up the UDT, while CREATE TYPE defines the argument specification for the type. The syntax for CREATE TYPE is:

CREATE [OR REPLACE] TYPE type_name [AUTHID {DEFINER | CURRENT_USER} ] { [ UNDER supertype_name] |   {AS | IS} [OID 'object_identifier']   {OBJECT | TABLE OF datatype | VARRAY (limit) OF datatype} ] }        EXTERNAL NAME java_ext_name LANGUAGE JAVA USING data_definition        { [ (attribute datatype [,...] [EXTERNAL NAME 'name'] |          [[NOT] OVERRIDING] [[NOT] FINAL] [[NOT] INSTANTIABLE]             [{ {MEMBER | STATIC}             {function_based | procedure_based} | constructor_clause |             map_clause } [...] ]          [pragma_clause] ] }

Once the type has been declared, you encapsulate all of the UDT logic in the type body declaration. The type_name for both the CREATE TYPE and CREATE TYPE BODY should be identical. The syntax for the type body is shown below:

CREATE [OR REPLACE] TYPE BODY type_name {AS | IS} {{MEMBER | STATIC} {function_based | procedure_based | constructor_clause}}[...] [map_clause]

Oracle's implementation of ALTER TYPE enables you to drop or add attributes and methods from the type:

ALTER TYPE type_name   {COMPILE [DEBUG] [{SPECIFICATION | BODY}]      [compiler_directives] [REUSE SETTINGS] |    REPLACE [AUTHID {DEFINER | CURRENT_USER}] AS OBJECT       (attribute datatype [,...] [element_definition [,...] ]) |    [[NOT] OVERRIDING] [[NOT] FINAL] [[NOT] INSTANTIABLE]   { {ADD | DROP} { {MAP | ORDER} MEMBER FUNCTION function_name       (parameter datatype [,...]) } |     { {MEMBER | STATIC} {function_based | procedure_based} |        constructor_clause | map_clause } [...] |     {ADD | DROP | MODIFY} ATTRIBUTE (attribute [datatype] [,...]) |     MODIFY {LIMIT int | ELEMENT TYPE datatype} } [ {INVALIDATE |    CASCADE [{ [NOT] INCLUDING TABLE DATA | CONVERT TO SUBSTITUTABLE}]       [FORCE] [EXCEPTIONS INTO table_name] } ]

Parameters for the three statements are as follows:


Recreates the UDT if it already exists. Objects that depend on the type are marked as DISABLE after you recreate the type.


Determines what user permissions any member functions or procedures are executed under and how external name references are resolved. (Note that subtypes inherit the permission style of their supertype.) This clause can only be used with an OBJECT type, not with a VARRAY type or nested table type, according to the following keywords:


Executes functions or procedures under the privileges of the user who created the UDT. Also specifies that unqualified object names (object names without a schema definition) in SQL statements are resolved to the schema where the member functions or procedures reside.


Executes functions or procedures under the privileges of the user who invoked the UDT. Also specifies that unqualified object names in SQL statements are resolved to the schema of the user who invoked the UDT.

UNDER supertype_name

Declares that the UDT is a subtype of another, pre-existing UDT. The supertype UDT must be created with the AS OBJECT clause. A subtype will inherit the properties of the supertype, though you should override or add new properties to differentiate it from the supertype.

OID 'object_identifier'

Declares an equivalent identical object, of name 'object_identifier', in more than one database. This clause is most commonly used by those developing Oracle Data Cartridges and is seldom used in standard SQL statement development.


Creates the UDT as a root object type, the top level object in a UDT hierarchy of objects.

AS TABLE OF datatype

Creates a named nested table type of a UDT called datatype. The datatype cannot be an NCLOB, but CLOB or BLOB are acceptable. If the datatype is an object type, then the columns of the nested table must match the name and attributes of the object type.

AS VARRAY (limit) OF datatype

Creates the UDT as an ordered set of elements, all of the same datatype. The limit is an integer of zero or more. The type name must be a built-in datatype, a REF, or an object type. The VARRAY cannot contain LOB or XMLType datatypes.

EXTERNAL NAME java_ext_name LANGUAGE JAVA USING data_definition

Maps a Java class to a SQL UDT by specifying the name of a public Java external class, java_ext_name. Once defined, all objects in a Java class must be Java objects. The data_definition may be SQLData, CustomDatum, or OraData as defined in the "Oracle9i JDBC Developers Guide." You can map many Java object types to the same class, but there are two restrictions. First, do not map to the same class two or more subtypes of a common datatype. Second, subtypes must be mapped to an immediate subclass of the class that their supertype is mapped to.


Declares the attributes and datatypes used by the UDT. Oracle does not allow ROWID, LONG, LONG ROW, or UROWID. Nested tables and varrays do not allow attributes of AnyType, AnyData, or AnyDataSet.


Declares that this method overrides a MEMBER method defined in the supertype (OVERRIDING) or not (NOT OVERRIDING), the default. This clause is valid only for MEMBER clauses.


Describes the way in which subprograms are associated with the UDT as attributes. MEMBER has an implicit first argument referenced as SELF, as in object_expression.method(). STATIC has no implicit arguments, as in type_name.method(). The following basis are allowed to call subprograms:


Declares a subprogram that is function-based using the syntax:

FUNCTION function_name ( parameter datatype [,...])


return_clause |java_object_clause}

The function_name cannot be the name of any existing attribute, include those inherited from supertypes. This clause allows you to define the PL/SQL function-based UDT body without resorting to the CREATE TYPE BODY statement. The return_clause and java_object_clause are defined in the following text.


Declares a subprogram that is function-based using the syntax:

PROCEDURE procedure_name (parameter datatype [,...])  {AS | IS} LANGUAGE {java_call_spec | c_call_spec}

Refer to the entry on java and c_call_spec later in this list. This clause allows you to define the PL/SQL procedure-based UDT body without resorting to the CREATE TYPE BODY statement. The procedure_name cannot be the name of any existing attribute, include those inherited from supertypes.


Declares one or more constructor specifications using the syntax:

[FINAL] [INSTANTIABLE] CONSTRUCTOR FUNCTION datatype     [ ([SELF IN OUT datatype ,] {parameter datatype [,...]) ]  RETURN SELF AS RESULT     [ {AS | IS} LANGUAGE {java_call_spec | c_call_spec}

A constructor specification is a function that returns an initialized instance of a UDT. Constructor specifications are always FINAL, INSTANTIABLE, and SELF IN OUT, so these keywords are not required. The java_call_spec and c_call_spec subclauses may be replaced with a PL/SQL code block in the CREATE TYPE BODY statement. (Refer to the entries on java_call_spec and c_call_spec later in this list.)


Declares the mapping or ordering of a supertype using the syntax:

{MAP | ORDER} MEMBER function_based

Refer to the entry on function_based earlier in this list. MAP uses more efficient algorithms for object comparison and is best in situations when performing extensive sorting or hash joins. MAP MEMBER specifies the relative position of a given instance in the ordering of all instances of the UDT. ORDER MEMBER specifies the explicit position of an instance and references a function_based subprogram that returns a NUMBER datatype value.


Declares the datatype return format of the SQL UDT using the syntax:

 RETURN datatype [ {AS | IS} LANGUAGE {java_call_spec |        c_call_spec}.


Declares the return format of the Java UDT using the syntax:

RETURN {datatype | SELF AS RESULT} EXTERNAL [VARIABLE] NAME       'java_name'

If you use the EXTERNAL clause, the value of the public Java method must be compatible with the SQL returned value.


Declares a pragma restriction (that is, an Oracle precompiler directive) for the type using the syntax:


This feature is deprecated and should be avoided. It is intended to control how UDTs read and write database tables and variables. The parameters in the PRAGMA syntax are:


Applies the pragma to all methods in the type that don't have another pragma in place.


Identifies the exact method to which to apply the pragma.


Reads no database state no database reads allowed.


Writes no database state no database writes allowed.


Reads no package state no package reads allowed.


Writes no package state no package writes allowed.


States that the restrictions of the pragma are assumed but not enforced.


Identifies the Java implementation of a method using the syntax JAVA NAME 'string'. This clause allows you to define the Java UDT body without resorting to the CREATE TYPE BODY statement.


Declares a C language call specification using the syntax:

C [NAME name] LIBRARY lib_name [AGENT IN (argument) ]  [WITH CONTEXT] [PARAMETERS (parameter [,...] ]

This clause allows you to define the C UDT body without resorting to the CREATE TYPE BODY statement.


Compiles the object type specification and body. This is the default when neither a SPECIFICATION clause nor a BODY clause are defined.


Defines a special value for the PL/SQL compiler in the format: directive = 'value'. The directives are: PLSQL_OPTIMIZE_LEVEL, PLSQL_CODE_TYPE, PLSQL_DEBUG, PLSQL_WARNINGS, and NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS. They may each specify a value once in the statement. The directive is valid only for the unit being compiled.


Generates and stores additional codes for the PL/SQL debugger. Do not specify both DEBUG and the compiler_directive PLSQL_DEBUG.


Chooses whether to recompile the SPECIFICATION of the object type (created by the CREATE TYPE statement) or the BODY (created by the CREATE TYPE BODY statement).


Defines a special value for the PL/SQL compiler in the format: directive = 'value'. The directives are: PLSQL_OPTIMIZE_LEVEL, PLSQL_CODE_TYPE, PLSQL_DEBUG, PLSQL_WARNINGS, and NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS. They may each specify a value once in the statement. The directive is valid only for the unit being compiled.


Retains the original value for the compiler_directives mentioned earlier.


Adds new member subtypes to the specification. This clause is valid only for object types.


Indicates the method overrides a MEMBER method defined in the supertype. This clause is only valid with MEMBER methods and is required for methods that define (or redefine using ALTER) a supertype method. NOT OVERRIDING is the default if this clause is omitted.


Adds a new MEMBER function, function- or procedure-based subprogram, or attribute to the UDT.


Drops an existing MEMBER function, function- or procedure-based subprogram, or attribute from the UDT.


Alters the properties of an existing attribute of the UDT.


Increases the number of elements in a VARRAY collection type up to int, as long as int is greater than the current number of elements in the VARRAY. It is not valid for nested tables.


Increases the precision, size, or length of a scalar datatype of a VARRAY or nested table. This clause is valid for any non-object collection type. If the collection is a NUMBER, you may increase its precision or scale. If the collection is RAW, you may increase its maximum size. If the collection is VARCHAR2 or NVARCHAR2, you may increase its maximum length.


Invalidates all dependent objects without checks.


Cascades the change to all subtypes and tables. By default, the action will be rolled back if any errors are encountered in the dependent types or tables.


Converts data stored in the UDT columns to the most recent version of the column's type (INCLUDING TABLE DATA), the default, or not (NOT INCLUDING TABLE DATA). When NOT, Oracle checks the metadata, but does not check or update the dependent table data.


Used when changing a type from FINAL to NOT FINAL. The altered type then can be used in substitutable tables and columns, as well as in subtypes, instances of dependent tables, and columns.


Causes the CASCADE operation to go forward, ignoring any errors found in dependent subtypes and tables. All errors are logged to a previously created EXCEPTIONS table.


Logs all error data to a table previously created using the system package called DBMS_UTILITY.CREATE_ALTER_TYPE_ERROR_TABLE.

In this example, we create a Java SQLJ object type called address_type:

CREATE TYPE address_type AS OBJECT    EXTERNAL NAME 'scott.address' LANGUAGE JAVA    USING SQLDATA (street1 VARCHAR(30) EXTERNAL NAME 'str1',       street2              VARCHAR(30) EXTERNAL NAME 'str2',       city                 VARCHAR(30) EXTERNAL NAME 'city',       state                CHAR(2)     EXTERNAL NAME 'st',       locality_code        CHAR(15)    EXTERNAL NAME 'lc',       STATIC FUNCTION square_feet RETURN NUMBER          EXTERNAL VARIABLE NAME 'square_feet',       STATIC FUNCTION create_addr (str VARCHAR,          City VARCHAR, state VARCHAR, zip NUMBER)          RETURN address_type          EXTERNAL NAME 'create (java.lang.String,             java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int)             return scott.address',       MEMBER FUNCTION rtrims RETURN SELF AS RESULT          EXTERNAL NAME 'rtrim_spaces () return scott.address') NOT FINAL;

We could create a UDT using a VARRAY type with four elements:

CREATE TYPE employee_phone_numbers AS VARRAY(4) OF CHAR(14);

In the following example, we alter the address_type that we created earlier by adding a VARRAY called phone_varray:

ALTER TYPE address_type    ADD ATTRIBUTE (phone phone_varray) CASCADE;

In this last example, we'll create a supertype and subtype called menu_item_type and entry_type, respectively:


In the above example, we created a type specification (but not the type body) that defines items that may appear on a menu at a caf. Included with the type specification is a subprogram method called fresh_today, a Boolean indicator that tells whether the menu item is made fresh that day. The NOT FINAL clause that appears at the end of the code tells Oracle that this type may serve as the supertype (or base type) to other subtypes that we might derive from it. So now, let's create the entre_type:

CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE entry_type UNDER menu_item_type (entre_id INTEGER, desc_of_entre VARCHAR2(500),    OVERRIDING MEMBER FUNCTIOIN fresh_today    RETURN BOOLEAN)



PostgreSQL supports a CREATE TYPE statement used to create a new datatype, but does not support an ALTER TYPE statement. PostgreSQL's implementation of the CREATE TYPE statement is nonstandard:

CREATE TYPE type_name   (INPUT = input_function_name,     OUTPUT = output_function_name,     INTERNALLENGTH = { int | VARIABLE } [, DEFAULT = value] [, ELEMENT = array_element_datatype ] [, DELIMITER = delimiter_character ]  [, PASSEDBYVALUE ] [, ALIGNMENT = {CHAR | INT2 | INT4 | DOUBLE} ] [, STORAGE = {PLAIN | EXTERNAL | EXTENDED | MAIN} ])

The parameters are as follows:

CREATE TYPE type_name

Creates a new user-defined datatype called type_name. The name may not exceed 30 characters in length nor begin with an underscore.

INPUT = input_function_name

Declares the name of a previously created function that converts external argument values into a form usable by the type's internal form.

OUTPUT = output_function_name

Declares the name of a previously created function that converts internal output values to a display format.


Specifies a numeric value, int, for the internal length of the new type, if the datatype is fixed length. The keyword VARIABLE declares that the internal length is variable. The default is VARIABLE.

DEFAULT = value

Defines a value for type when it defaults.

ELEMENT = array_element_datatype

Declares that the datatype is an array and that array_element_datatype is the datatype of the array elements. For example, an array containing integer values would be ELEMENT = INT4. In general, you should allow the array_element_datatype value to default. The only time you might want to override the default is when creating a fixed-length UDT composed of an array of multiple identical elements that need to be directly accessible by subscripting.

DELIMITER = delimiter_character

Declares a character used as a delimiter between output values of an array produced by the type. Only used with the ELEMENT clause. The default is a comma.


Specifies that the values of the datatype are passed by value and not by reference. The optional clause cannot be used for types whose value is longer than the DATUM datatype (4 bytes on most operating systems, 8 bytes on a few others).


Defines a storage alignment for the type. Four datatypes are allowed, with each one equating to a specific boundary. CHAR equals a 1-byte boundary. INT2 equals a 2-byte boundary. INT4 equals a 4-byte boundary (the requirement for a variable-length UDT on PostgreSQL). DOUBLE equals an 8-byte boundary.


Defines a storage technique for variable-length UDTs. (PLAIN is required for fixed-length UDTs.) Four types are allowed:


Stores the UDT in-line, when declared as the datatype of a column in a table, and uncompressed.


Stores the UDT outside of the table without trying to compress it first.


Stores the UDT as a compressed value if it fits inside of the table. If it is still too long, PostgreSQL will save the UDT outside of the table.


Stores the UDT as a compressed value within the table. There are situations where PostgreSQL cannot save the UDT within the table because it is just too large. The MAIN storage parameter puts the highest emphasis on storing UDTs with all other table data.

When you create a new datatype in PostgreSQL, it is available only in the current database. The user who created the datatype is the owner.

In order to create a new datatype, you must create at least two functions before defining the type (see CREATE/ALTER FUNCTION/PROCEDURE Statements"). In summary, you must create an INPUT function that provides the type with external values that can be used by the operators and functions defined for the type. You must also create an OUTPUT function that renders a usable external representation of the datatype. There are some additional requirements when creating the input and output functions:

  • The input function should either take one argument of type OPAQUE or take three arguments of OPAQUE, OID, and INT4. In the latter case, OPAQUE is the input text of a C string, OID is the element type for array types, and the INT4 (if known) is the typemod of the destination column.

  • The output function should either take one argument of type OPAQUE or take two arguments of OPAQUE and OID. In the latter case, OPAQUE is the datatype itself and the OID is the element type for array types, if needed.

For example, we can create a UDT called floorplan and use it to define a column in two tables, one called house and one called condo:

CREATE TYPE floorplan    (INTERNALLENGTH=12, INPUT=squarefoot_calc_proc,    OUTPUT=out_floorplan_proc); CREATE TABLE house    (house_plan_id        int4,     size              floorplan,     descrip        varchar(30)); CREATE TABLE condo    (condo_plan_id        INT4,     size              floorplan,     descrip        varchar(30)

    location_id   varchar(7));

SQL Server

Not supported. New datatypes can be added to SQL Server using the non-ANSI system stored procedure sp_addtype.

See Also


This statement creates a view, also known as a virtual table. A view acts just like a table but is actually defined as a query. When a view is referenced in a statement, the result set of the query becomes the content of the view for the duration of that statement. Almost any valid SELECT statement can define the contents of a view, though some platforms restrict the certain clauses of the SELECT statement and certain set operators.

In some cases, views can be updated, causing the view changes to be translated to the underlying data in the base tables. Some database platforms support a materialized view; that is, a physically created table that is defined with a query just like a view.

ALTER VIEW is not an ANSI-supported statement.




Supported, with variations


Not supported


Supported, with variations


Supported, with variations

SQL Server

Supported, with variations

SQL2003 Syntax

CREATE [RECURSIVE] VIEW view_name {[(column [,...])] | [OF udt_name [UNDER supertype_name    [REF IS column_name {SYSTEM GENERATED | USER GENERATED | DERIVED} ]    [column_name WITH OPTIONS SCOPE table_name] ] } AS select_statement [WITH [CASCADED | LOCAL] CHECK OPTION]


CREATE VIEW view_name

Creates a new view using the supplied name.


Creates a view that derives values from itself. It must have a column clause and may not use the WITH clause.

[(column [,...])]

Names all of the columns in the view. The number of columns declared here must match the number of columns generated by the select_statement. When omitted, the columns assume the names of the columns that they come from. This clause is required when one or more of the columns is derived and does not have a base table column to reference.

OF udt_name [UNDER supertype_name]

Defines the view on a UDT rather than on the column clause. The typed view is created using each attribute of the type as a column in the view. Use the UNDER clause to define a view on a subtype.


Defines the object-ID column for the view.

column_name WITH OPTIONS SCOPE table_name

Provides scoping for a reference column in the view. (Since the columns are derived from the type, there is no column list. Therefore, to specify column options, you must use "column_name WITH OPTIONS...".)

AS select_statement

Defines the exact SELECT statement that provides the data of the view.


Used only on views that allow updates to their base table. It ensures that only data that may be read by the view may be inserted, updated, or deleted by the view. For example, if a view of employees showed salaried employees but not hourly employees, it would be impossible to insert, update, or delete hourly employees through that view. The CASCADED and LOCAL options of the CHECK OPTION clause are used for nested views. CASCADED performs the check option for the current view and all views it is built on top of. LOCAL performs the check option only for the current view, even when it is built upon other views.

Rules at a Glance

Views are usually as effective as the queries upon which they are based. That is why it is important to be sure that the defining SELECT statement is speedy and well-written. The simplest view is based on the entire contents of a single table:

CREATE VIEW employees AS SELECT * FROM employee_tbl;

A column list also may be specified after the view name. The optional column list contains aliases serving as names for each element in the result set of the SELECT statement. If you use a column list, then you must provide a name for every column returned by the SELECT statement. If you don't use a column list, then the columns of the view will be named whatever the columns in the SELECT statement are called. You will sometimes see complex SELECT statements within a view that make heavy use of AS clauses for all columns, because that allows the developer of the view to put meaningful names on the columns without including a column list.

The ANSI standard defines that you must use a column list or an AS clause. However, some vendors allow more flexibility, so follow these rules for when to use an AS clause:

  • When the SELECT statement contains calculated columns, such as (salary * 1.04)

  • When the SELECT statement contains fully qualified column names, such as pubs.scott.employee

  • When the SELECT statement contains more than one column of the same name (though with separate schema or database prefixes)

For example, the following two view declarations have the same functional result:

-- using a column-list CREATE VIEW title_and_authors    (title, author_order, author, price, avg_monthly_sales,    publisher) AS SELECT t.title, ta.au_ord, a.au_lname, t.price, (t.ytd_sales / 12),    t.pub_id FROM authors AS a JOIN titleauthor AS ta ON a.au_id = ta.au_id JOIN titles AS t ON t.title_id = ta.title_id WHERE t.advance > 0; -- using the AS clause with each column CREATE VIEW title_and_authors AS SELECT t.title AS title, ta.au_ord AS author_order,    a.au_lname AS author, t.price AS price,    (t.ytd_sales / 12) AS avg_monthly_sales, t.pub_id AS publisher FROM authors AS a JOIN titleauthor AS ta ON a.au_id = ta.au_id JOIN titles AS t ON t.title_id = ta.title_id WHERE t.advance > 0

You can alternately change the title of columns using the column list. In this case, we'll change avg_monthly_sales to avg_sales. Note that the code overrides the default column names provided by the AS clauses (in bold):

CREATE VIEW title_and_authors    (title, author_order, author, price, avg_sales, publisher) AS SELECT t.title AS title, ta.au_ord AS author_order,    a.au_lname AS author, t.price AS price,    (t.ytd_sales / 12) AS avg_monthly_sales, t.pub_id AS publisher FROM authors AS a JOIN titleauthor AS ta ON a.au_id = ta.au_id JOIN titles AS t ON t.title_id = ta.title_id WHERE t.advance > 0;

ANSI standard view can update the base table(s) it is based upon if it meets the following conditions:

  • The view does not have UNION, EXCEPT, or INTERSECT operators.

  • The defining SELECT statement does not contain GROUP BY or HAVING clauses.

  • The defining SELECT statement does not contain any reference to non-ANSI pseudo-columns such as ROWNUM or ROWGUIDCOL.

  • The defining SELECT statement does not contain the DISTINCT clause.

  • The view is not materialized.

This example shows a view named california_authors that allows data modifications to apply only to authors within the state of California:

CREATE VIEW california_authors AS SELECT au_lname, au_fname, city, state FROM authors WHERE state = 'CA' WITH LOCAL CHECK OPTION

The view shown in this example would accept INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE statements against the base table, but still maintain that all inserted, updated, or deleted records contain a state of 'CA' using the WITH ... CHECK clause.

The most important rule to remember when updating a base table through a view is that all columns in a table that are defined as NOT NULL must receive a not null value when receiving a new or changed value. You can do this explicitly by directly inserting or updating a not null value into the column or by relying on a default value. In addition, views do not lift constraints on the base table. Thus, the values being inserted or updated into the base table must meet all the constraints placed on it by unique indexes, primary keys, CHECK constraints, etc.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

Views also can be built upon other views, but this is inadvisable and usually considered bad practice. Depending on the platform, such a view may take longer to compile, but may offer the same performance as a transaction against the base table(s). On other platforms, where each view is dynamically created as it is invoked, nested views may take a long time to return a result set because each level of nesting means another query must be processed before a result set is returned to the user. So in this worst case scenario, a three-level nested view must make three correlated query calls before it can return results to the user.

Although materialized views are defined like views, they take up space more like tables. Ensure that you have enough space available for the creation of materialized views.


DB2 supports a number of extensions to the ANSI standard CREATE VIEW statement:

CREATE VIEW view_name { [ (column [,...]) ] | [OF type_name MODE DB2SQL       { (REF IS objectid_column_name USER GENERATED             [UNCHECKED] [, with_options]) |          UNDER parent_view_name INHERIT SELECT PRIVILEGES        [ (with_options) ] } AS [WITH common_table_expression [, ...] ] (select_statement) [WITH {CASCADE | LOCAL} CHECK OPTION]

The ALTER VIEW syntax is:

ALTER VIEW view_name ALTER [COLUMN] column_name ADD SCOPE type_name

Parameters for both statements are as follows:

OF type_name MODE DB2SQL

Declares that the columns of the view are derived from attributes of a structured type called type_name. MODE DB2SQL indicates the type is DB2's version of a typed view.

REF IS objectid_column_name USER GENERATED

Declares that the object identifier column appears as the first column in the view. That first column in the SELECT clause of the view must be a REF type. In this case, the objectID is required on the topmost (i.e., root) view of a view hierarchy. The root view must be a typed view containing the OF clause that is not a subview. The USER GENERATED clause specifies that the first value of the objectID must be provided by the user. From then on, the value is maintained by the system.


Declares that the user is certain that all values in first column of the SELECT clause are unique and are not null. Uniqueness may be enforced by a primary key, unique key, unique index, OID-column definition, or an external method. This setting is usually optional, but is required for views in a typed hierarchy.


Declares that the view is a subview of the previously declared view parent_view_name. The child and parent views must be in the same schema. The parent view must have been declared with the REF clause and must be sourced from a structured type. The parent view named cannot have any subviews of the same structured type as the view being created. The INHERIT SELECT PRIVILEGES clause entitles any user or role with SELECT privileges on the parent view to also have SELECT privileges on all subviews.


Declares additional options for specific columns of the view. Multiple options are allowed by placing a comma between each option. The full syntax of the with_options clause is:

{column_name WITH OPTIONS {READ ONLY | SCOPE typed_name} [,...] }      [,...]

The parameters are:


Specifies that a column is read-only.

SCOPE type_name

Specifies the scope of a reference type column where type_name is the name of the typed table or view. A scope is required for any column serving as the left operand of a dereference operator or as the argument of the DEREF function.

WITH common_table_expression

Associates a common table expression with the SELECT statement of the view. This clause is incompatible with typed views.


Declares that any rows inserted or updated through the view must conform to the definition of the view. Any row that couldn't also be returned by the view cannot, therefore, be inserted or updated through it. When omitted, no checking of inserted or updated data is done beyond the constraints that exist on the source table. WITH CHECK OPTION is not allowed for read-only views, views with an INSTEAD OF trigger, or views that reference a nicknamed source, NODENUMBER or PARTITION functions, non-deterministic functions, or functions with external actions. The following WITH CHECK OPTION options are available:


Causes the search conditions of the current view to inherit the search conditions of any updateable view that the current view is based on. With this option, the current view has its own WHERE clause implicitly appended with an AND keyword to the WHERE clause of the view it depends on.


Applies the search conditions of the current view to any views that depend on it.

ALTER [COLUMN] column_name ADD SCOPE type_name

Allows you to add scope characteristics to an existing view.

The SELECT statement of a view should be a standard SELECT statement and cannot contain any of the following:

  • Temporary tables

  • Parameter markers

  • Referenced host variables

You can get around the limitation on parameterized views by making a user-defined function based on a SQL table.

A typed view or subview must follow some specific rules:

  • The SELECT statement of the view cannot reference DBPARTITIONNUM or HASHEDVALUE functions, functions with external actions, or any non-deterministic function.

  • The view can contain a single SELECT statement. More SELECT statements can be added by using a UNION ALL clause between each one. (DB2 refers to a query with multiple SELECT statements as having multiple branches.)

  • Branches should not cross hierarchies.

  • Branches of a typed view should not contain GROUP BY or HAVING clauses.

  • The root view should contain the UNCHECKED clause if it contains branches.

The following is an example including types, a typed table, and a view hierarchy, built around people_type and emp_type:

CREATE TYPE people_type   AS (name VARCHAR(20), address VARCHAR(100))   MODE DB2SQL   CAST (SOURCE AS REF) WITH people_func; CREATE TYPE emp_type   UNDER people_type   AS (title VARCHAR(20), salary DECIMAL(8,2))   MODE DB2SQL   CAST (SOURCE AS REF) WITH emp_func; CREATE TABLE people   OF people_type   (REF IS people_oid USER GENERATED); INSERT INTO people (people_oid, name, address)   VALUES (people_func('0'), 'Sammy', '123 Lane'); CREATE TABLE emp   OF emp_type   UNDER people INHERIT SELECT PRIVILEGES; INSERT INTO emp (people_oid, name, address, title, salary)   VALUES (emp_func('1'), 'Josh', '123 Street', 'Director', 1000); CREATE VIEW people_view   OF people_type   MODE DB2SQL   (REF IS people_view_oid USER GENERATED)   AS SELECT people_func (VARCHAR(people_oid)), name, address     FROM ONLY (people); CREATE VIEW emp_view   OF emp_type   MODE DB2SQL   UNDER people_view INHERIT SELECT PRIVILEGES   AS SELECT emp_func (VARCHAR(people_oid)), name,       address, title, salary         FROM emp; SELECT *   FROM people_view; PEOPLE_VIEW_OID  NAME   ADDRESS ---------------  -----  --------------- x'30'            Sammy  123 Lane x'31'            Josh   123 Street SELECT *   FROM emp_view; PEOPLE_VIEW_OID  NAME  ADDRESS           TITLE                     SALARY ---------------  ----  ----------------  --------------------  ---------- x'31'            Josh  123 Street        Director                 1000.00

The WITH CHECK OPTION clause can be tricky because you are, in effect, telling the views to combine WHERE clauses either from upward in the dependency chain (via CASCADE) or downward in the dependency chain (via LOCAL). Consider the following:

V1 sourced from table T
V2 sourced from V1 WITH check_opn CHECK OPTION
V3 sourced from V2
V4 sourced from V3 WITH check_opn CHECK OPTION
V5 sourced from V4

The following table shows the search conditions against which inserted or updated rows are checked.

Note that if you create a view (or any other object, for that matter) with a schema name that does not already exist in the database, DB2 will implicitly create a schema of that name.


Not supported.


Oracle supports extensions to the ANSI standard to create object-oriented views, XMLType views, and views that support LOB and object types:

CREATE [OR REPLACE] [ [NO] FORCE] VIEW view_name    {[(column [,...]) [constraint_clause] |     [OF type_name {UNDER parent_view |        WITH OBJECT IDENTIFIER {DEFAULT | (attribute [,...]) }        [(constraint_clause)] ] |     [OF XMLTYPE [ [XMLSCHEMA xml_schema_url] ELEMENT        {element | xml_schema_url # element} ]        WITH OBJECT IDENTIFIER {DEFAULT | (attribute [,...]} ] AS (select statement) [WITH [READ ONLY | CHECK OPTION [CONSTRAINT constraint_name] ] ]

Oracle's implementation of the ALTER VIEW statement supports added capabilities, such as adding, dropping, or modifying constraints associated with the view. In addition, the ALTER VIEW statement will explicitly recompile a view that is invalid, enabling you to locate recompile errors before runtime. This recompiling feature enables you to determine if a change in a base table negatively impacts any dependent views:

ALTER VIEW view_name   {ADD constraint_clause |    MODIFY CONSTRAINT constraint_clause [NO]RELY] |    DROP {PRIMARY KEY | CONSTRAINT constraint_clause |       UNIQUE (column [,...])} } COMPILE

The parameters are:


Replaces any existing view of the same view_name with the new view.


The FORCE clause creates the view regardless of whether the base tables exist or the user creating the view has privileges to the base tables, views, or functions defined in the view. The FORCE clause also creates the view regardless of errors that occur during view creation. The NO FORCE clause creates the view only if the base tables and proper privileges are in place.


Allows you to specify constraints (see CREATE TABLE) on views for CREATE VIEW. Using ALTER VIEW, this clause also allows you to affect a named, pre-existing constraint. You can define the constraint at the view level, similar to a table-level view, or at the column or attribute level. Note that although Oracle allows you to define constraints on a view, it doesn't yet enforce them. Oracle supports constraints on a view in DISABLE and NOVALIDATE modes.

OF type_name

Declares that the view is an object view of type_name. The columns of the view correspond directly to the attributes returned by type_name, where type_name is a previously declared type (see CREATE TYPE). You do not specify column names for object and XMLType views.

UNDER parent_view

Specifies a subview based on a pre-existing parent_view. The subview must be in the same schema as the parent view, the type_name must be an immediate subtype of the parent_view, and one subview is allowed.

WITH OBJECT IDENTIFIER {DEFAULT | (attribute [,...]) }

Defines the root object view as well as any attribute of the object type used to identify each row of the object view. The attributes usually correspond to the primary key columns of the base table and must uniquely identify each row of the view. This clause is incompatible with subviews and dereferenced or pinned REF keys. The DEFAULT keyword uses the implicit object identifier of the base object table or view.

OF XMLTYPE [ [XMLSCHEMA xml_schema_url] ELEMENT {element | xml_schema_url # element ] WITH OBJECT IDENTIFIER (attribute [,...])

Specifies that the view will return XMLType instances. Specifying the optional xml_schema_url as a pre-registered XMLSchema and element name further constrains the returned XML as an element in that XMLSchema. The WITH OBJECT IDENTIFIER clause specifies the identifier that uniquely identifies each row of the XMLType view. One or more attributes may use non-aggregate functions like extractValue() to obtain the identifiers from the resultant XMLType.


Ensures the view is used only to retrieve data and not to modify it.


Forces the view to accept only inserted and updated data that can be returned by the view's SELECT statement. Alternately, you can specify a single CHECK OPTION constraint_name that exists on the base table that you want to enforce. If the constraint is not named, Oracle names the constraint SYS_Cn, where n is an integer.

ADD constraint_clause

Adds a new constraint to the view. Oracle supports constraints only in DISABLE and NOVALIDATE mode.

MODIFY CONSTRAINT constraint_clause [NO]RELY

Changes the RELY or NORELY setting of an existing view constraint. (RELY and NORELY are explained under CREATE TABLE.)

DROP {PRIMARY KEY | CONSTRAINT constraint_clause | UNIQUE (column [,...])}

Drops an existing constraint on a view.


Recompiles the view.

Any dblinks in the view's SELECT statement must be declared using the CREATE DATABASE LINK...CONNECT TO statement. Views containing flashback queries will have their AS OF clause evaluated at each invocation of the view, not when the view is compiled.

In this example, we create a view that has an added constraint:

CREATE VIEW california_authors (last_name, first_name,    author_ID UNIQU RELY DISABLE NOVALIDATE,    CONSTAINT id_pk PRIMARY KEY (au_id) RELY DISABLE NOVALIDATE) AS SELECT au_lname, au_fname, au_id FROM authors WHERE state = 'CA';

We might also wish to create an object view on an Oracle database and schema. This example creates the type and the object view:

CREATE TYPE inventory_type AS OBJECT (title_id NUM(6),   warehouse wrhs_typ,   qty NUM(8)); CREATE VIEW inventories OF inventory_type WITH OBJECT IDENTIFIER (title_id) AS SELECT i.title_id, wrhs_typ(w.wrhs_id, w.wrhs_name,    w.location_id), i.qty FROM inventories i JOIN warehouses w ON i.wrhs_id = w.wrhs_id;

You could recompile the inventory_type view like this:

ALTER VIEW inventory_type COMPILE:

An updateable view in Oracle cannot contain any of the following:

  • The DISTINCT clause


  • Joins that cause inserted or updated data to affect more than one table

  • Aggregate or analytic functions


  • Subqueries or collection expressions in the SELECT item list (Subqueries are acceptable in the SELECT statement's WHERE clause.)

  • Update pseudocolumns or expressions

There are some restrictions on how subviews and materialized views can be defined in Oracle:

  • The subview must use aliases for ROWID, ROWNUM, or LEVEL pseudocolumns.

  • The subview cannot query CURRVAL or NEXTVAL pseudocolumns.

  • The subview cannot contain the SAMPLE clause.

  • The subview evaluates all columns of a SELECT * FROM... statement at compile time. Thus, any new columns added to the base table will not be retrieved by the subview until the view is recompiled.

Note that older versions of Oracle supported partitioned views. This feature has been deprecated. You should use explicitly declared partitions instead.


PostgreSQL supports a no-frills subset of the ANSI standard:

CREATE VIEW view_name [ (column [,...]) ] AS select_statement

PostgreSQL's CREATE VIEW does not support some of the more complex options that other vendors do. However, it does allow views to be built on tables and other defined class objects. PostgreSQL views are built only upon other tables, not upon other views. PostgreSQL views are always read-only and cannot be used to perform data modifications on the underlying base tables.

SQL Server

SQL Server supports some extensions to the ANSI standard, but does not offer object views or subviews:

CREATE VIEW view_name [(column [,...])] [WITH {ENCRYPTION | SCHEMABINDING | VIEW_METADATA} [,...]] AS select_statement [WITH CHECK OPTION]

SQL Server's implementation of ALTER VIEW allows you to change an existing view without affecting the permissions or dependent objects of the view:

ALTER VIEW view_name [(column [,...])] [WITH {ENCRYPTION | SCHEMABINDING | VIEW_METADATA} [,...]] AS select_statement [WITH CHECK OPTION]

The parameters are as follows:


Encrypts the text of the view in the syscomments table. This option is usually invoked by software vendors who want to protect their intellectual capital.


Binds the view to a specific schema, meaning that all objects in the view must be referenced by their full name (both owner and object name). The view and any tables referenced in the view SELECT clause must be fully qualified, as in pubs.scott.employee. Views created with SCHEMABINDING (and tables referenced by these views) must have the schema binding dropped (via ALTER VIEW) before they may be dropped or altered.


Specifies that SQL Server return metadata about the view (rather than the base table) to calls made from DBLIB or OLEDB APIs. Views created or altered with VIEW_METADATA enable their columns to be updated by INSERT and UPDATE INSTEAD OF triggers.


Forces the view to accept only inserted and updated data that can be returned by the view's SELECT statement.

The SELECT clause of a SQL Server view cannot:

  • Have the COMPUTE, COMPUTE BY, INTO, or ORDER BY clauses (ORDER BY is allowed if you use SELECT TOP)

  • Reference a temporary table

  • Reference a table variable

  • Reference more than 1,024 columns, including those referenced by subqueries

Here, we define a SQL Server view with both ENCRYPTION and CHECK OPTION:

CREATE VIEW california_authors (last_name, first_name, author_id) WITH ENCRYPTION AS    SELECT au_lname, au_fname, au_id    FROM authors    WHERE state = 'CA' WITH CHECK OPTION GO

SQL Server allows multiple SELECT statements in a view, as long as they are linked with UNION or UNION ALL clauses. SQL Server also allows functions and hints in the SELECT statement of a view. A SQL Server view is updateable if all of the items in the following list are true.

  • The SELECT statement has no aggregate functions

  • The SELECT statement does not contain TOP, GROUP BY, DISTINCT, or UNION

  • The SELECT statement has no derived columns (see SUBQUERY)

  • The FROM clause of the SELECT statement references at least one table

SQL Server allows indexes to be created on views (see CREATE INDEX). By creating a unique, clustered index on a view, you cause SQL Server to store a physical copy of the view on the database. Changes to the base table are automatically updated in the indexed view. Indexed views consume extra disk space, but provide a boost in performance. Indexed views must be built using the SCHEMABINDING clause.

SQL Server also allows the creation of local partitioned views and distributed partitioned views. A local partitioned view is a partitioned view where all views are present on the same SQL Server. A distributed partitioned view is a partitioned view where one or more views are located on remote servers.

Partitioned views must very clearly derive their data from different sources, with each distinct data source joined with a UNION ALL statement to the next. Furthermore, all columns of the partitioned views should be selected and identical. (The idea is that you have split the data out logically by means of a frontend application. SQL Server then recombines the data through the partitioned view.) This example shows how the data in the view comes from three separate SQL Servers:

CREATE VIEW customers AS --Select from a local table on server 'New_York' SELECT * FROM sales_archive.dbo.customers_A UNION ALL SELECT * FROM houston.sales_archive.dbo.customers_K UNION ALL SELECT * FROM los_angeles.sales_archive.dbo.customers_S

Note that each remote server (New_York, houston, and los_angeles) has to be defined as a remote server on all of the SQL Servers using the distributed partitioned view. Partitioned views can greatly boost performance because they can split I/O and user loads across many machines. But they are also difficult to plan, create, and maintain. Be sure to read the vendor documentation for complete details about all the permutations available with partitioned views.

When altering an existing view, SQL Server acquires and holds an exclusive schema lock on the view until the alteration is finished. ALTER VIEW drops any indexes that might be associated with a view. You must manually recreate them using CREATE INDEX.

See Also


The DECLARE command is one of four commands used in cursor processing, along with FETCH, OPEN, and CLOSE. Cursors allow you to process queries one row at a time, rather than in a complete set. The DECLARE CURSOR command specifies the exact records to be retrieved and manipulated one row at a time from a specific table or view.

In other words, cursors are especially important for relational databases because databases are set-based, while most client-centric programming languages are row-based. This is important for two reasons. First, cursors allow programmers to program using methodologies supported by their favorite row-based programming language. Second, cursors run counter to the default behavior of some relational database platforms, which operate on a set of records and, on those specific platforms, may be noticeably slower than standard set-based operations.




Supported, with limitations


Not supported


Supported, with limitations


Supported, with limitations

SQL Server

Supported, with limitations

SQL2003 Syntax



DECLARE cursor_name

Gives the cursor a unique name in the context in which it is defined for example, in the database or schema where it is created. The name must be unique, meaning that no other cursors may share the same name.


Defines the manner in which the cursor interacts with the source table and the result set retrieved by the cursor query, where:


Tells the database to operate directly against the result set, such that the cursor will see changes to its result set as it moves through the records.


Tells the database to create a temporary but separate copy of the result set, so that all changes made against the result set by other operations are invisible to the cursor.


Allows the database implementation to determine whether to make a copy of the result set. ASENSITIVE is the SQL2003 default.


Tells the database not to enforce processing one row at a time, using FETCH NEXT, but that all forms of the FETCH clause are allowed against the result set. NO SCROLL enforces processing one row at a time.


Tells the cursor to remain open when a transaction encounters the COMMIT statement. Conversely, WITHOUT HOLD tells the cursor to close when the transaction encounters a COMMIT statement. (A cursor that uses WITH HOLD can only be and is always closed with a ROLLBACK statement or a CLOSE CURSOR statement.)


Used only in a stored procedure, the WITH RETURN clause tells the database to return the result set, if it is still open, when the stored procedure terminates. With the WITHOUT RETURN clause, which is the default behavior, all open cursors are implicitly closed when the stored procedure terminates.

FOR select_statement

Defines the underlying SELECT statement that determines the rows in the result set of the cursor. As with a regular SELECT statement, the results of the query may be sorted according to an ORDER BY clause.

FOR {READ ONLY | UPDATE [OF column [,...] ] }

Specifies that the cursor is not updateable in any way, using FOR READ ONLY. This is the default when the cursor is defined with SCROLL or INSENSITIVE properties or the query contains an ORDER BY clause or is against an non-updateable table. Alternately, you can specify FOR UPDATE OF column1, column2 [,...], defining the columns where you want to execute UPDATE statements. You can leave off a column list on the FOR UPDATE OF to include all columns in the cursor.

Rules at a Glance

The DECLARE CURSOR command enables the retrieval and manipulation of records from a table one row at a time. This provides row-by-row processing, rather than the traditional set processing offered by SQL.

At the highest level, these steps are followed when working with a cursor:

  • Create a cursor using DECLARE.

  • Open the cursor using OPEN.

  • Operate against the cursor using FETCH.

  • Dismiss the cursor using CLOSE.

The DECLARE CURSOR command works by specifying a SELECT statement. Each row returned by the SELECT statement may be individually retrieved and manipulated. In this Oracle example, the cursor is declared in the declaration block along with some other variables. The cursor is then opened, fetched against, and then closed in the BEGIN...END block that follows:

DECLARE    CURSOR title_price_cursor IS       SELECT title, price       FROM titles       WHERE price IS NOT NULL;    title_price_val title_price_cursor%ROWTYPE;    new_price NUMBER(10,2); BEGIN    OPEN title_price_cursor;    FETCH title_price_cursor INTO title_price_val;    new_price := "title_price_val.price" * 1.25    INSERT INTO new_title_price    VALUES (title_price_val.title, new_price)    CLOSE title_price_cursor; END;

Because this example uses PL/SQL, much of the code is beyond the scope of this book. However, the DECLARE block clearly shows that the cursor is declared. In the PL/SQL execution block, the cursor is initialized with the OPEN command, values are retrieved with the FETCH command, and the cursor finally is terminated with the CLOSE command.

The SELECT statement is the heart of your cursor, so it is a good idea to test it thoroughly before embedding it in the DECLARE CURSOR statement. The SELECT statement may operate against a base table or a view. For that matter, read-only cursors may operate against non-updateable views. The SELECT statement can have subclauses like ORDER BY, GROUP BY, and HAVING if it is not updating the base table. If the cursor is FOR UPDATE, then it is a good idea to exclude these clauses from the SELECT statement.

Local cursors are sometimes used as output parameters of stored procedures. Thus, a stored procedure could define and populate a cursor and pass that cursor to a calling batch or stored procedure.

In this simple DB2 example, we'll declare a cursor that looks at department numbers, names, and manager numbers for all departments in the admin_group 'X01':

EXEC SQL DECLARE dept_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT dept_nbr, dept_name, mgr_nbr     FROM department     WHERE admin_group = 'X01'     ORDER BY dept_name ASC, dept_nbr DESC, mgr_nbr DESC;

In this next example from Microsoft SQL Server, a cursor from the publishers table is declared and opened. The cursor takes the first record from publishers that matches the SELECT statement and inserts it into another table; it then moves to the next record and the next, until all records are processed. Finally, the cursor is closed and deallocated (DEALLOCATE is used only with Microsoft SQL Server):

DECLARE @publisher_name VARCHAR(20) DECLARE pub_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT pub_name FROM publishers     WHERE country <> 'USA' OPEN pub_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM pub_cursor INTO @publisher_name WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN     INSERT INTO foreign_publishers VALUES(@publisher_name) END CLOSE pub_cursor DEALLOCATE pub_cursor

In this example, you see how the cursor moves through a set of records. (The example was intended only to demonstrate this concept, since there is actually a better way to accomplish the same task, namely an INSERT...SELECT statement.)

Programming Tips and Gotchas

Most platforms do not support dynamically executed cursors. Rather, cursors are embedded within an application program, stored procedure, user-defined function, etc. In other words, the various statements for creating and using a cursor are usually used only in the context of a stored procedure or other database-programming object, not in a straight SQL script.

For ease of programming and migration, don't use the SCROLL clause or the various sensitivity keywords. Some platforms support only forward-scrolling cursors, so you can avoid headaches later by just sticking to the simplest form of cursor.

Cursors behave differently on the various database platforms when crossing a transaction boundary for example, when a set of transactions is rolled back in the midst of a cursor. Be sure to get familiar with exactly how each database platform behaves in these circumstances.

MySQL does not support server-side cursors in the ANSI SQL style, but does support extensive C-programming extensions that provide the same functionality.


DB2 supports the basic DECLARE CURSOR statement along with some variations on the WITH HOLD and WITH RETURN clauses, as in the following example:

DECLARE cursor_name CURSOR  [WITH HOLD] [WITH RETURN [{TO CALLER | TO CLIENT}] ] FOR select_statement



Used only in a stored procedure, the WITH RETURN clause tells the database to return the result set, if it is still open, when the stored procedure terminates. (DB2 will accept WITH RETURN on cursors outside of a stored procedure, but it has no effect.) It has these options:


Returns the result set to the caller, such as another stored procedure or process on the database server. It will also return the result set to a client, if that is what called the stored procedure. This is the default behavior for cursors embedded in DB2 external stored procedures.


Returns the result set to the client application, bypassing any intermediate processes such as nested stored procedures. This clause cannot be used to return result sets to functions or methods.

FOR select_statement

Defines the underlying SELECT statement that determines the rows in the result set of the cursor. The SELECT statement cannot include parameters, but can include host variables, as long as they have been declared before the cursor. You may also use a prepared SELECT statement as the select_statement, using the DB2 PREPARE command.

DB2 provides syntax to explicitly declare a cursor as read-only or updateable as part of the SELECT statement rather than as part of the DECLARE CURSOR statement.

When not specified, the updateability of a cursor is implicitly determined according to a variety of rules that improve locking. First of all, a cursor is assumed to be read-only if it is not deleteable. A DB2 cursor is deleteable when it has the FOR UPDATE clause plus:

  • The FROM clause of the SELECT statement references only one base table or deleteable view.

  • The SELECT statement does not contain a VALUES clause, a DISTINCT clause, a GROUP BY clause, a HAVING clause, an ORDER BY clause, a FOR READ ONLY clause, or UNION, EXCEPT, or INTERSECT clauses.

  • The SELECT statement is free of column functions in the select item list.

The columns of a DB2 cursor are updateable when it meets the requirements to be deleteable plus:

  • The columns are resolved to columns in the base table or view.

  • The LANGLEVEL bind option is MIA, SQL92E, or the columns are referenced in the FOR UPDATE clause of the select_statement.

A DB2 cursor may also be updateable if it is statically defined or has the SQL-standard bind option (MIA) applied to LANGLEVEL. The LANGLEVEL setting MIA indicates that the cursor runs under SQL92 rules. The setting SQL92E indicates that the cursor runs under the SQL92 entry-level rules. And the setting SAA1 indicates that the cursor runs under the DB2 common (old) rules. LANGLEVEL is assigned using the DB2 PREP command.

DB2 also allows cursors to be ambiguous. An ambiguous cursor is considered updateable unless the BLOCKING bind option is ALL, whence it is considered read-only. A cursor is ambiguous when all these conditions are true:

  • The select_statement doesn't include a FOR READ ONLY or FOR UPDATE clause.

  • The language level setting (LANGLEVEL) is set to the value SAA1.

  • The select_statement is dynamically prepared.

  • The cursor is otherwise deleteable.

There are a couple things to be careful of with DB2 cursors:

  • System function values, such as those returned by CURRENT DATE, CURRENT TIME, or CURRENT TIMESTAMP, are determined when a cursor is opened and not when the FETCH statement is executed. Therefore, any of these values would be identical for every record in the result set, since the values are determined once when the cursor is opened.

  • If a LANGUAGE other than SQL (such as Java) is used for the stored procedure, the default behavior is WITH RETURN TO CALLER.


Not supported.


Oracle has a rather interesting implementation of cursors. In reality, all Oracle data modification statements (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and SELECT) implicitly open a cursor. For example, a C program accessing Oracle would not need to issue a DECLARE CURSOR statement to retrieve data on a record-by-record basis because that is the implicit behavior of Oracle. Because of this behavior, DECLARE CURSOR is something you use only in PL/SQL constructs, like stored procedures, and not something you would use in a script that is purely SQL.

Since cursors can only be used in stored procedures and user-defined functions on Oracle, they are documented in the Oracle PL/SQL reference material, not in the SQL reference material.

Oracle utilizes a variation of the DECLARE CURSOR statement that supports parameterized inputs, as in the following syntax:

DECLARE CURSOR cursor_name [ (parameter datatype [,...]) ] IS select_statement [FOR UPDATE [OF column_name [,...]]}]


parameter datatype [,...]IS select_statement

Defines the select_statement used to retrieve the cursor result set. It serves the same purpose as the ANSI SQL2003 FOR select_statement clause.

FOR UPDATE [OF column_name]

Defines the cursor or specific columns of the cursor as updateable. Otherwise, the cursor is assumed to be read-only.

In Oracle, variables are not allowed in the WHERE clause of the SELECT statement unless they are first declared as variables. The parameters are not assigned at the DECLARE; instead, they are assigned values at the OPEN command. This is important since any system function will return an identical value for all rows in the cursor result set.


PostgreSQL does not support the WITH clauses. It does allow you to return result sets in BINARY rather than text format. Although the compiler will not cause errors with many of the ANSI keywords, PostgreSQL's implementation of DECLARE CURSOR is more limited than it might first appear:

DECLARE cursor_name [BINARY] [INSENSITIVE] [SCROLL] CURSOR FOR select_statement [FOR {READ ONLY | UPDATE [OF column_name [,...]]}]



Forces the cursor to retrieve binary-formatted data rather than text-formatted data.


Indicates that data retrieved by the cursor is unaffected by updates from other processes or cursors. However, this is PostgreSQL's default behavior, so adding or leaving this keyword off has no effect.


Allows multiple rows to be retrieved by a single FETCH operation. However, this is PostgreSQL's default behavior, so adding or leaving off this keyword has no effect.


Indicates that a cursor is opened using read-only mode or updateable mode, respectively. However, PostgreSQL only supports read-only cursors. That means that the FOR READ-ONLY clause has no effect, while the FOR UPDATE (column_name) clause produces an informational error message.

PostgreSQL closes any existing cursor when a newly declared cursor is created with the same name. Binary cursors tend to be faster because PostgreSQL stores data as binary on the backend. However, user applications are only text aware. Therefore, you would have to build in binary handling for any BINARY cursors.

PostgreSQL allows cursors only within a transaction. You should enclose a cursor within a BEGIN and COMMIT or ROLLBACK transaction block.

PostgreSQL does not support an explicit OPEN cursor statement. Cursors are considered open when they are declared. So to declare and open a cursor in PostgreSQL, you could use code like this:

DECLARE pub_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT pub_name FROM publishers     WHERE country <> 'USA';

SQL Server

SQL Server supports the ANSI standard, as well as a good many extensions that provide flexibility in how a cursor scrolls through a result set and manipulates data, as in the following syntax:


The parameters are as follows:


Scopes the cursor for either the local Transact-SQL batch or makes the cursor available to all Transact-SQL batches issued by the current session via OPEN and FETCH statements, respectively. A global cursor name can be referenced by any stored procedure, function, or Transact-SQL batch executed in the current session. A global cursor is implicitly deallocated at disconnect, but a local cursor must be manually deallocated. The LOCAL and GLOBAL keywords are optional. The default behavior, if neither is specified, is defined by the default to local database property.


Determines how the cursor will move through the result set, with three options:


Creates the result set as a table in TEMPDB. Changes to the base table are not reflected in the cursor result set. Not compatible with SQL Server extensions to the DECLARE CURSOR command like LOCAL, GLOBAL, STATIC, KEYSET, DYNAMIC, FAST_FORWARD, etc. Can only be used in a SQL92-style DECLARE CURSOR statement, such as DECLARE sample CURSOR INSENSITIVE FOR select_statement FOR UPDATE.


Indicates that the cursor must scroll from the first to the last record in the result set and that FETCH NEXT is the only supported form of the FETCH statement. The cursor is assumed to be DYNAMIC unless STATIC or KEYSET are used. FAST_FORWARD is mutually exclusive of FORWARD_ONLY.


Enables all FETCH options (ABSOLUTE, FIRST, LAST, NEXT, PRIOR, and RELATIVE). Otherwise, only FETCH NEXT is available. If DYNAMIC, STATIC, or KEYSET are used, the cursor defaults to SCROLL behavior. FAST_FORWARD is mutually exclusive of SCROLL.


Determines how records are manipulated in the result set. These settings are incompatible with the FOR READ ONLY and FOR UPDATE clauses. There are four options:


Makes a temporary copy of the result set data and stores it in tempdb. Modifications made to the source table or view do not show up when processing the cursor. STATIC cursors cannot modify data in the source table or view.


Makes a temporary copy of the result set with membership and fixed row order (also known as a keyset) in tempdb. The keyset correlates the data in the cursor result set to the base table or view such that the cursor can see changes made to the underlying data. Rows that have been deleted or updated show an @@FETCH_STATUS of -2 (unless the update was done using UPDATE...WHERE CURRENT OF, in which case they are fully visible), while rows inserted by other users are not visible at all.


Determines the records in the cursor result set as each FETCH operation is executed. Thus, DYNAMIC cursors see all changes made to the base table or view, even those by other users. Because the result set may be in constant flux, DYNAMIC cursors do not support FETCH ABSOLUTE.


Creates a FORWARD_ONLY, READ_ONLY cursor that quickly reads through the entire cursor result set at one time.


Determines concurrency and positional update behavior for the cursor. These settings are incompatible with FOR READ ONLY and FOR UPDATE. The allowable parameters include:


Prevents updates to the cursor and disallows the cursor from being referenced in UPDATE or DELETE statements that contain WHERE CURRENT OF.


Ensures that positional updates and deletes succeed by locking the cursor result set rows as they are read into the cursor. The locks are held until the cursor is closed and deallocated. SCROLL_LOCKS is mutually exclusive of FAST_FORWARD.


Ensures that positional updates and deletes succeed unless the row benig updated or deleted in the cursor result set has changed since it was read into the cursor. SQL Server accomplishes this by comparing a timestamp, or a checksum value when no timestamp exists, on the columns. It does not lock the rows in the cursor result set. OPTIMISTIC is mutually exclusive of FAST_FORWARD.


Warns the user when the cursor is implicitly converted from one type to another for example from SCROLL to FORWARD_ONLY.


Identifies the cursor as read only using the ANSI standard syntax. This keyword is not compatible with the other type identifiers shown previously. It should only be used with INSENSITIVE, FORWARD_ONLY, and SCROLL.

FOR UPDATE [OF column_name [,...] ]}

Allows updates to columns in the cursor using UPDATE and DELETE statements with the WHERE CURRENT OF clause. If FOR UPDATE is used without a column list, then all columns in the cursor are updateable. Otherwise, only those columns listed are updateable.

Microsoft SQL Server allows two basic forms of syntax for the DECLARE CURSOR statement. The syntax forms are not compatible! The basic forms of syntax are SQL92 compatible and Transact-SQL extensions. You cannot mix keywords of the two forms together.

The SQL-92 compatibility syntax for DECLARE CURSOR is:

DECLARE cursor_name [ INSENSITIVE ] [ SCROLL ] CURSOR FOR select_statement  [ FOR { READ ONLY | UPDATE [ OF column_name [,...] ] } ]

While the Transact-SQL extensioned syntax for DECLARE CURSOR is:


The SQL92 compatability syntax is supported to enable your code to be more transportable. The Transact-SQL extensions syntax enables you to define cursors using the same cursor types that are available in popular database APIs like ODBC, OLE-DB, and ADO, but may only be used in SQL Server stored procedures, user-defined functions, triggers, and ad hoc queries.

If you do define a Transact-SQL extension cursor but do not define concurrency behavior using the OPTIMISTIC, READ_ONLY, or SCROLL_LOCKS keywords, then:

  • The cursor defaults to READ-ONLY if the cursor is defined as FAST_FORWARD, STATIC, or the user has insufficient privileges to update the base table or view.

  • The cursor defaults to OPTIMISTIC if the cursor has been defined as DYNAMIC or KEYSET.

Note that variables may be used in the select_statement of a SQL Server cursor, but the variables are evaluated when the cursor is declared. Thus, a cursor containing the column based on the system function GETDATE() will have the same date and time for every record in the cursor result set.

In the following SQL Server example, we use a KEYSET cursor to change blank spaces to dashes in the phone column of the authors table:

SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE author_name_cursor CURSOR LOCAL KEYSET TYPE_WARNING    FOR SELECT au_fname FROM pubs.dbo.authors DECLARE @name varchar(40) OPEN author_name_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM author_name_cursor INTO @name WHILE (@@fetch_status <> -1) BEGIN -- @@fetch_status checks for 'record not found' conditions and errors    IF (@@fetch_status <> -2)    BEGIN       PRINT 'updating record for ' + @name       UPDATE pubs.dbo.authors       SET phone = replace(phone, ' ', '-')       WHERE CURRENT OF author_name_cursor    END    FETCH NEXT FROM author_name_cursor INTO @name END CLOSE author_name_cursor DEALLOCATE author_name_cursor


See Also

DELETE Statement

The DELETE statement erases records from a specified table or tables. DELETE statements acting against tables are sometimes called search deletes. The DELETE statement may also be used in conjunction with a cursor. DELETE statements acting upon the rows of a cursor are sometimes called positional deletes.




Supported, with variations


Supported, with variations


Supported, with variations



SQL Server

Supported, with limitations

SQL2003 Syntax

DELETE FROM { table_name | ONLY (table_name) } [{ WHERE search_condition | WHERE CURRENT OF cursor_name }]


FROM table_name

Identifies the table, called table_name, from which rows will be deleted. The table_name assumes the current schema if one is not specified. You may alternately specify a single table view name. FROM is mandatory, except in the DELETE...WHERE CURRENT OF statement. When not using the ONLY clause, do not enclose the table_name in parentheses.

ONLY (table_name)

Restricts cascading of the deleted records to any subtables of the target table or view. ONLY effects only typed (object-oriented) tables and views. If used with a non-typed table or view, it is ignored and does not cause an error. If ONLY is used, you must enclose the table_name in parentheses.

WHERE search_condition

Defines search criteria for the DELETE statement using one or more search_condition clauses to ensure that only the target rows are deleted. Any legal WHERE clause is acceptable. Typically, these criteria are evaluated against each row of the table before the deletion occurs.

WHERE CURRENT OF cursor_name

Restricts the DELETE statement to the current row of a defined and opened cursor called cursor_name.

Rules at a Glance

The DELETE statement erases rows from a table or view. Space released by erased rows will be returned to the database where the table is located, though it may not happen immediately.

A simple DELETE statement that erases all records in a given table has no WHERE clause, as in the following:


You can use any valid WHERE clause to filter records that you do not want to delete. All three of the following examples show valid DELETE statements, and since all are search deletes, they all include the FROM clause:

DELETE FROM sales WHERE qty IS NULL; DELETE FROM suppliers WHERE supplierid = 17    OR companyname = 'Tokyo Traders'; DELETE FROM distributors WHERE postalcode IN    (SELECT territorydescription FROM territories);

In some cases, you may wish to delete a specific row that is being processed by a declared and open cursor:

DELETE titles WHERE CURRENT OF title_cursor;

The above query assumes that you have declared and opened a cursor named title_cursor. Whichever row the cursor is on will be deleted when the command, shown above, is executed. Note that in the positional delete shown earlier, the FROM clause is not required.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

It is rare to issue a DELETE statement without a WHERE clause, because this results in deleting all rows from the affected table. You should first issue a SELECT statement with the same WHERE clause you intend to use on the DELETE statement. That way you can be sure exactly which records will be deleted.

If it becomes necessary to remove all the rows in a table, you should consider using the non-ANSI TRUNCATE TABLE statement. In those databases that support the command, TRUNCATE TABLE is usually a faster method to physically remove all rows. TRUNCATE TABLE is faster than DELETE because the deletion of individual records is not logged. On some platforms, this makes rollback of a TRUNCATE statement impossible. The reduction of logging overhead saves considerable time when erasing a large number of records. On some database platforms, all foreign keys on the table must be dropped before issuing a TRUNCATE statement.


DB2 supports the ANSI standard, with the addition of transaction isolation control and the ability to assign an alias to the table from which records will be deleted, as in the following:

DELETE FROM { table_name | ONLY (table_name) } [AS alias] [WHERE {search_conditions | CURRENT OF cursor_name}] [WITH { RR | RS | CS | UR }]

The parameters are:

AS alias

Allows the target table_name to use an alias. This is especially useful for correlated subqueries. (Note that DB2 has a special object called an alias that may be created with the DB2 CREATE ALIAS statement. In this case, the term "alias" represents what the ANSI SQL standard calls a correlation name, something akin to a simple nickname for the table or view.)

WITH {RR | RS | CS | UR}

Controls transaction isolation level for the update statement. RR is repeatable read, RS is read stability, CS is cursor stability, and UR is uncommitted read. See the SET TRANSACTION Statement section for full details on these transaction isolation levels.

On DB2, the target may be a table, updateable view, or nickname. As the ANSI standard dictates, rows will be deleted from any subtables of the target table unless you use the ONLY keyword. If ONLY is used, you must enclose the table_name in parentheses.

If you use ONLY in combination with WHERE CURRENT OF, then the SELECT statement that defined the cursor must use the FROM ONLY clause as well. For example:

DECLARE CURSOR emp_cursor FOR   SELECT name, address     FROM ONLY (employee); DELETE FROM ONLY (employee)   WHERE CURRENT OF emp_cursor;

The previous code assumes that employee is the base table, with subtables below it. The cursor will only select rows that are contained in employee and not the other types contained in the subtables (e.g., parttime, salaried, student). Similarly, deletes will only take place at this level of the hierarchy as well.


MySQL allows a number of extensions over the ANSI standard, but does not support the WHERE CURRENT OF clause, as in the following:

DELETE [LOW_PRIORITY] [QUICK] [table_name[.*] [,...] ] {FROM table_name[.*] [,...] | [USING table_name[.*] [,...] ] } [WHERE search_condition] [ORDER BY clause] [LIMIT nbr_of_rows]

The parameters are:


Delays the execution of DELETE until no other clients are reading from the table.


Prevents the storage engine from merging index leaves during the delete operation.

DELETE table_name [,...]

Enables you to delete from more than one table at a time. Tables listed before the FROM clause, assuming one or more tables appear in the FROM clause, will be the target of the delete operation. If more than one table appears before the FROM clause, then all matching records in all tables will be deleted.

FROM table_name[.*]

Specifies the table or tables where records will be deleted. (The .* clause is an option to improve compatibility with MS-Access.) If tables are listed before the FROM clause, then the table or tables in the FROM clause are assumed to be used to support a join or lookup operation.

USING table_name[.*] [,...]

Substitute the table or tables before the FROM clause with those after the FROM clause.

ORDER BY clause

Specifies the order that rows will be deleted in. This is useful only in conjunction with LIMIT.

LIMIT nbr_of_row

MySQL also can place an arbitrary cap on the number of records deleted before control is passed back to the client using the LIMIT nbr_of_rows clause.

MySQL allows deletion from more than one table at a time. For example, the following two DELETE statements are functionally equivalent:

DELETE orders FROM customers, orders WHERE customers.customerid = orders.customerid   AND orders.orderdate BETWEEN '19950101' AND '19951231' DELETE FROM orders USING customers, orders WHERE customers.customerid = orders.customerid   AND orders.orderdate BETWEEN '19950101' AND '19951231'

In the examples above, we delete all orders made by customers during the year 1995. Note that you cannot use ORDER BY or LIMIT clauses in a multitable delete like those shown above.

You can also delete records in orderly batches using the ORDER BY clause in conjunction with the LIMIT clause:

DELETE FROM sales WHERE customerid = 'TORTU ORDER BY customerid LIMIT 5

MySQL exhibits several behaviors that speed up the delete operation. For example, MySQL returns the number of records deleted when it completes the operation. However, MySQL will return zero as the number of deleted records when you delete all records from a table because it is faster for MySQL to return zero than to count the rows deleted. In AUTOCOMMIT mode, MySQL will even substitute a TRUNCATE statement for a DELETE statement without a WHERE clause because TRUNCATE is faster.

Note that the speed of a MySQL delete operation is directly related to the number of indexes on the table and the available index cache. You can speed up delete operations by executing the command against tables with few or no indexes or by increasing the size of the index cache.


Oracle allows you to delete rows from tables, views, materialized views, nested subqueries, and partitioned views and tables, as follows:

DELETE [FROM]    {table_name | ONLY (table_name)} [alias]       [{PARTITION (partition_name) |       SUBPARTITION (subpartition_name)}] |    (subquery [WITH {READ ONLY |       CHECK OPTION [CONSTRAINT constraint_name]}]) |    TABLE (collection_expression) [ (+) ] } [WHERE search_condition] [RETURNING expression [,...] INTO variable [,...] ]

The parameters are:

table_name [alias]

Specifies the table, view, materialized view, or partitioned table or view where records will be deleted. You may optionally prepend a schema identifier to the table_name or append a database link. Otherwise, Oracle will assume the user's default schema and the local database server. You may optionally apply an alias to the table_name. The alias is required if the target table references an object type attribute or method.

PARTITION partition_name

Applies the delete operation to the named partition, rather than to the entire table You are not required to name a partition when deleting from a partitioned table, but it can, in many cases, help reduce the complexity of the WHERE clause.

SUBPARTITION subpartition_name

Applies to a named subpartition, rather than to the entire table.

(subquery [WITH {READ ONLY | CHECK OPTION [CONSTRAINT constraint_name] } ])

Specifies that the target for deletion is a nested subquery, not a table, view, or other database object. The parameters of this clause are:


Describes the SELECT statement that makes up the subquery. The subquery can be any standard subquery, though it may not contain an ORDER BY clause.


Specifies that the subquery cannot be updated.


Tells Oracle to abort any changes to the deleted table that would not appear in the result set of the subquery.

CONSTRAINT constraint_name

Tells Oracle to further restrict changes based upon a specific constraint identified by constraint_name.

TABLE (collection_expression) [ (+) ]

Informs Oracle that the collection_expression should be treated like a table though it may, in fact, be a subquery, a function, or some other collection constructor. In any case, the value returned by the collection_expression must be a nested table or VARRAY.

RETURNING expression

Retrieves the rows affected by the command, where DELETE normally only shows the number of rows deleted. The RETURNING clause can be used when the target is a table, a materialized view, or a view with a single base table. When used for single-row deletes, the RETURNING clause stores values from the row deleted by the statement, defined by expression, into PL/SQL variables and bind variables. When used for a multirow delete, the RETURNING clause stores the values of the deleted rows, defined by expression, into bind arrays.

INTO variable

Specifies the variables into which the values returned as a result of the RETURNING clause are stored. There must be a corresponding variable for every expression in the RETURNING clause.

When you execute a DELETE statement, Oracle releases space from the target table (or the base table of a target view) back to the table or index that owned the data.

When deleting from a view, the view cannot contain a set operator, the DISTINCT keyword, joins, an aggregate function, an analytic function, a subquery in the SELECT list, a collection expression in the SELECT list, a GROUP BY clause, an ORDER BY clause, a CONNECT BY clause, or a START WITH clause.

Here's an example where we delete records from a remote server:

DELETE FROM scott.sales@chicago;

In the following query, we delete from a derived table that is a collection expression:

DELETE TABLE(SELECT contactname FROM customers    c WHERE c.customerid = 'BOTTM') s WHERE s.region IS NULL OR s.country = 'MEXICO';

Here's an example where we delete from a partition:

DELETE FROM sales PARTITION (sales_q3_1997) WHERE qty > 10000;

Finally, in the example below, we use the RETURNING clause to look at the values that are deleted:

DELETE FROM employee WHERE job_id = 13   AND hire_date + TO_YMINTERVAL('01-06') =< SYSDATE; RETURNING job_lvl INTO :int01;

The previous example deletes records from the employee table and returns the job_lvl values into the predefined :into1 variable.


PostgreSQL uses the DELETE command to remove rows and any defined subclasses from the table. It is otherwise identical to the ANSI standard, as follows:

DELETE [FROM] [ONLY] table_name [ WHERE search_condition | WHERE CURRENT OF cursor_name ]

When deleting rows from only the table specified, use the optional ONLY clause. Otherwise, PostgreSQL will also delete records from any explicitly defined subtable.

To delete all records from the titles table:

DELETE titles

To delete all records in the authors table where the last name starts with "Mc":

DELETE FROM authors WHERE au_lname LIKE 'Mc%'

To delete all titles with an old ID number:

DELETE titles WHERE title_id >= 40

To delete all titles that have no sales:

DELETE titles WHERE ytd_sales IS NULL

To delete all records in one table based on the results of a subquery against another table (in this case, the records that have a match concerning "computers" in the titles table are erased from the titleauthor table):

DELETE FROM titleauthor WHERE title_id IN   (SELECT title_id   FROM titles   WHERE title LIKE '%computers%') DISCONNECT

SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server allows records to be deleted both from tables and from views that describe a single table. SQL Server also allows a second FROM clause to allow JOIN constructs, as in the following example:

DELETE [TOP number [PERCENT]] [FROM] table_name [[AS] alias] [FROM table_source [,...]] [ [{INNER | CROSS | [{LEFT | RIGHT | FULL] OUTER}]    JOIN joined_table ON condition][,...] [WHERE search_condition | WHERE CURRENT OF [GLOBAL] cursor_name ] [OPTION (query_hint[,...n])]

The syntax elements are as follows:

DELETE table_name

Allows the deletion of records from the named table or view filtered by the WHERE clause. You can delete records from a view providing the view is based on one table and contains no aggregate functions and no derived columns. If you leave off the server name, database name, or schema name when naming the table or view, SQL Server assumes the current context. An OPENDATASOURCE or OPENQUERY function, as described in the SELECT Statement section may be referenced instead of a table or view.

TOP number [PERCENT]

Specifies that only the number of rows are deleted by the statement. If PERCENT is specified, only the first number percent of the rows are retrieved. If the number is an expression, such as a variable, it must be enclosed in parentheses. The expression should be of FLOAT datatype with a range of 0 to 100 when using PERCENT. When not using PERCENT, the expression should by of BIGINT datatype.

FROM table_source

Names an additional FROM clause that correlates records from the table in the first FROM clause using a JOIN rather than forcing you to use a correlated subquery. One or more tables may be listed in the second FROM clause.

[{INNER | CROSS | [{LEFT | RIGHT | FULL] OUTER}] JOIN joined_table ON condition][,...]

Specifies one or more JOIN clauses, in conjunction with the second FROM clause. You may use any of the join types that SQL Server supports. Refer to the JOIN Subclause and SELECT Statement sections for more information.

GLOBAL cursor_name

Specifies that the delete operation should occur on the current row of an open global cursor. This clause is otherwise the same as the standard for WHERE CURRENT OF.

OPTION (hint [,...])

Replaces elements of the default query plan with your own. Because the optimizer usually picks the best query plan for any query, we strongly discourage you from placing optimizer hints into your queries.

The primary addition to DELETE that SQL Server offers over and above the ANSI standard is a second FROM clause. The second FROM allows the use of the JOIN statement and makes it quite easy to delete rows from the table in the first FROM by correlating rows of a table declared in the second FROM. For example, you can use a rather complex subquery to erase all the sales records of computer books with this command:

DELETE sales WHERE title_id IN    (SELECT title_id    FROM titles    WHERE type = 'computer')

But SQL Server allows a more elegant construction using a second FROM clause and a JOIN clause:

DELETE s FROM sales AS s INNER JOIN titles AS t ON s.title_id = t.title_id    AND type = 'computer'

The following example deletes all rows with an order_date of 2003 or earlier in batches of 2,500:

WHILE 1 = 1 BEGIN   DELETE TOP (2500)   FROM sales_history WHERE order_date <= '20030101'   IF @@rowcount < 2500 BREAK END

The TOP clause should be used in favor of the old SET ROWCOUNT statement because the TOP clause is open to many more query optimization algorithms. (Prior to SQL Server 2005, the SET ROWCOUNT statement was often used with data modification transactions to process large numbers of rows in batches, thus preventing the transaction log from filling up and ensuring that row locks would not escalate to a full table lock.)

See Also


The DISCONNECT statement terminates one or more connections created between the current SQL process and the database server.




Supported, with limitations


Not supported


Supported, with limitations


Not supported

SQL Server

Supported, with limitations

SQL2003 Syntax

DISCONNECT {CURRENT | ALL | connection_name | DEFAULT}



Closes the currently active user connection.


Closes all open connections for the current user.

Rules at a Glance

DISCONNECT is used to disconnect a named SQL session (connection_name), the CURRENT connection, the DEFAULT connection, or ALL connections held by the user. For example, we can disconnect a single session called new_york:


In the next example, we might want to disconnect all currently open sessions for the current user process:


Programming Tips and Gotchas

DISCONNECT is not universally supported across platforms. Do not build cross-platform applications based on DISCONNECT unless you've made provisions to disconnect SQL sessions using each platform's preferred disconnection methodology.


DB2 supports the ANSI standard for DISCONNECT in embedded SQL only. DISCONNECT can drop one or more connections only after a commit or rollback operation succeeds for the sessions to be dropped. You can also use the RELEASE statement to place a connection in a disconnect-pending condition.


Not supported.


Oracle allows DISCONNECT only in its ad hoc query tool, SQL*Plus, using this syntax:


In this usage, the command ends the current session with the database server but otherwise allows work in SQL*Plus to continue. For example, a programmer can continue to edit the buffer, save run files, and so on. However, you must establish a new connection to issue any SQL commands. Exiting SQL*Plus and returning to the filesystem requires the EXIT or QUIT commands. For example, to end the current connection with an Oracle server:



Not supported. Instead, every programming interface supports a disconnect operation; for example, SPI_FINISH is available under the Server Programming Interface, and PG_CONNECT is available under the PL/TCL programming package.

SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server supports the ANSI syntax for DISCONNECT in Embedded-SQL (ESQL) only, not within its ad hoc querying tool, SQL Query Analyzer. To disconnect cleanly from Microsoft SQL Server in an ESQL program, use the DISCONNECT ALL statement.

See Also

DROP Statements

All of the database objects created with CREATE statements may be destroyed using complementary DROP statements. On some platforms, a ROLLBACK statement after a DROP statement will recover the dropped object. However, on other database platforms, the DROP statement is irreversible and permanent, so it is advisable to use the command with care.




Supported, with variations


Supported, with limitations


Supported, with variations


Supported, with limitations

SQL Server

Supported, with limitations

SQL2003 Syntax

Currently, the SQL2003 standard supports the ability to drop a lot of object types that are largely unsupported by most vendors. The ANSI SQL2003 syntax follows this format:

 DROP {object_type} object_name {RESTRICT | CASCADE}


DROP object_type object_name

Irreversibly and permanently destroys the specified object, called object_name, of the type identified. The object_name does not need a schema identifier, but the current schema is then assumed. ANSI SQL2003 supports a long list of object types, each created with their own corresponding CREATE statement. CREATE statements covered in this book with corresponding DROP statements include:












Prevents the DROP from taking place if any dependent objects exist (RESTRICT), or causes all dependent objects to also be dropped (CASCADE). This clause is not allowed with some forms of DROP, like DROP TRIGGER, but is mandatory for others, like DROP SCHEMA. To further explain, DROP SCHEMA RESTRICT will only drop an empty schema. Otherwise, if the schema contains objects, the operation will be prevented. In contrast, DROP SCHEMA CASCADE will drop a schema and all objects contained therein.

Rules at a Glance

For rules about the creation or modification of each of the object types, refer to the corresponding CREATE/ALTER statements.

The DROP statement destroys a pre-existing object. The object is permanently destroyed, and all users who had access to the object immediately lose the ability to access the object.

The object may be qualified that is, you may fully specify the schema where the dropped object is located. For example:

DROP TABLE scott.sales_2004 CASCADE;

The above statement would not only drop the table scott.sales_2004, but also any views, triggers, or constraints built on it. On the other hand, a DROP statement may include an unqualified object name, and then the current schema context is assumed. For example:

DROP TRIGGER before_ins_emp; DROP ROLE sales_mgr;

Although not required by the SQL2003 standard, most implementations cause the DROP command to fail if the database object is in use by another user.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

DROP will only work when it is issued against a pre-existing object of the appropriate type where the user has appropriate permissions, usually the DROP TABLE permission. (Refer to the GRANT Statement section for more information.) The SQL standard requires only that the owner of an object may drop it, but most database platforms allow variations on that requirement. For example, the database superuser can usually drop any object on the database server.

With some vendors, the DROP command fails if the database object has extended properties. For example, Microsoft SQL Server will not drop a table that is replicated unless you first remove the table from replication.

It is important to be aware that most vendors do not notify you if the DROP command creates a dependency problem. Thus, if a table that is used by a few views and by stored procedures elsewhere in the database is dropped, no warning is issued. Those other objects simply return failures when they are accessed. To prevent this problem, you may wish to use the RESTRICT syntax where it is available.

You may have noticed that the ANSI standard does not support certain common DROP commands like DROP DATABASE and DROP INDEX, even though every vendor covered in this book (and just about every one in the market) supports these commands. The exact syntax for each of these commands is covered in the platform-specific sections below.


DB2 does not support the CASCADE option. It supports many of the ANSI object types in addition to many of its own object types, as follows:


The rules for DB2's DROP statements are less consistent than the ANSI standard's rules, so the full syntax of each DROP variant is shown below:

BUFFERPOOL bufferpool_name

Drops the named bufferpool as long as no tablespaces are assigned to it. Memory is recovered immediately, but disk space may be recovered at the next connection to the database.

EVENT MONITOR event_monitor_name

Drops the named event monitor as long as the event monitor is not set ON.

[SPECIFIC] FUNCTION function_name [ (datatype [,...])] [RESTRICT]

Drops the named user-defined function. DB2 allows multiple functions of the same name. To drop these, use the syntax DROP FUNCTION function_name (data type [,...]), providing data type identifiers sufficient to uniquely identify the user-defined function. Use the optional SPECIFIC keyword to identify functions by the unique name assigned to each at creation time. You may drop a function while it is in use without causing the user to experience a failure (until they try to access it later). However, you cannot drop a function that is a component of a package, triggers, views, etc. Here are examples of all three syntaxes:

DROP FUNCTION sales_summary_1992 DROP FUNCTION sales_summary (int, float) DROP SPECIFIC FUNCTION products.inventory_level

FUNCTION MAPPING function_mapping_name

Drops the named function mapping.


Drops the named index or, optionally, an index extension, as long as it is not a primary key or unique constraint. You should use ALTER TABLE to drop a primary key or unique constraint. RESTRICT is mandatory when dropping an index extension.

[SPECIFIC] METHOD method_name [ (datatype [,...])]


[FOR type_name ][RESTRICT]

Drops the named method body or specific method body, except those implicitly created by CREATE TYPE. The method specification remains as part of the definition of the subject type, unless removed with ALTER TYPE DROP METHOD. You may alternately use the syntax DROP METHOD method_body_name (data type1 [,...]) to further identify the method via datatypes. The FOR type_name clause must be specified when SPECIFIC is not specified in order to name the type where the method will be dropped. All dependencies on a method must be dropped before the method can be dropped.

NICKNAME nickname

Drops the named nickname. Certain other dependent objects are also dropped, including materialized query tables, index specifications, views (not dropped but marked inoperable), and packages (not dropped but marked inoperable).


Drops the named database partition group, and all tablespaces and subordinant objects defined under it (such as tables, packages, constraints, etc.) are dropped or marked inoperable. You should drop any tablespaces from the database partition group first. For example:


PACKAGE package_name [VERSION version_id]

Drops the named package of schema_name.package_id. You may also optionally add the clause VERSION version_id after the package_id to further identify the package.

[SPECIFIC] PROCEDURE procedure_name [ (datatype1 [,...])] [RESTRICT]

Drops the named procedure or specific procedure. DB2 allows multiple procedures with the same name, each distinguished by their different datatype usage. You may alternately identify the procedure to drop via the syntax DROP PROCEDURE procedure_name (datatype [,...]) syntax.


Drops the named schema. The RESTRICT keyword requires that the schema be empty before it can be dropped.

SEQUENCE sequence_name [RESTRICT]

Drops the named sequence from the server. However, you cannot drop a sequence created for an IDENTITY column using the DROP SEQUENCE statement.

SERVER server_name

Drops the definition of a named data source from the catalog as well as all nicknames for objects residing on the remote server. In addition, index specifications, user-defined functions, user-defined type mappings, and user mappings dependent on the remote server are dropped. Packages and function mappings dependent on the remote server are invalidated.

TABLE [HIERARCHY] table_name

Drops the named base table, declared temporary table, materialized query table, or staging table from the server. Indexes, constraints, materialized query tables, and staging tables that reference a dropped table are also dropped. Subtables of a typed table are not automatically dropped and must be dropped before the parent table can be dropped. Views, packages, and triggers that reference the dropped table are rendered inoperable. Any DATALINK columns are unlinked, though asynchronously. The HIERARCHY option is used to drop a named type table hierarchy (i.e., both the parent table and all of its subtables). In this syntax, the object_name is the name of the root table in the typed table hierarchy. A table cannot be dropped if it has the RESTRICT ON DROP attribute.

TABLESPACE[S] tablespace_name [,...]

Drops one or more named tablespaces and all objects from those tablespaces, unless a table stored in the tablespace spans the tablespace to be dropped and at least one of the tablespaces spanned, or the table has the RESTRICT ON DROP property. The TABLESPACE keyword and the TABLESPACES keyword are synonyms.

TRANSFORM[S] {ALL | group_name} FOR type_name

Drops all transform groups for a user-defined datatype using the syntax DROP TRANSFORM ALL FOR datatype_name. Note that only the transform group and not the user-defined datatype are dropped. Alternately, use the syntax DROP TRANSFORM transform_group_name FOR datatype_name to drop a single transform group from a user-defined datatype. For example:

DROP TRANSFORM sales_calcs FOR orders

TRIGGER trigger_name

Drops the named trigger. This may also cause certain packages to be marked invalid.


Drops the named user-defined type or, with the optional DISTINCT keyword, drops the named distinct type. Using the optional RESTRICT keyword prevents the type from being dropped, if the type has any dependency such as being used in a table definition or in a view, has subtypes, etc.

TYPE MAPPING type_mapping_name

Drops the named user-defined type mapping, though no other subordinant objects are dropped.

USER MAPPING FOR {user_name | USER} SERVER server_name

Drops the user mapping to a federated server for a named user. If no server is specified, all user mappings are dropped for the named user. For example, the user Dylan no longer needs the oracle50 data source:


VIEW [HIERARCHY] view_name

Drops the named view from the schema. If the view is a parent object, then all subviews must be dropped before the parent view. Other objects that directly or indirectly depend on the view, such as triggers or materialized query tables, are marked inoperable. The optional HIERARCHY keyword tells DB2 to drop a parent typed view and all of its subviews.

WRAPPER wrapper_name

Drops the named wrapper as well as any server definitions, user-defined function mappings, and user-defined datatype mappings. This can cause a cascading action when dropping a server definition because objects dependent on the server definition (things like user mappings and nicknames) are also dropped. If the server definition results in a nickname being dropped, then objects dependent on the nickname (like views or packages) become inoperable.


Optionally allowed on FUNCTION, SPECIFIC FUNCTION, METHOD, SPECIFIC METHOD, PROCEDURE, SPECIFIC PROCEDURE, SEQUENCE, TYPE, and DISTINCT TYPE. Mandatory for INDEX EXTENSION and SCHEMA. Like the ANSI standard, RESTRICT prevents the object from being dropped if a dependant object exists. The RESTRICT behavior is the default.

If you do not specify a schema along with the object name when performing a drop, DB2 will assume the current schema in dynamic SQL statements. DB2 will apply the QUALIFIER precompile/bind option for static SQL statements.


MySQL supports a very limited number of objects via the CREATE/ALTER statement. Consequently, the syntax for DROP is also limited, as in the following:

DROP { DATABASE | [TEMPORARY] TABLE | INDEX } object_name [,...]       [ON table_name] [IF EXISTS] object_name [,...] [RESTRICT |CASCADE]

The syntax elements are:

DATABASE database_name

Drops the named database, including all the objects it contains, such as tables and indexes. The DROP DATABASE command removes all database and table files from the filesystem, as well as two-digit subdirectories. MySQL will return a message showing how many files were erased from the database directory. (Files of these extentions are erased: .BAK, .DAT, .frm, .HSH, .ISD, .ISM, .MRG, .MYD, .MYI, .dm, and .fm.) If the database is linked, both the link and the database are erased. You may only drop one database at a time. RESTRICT and CASCADE are not valid on DROP DATABASE.

[TEMPORARY] TABLE table_name [,...]

Drops one or more named tables, with table names separated from each other by commas. MySQL erases each table's definition and deletes the three table files from the filesystem (.frm, .MYD, and .MYI). Issuing this command causes MySQL to commit all active transactions. The TEMPORARY keyword drops only temporary tables without committing running transactions or checking access rights.

INDEX index_name ON table_name

Drops the named index from the named table on Version 3.22 or later. This command doesn't do anything on versions earlier than 3.22, but on 3.22 it actually executes an ALTER TABLE...DROP INDEX command behind the scenes. You cannot use RESTRICT, CASCADE, or IF EXISTS with a DROP INDEX statement.


Acts as noise. These keywords do not generate an error by MySQL, nor do they do anything.


Prevents an error message when attempting to drop an object that does not exist. Usable in MySQL Version 3.22 or later.

MySQL supports only the ability to drop a database, a table (or tables), or an index from a table. Although the DROP statement will not fail with the RESTRICT and CASCADE optional keywords, they also don't do anything. You can use the IF EXISTS clause to prevent MySQL from returning an error message by trying to delete an object that doesn't exist.


Oracle supports most of the ANSI keywords for the DROP statements, as well as many additional keywords corresponding to objects uniquely supported by Oracle, as follows:


The rules for Oracle DROP statements are less consistent than the ANSI standard's rules, so the full syntax of each DROP variant is shown below:


Drops the named cluster from the database. (Note that this drops a cluster; it does not uncluster a specific table from a cluster.) INCLUDING TABLES drops all tables that belong to the cluster. CASCADE CONSTRAINTS drops all referential integrity constraints that refer to the tables in the cluster. DROP CLUSTER will fail without CASCADE CONSTRAINTS when tables outside of the cluster have constraints (like a primary or foreign key) that refer to tables in the cluster. For example:


CONTEXT namespace

Drops the named context from the database. Users currently in the namespace are unaffected, but will be unable to access the context when they next attempt to use that context. For example:

DROP CONTEXT hr_context

Drops a database from the Oracle server.

[PUBLIC] DATABASE LINK database_link_name

Drops the named database link from the database. You must include the PUBLIC keyword to drop a public database link. Note that the database link cannot be schema qualified. For example, to drop the database link called hq.southeast.tenn:

DROP DATABASE LINK hq.southeast.tenn;

DIMENSION dimension_name

Drops the named dimension. This does not invalidate materialized views built on the dimension, though they may execute more slowly and query requests may be rewritten.

DIRECTORY directory_name

Drops the named directory object from the database. This should not be used on directories containing files accessed by PL/SQL or OCI programs. For example, you could drop the image_files directory:

DROP DIRECTORY image_files;

FUNCTION function_name

Drops the named function, as long as it is not a component of a package. If you want to drop a function from a package, use the CREATE PACKAGE...OR REPLACE statement to redefine the package without the function you want to be rid of. Any local objects that depend on or call the function are invalidated and any statistical types associated with the function are disassociated.

INDEX index_name [FORCE]

Drops a named index or domain index from the database. Dropping an index invalidates all objects that depend on the parent table, including views, packages, functions, and stored procedures. Dropping an index invalidates cursors and execution plans that use the index, and will force a hard parse of the affected SQL statements when they are next executed.

Non-IOT indexes are secondary objects and can be dropped and recreated without any loss of user data. IOTs, because they combine both table and index data in the same structure, cannot be dropped and recreated in this manner. IOTs should be dropped using the DROP TABLE syntax.

When you drop a partitioned index, all partitions are dropped. When you drop a composite-partitioned index, all index partitions and subpartitions are dropped. When you drop a domain index, any statistics associated with the domain index are removed and any statistic types are disassociated. The optional keyword FORCE applies only when dropping domain indexes. FORCE allows you to drop a domain index marked IN PROGRESS, or to drop a domain index when its indextype routine invocation returns an error. For example:

DROP INDEX ndx_sales_salesperson_quota;

INDEXTYPE indextype_name [FORCE]

Drops the named indextype along with any associated statistic types. Oracle also drops any statistics collected with the statistics type. The optional keyword FORCE drops the indextype even when it is currently referenced by one or more domain indexes and marks the applicable domain indexes as INVALID. If you do not use FORCE on an indextype that is referenced by one or more domain indexes, the statement will fail. For example:

DROP INDEXTYPE imageindextype FORCE;

JAVA {SOURCE | CLASS | RESOURCE} "java_object_name"

Drops the named Java source, Java class, or Java resource schema object. SOURCE drops the named Java source schema object and all Java class schema objects derived from it. CLASS drops the named Java class schema object. RESOURCE drops the named Java resource schema object. For example, to drop the Java source MyJavaSource and all dependent schema objects:


LIBRARY library_name

Drops the named external procedure library.


Drops the named materialized view. You can use the keyword SNAPSHOT as an alternative to MATERIALIZED VIEW for backward compatibility. You must have privileges to drop the table plus views and indexes that make up the materialized view. Note that if you drop a parent table, any materialized views built upon it are not automatically dropped. But Oracle will return an error when a refresh is attempted on a materialized view whose parent table has been dropped. For example, we can drop a materialized view called salespeople_at_quota:

DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW salespeople_at_quota;


Drops the named materialized view log that resides on the parent table (also known as the master table). You can use the statement DROP SNAPSHOT as an alternative to DROP MATERIALIZED VIEW for backward compatibility. RowID, primary key, and subquery materialized views can no longer be fast refreshed after the materialized view log has been dropped.

OPERATOR operator_name FORCE

Drops the named user-defined operator from the database. The optional keyword FORCE allows you to drop the operator even if it is referenced by other schema objects such as triggers, packages, user-defined functions, and so forth. In that case, the dependent objects become invalid. Dropping a user-defined operator with dependents without the FORCE keyword will result in an error.

OUTLINE outline_name

Drops the named stored outline from the database. The optimizer will generate new query plans for any SQL statements that used the stored outline after it is dropped.

PACKAGE [BODY] package_name

Drops the named package body and specification. The optional keyword BODY drops only the body of the package, but leaves the specification unaltered. This option is useful if you do not want to invalidate dependent objects, though you cannot call any components of the package until the package body is recreated. Otherwise, if you drop both body and specification, Oracle invalidates all dependent objects. (Note that if you want to drop a single object from a package, you should use the statement CREATE PACKAGE [BODY]...OR REPLACE.) The following examples drop first the package body and specification of the sales_quota_calc package, and then drop only the body of the regional_sales_calc package:

DROP PACKAGE sales_quota_calc; DROP PACKAGE BODY regional_sales_calc;

PROCEDURE procedure_name

Drops the named stored procedure. Any dependent objects are invalidated when you drop a stored procedure. Dependent objects will fail with an error if they are accessed before you recreate the stored procedure. If you recreate the stored procedure, and a dependent object is accessed, the dependent object will be recompiled.

PROFILE profile_name [CASCADE]

Drops the named profile. The optional keyword CASCADE removes the profile from any users who were granted the profile. CASCADE is only required if the profile has been granted to one or more users. Users who no longer have a profile are then assigned the DEFAULT password. For example, the following statement drops the web_user profile and removes it from all users:


ROLE role_name

Drops the named role, removes it from the database, and revokes it from all users and roles where it has been granted. No new sessions can use the role, but sessions that are currently running under the role are not affected. For example, the following statement drops the sales_mgr role:

DROP ROLE sales_mgr:


Drops the named rollback segment and returns its space to the tablespace where the rollback segment was assigned. The rollback segment must be on-line and may not be the SYSTEM rollback segment. (Note that in Automatic Undo Management mode, you can only drop rollback segments. You cannot create or alter them.) For example, the following statement drops the rollback segment named rbseg_sales_tblspc:

DROP ROLLBACK SEGMENT rbseg_sales_tblspc;

SEQUENCE sequence_name

Drops the named sequence. (Note that the only way to restart a sequence is to drop it and recreate it.)

[PUBLIC] SYNONYM synonym_name [FORCE]

Drops the named private or PUBLIC synonym. (Note that the only way to redefine a synonym is to drop it and recreate it.) You cannot specify a schema when dropping a PUBLIC synonym. Materialized views become invalid when you drop their synonym. The optional keyword FORCE allows you to drop a synonym even if it has dependent tables or user-defined types. Otherwise, you cannot drop a synonym with dependent tables or user-defined types. Oracle discourages the use of FORCE. For example, you could drop the public synonym called users:



Drops the named table, erases all of its data, drops all indexes and triggers built from the table (even those in other schemas), and invalidates all permissions and all dependent objects (like views, stored procedures, etc.). On partitioned tables, Oracle drops all their partitions (and subpartitions). On index-organized tables, Oracle drops all dependent mapping tables. Statistic types associated with a dropped table are disassociated. Materialized view logs built on a table are also dropped when the table is dropped.

The DROP TABLE statement is effective for standard tables, index-organized tables, and object tables. The table being dropped is only moved to the recycling bin, unless you add the optional keyword PURGE, which tells Oracle to immediate free all space consumed by the table. (Oracle also supports a non-ANSI SQL command called PURGE that lets you remove tables from the recycling bin outside of the DROP TABLE statement.) DROP TABLE erases only the metadata of an external table. You must use an external operating system command to drop the file associated with an external table and reclaim its space.

Use the optional CASCADE CONSTRAINTS clause to drop all referential integrity constraints elsewhere in the database that depend on the primary or unique key of the dropped table. You cannot drop a table with dependent referential integrity constraints without using the CASCADE CONSTRAINTS clause. The following example drops the job_desc table in the emp schema, then drops the job table and all referential integrity constraints that depend on the primary key and unique key of the job table:



Drops the named tablespace (preferably when it is offline), deleting all datafiles and tempfiles. Oracle-managed datafiles and tempfiles in the tablespace are deleted from the filesystem, but datafiles and tempfiles managed by the OS can also be deleted by including the optional clause INCLUDING CONTENTS AND DATAFILES. Note that you cannot drop a tablespace when it contains a domain index, objects created by a domain index, data needed to roll back uncommitted transactions, or the SYSTEM tablespace. The optional clause INCLUDING CONTENTS drops all contents of the tablespace, and is required for any tablespace that contains database objects. The optional clause AND DATAFILES also drops associated operating system files. The optional clause CASCADE CONSTRAINTS drops all external referential integrity constraints that depend on the primary or unique keys of tables within the tablespace and is required when such dependencies exist. The first of the following examples drops the tablespace sales_tblspc and all dependent referential integrity constraints, while the second example drops the tablespace sales_images_tblspc and all associated operating system files:


TRIGGER trigger_name

Drops the named trigger from the database.

TYPE [BODY] type_name [ {FORCE | VALIDATE} ]

Drops the specification and body of the named object type, nested table type, or VARRAY, as long as they have no type or table dependencies. You must use the optional FORCE keyword to drop a supertype, a type with an associated statistics type, or a type with any sort of dependencies. All subtypes and statistic types are then invalidated. Oracle will also drop any public synonyms associated with a dropped type. The optional BODY keyword tells Oracle to drop only the body of the type while keeping its specification intact. Use the optional VALIDATE keyword when dropping subtypes to check for stored instances of the named type in any of its supertypes. Oracle then performs the drop only if no stored instances are found. For example:

DROP TYPE salesperson_type;

USER user_name [CASCADE]

Drops the named user from the database. By default, Oracle will not drop a user whose schema still owns objects. The optional keyword CASCADE tells Oracle to also remove all of the user's objects, as well as applicable dependent objects. Oracle does not drop objects from other users' schemas that reference those in the dropped schema, though it does invalidate them. For example, the following statement drops the user cody and all of his objects:



Drops the named view and marks as invalid any views, subviews, synonyms, or materialized views that refer to the dropped view. Use the optional clause CASCADE CONSTRAINTS to drop all referential integrity constraints that depend on the view. Otherwise, the DROP statement will fail if dependent referential integrity constraints exist. For example, the following statement drops the active_employees view in the hr schema:

DROP VIEW hr.active_employees;

In all of the syntax shown above, object_name can be replaced with [schema_name.]object_name. If you leave off the schema name, the default schema of the user session is assumed. Thus, the following DROP statement drops the specified view from the sales_archive schema:

DROP VIEW sales_archive.sales_1994;

However, if your personal schema is scott, then the following command is assumed to be against scott.sales_1994:

DROP VIEW sales_1994;


PosgreSQL does not support the RESTRICT or CASCADE optional keywords supported by the ANSI standard. It supports a wide variety of DROP variants, as follows:


Following is the full syntax for each variant:

AGGEGATE aggregate_name ({datatype | *})

Drops the user-defined aggregate function. The value for datatype is the datatype of the existing aggregate function, but you may substitute an asterisk (*) to match any input datatype. For example, we can drop an aggregate function called sales_avg we made using PostgreSQL's CREATE AGGREGATE statement:

DROP AGGREGATE sales_avg(int4);

DATABASE database_name

Drops the named database and erases the operating system directory containing all of the database's data. This command can only be executed by the database owner while connected to a database other than the target database. For example, we can drop the sales_archive database:

DROP DATABASE sales_archive;

FUNCTION function_name ([datatype1 [,...])

Drops the named user-defined function. Since PostgreSQL allows multiple functions of the same name distinguished only by the various input parameters they require, you must specify one or more datatypes to uniquely identify the user-defined function you wish to drop. PostgreSQL does not perform any kind of dependency checks on other objects that might reference a dropped user-defined function. (They will fail when invoked against an object that no longer exists.) For example:

DROP FUNCTION median_distribution (int, int, int, int);

GROUP group_name

Drops the named group, though it does not affect users who were in the group. This is similar to DROP ROLE on other database platforms.

INDEX index_name [,...]

Drops one or more named indexes that you own. For example:

DROP INDEX ndx_titles, ndx_authors;

[PROCEDURAL] LANGUAGE language_named

Drops the named user-defined procedural language. You can optionally enclose the name in single quotes. Note that PostgreSQL does not check to see if any user-defined functions or triggers written in the named language still exist in the database. For example:


OPERATOR operator_id ({left_datatype | NONE }, {right_datatype | NONE })

Drops a named user-defined operator where the value of left_datatype is the operator's left argument and right_datatype is the operator's right argument. NONE may be substituted for either argument when there is no argument in that position. (PostgreSQL does not check for any dependent access methods or operator classes that rely on the dropped operator. You should check for them and drop them manually to avoid errors when they are invoked.) For example, the first of the following statements drops the power operator, and the second drops the unary negation operator:

DROP OPERATOR ^ (int4, int4); DROP OPERATOR ! (NONE, bool);

RULE rule_name [,...]

Drops one or more named rules from the database. PostgreSQL then immediately stops enforcing the rules and erases historical data about the rules. For example:

DROP RULE phone_rule;

SEQUENCE seq_name [,...]

Drops one or more named sequences from the database. Since the current version of PostgreSQL treats sequences as special tables, the DROP SEQUENCE statement works very much like the DROP TABLE statement.

TABLE table_name [,...]

Drops one or more existing tables from the database, as well as any indexes or triggers specified for the table. For example, you can drop more than one table in a single statement:

DROP TABLE authors, titles;

TRIGGER trigger_name ON table_name

Drops the named trigger from the database. Since PostgreSQL requires that trigger names be unique only on the table they are attached to, it is possible to have many triggers called, say, insert_trigger or delete_trigger, each on a different table. For example:

DROP TRIGGER insert_trigger ON authors;

TYPE type_name [,...]

Drops one or more pre-existing user-defined types from the database. PostgreSQL does not check to see what impact the DROP TYPE command might have on any dependent objects like functions, aggregates, or tables. You must check dependent objects manually. (Do not remove any of the built-in types that ship with PostgreSQL!) Note that PostgreSQL's implementation of types differs from the ANSI standard. Refer to the CREATE/ALTER TYPE Statement section for more information.

USER user_name

Drops the named user from the current database. This command does not drop any objects owned by the user, such as tables or views, but will fail if the user owns any databases. For example:

DROP USER emily;

VIEW view_name [,...]

Drops one or more pre-existing views from the database.

Note that PostgreSQL drop operations do not allow you to specify the target database where the operation will take place (except for DROP DATABASE). Therefore, you should execute any drop operation from the database where the object you want to drop is located.

SQL Server

SQL Server supports several standard variants of the DROP statement. SQL Server's main difference compared to the ANSI DROP statement is the ability to drop multiple objects with a single statement:


Following is the full syntax for each variant:

DATABASE database_name [,...]

Drops the named database(s) and erases all disk files used by the database(s). This command may only be issued from the master database. Replicated databases must be removed from their replication schemes before they can be dropped, as must log shpping databases. You cannot drop a database while it is in use, nor can you drop system databases (master, model, msdb, or tempdb). For example, we can drop the northwind and pubs databases with one command:

DROP DATABASE northwind, pubs GO

DEFAULT default_name [,...]

Drops one or more user-defined defaults from the current database. Note that this does not drop DEFAULT constraints, only user-defined defaults created with the CREATE DEFAULT statement. (You can drop default constraints using the statement ALTER TABLE...DROP CONSTRAINT.) When dropping a default from a column, null values will be inserted into columns that accept null. Otherwise, if a column does not accept nulls, an error is raised and no values are entered into the column. If a column or user-defined datatype being dropped is bound, then you must first unbind it using the SQL Server system stored procedure sp_unbindefault. In the following two examples, we first drop a user-defined default and then unbind and drop the user-defined default:

DROP DEFAULT sales_date_default GO EXEC sp_unbindefault  'sales.ord_date' DROP DEFAULT order_date_default GO

FUNCTION [schema.]function_name [,...]

Drops one or more user-defined functions from the current database.

INDEX table_or_view_name.index_name [,...]

Drops one or more indexes from tables or indexed views in the current database and returns space to the database. This statement should not be used to drop a PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE constraint. Instead, drop these constraints using the ALTER TABLE...DROP CONSTRAINT statement. When dropping a clustered index from a table, all non-clustered indexes are rebuilt. When dropping a clustered index from a view, all non-clustered indexes are dropped.

PROCEDURE procedure_name [,...]

Drops one or more stored procedures from the current database. SQL Server allows multiple versions of a single procedure via a version number, but these versions cannot be dropped individually. You must drop all versions of a stored procedure at once. System procedures (those with an sp_ prefix) are dropped from the master database if they are not found in the current user database. For example:

DROP PROCEDURE calc_sales_quota GO

RULE rule_name [,...]

Drops one or more user-defined rules from the current database. Existing data in columns governed by a rule are not checked when the rule is dropped. You may need to unbind the rule first using the SQL Server system stored procedure sp_unbindefault. In the following two examples, we first drop a user-defined rule, and then unbind and drop the user-defined rule:

DROP RULE phone_rule GO EXEC sp_unbindrule 'authors.phone' DROP RULE phone_rule GO

STATISTICS table_or_view_name.statistics_name [,...]

Drops statistics on one or more collections from a table or indexed view in the current database. Dropping statistics can have a big impact on query performance, since they help the query optimizer choose the best query plan. (Statistics are created with the CREATE INDEX and CREATE STATISTICS statements. You can update statistics with the UPDATE STATISTICS statement or retrieve information about them with the statement DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS.) For example, we'll create statistics on two columns in two separate tables and then drop the statistics:

CREATE STATISTICS title_stats ON sales (title_id, ord_num)    WITH SAMPLE 30 PERCENT GO CREATE STATISTICS zip_stats ON stores (zip)    WITH FULLSCAN GO DROP STATISTICS sales.title_stats, stores.zip_stats GO

TABLE table_name

Drops a named table and all data, permissions, indexes, triggers, and constraints specific to that table. (The table_name may be a fully qualified table name like pubs.dbo.sales or a simple table name, like sales, if the current database and owner are correct.) Views, functions, and stored procedures that reference the table are not dropped or marked as invalid, but will return an error when their procedural code encounters the missing table. Be sure to drop these yourself! You cannot drop a table referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint without first dropping the constraint. Similarly, you cannot drop a table used in replication without first removing it from the replication scheme. Any user-defined rules or defaults are unbound when the table is dropped. They must be rebound if the table is recreated.

TRIGGER trigger_name [,...]

Drops one or more triggers from the current database.

TYPE type_name [,...]

Drops one or more user-defined types from the current database.

VIEW view_name [,...]

Drops one or more views from the database, including indexed views, and returns all space to the database.

See Also

EXCEPT Set Operator

The EXCEPT set operator retrieves the result sets of two or more queries including all the records retrieved by the first query that are not also found in subsequent queries. Whereas JOIN clauses are used to return the rows of two or more queries that are in common, EXCEPT is used to filter out the records that are present in only one of multiple, but similar, tables.

EXCEPT is in a class of keywords called a set operator. Other set operators include INTERSECT and UNION. (MINUS is Oracle's equivilent to the EXCEPT keyword. EXCEPT is the ANSI standard.) All set operators are used to simultaneously manipulate the result set of two or more queries, hence the term "set operators."




Supported, with limitations


Not supported


Supported,with limitations


Supported, with limitations

SQL Server

Not supported

SQL2003 Syntax

There are technically no limits to the number of queries that you may combine with the EXCEPT operator. The general syntax is:

{SELECT statement1 | VALUES (expr1 [,...]) } EXCEPT [ALL | DISTINCT] [CORRESPONDING [BY (column1, column2, ...)] ] {SELECT statement2 | VALUES (expr2 [,...]) } EXCEPT [ALL | DISTINCT] [CORRESPONDING [BY (column1, column2, ...)] ] ...


VALUES (expr1 [,...])

Generates a derived result set with explicitly declared values as expression1, expression2, etc. It is essentially a SELECT statement result set without the SELECT...FROM syntax. This is known as a row constructor, since the rows of the result set are manually constructed. According to the ANSI standard, mutliple, hand-coded rows in a row constructor must be enclosed in parentheses and separated by commas.


Determines which rows will be excluded from the single result set.


Considers duplicate rows from all result sets.


Drops duplicate rows from all result sets prior to the EXCEPT comparison. Columns containing a NULL value are considered duplicates. (If neither ALL nor DISTINCT are used, DISTINCT behavior is the default.)

CORRESPONDING [BY] (column1, column2, ...)

Specifies that only columns with the listed names are returned, even if one or both queries use the asterisk shortcut.

Rules at a Glance

There is only one significant rule to remember when using EXCEPT:

The order, number, and datatypes of columns should be of the same category in all queries

The datatypes do not have to be identical, but they must be compatible. For example, CHAR and VARCHAR are compatible datatypes. By default, the result set will default to the largest datatype size of each column in each ordinal position. For example, a query retrieving from columns containing a VARCHAR(10) and a VARCHAR(15) column will use the VARCHAR(15) datatype and size.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

None of the platforms support the CORRESPONDING [BY column1, column2, ...] clause.

On platforms that do not support EXCEPT, you might substitute a NOT IN subquery. However, NOT IN subqueries have different NULL handling and, on some database platforms, produce different result sets.

According to the ANSI standard, the UNION and EXCEPT set operators evaluate with equal precedence. However, the INTERSECT set operator evaluates first before the other set operators. We recommend that you explicitly control the precedence of set operators, using parentheses as a general best practice.

According to the ANSI standard, only one ORDER BY clause is allowed in the entire query. Include it at the end of the last SELECT statement. In order to avoid column and table ambiguity, be sure to alias each column for each table with the same respective alias. For example:

SELECT au_lname AS 'lastname', au_fname AS 'firstname' FROM authors EXCEPT SELECT emp_lname AS 'lastname', emp_fname AS 'firstname' FROM employees ORDER BY lastname, firstname

Also, while each of your column lists may list columns with correspondingly compatible datatypes, there may be some variation in behavior across the DBMS platforms with regard to varying length of the columns. For example, if the au_lname column in the previous example's first query is markedly longer than the emp_lname column in the second query, each platform may apply different rules as to which length is used for the final result. In general, though, the platforms will choose the longer (and less restrictive) column size for use in the result set.

Each DBMS may apply its own rules as to which column name is used if the names vary across column lists. In general, the column names of the first query are used.


DB2 supports the EXCEPT and EXCEPT ALL keywords of the ANSI standard, plus the VALUES extension:

{ SELECT statement1 | VALUES (expression1, expression2 [,...]) } EXCEPT [ALL] { SELECT statement2 | VALUES (expression1, expression2 [,...]) } EXCEPT [ALL] ...



Allows you to specify one or more hand-coded rows to include in the final result set. (This is known as a row constructor.) The VALUES clause must specify the exact same number of columns as the queries in the EXCEPT.

Although EXCEPT DISTINCT is not supported, EXCEPT is the functional equivalent. The CORRESPONDING clause is not supported. In addition, the datatypes LONG VARCHAR, LONG VARGRAPHIC, BLOB, CLOB, DBCLOB, DATALINK, and the structured types are not usable with EXCEPT, but are useable with EXCEPT ALL.

When the result set has the same column name for a given column across all SELECT statements, then that name is used as the final column name returned by the statement. If, however, the given column is named differently in different SELECT statements, then you must rename the column in each query using the same AS alias_name.

If multiple set operations are used in a single query, those enclosed in parentheses are evaluated first. Then, the queries are evaluated in left-to-right order. However, all INTERSECT operations are performed before any UNION and EXCEPT operations.

For example:

(SELECT empno    FROM   employee    WHERE  workdept LIKE 'E%'  EXCEPT  SELECT empno    FROM   emp_act    WHERE  projno IN ('IF1000', 'IF2000', 'AD3110')) UNION VALUES ('AA0001'), ('AB0002'), ('AC0003')

The example above retrieves all IDs for all employees from the employee table who are in any department that starts with "E," then it excludes any employee IDs from the employee accounts (emp_act) table representing employees working in the projects IF1000, IF200', and AD3110. Finally, it adds in three extra employee IDs AA0001, AB0002, and AC0003 using the UNION set operator.


EXCEPT is not supported in MySQL. However, you can use the NOT IN or NOT EXISTS operations as alternatives.


Oracle does not support the EXCEPT set operator. However, it has an alternative set operator, MINUS, with identical functionality.

<SELECT statement1> MINUS <SELECT statement2> MINUS ...

MINUS DISTINCT and MINUS ALL are not supported. MINUS is the functional equivalent of MINUS DISTINCT. Oracle does not support MINUS on queries under the following circumstances:

  • Queries containing columns of LONG, BLOB, CLOB, BFILE, or VARRAY datatypes

  • Queries containing the FOR UPDATE clause

  • Queries containing TABLE collection expressions

If the first query in a set operation contains any expressions in the select item list, then include AS clauses to associate aliases with those expressions. Also, only the last query in the set operation may contain an ORDER BY clause.

For example, you could generate a list of all store IDs that do not have any records in the sales table:

SELECT stor_id FROM stores MINUS SELECT stor_id FROM sales

The MINUS command is functionally similar to a NOT IN query. The following query would retrieve the same results as the earlier query:

SELECT stor_id FROM stores WHERE stor_id NOT IN    (SELECT stor_id FROM sales)


PostgreSQL supports the EXCEPT and EXCEPT ALL set operators using the basic ANSI SQL syntax:

<SELECT statement1> EXCEPT [ALL] <SELECT statement2> EXCEPT [ALL] ...

PostgreSQL does not support EXCEPT or EXCEPT ALL on queries with a FOR UPDATE clause. PostgreSQL does not support the CORRESPONDING clause. EXCEPT DISTINCT is not supported, but EXCEPT is the functional equivalent.

The first query in the set operation may not contain an ORDER BY clause or a LIMIT clause. Subsequent queries in the EXCEPT or EXCEPT ALL set operation may contain these clauses, but such queries must be enclosed in parentheses. Otherwise, the right-most occurence of ORDER BY or LIMIT will be applied to the entire set operation.

PostgreSQL evaluates SELECT statements in a multi-EXCEPT statement from top to bottom unless you use parentheses to change the evaluation hierarchy of the statements.

Normally, duplicate rows are eliminated from the two result sets, unless you add the ALL keyword. For example, you could find all titles in the authors table that have no records in the sales table:

SELECT title_id FROM   authors EXCEPT ALL SELECT title_id FROM   sales;

SQL Server

EXCEPT is not supported. However, you can use NOT IN or NOT EXISTS operations in conjunction with a correlated subquery as alternatives. The following queries are examples of how you can achieve EXCEPT functionality using NOT EXISTS and NOT IN:

SELECT DISTINCT a.city FROM pubs..authors AS a WHERE NOT EXISTS    (SELECT *     FROM pubs..publishers AS p     WHERE a.city = p.city) SELECT DISTINCT a.city FROM pubs..authors AS a WHERE a.city NOT IN    (SELECT p.city     FROM pubs..publishers AS p     WHERE p.city IS NOT NULL)

In general, NOT EXISTS is faster than NOT IN. In addition, there is a subtle issue with NULLs that differentiates the IN and NOT IN operators and the EXISTS and NOT EXISTS set operator. In order to get around this different handling of NULLs, simply add the IS NOT NULL clause to the WHERE clause, as we have in the preceding example.

See Also

EXISTS Operator

The EXISTS operator tests a subquery for the existence of rows.











SQL Server


SQL2003 Syntax

SELECT ... WHERE [NOT] EXISTS (subquery)

The parameters and keywords are as follows:


Tests the subquery for the existence of one or more rows. If even one row satisfies the subquery clause, it returns a Boolean TRUE value. The optional NOT keyword returns a Boolean TRUE value when the subquery returns no matching rows.


Retrieves a result set based on a fully formed subquery.

Rules at a Glance

The EXISTS operator checks a subquery for the existence of one or more records against the records in the parent query.

For example, we want to see if we have any jobs where no employee is filling the position:

SELECT * FROM jobs WHERE NOT EXISTS    (SELECT * FROM employee      WHERE jobs.job_id = employye.job_id)

This example tests for the absence of records in the subquery using the optional NOT keyword. The next example looks for specific records in the subquery to retrieve the main result set:

SELECT au_lname FROM authors WHERE EXISTS    (SELECT *    FROM publishers    WHERE authors.city = publishers.city)

This query returns the last name of authors who live in the same city as their publishers. Note that the asterisk in the subquery is acceptable, since the subquery only needs to return a single record to provide a Boolean TRUE value. Columns are irrelevant in these cases. The first example selects only a single column. The key point is whether a row exists.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

EXISTS, in many queries, does the same thing as ANY. EXISTS is usually most effective with correlated subqueries.

EXISTS is symantically equivalent to the ANY operator.

The EXISTS subquery usually searches for only one of two things. Your first option is to use the asterisk wildcard (e.g., SELECT * FROM...) so that you are not retrieving any specific column or value. In this case, the asterisk means "any column." The second option is to select only a single column in the subquery (e.g., SELECT au_id FROM...). Some individual database platforms allow a subquery against more than one column (e.g., SELECT au_id, au_lname FROM...). However, this feature is rare and should be avoided on code that needs to be transportable across platforms.

Platform Differences

All of the platforms support EXISTS in the manner described above.

See Also

FETCH Statement

The FETCH statement is one of four commands used in cursor processing, along with DECLARE, OPEN, and CLOSE. Cursors allow you to process queries one row at a time, rather than as a complete set. FETCH positions a cursor on a specific row and retrieves that row from the result set.

Cursors are especially important in relational databases because they are set-based, while most client-centric programming languages are row-based. So cursors allow you to perform operations a single row at a time, to better fit what a client program can do, rather than operate on a whole set of records at once.




Supported, with limitations


Not supported


Supported, with limitations


Supported, with variations

SQL Server

Supported, with variations

SQL2003 Syntax

FETCH [ { NEXT | PRIOR | FIRST | LAST |   { ABSOLUTE | RELATIVE  int } }   FROM ] cursor_name [INTO variable1 [, ...] ]



Tells the cursor to return the record immediately following the current row, and increments the current row to the row returned. FETCH NEXT is the default behavior for FETCH. It retrieves the first record if FETCH is performed as the first fetch against a cursor.


Tells the cursor to return the record immediately preceding the current row and decrements the current row to the row returned. FETCH PRIOR does not retrieve a record if it is performed as the first fetch against the cursor.


Tells the cursor to return the first record in the cursor, making it the current row.


Tells the cursor to return the last record in the cursor, making it the current row.


Tells the cursor to return the int record from the cursor record set counting from the top (if int is a positive integer), or the int record counting from the bottom (if int is a negative integer), making the returned record the new current record of the cursor. If int is 0, no rows are returned. If the value of int moves the cursor past the end of the cursor result set, then the cursor is positioned after the last row (for a positive int) or before the first row (for a negative int).


Tells the cursor to return the record int rows after the current record (if int is positive) or int rows before the current record (if int is negative), making the returned record the new current row of the cursor. If int is 0, the current row is returned. If the value of int moves the cursor past the end of the cursor result set, then the cursor is positioned after the last row (for a positive int) or before the first row (for a negative int).

[FROM] cursor_name

Tells the name of the OPEN cursor where you want to retrieve rows. The cursor must be previously created and instantiated using the DECLARE and OPEN clauses. FROM is optional, but encouraged.

INTO variable1[, ...]

Stores data from each column in the open cursor into a local variable. Each column in the cursor must have a corresponding variable of a matching datatype in the INTO clause. Each column value is directly related to the variables in ordinal positions.

Rules at a Glance

At the highest level, a cursor must be:

  1. Created using DECLARE

  2. Opened using OPEN

  3. Operated against using FETCH

  4. Dismissed using CLOSE

By following these steps, you create a result set similar to that of a SELECT statement, except that you can operate against each individual row within the result set separately. For example, assume you've created and opened a cursor on a DB2 database called employee_cursor containing three columns:

DECLARE employee_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT lname, fname, emp_id FROM employee WHERE hire_date >= '2005-02-15'; OPEN employee_cursor;

You can now retrieve values from the cursor using FETCH:

FETCH FROM employee_cursor INTO :emp_last_name, :emp_first_name, :emp_id

The FETCH statement allows you to position the current row within the cursor. Since you have not yet accessed the cursor in this example, you will be given the first record in the result set. You can then use any procedural code you want to operate against the values in that row.

Each database platform has its own rules about how variables are used. For example, DB2 requires a colon as a prefix on each variable, as shown in the earlier example; SQL Server requires an at sign (@), PostgreSQL and Oracle have no prefix, and so forth. Meanwhile, the SQL standard says that a colon prefix is necessary for languages that are embedded, like C or COBOL, but no prefix is needed for procedural SQL.

A cursor rests either directly on a row, before the first row, or after the last row. When a cursor is resting directly in a row, then that row is known as the current row. You can use cursors to position an UPDATE or DELETE statement in the current row using the WHERE CURRENT OF clause.

It is important to remember that a cursor result set does not wrap around. Thus if you have a result set containing 10 records and tell the cursor to move forward 12 records, it will not wrap back around to the beginning and continue its count from there. Instead, the default cursor behavior is to stop after the last record in the result set when scrolling forward, and to stop before the first record when scrolling back. For example, on SQL Server:

FETCH RELATIVE 12 FROM employee_cursor INTO @emp_last_name, @emp_first_name, @emp_id

When fetching values from the database into variables, make sure that the datatypes and number of columns and the variables match. Otherwise, you'll get an error. For example:

FETCH PRIOR FROM employee_cursor INTO @emp_last_name, @emp_id

The above example will fail since the employee_cursor contains three columns while the fetch operation has only two variables.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

The most common errors encountered with the FETCH statement are a mismatch of variables to the values in the cursor, whether that is in the exact number, order, or datatype. So take a little time to make sure you remember exactly what values are in the cursor and what their datatypes are.

Typically, the database will lock at least the current row and possibly all rows held by the cursor. According to the ANSI standard, cursor locks are not held through ROLLBACK or COMMIT operations, although this varies from platform to platform.

Although the FETCH statement is detailed in isolation here, it should always be managed as a group with the DECLARE, OPEN, and CLOSE statements. For example, every time you open a cursor, the server consumes memory. If you forget to close your cursors, you could create memory management problems. So make sure that every declared and opened cursor is eventually closed.

Cursors are also often used in stored procedures or batches of procedural code. The reason for this is because sometimes you need to perform actions on individual rows rather than on entire sets of data at a time. But because cursors operate on individual rows and not sets of data, they are often much slower than other means of accessing your data. Just make sure that you perform strong analysis on your approach. Many challenges, such as a convoluted DELETE operation or a very complex UPDATE, can be solved by using clever WHERE and JOIN clauses instead of cursors.


DB2 cursors are implicitly forward-only cursors that always scroll forward one record at a time. A DB2 cursor, when compared to the ANSI standard, is essentially a FETCH NEXT 1 cursor. DB2 does not support keywords like PRIOR, ABSOLUTE, and RELATIVE. DB2 FETCH syntax is:

FETCH [ FROM ] cursor_name { [INTO variable1 [, ...] ] |   [USING DESCRIPTOR descriptor_name] }


USING DESCRIPTOR descriptor_name

Identifies a previously created SQLDA (SQL Descriptor Area) called descriptor_name to contain zero or more of the retrieved values from the FETCH statement.

When saving fetched values INTO variables, DB2 allows LOB values to be inserted into regular host variables such as VARCHAR (when they are big enough to hold the value), locator variables, or file-reference variables.

When saving fetched values with the USING DESCRIPTOR clause, you should remember several rules about descriptor areas:

  • SQLN indicates the number of SQLVAR occurrences in the SQLDA.

  • SQLDABC indicates the number of bytes of storage allocated in the SQLDA.

  • SQLD indicates the number of variables used in the SQLDA when processing the statement. SQLD must be set to a value greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to SQLN.

  • SQLVAR indicates the attributes of the variables. The descriptor needs enough storage to hold all SQLVAR occurrences. Use this formula to calculate the size of SQLDABC: it must be greater than or equal to 16 + SQLN*(n), where n is the length of SQLVAR occurrences.

  • When LOB or structured type result columns must be accommodated, use two SQLVAR entries for every select item (or column returned from the result table).

For example, the following FETCH statement uses an SQLDA:

FETCH employee_cursor USING DESCRIPTOR :sqlda2

In the above example, the descriptor :sqlda2 and the cursor employee_cursor must already exist.


Not supported.


Oracle cursors are implicitly forward-only cursors that always scroll forward one record at a time. An Oracle cursor, when compared to the ANSI standard, is essentially a FETCH NEXT 1 cursor. Oracle cursors must either insert the retrieved values into matching variables, or use the BULK COLLECT clause to insert all of the records of the result set into an array. Oracle does not support keywords like PRIOR, ABSOLUTE, and RELATIVE. However, Oracle does support both forward-only and scrollable cursors in the database via the Oracle Call Interface (OCI). OCI also supports features like PRIOR, ABSOLUTE, and RELATIVE for read-only cursors whose result set is based on a read consistent snapshot.

Oracle's FETCH syntax is:

FETCH cursor_name { INTO variable_name1 [,...] | BULK COLLECT INTO     [collection_name [,...] [LIMIT int] }


BULK COLLECT INTO collection_name

Retrieves the entire rowset, or a specified number of rows (see LIMIT), into a client-side array or collection variable named collection_name.


Limits the number of records fetched from the database when using the BULK statement. The int value is a nonzero integer (or a variable representing an integer value).

Oracle supports dynamic SQL-based cursors whose text can be built at runtime. Oracle also supports cursor_names that may be any allowable variable, parameter, or host-array type. In fact, you may also use user-defined or %ROWTYPE record variables for the INTO clause as well. This allows you to construct flexible, dynamic cursors in a template-like structure.

For example:

DECLARE    TYPE namelist IS TABLE OF employee.lname%TYPE;    names namelist;    CURSOR employee_cursor IS SELECT lname FROM employee; BEGIN    OPEN employee_cursor;    FETCH employee_cursor BULK COLLECT INTO names;    ...    CLOSE employee_cursor; END;

Oracle FETCH often is paired with a PL/SQL FOR loop (or other kind of loop) to cycle through all the rows in the cursor. You should use the cursor attributes %FOUND or %NOTFOUND to detect the end of the rowset. For example:

DECLARE    TYPE employee_cursor IS REF CURSOR RETURN employee%ROWTYPE;    employee_cursor  EmpCurTyp;    employee_rec     employee%ROWTYPE; BEGIN    LOOP       FETCH employee _cursor INTO employee_rec;       EXIT WHEN employee _cursor%NOTFOUND;       ...    END LOOP; CLOSE employee_cursor; END;

This example uses a standard PL/SQL loop with an EXIT clause to end the loop when there are no more rows in the cursor to process.


PostgreSQL supports both forward and backward scrolling cursors. It covers the ANSI standard except ABSOLUTE, FIRST, or LAST. The syntax for FETCH in PostgreSQL is:

FETCH { [ FORWARD | BACKWARD | ABSOLUTE | RELATIVE] }       { [int | ALL | NEXT | PRIOR ] } { IN | FROM } cursor_name [ INTO :variable1 [,...] ]



Tells PostgreSQL that the cursor scrolls forward. This is the default if no other mode is defined.


Tells PostgreSQL that the cursor scrolls backward.


Allowed as a keyword, but not supported in functionality.


Allowed as a keyword, but not supported in functionality.


A signed integer that indicates how many records to scroll forward (if positive) or backward (if negative).


Retrieves all records remaining in the cursor.


Retrieves the next single record.


Retrieves the previous single record.

IN | FROM cursor_name

Defines the previously declared and opened cursor where data is retrieved.

INTO variable

Assigns a cursor value to a specific variable. As with ANSI cursors, the values retrieved by the cursor and the variables must match in number and datatype.

PostgreSQL cursors must be used with transactions explicitly declared using BEGIN, and must be closed with COMMIT or ROLLBACK.

The following PostgreSQL statement retrieves five records from the employee table and displays them:

FETCH FORWARD 5 IN employee_cursor;

It is important to note that PostgreSQL also supports a separate command, MOVE, to move to a specific cursor position. It differs from FETCH only by not returning values into variables:

MOVE { [ FORWARD | BACKWARD | ABSOLUTE | RELATIVE] }      { [int | ALL | NEXT | PRIOR ] } { IN | FROM } cursor_name

For example, the following code declares a cursor, skips forward five records, and then returns the values in the sixth record:

BEGIN WORK;    DECLARE employee_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM employee;    MOVE FORWARD 5 IN employee_cursor;    FETCH 1 IN employee_cursor;    CLOSE employee_cursor; COMMIT WORK;

The above code will return a single row from the employee_cursor result set.

SQL Server

SQL Server supports a variation of FETCH that is very close to the ANSI standard:

FETCH [ { NEXT | PRIOR | FIRST | LAST |         { ABSOLUTE | RELATIVE  int } }   [FROM] [GLOBAL] cursor_name [INTO @variable1 [, ...] ]

The differences between SQL Server's implementation and the ANSI standard are very small. First, SQL Server allows you to use variables in place of the int and cursor_name values. Second, SQL Server allows the declaration and use of GLOBAL cursors that can be accessed by any user or session, not just the one that created it.

There are some rules that apply to how you use the FETCH command based upon how you issued the DECLARE CURSOR command:

  • When you declare a SCROLL SQL-92 cursor, all FETCH options are supported. In all other SQL-92 cursors, only NEXT is the only option supported. (There is also an alternate Transact-SQL style DECLARE CURSOR statement.)

  • DYNAMIC SCROLL cursors support all FETCH options except ABSOLUTE.


  • KETSET, STATIC, and SCROLL cursors (and DYNAMIC, FORWARD-ONLY, and FAST_FORWARD are not defined), all FETCH options are supported.

SQL Server also requires a DEALLOCATE statement, in addition to CLOSE, to release memory consumed by a cursor.

Here's a full example that goes from declaring and opening a cursor to initiating several fetches and then finally closing and deallocating the cursor:

DECLARE @vc_lname VARCHAR(30), @vc_fname VARCHAR(30), @i_emp_id CHAR(5) DECLARE employee_cursor SCROLL CURSOR FOR    SELECT lname, fname, emp_id    FROM employee    WHERE hire_date <= 'FEB-14-2004' OPEN employee_cursor -- Fetch the last row in the cursor. FETCH LAST FROM employee_cursor -- Fetch the row immediately prior to the current row in the cursor. FETCH PRIOR FROM employee_cursor -- Fetch the fifth row in the cursor. FETCH ABSOLUTE 5 FROM employee_cursor -- Fetch the row that is two rows after the current row. FETCH RELATIVE 2 FROM employee_cursor -- Fetch values eight rows prior to the current row into variables. FETCH RELATIVE -8 FROM employee_cursor INTO @vc_lname, @vc_fname, @i_emp_id CLOSE employee_cursor DEALLOCATE employee_cursor GO

Remember that in SQL Server you must not only CLOSE the cursor, but you must also DEALLOCATE it. In some rare cases, you might wish to reopen a closed cursor. You can reuse any cursor that you have closed but not deallocated. The cursor is permanently destroyed only when it is deallocated.

See Also

GRANT Statement

The GRANT statement assigns privileges to users and roles, which allows them to access and use database objects (that is, object privileges).

In addition, most database platforms use the GRANT statement to authorize users and roles to create database objects and execute stored procedures, functions, and so on (particularly usage privileges).




Supported, with variations


Supported, with variations


Supported, with variations


Supported, with variations

SQL Server

Supported, with variations

SQL2003 Syntax

The SQL2003 syntax for GRANT includes only the assignment of object privileges and roles to a specific user:

GRANT { {object privilege [,...] | role [,...]} } [ON database_object_name] [TO grantee [,...] ] [WITH HIERARCHY OPTION] [WITH GRANT OPTION] [WITH ADMIN OPTION] [FROM { CURRENT_USER | CURRENT_ROLE } ]


object privilege

Grants one or more privileges for a SQL statement. Multiple privileges may be granted at one time, as long as commas separate them. Do not combine ALL PRIVILEGES with other privileges, but the remainder may be combined in any order. Valid privileges are:


Indicates a shorthand for every privilege the grantor has available to grant. Grants all privileges currently assigned to the grantor to the named users and/or for the specified database objects. This is generally not a recommended approach, since it can encourage sloppy permissioning.


Grants the privileges to execute any ANSI SQL routine. An ANSI routine is any stored procedure, user-defined function, or user-defined method.


Grants the specific privilege for a given user on the specified database object, such as a table or view. You may add a parenthetical list of the columns of a given table on which the privilege will be granted (except for the DELETE statement).


Grants the privilege to use the column(s) in any constraint or assertion, not just a foreign key. The REFERENCES clause also allows you to define column-specific details (by including a parenthetical, comma-delimited list) for statements like INSERT, SELECT, and so on. Finally, REFERENCES grants the privilege to create or drop foreign key constraints referencing the database object as a parent object.


Grants the privilege of creating a trigger to operate on a specific table and its columns.


Grants the privilege to create subtypes or typed tables.


Grants privileges to use a domain, user-defined type, character set, collation, sequence, or translation.


Grants a specific, predefined role from the named grantee identified in the FROM clause. For example, the database administrator might want to create a role called Reporter that has read-only access to several tables. By granting this role to a user, that user then receives all of the read-only permissions granted to the Reporter role. Users can have a role assigned to them and receive all of the permissions already assigned to that role.

ON database_object_name

Grants privileges on the specified, predefined database object identified by database_object_name, which may be one of the following:

{[TABLE] object_name | DOMAIN object_name |   COLLATION object_name | CHARACTER SET object_name |   TRANSLATION object_name | SPECIFIC ROUTINE routine_name}

TO grantee

Assignes the privilege to the named user(s) or role(s), designated as grantee. You can assign privileges to multiple users and/or roles, as long as commas separate them. Alternately, privileges may be granted to PUBLIC, meaning that all users (including those that will be created in the future) have the specified privileges.


Bestows the WITH HIERARCHY OPTION privilege, enabling the grantee to SELECT not only from the named table, but also from all of its subtables. This applies to privilege grants only.


Enables the grantee to further grant the privileges to other users. This applies to privilege grants only.


Bestows the ability to assign a role. The ability to assign role responsibilities is separate from the ability to grant privileges to other users or roles.


Names the user who is granting the specified privilege(s), either the CURRENT_USER or the CURRENT_ROLE. This clause is optional and assumes the current user context.

Rules at a Glance

You may grant many privileges on a single object with one statement, but do not mix the ALL PRIVILEGES privilege with the individual SQL statement keywords in a single GRANT statement. You can grant a specific privilege on a specific database object to a single user using:

GRANT privilege_name ON object_name TO grantee_name

For example:

GRANT SELECT ON employee TO Dylan;

You can grant a specific privilege on a specific object to all users via the PUBLIC user. When a grant is issued to PUBLIC, that means everyone has permission to the object without the need for a grant specifically to the object. For example:


When granting privileges to multiple grantees, simply place a comma between each:

GRANT SELECT ON employee TO Dylan, Matt

The previous example shows that you may grant privileges to multiple users, in this case Dylan and Matt, and to the PUBLIC user in a single GRANT statement. When granting privileges on a table, the privileges may extend to the column level by showing a list of columns enclosed in parentheses after the table name. For example:

GRANT SELECT ON employee(emp_id, emp_fname, emp_lname, job_id) TO Dylan, Matt

The previous example shows that Dylan and Matt now have select privileges on several columns of the employee table.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

Depending on the specific database implementation, views may or may not have independent access privileges from their base tables.

Note that all of the optional WITH clauses control extensions to the base privilege(s) granted in the statement. Thus, the following command grants the privilege to SELECT records from the employee table:

GRANT SELECT ON employee TO Dylan;

but the following command grants the privilege to SELECT records from the employee table and also to grant that SELECT privilege to other users.


Similarly, you can use the REVOKE statement to revoke only the WITH GRANT OPTION, the individual SELECT privilege, or both.

Most of the platforms isolate privileges at the user and role level. Thus, an individual user who is a member of two roles may have an individual set of permissions four times once for themselves, once for PUBLIC, and once with each of the roles for which they have permission. In this situation, you should be very careful. In order to remove a specific privilege completely from such a user, you have to revoke the user's privileges directly, and then in both roles.


DB2 offers many options in its implementation of the GRANT command. It is important to note that privileges on database objects (such as SELECT privileges on a specific table) are handled by the command, as are a variety of other privileges:

GRANT { [database_privilege [,...] ON DATABASE ] |    [ CONTROL ON INDEX index_name] |    [ {BIND | CONTROL | EXECUTE} ON PACKAGE package_name ] |    [ EXECUTE ON [SPECIFIC] {FUNCTION | METHOD {* | FOR} | PROCEDURE}       object_name ] |    [ {ALTERIN | CREATEIN | DROPIN} ON SCHEMA schema_name ] |    [ ON SEQUENCE sequence_name] |    [ PASSTHRU ON SERVER server_name ] |    [ object_privilege [,...] ON [TABLE] object_name ] } TO [ {USER |GROUP} ]    { grantee_name [,...] | group_name [,...]  | PUBLIC } ]  [WITH GRANT OPTION] | [ USE OF TABLESPACE tablespace_name ]

The parameters are as follows:


Grants one or more privileges that apply to the entire database, rather than to a single object. The database privileges are:


Grants the authority to create packages. The user who creates a package always has the CONTROL privilege on that package even when BINDADD is revoked at a later date.


Grants the authority to access the specified database.


Grants the authority to create a base table. The user who created the base table always has the CONTROL privilege on the table even if CREATETAB is revoked at a later date.


Grants the privilege to register external routines. This is somewhat dangerous since external threads can have adverse side effects. The routine will continue to exist once created, even if the CREATE_EXTERNAL_ROUTINE privilege is revoked for the user. (For more information, check on the THREADSAFE clause of the CREATE or ALTER routine statements in the DB2 documentation.)


Grants the authority to create routines that are not fenced into a specific user process. That is, the routines may execute within the database manager's process. CREATE_NOT_FENCED_ROUTINE is a superset of CREATE_EXTERNAL_ROUTINE. Consequently, you automatically are granted the latter privilege when assigned the former. Read the description of CREATE_EXTERNAL_ROUTINE for more information.


Grants superuser authority, including the ability to create any object, and including all privileges against all objects in the database, even the ability to grant those privileges to other users.


Grants the authority to create a schema implicitly, though this privilege does not impact the ability to create a schema or any objects within a schema explicitly.


Grants the authority to explicitly LOAD the specified database. SYSADM and DBADM, who automatically possess this privilege, need no other explicitly granted privileges to load a database. But other users with LOAD privilege must have, at a minimum, INSERT privileges on tables they wish to load.


Grants the privilege to access the specified database while it is quiesced.


Grants the privilege to drop an index, once created, of the specified index_name. This is the explicit CONTROL privilege for indexes. It is automatically granted to the creator of any index.


Grants the privileges associated with packages. Note that RUN and PROGRAM are acceptable synonyms for EXECUTE and PACKAGE, respectively. The package privileges are:


Grants the authority to bind or rebind the specified package. Since any SQL statements in the package are checked at bind time, the user must also have statement permissions on each object referenced by the package.


Grants the authority to rebind, drop, or execute the specified package, as well as to grant BIND and EXECUTE privileges to other users. Users granted the CONTROL privilege automatically receive BIND and EXECUTE as well. CONTROL is automatically granted to the creator of a package.


Grants the authority to execute the specified package.


Grants privileges on an ANSI routine (i.e., user-defined function, user-defined method, or stored procedure). The elements of this clause are as follows:

FUNCTION [schema.]function_name

Specifies that the user is granted execution privileges on a specific function. A SPECIFIC function name may be specified. DB2 also supports functions without names. In this case, FUNCTION [(param [,...])] should be used, including any and all parameters of the function. If schema is not included, the current schema is assumed. You may substitute an asterisk (*) for a specific function name to grant a user the execution privilege on all functions in the current or specified schema.

METHOD { * | FOR type_name}

Specifies that the user is granted rights to execute all methods of type_name, even those that have not yet been created. The optional FOR type_name clause names the type where the specified method is found. A SPECIFIC method name may be specified. DB2 also supports methods without names. In this case, METHOD [(param [,...])] should be used, including any and all parameters of the function. Alternately, the asterisk (*) can be used to specify that all types in the schema are granted to the user.

PROCEDURE [schema.]procedure_name

Specifies that the user be granted execute privileges on all stored procedures in the specified schema, even those created in the future. If schema is not included, the current schema is assumed. You may substitute an asterisk (*) for a specific stored procedure name to grant a user the execution privilege on all stored procedures in the current or specified schema.


Grants privileges associated with manipulating a schema (that is, a user-owned set of objects). Only users with SYSADM, DBADM, or WITH GRANT OPTION permissions for all privileges for the specified schema may issue this command. The elements are as follows:


Grants the authority to alter or comment on objects in a schema defined by ON SCHEMA schema_name.


Grants the authority to create objects in a schema defined by ON SCHEMA schema_name.


Grants the authority to drop objects in the schema defined by ON SCHEMA schema_name.


Grants privileges on a sequence in an explicit or current schema (USAGE) or the privilege to execute the ALTER SEQUENCE statement (ALTER).


Grants the privilege to access an external data source named server_name using pass-through mode.


Represents privileges for a variety of statements on tables, views, and nicknamed tables or views. Object privileges may be combined in any order:


Provides a shorthand for every privilege the grantor has available to grant. The PRIVILEGES keyword is optional. It grants all privileges currently assigned to the granting user for the specified database objects, including SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE privileges. With ALL, you have privileges to add columns to a table, create or drop primary keys or unique constraints, create or drop foreign keys, create or drop check constraints, create triggers on a table, add or change comments on a table, change a nicknamed column name or datatype, or add, rest, or drop a nicknamed column name. However, granting ALL is generally not a good approach since it can encourage sloppy coding.


The privilege to add or alter columns, constraints, comments, or triggers on a specified table or view. ALTER also permits the use of nicknames on column names or datatypes or to change a column option for a nickname.


Grants a large number of privileges to the specific user or role (or PUBLIC) for the specified object. When you grant CONTROL on a table, that includes the privileges for ALTER, DELETE, INSERT, INDEX, REFERENCES, SELECT, and UPDATE. When you grant CONTROL on a view, that includes DELETE, INSERT, SELECT, and UPDATE. On nicknames, CONTROL includes ALTER, INDEX, and REFERENCES.

The grantee has the ability to grant these aforementioned privileges to others, who may drop the specified table, view, or nickname. They may execute the RUNSTATS utility on tables and indexes, as well as execute the SET INTEGRITY command on tables, materialized views, and staging tables.


The ability to create an index against a table, or to create an index specification on a nickname. (The creator of an index retains CONTROL privileges on the indexes they create, even if the INDEX privilege is later revoked.)


Grants the specific privilege to a given user for the specified database object, such as a table or view. In some cases, these privileges also extend to utilities with similar behavior. For example, the INDEX privilege also includes the use of the IMPORT utility. You may add a parenthetical list of the columns on a given table where the privilege is granted. The UPDATE privilege may be assigned down to the column level by including a parentheses-encapsulated list of column or columns made available to the user.


Grants the privilege to create or drop foreign key constraints referencing the database object as a parent object. The REFERENCES privilege may be assigned down to the column level by including a parentheses-encapsulated list of column or columns made available to the grantee.

TO { [USER | GROUP]} grantee_name

Names the user or users who will gain the specified privilege or privileges. When both a user and group exist with the same name, use the optional USER or GROUP keywords to control whether the privileges are granted to the user or to the group. PUBLIC may also be used to grant privileges to the PUBLIC role. Multiple grantees can be listed; separate them with a comma between each.


Entitles the grantee to assign the granted privilege(s) to other users.

USE OF TABLESPACE tablespace_name

Grants the privilege of specifying or defaulting new tables to the specified tablespace_name. In effect, it enables the USE privilege on that tablespace.

In situations when a group and a user of the same name exist, you must use either GROUP or KEYWORD to inform DB2 whether you want the privileges assigned to the group or to the user. If you do not, DB2 will return an error and abort the GRANT statement. For example, to grant CONNECT and BINDADD permissions to the user emily and the group datareaders:


To give the user Dylan, and all users who are members of the Admin role, control over a specific index:

GRANT CONTROL ON INDEX emp_ndx TO dylan, admin;

You can give a user rights on a package to execute it and bind (or rebind it), without the privilege to drop it (via CONTROL) as follows:

GRANT BIND, EXECUTE ON PACKAGE d02.sales_processing    TO USER dylan

The following example grants a user a variety of privileges on the sales table, as well as the privilege to pass those privileges on to other users:


Similarly, you can give another user privileges on a specific object (a view in this case) that includes only specific columns in the object:

GRANT UPDATE (sales_qty, sales_discount) ON sales TO USER jake

DB2 also has privileges at the instance level that aren't managed with the GRANT statement. Most importantly, there are three database manager configuration parameters (SYSADM_GRP, SYSCTRL_GRP, and SYSMAINT_GRP) that control administrative rights to the instance. You control these privileges using the DB2 UPDATE DATABASE MANAGER CONFIGURATION statement. For example:



MySQL provides additional access privileges, primarily relating to object manipulation within a database. GRANT in MySQL is available from Version 3.22.11 and on. The syntax is as follows:

GRANT [ { ALL [PRIVILEGES] |    {SELECT | INSERT | UPDATE} [ (column_name [,...]) ] | DELETE |    REFERENCES [ (column_name [,...]) ] } | [ USAGE ] | [{ALTER | CREATE | DROP}] | [FILE] | [INDEX] | [PROCESS] |    [RELOAD] | [SHUTDOWN] | [CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES] | [LOCK TABLES] |    [REPLICATION CLIENT] | [REPLICATION SLAVE] | [SHOW DATABASES] |    [SUPER] }[,...] ON {table_name | * | *.* | database_name.*} {TO grantee_name [IDENTIFIED BY 'password']} [,...] [WITH GRANT OPTION]



Grants a user all applicable privileges that apply at the current level on one or more objects in the database, with the exception of WITH GRANT OPTION. For example, GRANT ALL ON *.* grants all privledges, except WITH GRANT OPTION, globally.


Grants the ability to read, write, modify, and erase data from tables (and possibly from specific columns of a table), respectively. Column-level permissions are allowed on SELECT, INSERT, and UPDATE, but not DELETE. Granting column-level permissions can slow down MySQL somewhat, since more permission checking is required.


Remains unimplemented.


Creates a "no privilege" user account for use in creating a user that has no privileges.


Grants the ability to alter, drop, or create tables and other database objects. When using the CREATE syntax, you are not required to specify an ON clause to identify a specific table.


Grants the ability to load data from, or write data to, files using the SELECT INTO and LOAD DATA commands.


Grants the ability to create or drop indexes.


Grants the ability to view running processes using SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST.


Grants the ability to invoke the FLUSH and RESET commands.


Grants usage of the mysqladmin shutdown command to kill the server process.


Grants the ability to create temporary tables.


Grants the use of the MySQL command LOCK TABLES on tables where the user has SELECT privileges.


Grants a user the privilege to see metadata about replication slaves and masters.


Grants a replication slave the right to read binlogs from a replication master.


Grants the user the privilege to execute the MySQL command SHOW DATABASES.


Grants the user the privilege of one connection even if the max_connections threshold is reached. Users with SUPER privileges can also execute important MySQL commands like CHANGE MASTER, KILL, mysqladmin debug, PURGE [MASTER] LOGS, and SET GLOBAL.

ON {table_name | * | *.* | database_name.*}

Grants privileges from the specified table_name, from all tables within the current database using an asterisk (*), from all tables in all databases with *.*, or from all tables in the specified database_name with database_name.*.

TO grantee_name [IDENTIFIED BY 'password'] [,...]

Names the user or users who will gain the specified privilege. You may enter multiple users separated by commas. When granting privileges to a new user, you may also optionally set the new password for the new named user at the same time using the IDENTIFIED BY clause.


Entitles the grantee to assign the granted privilege to other users.

Since MySQL is focused on speed, you can implement server-wide features that provide high-speed performance. For example, you can enable the SKIP_GRANT_TABLES startup option to disable checks for privileges. This can speed up queries, but obviously no permission checking is done. This means that all users have full access to all resources in the database.

The following are access privileges that are usable with tables: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, CREATE, DROP, GRANT, INDEX, and ALTER. At the column level, you can apply INSERT, UPDATE, and SELECT.

In any situation, the host, table, database, and column names may each be up to 60 characters in size. The username (a.k.a. the grantee_name) may be up to 16 characters.

MySQL also supports the possibility of granting rights to a specific user on a specific host if the grantee_name is in the form USER@HOST. Wildcards can be included in the hostname of a grantee_name to provide the access privilege to a large number of users at one time. Also, a missing hostname is the same as the "%" wildcard. For example:

GRANT SELECT ON employee TO katie@% IDENTIFIED BY 'audi',    annalynn IDENTIFIED BY 'cadillac',    cody@us% IDENTIFIED BY 'bmw';

The preceding GRANT statement grants read privileges on the employee table to the user katie explicitly at any hostname. Similarly, the GRANT statements grants read privileges to the user annalynn implicitly at any hostname. And finally, the GRANT statement grants read privileges to the user cody explicitly at any hostname starting with "US".

The grantee_name must be 16 or fewer characters. When specifying the user, password protection may be enforced by including the IDENTIFIED BY clause.

The following example grants permissions to three users with passwords:

GRANT SELECT ON employee TO dylan IDENTIFIED BY 'porsche',   kelly IDENTIFIED BY 'mercedes',   emily IDENTIFIED BY 'saab';

In MySQL, if you grant permissions to a user that doesn't exist, it creates that user. The two statements that follow create a user and password with global privileges and another user that has no privileges (the USAGE privilege):

GRANT SELECT ON *.* TO tony IDENTIFIED BY 'humbolt'; GRANT USAGE ON sales.* TO alicia IDENTIFIED BY 'dakota';

Failing to include the IDENTIFIED BY clause on a GRANT statement that creates a new user will create a user without a password. This practice is insecure and dangerous.

If you do create a new user using the GRANT command, and you forget to specify a password, you can, and probably should, set a password using the SET PASSWORD command.

MySQL also allows you to issue grants on remote hosts, specified with @hostname, and include the wildcard character percent (%). For example, the following grant provides all permissions on all tables of the current database across all hosts in the notforprofit.org domain to the user annalynn:

GRANT ALL ON * TO annalynn@'%.notforprofit.org';

Privileges are written directly to system tables at four different levels:

Global level

Global privileges apply to all databases on a given server and are stored in the mysql.user system table.

Database level

Database privileges apply to all tables in a given database and are stored in the mysql.db system table.

Table level

Table privileges apply to all columns in a given table and are stored in the mysql.tables_priv system table.

Column level

Column privileges apply to single columns in a given table and are stored in the mysql.columns_priv system table.

Because of the usage and system tables involved, you may grant redundant permissions at different levels. For example, you could grant a user SELECT privileges on a specific table, and then grant global SELECT privileges on that same table to all users of the database. You would then have to revoke those privileges separately to ensure the user no longer had the privilege of SELECTing from the table.

The system tables are also somewhat unprotected, so it is possible to change permissions by issuing INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements against the tables rather than by using GRANT or REVOKE. Normally, all privileges are read into memory when MySQL starts. Database, table, and column privileges issued by a GRANT statement are available immediately and take effect right away. User privileges issued by a GRANT statement are noticed immediately and take effect the next time the user connects. If you directly modify permissions in the system tables, none of the changes are noticed until you restart MySQL, or until you issue a FLUSH PRIVILEGES command.


Oracle's implementation of the GRANT statement supports an enormous number of variations and permutations. The syntax is as follows:

GRANT { [object_privilege] [,...] |    [system_privilege] [,...] |    [role] [,...] } [ ON { [schema_name.][object] [,...] |    [DIRECTORY directory_object_name] |    [JAVA [ { SOURCE | RESOURCE } ] [schema_name.][object] } TO {{grantee_name [,...] | role_name [,...] | PUBLIC}    [WITH { GRANT | HIERARCY } OPTION] [IDENTIFIED BY password][WITH ADMIN OPTION];

You can grant multiple privileges with a single invocation of the command, but they must all be of the same type (object, system, or role).

For example, you could grant a user three object privileges on a single table in one GRANT statement, and then issue a separate grant of two system privileges to a role, and yet a third grant of several roles to a user, but not all of them in one GRANT statement.

Following are the parameters to Oracle's GRANT statement:


Grants the specified privileges to the specified grantee_name or role on the named schema object (for example, a table or view). You may combine several object privileges, schema objects, or grantees in a single statement. However, you may not grant system privileges or roles in the same statement as object privileges. The object privileges are:


Grants all available privileges on a named schema object and is available for use on tables.


Grants the privilege to change an existing table using the ALTER TABLE statement, and is available for use on tables and sequences.


Grants access to a table through a debugger. The access granted applies to any triggers on the table or to information on SQL that directly references the table and is available for use on tables, views, procedures, functions, packages, Java objects, and types.


Grants the privilege to execute a stored procedure, user-defined function, or a package, and is available for use on procedures, functions, packages, Java objects, libraries, types, indextypes, and user-defined operators.


Grants the privilege to create indexes on a table.


Grants the privilege to create a refresh-on-commit materialized view or to create a materialized view for query rewrite on the specified table. It is available for materialized views only.


Grants the privilege to read and write files against a named directory including full path name of the operating system directory. Since Oracle has the ability to store files outside of the database, the Oracle server process must run under a user context with privileges on the applicable directories. You can enable Oracle to enforce security on individual users via this security mechanism. Note that WRITE is only useful in connection with an external table, such as a logfile or an error file.


Grants the privilege to define referential integrity constraints, and is available for use on tables.


Grants the privilege to execute each of the respective SQL commands against the named schema object and is available for use on tables, views, sequences (SELECT only), and materialized views (SELECT only). Note that you must grant SELECT privileges to a user or role that requires DELETE privileges. You can grant column-level privileges, as a parentheses-encapsulated list following the object name, only when granting INSERT, REFERENCES, or UPDATE object privileges on a table or view.


Grants the privilege to create a subview under the named view and is available for use on views and types only.


Grants the specified Oracle system privilege to one or more users or roles. For example, you could grant the CREATE TRIGGER privilege or the ALTER USER privilege. In each case, issuing a grant for a system privilege empowers the user or role to execute the command of the same name. Refer to Table 3-2 later in this section for a full list of system privileges.


Grants a role to the user or to another role. In addition to user-defined roles, there are a number of system roles that come predefined with Oracle:


Provided for backward compatibility with older versions of Oracle. Do not use these roles in current or newer versions of Oracle since they may be dropped in the future.


Grant members of these roles the privilege deleting, executing, and selecting from data dictionary views and packages.


Grant members of these roles the privilege of executing the import and export utilities.


Grant members of these roles the privilege to use or administrate Oracle's Advanced Queuing functionality.


Assigned only to Oracle Enterprise Manager and Intelligent Agent.


Grants the privilege to create users who own their own recovery catalog.


Grants the privilege to access areas of the data dictionary used to support Oracle's heterogeneous services feature

ON schema_name

Grants the named privilege to a user or role on an object in the schema. Database objects include tables, views, sequences, stored procedures, user-defined functions, packages, materialized views, user-defined types, libraries, indextypes, user-defined operators, or a synonym for any of these. If you do not include the schema name, Oracle assumes the schema of the current user.

Oracle also supports two additional keywords for special cases:


Grants privileges on a directory object, which is an Oracle object corresponding to a filesystem directory.


Grants privileges on a Java SOURCE or a RESOURCE schema object.

TO {grantee_name | role_name | PUBLIC} [ WITH { GRANT | HIERARCY } OPTION ]

Names the user or role who will get the specified privilege. PUBLIC may also be used to revoke privileges granted to the PUBLIC role. Multiple grantees can be listed with a comma between each, as in the following:


Enables the grantee to grant the specific privilege(s) to other users or to PUBLIC, but not to roles.


Enables the grantee to receive privileges on all sub-objects when granted privileges on a parent object. This includes sub-objects created in the future. You can use this option only when granting the SELECT object privilege.


Establishes or changes a password that the grantee must use to enable a role being granted.


Enables the grantee to exercise control over a role that you are granting to that grantee. First, this clause enables the grantee to grant and revoke the role to and from other users or non-GLOBAL roles. It further allows the grantee to drop the role, or to change the authorization needed to access a role.

Grants to users take effect right away. Grants to roles take effect right away, assuming the roles are enabled. Otherwise, a grant to a role takes effect as the role is enabled. Note that you can grant roles to users and to other roles (including PUBLIC). For example:

GRANT sales_reader TO sales_manager;

To grant privileges on a view, you must have the specific privilege and the WITH GRANT OPTION on all of the base tables for the view.

Any time you want a privilege available to all users, simply grant it to PUBLIC:

GRANT SELECT ON work_schedule TO public;

However, there are some restrictions when granting system privileges and roles:

  • A privilege or role should not appear more than once in the GRANT statement.

  • Roles cannot be granted to themselves.

  • Roles cannot be granted recursively. That is, you couldn't grant the role sales_reader to sales_manager and then grant sales_manager to sales_reader.

You can grant multiple privileges of the same type in a single statement. However, the grants must be on the same type of objects:

GRANT UPDATE (emp_id, job_id), REFERENCES (emp_id), ON employees TO sales_manager;

As an aside, granting any of the object permissions on a table allows the user (or role) to lock the table in any lock mode using Oracle's LOCK TABLE statement.

Nearly every supported Oracle feature or command is assignable with a GRANT command (as shown in Table 3-2). Privileges can be granted not only on database objects (such as tables and views) and system commands (such as CREATE ANY TABLE), but also on schema objects (such as DIRECTORY, JAVA SOURCE, and RESOURCE).

The ANY option, shown in Table 3-2, grants the privilege to execute a given statement against objects of a specific type owned by any user within the schema. Without the ANY option, the user can only execute the statement against objects in their own schema. A more complete list of Oracle system privileges is shown in Table 3-2.

Table 3-2. Oracle system privileges




Grants privilege to create a cluster in the grantee's own schema.


Grants privilege to create, alter, or drop a cluster in any schema, respectively.


Grants privilege to create or drop any context namespace, respectively.


Grants privilege to alter the database.


Grants privilege to issue ALTER SYSTEM statements.


Grants privilege to issue AUDIT sql_statements statements.


Grants privilege to create private database links in grantee's own schema.


Grants privilege to create public database links.


Grants privilege to drop public database links.


Grants privilege to connect the current session to the Java Debug Wire Protocol (JDWP) debugger.


Grants the privilege to debug all PL/SQL objects in the database, similar to granting DEBUG on all procedures, functions, and packages.


Grants privilege to create dimensions in the grantee's own schema.


Grants privilege to create, alter, or drop dimensions in any schema.


Grants privilege to create or drop directory database objects.


Grants the privilege to create a database role.


Grants the privilege to grant a role to other users.


Grants privilege to create an indextype in the grantee's own schema.


Grants privilege to create, alter, drop, or execute an indextype in any schema.


Grants privilege to create, alter, or drop an index in any schema or an index on any table in any schema.


Grants privilege to create or drop external procedure/function libraries in any schema.


Grants privilege to create a materialized view in the grantee's own schema.


Grants privilege to create, alter, or drop materialized views in any schema.


Enables rewrite using a materialized view, or creates a function-based index, when materialized view or index reference tables or views are in any schema.


Enables rewrite using a materialized view, or creates a function-based index, when that materialized view or index references tables and views that are in the grantee's own schema.


Creates a refresh-on-commit materialized view on any table in the database or alters any refresh-on-demand materialized view into a refresh-on-commit materialized view.


Grants the privilege to issue a SQL flashback query on any table, view, or materialized view in any schema. This privilege is not required for DBMS_FLASHBACK procedures.


Grants privilege to create an operator and its bindings in the grantee's own schema.


Grants privilege to create, drop, or execute an operator and its bindings in any schema.


Grants privilege to create, alter, or drop outlines that can be used in any schema that uses outlines.


Grants the privilege to clone private outlines from public ones.


Grants privilege to create stored procedures, functions, and packages in grantee's own schema.


Grants privilege to create, alter, drop, or execute stored procedures, functions, and packages in any schema.


Grants privilege to create, alter, or drop profiles.


Sets costs for session resources.


Grants privilege to create, alter, drop, or grant roles in the database.


Grants privilege to create, alter, or drop rollback segments.


Grants privilege to create sequences in grantee's own schema.


Grants privilege to create, alter, drop, or select sequence in any schema in the database.


Grants privilege to connect to the database.


Grants privilege to issue ALTER SESSION statements.


Logs on after the instance is started using the SQL*Plus STARTUP RESTRICT statement.


Grants privilege to create snapshots in grantee's own schema.


Grants privilege to create, alter, or drop snapshots (a.k.a. materialized views) in any schema.


Grants privilege to create synonyms in grantee's own schema.


Grants privilege to create or drop private synonyms in any schema.


Grants privilege to create or drop public synonyms.


Grants privilege to create tables in any schema. The owner of the schema containing the table must have a space quota on the tablespace to contain the table.


Grants privilege to alter any table or view in the schema.


Uses the export utility to incrementally export objects from the schema of other users.


Deletes rows from tables, table partitions, or views in any schema.


Grants privilege to drop or truncate tables or table partitions in any schema.


Grants privilege to insert rows into tables and views in any schema.


Grants privilege to lock tables and views in any schema.


Grants privilege to update rows in tables and views in any schema.


Grants privilege to queries tables, views, or snapshots in any schema.


Grants privilege to create, alter, or drop tablespaces.


Grants privilege to take tablespaces offline and online, and begins and ends tablespace backups.


Grants privilege to use an unlimited amount of any tablespace. This privilege overrides any specific quotas assigned. If you revoke this privilege from a user, the user's schema objects remain, but further tablespace allocation is denied unless authorized by specific tablespace quotas. You cannot grant this system privilege to roles.


Grants privilege to create a database trigger in grantee's own schema.


Grants privilege to create or drop database triggers in any schema.


Grants privilege to enable, disable, or compile database triggers in any schema.


Grants privilege to create a trigger on DATABASE. (You also must have the CREATE TRIGGER or CREATE ANY TRIGGER privilege.)


Grants privilege to create object types and object-type bodies in grantee's own schema.


Grants privilege to create, alter, or drop object types and object-type bodies in any schema.


Uses and references object types and collection types in any schema, and invokes methods of an object type in any schema if you make the grant to a specific user. If you grant EXECUTE ANY TYPE to a role, users holding the enabled role will not be able to invoke methods of an object type in any schema.


Creates subtypes under any parent object type, such as a table or view.


Grants privilege to create users. This privilege also allows the creator to:

  • Assign quotas on any tablespace

  • Set default and temporary tablespaces

  • Assign a profile as part of a CREATE USER statement


Grants the privilege to alter any user. This privilege authorizes the grantee to:

  • Change another user's password or authentication method

  • Assign quotas on any tablespace

  • Set default and temporary tablespaces

  • Assign a profile and default roles


Grants privilege to become another user (required by any user performing a full database import).


Grants privilege to drop users.


Grants privilege to create views in grantee's own schema.


Grants privilege to create or drop views in any schema.


Creates subview under any parent view.


Analyzes any table, cluster, or index in any schema.


Audits any object in any schema using AUDIT schema_objects statements.


Allows comments on any table, view, or column in any schema.


Circumvents fine-grained access control. Generally, this is ill-advised since the user can then bypass any application-driven security policies.


Forces the commit or rollback of any in-doubt distributed transaction in the local database and induces the failure of a distributed transaction.


Forces the commit or rollback of grantee's own in-doubt distributed transactions in the local database.


Grants any system privilege.


Grants any object privilege available.


Enables resumable space allocations.


Allows the user to query any data dictionary object in the SYS schema.


Provides the user with RESTRICTED SESSION permission as well as authorizes the user to:

  • Perform STARTUP and SHUTDOWN operations


  • Open, mount, back up, or change character set




Provides the user with RESTRICTED SESSION permission as well as authorizes the user to:

  • Performs STARTUP and SHUTDOWN operations



Any of the privileges shown in Table 3-2 containing the ANY keyword have special meaning. In effect, ANY gives a user the privilege to execute the specified command or operation in any schema. If you want to include all user schemas, but exclude the SYS system schema, keep the O7_DICTIONARY_ACCESSIBILITY initialization parameter at its default value of FALSE.


PostgreSQL supports a subset of the ANSI GRANT commands supporting object privileges against database objects such as tables. It does not support any of the WITH options available under the ANSI standard nor specialty features like USAGE and UNDER. PostgreSQL's GRANT syntax is as follows:

GRANT { ALL [PRIVILEGES] | SELECT | INSERT | DELETE | UPDATE | RULE | REFERENCES | TRIGGERS | USAGE } [,...] ON [TABLE] { object_name } [,...] TO {grantee_name | GROUP group_name | PUBLIC } [,...]



Grants all privileges the grantor has available to grant. Using ALL is generally not a recommended approach, since it can encourage sloppy permissioning.


Grants the specific privilege to a given user on the specified database object, such as a table or view. For column-level privileges, you may add a parenthetical list of the columns of a given table. The permission then applies only to the columns of the table that are named.


Grants the privilege to create or drop a rule on a table or view.


Grants the privilege to create or drop foreign key constraints referencing the database object as a parent object.


Grants the privilege of creating a trigger to operate on a specific table and its columns.


Grants privileges to use these objects: CHARACTER SET, COLLATION, TRANSLATION, and DOMAIN (user-defined datatype).

ON [TABLE] object_name

Specifies the object to which permissions are granted. The optional TABLE keyword is noise. You may grant permissions on more than one object at a time by specifying a comma-delimited list of object names.

TO {grantee_name | GROUP group_name | PUBLIC } [,...]

Names the user or role, or multiples thereof, that receive the specified privileges. In PostgreSQL, PUBLIC is a synonym for all users. PostgreSQL allows permissions to be assigned to a GROUP (essentially a role), provided it is a valid, pre-existing group_name.

Multiple privileges may be granted at one time, as long as commas separate them. Do not combine ALL [PRIVILEGES] with other privileges, but the remainder may be combined in any order.

PostgreSQL does not support the WITH clauses or column-level permissions. Currently, if you want column-level permissions, you must set those up using a view showing only the columns of a table that you want a user to access.

Under PostgreSQL, the creator of an object has all privileges on the object, though they may revoke their own privileges on an object. However, the privilege for the creator of an object to assign privileges on that object cannot be revoked. Similarly, the right to drop an object is permanently assigned to the creator of the object, and cannot be revoked. Users other than the creator of an object do not have permissions on an object until specifically granted.

PostgreSQL's implementation of GRANT behaves as if WITH GRANT OPTION is always enabled. Any user granted privilege to a table is able to grant their privileges to other users.

PostgreSQL's support for the GRANT statement is elementary. In the following examples, INSERT privileges are granted on the publishers table to the PUBLIC role and SELECT and UPDATE privileges are granted on the sales table to the users Emily and Dylan:

GRANT INSERT ON publishers TO PUBLIC; GRANT SELECT, UPDATE ON sales TO emily, dylan;

SQL Server

SQL Server's implementation of GRANT offers few variations from the ANSI standard. It does not support the ANSI standard's FROM clause, nor the HIERARCHY or ADMIN options. But it does offer the ability to grant specific system privileges and to grant them under another user's security context. The syntax is as follows:

GRANT { [object_privilege] [,...] |    [system_privilege] } [ON { [object] [(column [,...])] ] TO {grantee_name [,...] | role [,...] | PUBLIC | GUEST } [WITH GRANT OPTION] [AS {group | role}]



Grants privileges for a variety of operations, which may all be combined (with the exception of the ALL [PRIVILEGES] privilege) in any order, as follows:


Grants all privileges currently assigned to the named users and/or for the specified database objects. This is generally not a recommended approach since it can encourage sloppy programming. ALL can only be used by members of the SYSADMIN and DB_OWNER system roles, or by the object owner.


Grants the specific privilege to a given user on the specified database object, such as a table or view. For column-level privileges, add a parenthetical list of columns of the table. The privileges will then be assigned only for the named columns.


Grants the privilege to create or drop foreign key constraints referencing the database object as a parent object.


Grants the privilege to execute a stored procedure, user-defined function, or extended stored procedure.


Grants one of the following privileges, each giving the ability to execute the corresponding statement:


The privilege to issue a CREATE statement also implies the privilege to issue the equivalent ALTER or DROP statement.

ON { [object] [(column [,...]) ]

Specifies the object for which a privilege is granted. This clause is not required when granting system privileges. If the object is a table or view, you may optionally grant privileges on specific columns. You may grant SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and REFERENCES privileges on a table or view. You may grant only SELECT and UPDATE privileges on the columns of a table, view, or a user-defined function. You may grant EXECUTE privileges on a stored procedure or extended stored procedure. You may also grant REFERENCES privileges on user-defined functions. REFERENCES privileges are also required on functions or views created using the WITH SCHEMABINDING clause.

TO {grantee_name [,...] | role [,...] | PUBLIC | GUEST }

Names the user or role who will gain the privilege being granted. Multiple grantees can be listed in a comma-separated list. Use the keyword PUBLIC to grant privileges to the PUBLIC role, a role that implicitly includes all users. SQL Server also supports the role known as GUEST, a role used by all users who do not have any other user account in the database. Because SQL Server allows two different security models (one based on the database and one based on the Windows operating system), you may be granting privileges to a SQL Server user, a Windows user, a Windows group, or a SQL Server database role. The grantee name may be any of these.


Enables the grantee to further grant the given permission to other users or roles. You may use WITH GRANT OPTION only when granting object permissions.

AS {group | role}

Specifies an alternative user or group that has the authority in the current database to execute the GRANT command. You can use the AS clause to grant privileges as if the granting session is part of a different group or role context from the current one.

Privileges may not be granted in any database other than the current database, nor may privileges be granted in more than one database at a time.

SQL Server has a somewhat different security model than the other platforms described here (and somewhat different from the ANSI standard). As with the ANSI standard, SQL Server uses the GRANT command to assign specific privileges to a user or role, and the REVOKE command to remove those permissions. SQL Server augments these commands with the DENY command, using essentially the same syntax as REVOKE.

DENY, under SQL Server, allows DBAs to declare certain privileges as strictly off-limits to a user or role. Any privileges that have been denied must be revoked before they can be granted. As such, DENY takes precedence over GRANT and REVOKE. DENY can be used to effectively take away any permission from an individual that might otherwise inherit permissions from membership in any Windows groups or SQL Server database roles.

SQL Server applies precedence to permissions. Thus, if a user has a privilege granted at the user level, but the permission is revoked at the group level (when the user is a member of a group), the permission is revoked at both levels.

SQL Server also contains a number of fixed system roles with preset privileges on both objects and commands. The SQL Server system roles are:


Can perform any activity on the server and has access to all objects.


Can set server configuration options as well as shut down and restart the server.


Can start up procedures and linked servers.


Can read error logs, change passwords, administrate logins, and grant CREATE DATABASE permissions.


Can administrate processes running on the SQL Server.


Can create, alter, and drop databases.


Can administrate disks and files.


Can perform BCP operations and execute the BULK INSERT statement (and regular INSERT statement) against tables in the database.

The SYSADMIN system role can grant any permission in any database on the server. Members of the DB_OWNER and DB_SECURITYADMIN system roles can grant any permission on any statement or object in databases they own. Members of the DB_DDLADMIN system role, the SYSADMIN system role, and the database owner may grant system privileges.

Members of the system roles may add other logins or users to their roles, but not via a GRANT statement. Instead, to add a user to a system role, you must use a SQL Server system stored procedure called sp_addsrvrolemember.

In addition to the server-wide system roles, there are a number of database-wide system roles. That is, the previous system roles have privileges that span every database on the server, whereas the following system roles exist in every database and have privileges within the scope of a specific database, as follows:


Can perform all the functions of the other database system roles, plus perform other maintenance and configuration tasks for the database.


Can add or remove Windows and SQL Server users and groups to the database.


Can read data from all user tables in the database.


Can read, add, change, or delete data from all user tables in the database.


Can add, change, and drop objects in the database, as well as run all DDL statements.


Can administrate SQL Server roles and users as well as statement and object permissions throughout the database.


Can perform backups of the database.


Denies permission to read data in the database.


Denies permission to change data in the database.

Like the server-wide system roles, database-wide system roles cannot be granted to a user via the GRANT statement. Instead, you must use a SQL Server system stored procedure called sp_addrolemember.

In the following example, the CREATE DATABASE and CREATE TABLE system privileges are granted to the users emily and sarah. Next, numerous permissions are granted on the titles table to the editors group. The editors are then able to grant permission to others:


The following example grants permissions to the database user sam and the Windows user jacob:

GRANT CREATE TABLE TO sam, [corporate\jacob] GO

The following example shows how to grant permissions using the optional AS keyword. In this example, the user emily owns the sales_detail table and she grants SELECT privileges to the sales_manager role. The user kelly, who is a member of the sales_manager role, wants to grant SELECT privileges to sam, but cannot because the permissions were granted to the sales_manager role and not to her explicitly. kelly can use the AS clause to get around this hurdle:

-- Initial grant GRANT SELECT ON sales_detail TO sales_manager WITH GRANT OPTION GO -- Kelly passes the privilege to Sam as a member of the    sale_manager role GRANT SELECT ON sales_detail TO sam AS sales_manager


See Also

IN Operator

The IN operator provides a way to delineate a list of values, either explicity listed or from a subquery, and compare a value against that list in a WHERE or HAVING clause. In other words, it gives you a way to say "Is value A in this list of values?"








Supported, with variations



SQL Server


SQL2003 Syntax

{WHERE | HAVING | {AND | OR} }    value [NOT] IN ({comp_value1, comp_value2 [,...] | subquery })


{WHERE | HAVING | {AND | OR} } value

Permitted under either the WHERE or HAVING clauses. The IN comparison may also be a part of a AND or OR clause in a multicondition WHERE or HAVING clause. value may be of any datatype, but is usually the name of a column of the table referenced by the transaction, or perhaps a host variable when used programmatically.


Optionally tells the database to look for a result set that contains values that are not in the list.

IN ({comp_value1, comp_value2 [,...] | subquery })

Defines the list of comparative values (hence, comp_value) to compare against. Each comp_value must be of the same or compatible datatype as the initial value. They are also governed by standard datatype rules. For example, string values must be delimited by quotes, while integer values need none. As an alternative to listing specific values, you may use parentheses to enclose a subquery that returns one or more values of a compatible datatype.

In the following example, generated on SQL Server, we look for all employees in the employee table of the HR database who have a home state of Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, or Kentucky:

SELECT * FROM hr..employee WHERE home_state IN ('AL','GA','TN','KY')

Similarly, we can look for all employees in the HR database who are authors in the PUBS database:

SELECT * FROM hr..employee WHERE emp_id IN (SELECT au_id FROM pubs..authors)

You can also use the NOT keyword to return a result set based upon the absense of a value. In the following case, the company headquarters is located in New York, and many workers commute in from neighboring states. We want to see all such workers:

SELECT * FROM hr..employee WHERE home_state    NOT IN ('NY','NJ','MA','CT','RI','DE','NH')

Note that Oracle, while fully supporting the ANSI functionality, extends the functionality of the IN operator by allowing multiple argument matches. For example, the following SELECT...WHERE ...IN statement is acceptable on Oracle:

SELECT *  FROM hr..employee e WHERE (e.emp_id, e.emp_dept) IN  ((242, 'sales'), (442, 'mfg'), (747, 'mkt))

See Also

INSERT Statement

The INSERT statement adds rows of data to a table or view.




Supported, with variations


Supported, with variations


Supported, with variations



SQL Server

Supported, with variations

The INSERT statement allows rows to be written to a table through one of several methods:

  • The first method is to insert one or more rows using the DEFAULT values specified for a column via the CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statements.

  • The second and most common method is to declare the actual values to be inserted into each column of the record.

  • The third method, which populates a table with many records at a time, is to insert the result set of a SELECT statement.

SQL2003 Syntax

INSERT INTO [ONLY] {table_name | view_name} [(column1 [,...])] [OVERRIDE {SYSTEM | USER} VALUES] {DEFAULT VALUES | VALUES (value1 [,...]) | SELECT_statement }



Used on typed tables only, this optional keyword ensures that the values inserted into table_name do not insert into any subtables.

{table_name | view_name} [(column1 [,...])]

Declares the updateable target table or view into which the records will be inserted. You must have INSERT privileges on the table or, at a minimum, on the columns that will receive the inserted values. If no schema information is included, as in scott.employee, then the current schema and user context are assumed. You may optionally include a list of the columns in the target table or view that will receive data.


Requires the SYSTEM keyword when inserting a literal value into a column that would otherwise be given a system-generated value, such as autogenerated sequence number. The OVERRIDE USER VALUES clause does the converse, by inserting system-supplied values even if a user has provided literal values to insert.


Inserts all values declared via the DEFAULT column characteristic on the target table where they exist, and NULLs where they do not exist. (Of course, the DEFAULT column characteristic can specify NULL as a value too.) This operation inserts a single record. It might encounter an error depending on how the PRIMARY KEY constraint or UNIQUE constraint is constructed on the target table, assuming such constraints exist.

VALUES (value1 [,...])

Specifies the actual values to be inserted into the target table. The number of values must match the exact number of columns in the column list. Furthermore, the values must be datatype- and size-compatible with the columns of the target table. Each value in the value list corresponds to the column with the same ordinal number in the column list. Thus, the first column will get its data from the first value, the second column from the second value, and so on until all columns are satisfied. You may also optionally use the keywords DEFAULT to insert a column's default value and NULL to insert a null value.


Inserts rows retrieved via the SELECT statement into the target table or target view. The values retrieved by the fully formed SELECT statement's select item list correspond directly to the columns of the column list. The target table or view may not be referenced in the SELECT statement's FROM or JOIN clauses.

Rules at a Glance

You may insert values into tables and into views built upon a single source table. The INSERT . . . VALUES statement adds a single row of data to a table using literal values supplied in the statement. In the following example, a new row in the authors table is inserted for the author Jessica Rabbit:

INSERT INTO authors (au_id, au_lname, au_fname, phone,      address, city, state, zip, contract) VALUES ('111-11-1111', 'Rabbit', 'Jessica', DEFAULT,      '1717 Main St', NULL, 'CA', '90675', 1)

Every column in the table is assigned a specific, literal value except the phone column, which is assigned the default value (as defined during the CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE statement), and the city column, which is set to NULL.

An important concept to remember is that you may skip columns in the table and set them to NULL, assuming they allow NULL values. Inserts that leave some columns NULL are called partial INSERTs. Here is a partial INSERT that performs the same work as the preceding example:

INSERT INTO authors (au_id, au_lname, au_fname,  phone, contract) VALUES ('111-11-1111', 'Rabbit', 'Jessica', DEFAULT, 1)

The INSERT statement, combined with a nested SELECT statement, allows a table to be quickly populated with one or more rows from the result set of the SELECT statement. When using INSERT . . . SELECT between a target table and a source table, it is important to ensure that the datatypes returned by the SELECT statement are compatible with the datatypes in the target table. For example, to load data from the sales table into the new_sales table:

INSERT INTO sales (stor_id, ord_num, ord_date, qty, payterms,    title_id) SELECT     CAST(store_nbr AS CHAR(4)),     CAST(order_nbr AS VARCHAR(20)),     order_date,     quantity,     SUBSTRING(payment_terms,1,12),     CAST(title_nbr AS CHAR(1)) FROM new_sales WHERE order_date >= 01-JAN-2005 -- retrieve only the newer records

You must specify the columns in the table that receive data by enclosing their names in parentheses, in a comma-delimited list. This column_list can be omitted, but all columns that are defined for the table are then assumed, in their ordinal position. Any column with an omitted value will be assigned its default value (according to any DEFAULT column setting on the table) or, if no DEFAULT column setting exists, NULL. The columns in the column list may be in any order, but you may not repeat any column in the list. Furthermore, the columns and their corresponding value entries must agree in terms of datatype and size.

The first of the following two examples leaves off the column list, while the second uses only DEFAULT values:

INSERT INTO authors VALUES ('111-11-1111', 'Rabbit', 'Jessica', DEFAULT,      '1717 Main St', NULL, 'CA', '90675', 1) INSERT INTO temp_details DEFAULT VALUES

The first statement would succeed only as long as all the values in the value list correspond correctly with the datatypes and size limitations of the columns of the target table. Any inconsistencies would generate an error. The second statement would succeed only as long as defaults were declared for the columns of the target table, or those columns allowed NULL values.

Executing an INSERT statement without a column list is a "worst practice," since the statement may fail if the target table ever changes.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

INSERT statements will always fail under the following circumstances:

  • When a datatype mismatch occurs between a column and its value

  • When a column is defined as not NULL and the insertion value is NULL

  • When a duplicate value is inserted into a UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY constraint

  • When the inserted values do not meet the requirements of a CHECK constraint

  • When an inserted value is constrained by a FOREIGN KEY constraint because the value is not derived from the declared primary key of another table

The most common error encountered when executing INSERT statements is a mismatch between the number of columns and the number of values. Accidentally leave out a value that corresponds to a column, and you are likely to encounter an error that will cause the statement to fail.

INSERT statements also fail when an inserted value is of a datatype that is a mismatch with the column of the target table. For example, an attempt to insert a string like "Hello world" into an integer column would fail. On the other hand, some database platforms automatically and implicitly convert certain datatypes. For example, SQL Server will automatically convert a date value to a character string for insertion into a VARCHAR column.

Another common problem encountered with the INSERT statement is a size mismatch between a value and its target column. For example, inserting a long string into a CHAR(5) target column, or inserting a very large integer into a TINYINT column, can cause problems. Depending on the platform you are using, the size mismatch may cause an outright error and rollback of the transaction or the database server may simply trim the extra data. Either result is undesirable. Similarly, a problem can arise when an INSERT statement attempts to insert a NULL value into a target column that does not accept NULL.

Most problems with INSERT statements occur because the programmer does not know the target table very well. Make sure you understand the target table or view before writing elaborate INSERT statements.


DB2 supports the ANSI standard form of INSERT, with the exception of the OVERRIDE clause, and includes some added syntax to control transaction isolation settings:

INSERT INTO table_name  [(column1 [,...])] {VALUES | VALUES (value1 [,...]) | SELECT_statement } [ WITH { RR | RS | CS | UR }


INSERT INTO table_name [(column1 [,...])]

Identifies the target table, view, or nickname on the DB2 server. The target table or view may be a standard or typed table or view. The view may be based on a SELECT statement containing a UNION ALL clause, as long as the inserted row matches the check constraint(s) of exactly one table.


Controls transaction isolation level for the update statement. RR is repeatable read, RS is read stability, CS is cursor stability, and UR is uncommitted read. See SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL for full details on ANSI transaction isolation levels.

DB2 strictly enforces these rules:

  • Values inserted must be compatible with the column datatype

  • Integer and string values must not exceed the storage capability of the target column

  • Inserted values must pass any check or unique constraints

  • Values inserted into a foreign key column must exist in a corresponding primary key elsewhere in the database

DB2 supports identity columns; that is, columns that automatically generate a monotonically increasing value. When inserting into an identity column, DB2 generates a new value for the identity column. Identity columns are defined as either GENERATED ALWAYS or GENERATED BY DEFAULT upon creation. If defined as GENERATED ALWAYS, you should not specify a value for the column leave it to default. If defined as GENERATED BY DEFAULT, you may insert your own value (explicitly or via a subquery), or you can allow DB2 to generate the value for you. In the following examples, assume the emp_id column is an identity column with the GENERATED ALWAYS property:

INSERT INTO employee (emp_id, emp_lname, emp_fname) VALUES (DEFAULT, :var_lname, :var_fname) INSERT INTO employee (emp_lname, emp_fname) VALUES (:var_lname, :var_fname)

Both of the example statements shown above will work without error.


MySQL supports several INSERT syntax options that engender MySQL's reputation for high speed:

INSERT [LOW_PRIORITY | DELAYED] [IGNORE] [INTO] [[database_name.]owner.] table_name [(column1 [,...])] {VALUES (value1 [,...]) | SELECT_statement |    SET column1=value1, column2=value2 [,...]}



Defers the execution of INSERT until no other clients are reading from the table. This could result in a long wait. LOW_PRIORITY should not be used with MyISAM tables because it disables concurrent inserts.


Allows the client to continue at once, even if the INSERT has not yet completed.


Tells MySQL not to attempt to insert records that would duplicate a value in a primary key or unique key; otherwise, without this clause, the INSERT fails when such duplication occurs. If a duplicate is encountered while the IGNORE clause is in use, the duplicate records are ignored while all the other records are inserted.

SET column=value

An alternate syntax that allows you to specify values for target columns by name.

MySQL does not support the ANSI standard DEFAULT VALUES and OVERRIDE clauses.

MySQL trims any portion of a value that has a size or datatype mismatch. Thus, inserting "10.23 X" into a decimal datatype column will cause "...X" to be trimmed from the inserted value. If you attempt to insert a numeric value into a column that is beyond the range of the column, MySQL will trim the value. Inserting an illegal time or date value in a column will result in a zero value for the target column. Inserting the string "Hello World" into a CHAR(5) column will result in the value being trimmed to just the five characters in "Hello". This string trimming feature applies to CHAR, VARCHAR, TEXT, and BLOB columns.


Oracle's implementation of the INSERT statement allows data insertion into a given table, view, partition, subpartition, or object table. It also supports additional extensions such as inserting records into many tables at once and conditional inserts. The syntax is:

-- standard INSERT statement INSERT [INTO] {table_name [ [SUB]PARTITION (prtn_name)] |    (subquery) [WITH {READ ONLY | CHECK OPTION    [CONSTRAINT constr_name] }] |    TABLE (collection) [ (+) ] } [alias]    [(column1 [,...])] {VALUES (value1[,...]) [RETURNING expression1 [,...]    INTO variable1 [,...]] |    SELECT_statement [WITH {READ ONLY |       CHECK OPTION [CONSTRAINT constr_name]} } -- conditional INSERT statement INSERT {[ALL | FIRST]} WHEN condition    THEN standard_insert_statement ELSE standard_insert_statement



Inserts one or more rows into a single table, view, materialized view, or subquery. The INTO keyword is optional. You insert a single row using the VALUES clause and many rows using a subquery.

table_name [ [SUB]PARTITION (prtn_name)]

Identifies the target into which you will insert data. The target may be a table, view, materialized view, or a subquery. To enable you to fully qualify the target, table_name can expand to [schema.]table_name[@db_link].

You may optionally identify the schema and remote address (via @db_link) of the target, but the current schema and local database are assumed if you do not otherwise specify. You may optionally identify the PARTITION or SUBPARTITION, through the prtn_name parameter, into which the record(s) will be inserted, as long as the target is not an object table or object view.

subquery [WITH {READ ONLY | CHECK OPTION [CONSTRAINT constr_name] }]

Instructs Oracle to insert records into the base table or tables of the subquery, where the subquery is a normally formed SELECT statement. Essentially, you're using a subquery to construct a view on-the-fly, and the effect is the same as inserting into a view. This is your primary means for inserting values into multiple tables at one time. All of the columns defined by the subquery, across all tables, must have a corresponding value to insert or else a failure will occur. Multitable inserts must use the subquery format. The following options apply to when using subqueries:


Indicates the subqueried table or view cannot be updated until the statement completes.


Indicates that you cannot insert rows into the table or view that would not pass the constr_name check constraint.

TABLE (collection) [ (+) ] } [alias]

Tells Oracle that the collection should be treated like a standard target (i.e., a table or view), whether it be a subquery, a column, a function, or a collection constructor. In any event, the table collection must return a nested table or VARRAY set of values. Since constructions can be very long, you can provide an optional alias. Aliases are not allowed in multitable insert operations.

[(column1 [,...])

Specifies the target columns into which data will be inserted. If you leave off the columns, Oracle assumes that the VALUES clause or columns of the subquery will perfectly match the columns of the target. Oracle will return an error if you do not insert a value for any columns marked as NOT NULL that do not have a defined, default value.

VALUES (value1[,...]) [RETURNING expression1 [,...] INTO variable1 [,...]]

Inserts values into the target table or tables. As with the ANSI standard, there must be a matching value for every column, though the value can be DEFAULT, or, if the column accepts nulls, the value can be the literal NULL. DEFAULT is not allowed when inserting into a view. On multitable insert operations, the VALUES clause must return a corresponding value for every item in the select list of the subquery. The syntax is as follows:

RETURNING expression1

Retrieves the rows inserted by the operation. The expression returned by the statement is often a value being inserted, but could be another value. For example, you might use the returning clause to find the value of an automatically generated primary key. Single row operations store the results into host variables or PL/SQL variables, while multirow operations store them in bind arrays. You can use RETURNING against tables, views with a single base table, and materialized views. The RETURNING clause is not allowed with multitable insert operations.

INTO variable1

Specifies the variables that will hold the values returned as a result of the RETURNING clause. You must declare a corresponding host variable or PL/SQL variable for each expression in the RETURNING clause. You cannot use the INTO clause to hold a LONG datatype, with remote objects, on views that have INSTEAD OF triggers, or with parallel INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements.


Performs a multitable INSERT statement. ALL is used only with the subquery format. Without a WHEN clause, ALL unconditionally inserts all the data retrieved by the subquery into the tables defined. ALL, with a WHEN clause, performs conditional insert operations that tell Oracle to evaluate all WHEN clauses regardless of the results of any other WHEN operation. Each time a WHEN clause evaluates as TRUE, Oracle executes the corresponding INTO clause. Multitable inserts are not parallelized on index-organized tables or bitmap indexed tables. They are not allowed at all when:

  • The target is a view or materialized view

  • The target is a remote table

  • The INSERT command uses a table collection expression

  • The table needs more than 999 total target columns

  • The subquery uses a sequence


Tells Oracle to evaluate the WHEN clauses in order and, when it finds the first TRUE expression, execute the corresponding INTO clause and skip all other WHEN clauses.

WHEN condition THEN standard_insert_statement

Sets a condition and, when the condition is TRUE, executes the THEN insert clause. The value of condition is evaluated for each column returned in the result set of the subquery. Up to 127 WHEN clauses are allowed.

ELSE standard_insert_statement

Executes when no WHEN clause evaluates as TRUE.

Oracle allows the standard INSERT operations as described under the ANSI implementation, such as INSERT...SELECT and INSERT...VALUES. But it has a great many special variations.

When inserting into tables that have assigned sequences, but sure to use the sequence_name.nextval function call to insert the next logical number in the sequence. For example, assume you want to use the authors_seq sequence to set the value of au_id when inserting a new row into the authors table:

INSERT authors (au_id, au_lname, au_fname, contract) VALUES (authors_seq.nextval, 'Rabbit', 'Jessica', 1)

When retrieving values during an INSERT operation, check for a one-for-one match between the expressions in the RETURNING clause and the variables of the INTO clause. The expressions returned by the clause do not necessarily have to be those mentioned in the VALUES clause. For example, the following INSERT statement places a record into the sales table, but places a completely distinct value into a bind variable:

INSERT authors (au_id, au_lname, au_fname, contract) VALUES ('111-11-1111', 'Rabbit', 'Jessica', 1) RETURNING hire_date INTO :temp_hr_dt;

Notice that the RETURNING clause returns the hire_date even though hire_date is not one of the values listed in the VALUES clause. (In this example, it is reasonable to assume a default value was established for the hire_date column.)

An unconditional multitable INSERT statement into a lookup table that contains a list of all the approved jobs in our company looks like this:

INSERT ALL    INTO jobs(job_id, job_desc, min_lvl, max_lvl)    VALUES(job_id, job_desc, min_lvl, max_lvl)    INTO jobs(job_id+1, job_desc, min_lvl, max_lvl)    VALUES(job_id, job_desc, min_lvl, max_lvl)    INTO jobs(job_id+2, job_desc, min_lvl, max_lvl)    VALUES(job_id, job_desc, min_lvl, max_lvl)    INTO jobs(job_id+3, job_desc, min_lvl, max_lvl)    VALUES(job_id, job_desc, min_lvl, max_lvl) SELECT job_identifier, job_title, base_pay, max_pay FROM   job_descriptions WHERE  job_status = 'Active';

And just to make things more complex, Oracle allows multitable INSERT statements that are conditional:

INSERT ALL    WHEN job_status = 'Active'     INTO jobs    WHEN job_status = 'Inactive'   INTO jobs_old    WHEN job_status = 'Terminated' INTO jobs_cancelled    ELSE INTO jobs SELECT job_identifier, job_title, base_pay, max_pay FROM   job_descriptions;

Note that in the above example, you would have to follow each INTO clause with a VALUES clause if you were skipping NOT NULL columns in the target table. The following example shows this syntax:

INSERT FIRST    WHEN job_status = 'Active'       INTO jobs       VALUES(job_id, job_desc, min_lvl, max_lvl)    WHEN job_status = 'Inactive'       INTO jobs_old       VALUES(job_id, job_desc, min_lvl, max_lvl)    WHEN job_status = 'Terminated'       INTO jobs_cancelled       VALUES(job_id, job_desc, min_lvl, max_lvl)    WHEN job_status = 'Terminated'       INTO jobs_outsourced       VALUES(job_id, job_desc, min_lvl, max_lvl)    ELSE INTO jobs       VALUES(job_id, job_desc, min_lvl, max_lvl) SELECT job_identifier, job_title, base_pay, max_pay FROM   job_descriptions;

Notice that in the above example, the FIRST clause also tells Oracle to execute the first occurance of job_status = 'Terminated' by inserting the records into the jobs_cancelled table and skipping the jobs_outsourced INSERT operation.

Oracle allows you to insert data into a table, partition, or view (also known as the target) using a regular or direct-path INSERT statement. Under a regular insert, Oracle maintains referential integrity and reuses free space in the target. Under direct-path, Oracle appends data at the end of the target table without filling in any free space gaps elsewhere in the table. This method bypasses the buffer cache and writes directly to the datafiles; hence the term "direct-path."

Oracle allows the use of hints to circumvent default query optimization for INSERT statements. For example, you can use the APPEND hint to ensure that an INSERT uses a direct-path insert. Refer to the platform documentation for more details on hints that are usable with INSERT.

Direct-path enhances performance on long, multirecord insert operations. However, the following is a list of restrictions that cause an INSERT statement to perform a regular INSERT, instead of direct-path:

  • Altering the data in the target with an UPDATE or DELETE statement before the INSERT statement in a single transaction. (UPDATE and DELETE are allowed after the direct-path INSERT statement.)

  • The INSERT statement is or may become distributed.

  • The target contains a LOB or object datatype column.

  • The target has a clustered index or index-organized table.

  • The target has triggers or referential integrity constraints.

  • The target is replicated.

  • The ROW_LOCKING initialization parameter is set to INTENT.

In addition, Oracle will not allow you to query (e.g., using SELECT) a table later in the same transaction after you perform a direct-path INSERT into that table until a COMMIT has been performed.

Oracle allows you to use parallel direct-path inserts into multiple tables, but you may only use subqueries to insert the data into the tables, not a standard VALUES clause.

Inserting LOBs and BFILEs is tricky. You should initilize such values to NULL before inserting. RAW columns are also tricky. If you insert a regular string into a RAW column, all future queries against the column will be forced to use a table scan.


PostgreSQL supports the ANSI standard for the INSERT statement. It does not support the ANSI SQL clause OVERRIDE SYSTEM GENERATED VALUES, but is otherwise identical in syntax and behavior. Refer to SQL2003 Syntax, earlier, for the syntax and usage.

PostgreSQL attempts to perform automatic datatype coercion when the expressions in the VALUE clause or the select item list of a subquery do not match the datatypes defined for the target table or view.

SQL Server

SQL Server supports a few extensions to the ANSI standard for INSERT. It supports several rowset functions (explained below), as well as the capability to insert the results from stored procedures and extended procedures directly into the target table. SQL Server's syntax is:

INSERT [INTO] table_name [(column1 [,...]) {[DEFAULT] VALUES | VALUES (variable1 [,...]) | SELECT_statement | EXEC[UTE] proc_name { [[@param =] value {[OUTPUT]} [,...] ] }


INSERT INTO table_name

Tells SQL Server that the target is either a table, a view, or a rowset function. When inserting into a view, an INSERT cannot affect more than one of the base tables in the view, if there are more than one. Rowset functions allow SQL Server to source data from special or external data sources such as XML streams, full-text search file structures (a special structure in SQL Server used to store things like MS Word documents and MS PowerPoint slideshows within the database), or external data sources (like an MS-Excel spreadsheet). Examples are shown later in this section. SQL Server currently supports the following rowset_functions for the INSERT statement:


Executes a pass-through INSERT against a linked server. This is an effective means of performing a nested INSERT against a data source that is external to SQL Server. The data source must first be declared as a linked server.


Executes a pass-through INSERT statement against an external data source. This is similar to OPENDATASOURCE, except that OPENDATASOURCE only opens the data source, it does not actually pass through an INSERT statement. OPENROWSET is intended for occasional, ad hoc usage only.

column1 [,...]

Identifies one or more columns in the target table. The list must be enclosed in parentheses, and commas must separate each item in the list. SQL Server automatically provides values for IDENTITY columns, TIMESTAMP columns, and columns with DEFAULT constraints.


Tells the INSERT statement simply to create a new record using all of the default values specified for the target table.

EXEC[UTE] proc_name { [[@param =] value {[OUTPUT]} [,...] ] }

Tells SQL Server to execute a dynamic Transact-SQL statement, a stored procedure, a Remote Procedure Call (RPC), or an extended stored procedure and store the results in a local table. Proc_name is the name of the stored procedure you wish to execute. You may optionally include any of the parameters of the stored procedure, as identified by @param (the at sign is required), assign a value to the parameter, and optionally designate the parameter as an OUTPUT parameter. The columns returned by the result set must match the datatype of the columns in the target table.

Although SQL Server automatically assigns values to IDENTITY columns and TIMESTAMP columns, it does not do so for UNIQUEIDENTIFIER columns. With either of the former datatype columns, you may simply skip them in the columns and values lists. However, you cannot do that with a UNIQUEIDENTIFIER column. You must use the NEWID() function to obtain and insert a globally unique ID (GUID):

INSERT INTO guid_sample (global_ID, sample_text, sample_int) VALUES (NEWID(), 'insert first record','10000') GO

When migrating between platforms, remember that inserting an empty string ('') into a SQL Server TEXT or VARCHAR column results in a zero-length string. This is not the same as a null value, as some platforms interpret it.

An example of the INSERT...EXEC statements, below, first creates a temporary table called #ins_exec_container. Then, the INSERT operation retrieves a listing of the c:\temp directory and stores it in the temporary table, while the second INSERT executes a dynamic SELECT statement:

CREATE TABLE #ins_exec_container (result_text  VARCHAR(300) NULL) GO INSERT INTO #ins_exec_container EXEC master..xp_cmdshell "dir c:\temp" GO INSERT INTO sales EXECUTE ('SELECT * FROM sales_2002_Q4') GO

This functionality can be very useful in stored procedures where you wish to build business logic using Transact-SQL stored procedures, for example, to determine the state of objects in the database or outside of the database, and then act on those results using Transact-SQL.

SQL Server allows the use of hints to circumvent default query optimization for INSERT statements. This type of tuning is only recommended for the most advanced users. Refer to the vendor documentation for more details on hints that are usable with INSERT.

INTERSECT Set Operator

The INTERSECT set operator retrieves the rows of two or more queries where the rows of the result sets are identical in both the first and second (and possibly more) queries. In some ways, INTERSECT is a lot like an INNER JOIN operation.

INTERSECT is in a class of keywords called set operators. Other set operators include EXCEPT and UNION. All set operators are used to simultaneously manipulate the result set of two or more queries; hence the term "set operators."




Supported with limitations


Not supported


Supported with limitations


Supported with limitations

SQL Server

Not supported

SQL2003 Syntax

There is technically no limit to the number of queries that you may combine with the INTERSECT set operator. The general syntax is:

<SELECT statement1> INTERSECT [ALL | DISTINCT] [CORRESPONDING [BY (column1, column2, ...)] ] <SELECT statement2> INTERSECT [ALL | DISTINCT] [CORRESPONDING [BY (column1, column2, ...)] ] ...



Includes duplicate rows from all result sets.


Drops duplicate rows from all result sets prior to the INTERSECT comparison. Columns containing a NULL value are considered duplicates. (If neither ALL nor DISTINCT are used, DISTINCT behavior is the default.)


Specifies that only columns with the same name in both queries are returned, even though both queries use the asterisk shortcut.


Specifies that only the named columns are returned, even if more columns with corresponding names exist in the queries. Must be used with the CORRESPONDING keyword.

Rules at a Glance

There is only one significant rule to remember when using INTERSECT:

The order and number of columns must be the same in all queries. The datatypes of corresponding columns must also be compatible.

The datatypes do not have to be identical, but they should be compatible. For example, CHAR and VARCHAR are compatible datatypes. By default, the result set will default to the largest of each column in each ordinal position.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

None of the platforms support the ANSI CORRESPONDING [BY column1, column2, ...] clause.

On platforms that do not support INTERSECT, substitute a query using FULL JOIN.

The ANSI standard evaluates INTERSECT as higher priority than other set operators, while some platforms vary in how they evaluate set operator precedence. You can explicitly control the precedence of set operators using parentheses. Otherwise, the DBMS might evaluate them from leftmost to rightmost expression or from first to last expression.

According to the standard, only one ORDER BY clause is allowed in the entire query. Include it at the end of the last SELECT statement. In order to avoid column and table ambiguity, be sure to alias each column of each table with the same respective alias. For example:

SELECT a.au_lname AS 'lastname', a.au_fname AS 'firstname' FROM authors AS a INTERSECT SELECT e.emp_lname AS 'lastname', e.emp_fname AS 'firstname' FROM employees AS e ORDER BY lastname, firstname

Also, while your column datatypes may be compatible throughout the queries in the INTERSECT, there may be some variation in behavior across the DBMS platforms with regard to varying length of the columns. For example, if the au_lname column in the first query is markedly longer than the emp_lname column in the second query, each platform may apply different rules as to which length is used for the final result. In general, though, the platforms will choose the longer (and less restrictive) column size for use in the result set.

Each DBMS may apply its own rules as to which column name is used if the columns across the tables have different names. In general, the column names from the first query are used.


DB2 supports the INTERSECT and INTERSECT ALL keywords of the ANSI standard, plus the VALUES extension:

{SELECT statement1 | VALUES (expr1 [,...]) } INTERSECT [ALL] [CORRESPONDING [BY (column1, column2, ...)] ] {SELECT statement2 | VALUES (expr2 [,...]) } INTERSECT [ALL] [CORRESPONDING [BY (column1, column2, ...)] ] ...

Although ANSI's INTERSECT DISTINCT is not supported, INTERSECT is the functional equivalent. The CORRESPONDING clause is not supported.

When using INTERSECT (but not INTERSECT ALL), the datatypes LONG VARCHAR, LONG VARGRAPHIC, BLOB, CLOB, DBCLOB, DATALINK and structured types are not usable.

When the same column name is used across queries, then that name is used in the final result set. If, however, the queries use different names for a column, then DB2 generates a new column name for the final result. That column is then unusable in the ORDER BY and FOR UPDATE clauses.

If multiple set operations are used in a single query, those enclosed in parentheses are evaluated first. Then, the queries are evaluated in left-to-right order. However, all INTERSECT operations are performed before any UNION and EXCEPT operations. For example:

SELECT empno FROM   employee WHERE  workdept LIKE 'E%' INTERSECT (SELECT empno    FROM   emp_act    WHERE  projno IN ('IF1000', 'IF2000', 'AD3110') UNION    VALUES ('AA0001'), ('AB0002'), ('AC0003'))

The example above retrieves all employee IDs from the employee table for employees who are in any department that starts with "E." However, employee IDs are returned only if they also exist in the employee accounts table, named emp_act, or have projects of IF1000, IF2000, or AD3110.


Not supported.


Oracle supports the INTERSECT and INTERSECT ALL set operators using the basic ANSI SQL syntax:

<SELECT statement1> INTERSECT <SELECT statement2> INTERSECT ...

Oracle does not support the CORRESPONDING clause. The INTERSECT DISTINCT is not supported, but INTERSECT is the functional equivalent. Oracle does not support INTERSECT on queries under the following circumstances:

  • Queries with columns of LONG, BLOB, CLOB, BFILE, or VARRAY datatypes

  • Queries contain FOR UPDATE clause or TABLE collection expressions

If the first query in the set operation contains any expressions in the select item list, then include the AS keyword to associate an alias with the column resulting from the expression. Also, only the first query in the set operation may contain an ORDER BY clause.

For example, you could find all store IDs that also have sales:

SELECT stor_id FROM stores INTERSECT SELECT stor_id FROM sales


PostgreSQL supports the INTERSECT and INTERSECT ALL set operators using the basic ANSI SQL syntax:

<SELECT statement1> INTERSECT [ALL] <SELECT statement2> INTERSECT [ALL] ...

PostgreSQL does not support INTERSECT or INTERSECT ALL on queries with a FOR UPDATE clause. PostgreSQL does not support the CORRESPONDING clause. The INTERSECT DISTINCT is not supported, but INTERSECT is the functional equivalent.

The first query in the set operation may not contain an ORDER BY clause or a LIMIT clause. Subsequent queries in the INTERSECT or INTERSECT ALL set operation may contain these clauses, but such queries must be enclosed in parentheses. Otherwise, the rightmost occurance of ORDER BY or LIMIT will be assumed to apply to the entire set operation. For example, you could find all authors who are also employees and whose last last name starts with "P":

SELECT a.au_lname FROM   authors AS a WHERE  a.au_lname LIKE 'P%' INTERSECT SELECT e.lname FROM   employee AS e WHERE  e.lname LIKE 'W%';

SQL Server

Not supported. However, you can use NOT IN or NOT EXISTS operations in conjunction with a correlated subquery as alternatives. Refer to the EXCEPT Set Operator section for examples.

See also

IS Operator

The IS operator determines whether a value is NULL or not.











SQL Server


SQL2003 Syntax

{WHERE | {AND | OR} } expression IS [NOT] NULL


WHERE | {AND | OR} expression IS NULL

Returns a Boolean value of TRUE if the expression is NULL, and FALSE if the expression is not NULL. The expression evaluated for NULL can be preceded by a the WHERE keyword or AND or OR keywords.


Inverses the predictate. The statement will instead return a Boolean TRUE if the value of expression is not NULL, and FALSE if the value of expression is NULL.

Rules at a Glance

Because the value of NULL is unknown, you cannot use comparison expressions to determine if a value is NULL. For example, the expressions X = NULL and X <> NULL cannot be resolved because no value can equal, or not equal, an unknown.

Instead, you must use the IS NULL operator. Be sure that you do not put the word NULL within quote marks, because if you do that, the DBMS will interpret the value as the word "NULL" and not the special value of NULL.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

Some platforms support the use of a comparison operator to determine if an expression is NULL. However, all platforms covered by this book now support the ANSI IS [NOT] NULL syntax.

Sometimes, checking for NULL will make your WHERE clause only slightly more complex. For example, rather than a simple predicate to test the value of stor_id:

SELECT stor_id, ord_date FROM sales WHERE stor_id IN (6630, 7708)

you need to add a second predicate to accomodate the possibility that stor_id might be NULL:

SELECT stor_id, ord_date FROM sales WHERE stor_id IN (6630, 7708)    OR stor_id IS NULL

See Also

JOIN Subclause

The JOIN subclause enables you to retrieve rows from two or more logically related tables. You are able to define many different join conditions and types of joins, though the types of joins supported by the different platforms vary greatly.




Supported, with limitations


Supported, with variations




Supported, with variations

SQL Server

Supported, with limitations

SQL2003 Syntax

FROM table [AS alias] {CROSS JOIN | { [NATURAL] [join_type] JOIN joined_table [AS alias]    { ON join_condition1 [{AND|OR} join_condition2] [...] ] |      USING (column1 [,...]) } } [...]


FROM table

Defines the first table or view in the join.


Specifies that the join (either inner or outer) should be assumed on the tables using all columns of identical name shared between the two tables. Consequently, you should not specify join conditions using the ON or USING clauses. The query will fail if you issue a natural join on two tables that do not contain any columns with the same name(s).

join_type JOIN joined_table

Specifies the type of JOIN and the second (and any subsequent) table in the join. You may also define an alias on any of the joined_tables. The join types are:


Specifies the complete cross product of two tables. For each record in the first table, all the records in the second table are joined, creating a huge result set. This command has the same effect as leaving off the join condition, and is also known as a "Cartesian Product." Cross joins are not advisable or recommended.


Specifies that unmatched rows in either table of the join should be discarded. If no join type is explicitly defined in the ANSI style, then this is the default.


Specifies that all records be returned from the table on the left side of the join statement. If a record returned from the left table has no matching record in the table on the right side of the join, it is still returned. Columns from the right table return NULL values when there is no matching row. It is a good idea to configure all your outer joins as left outer joins, rather than mixing left and right outer joins, wherever possible for consistency.


Specifies that all records be returned from the table on the right side of the join statement, even if the table on the left has no matching record. Columns from the left table return NULL values when there is no matching row.


Specifies that all rows from both tables be returned, regardless of whether a row from one table matches a row in the other table. Any columns that have no value in the corresponding joined table are assigned a NULL value.


Specifies that all the columns of both tables and every row of both table will be returned. Any columns that have no value in the corresponding joined table are assigned a NULL value.

AS alias

Specifies an alias or shorthand for the joined table. The AS keyword is optional when specifying an alias.

ON join_condition

Joins together the rows of the table shown in the FROM clause to the rows of the table declared in the JOIN clause. You may have multiple JOIN statements, all based on a common set of values. These values are usually contained in columns of the same name and datatype appearing in both tables being joined. These columns, or possibly a single column from each table, are called the join key or common key. Mostbut not allof the time, the join key is the primary key of one table and a foreign key in another table. As long as the data in the columns match, the join can be performed.

Joins can also be performed using the WHERE clause. This technique is sometimes called a theta join.

Join_conditions are syntactically depicted in the following form (note that join types are intentionally excluded in this example):

FROM table_name1  JOIN table_name2     ON table_name1.column1 = table_name2.column2        [{AND|OR} table_name1.column3 = table_name2.column4]       [...] JOIN table_name3     ON table_name1.columnA = table_name3.columnA       [{AND|OR} table_name1.column3 = table_name2.column4]       [...] [JOIN...]

Use the AND operator and the OR operator to issue a JOIN with multiple conditions. It is also a good idea to use brackets around each pair of joined tables if more than two tables are involved. This makes reading the query much easier.

USING (column [,...])

Assumes an equality condition on one or more named columns that appear in both tables. The column (or columns) must exist, as named, in both tables. Writing a USING clause is a little quicker than writing ...ON table1.columnA = table2.columnA, but the results are functionally equivalent.

Rules at a Glance

Joins enable you to retrieve records from two (or more) logically related tables in a single result set. You can use an ANSI JOIN (detailed here) to perform this operation, or something called a theta join. Theta joins, which use the WHERE clause to establish the filtering criteria, are the "old" way to do join operations.

For example, you might have a table called employee that tracks information about everyone employed in your company. The employee table, however, doesn't have extensive information about the job an employee holds. Instead, the employee table holds only a job_id. All information about the job, such as description and title, are stored in a table called job. Using a JOIN, you can easily return columns from both tables in a single set of records. The following sample queries illustrate the difference between a theta and an ANSI JOIN:

/* Theta join */ SELECT emp_lname, emp_fname, job_title FROM employee, jobs WHERE employee.job_id = jobs. job_id; /* ANSI join */ SELECT emp_lname, emp_fname, job_title FROM employee JOIN jobs ON employee.job_id = jobs.job_id;

Whenever you reference multiple columns in a single query, the columns must be unambiguous. In other words, the columns must either be unique to each table, or they must be referenced with a table identifier. In the example above, both tables have a job_id column, so references to job_id must be qualified with a table identifier. The columns in the query that don't exist in both tables don't need to be qualified by table identifiers. However, queries like this are often very hard to read. The following variation of the previous ANSI join is in better form, because it uses the short, and easy to read, alias e to refer to the table:

SELECT e.emp_lname, e.emp_fname, j.job_title FROM employee AS e JOIN jobs AS j ON e.job_id = j.job_id;

Previous examples were limited to equi-joins joins using equality and an equal sign (=). However, most other comparison operators are allowed. You can perform joins on >, <, >=, <=, <> , and so forth.

You cannot join on large object binary datatypes (i.e., BLOB) or other large object datatypes (e.g., CLOB, NLOB, etc.). Other datatypes are usually allowed in a join comparison.

Following are examples of each type of join:


Following are some cross join eamples. The first is a theta join that simply leaves off the join conditions. The second is written using the CROSS JOIN clause. The final query is similar in concept to the first, with a JOIN clause that omits the join conditions.

SELECT * FROM employee, jobs; SELECT *  FROM employee CROSS JOIN jobs; SELECT *  FROM employee JOIN jobs;


Following is an inner join written using the newer syntax:

SELECT a.au_lname AS 'first name',    a.au_fname AS 'last name',    p.pub_name AS 'publisher' FROM authors AS a  INNER JOIN publishers AS p ON a.city = p.city ORDER BY a.au_lname DESC

There are lots of authors in the authors table, but very few of them have a city that matches the city of the publishers in the publishers table. For example, the above query executed in the pubs database on a SQL Server produces results like the following:

first name     last name            publisher            --------------- -------------------- ------------------  Carson         Cheryl               Algodata Infosystems Bennet         Abraham              Algodata Infosystems

The join is called an inner join because only those records that meet the join condition in both tables are said to be "inside" the join. You could also issue the same query, on platforms that support it, by substituting the USING clause for the ON clause:

SELECT a.au_lname AS 'first name',    a.au_fname AS 'last name',    p.pub_name AS 'publisher' FROM authors AS a  INNER JOIN publishers AS p USING (city) ORDER BY a.au_lname DESC

The results for the above query would be the same.


It is a good idea to configure all your outer joins as left outer joins, for greater consistency, rather than mixing left and right outer joins.

In the following example, we can show a LEFT OUTER JOIN by asking for the publisher for each author (we could also substitute the USING clause for the ON clause, as shown in the example for INNER JOIN shown earlier):

SELECT a.au_lname AS 'first name',    a.au_fname AS 'last name',    p.pub_name AS 'publisher' FROM authors AS a LEFT OUTER JOIN publishers AS p ON a.city = p.city ORDER BY a.au_lname DESC

In the above example, every author will be returned along with the publisher's name, where there is a match, or a NULL value, where there is no match. For example, in the SQL Server pubs database, the query above returns:

first name     last name            publisher --------------- -------------------- ---------------- Yokomoto       Akiko                NULL White          Johnson              NULL Stringer       Dirk                 NULL Straight       Dean                 NULL ...

All of the data is returned in the lefthand columns (those from the authors table) and any column on the righthand side (those from the publishers table) that does not have a match returns a NULL value. The result set shows NULL values where no data matches in the join.


RIGHT OUTER JOIN is essentially the same as a LEFT OUTER JOIN, except everything is weighted toward the table on the right side of the query. For example, the following query executed in the pubs database on a SQL Server:

SELECT a.au_lname AS 'first name',    a.au_fname AS 'last name',    p.pub_name AS 'publisher' FROM authors AS a  RIGHT OUTER JOIN publishers AS p ON a.city = p.city ORDER BY a.au_lname DESC

returns the following result set:

first name       last name        publisher                 ---------------- ---------------- ------------------------  Carson           Cheryl           Algodata Infosystems Bennet           Abraham          Algodata Infosystems NULL             NULL             New Moon Books NULL             NULL             Binnet & Hardley

All of the data is returned on the righthand side of the query (hence the term "right outer join") and any columns from the left-hand side that do not have a match return a NULL value. The result set shows NULL values where no data matches in the join.


Natural joins are a substitute for the ON or USING clause, so do not use NATURAL with the ON or USING clauses. For example:

SELECT a.au_lname AS 'first name',    a.au_fname AS 'last name',    p.pub_name AS 'publisher' FROM authors AS a  NATURAL RIGHT OUTER JOIN publishers AS p  ORDER BY a.au_lname DESC

The preceding query will work as the earlier examples, but only if both tables possess a column called city and that is the only column that they hold in common. You could similarly perform any of the other types of joins (INNER, FULL, OUTER) using the NATURAL prefix.


Specifies that all rows from either table be returned, regardless of matching records in the other table. The result set shows NULL values, where no data matches in the join. Note that the OUTER keyword is optional. If we take our earlier example query and render it as a FULL JOIN, it looks like this:

SELECT a.au_lname AS 'first name',    a.au_fname AS 'last name',    p.pub_name AS 'publisher' FROM authors AS a  FULL JOIN publishers AS p ON a.city = p.city ORDER BY a.au_lname DESC

The result set returned by the query is actually the accumulation of the result sets of issuing separate INNER, LEFT, and RIGHT join queries (some records have been excluded for brevity):

first name           last name            publisher             -------------------- -------------------- --------------------  Yokomoto             Akiko                NULL White                Johnson              NULL Stringer             Dirk                 NULL ... Dull                 Ann                  NULL del Castillo         Innes                NULL DeFrance             Michel               NULL Carson               Cheryl               Algodata Infosystems Blotchet-Halls       Reginald             NULL Bennet               Abraham              Algodata Infosystems NULL                 NULL                 Binnet & Hardley NULL                 NULL                 Five Lakes Publishin NULL                 NULL                 New Moon Books ... NULL                 NULL                 Scootney Books NULL                 NULL                 Ramona Publishers NULL                 NULL                 GGG&G

As you can see above, with the FULL JOIN you get some records with the NULLs on the right and data on the left (LEFT JOIN), some with all data (INNER JOIN), and some with NULLs on the left and data on the right (RIGHT JOIN).

Programming Tips and Gotchas

If an explicit join_type is omitted, then an INNER JOIN is assumed. Note that there are many types of joins, each with their own rules and behaviors, described in the "Rules at a Glance."

In general, you should favor the JOIN clause over the WHERE clause for describing join expressions. This not only keeps your code cleaner, making it easy to differentiate join conditions from search conditions, but you also avoid the possibility of buggy behavior resulting from some platform-specific implementations of outer joins specified using the WHERE clause.

In general, we do not recommend the use of labor-saving keywords like NATURAL, since the subclause will not automatically update itself when the structure of the underlying tables change. Consequently, statements using these constructs may fail when a table change is introduced without also changing the query.

Not all join types are supported by all platforms, so refer to the sections below for full details on platform-specific join support.

Joins involving more than two tables can be difficult. When joins involve three or more tables, it is a good idea to think of the query as a series of two table joins.


DB2 supports INNER and OUTER joins using the ON condition clause. It does not support CROSS or NATURAL join sytax, nor the USING clause. DB2's JOIN clause syntax is:

FROM table [AS alias] { {[INNER] | [ {LEFT | RIGHT | FULL} [OUTER]]}      JOIN joined_table [AS alias]    { ON join_condition1 [{AND|OR} join_condition2] [...] ] } [...]

Refer to the "Rules at a Glance" section for examples.


MySQL supports most ANSI syntax, except that natural joins are only supported on outer joins, not on inner joins. MySQL's JOIN syntax is:

FROM table [AS alias] {[STRAIGHT_JOIN joined_table] | { {[INNER] | | [CROSS] |     [NATURAL] [ {LEFT | RIGHT | FULL} [OUTER]]}        JOIN joined_table  [AS alias]    { ON join_condition1 [{AND|OR} join_condition2] [...] ] |      USING (column1 [,...]) } } } [...]



Forces the optimizer to join tables in the exact order they appear in the FROM clause.

The STRAIGHT_JOIN keyword is functionally equivalent to JOIN, except that it forces the join order from left to right. This option was supplied because MySQL might, rarely, join the tables in the wrong order.

Refer to the Rules at a Glance section for examples.


Oracle fully supports the entire ANSI standard JOIN syntax. However, Oracle only began to support ANSI standard JOIN syntax in Version 9. Consequently, any older Oracle SQL code exclusively uses WHERE clause joins. Oracle's old syntax for outer theta joins included adding (+) to column names on the side opposite of the outer table. Oracle's old syntax for outer joins comes from the fact that the table supplying the null value rows in effect has null value rows added to it. Oracle represents this by appending the expression "(+)" to the column name on the opposite side of the direction of the join.

For example, the following query does a RIGHT OUTER JOIN on the authors and publishers tables. The old Oracle syntax looks like this:

SELECT a.au_lname AS 'first name',    a.au_fname AS 'last name',    p.pub_name AS 'publisher' FROM authors a, publishers p WHERE a.city(+) = p.city ORDER BY a.au_lname DESC

while the same query in the ANSI syntax would look like:

SELECT a.au_lname AS 'first name',    a.au_fname AS 'last name',    p.pub_name AS 'publisher' FROM authors AS a  RIGHT OUTER JOIN publishers AS p ON a.city = p.city ORDER BY a.au_lname DESC

Refer to the Rules at a Glance section for more JOIN examples.

Oracle is unique in offering partitioned outer joins, which are useful for filling gaps in result sets due to sparse data storage. For example, assume we store production records in a manufacturing table keyed on day and product_id. The table holds a row showing quantity produced for each product for any day on which it is made, but there are no rows for the days it is not produced. This is considered sparse data, since a list of all rows will not show every day for every product. For calculation and reporting purposes, it's very useful to create result sets where each product has a row for every day, whether or not it was manufactured. Partition outer join makes it simple to do that, since it lets you define a logical partition and apply an outer join to each partition value. Here is the manufacturing example, which does a partitioned outer join with a times table to make sure each product_id has the full set of dates in a specified time range:

SELECT times.time_id AS time, product_id AS id, quantity AS qty FROM manufacturing PARTITION BY (product_id) RIGHT OUTER JOIN times ON (manufacturing.time_id = times.time_id) WHERE manufacturing.time_id BETWEEN TO_DATE('01/10/05', 'DD/MM/YY')     AND TO_DATE('06/10/05', 'DD/MM/YY') ORDER BY 2, 1;

Following is the output from this query:

time          id      qty --------- ------      --- 01-OCT-05    101       10 02-OCT-05    101 03-OCT-05    101 04-OCT-05    101       17 05-OCT-05    101       23 06-OCT-05    101 01-OCT-05    102 02-OCT-05    102 03-OCT-05    102       43 04-OCT-05    102       99 05-OCT-05    102 06-OCT-05    102       87

To get these results without using a partitioned outer join would require more complex and less efficient SQL.


PostgreSQL fully supports the ANSI standard. Refer to the Rules at a Glance section for examples.

SQL Server

SQL Server supports INNER, OUTER, and CROSS joins using the ON clause. SQL Server does not support NATURAL join sytax, nor the USING clause. SQL Server's JOIN syntax is:

FROM table [AS alias] { {[INNER] | | [CROSS] | [ {LEFT | RIGHT | FULL} [OUTER]]}    JOIN  joined_table [AS alias]       { ON join_condition1 [{AND|OR}        join_condition2] [...] ] } [...]

Refer to the Rules at a Glance section for examples.

See Also

LIKE Operator

The LIKE operator enables specified string patterns in SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements to be matched, specifically in the WHERE clause. A specified pattern may include special wildcard characters. The specific wildcards supported vary from platform to platform.






Supported, with variations




Supported, with variations

SQL Server

Supported, with variations

SQL2003 Syntax

WHERE expression [NOT] LIKE string_pattern    [ESCAPE escape_sequence]


WHERE expression LIKE

Returns a Boolean TRUE when the value of expression matches the string_pattern. The expression may be a column, a constant, a host variable, a scalar function, or a concatenation of any of these. It should not be a user-defined type, nor should it be certain types of LOBs.


Inverses the predictate. The statement returns a Boolean TRUE if the value of expression does not contain the string_pattern, and FALSE if the value of expression contains the string_pattern.

ESCAPE escape_sequence

Allows you to search for the presence of characters that would normally be interpreted as wildcards.

Rules at a Glance

Matching string patterns is easy with LIKE, but there are a couple of simple rules to remember:

  • All characters, including trailing and leading spaces, are important.

  • Differing datatypes may be compared using LIKE, but they store string patterns differently. In particular, be aware of the differences between CHAR, VARCHAR, and DATE datatypes.

  • Using LIKE may negate indexes or force the DBMS to use alternative, less optimal indexes than a straight comparison operation.

The ANSI standard currently supports two wildcard operators that are supported by all of the platforms covered in this book:


Matches any string.

_ (underscore)

Matches any single character.

The first query in the following example retrieves any city record with "ville" in its name. The second query returns authors with a first name not like Sheryl or Cheryl (or Aheryl, Bheryl, Dheryl, 2heryl, and so forth).

SELECT * FROM authors WHERE city LIKE '%ville%'; SELECT * FROM authors WHERE au_fname NOT LIKE '_heryl';

Some of the platforms support additional wildcard symbols. These are described in the platform-specific sections that follow.

Use of the ESCAPE clause allows you to look for wildcard characters in the strings stored in your database. Using this mechanism, you designate a character as your escape character, typically a character that does not otherwise appear in the pattern string. For example, you might designate the tilde (~) because you know it never appears in the pattern string. Any wildcard character preceded by the escape sequence is then not treated as a wildcard, but rather as the character itself. For example, to look through the comments column of the sales_detail table (on SQL Server) to see whether any customers have mentioned a newly introduced discount:

SELECT ord_id, comment FROM sales_detail WHERE comment LIKE '%~%%' ESCAPE '~'

In this case, the first and last % are interpreted as wildcards. But the second % character is interpreted as just that, a % character, because it is preceded by the designated escape sequence.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

The usefulness of LIKE is based on the wildcard operators that it supports. LIKE returns a Boolean TRUE value when the comparison finds one or more matching values.

The default case sensitivity of the DBMS is very important to the behavior of LIKE. For example, Microsoft SQL Server is not case-sensitive by default (though it can be configured that way). Thus, Microsoft SQL Server will evaluate the strings DAD and dad to be equal. Oracle, on the other hand, is case-sensitive. Thus, on Oracle, a comparison of DAD and dad would show them to be unequal. Here's an example query to better illustrate this point:

SELECT * FROM authors WHERE lname LIKE 'LARS%'

This query on Microsoft SQL Server would find authors whose last names are stored as 'larson' or 'lars,' even though the search was for uppercase 'LARS%'. Oracle would not find 'Larson' or 'Lars', because Oracle performs case-sensitive comparisons.


DB2 supports the ANSI SQL2003 syntax for LIKE. It supports the percent (%) and underscore (_) wildcards. It supports ESCAPE sequences.

DB2 is case sensitive, so its implementation of LIKE is completely case sensitive. You should use a function like UPPER or TRANSLATE to ensure that differently cased values are always evaluated uniformly. In addition, DB2 will implicitly convert the code page of either the string_pattern or the escape_sequence to that of the expression, as long as none of them are defined as FOR BIT DATA.


MySQL supports the ANSI syntax for LIKE. It supports the percent (%) and underscore (_) wildcards. It also supports the ESCAPE clause.

MySQL also supports the special functions of REGEXP and RLIKE, plus NOT REGEXP and NOT RLIKE for the evaluation of regular expressions. MySQL, after Version 3.23.4, is not case sensitive by default.


Oracle supports the ANSI syntax for LIKE. It supports the percent (%) and underscore (_) wildcards. It supports ESCAPE sequences. Oracle's LIKE syntax is as follows:

WHERE expression [NOT] {LIKE | LIKEC | LIKE2 |    LIKE4} string_pattern [ESCAPE escape_sequence]

The Oracle-specific syntax elements have the following meanings:


Uses UNICODE complete characters.


Uses UNICODE USC2 codepoints.


Uses UNICODE UCS4 codepoints.

Since Oracle is case sensitive, you should enclose the expression, the string_pattern, or both, with the UPPER function. That way, you are always comparing apples to apples.


PostgreSQL supports the ANSI syntax for LIKE. It supports the percent (%) and underscore (_) wildcards. It supports ESCAPE sequences.

PostgreSQL is case sensitive by default. PostgreSQL provides the keyword ILIKE for case-insensitive pattern matching. You can also use the operator ~~ as an equivalent to LIKE, and ~~* for ILIKE, as well as !~~ and !~~* for NOT LIKE and NOT ILIKE, respectively. These are all extensions to the ANSI SQL2003 standard.

For example, the following queries are functionally the same:

SELECT * FROM authors WHERE city LIKE '%ville'; SELECT * FROM authors WHERE city ~~ '%ville';

Since these queries are in lowercase, you might run into a case-sensitivity problem. That is, the queries are looking for a lowercase '%ville', but the table might contain uppercase (and unequal) values of 'BROWNSVILLE', 'NASHVILLE', and 'HUNTSVILLE'. You can get around this as shown below:

-- convert the values to upper case SELECT * FROM authors WHERE city LIKE UPPER('%ville'); -- perform the pattern match using case insensitivity SELECT * FROM authors WHERE city ~~* '%ville'; SELECT * FROM authors WHERE city ILIKE '%ville';

Although beyond the scope of this text, you should be aware that PostgreSQL also supports POSIX regular expressions. See the platform documentation for details.

SQL Server

SQL Server supports the ANSI syntax for LIKE. It supports ESCAPE sequences. It supports the following additional wildcard operators:

[ ]

Matches any value in the specified set, as in [abc], or any range, as in [k-n].

[^ ]

Matches any characters not in the specified set or range.

Using SQL Server's additional wildcard operators, you have some added capabilities. For example, you can retrieve any author with a last name like Carson, Carsen, Karson, or Karsen:

SELECT * FROM authors WHERE au_lname LIKE '[CK]ars[eo]n'

Or you can retrieve any author with a last name that ends in "arson" or "arsen," but not Larsen or Larson:

SELECT * FROM authors WHERE au_lname LIKE '[A-Z^L]ars[eo]n'

Remember that when performing string comparisons with LIKE, all characters in the pattern string are significant, including all leading and trailing blank spaces.

See Also

MERGE Statement

The MERGE statement is sort of like a CASE statement for DML operations. It combines UPDATE and INSERT statements into a single atomic statement with either/or functionality.

Basically, MERGE examines the records of a source table and a target table. If the records exist in both the source and target tables, based upon predefined conditions, then records in the target table are updated with the values of the records in the source table. If records do not exist in the target table that do exist in the source table, then they are inserted into the target table. The MERGE statement was added in the SQL2003 release of the ANSI standard.






Not supported




Not supported

SQL Server

Not supported

SQL2003 Syntax

MERGE INTO {object_name | subquery} [ [AS] alias ] USING table_reference [ [AS] alias] ON search_condition WHEN MATCHED    THEN UPDATE SET column = { expression | DEFAULT } [, ...]  WHEN NOT MATCHED    THEN INSERT [(column [, ...])] VALUES (expression [, ...])


MERGE INTO {object_name | subquery}

Declares the target object of the merge operation. The target object may be a table or updateable view of object_name, or the target object may be a nested table subquery rather than an explicitly declared table or updateable view.

[AS] alias

Provides an optional alias for the target table.

USING table_reference

Declares the source table, view, or subquery of the merge operation.

ON search_condition

Specifies the condition or conditions on which a match between the source and target table are evaluated. The syntax is essentially the same as the ON subclause of the JOIN clause. For example, when merging records from the new_hire_emp table into the emp table the clause might look like ON emp.emp_id = new_hire_emp.emp_id.

WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET column = { expression | DEFAULT } [, ...]

Declares that if a record from the source table has a matching record in the target table (based on the search_condition), then one or more specified columns of the target table are updated with the indicated value of expression.

WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT [(column [, ...])] VALUES (expression [, ...]

Declares that if a record from the source table does not have a matching record in the target table (based on the search_condition), then a new record is inserted into the target table using one or more specified columns using the value of expression.

Rules at a Glance

The rules for using MERGE are straightforward:

  • The WHEN MATCHED and WHEN NOT MATCHED clauses are required, but may not be specified more than once.

  • The target table can be a standard updateable table, an updateable view, or an updateable subquery.

  • If the table_reference is a subquery, enclose it in parentheses.

  • The search_condition clause should not contain any references to stored procedures or user-defined functions.

  • The search_condition clause may contain multiple elements using the AND or OR operators.

  • If the column list is omitted from the WHEN NOT MATCHED clause, then a column list of all the columns in the target table, in ordinal position, is assumed.

  • Other important rules used by the MERGE statement are self-evident. For example, the columns referenced in the WHEN MATCHED clause must be updateable.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

The MERGE statement has sometimes been nicknamed the "upsert" statement. That is because it allows, in a single operation, a set of records to be either inserted into a table or, if they already exist, updated with new values.

The only tricky aspect of the MERGE statement is simply getting used to the idea of either/or processing of the INSERT and UPDATE statements.

Assume that we have two tables. The EMP table contains all employees of the company who have successfully completed the mandatory 90-day probationary period at the start of their employment. Employees in the EMP table can also have several statuses, such as active, inactive, and terminated. Any new hire to the company is recorded in the NEW_HIRE table. After 90 days, they are moved into the EMP table like all other regular employees. However, since our company hires college interns every summer, it's very likely that some of our new hires will actually have a record in the EMP table from last year with a status of inactive. Using pseudocode, the business problem is summarized as:

For each record in the NEW_HIRE table    Find the corresponding record in the EMP table    If the record exists in the EMP table       Update existing data in the EMP table    Else       Insert this record into the EMP table    End If End For

We could write a rather lengthy stored procedure that will examine all the records of the NEW_HIRE table and then conditionally perform INSERT statements for the entirely new employees or UPDATE statements for the returning college interns. But the following ANSI standard MERGE statement makes this process much easier:

MERGE INTO emp AS e      USING (SELECT * FROM new_hire) AS n      ON e.empno = n.empno WHEN MATCHED THEN    UPDATE SET       e.ename  = n.ename,       e.sal    = n.sal,       e.mgr    = n.mgr,       e.deptno = n.deptno WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN    INSERT (e.empno, e.ename, e.sal, e.mgr, e.deptno)    VALUES (n.empno, n.ename, n.sal, n.mgr, n.deptno);

As you can see, the MERGE statement is very useful for data loading operations.


DB2 supports the ANSI standard for the MERGE statement.


Not supported.


Oracle supports the MERGE statement with only the tiniest variations, which are almost entirely evident by comparing the Oracle syntax diagram against the ANSI standard syntax diagram:

MERGE INTO [schema.] {object_name | subquery} [alias ] USING [schema.]table_reference [alias] ON (search_condition) WHEN MATCHED THEN    UPDATE SET column = { expression | DEFAULT } [, ...] WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN    INSERT (column [, ...]) VALUES (expression [, ...]

The differences between the ANSI standard and Oracle's implementation include:

  • The Oracle implementation does not allow the AS keyword with assigning an alias to the target or source table.

  • Oracle requires parentheses around the search_condition clause.

  • The WHEN NOT MATCHED clause requires an insert column list, while the ANSI standard makes it optional.

Refer to the examples in the earlier "Rules at a Glance" and "Programming Tips and Gotchas" for more information.


Not supported.

SQL Server

Not supported.

See Also

OPEN Statement

The OPEN statement is one of four commands used in cursor processing, along with DECLARE, FETCH, and CLOSE. Cursors allow you to process queries one row at a time, rather than in a complete set. The OPEN statement opens a pre-existing server cursor created with the DECLARE CURSOR statement.

Cursors are especially important on relational databases because databases are set-based, while most client-centric programming languages are row-based. So cursors allow programmers and databases to perform operations a single row at a time, while the default behavior of a relational database is to operate on a whole set of records.




Supported, with variations


Not supported




Not supported

SQL Server


SQL2003 Syntax

OPEN cursor_name


OPEN cursor_name

Identifies and opens the previously defined cursor created with the DECLARE CURSOR command.

Rules at a Glance

At the highest level, a cursor must be:

  1. Created using DECLARE

  2. Opened using OPEN

  3. Operated against using FETCH

  4. Dismissed using CLOSE

By following these steps, you create a result set similar to that of a SELECT statement, except that you can operate against each individual row within the result set. For example, assume, on a DB2 database, that you've created a cursor called employee_cursor, containing three columns:

DECLARE CURSOR employee_cursor FOR SELECT lname, fname, emp_id FROM employee WHERE hire_date >= 'FEB-14-2004';

Having created the cursor, you can now open the cursor and fetch data from it into some host variables:

OPEN employee_cursor; FETCH NEXT FROM employee_cursor INTO :emp_last_name, :emp_first_name, :emp_id

The FETCH statement allows you to position the current row within the result set retrieved by the the cursor. If you haven't accessed the cursor yet, you will be given the first record in the result set. You can then use any procedural code you want to operate against the values in that row.

The following generic SQL example opens a cursor and fetches all the author firstname and author lastname values from the authors table:

DECLARE employee_cursor CURSOR FOR   SELECT au_lname, au_fname   FROM pubs.dbo.authors   WHERE lname LIKE 'K%' OPEN employee_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM employee_cursor BEGIN   FETCH NEXT FROM employee_Cursor END CLOSE employee_cursor

Programming Tips and Gotchas

The most common error encountered with the OPEN statement is failing to close the cursor properly. Although the OPEN statement is detailed in isolation here, it should always be managed as a group with the DECLARE, FETCH, and CLOSE statements. Although you will not get an error message for failing to close a cursor, the cursor may continue to consume memory, locks, and other resources on the server as long as it is open. For example, if you forget to close cursors, you could be creating a headache somewhat similar to a memory leak each cursor consumes memory until it is closed. Even if you no longer use a cursor, it is still taking up memory that the database server might otherwise be using elsewhere. So take a little extra time to make sure that every declared and opened cursor is eventually closed.

Cursors are often used in stored procedures and in batches of procedural code. They are useful when you need to perform actions on individual rows rather than on entire sets of data at a time. But because cursors operate on individual rows and not on sets of data, they are often much slower than other means of accessing data. Just make sure that you perform strong analysis on your approach. Many challenges, such as a convoluted DELETE operation or a very complex UPDATE, can be solved by using clever WHERE and JOIN clauses instead of cursors.


DB2 supports the ANSI standard for OPEN with a couple of additions:

OPEN cursor_name [USING {variable_name1 [,...] | DESCRIPTOR descriptor_name}]

The DB2 specific syntax elements are:

USING {variable_name1 [,...] | DESCRIPTOR descriptor_name}

Supplies a list of variables for any parameters in the prepared SELECT statement. If the DECLARE CURSOR statement used a prepared SELECT statement with variables, you cannot use the USING clause. (If you use USING and there are no parameters, then USING is ignored.) The USING clause elements are as follows:

variable_name1 [ ,...]

Specifies a host variable or variables. As you would expect, each variable corresponds to a parameter of the same ordinal position. DB2 locator variables and file reference variables are allowable, in addition to host variables. Host variables are used for static SQL.

DESCRIPTOR descriptor_name

Identifies a descriptor area (SQLDA) containing a valid description of the dynamic SQL variable(s). Descriptor variables are used for dynamic SQL.

For example, the following DB2 code declares several host (called hostvarxxx) and dynamic variables (defined with the PREPARE statement), and then uses them in a cursor called dynamic_cursor:

EXEC SQL BEGIN DECLARE SECTION;    static short hostvar_int;    char hostvar_vchar64[65];    char statement_str[200]; EXEC SQL END DECLARE SECTION; EXEC SQL PREPARE statement_name    FROM :statement_str; EXEC SQL DECLARE dynamic_cursor CURSOR    FOR statement_name; EXEC SQL OPEN dynamic_cursor    USING :hostvar_int, :hostvar_vchar64;


Not supported.


Oracle fully supports the ANSI standard. Plus, Oracle allows parameters to be passed directly into the cursor when it is opened. Do this using the following format:

OPEN cursor_name parameter1 [,...]


PostgreSQL does not have an OPEN CURSOR statement. Instead, PostgreSQL implicitly opens a cursor when it is created by the DECLARE statement.

SQL Server

In addition to the standard OPEN statement, SQL Server allows global cursors using the following syntax:

OPEN [GLOBAL] cursor_name



Specifies the name of the cursor, or is a string variable containing the name of the cursor, created earlier with the DECLARE CURSOR statement.


Enables the cursor to be referenced by multiple users, even if they have not explicitly been assigned permissions to the cursor. Otherwise, a local cursor is assumed.

SQL Server allows you to declare several different kinds of cursors. If a cursor is INSENSITIVE or STATIC, then the OPEN statement creates a temporary table to hold the result set of the cursor. Similarly, if the declared cursor has the KEYSET option, then a temporary table is automatically created to hold the keyset.

See Also


The ORDER BY clause specifies the sort order of the result set retrieved by a SELECT statement.




Supported, with limitations


Supported, with limitations


Supported, with variations


Supported, with variations

SQL Server

Supported, with limitations

SQL2003 Syntax

ORDER BY {sort_expression [COLLATE collation_name]    [ASC | DESC]} [,...]



Specifies the order in which rows should be returned by a query. You should not anticipate a specific ordering if you exclude the ORDER BY clause, even if you specify a GROUP BY clause and it appears that a sort has been done.


Specifies an item in the query that will help determine the order of the result set. You can have multiple sort_expressions, and they are usually column names or column aliases from the query. However, they may also be expressions like (salary * 1.02). SQL92 allowed the use of ordinal positions for sort_expressions. This functionality has been deprecated, and should not be used in SQL2003 queries.

COLLATE collation_name

Overrides the default collation of the sort_expression, and applies the collation_name to the sort expression for the purposes of the ORDER BY clause.


Specifies that the sort_expression should be returned in either ascending order (ASC) or descending order (DESC).

Rules at a Glance

The ORDER BY clause should reference columns as they appear in the select item list of the SELECT statement, preferably using their alias, if one exists. For example:

SELECT au_fname AS first_name, au_lname AS last_name FROM authors ORDER BY first_name, last_name

The ORDER BY clause uses a major-to-minor sort ordering. This means that the result set is ordered by the first column referenced, equal values in the first column are then ordered by the second column, equal values in the second column are then ordered by the third column, and so forth.

The individual aspects of a column's ordering COLLATE and ASC/DESC are independent of the other columns in the ORDER BY clause. Thus, you could order a result set in ascending order by one column, and then flip the next column and order it in descending order:

SELECT au_fname AS first_name, au_lname AS last_name FROM authors ORDER BY au_lname ASC, au_fname DESC

NULLs are always grouped together (i.e., considered equal) for the purposes of sorting. Depending on your platform, NULLs will be clumped together at the top or at the bottom of the result set. The following query on SQL Server:

SELECT title, price FROM titles ORDER BY price, title

provides this result set (edited for brevity):

title                                                price ---------------------------------------------------- ------- Net Etiquette                                        NULL The Psychology of Computer Cooking                   NULL The Gourmet Microwave                                2.9900 You Can Combat Computer Stress!                      2.9900 Life Without Fear                                    7.0000 Onions, Leeks, and Garlic: Cooking Secrets of the Me 20.9500 Computer Phobic AND Non-Phobic Individuals: Behavior 21.5900 But Is It User Friendly?                             22.9500

You can force NULLs to appear at the top or bottom of the result set using ASC or DESC. Of course, all the non-NULL rows of the result set are also ordered in ascending or descending order too.

The ANSI standard for ORDER BY also supports the use of columns for the sort_expression that are not referenced in the select item list. For example, the following query is valid under SQL2003:

SELECT title, price FROM titles ORDER BY title_id

Looking at the example above, you can see that although the query does not select title_id, column is the primary sort_expression. The result set is returned in title_id order even though that column is not selected.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

When using set operators (UNION, EXCEPT, INTERSECT), only the last query may have an ORDER BY clause. You should not use ORDER BY in subqueries of any type.

A number of behaviors that were supported in SQL92 are deprecated in SQL2003. You should avoid these usages:

References to table aliases

For example, ORDER BY e.emp_id should be changed to ORDER BY emp_id. If there is an ambiguous column name, then use an alias to compensate.

References to ordinal position

Use explicitly defined column aliases to compensate.

You may sort not only on columns, but also on expressions involving columns or even literals:

SELECT SUBSTRING(title,1,55) AS title, (price * 1.15) as price FROM titles WHERE price BETWEEN 2 and 19 ORDER BY price, title

When sorting on expressions from the select item list, you should use aliases to make the ORDER BY sort_expression column references easier!


DB2 supports the ANSI syntax, except for the COLLATE option. It also has the ORDER OF extension:

ORDER BY {ORDER OF table_name | sort_expression    [{ASC | DESC}] }


ORDER OF table_name

Tells DB2 to order the rows of a parent table as they are ordered in the subquery. To understand this concept more fully, remember that DB2 supports ordering at the subquery level. However, the ordered subquery does not return ordered result set unless the ORDER BY ORDER OF clause is used. The table_name must be the name of a table referenced in the parent query. For example:

SELECT qty, price, order_nbr  FROM     (SELECT order_nbr, qty, price FROM sales_Q1_2005    UNION    SELECT order_nbr, qty, price FROM sales_Q2_2005    ORDER BY price, qty, order_nbr) AS ytd_sales ORDER BY ORDER OF ytd_sales

DB2 still supports SQL92 functions, such as ordering by ordinal position. By default, DB2 sorts NULL values as higher than all other values.

Another example of order subqueries follows. First, we will create a view called best that returns the top five best selling books from the sales table, and then we will find the top five authors in order:

CREATE VIEW best(title) AS    SELECT title FROM sales    ORDER BY sold    FETCH FIRST 5 ROWS ONLY SELECT author FROM best JOIN authors ON best.title = author.title ORDER BY ORDER OF best

DB2 does not support ORDER BY on columns of the following datatypes: LONG VARCHAR, CLOB, LONG VARGRAPHIC, DBCLOB, BLOB, and DATALINK. DB2 also does not support ordering by structure types.


MySQL supports the ANSI standard, except for the COLLATE option.

You should not attempt to ORDER BY columns of the BLOB datatype because only the first bytes, defined by the max_sort_length setting, are used in the sort. By default, MySQL sorts NULL values as lowest (first) for ASC order and highest (last) for DESC order.


Oracle supports the ANSI syntax, except for the COLLATE option. It also supports the SIBLINGS and NULLS {FIRST | LAST} options. Oracle's ORDER BY syntax is:

ORDER [SIBLINGS] BY    {sort_expression [ASC | DESC] [NULLS {FIRST | LAST}]} [,...]

where the Oracle-specific keywords are:

ORDER [SIBLINGS] BY sort_expression

Sorts the result set of the query in order of the sort_expressions. A sort_expression may be a column name, an alias, an integer indicating a column's ordinal position, or another expression (e.g., salary * 1.02). The ORDER SIBLINGS BY clause tells Oracle to preserve any ordering specified by a hierarchical query clause (CONNECT BY), and to use the sort expression order for ordering of siblings in the hierarchy.


NULLS FIRST and NULLS LAST specify that the records containing NULLs should appear either first or last, respectively. By default, Oracle places NULLs last for ascending order sorts, and first for descending order sorts.

You can emulate the behavior of the COLLATE option for a single session by using the NLSSORT function with the NLS_SORT parameter. You can explicitly emulate the behavior of the COLLATE option for all sessions on the server by using the NLS_SORT initialization parameter or, implicitly, with the NLS_LANGUAGE initialization parameter.

Oracle continues to support deprecated SQL92 features such as sorting by ordinal position. You should not perform an ORDER BY on any LOB column, nested table, or VARRAY.


PostgreSQL supports the ANSI SQL2003 standard, with the exception of the COLLATE option. It also supports the USING extension:

ORDER BY {sort_expression1 [ASC | DESC | USING operator]} [,...]


USING operator

Specifies a specific comparison operator. Thus, you may sort by >, <, =, >=, <=, and so forth. Ascending order is the same as specifying USING <, while descending order is the same as USING >.

PostgreSQL sorts NULLs as the highest values. Thus, NULLs will appear at the end when sorting in ascending order, and at the beginning when sorting in descending order.

SQL Server

SQL Server supports the ANSI standard including the COLLATE option. For example, the following query retrieves author firstnames from the authors table in the SQL_Latin1 collation:

SELECT au_fname FROM authors ORDER BY au_fname COLLATE SQL_Latin1_general_cp1_ci_as

SQL Server continues to support the deprecated SQL92 features of the ORDER BY clause, including the ability to specify ORDER BY columns by their ordinal positions.

By default, SQL Server sorts NULL values higher than all other values.

You should not use TEXT, IMAGE, or NTEXT columns as sort_expressions on SQL Server.

See Also


The RELEASE SAVEPOINT statement eliminates one or more previously created savepoints in the current transaction.




Supported, with variations


Not supported


Not supported


Not supported

SQL Server

Not supported

SQL2003 Syntax

RELEASE SAVEPOINT savepoint_name



Represents a named savepoint (or target specification) created earlier in the transaction with the SAVEPOINT statement. The savepoint_name must be unique within the transaction.

Rules at a Glance

Use the RELEASE SAVEPOINT statement within a transaction to destroy a named savepoint. Any savepoints that were created after the named savepoint will also be destroyed.

To illustrate the behavior of savepoints, the following example code inserts a few records, creates a savepoint named first_savepoint, and then releases it:

INSERT authors (au_id, au_lname, au_fname, contract) VALUES ('111-11-1111', 'Rabbit', 'Jessica', 1); SAVEPOINT first_savepoint; INSERT authors (au_id, au_lname, au_fname, contract) VALUES ('277-27-2777', 'Fudd', 'E.P.', 1); INSERT authors (au_id, au_lname, au_fname, contract) VALUES ('366-36-3636', 'Duck', 'P.J.', 1); RELEASE SAVEPOINT first_savepoint; COMMIT;

In this example, the first_savepoint savepoint is destroyed and then all three records are inserted into the authors table.

In the next example, we perform the same action but with more savepoints:

INSERT authors (au_id, au_lname, au_fname, contract) VALUES ('111-11-1111', 'Rabbit', 'Jessica', 1); SAVEPOINT first_savepoint; INSERT authors (au_id, au_lname, au_fname, contract) VALUES ('277-27-2777', 'Fudd', 'E.P.', 1); SAVEPOINT second_savepoint; INSERT authors (au_id, au_lname, au_fname, contract) VALUES ('366-36-3636', 'Duck', 'P.J.', 1); SAVEPOINT third_savepoint; RELEASE SAVEPOINT second_savepoint; COMMIT;

In the earlier example, when we release the savepoint called second_savepoint, the database actually releases second_savepoint and third_savepoint, since third_savepoint was issued after second_savepoint.

Once released, a savepoint name can be reused.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

Issuing either a COMMIT or full ROLLBACK statement will destroy all open savepoints in a transaction. Issuing a ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT statement returns the transaction to its state at the specified savepoint. Thus, any savepoints declared afterwards are nullified.


DB2 supports the RELEASE SAVEPOINT statement fully with one optional keyword:

RELEASE [TO] SAVEPOINT savepoint_name



An optional noise word.


Not supported.


Not supported.


Not supported.

SQL Server

Not supported.

See Also

RETURN Statement

The RETURN statement terminates processing within a SQL-invoked function (as opposed to a host-invoked function) or stored procedure and returns the routine's result value.

Some vendors use RETURNS instead of RETURN (the SQL standard).




Supported, with variations


Not supported




Supported, with limitations

SQL Server


SQL2003 Syntax

RETURN return_parameter_value | NULL



Represents a value returned by the routine code, and can be any sort of a wide variety of values.


Terminates the function without returning an actual value

Rules at a Glance

Use the RETURN statement within procedural code to terminate processing. For example, you might create a user-defined function that takes a complex and often-used CASE expression and, when passed a parameter, returns a single, easy-to-understand expression value.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

Although the RETURN statement is categorized as a separate command within SQL, it is deeply intertwined with the CREATE FUNCTION and CREATE PROCEDURE statements. Consequently, the RETURN statement is almost always found embedded in one of these other commands. Check each statement's section in this book, or your vendor documentation, to get a more complete understanding of each platform's implementation of RETURN within the context of each statement.


DB2 uses the RETURN statement to exit a routine and, in a procedure, return any integer value. In a user-defined function, the RETURN statement returns the actual value that is calculated by the function. DB2 also allows query-based results to be returned by the statement, as in the following:

RETURN [ {expression | NULL | WITH table_name    (column [,...]) [AS (select_statement)] } ] select_statement



Returns a literal or variable to the client or calling program.


Returns a null value of the datatype defined in the return clause for the calling user-defined function or method.

WITH table_name (column [,...])

Acts as a common table expression (in other words, an ad hoc view) with each column keyword defining a column of the subsequent select_statement.

AS (select_statement) select_statement

Specifies the record or records to be returned from the function executing the RETURN statement. The number of columns in the record(s) retrieved by the second select_statement must match the number of columns in the WITH clause. This clause is not allowed in stored procedures.

If RETURN is used in a procedure, the value of expression must be an integer, but not in a user-defined function. The NULL and WITH columns AS select_statement clauses can be used with user-defined functions and methods, but not stored procedures. Here's a simple example of RETURN:


If you need to check the RETURN value of a stored procedure that is called by another stored procedure, use the GET DIAGNOSTICS statement to find it. Refer to the DB2 documentation for more information on GET DIAGNOSTICS.


Not supported. All procedural code in MySQL is written in C or C++. You can use C or C++ programming techniques to return value(s) to the client.


Oracle supports the ANSI standard syntax for RETURN, excluding the NULL keyword. (Oracle does support the return of a NULL value, just not using the ANSI syntax.) Oracle allows the RETURN clause only in user-defined functions and user-defined operators. The returned value cannot be a LONG, LONG RAW, or REF datatype in the CREATE OPERATOR statement. PL/SQL user-defined functions fully support Boolean datatypes internally, but you cannot invoke a Boolean UDF from a SQL statement. Therefore, just use INT (0 or 1) or VARCHAR2 ('TRUE' or 'FALSE') to hold Boolean values.

This example creates a function. The function returns the value that is stored in the proj_rev variable to the calling session:

CREATE FUNCTION project_revenue (project IN varchar2) RETURN NUMBER AS    proj_rev NUMBER(10,2); BEGIN    SELECT SUM(DECODE(action,'COMPLETED',amount,0) -           SUM(DECODE(action,'STARTED',amount,0)   +           SUM(DECODE(action,'PAYMENT',amount,0)    INTO proj_rev    FROM construction_actions    WHERE project_name = project;    RETURN (proj_rev); END;


PostgreSQL supports the ANSI standard syntax for RETURN, excluding the NULL keyword:

RETURNS return_parameter_value | NULL

PostgreSQL allows you to define user-defined functions using either SQL code or C/C++. (PostgreSQL does not currently allow stored procedures, though you can duplicate their functionality with user-defined functions). For the purposes of this discussion, we are only interested in SQL functions.

The output allowed by the return_parameter_value may be a base type, complex type, SETOF type, OPAQUE modifier, or the same as the type of an existing column. The SETOF type modifier is used to return a set of items via the RETURNS statement, rather than a single data value. The OPAQUE modifier indicates the RETURNS statement does not return a value. OPAQUE can only be used within triggers.

SQL Server

SQL Server supports the RETURN statement with this syntax:

RETURN [return_integer_value]

The RETURN command is typically used in stored procedures or user-defined functions. The command causes an immediate and complete exit from the program and, optionally, returns an integer value upon exit. SQL Server procedures implicitly return a zero value if no RETURN clause is supplied in the procedure definition. Any commands that follow the RETURN statement are ignored.

The RETURN statement in the following function returns an integer representing the calculated value:

CREATE FUNCTION metric_volume -    Input dimensions in centimeters.    (@length decimal(4,1),    @width decimal(4,1),    @height decimal(4,1)) RETURNS decimal(12,3) -- Cubic Centimeters. AS BEGIN    RETURN (@length * @width * @height) END GO REVOKE

This example creates a function that returns a calculated value, the metric volume of a space, to the calling session.

See Also

REVOKE Statement

The REVOKE statement takes two main forms. The first form of the statement removes specific statement permissions from a user, group, or role. The second form of the statement removes access permissions to specific database objects or resources.




Supported, with variations


Supported, with variations


Supported, with variations


Supported, with variations

SQL Server

Supported, with variations

SQL2003 Syntax

The SQL2003 syntax for REVOKE takes this general form:

REVOKE { [special_options] | {privilege [,...] | role [,...]} } ON database_object_name FROM grantee_name [,...] [GRANTED BY {CURRENT_USER | CURRENT_ROLE} ] {CASCADE | RESTRICT}



Allows the use of one of three optional special_options:


Undoes the WITH GRANT OPTION privilege assigned to a user, meaning that the user can no longer grant privileges to other users on the object but their own privileges on the object are still intact. (This clause is valid to revoke a privilege, but not to revoke a role.) Refer to the GRANT Statement section for more details.


Undoes the WITH HIERARCHY OPTION privilege that allows a user to SELECT not only from the named table, but also all of its subtables. (This clause is valid to revoke a privilege, but not to revoke a role.)


Undoes the ability to grant a role to other users. (This clause is valid to revoke a privilege, but not to revoke a role.)


Revokes privileges for a variety of statements, which may all be combined in any order:


Revokes all privileges currently assigned to the named users and/or for the specified database objects. Generally not a recommended approach, since it can encourage sloppy coding.


Revokes the privileges to execute a routine (i.e., a stored procedure, user-defined function, or method).


Revokes the specific privilege for a given user on the specified database object, such as a table or view. You may add a parenthetical list of the columns on a given table where the privilege will be revoked for SELECT, INSERT, and UPDATE privileges.


Revokes the user's privilege to create any constraints or assertions referencing the database object as a parent object. You may add a parenthetical list of the columns on a given table where the privilege will be revoked.


Revokes the user's ability to create triggers on the specified tables. As a side effect of the revoke, any triggers that depend on the privilege are also dropped.


Revokes the privilege to create subtypes or typed tables.


Revokes privileges to use a domain, user-defined type, character set, collation, or translation.


Revokes a specific, pre-defined role from the named grantee identified FROM clause. For example, the database administrator might want to create a role called Reporter that has read-only access to several tables. When the role is granted to the user, the user is able to do all of the actions the role may do. See the GRANT Statement section for more details.

ON database_object_name

Revokes privileges on a specific, predefined database object identified by the database_object_name provided. SQL2003 does not include support for system privileges but many implementations provide a variation of this clause to revoke such privileges. (The ON subclause is not used at all when revoking system privileges or roles.) The database_object_name may be one of the following:

{ [TABLE] object_name | DOMAIN object_name |         COLLATION object_name |     CHARACTER SET object_name | TRANSLATION object_name |     TYPE object_name | [SPECIFIC] {ROUTINE | FUNCTION |         PROCEDURE | METHOD}     object_name }

FROM grantee_name

Names the user(s) or role(s) who will lose the specified privilege. The PUBLIC keyword may also be used to revoke privileges granted to the PUBLIC global user list. Multiple grantees can be listed with a comma between each.


Optionally used to specify who granted the privilege to the user in the first place. For example, when using ...FROM CURRENT_USER, the privilege are revoked only if the current user granted the privilege. Otherwise, the statement would fail. When omitted, CURRENT_USER is the default.


Limits a revoke operation to only the specified privilege (RESTRICT) or causes the specified privilege and all dependent privileges to be revoked (CASCADE), and possibly cause objects that depend on the privilege to be dropped. Note that REVOKE...RESTRICT will fail if dependent privileges exist. The dependent privileges must be revoked first.

Rules at a Glance

A specific privilege on a specific database object can be revoked for a single user using REVOKE privilege_name ON object_name FROM grantee_name RESTRICT. A specific privilege on a specific object may be revoked from all users via the PUBLIC global user list.

When revoking privileges from multiple grantees, simply place a comma between each. You may also revoke privileges from one or more grantees and the PUBLIC role in a single REVOKE statement. (PUBLIC is described in detail under the GRANT Statement section. When a grant is issued to PUBLIC, that means everyone has permissions to the object without the need for a grant specifically to the object.)

When revoking privileges on a table, the privileges may extend to the column level by showing a list of columns enclosed in parentheses after the table name.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

Most of the platforms isolate privileges at the user and role level. (Remember, a role is a group of privileges.) Thus, an individual user who is assigned two roles may have an individual set of permissions three times. In this situation, you would have to revoke the user's privileges directly and remove the user from both roles to completely negate their permissions.

An important aspect about REVOKE (and its sister command GRANT) is that certain elements of the command are geared toward object-level permissions, while other options of the command are more oriented toward roles or administrative privileges. Generally, these operations are never combined. The differences in object-level permissions and administrative privileges are fully explained under each database platform section below. For example, you might want to revoke certain object-level privileges for a given role (salespeople) or individual user (e_fudd and prince_edward):


A lot of table-level privileges can even be assigned down to the column level. Those privileges can be revoked:

REVOKE INSERT(au_id, au_fname, au_lname)    ON authors FROM e_fudd;

The special option clauses (GRANT OPTION, HIERARCHY OPTION, and ADMIN OPTION) all exist to allow you to revoke the ability of users to pass privileges or roles on to other users. However, these clauses do not prevent the first group of users themselves from exercising those privileges. For example, we no longer want anyone in the role manager to grant their UPDATE privileges to other users:


You can also remove role privileges from a user with the REVOKE command:

REVOKE manager FROM e_fudd CASCADE;

A common best practice is to keep REVOKE and GRANT statements as self-contained and logical as possible. Under this practice, you should avoid using the CASCADE and ALL PRIVILEGES clauses because they perform work for you that may not be immediately evident within the scope of the command.


DB2 offers a variety of additional options in its implementation of the REVOKE command:

REVOKE { [database_privileges [,...] ON DATABASE ] | [CONTROL ON INDEX index_name] | [ {BIND | CONTROL | EXECUTE} ON PACKAGE package_name ] | [ {ALTERIN | CREATEIN | DROPIN} ON SCHEMA schema_name ] |    [PASSTHRU ON SERVER server_name ] |    [EXECUTE ON [SPECIFIC] {FUNCTION | PROCEDURE |        METHOD} routine_name ] |    [object_privilege [,...] ON [TABLE] object_name ] |    [{ALTER | USAGE} ON SEQUENCE sequence_name ] |    [USE OF TABLESPACE tablespace_name ] } } [FROM [ {USER |GROUP} ] { grantee_name [,...] |        group_name [,...] | PUBLIC } ] [RESTRICT]



Revokes one or more privileges that apply to the entire database. The database privileges are:


Grants the authority to create packages.


Grants the authority to access the database. When CONNECT is revoked, all other explicitly granted privilege still exist, but are disabled until CONNECT privileges are regranted.


Grants the authority to create tables.


Grants the authority to create functions that are not fenced into a specific user process; that is, they may execute within the database manager's process.


Grants the superuser authority, meaning the ability to create any object, fully access any object created by other users, and grant those privileges to other users.


Grants the authority to implicitly create a schema, though this privilege doesn't impact the ability to explicitly create a schema or any objects within a schema.


Grants the authority to explicitly LOAD a database.


Revokes the privilege to drop an index, once created, of the specified index_name. If you leave off the FROM clause, the current user context is assumed.


Revokes the privileges associated with packages. Note that RUN and PROGRAM are acceptable synonyms for EXECUTE and PACKAGE, respectively. If you leave off the FROM clause, the current user is assumed if all privileges are user-level (GRANTEETYPE of U) or the current group is assumed if all the privileges are group-level (GRANTEETYPE of G). If the privileges are a mix of user- and group-level, an error will result. The package privileges are:


Grants the authority to bind or rebind the specified package. CONTROL privileges must also be revoked, if the grantee has them, to properly remove BIND privileges.


Grants the authority to drop the specified package, as well as the authority to extend privileges to other grantees.


Grants the authority to execute a package. Like BIND, CONTROL privileges must also be revoked, if the grantee has them, to properly remove EXECUTE privileges.


Revokes the privileges associated with manipulating a schema (that is, a user-owned set of objects). Unlike some of the other optional clauses of this DB2 command, the ON SCHEMA syntax requires the FROM clause. Using this command does not supercede any specific privileges granted within a schema. Thus, you might revoke privileges on a user or group using the ON SCHEMA clause but the user or group might still be able to do any number of other activities within that schema because of other grant statements.


Grants the authority to alter or comment on objects in a schema defined by ON SCHEMA schema_name.


Grants the authority to create objects in a schema defined by ON SCHEMA schema_name.


Grants the authority to drop objects in the schema defined by ON SCHEMA schema_name.


Revokes the privilege to access an external data source of server_name using pass-through mode.


Revokes privileges on an ANSI routine (i.e., a user-defined function, user-defined method, or stored procedure). The elements of this clause are as follows:

[SPECIFIC] FUNCTION function_name

Specifies that the user loses execution privileges on a specific function. A SPECIFIC function name may be specified. DB2 also supports functions without names. In this case, FUNCTION [(param [,...])] should be used, including any and all parameters of the function. If routine_name is not included, the current schema is assumed. You may substitute an asterisk (*) for a specific function name to revoke from a user the execution privilege on all functions in the current or specified schema.

PROCEDURE [schema.]procedure_name

Specifies that the user loses execute privileges on all stored procedures in the specified schema, even those created in the future. If schema is not included, the current schema is assumed. You may substitute an asterisk (*) for a specific stored procedure name to revoke the execution privilege from a user on all stored procedures in the current or specified schema.

[SPECIFIC] METHOD method_name

Specifies that the user loses rights to execute all methods of routine_name, even those that have not yet been created. A SPECIFIC method name may be specified. DB2 also supports methods without names. In this case, METHOD [(param [,...])] can be used, including any and all parameters of the function. Alternately, the asterisk (*) can be used to specify that all types in the schema are revoked from the user.


Revokes privileges for a variety of statements on tables, views, and nicknamed tables or views. These may be combined in any order:


Revokes all privileges currently assigned to the named users and/or for the specified database objects as a shorthand for every privilege the grantor has available to grant. The PRIVILEGES keyword is optional. We do not recommended this approach since it can encourage sloppy programming.


Revokes the privilege to add or alter columns, constraints, comments, or triggers on a specified table or view and restricts the ability to change nicknamed column names or datatypes or to change a column option for a nickname.


Revokes the ability to drop the table or view or execute a RUNSTATS utility against it.


Revokes the ability to create an index against a table or an index specification on a nickname.


Revokes the specific privilege for a given user on the specified database object, such as a table or view. You may add a parenthetical list of the columns on a given table where the privilege will be revoked for the SELECT, INSERT, and UPDATE statements.


Revokes the user's privilege to create or drop referencing constraints (such as CHECK or FOREIGN KEY) referencing the database object as a parent object.

{ALTER | USAGE} ON SEQUENCE sequence_name

Revokes privileges on a sequence in an explicit schema or the current schema (USAGE), or the privilege to execute the ALTER SEQUENCE statement (ALTER).

USE OF TABLESPACE tablespace_name

Revokes the USE privilege on a tablespace. Note that the user might be able to continue to make tables in the specified tablespace if rights on the tablespace are granted to PUBLIC, or if the user is in a group (such as DBADM) that also has privileges in the specified tablespace.

FROM { [USER | GROUP]} grantee_name

Names the user or users who will lose the specified privilege. When both a user and group exist with the same name, use the optional GROUP or USER keywords to control where the privileges will be dropped. PUBLIC may also be used to revoke privileges granted to the PUBLIC role. Multiple grantees can be listed with a comma between each.


Identical to the ANSI usage, except that RESTRICT is required on SCHEMA and FUNCTION privileges.

DB2 supports a number of privileges, as described above, through a specific user. In the following example, the user emily loses the create table (CREATETAB) privilege:


This revokes the privilege of creating tables from user emily.

The following statement revokes the privilege of creating packages from the group student. The FROM GROUP clause should always be used when a user and group exist with the same name.


The first command in the next example revokes the privilege to drop the index upkcl_auidind from the user dylan and the group of users called editors, while the second command revokes the tablespace privileges of the user sam.


The next example revokes the ability to execute the package publications by both the group editors and the user jake.


The next example revokes the ability of user anna to create new objects in the schema pubs, while the second command revokes the privilege to pass through to data source east.


Specific object-level privileges are also easy to grant and revoke. In some cases, you can issue the same command in several ways, depending upon whether you include a lot of the optional keywords. For example, the following two commands do the same thing:


In both of the examples above, the user sam loses the privilege to update the employee table. You can also combine object-level privileges and users and/or groups in a single command. For example, the following command revokes all the write privileges (INSERT, UDPATE, DELETE) from the users katie and jake, as well as from the group editors:


DB2 ships with the PUBLIC group, which includes all users. In addition, there are several levels of system privileges on a DB2 installation whose privileges cannot be modified:


Issues system administration privileges (the highest level of authority). Users with this level have all privileges in all databases.


Issues database-wide privileges. Users with this level have all privileges in a specific database, though they cannot execute operations that require administrative access to system resources (such as the DB2 statement CREATE TABLESPACE).


Issues system control privileges without data access privileges. Users with this level have the ability to create, modify, and drop databases and tablespaces, and are able to halt instances or databases.


Issues system control privileges without data access privileges (at a lower level than SYSCTRL). Users with this level have the ability to update database configuration files, issue backups and restores, and monitor a database.

Users can be granted and revoked these system-level privileges, but the privileges of the specific scope of each system-level privilege (system-wide, database-wide, etc.) cannot be altered.


The REVOKE statement rolls back permissions previously granted to one or more users. MySQL supports many of the standard keywords of the ANSI standard. Notable exceptions for support include TRIGGER, EXECUTE, and UNDER. MySQL also has a nice shortcut to allow global assignment or revocation of privileges. Please refer back to the ANSI standard description for those elements of the command not described below:

REVOKE [ { ALL [PRIVILEGES] |    {SELECT | INSERT | UPDATE} [ (column_name [,...]) ] | DELETE |    REFERENCES [ (column_name [,...]) ] } | [ USAGE ] | [{ALTER | CREATE | DROP}] | [FILE] | [INDEX] | [PROCESS] |    [RELOAD] | [SHUTDOWN] | [CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES] | [LOCK TABLES] |    [REPLICATION CLIENT] | [REPLICATION SLAVE] | [SHOW DATABASES] |    [SUPER] }[,...] ON {table_name | * | *.* | database_name.*} FROM user_name [,...]



Synonymous with ALL PRIVILEGES. On MySQL, this includes all privileges that apply at the level indicated by the ON clause, except the GRANT OPTION. (This includes privileges like SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and others.)


Revokes the ability to read, write, modify, and erase data from tables (and possibly from specific columns of a table), respectively.




Revokes all of a user's privileges.

{ALTER | CREATE | DROP} ON table_name

Revokes the ability to alter, create, or drop tables and other database objects.


Revokes the ability to load data from or write data to files using the SELECT INTO and LOAD DATA commands.


Revokes the ability to create or drop indexes.


Revokes the ability to view running processes using SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST.


Revokes the ability to invoke the FLUSH command.


Revokes usage of the mysqladmin shutdown command to kill the server process.


Revokes the ability to create temporary tables.


Revokes the use of the MySQL command LOCK TABLES on tables where the user has SELECT privileges.


Revokes the privilege to see metadata about replication slaves and masters.


Revokes the right to read binlogs of a replication master from a replication slave.


Revokes the privilege to execute the MySQL command SHOW DATABASES.


Revokes the user privilege of opening one connection even if the max_connections threshold is reached. Also revokes from the users the privileges to execute these MySQL commands: CHANGE MASTER, KILL, mysqladmin debug, PURGE [MASTER] LOGS, and SET GLOBAL.

ON {table_name | * | *.*| database_name.*}

Removes privileges from the specified table_name, from all tables within the current database with * , from all tables in the specified database_name with database_name.*, or from all tables in all databases with *.*


Removes the privileges of one or more users, separated by commas. Usernames may also include an @host_name suffix, if you wish to restrict the revocation to a specific host computer.

REVOKE has size limitations. Usernames cannot be longer than 16 characters, while host, database, and database object names can be up to 60 characters in size. Usernames may also be linked to a specific host. Refer to the GRANT command for more details.

MySQL's implementation of REVOKE does not explicitly roll back permissions on objects that are dropped. Thus, it is necessary to explicitly REVOKE permissions on a table, even if the table is dropped. For example, let's say you drop a table without issuing a REVOKE on the existing permissions. If you later recreate the table, all of the old permissions will still be in place. Similarly, a user's privileges still persist in the database, even after the user has been dropped.

It is also important to note that MySQL allows multiple levels of permissions. Thus, a user might have access to a table from a table-level grant and have an additional set of permissions to the same table because they have been give global database or server-wide permissions. This means you need to be careful when revoking permissions because global level permissions might continue to provide permissions to a user when you thought you had revoked them!

The first command shown below revokes all privileges on the sales table for users emily and dylan, while the second command revokes select privileges for the user kelly in the current database:


The first command below removes kelly's ability to grant privileges to other users on the sales table, while the second command removes privileges that the user sam has in the pubs database:


REVOKE ALL ON pubs.* FROM sam;


The REVOKE command not only immediately revokes object and system privileges, it also revokes a role from a user (or a role from another role). Refer to the GRANT statement for more information on the specific object and system privileges supported by the REVOKE command.

The two forms of the REVOKE command, REVOKE object_privilege and REVOKE system_privilege, are mutually exclusive. Do not attempt to do both operations in a single statement. Since the complete syntax for both forms of the command are extremely long, refer to the GRANT Statement section for more details on the different object_privileges and system_privileges.

Oracle provides an interesting twist on privileges. While other database platforms typically allow a user to have more than one context for a set of privileges (based on the individual user and again for any groups that they are a member of), Oracle takes this one step further. A user may also have many grantors who have given them permission on a specific object. When this is the case, ALL grantors must revoke the privilege to effectively rid the user of the privilege. If even one grantor doesn't do this, then the user still has the privilege. Use the following syntax with REVOKE:

REVOKE { [object_privilege] [,...]|    [system_privilege] |    [role] } [ON { [schema_name.][object] |    [DIRECTORY directory_object_name] |    [JAVA [ { SOURCE | RESOURCE } ] [schema_name.][object] } ] FROM {grantee_name [,...] | role_name [,...] | PUBLIC} [CASCADE [CONSTRAINTS] ] [FORCE];



Revokes the specified privileges for a given user, grantee_name, or role against the named schema object, for example, a table or view.


Revokes all granted privileges on a named schema object. Since ALL also includes the REFERENCES privilege, you must include the CASCADE clause (see REFERENCES below).


Revokes the privilege to change an existing table using the ALTER TABLE statement.


Revokes the privilege to execute a stored procedure, user-defined function, or package.


Revokes the privilege to create indexes on a table.


Revokes the privilege to define referential integrity constraints. Requires that the CASCADE CONSTRAINTS clause also be used.


Revokes the privilege to execute each of the respective SQL commands against the named schema object. Note that DELETE privileges are dependent on SELECT privileges.


Revokes the specified Oracle system privilege from a given user, grantee_name, or role against the named system privilege such as CREATE TRIGGER or ALTER USER. Do not use the ON clause with the REVOKE system_privileges variation of the statement. Because there are so many and varied system privileges, please refer to the section under Oracle's implementation in the GRANT Statement section for a full list of system privileges.


Revokes a user from the named role or one role from another role.


Revokes the named privilege for a given user or role from the named object. Objects include tables, views, sequences, stored procedures, user-defined functions, packages, materialized views, user-defined types, libraries, indextypes, user-defined operators, or a synonym for any of these. If you do not include the schema name, Oracle assumes the schema of the current user. For example, you could revoke SELECT privileges for a given user on the scott.authors table. Oracle also supports two additional keywords for special cases:

DIRECTORY directory_object_name

Identifies a directory object from which the privileges are revoked.

JAVA [ { SOURCE | RESOURCE } ] [schema_name.][object] }

Identifies a Java source or a resource schema object from which the privileges are revoked.

FROM {grantee_name | role_name | PUBLIC}

Names the user or role who will lose the specified privilege. PUBLIC may also be used to revoke privileges granted to the PUBLIC role. Multiple grantees can be listed with a comma between each.


Drops any referential integrity constraints that depend on the privilege being revoked in the first place. This clause is needed only when the REFERENCES or ALL [PRIVILEGES] clauses are used.


Required to revoke EXECUTE object privileges on user-defined type objects with type or table dependencies.

Oracle automatically cascades the revocation from the defined grantee_name to all users that received their privileges from the grantee. In addition, any objects created by the grantee that depend on the privilege (such as stored procedures, triggers, views, and packages that depend on a SELECT privilege against a certain table) will become invalid.

Users who are granted the GRANT ANY ROLE system privilege may revoke any role. The REVOKE command can only revoke privileges specifically granted with the GRANT command, not privileges available through roles or the operating system. In a case like this, you must use the REVOKE command to drop the privilege from the role. All users assigned to the role will then lose the privilege.

The following is an example of revoking a role from specific grantee and revoking a system privilege from a role:


Here's an example that revokes a REFERENCES privilege and cascades the revoked privileges:


The following example grants all privileges on a specific table, and then revokes a privilege:




PostgreSQL offers base-level features of the REVOKE statement, primarily for revoking privileges on specific tables, views, and sequences. It does not offer the ANSI standard special options like HIERARCY OPTION FOR or ADMIN OPTION FOR. The syntax is as follows:

REVOKE { [ GRANT OPTION FOR ] | privileges [,...] } ON {object_name} [,...] FROM {grantee_name [,...] | PUBLIC | GROUP group_name} [ {CASCADE | RESTRICT} ]



Revokes the privilege of a user to grant privileges to other users.


Revokes privileges for a variety of statements, which may be combined in any order:


A shorthand for every privilege the grantor has available to grant. Revokes all privileges currently assigned to the named users and/or for the specified database objects. Generally not a recommended approach, since it can encourage sloppy coding.


Revokes the specific privilege for a given user on the specified database object, such as a table or view. You may add a parenthetical list of the columns on a given table where the privilege will be revoked.


Revokes the user's privilege to create or drop foreign key constraints that reference the database object as a parent object.


Revokes the user's privilege to create or drop a rule on a table or view.


Revokes privileges to use a domain, user-defined type, or character set, as opposed to the UNDER privilege, which controls the ability to create these objects.

FROM grantee_name [,...] | PUBLIC | GROUP group_name

Names the user or role who will lose the specified privilege. PUBLIC may also be used to revoke privileges granted to the PUBLIC role (a role that implicitly includes all users). Multiple grantees can be listed with a comma between each.


Limits a revoke operation to only the specified privilege (RESTRICT) or causes the specified privilege and all dependent privileges to be revoked (CASCADE). Only used with the GRANT OPTION FOR clause.

PostgreSQL's implementation of REVOKE is relatively straightforward. The only issue to be aware of is that PostgreSQL treats the term GROUP as a synonym for ROLE. For example, the following removes some privileges from the PUBLIC group and from the READ-ONLY group:


PostgreSQL does not support privileges on individual columns within a table or view. In order to work around this limitation, you can create a view with only the columns in question and GRANT or REVOKE privileges to and from that view.

When revoking the GRANT OPTION FOR clause, you should pay extra attention to dependencies. If you revoke a user's privilege with the RESTRICT keyword, the statement will fail if other users depend on the revokee. If you revoke a user's privilege with the CASCADE keyword, the statement will revoke privileges not only for the revokee, but for all users that depend on the revokee.

SQL Server

SQL Server implements the REVOKE statement as a means to undo any permission settings for a given user. This is significant because SQL Server supports an extension statement called DENY which explicity disallows a user from a specific resource. REVOKE, in SQL Server, can be used to undo permissions granted to a user with GRANT. If you want to explicitly prevent a user from having a certain privilege, you must use the DENY statement.

SQL Server does not support the HIERARCHY OPTION and ADMIN OPTION clauses of the ANSI standard. Although the ADMIN OPTION clause is not supported, a couple of administrative privileges (CREATE and BACKUP) are supported in SQL Server's version of REVOKE. Use the following syntax:

REVOKE [GRANT OPTION FOR] { [object_privilege] [,...]|    [system_privilege] } [ON [object] [(column [,...])] ]| {TO | FROM} {grantee_name [,...] | role [,...] | PUBLIC | GUEST } [CASCADE] [AS {group_name | role_name} ]



Revokes the privilege of a user to grant a specific privilege to other users.


Revokes privileges for a variety of statements, which may be combined in any order:


Revokes all privileges currently assigned to the named users and/or for the specified database objects. We do not recommend this approach, since it can encourage sloppy programming.


Revokes the specific privilege for a given user on the specified database object, such as a table or view. You may add a parenthetical list of the columns on a given table where the privilege will be revoked.


Revokes the user's privilege to create or drop foreign key constraints that reference the database object as a parent object.


Revokes the user's privilege to create or drop a rule on a table or view.


Revokes privileges to execute a stored procedure, user-defined function, or extended stored procedure.



ON object [(column [,...])]

Removes the privilege for the user on the named object. If the object is a table or view, you may optionally revoke privileges on specific columns. You may revoke SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and REFERENCES privileges on a table or view. You may revoke only SELECT and UPDATE privileges on the columns of a table or view. You may revoke EXECUTE privileges on a stored procedure, user-defined function, or extended stored procedure.

{TO | FROM} grantee_name | role | PUBLIC | GUEST

Names the user or role who will lose the specified privilege. PUBLIC may also be used to revoke privileges granted to the PUBLIC role (a role that implicitly includes all users). Multiple grantees can be listed with a comma between each. SQL Server also supports the role known as GUEST, an account used by all users who do not have a user account in the database.


Revokes privileges on users who received their permissions under the WITH GRANT OPTION clause. Required when using the GRANT OPTION FOR clause.

AS {group_name | role_name}

Defines the authority by which the privilege is revoked. In certain circumstances, a user may need to temporarily assume the privileges of a group to revoke the specified privileges. To accommodate this scenario, you can use the AS clause to assume the authority of a given group.

tHe two forms of the REVOKE command, REVOKE object_privilege and REVOKE system_privilege, are mutually exclusive. Do not attempt to do both operations in a single statement. The key syntactical difference between them is that you should not include the ON clause when revoking system privileges. For example, to drop a system privilege:


If commands were granted to a user WITH GRANT OPTION enabled, the privilege should be revoked using both WITH GRANT OPTION and CASCADE together. For example:


REVOKE can only be used in the current database. Consequently, the CURRENT_USER and CURRENT_ROLE options in the ANSI variations are always implied. REVOKE also is used to disable any DENY settings.

SQL Server additionally supports the DENY statement. DENY is syntactically the same as REVOKE. However, it is conceptually different in that REVOKE neutralizes a user's privileges, while DENY explicitly prohibits a user's privileges. Use the DENY statement to keep a user or role from accessing a privilege, even a privilege granted through a role or an explicit permission.

You must use REVOKE to remove previously granted OR denied privileges. For example, the user kelly took an extended leave of absence for maternity leave. During that time, her permissions on the employee table where denied. Now that she's returned, we'll lift the denied privileges:

DENY ALL ON employee TO Kelly GO REVOKE ALL ON employee TO Kelly GO

In this example, the REVOKE command did not remove her privileges; rather, it neutralized the DENY statement.

See Also

ROLLBACK Statement

The ROLLBACK statement undoes a transaction to its beginning or to a previously declared SAVEPOINT. ROLLBACK also closes any open cursors.






Supported, with limitations


Supported, with variations


Supported, with limitations

SQL Server

Supported, with variations

SQL2003 Syntax




An optional keyword, but basically just noise.


AND CHAIN tells the DBMS to end the current transaction, but to share the common transaction environment (such as transaction isolation level) with the next transaction. AND NO CHAIN simply ends the transaction (and is effectively the same as not including the clause at all).

TO SAVEPOINT savepoint_name

Allows the transaction to be rolled back to a named savepoint (that is, a partial rollback) rather than rolling back the entire transaction. The savepoint_name may be a literal expression or a variable. If no savepoint of savepoint_name is active, the statement will return an error. When the TO SAVEPOINT clause is omitted, all cursors are closed. When the TO SAVEPOINT clause is included, only the cursors that were open within the savepoint are closed.

In addition to undoing a single data-manipulation operation such as an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement (or a batch of them), the ROLLBACK statement undoes transactions up to the last issued START TRANSACTION, SET TRANSACTION, or SAVEPOINT statement.

Rules at a Glance

ROLLBACK is used to undo a transaction. It can be used to undo explicitly declared transactions that are started with a START TRAN statement or implicitly with a transaction-initiating statement. It can also be used to undo implicit transactions that are started without a START TRAN statement. ROLLBACK is mutually exclusive of the COMMIT statement.

Most people associate commands like INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE with the term "transaction." However, transactions encompass a wide variety of commands. This list of commands varies from platform to platform, but generally includes any command that alters data or database structures and is logged to the database logging mechanism. According to the ANSI standard, all SQL statements can be undone with ROLLBACK.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

The most important gotcha to consider is that some database platforms perform automatic and implicit transations, while others require explicit transactions. If you assume a platform uses one method of transactions over the other, you may get bitten. Thus, when moving between database platforms, you should follow a standard, preset way of addressing transactions. We recommend staying with explicit transactions using SET TRAN or START TRAN to begin a transaction, and COMMIT or ROLLBACK to end a transaction.


DB2 supports the basic ANSI form of the statement. It does not support the [AND [NO] CHAIN] clause. (Also note that DB2 does not support the START TRANSACTION statement, so all transactions in DB2 start implicitly.) DB2's ROLLBACK syntax is as follows:



DB2 issues an implicit rollback any time a unit of work terminates abnormally.

When a regular (non-savepoint) rollback occurs on DB2, all locks held by the unit of work are released, open cursors are closed, LOB locators are freed, and in some cases, caching is impacted. When a rollback to savepoint occurs on DB2, locks and LOB locators are preserved, and dynamically prepared SQL is still valid (though it will have to be parsed again). Rollback to savepoint involving cursors is a bit more complicated. If a cursor depends on DDL in the savepoint, it will be marked invalid. If a cursor is referenced in the savepoint but does not contain DDL used by the savepoint, the cursor will remain open and the cursor pointer will be positioned before the next row. In all other cases, the cursor remains unaffected.


MySQL supports only the simplest rollback mechanism and, even then, you must declare any table you might issue a ROLLBACK against to be transaction safe. (A transaction safe table is one declared with the InnoDB or BDB property. Refer to CREATE TABLE for more information.)

ROLLBACK [TO SAVEPOINT savepoint_name]

MySQL allows you to issue transaction control statements like COMMIT or ROLLBACK against non-transaction safe tables, but it will simply ignore them and autocommit as usual. In the case of ROLLBACK against a non-transaction safe table, changes will not be rolled back.

MySQL, by default, runs in AUTOCOMMIT mode, causing all data modifications to automatically be written to disk. You can set AUTOCOMMIT off by issuing the command SET AUTOCOMMIT=0. You can also control the autocommit behavior on a statement-by-statement basis using the BEGIN or BEGIN WORK command:

BEGIN; SELECT @A:=SUM(salary) FROM employee WHERE job_type=1; BEGIN WORK; UPDATE jobs SET summmary=@A WHERE job_type=1; COMMIT;

MySQL automatically issues an implicit COMMIT upon the completion of any of these statements: ALTER TABLE, BEGIN, CREATE INDEX, DROP DATABASE, DROP TABLE, RENAME TABLE, and TRUNCATE.

MySQL supports partial rollbacks using savepoints with Version 4.0.14.


Oracle supports the ANSI standard form of the ROLLBACK statement with the addition of the FORCE clause:

ROLLBACK [WORK] {[TO [SAVEPOINT] savepoint_name] |    [FORCE 'text']};

ROLLBACK clears all data modifications made to the current open transaction (or to a specific, existing savepoint). It also releases all locks held by the transaction, erases all savepoints, undoes all the changes of the current transaction, and ends the current transaction.

ROLLBACK ... TO SAVEPOINT rolls back just that portion of the transaction after the savepoint, erases all savepoints that followed, and releases all table- and row-level locks taken after the savepoint. Refer to the SAVEPOINT Statement section for more information.

Oracle's implementation closely follows the SQL standard with the exception of the FORCE option. ROLLBACK FORCE rolls back an in-doubt, distributed transaction. You must have the FORCE TRANSACTION privilege to issue a ROLLBACK...FORCE statement. FORCE cannot be used with TO [SAVEPOINT]. ROLLBACK...FORCE affects the transaction named in 'text' and not the current transaction, where 'text' must be equal to the local or global transaction ID of the transaction you want to rollback. (These transactions and their ID names are detailed in the Oracle system view DBA_2PC_PENDING.)

For example, you might want to roll back your current transaction to the salary_adjustment savepoint. These two commands are equivalent:

ROLLBACK WORK TO SAVEPOINT salary_adjustment; ROLLBACK TO salary_adjustment;

In the following example, you roll back an in-doubt distributed transaction:



PostgreSQL supports the basic form of ROLLBACK, but it does not support savepoints.


ROLLBACK clears all data modifications made to the current open transaction. It will return an error if no transaction is currently open. PostgreSQL supports both the WORK option and the TRANSACTION option. It does not support rolling back to a savepoint. PostgreSQL supports ABORT as a synonym of ROLLBACK.

SQL Server

SQL Server supports both the WORK and TRAN keywords. The only difference between them is that the ROLLBACK WORK statement doesn't allow rolling back of a named transaction or to a specific savepoint.

ROLLBACK { [WORK] | [TRAN[SACTION]    [transaction_name | savepoint_name] ] }

If ROLLBACK is issued alone without the WORK or TRAN keywords, it rolls back all current open transactions. ROLLBACK normally frees locks, but it does not free locks when rolling back to a savepoint.

SQL Server allows you to name a specific transaction_name in addition to a specific savepoint_name. You may reference them explicitly, or you may use variables within Transact-SQL.

ROLLBACK TRANSACTION, when issued in a trigger, undoes all data modifications, including those performed by the trigger, up to the point of the ROLLBACK statement. Nested triggers are not executed if they follow a ROLLBACK within a trigger; however, any statements within the trigger that follow the rollback are not impacted by the rollback. ROLLBACK behaves similarly to COMMIT with regard to nesting, resetting the @@TRANCOUNT system variable to zero. (Refer to the COMMIT Statement section for more information on transaction control within a SQL Server nested trigger.)

Following is a Transact-SQL batch using COMMIT and ROLLBACK in Microsoft SQL Server. In the example, the code inserts a record into the sales table. If the insertion fails, the transaction is rolled back; if the insertion succeeds, the transaction is committed:

BEGIN TRAN -- initializes a transaction -- the transaction itself INSERT INTO sales VALUES('7896','JR3435','Oct 28 1997',25,'Net 60','BU7832') -- some error-handling in the event of a failure IF @@ERROR <> 0 BEGIN     -- raises an error in the event log and skips to the end     RAISERROR 50000 'Insert of sales record failed'     ROLLBACK WORK     GOTO end_of_batch END -- the transaction is committed if no errors are detected COMMIT TRAN -- the GOTO label that enables the batch to skip to -- the end without committing end_of_batch: GO SAVEPOINT sales1

See Also


This command breaks a transaction into logical breakpoints. Multiple savepoints may be specified within a single transaction. The main benefit of the SAVEPOINT command is that transactions may be partially rolled back to a savepoint marker using the ROLLBACK command.




Supported, with variations


Not supported




Not supported

SQL Server

Supported, with limitations

SQL2003 Syntax

SAVEPOINT savepoint_name


SAVEPOINT savepoint_name

Establishes a savepoint named savepoint_name within the current transaction.

Some vendors allow duplicate savepoint names within a transaction, but this is not recommended by the ANSI standard.

SQL2003 supports the statement RELEASE SAVEPOINT savepoint_name, enabling an existing savepoint to be eliminated. Refer to the RELEASE SAVEPOINT Statement section for more information about eliminating an existing savepoint.

Rules at a Glance

Savepoints are established within the scope of the entire transaction in which they are defined. Savepoint names should be unique within their scope. Furthermore, make sure you use BEGIN and COMMIT statements prudently, because accidentally placing a BEGIN statement too early or a COMMIT statement too late can have a dramatic impact on the way transactions are written to the database. Always make sure to provide easy-to-understand names for your savepoints because you'll be referencing them later in your programs.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

Generally, reusing a savepoint name won't produce an error or warning. A duplicate savepoint name will render the previous savepoint with the same name useless. So be careful when naming savepoints!

When a transaction is initiated, resources (namely, locks) are expended to ensure transactional consistency. Make sure that your transaction runs to completion as quickly as possible so that the locks are released for others to use.


DB2 supports a more elaborate version of SAVEPOINT than is specified in the ANSI standard.



SAVEPOINT savepoint_name

Establishes a savepoint named savepoint_name within the current transaction.


Indicates that the savepoint is intended to be unique and that the savepoint name cannot be reused or overwritten. (Supported only on DB2 for OS/390.)


Specifies that open cursors remain open when rolling back to the savepoint. (More details are given in the ROLLBACK Statement section.)


Specifies that locks are retained when rolling back to the named savepoint. This behavior is the default when the clause is omitted. (More details are given in the ROLLBACK Statement section.)

An important note about DB2 is that savepoints cannot be nested. An error will occur any time you issue a savepoint where an active savepoint already exists.

DB2 implicitly releases any savepoints within the transaction if it is committed.

In the following example, we set the sales_processing savepoint without explicitly retaining locks:


However, since retaining locks is the default, the next example is essentially redundant:



Not supported.


Oracle fully supports the ANSI implementation.

SAVEPOINT savepoint_name

The following example performs several data modifications, and then rolls back to a savepoint:

INSERT INTO sales VALUES('7896','JR3435','Oct 28 1997',25,'Net 60','BU7832'); SAVEPOINT after_insert; UPDATE sales SET terms = 'Net 90' WHERE sales_id = '7896'; SAVEPOINT after_update; DELETE sales; ROLLBACK TO after_insert;


Not supported.

SQL Server

SQL Server does not support the SAVEPOINT command. Instead, it uses the SAVE command:

SAVE TRAN[SACTION] savepoint_name

In addition, rather than declaring the literal name of the savepoint, you can optionally reference a variable containing the name of the savepoint. If you use a variable, it must be of the CHAR, VARCHAR, NCHAR, or NVARCHAR datatype.

SQL Server allows you to have many different named savepoints in a single transaction. However, be careful. Since SQL Server supports multiple savepoints in a single transaction, it might appear that SQL Server fully supports nested savepoints. In fact, it does not. Any time you issue a commit or savepoint in SQL Server, it only commits or rolls back to the last open savepoint.

When the ROLLBACK TRAN savepoint_name command is executed, SQL Server rolls the transaction back to the specified savepoint, then continues processing with the next valid Transact-SQL command following the ROLLBACK statement. Finally, the transaction must ultimately be concluded with a COMMIT or a final ROLLBACK statement.

See Also

SELECT Statement

The SELECT statement retrieves rows, columns, and derived values from one or many tables of a database.




Supported, with variations

(ANSI joins supported)


Supported, with variations

(ANSI joins partially supported)


Supported, with variations

(ANSI joins supported)


Supported, with variations

(ANSI joins partially supported)

SQL Server

Supported, with variations

(ANSI joins supported)

SQL2003 Syntax

The full syntax of the SELECT statement is powerful and complex, but can be broken down into these main clauses:

SELECT [{ALL | DISTINCT}] select_item [AS alias] [,...] FROM [ONLY | OUTER]    {table_name  [[AS] alias] | view_name [[AS] alias]} [,...] [ [join_type] JOIN join_condition ] [WHERE search_condition] [ {AND | OR | NOT} search_condition [...] ] [GROUP BY group_by_expression{group_by_columns | ROLLUP group_by_columns |       CUBE group_by_columns | GROUPING SETS (grouping_set_list) |       () | grouping_set , grouping_set_list}    [HAVING search_condition] ] [ORDER BY {order_expression [ASC | DESC]} [,...] ]


Each of the keywords shown below, except the select_item clause, is discussed in greater detail in the "Rules at a Glance" section that follows:

[ALL | DISTINCT] select_item

Retrieves values that compose the query result set. Each select_item may be a literal, an aggregate or scalar function, a mathematic calculation, a parameter or variable, or a subquery, but a select_item is most commonly a column from a table or view. A comma must separate each item in a list of such items.

The schema or owner name should be prefixed to a column when extracted from a context outside of the current user. If the table is owned by another user, then that user must be included in the column reference. For example, assume the user jake needs to access data in the schema katie:

SELECT emp_id FROM katie.employee;

You can use the asterisk (*) shorthand to retrieve all columns in every table or view shown in the FROM clause. It's a good idea to use this shortcut on single-table queries only.

ALL, the default behavior, returns all records that meet the selection criteria. DISTINCT tells the database to filter out any duplicate records, thus retrieving only one instance out of many identical records.

AS alias

Replaces a column heading (when in the select_item clause) or a table name or view name (when in the FROM clause) with a shorter heading or name. This clause is especially useful for replacing cryptic or lengthy names with short, easy to understand names or mnemonics, or when the column is only derived data so you don't end up with a column called ORA000189x7/0.02. It is also very useful in self-joins and correlated subqueries where a single query references the same table more than once. When multiple items appear in the select_item clause or FROM clause, make sure to place the commas after an AS alias clauses. Be careful to always use an alias uniformly once you introduce it into the query.

FROM table_name

Serves to list all tables and/or views from which the query retrieves data. Separate table and view names using commas. The FROM clause also allows you to assign aliases to long table/or view names or subqueries using the AS clause. Using shorter aliases instead of longer table or view names simplifies coding. (Of course, this might thwart the DBA's carefully planned naming conventions, but the alias only lasts for the duration of the query. Refer to the following section on "Rules at a Glance.") FROM clauses may contain a subquery (refer to the SUBQUERY Substatement section).


Specifies that only the rows of the named table or view, and no rows in subtables or subviews, will be retrieved in the result set. When using ONLY, be sure to enclose the table_name or view_name within parentheses. ONLY is ignored if the table or view has no subtables or subviews.


Specifies that the rows of the named table or view, along with the rows and columns of any and all subtables or subviews, will be retrieved in the result set. Columns of the subtables (or subviews) will be appended to the right, in subtable hierarchy order according to depth of the subtable. In extensive hierarchies, subtables with common parents are appended in creation order of their types. When using OUTER, be sure to enclose the table_name or view_name within parentheses. OUTER is ignored if the table or view has no subtables or subviews.

JOIN join_condition

Joins together the result set of the table shown in the FROM clause to another table that shares a meaningful relationship based on a common set of values. These values are usually contained in columns of the same name and datatype that appear in both tables being joined. These columns, or possibly a single column from each table, are called the join key or common key. Mostbut not allof the time, the join key is the primary key of one table and a foreign key in another table. As long as the data in the columns match, the join can be performed. (Note that joins can also be performed using the WHERE clause. This technique is sometimes called a theta join.)

Join_conditions are most commonly depicted in the form:

JOIN table_name2 ON table_name1.column1 <comparison operator>     table_name2.column2   JOIN table_name3 ON table_name1.columnA <comparison operator>    table_name3.columnA [...]

When the comparison_operator is the equal sign (=), a join is said to be an equijoin. However, the comparison operation could be any acceptable comparison operation like <, >, <=, >=, or even <>.

Use the AND operator to issue a JOIN with multiple conditions. You can also use the OR operator to specify alternate join conditions.

If an explicit join_type is omitted, then an INNER JOIN is assumed. Note that there are many types of joins, each with their own rules and behaviors, described in the "Rules at a Glance" (and in more detail in the JOIN Subclause section). Note that an alternate approach to the join condition, via the USING clause, exists:

USING (column_name [,...])

Acts as an alternative to the ON clause. Instead of describing the conditions of the join, simply provide a column_name (or column names separated by commas) that appears in both tables. The database then evaluates the join based on the column (or columns) of column_name that appear in both tables. (The column names must be identical in both tables.) In the following example, the two queries produce identical results:

SELECT emp_id  FROM employee  LEFT JOIN sales USING (emp_id, region_id); SELECT emp_id  FROM employee   AS e  LEFT JOIN sales AS s     ON  e.emp_id    = s.emp_id    AND e.region_id = s.region_id;

WHERE search_condition

Filters unwanted data from the result set of the query, returning only those records that satisfy the search conditions. A poorly written WHERE clause can ruin the performance of an otherwise useful SELECT statement, so the nuances of the WHERE clause must be mastered thoroughly. Search_conditions are syntactically depicted in the form:

WHERE [schema.[table_name.]]column operator value

WHERE clauses usually compare the values contained in a column of the table. The values of the column are compared using an operator of some type (refer to Chapter 2 for more detail). For example, a column might equal (=) a given value, be greater than (>) a given value, or be BETWEEN a range of values.

WHERE clauses may contain many search conditions concatenated together using the AND or OR Boolean operators. Parentheses can be used to impact the order of precedence of the search conditions. WHERE clauses can contain subqueries (refer to the SUBQUERY Substatement section).

GROUP BY group_by_expression

Used in queries that utilize aggregate functions such as AVG, COUNT, COUNT DISTINCT, MAX, MIN, and SUM to group result sets into the categories you define in the group_by_expression. The group_by_expression of the GROUP BY clause has an elaborate syntax of its own:

[GROUP BY group_by_expression

where group_by_expression is:

{ (grouping_column [,...]) | ROLLUP (grouping_column [,...]) |     CUBE (grouping_column [,...]) | GROUPING SETS (grouping_set_list) |       () | grouping_set , grouping_set_list}

Refer below to the subsection The GROUP BY clause in the "Rules at a Glance" section for examples and more information on ROLLUP, CUBE, and GROUPING SETS.

HAVING search_condition

Adds search conditions on the results of the GROUP BY clause in a manner similar to the WHERE clause. HAVING does not affect the rows used to calculate the aggregates. HAVING clauses may contain a subquery. (Refer to the SUBQUERY Substatement section for more information).

ORDER BY order_expression [ASC | DESC]

Sorts the result set in either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC) order using the order_expression specified. The order_expression is a list of columns, separated by commas, that you want to sort by.

Rules at a Glance

Each clause of the SELECT statement has a specific use. Thus, it is possible to speak individually of the FROM clause, the WHERE clause, the GROUP BY clause, and so forth. You can get more details and examples of SELECT statements by looking up the entries for each clause of the statement. However, not every query needs every clause. At a minimum, a query needs a SELECT item list and a FROM clause. Because the SELECT clause is so important and offers so many options, we've divided "Rules at a Glance" into the following detailed subsections:

  • Aliases and WHERE clause joins

  • The JOIN clause

  • The WHERE clause

  • The GROUP BY clause

  • The HAVING clause

  • The ORDER BY clause

Aliases and WHERE clause joins

Columns may need to be prefixed with the database, schema, and table name, particularly when there may be the same column name in one or more tables of the query. For example, (on an Oracle database) both the jobs table and scott's employee table contain the job_id column. Note that the following examples join the employee and jobs table using the WHERE clause:

SELECT   scott.employee.emp_id,          scott.employee.fname,          scott.employee.lname,          jobs.job_desc FROM     scott.employee,          jobs WHERE    scott.employee.job_id = jobs.job_id ORDER BY scott.employee.fname,          scott.employee.lname

You can also use aliases to write a query more simply and easily:

SELECT   e.emp_id,          e.fname,          e.lname,          j.job_desc FROM     scott.employee AS e,          jobs AS j WHERE    e.job_id = j.job_id ORDER BY e.fname,          e.lname

These two queries also illustrate some important rules about WHERE clause joins:

  1. Use commas to separate multiple elements in a select_item list, tables in the FROM clause, and items in the order_expression.

  2. Use the AS clause to define aliases.

  3. Use aliases consistently throughout the SELECT statement once you define them.

In general, you should favor the JOIN clause (explained in a moment) over the WHERE clause for describing join expressions. This not only keeps your code cleaner, making it easy to differentiate join conditions from search conditions, it also allows you to avoid the possibility of counter-intuitive behavior that results from using the WHERE clause for outer joins in some implementations.

The JOIN clause

To perform the same query as in the previous example using an ANSI-style join, list the first table and the keyword JOIN, followed by the table to be joined. Once the second table is typed in, type the keyword ON and the join condition that would have been used in the old style query. The next example shows the query now in ANSI style.

SELECT   e.emp_id, e.fname, e.lname, j.job_desc FROM     scott.employee AS e JOIN     jobs AS j ON e.job_id = j.job_id ORDER BY e.fname, e.lname;

Alternately, you could use the USING clause. Instead of describing the conditions of the join, simply provide one or more column_names (separated by commas) that appears in both of the joined tables. The database then evaluates the join based on the column (or columns) of column_name that appear in both tables. (The column names must be identical in both tables.) In the following example, the two queries produce identical results, one using the ON clause and one using the USING clause:

SELECT emp_id  FROM employee  LEFT JOIN sales USING (emp_id, region_id); SELECT emp_id  FROM employee   AS e  LEFT JOIN sales AS s     ON  e.emp_id    = s.emp_id    AND e.region_id = s.region_id;

You can specifiy several different types of joins in ANSI style:

Cross join

Specifies the complete cross product of two tables. For each record in the first table, all the records in the second table are joined, creating a potentially huge result set. (Of course, the result set would be small if both tables had only four records each, but imagine if they had four million!) This command has the same effect as leaving off the join condition and is also known as a "Cartesian Product." We do not recommend using cross joins.

Inner join

Specifies that unmatched rows in either table of the join should be discarded. If no join type is explicitly defined in the ANSI style, then this is the default.

Left [outer] join

Specifies that all records be returned from the table on the left side of the join statement. If a record returned from the left table has no matching record in the table on the right side of the join, it is still returned. Columns from the right table return NULL values. Many professionals recommend configuring outer joins as left joins wherever possible for consistency.

Right [outer] join

Specifies that all records be returned from the table on the right side of the join statement, even if the table on the left has no matching record. Columns from the left table return NULL values.

Full [outer] join

Specifies that all rows from either table be returned, regardless of matching records in the other table. The result set shows NULL values where no matching data exists in the join.

Not all joins are supported by all platforms, so refer to the JOIN Subclause section for full details on platform-specific join support.

The WHERE clause

A poorly written WHERE clause can ruin an otherwise beautiful SELECT statement, so the nuances of the WHERE clause must be mastered thoroughly. This is an example of a typical query and a multipart WHERE clause:

SELECT   a.au_lname,          a.au_fname,          t2.title,          t2.pubdate FROM     authors a JOIN     titleauthor t1 ON a.au_id = t1.au_id JOIN     titles t2 ON t1.title_id = t2.title_id WHERE    (t2.type = 'business' OR t2.type = 'popular_comp')   AND    t2.advance > 5500 ORDER BY t2.title

In examining this query, the parentheses impact the order of processing for the search conditions. Use parentheses to move search conditions up or down in precedence just like you would in an algebra equation.

On some platforms, the database's default collation (also known as sort order) impacts how the WHERE clause filters results for a query. For example, SQL Server is (by default) dictionary-order and case-insensitive, making no differentiation between "Smith," "smith," and "SMITH." But Oracle uses dictionary-order and is case-sensitive, finding the values "Smith," "smith," and "SMITH" to be unequal.

The WHERE clause offers many more specific capabilities than the preceding example illustrates. The list below references some of the more common capabilities of the WHERE clause. Refer to the WHERE Clause section for full details and examples.


Inverts a comparison operation using the syntax WHERE NOT expression. Thus, you might use WHERE NOT LIKE... or WHERE NOT IN... in a query.

Comparison operators

Compare any set of values using the operations <, >, <>, >=, <=, and =. For example:

WHERE emp_id = '54123'

IS NULL or IS NOT NULL conditions

Search for any NULL or NOT NULL values using the syntax WHERE expression IS [NOT] NULL.


Merges multiple conditions, returning only those records that meet all conditions, using the AND operator. The maximum number of multiple conditions is determined by each platform. For example:

WHERE job_id = '12' AND job_status = 'active'


Merges alternative conditions, returning records that meet any of the conditions, using the OR operator. For example:

WHERE job_id = '13' OR job_status = 'active'


Tells the query to use a pattern-matching string contained within quotation marks. The wildcard symbols supported by each platform are detailed in the LIKE Operator section. All platforms support the percent sign (%) for a wildcard symbol. For example, to find any phone number starting with the 415 area code:

WHERE phone LIKE '415%'


Used only with subqueries, EXISTS tests to see whether the subquery data exists. It is typically much faster than WHERE IN subqueries. For example, the following query finds all authors who are also employees:

SELECT au_lname FROM authors WHERE EXISTS (SELECT last_name FROM employees)


Performs a range check to see if a value is in between two values (inclusive of those two values). For example:

WHERE ytd_sales BETWEEN 4000 AND 9000.


Performs a test to see if an expression matches any one value out of a list of values. The list may be literal, as in WHERE state IN ('or', 'il','tn','ak'). The list of values may also be derived using a subquery:

WHERE state IN (SELECT state_abbr FROM territories).


Functions the same as the EXISTS operation, though with a slightly different syntax. For example, the following query finds all authors who are also employees:

SELECT au_lname FROM authors WHERE au_lname = SOME(SELECT last_name FROM employees)


Performs a check to see if all records in the subquery match the evaluation criteria. It returns TRUE when the subquery returns zero rows. For example:

WHERE city = ALL (SELECT city FROM employees WHERE emp_id = 54123)

The GROUP BY clause

The GROUP BY clause (and the HAVING clause) is needed only in queries that utilize aggregate functions.

The GROUP BY clause is used to report an aggregated value for one or more rows returned by a SELECT statement based on one or more non-aggregated columns called grouping columns. For example, here is a query that counts up how many people we hired per year from the year 1999 to 2004:

SELECT hire_year, COUNT(emp_id) AS 'nbr_emps' FROM employee WHERE status = 'ACTIVE'   AND hire_year BETWEEN 1999 AND 2004 GROUP BY hire_year;

The results are:

hire_year nbr_emps --------- -------- 1999      27 2000      17 2001      13 2002      19 2003      20 2004      32

Queries using aggregate functions provide many types of summary information. The most common aggregate functions include:


Returns the average of all non-NULL values in the specified column(s).


Returns the average of all unique, non-NULL values in the specified column(s).


Counts the occurrences of all non-NULL values in the specified column(s).


Counts the occurrences of all unique, non-NULL values in the specified column(s).


Counts every record in the table.


Returns the highest non-NULL value in the specified column(s).


Returns the lowest non-NULL value in the specified column(s).


Totals all non-NULL values in the specified column(s).


Totals all unique, non-NULL values in the specified column(s).

Some queries that use aggregates return a sole value. Single value aggregates are known as a scalar aggregates. Scalar aggregates do not need a GROUP BY clause. For example:

--Query SELECT AVG(price) FROM titles --Results 14.77

Queries that return both regular column values and aggregate function values are commonly called vector aggregates. Vector aggregates use the GROUP BY clause and return one or many rows. There are a few rules to follow when using GROUP BY:

  • Place GROUP BY in the proper clause orderafter the WHERE clause and before the ORDER BY clause.

  • Include all non-aggregate columns in the GROUP BY clause.

  • Do not use a column alias in the GROUP BY clause, though table aliases are acceptable.

For example, let's suppose you need to know the total purchase amount of several purchases, with an Order_Details table that looks like this:

OrderID      ProductID    UnitPrice            Quantity -----------  -----------  -------------------  -------- 10248        11           14.0000              12 10248        42           9.8000               10 10248        72           34.8000              5 10249        14           18.6000              9 10249        51           42.4000              40 10250        41           7.7000               10 10250        51           42.4000              35 10250        65           16.8000              15 ...

The following example will give you the results:

SELECT OrderID, SUM(UnitPrice * Quantity) AS 'Order Amt' FROM order_details WHERE orderid IN (10248, 10249, 10250) GROUP BY orderid

The results are:

OrderID      Order Amt -----------  ---------------- 10248        440.0000 10249        1863.4000 10250        1813.0000

We could further refine the aggregations by using more than one grouping columns. Considering the following query retrieving the average price of our products, grouped first by name and then by size:

SELECT name, size, AVG(unit_price) AS 'avg' FROM product GROUP BY name, size

The results are:

Name                 Size    avg ------------         ------  ----------------------- Flux Capacitor       small   900 P32 Space Modulator  small   1400 Transmorgrifier      medium  1400 Acme Rocket          large   600 Land Speeder         large   6500

In addition, the GROUP BY clause supports a number of very important subclauses:

GROUP BY [ {ROLLUP | CUBE} ] ([ grouping_column [,...] ]) [, grouping set list]

Groups the aggregate values of the result set by one or more grouping columns. (Without ROLLUP or CUBE, the GROUP BY (grouping_column [,...]) clause is the most simplest and common form of the GROUP BY clause.)


Produces subtotals for each set of grouping columns as a hierarchical result set. It adds subtotal and grand total rows into the result sets in a hierarchical fashion. ROLLUP operations return one row per grouping column where NULL appears in the grouping column to show the subtotaled or totaled aggregate value (illustrated in a moment).


Produces subtotals and cross-tabulated totals for all grouping columns. In a sense, the CUBE clause enables you to quickly return multidimensional result sets from standard relational tables without a lot of programmatic work. CUBE is especially useful when working with large amounts of data. Like ROLLUP, CUBE provides subtotals of the grouping columns but it also includes subtotal rows for all possible combinations of the grouping columns specified in the query.

GROUP BY GROUPING SETS [ {ROLLUP | CUBE} ] ([ grouping_column [,...] ]) [, grouping set list]

Enables aggregated groups on several different sets of grouping columns within the same query. This is especially useful when you want to return only a portion of an aggregated result set. The GROUPING SETS clause also lets you select which grouping columns to compare, whereas CUBE returns all of the grouping columns and ROLLUP returns a hierarchical subset of the grouping columns. As the syntax shows, the ANSI standard also allows GROUPING SETS to be paired with ROLLUP or CUBE.

Consider the following clauses and the result sets they return, shown in Table 3-3.

Table 3-3. GROUP BY syntax variations

GROUP BY syntax

Returns the following sets

GROUP BY (col_A, col_B, col_C)

(col_A, col_B, col_C)

GROUP BY ROLLUP (col_A, col_B, col_C)

(col_A, col_B, col_C) (col_A, col_B) (col_A) ()

GROUP BY CUBE (col_A, col_B, col_C)

(col_A, col_B, col_C) (col_A, col_B) (col_A) (col_B, col_C) (col_B) (col_C) ()

GROUP BY GROUPING SETS  ((col_A, col_B),  (col_A, col_C), (col_C))

Subquery: SELECT * FROM stores WHERE stor_id IN    (SELECT stor_id FROM sales    WHERE ord_date > '01-JAN-2004')

Each type of GROUP BY clause returns a different set of aggregated values and, in the case of ROLLUP and CUBE, totals and subtotals.

The concepts of ROLLUP, CUBE, and GROUPING SETS are much more intuitive when explained by example. In the following example, we query for data summarizing the number of sales_orders by order_year and by order_quarter:

SELECT order_year AS year, order_quarter AS quarter,     COUNT (*) AS orders FROM order_details WHERE order_year IN (2003, 2004) GROUP BY ROLLUP (order_year, order_quarter) ORDER BY order_year, order_quarter;

The results are:

year quarter orders ---- ------- ------ NULL NULL    648     -- the grand total 2003 NULL    380     -- the total for year 2003 2003 1       87 2003 2       77 2003 3       91 2003 4       125 2004 NULL    268     -- the total for year 2004 2004 1       139 2004 2       119 2004 3       10

Adding grouping columns to the query provides more details (and more subtotaling) in the result set. We'll modify the previous example by adding a region to the query (but since the number of rows increases, we'll only look at the first and second quarter):

SELECT order_year AS year, order_quarter AS quarter, region,    COUNT (*) AS orders FROM order_details WHERE order_year IN (2003, 2004)   AND order_quarter IN (1,2)   AND region IN ('USA', 'CANADA') GROUP BY ROLLUP (order_year, order_quarter) ORDER BY order_year, order_quarter;

The results are:

year quarter region  orders ---- ------- ------  ------ NULL NULL    NULL    183     -- the grand total 2003 NULL    NULL    68      -- the subtotal for year 2003 2003 1       NULL    36      -- the subtotal for all regions in q1 of 2003 2003 1       CANADA  3 2003 1       USA     33 2003 2       NULL    32      -- the subtotal for all regions in q2 of 2004 2003 2       CANADA  3 2003 2       USA     29 2004 NULL    NULL    115     -- the subtotal for year 2004 2004 1       NULL    57      -- the subtotal for all regions in q1 of 2004 2004 1       CANADA  11 2004 1       USA     46 2004 2       NULL    58      -- the subtotal for all regions in q2 of 2004 2004 2       CANADA  4 2004 2       USA     54

The GROUP BY CUBE clause is useful for performing multidimensional analysis on aggregated data. Like GROUP BY ROLLUP, it returns subtotals. But unlike GROUP BY ROLLUP, it returns subtotals combining all of the grouping columns named in the query. (As you will see, it also has the potential to increase the number of rows returned in the result set.)

In the following example, we query for data summarizing the number of sales_orders by order_year and by order_quarter:

SELECT order_year AS year, order_quarter AS quarter,      COUNT (*) AS orders FROM order_details WHERE order_year IN (2003, 2004) GROUP BY CUBE (order_year, order_quarter) ORDER BY order_year, order_quarter;

The results are:

year quarter orders ---- ------- ------ NULL NULL    648     -- the grand total NULL 1       226     -- the subtotal for q1 of both years NULL 2       196     -- the subtotal for q2 of both years NULL 3       101     -- the subtotal for q3 of both years NULL 4       125     -- the subtotal for q4 of both years 2003 NULL    380     -- the total for year 2003 2003 1       87 2003 2       77 2003 3       91 2003 4       125 2004 NULL    268     -- the total for year 2004 2004 1       139 2004 2       119 2004 3       10

The GROUP BY GROUPING SETS clause lets you aggregate on more than one group in a single query. For each group set, the query returns subtotals with the grouping column marked as NULL. While the CUBE and ROLLUP clauses place predefined subtotals into the result set, the GROUPING SETS clause allows you to control what subtotals to add to the query. The GROUPING SETS clause does not return a grand total.

Using a similar example query to the ones shown with ROLLUP and CUBE, this time we chose to subtotal by year and quarter and separately by year:

SELECT order_year AS year, order_quarter AS quarter, COUNT (*) AS orders FROM order_details WHERE order_year IN (2003, 2004) GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((order_year, order_quarter), (order_year)) ORDER BY order_year, order_quarter;

The results are:

year quarter orders ---- ------- ------ 2003 NULL    380     -- the total for year 2003 2003 1       87 2003 2       77 2003 3       91 2003 4       125 2004 NULL    268     -- the total for year 2004 2004 1       139 2004 2       119 2004 3       10

Another way to think of GROUPING SETS is to consider them to be like a UNION ALL of more than one GROUP BY query that references different parts of the same data. You can tell the database to add subtotals to a GROUPING SET by simply adding in the ROLLUP or CUBE clause according to how you would like subtotaling to occur.

GROUPING SETS can also be concatenated to concisely generate large combinations of groupings. Concatenated GROUPING SETS yield the cross-product of groupings from each of the sets within a GROUPING SET list. Concatenated GROUPING SETS are compatible with CUBE and ROLLUP. Concatenated GROUPING SETS, since they perform a cross-product of all GROUPING SETS, will generate a very large number of final groupings from even a small number of concatenated groupings.

Table 3-4. GROUP BY syntax variations

GROUP BY syntax

Returns the following sets

GROUP BY (col_A, col_B, col_C)

(col_A, col_B, col_C)



GROUP GY GROUPING SETS (col_A, col_B) (col_Y, col_Z)

(col_A, col_Y) (col_A, col_Z) (col_B, col_Y) (col_B, col_Z)

In the example in Table 3-4, the concatenated GROUPING SETS yield a large number of final groupings. You can imaging how large the result set would be if the concatenated GROUPING SETS contained a large number of groupings! However, the information returned can be very valuable and hard to reproduce.

The HAVING clause

The HAVING clause adds search conditions on the result of the GROUP BY clause. HAVING works very much like the WHERE clause, but applies to the GROUP BY clause. The HAVING clause supports all the same search conditions as the WHERE clause shown earlier. For example, using the same query as before, we now want to find only those jobs that have more than three people:

--Query SELECT   j.job_desc "Job Description",          COUNT(e.job_id) "Nbr in Job" FROM     employee e JOIN     jobs j ON e.job_id = j.job_id GROUP BY j.job_desc HAVING   COUNT(e.job_id) > 3 --Results Job Description                                    Nbr in Job -------------------------------------------------- ----------- Acquisitions Manager                               4 Managing Editor                                    4 Marketing Manager                                  4 Operations Manager                                 4 Productions Manager                                4 Public Relations Manager                           4 Publisher                                          7

Note that the ANSI standard does not require that an explicit GROUP BY clause appear with a HAVING clause. For example, the following query against the employee table is valid because it has an implied GROUP BY clause:

SELECT COUNT(dept_nbr) FROM employee HAVING COUNT(dept_nbr) > 30;

Although the earlier code example is valid, this application for the HAVING clause is rather rare.

The ORDER BY clause

A result set can be sorted through the ORDER BY clause, in accordance with the database's sort order. Each column of the result set may be sorted in either ascending (ASC) or descending (DESC) order. (Ascending order is the default.) If no ORDER BY clause is specified, most implementations return the data according to the physical order of data within the table or according to the order of an index utilized by the query. However, when no ORDER BY clause is specified, there is no guarantee on the order of the result set. Following is an example of a SELECT statement with an ORDER BY clause on SQL Server:

SELECT   e.emp_id "Emp ID",          e.fname "First",          e.lname "Last",          j.job_desc "Job Desc" FROM     employee e,          jobs j WHERE    e.job_id = j.job_id   AND    j.job_desc = 'Acquisitions Manager' ORDER BY e.fname DESC,          e.lname ASC

The results are:

Emp ID    First           Last            Job Desc --------- --------------- --------------- -------------------- MIR38834F Margaret        Ranc          Acquisitions Manager MAS70474F Margaret        Smith          Acquisitions Manager KJJ92907F Karla           Jablonski      Acquisitions Manager GHT50241M Gary            Thomas         Acquisitions Manager

After the result set is pared down to meet the search conditions, the result set is sorted by the authors' first names in descending order. Where the authors' first names are equal, the results are sorted in ascending order by last name.

You may write an ORDER BY clause using columns in the table that do not appear in the select list. For example, you might query all emp_ids from the employee table, yet ORDER BY the employee's first and last name.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

Once an alias has been assigned to a table or view in the FROM clause, use it exclusively for all other references to that table or view within the query (in the WHERE clause, for example). Do not mix references to the full table name and the alias within a single query. You should avoid mixed references for a couple of reasons. First, it is simply inconsistent and makes code maintenance more difficult. Second, some database platforms return errors on SELECT statements containing mixed references. (Refer to the SUBQUERY Substatement section for special instructions on aliasing within a subquery.)

MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server support certain types of queries that do not need a FROM clause. Use these types of queries with caution since the ANSI standard requires a FROM clause. Queries without a FROM clause must be manually migrated to either the ANSI standard form or to a form that also works on the target database. Certain platforms do not support the ANSI style JOIN clause. Refer to the entry for each clause to fully investigate the varying degrees of support among the different database vendors for all the options of the SELECT command.


DB2 supports all of the typical clauses of the ANSI standard SELECT statement, such as WHERE, FROM, GROUP BY, HAVING, and ORDER BY. DB2 supports all of the subclauses of the GROUP BY clause, including concatenated GROUPING SETS. Plus, DB2 supplements the most common clauses with its own SELECT INTO clause and FETCH FIRST clause:

SELECT { [ALL | DISTINCT] } select_item [AS alias] [,...] [INTO host_variable [,...] ] FROM [ONLY | OUTER] {table_name | view_name | TABLE ({function_name |     subquery}) [AS alias] [,...] } [ [join type] JOIN table2 ] [WHERE search_condition] [ {AND | OR | NOT} search_condition [,...] ] [GROUP BY group_by_expression [HAVING search_condition] ] [ORDER BY order_expression [ASC | DESC] ] [FETCH FIRST {n} {ROW | ROWS} ONLY]


INTO host_variable [,...]

Assigns the values returned by the query to the host variable(s). An error will occur if the SELECT statement returns more than one row in the result set. The values of each select_item are assigned in ordinal position to the declared host_variables. A warning is given if there are fewer host variables than values returned by the SELECT statement.

TABLE ({function_name | subquery})

Specifies that the query will return a function result set or the results of a fully declared subquery. When making a table function call, the column names of the table function specified in the RETURNS clause of the CREATE FUNCTION statement are analogous the columns of the table. Note that the function call, along with its parameters and the subquery, must be enclosed in parentheses. For example, the following query takes data from an international retail web site and returns the conversions between foreign currencies and the U.S. dollar:


GROUP BY group_by_expression

DB2 fully supports the ANSI standard GROUP BY clause, including ROLLUP, CUBE, and GROUPING SETS.


Sets a maximum number of rows that will be retrieved by the query. This clause is used to tell the database that you do not want more than n rows, where n is any positive integer of 1 or greater, regardless of how many might be retrieved by the database. This can improve performance, since potentially large result sets may be trimmed to a more manageable size.

DB2 supports four possible join types: INNER, LEFT OUTER, RIGHT OUTER, and FULL OUTER:


Retrieves those records of both table1 and table2 where there are matching values in both tables according to the join condition. Note that the syntax FROM table1, table2 with join conditions in the WHERE clause is semantically equivalent to an inner join.


Retrieves all records in the leftmost table (i.e., table1) and matching records in the rightmost table (i.e., table2). If there isn't a matching record in table2, NULL values are substituted for that table's columns. You can use this type of join to retrieve all the records in a table even when there are no counterparts in the joined table. For example:

SELECT j.job_id, e.lname FROM jobs j LEFT OUTER JOIN employee e ON j.job_id = e.job_id ORDER BY j.job_id


Retrieves all records in the rightmost table regardless of whether there is a matching record in the leftmost table. A right join is the same as a left join, except that the optional table is on the left.

Specifies that all rows from both tables be returned, regardless of whether a row from one table matches a row in the other table. Any columns that have no value in the corresponding joined table are assigned a NULL value.

DB2 places some restrictions on using an ORDER BY clause or a FETCH FIRST clause in any SELECT statement used in a subquery. First, a SELECT statement containing an ORDER BY clause or a FETCH FIRST clause must always be enclosed in parentheses, even when used in a set operation. Second, a SELECT statement containing an ORDER BY clause or a FETCH FIRST clause will return an error if it is the primary query of a view or a materialized query table, since views and materialized query tables cannot be inherently ordered.

The FETCH FIRST clause can be used to do some interesting things beyond merely limiting the total number of records returned by a result set. For example, the following query does not limit the total number of records returned by the query; instead, it limits only the number of records used in the subquery. In this example, we will return all the titles of the top 10 employees, based on their salaries:

SELECT jobs.job_desc FROM jobs WHERE jobs.job_desc IN    (SELECT employee.job_desc     FROM employee     ORDER BY salary DESC     FETCH FIRST 10 ROWS ONLY);

In the example above, only the first 10 rows of the employee table will be used, but the parent query might possibly return any number of rows. Also remember that the ordering in the subquery has no impact on the ordering of the final result set.


MySQL's implementation of SELECT includes partial JOIN support, the INTO clause, the LIMIT clause, and the PROCEDURE clause. MySQL does not support subqueries prior to Version 4.0.

SELECT [DISTINCT |  DISTINCTROW | ALL]    [STRAIGHT_JOIN][ {SQL_SMALL_RESULT | SQL_BIG_RESULT} ][SQL_BUFFER_RESULT]    [HIGH_PRIORITY] select_item AS alias [,...] [INTO {OUTFILE | DUMPFILE} 'file_name' options] [FROM table_name AS alias [,...]    [ { USE INDEX (index1 [,...]) | IGNORE INDEX (index1 [,...]) } ] [join type][JOIN table2] [ON join_condition] [WHERE search_condition] [GROUP BY {unsigned_integer | column_name | formula}    [ASC | DESC] [,...] ] [HAVING search_condition] [ORDER BY {unsigned_integer | column_name | formula}    [ASC | DESC] [,...] ] [LIMIT [[offset_position,] number_of_rows]] [PROCEDURE procedure_name (param [,...]) ] [{FOR UPDATE | LOCK IN SHARE MODE}] ;



Forces the optimizer to join tables in the exact order they appear in the FROM clause.


Tells the optimizer to expect a small or large result set on a GROUP BY clause or a DISTINCT clause, respectively. MySQL builds a temporary table when a query has a DISTINCT or GROUP BY clause, and these optional clauses tell MySQL to build a fast temporary table in memory (for SQL_SMALL_RESULT) or a slower, disk-based temporary table (for SQL_BIG_RESULT) to process the worktable.


Forces the result set into a temporary table so that MySQL can free table locks earlier and speed the result set to the client.


Gives the query a higher priority than statements that modify data within the table. This should be used only for special, high-speed queries.


Retrieves the expressions or columns listed. Columns may be in the format [database_name.][table_name.]column_name. If the database or table names are left out, then MySQL assumes the current database and table.


Indicates the table from which rows will be retrieved. The table may be described as [database_name.][table_name]. MySQL will treat the query as a join if more than one table appears in the FROM clause. The optional FORCE INDEX and USE INDEX (index1, index2, ...), and IGNORE INDEX (index1, index2, ...) clauses enable you to tell MySQL to use or ignore specific indexes on a table, respectively.


Writes the result set of the query to a file named 'file_name' on the host filesystem with the OUTPUT option. The file_name must not already exist. The DUMPFILE option writes a single continuous line of data without column terminations, line terminations, or escape characters. This option is used mostly for BLOB files. Specific rules for using this clause are detailed below.

LIMIT [[offset_position,] number_of_rows]

Constrains the number of rows returned by the query, starting at the offset_position and returning number_of_rows. If only one integer is supplied, then the specified number of records is returned, and a default offset (or starting position) of zero is assumed.

PROCEDURE procedure_name (param [,...])

Names a procedure that processes the data in the result set. The procedure is an external procedure, usually C++, not an internal database stored procedure.


Issues either a write lock on the rows returned by the query (FOR UPDATE) for its exclusive use (provided the table is of InnoDB or BDB type) or issues read locks on the rows returned by the query (LOCK IN SHARE) such that other users may see the rows, but may not modify them.

Keep a couple of rules in mind when using the INTO clause. First, the output file cannot already exist since overwrite functionality is not supported. Second, any file created by the query will be readable by everyone that can connect to the server. (When using SELECT...INTO OUTFILE, you can then turn around and use the MySQL command LOAD DATA INFILE to quickly load the data.)

You can use the following options to better control the content of the output file when using SELECT...INTO OUTFILE:





The following example illustrates the use of these optional commands via a MySQL query that returns a result set in a comma-delimited output file:

SELECT job_id, emp_id, lname+fname INTO OUTFILE "/tmp/employees.text" FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY "\n" FROM employee;

MySQL also allows SELECT statements without a FROM clause when performing simple arithmetic. For example, the following queries are valid on MySQL:

SELECT 2 + 2; SELECT 565 - 200; SELECT (365 * 2) * 52;

MySQL is very fluid in the way it supports joins. You can use several different syntaxes to perform a join. For example, you can explicitly declare a join in a query using the JOIN clause, but then show the join condition in the WHERE clause. The other platforms force you to pick one method or the other and do not allow you to mix them in a single query. However, we think it's bad practice to mix methods, so our examples use ANSI JOIN syntax.

MySQL supports the following types of JOIN syntax:

FROM table1, table2 FROM table1 {    [CROSS] JOIN table2 |    STRAIGHT_JOIN table2 |    INNER JOIN table2 [ {ON join_condition |       USING (column_list)} ] |    LEFT [OUTER] JOIN table2 {ON join_condition |       USING (column_list)} |    NATURAL [LEFT [OUTER]] JOIN table2 |    RIGHT [OUTER] JOIN table2 [ {ON join_condition |       USING (column_list)} ]|    NATURAL [RIGHT [OUTER]] JOIN table2 }


[CROSS] JOIN table2

Retrieves all records from both table1 and table2. Refer to the JOIN Subclause section on "Joins" for more information.


Retrieves all records of both table1 and table2 as any other JOIN statement would, with some special behavior. Normally, MySQL evaluates the table order of a join operation based on choices made by the query optimizer. However, the optimizer can occasionally choose an ineffective table order. The STRAIGHT_JOIN keyword forces the optimizer to evaluate the tables in the order listed in the query.


Retrieves those records of both table1 and table2 where there are matching values in both tables according to the join condition. Note that the syntax FROM table1, table2 is semantically equivalent to an inner join. When using FROM table1, table2, be sure include the join condition(s) in the WHERE clause.


Shortcuts the need to declare a join condition by assuming a USING clause that names all columns that exist in both tables. (An example of the USING clause appears later.)


Retrieves all records in the leftmost table (i.e., table1) and matching records in the rightmost table (i.e., table2). If there isn't a matching record in table2, NULL values are substituted for that table's columns. You can use this type of join to retrieve all records in a table even when there are no counterparts in the joined table.


Retrieves all records in the rightmost table regardless of whether there is a matching record in the leftmost table. A RIGHT JOIN is nothing more than a LEFT JOIN written from the opposite direction. As a best practice, write all outer join queries as either LEFT or RIGHT OUTER JOIN queries, but do not use both types, since they require a shift in thinking to understand at first glance.

MySQL offers an interesting alternative to the ANSI SQL standard for querying tables the HANDLER statement. The HANDLER statement works a lot like SELECT, except that HANDLER provides very rapid data reads that circumvent the SQL query engine in MySQL. However, since the HANDLER statement is not a SQL statement, refer to the MySQL documentation for more information.


Oracle allows a very large number of extensions to the ANSI SELECT statement. For example, since both nested tables and partitioned tables are allowed in Oracle (see CREATE TABLE), the SELECT statement allows queries to those types of structures.

[WITH query_name AS (subquery) [,...] ] SELECT { {[ALL | DISTINCT]} | [UNIQUE]} [optimizer_hints]    select_item [AS alias] [,...] [INTO {variable [,...] | record}] FROM {[ONLY] {[schema.][table_name| view_name |    materialized_view_name]}[@database_link]       [AS [OF] {SCN | TIMESTAMP} expression] |    subquery [WITH       {READ ONLY | CHECK OPTION [CONSTRAINT constraint_name]}] |    [[VERSIONS BETWEEN {SCN | TIMESTAMP} {exp | MINVALUE AND          {exp | MAXVALUE}] AS OF {SCN | TIMESTAMP} expression] |    TABLE (nested_table_column) [(+)]       {[PARTITION (partition_name) |       SUBPARTITION (subpartition_name)]}    [SAMPLE [BLOCK] [sample_percentage] [SEED (seed_value)]} [AS alias]        [,...] [ [join_type] JOIN join_condition [PARTITION BY expression [,...] ] ] [WHERE search_condition]    [ {AND | OR} search_condition [,...] ]    [[START WITH value] CONNECT BY [PRIOR] condition] ] [GROUP BY group_by_expression [HAVING search_condition] ] [MODEL model_clause] [ORDER [SIBLINGS] BY order_expression {[ASC | DESC]}    {[NULLS FIRST | NULLS LAST]} ] [FOR UPDATE [OF [schema.][table.]column] [,...]    {[NOWAIT | WAIT (integer)]} ]

Unless otherwise noted, the clauses shown above follow the ANSI standard. Similarly, elements of the clauses are identical to the ANSI standard unless otherwise noted. For example, Oracle's GROUP BY clause is nearly identical to the ANSI standard, including its component elements like ROLLUP, CUBE, GROUPING SETS, concatenated GROUPING SETS, and the HAVING clause.

WITH query_name AS (subquery) [,...]

References a named query. Oracle allows you to assign names to subqueries. You can then reference the subquery in multiple places by specifying only its name. (Oracle optimizes this process by treating the subquery as a nested table subquery or a temporary table.)


ALL and DISTINCT are identical to the ANSI ALL and DISTINCT clauses (see the ANSI SQL syntax earlier). UNIQUE is a synonym for DISTINCT. DISTINCT cannot be used on LOB columns.


Overrides the default behavior of the query optimizer with user-specified behaviors. For example, hints can force Oracle to use an index that it might not otherwise use or to avoid an index that it might otherwise use. Refer to the vendor documentation for more information about optimizer hints.


May be an expression or a column from a named query, table, view, or materialized view in the format [schema.][table_name.] column_name. If you omit the schema, Oracle assumes the context of the current schema. Oracle also allows for named queries (explained under the WITH keyword above) that may be referenced much like a nested table subquery (refer to the SUBQUERY Substatement section). Oracle refers to named queries as subquery factoring. In addition to named queries, Oracle also supports subqueries and the asterisk (*), shorthand for all columns, in the select_item list.

INTO {variable [, ...] | record}

Retrieves the result set values into PL/SQL variables or into a PL/SQL record.


Identifies the table, view, materialized view, partition, or subquery from which the result set is retrieved. The ONLY keyword is optional and only applies to views belonging to a hierarchy. Use ONLY when you want to retrieve records from a named view only, and not from any of its subviews.

AS [OF] {SCN | TIMESTAMP} expression

Implements SQL-driven flashback whereby system change numbers (or timestamps) are applied to each object in the select_list. Records retrieved by the query are only those that existed at the specific system change number (SCN) or time. (This feature can also be implemented at a session-level using the DBMS_FLASHBACK built-in package.) SCN expression must equal a number while TIMESTAMP expression must equal a timestamp value. Flashback queries cannot be used on linked servers.

subquery [WITH {READ ONLY | CHECK OPTION [CONSTRAINT constraint_name]}]

Mentioned separately because Oracle allows you extra ways to control a subquery. WITH READ ONLY indicates that the target of the subquery cannot be updated. WITH CHECK OPTION indicates any update to the target of the subquery must produce rows that would be included in the subquery. WITH CONSTRAINT creates a CHECK OPTION constraint of constraint_name on the table. Note that WITH CHECK OPTION and WITH CONSTRAINT are usually used in INSERT...SELECT statements.


Specifies a special kind of query using a flashback_query_clause to retrieve the history of changes made to data from a table, view, or materialized view. The VERSIONS_XID pseudocolumn shows the identifier corresponding to the transaction that made the change. A flashback_query_clause requires that you specify an SCN (system change number) or a TIMESTAMP value for each object in the select_item list. (Implement SQL-driven session-level flashback using the Oracle DBMS_FLASHBACK package.)

The optional subclause VERSIONS BETWEEN is used to retrieve multiple versions of the data specified, using either an upper and lower boundary of an SCN (a number) or TIMESTAMP (a timestamp value), or by using the MINVALUE and MAXVALUE keywords. Without this clause, only one past version of the data is returned. (Oracle also provides several version query pseudocolumns for additional versioning information.)

The AS OF clause, discussed earlier in this list, determines the SCN or moment in time from which the database issues the query when used with the VERSIONS clause.

You cannot use flashback queries with the VERSIONS clause against temporary tables, external tables, tables in a cluster, or views.


Required when querying a hierarchically declared nested table.


Restricts a query to the specified partition of the table. In essence, rows are retrieved only from the named partition, not the entire table.


Restricts a query to the specified subpartition of the table. I/O is reduced because the rows are retrieved only from the named subpartition instead of the entire table.

SAMPLE [BLOCK] [sampling_percentage] [SEED (seed_value)]

Tells Oracle to select records from a random sampling of rows, as either a percentage of rows or blocks, within the result set rather than from the entire table. BLOCK tells Oracle to use block sampling rather than row sampling. The sampling percentage, telling Oracle the total block or row percentage to be included in the sample, may be anywhere between .000001 and 99. The optional SEED clause is used to provide limited repeatability. By specifying a seed value, Oracle will attempt to return the same sample from one execution of the query to the next. The seed value can be between 0 and 4294967295. When SEED is omitted, the resulting sample will change from one execution of the query to the next. Sampling may be used only on single-table queries.


Merges the result sets of two or more tables in a single query. Described in detail below.

PARTITION BY expression [,...]

Defines a special kind of query called a partitioned_outer_join that extends the conventional outer join syntax by applying a right or left outer join to a partition of one or more rows specified by the expression. This is especially useful for querying sparse data along a particular dimension of data thereby returning rows that otherwise would be omitted from the result set. For an example, see the "Oracle" subsection under JOIN Subclause. The PARTITION BY clause can be used on either side of an outer join, resulting in a UNION of the outer joins of each of the partitions in the partitioned result set and the table on the other side of the join. (When this clause is omitted, Oracle treats the entire result set as a single partition.) PARTITION BY is not allowed with FULL OUTER JOIN.

WHERE ... [ [START WITH value] CONNECT BY [PRIOR] condition]

Filters records returned in the result set. Oracle allows the use of hierarchical information within tables, whose filtering can be controlled with the START WITH clause. START WITH identifies the rows that will serve as the parent rows in the result set. CONNECT BY identifies the relationship condition between the parent rows and their child rows. The PRIOR keyword is used to identify the parent rows instead of the child rows.

Hierarchical queries use the LEVEL pseudocolumn to identify the root node (1), the child nodes (2), the grandchild nodes (3), and so forth. Other pseudocolumns available in hierarchical queries are CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLE and CONNECT_BY_ISLEAF. Hierarchical queries are mutually exclusive of the ORDER BY and GROUP BY clauses. Do not use those clauses in a query containing START WITH or CONNECT BY. You can order records from siblings of the same parent table by using the ORDER SIBLINGS BY clause.


Sorts the result set of the query in order of order_expression. The order_expression may be the column names, their aliases, or integers indicating their ordinal position. The ORDER SIBLINGS BY clause is used when querying hierarchical tables with the CONNECT BY clause. ORDER SIBLINGS BY tells Oracle to preserve any ordering specified in the CONNECT BY clause and applies the ordering only to siblings (i.e., rows of equal level in the hierarchy). NULLS FIRST and NULLS LAST specify that the records containing NULLs should appear either first or last, respectively.

FOR UPDATE [OF [schema.]...

Locks the rows of the result set so that other users cannot lock or update them until you're finished with your transaction. FOR UPDATE cannot be used in a subquery, in queries using DISTINCT or GROUP BY, or in queries with set operators or aggregate functions. Child rows in a hierarchical table are not locked when issued against the parent rows. The OF keyword is used to lock only the selected table or view. Otherwise, Oracle locks all the tables or views referenced in the FROM clause. When using OF, the columns are not significant, though real column names and not aliases must be used. The NOWAIT and WAIT keywords tell Oracle to either return control immediately if a lock already exists or to wait integer seconds before returning control to you, respectively. If neither NOWAIT nor WAIT is specified, Oracle waits until the rows become available.

Unlike some other database platforms, Oracle does not allow a SELECT statement without a FROM clause. The following query, for example, is invalid:

SELECT 2 + 2;

In order to work around this, Oracle has provided a special-purpose table called dual. Any time you want to write a query that does not retrieve data from a user-created table, such as to perform a calculation, use FROM dual. All of the following queries are valid:

SELECT 2 + 2 FROM dual; SELECT (((52-4) * 5) * 8) FROM dual;

Oracle's implementation of SELECT is quite straightforward if you want to retrieve data from a table. For example, Oracle allows the use of named queries. A named query is, in a sense, an alias to an entire query that can save you time when writing a complex multi-subquery SELECT statement. For example:

WITH pub_costs AS    (SELECT pub_id, SUM(job_lvl) dept_total     FROM employees e     GROUP BY pub_id), avg_costs AS    (SELECT SUM(dept_total)/COUNT(*) avg     FROM employee) SELECT * FROM pub_costs WHERE dept_total > (SELECT avg FROM avg_cost) ORDER BY department_name;

In this example, we create two named subqueries pub_costs and avg_costs which are later referenced in the main query. The named queries are effectively the same as subqueries; however, subqueries must be written out in their entirety each time they're used while named queries need not.

Oracle allows you to select rows from a single partition of a partitioned table (using the PARTITION clause) or to retrieve only a statistical sampling of the rows, as a percentage of rows or blocks, of a results set using SAMPLE. For example:

SELECT * FROM sales PARTITION (sales_2004_q3) sales WHERE sales.qty > 1000; SELECT * FROM sales SAMPLE (12);

Flashback queries are a feature of Oracle that enable retrieval of point-in-time result sets. For example, you could find out what everyone's salary was yesterday before a big change was applied to the database:

SELECT job_lvl, lname, fname FROM employee    AS OF TIMESTAMP (SYSTIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '1' DAY);

Another interesting Oracle extension of the standard query format is the hierarchic query. Hierarchic queries return the results of queries against hierarchically designed tables in the order you define. For example, the following query returns the names of the employees, their position in the hierarchy (represented by the position in the org_char column), the employee ID, the manager ID, and their job ID:

SELECT LPAD(' ',2*(LEVEL-1)) || lname AS org_chart,    emp_id, mgr_id, job_id FROM employee START WITH job_id = 'Chief Executive Officer' CONNECT BY PRIOR emp_id = mgr_id; ORG_CHART      EMPLOYEE_ID MANAGER_ID JOB_ID -------------- ----------- ---------- ------------------------ Cramer                 101        100 Chief Executive Officer   Devon                108        101 Business Operations Mgr     Thomas             109        108 Acquisitions Manager     Koskitalo          110        108 Productions Manager     Tonini             111        108 Operations Manager   Whalen               200        101 Admin Assistant   Chang                203        101 Chief Financial Officer     Gietz              206        203 Comptroller Buchanan               102        101 VP Sales   Callahan             103        102 Marketing Manager

In the previous query, the CONNECT BY clause defines the hierarchical relationship of the emp_id value as the parent row equal to the mgr_id value in the child row, while the START WITH clause specifies where in the hierarchy the result set should begin.

Oracle supports the following types of JOIN syntax (refer to the JOIN Subclause section for more details):

FROM table1 {    CROSS JOIN table2 |    INNER JOIN table2 [ {ON join_condition |       USING (column_list)} ] |    LEFT [OUTER] JOIN table2 [ {ON join_condition     | USING (column_list)} ] |    NATURAL [LEFT [OUTER]] JOIN table2 |    RIGHT [OUTER] JOIN table2 [ {ON join_condition     | USING (column_list)} ]|    NATURAL [RIGHT [OUTER]] JOIN table2    FULL [OUTER] JOIN table2 }


Retrieves all records of both table1 and table2. This is syntactically the same as FROM table1, table2 with no join conditions in the WHERE clause.


Retrieves those records of both table1 and table2 where there are matching values in both tables according to the join condition. Note that the syntax FROM table1, table2 with join conditions in the WHERE clause is semantically equivalent to an inner join.


Shortcuts the need to declare a join condition by assuming a USING clause containing all columns that are in common between the two joined tables. (Be careful if columns have the same name but not the same datatype or the same sort of values!) LOB columns cannot be referenced in a natural join. Referencing a LOB or collection column in a NATURAL JOIN will return an error.


Retrieves all records in the leftmost table (i.e., table1) and matching records in the rightmost table (i.e., table2). If there isn't a matching record in table2, NULL values are substituted for that table's columns. You can use this type of join to retrieve all the records in a table, even when there are no counterparts in the joined table. For example:

SELECT j.job_id, e.lname FROM jobs j LEFT OUTER JOIN employee e ON j.job_id = e.job_id ORDER BY d.job_id


Retrieves all records in the rightmost table regardless of whether there is a matching record in the leftmost table. A right join is the same as a left join, except that the optional table is on the left.


Specifies that all rows from both tables be returned, regardless of whether a row from one table matches a row in the other table. Any columns that have no value in the corresponding joined table are assigned a NULL value.

ON join_condition

Declares the condition(s) that join the result set of two tables together. This takes the form of declaring the columns in table1 and table2 that must match the join condition. When multiple columns must be compared, use the AND clause.

USING (column_list)

Acts as an alternative to the ON clause. Instead of describing the conditions of the join, simply provide a column name (or columns separated by commas) that appears in both tables. The column names must be identical in both tables and cannot be prefixed with a table name or alias. USING cannot be used on LOB columns of any type. The following two queries produce identical results. One is written with a USING clause and the other specifies join conditions using ANSI syntax:

SELECT column1  FROM foo  LEFT JOIN poo USING (column1, column2); SELECT column1  FROM foo  LEFT JOIN poo ON foo.column1 = poo.column1  AND foo.column2 = poo.column2;

Note that older Oracle syntax for joins centered around the WHERE clause and outer joins were described using a (+) marker. ANSI join syntax only became available with Oracle 9i Release 1. Therefore, you will often see existing code using the old syntax. For example, the following query is semantically equivalent to the earlier example of a left outer join.

SELECT j.job_id, e.lname FROM jobs j, employee e WHERE j.job_id = e.job_id (+) ORDER BY d.job_id

This older syntax is sometimes problematic and more difficult to read. You are strongly advised to use the ANSI standard syntax.

Partitioned outer joins

Partitioned outer joins are useful for retrieving sparse data that might otherwise not be easily seen in a result set. (The ANSI standard describes partitioned outer joins, but Oracle is the first to support them.) For example, our product table keeps track of all products we produce, while the manufacturing table shows when we produce them. Since we're not continuously making every product at all times, the joined data between the two tables may be sparse at times:

SELECT manufacturing.time_id AS time, product_name AS name,      quantity AS qty FROM product PARTITION BY (product_name) RIGHT OUTER JOIN times ON (manufacturing.time_id =      product.time_id) WHERE manufacturing.time_id    BETWEEN TO_DATE('01/10/05', 'DD/MM/YY')        AND TO_DATE('06/10/05', 'DD/MM/YY') ORDER BY 2, 1;

returns the following:

time      name            qty --------- ----------      ---------- 01-OCT-05 flux capacitor  10 02-OCT-05 flux capacitor 03-OCT-05 flux capacitor 04-OCT-05 flux capacitor 05-OCT-05 flux capacitor 06-OCT-05 flux capacitor  10 06-OCT-05 flux capacitor  8 01-OCT-05 transmorgrifier 10 01-OCT-05 transmorgrifier 15 02-OCT-05 transmorgrifier 03-OCT-05 transmorgrifier 04-OCT-05 transmorgrifier 10 04-OCT-05 transmorgrifier 11 05-OCT-05 transmorgrifier 06-OCT-05 transmorgrifier

The example query and result set show that partitioned outer joins are useful for retrieving result sets that might otherwise be hard to query due to sparse data.

Flashback queries

Oracle 10g also supports flashback queries queries that keep track of previous values of the result requested by the SELECT statement. In the following set of example code, we'll issue a regular query on a table, change the values in the table with an UPDATE statement, and then query the flashback version of the data. First, the regular query:

SELECT salary FROM employees WHERE last_name = 'McCreary';

The results are:

SALARY ---------- 3800

Now, we'll change the value in the employees table and query the table to confirm the current value:

UPDATE employees SET salary = 4000 WHERE last_name = 'McCreary '; SELECT salary FROM employees WHERE last_name = 'McCreary ';

The results are:

SALARY ---------- 4000

Finally, we'll perform a flashback query to see what the salary value was in the past:

SELECT salary FROM employees AS OF TIMESTAMP (SYSTIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '1' DAY) WHERE last_name = 'McCreary';

The results are:

SALARY ---------- 3800

If we wanted to be more elaborate, we could find out all of the values of salary for a given time period, say, the last two days:


The results are:

SALARY ---------- 4000 3800

The MODEL clause

Oracle Database 10g features a powerful new clause, called MODEL, which enables spreadsheet-like result sets from a SELECT statement. The MODEL clause, in particular, is designed to alleviate the need for developers to extract data from the database and put it into a spreadsheet, like Microsoft Excel, for further manipulation. It creates a multidimensional array in which cells can be referenced by dimension values. For instance, you might dimension an array on product and time, specifying column values that you wish to access via combinations of those two dimensions. You can then write rules that are similar in concept to spreadsheet formulas, that are executed in order to change values in your model, or that create new values, and perhaps even new rows, in your model.

Syntactically, the MODEL clause appears after the GROUP BY and HAVING clauses and before the ORDER BY clause. The earlier syntax diagram for Oracle's SELECT statement shows the position of the clause, and the syntax details are presented here:

MODEL model_clause model_clause ::= [options] [return] [reference_models] main_model options ::= [{IGNORE|KEEP} NAV] [UNIQUE {DIMENSION|SINGLE REFERENCE}] return ::= RETURN {UPDATED|ALL} ROWS reference_models ::= reference_model [reference_model...] reference_model ::= REFERENCE model_name ON (subquery) model_columns       [options] model_columns ::= [partition [alias]]                   DIMENSION BY (column[, column...])                   MEASURES (column[, column...]) partition ::= PARTITION BY (column[, column...]) column ::= {column_name|expression} [AS alias] main_model ::= [MAIN model_name] model_columns [options] rules rules ::= [RULES [UPSERT|UPDATE] [{AUTOMATIC|SEQUENTIAL} ORDER]]           [ITERATE (count) [UNTIL (termination_condition)]]           (rule[, rule...]) rule ::= [UPSERT|UPDATE] cell_reference [ordering] = expression cell_reference ::= measure[multi_column_for_loop|dimension_indexes] multi_column_for_loop ::= FOR (dimension[, dimension...]) IN (dimension_values) dimension_values ::= ({subquery|dimension_value[, dimension_value...]}) dimension_value ::= (literal[, literal...]) dimension_indexes ::= index[, index...] index ::= {condition|expression|single_column_for_loop} single_column_for_loop ::= FOR dimension {in_for_options|like_for_options} in_for_options ::= IN ({subquery|literal[, literal...]}) like_for_options ::= [LIKE pattern] FROM start_literal TO end_literal                      {INCREMENT|DECREMENT} diff_literal ordering ::= ORDER BY (order_column[, order_column...]) order_column ::= {expression|alias} [ASC|DESC] [NULLS FIRST|NULLS_LAST]

The parameters of this MODEL clause are as follows:


Specifies whether null or absent values (NAV) are retained as nulls (KEEP), or whether they are replaced with suitable defaults (IGNORE): zero for numeric types, 1-Jan-2000 for date types, an empty string for character types, and null for anything else.


Specifies the scope within which the database ensures that a given cell reference points to a unique data value. Use DIMENSION to require that each possible cell reference, whether on the left or right side of a rule, represent a single value. Use SINGLE REFERENCE to perform that check only for those cell references that appear on the right-hand side of a rule.


Specifies whether all rows are returned from model processing, or whether only updated row are returned.


Defines a reference model on which you cannot perform calculations, but containing values that you can reference from within your main query.

model_name ON (subquery)

Specifies the name and rowsource for a reference model.


Specifies an alias for a partition.

DIMENSION BY (column[, column...])

Specifies the dimensions for a model. Values from these columns represent the set of index values that are used to identify cells in the multidimensional addressing space.

MEASURES (column[, column...])

Specifies the values associated with each unique combination of dimensions (e.g., with each cell of the model).

PARTITION BY [(]column[, column...][)]

Splits a model into independent partitions based on the columns given. You can not partition reference models.


Represents the model on which you perform work. Rows from your containing SELECT feed into this model, rules are applied, and the resulting rows are returned.

MAIN model_name

Begins the definition of the main model, and also gives that model a name.


Specifies whether rules may both create new cells and update existing cells (UPSERT), or whether they much only update existing cells (UPDATE). If you want your model to be able to create new rows in your result set, specify UPSERT. The default is UPSERT. You can also control this behavior on a rule-by-rule basis; see rule in the syntax.


Specifies whether the optimizer determines the order in which rules are evaluated (AUTOMATIC), or whether rules are evaluated in the order in which you list them (SEQUENTIAL). The default is SEQUENTIAL.

ITERATE (count)

Requests that entire set of rules be evaluated repeatedly, count times. The default is to evaluate the set of rules just once.

UNTIL (termination_condition)

Specifies a condition that, when met, causes iteration to cease. You must still specify a count, which serves as somewhat of a safeguard against infinite loops.


Is a reference to one of the measures listed in the MEASURES clause. When you reference a measure, the square-brackets are part of the syntax. You must specify all dimensions, either via a subquery or by listing them, and the specific value of the measure associated with those dimensions will be returned, or referenced.


A for-loop iterating over multiple dimensions at one time. The easiest way to picture this is to think of a subquery from which each row represents a specific combination of dimensions.


A list of values, whether from columns or expressions, that collectively identify a unique cell in the model.


A for-loop iterating over one dimension.

IN ({subquery|literal[, literal...]})

The source of values for a for-loop may be a subquery, or it may be a specific list of literal values.

LIKE pattern

Allows you to insert dimension values into a pattern. Use a percent-sign to mark the location at which you want dimension values to be inserted. For example, use FOR x LIKE 'A%B' FROM 1 TO 3 INCREMENT 1 to generate values such as 'A1B', 'A2B', 'A3B'.

FROM start_literal TO end_literal {INCREMENT|DECREMENT} diff_literal

Defines the starting and ending for-loop values, and also the difference between each subsequent value as the loop iterates from start to end.

ORDER BY (order_column[, order_column...])

Imposes an order of evaluation with respect to the cells referenced from the left side of a rule. Use this clause if you want a rule to be applied to cells in order. Otherwise, you have no guarantee as to the order in which the rule is applied to the cells that it affects.

Following is a list of functions that have been designed specifically for use in the MODEL clause:

CV() or CV(dimension_column)

Returns the current value of a dimension column. May be used only on the right-hand side of an expression in a rule. When the CV() form is used, the dimension column is determined implicitly based on the function call's position in a list of dimension values.

PRESENTNNV(measure[dimension, dimension...], not_null, was_null)

Returns either not_null or was_null, depending on whether the specified measure was null when model processing began. This function may be used only from the right-hand side of a rule expression.

PRESENTV(measure[dimension, dimension...], did_exist, didnt_exist)

Returns either did_exist or didnt_exist, depending on whether the specified measure existed when model processing began. This function may be used only from the right-hand side of a rule expression. Be aware that whether a measure existed is a completely separate question from whether that measure was null.


Returns zero on the first iteration through the rules, 1 on the second iteration, and so forth. This is useful when you want to base rule calculations on the number of iterations.

The following example demonstrates that the MODEL clause gives a normal SELECT statement the ability to construct a multidimensional array as a result set and calculate inter-row and inter-array values interdependently. The newly calculated values are returned as part of the SELECT statement's result set:

ELECT SUBSTR(region,1,20) country, SUBSTR(product,1,15) product,    year, sales FROM sales_view WHERE region IN ('USA','UK') MODEL RETURN UPDATED ROWS    PARTITION BY (region)    DIMENSION BY (product, year)    MEASURES (sale sales)    RULES (sales['Bounce',2006] = sales['Bounce',2005] + sales['Bounce',2004],       sales['Y Box', 2006] = sales['Y Box', 2005],       sales['2_Products',2006] = sales['Bounce',2006]          + sales['Y Box',2006]) ORDER BY region, product, year;

In this example, a query against the SALES_VIEW materialized view returns the sum of sales over the course of a few years for the regions USA and UK. The MODEL clause then falls between the WHERE clause and the ORDER BY clause. Since SALES_VIEW currently holds data for the years 2004 and 2005, we provide it rules to calculate figures for the year 2006.

The subclause RETURN UPDATED ROWS, limits the result set to the rows that were created or updated by the query. Next, the example defines the logical divisions of the data using data elements from the materialized view and using the PARTITION BY, DIMENSION BY, and MEASURES subclauses. The RULES subclause then references individual measures of the model by referring to combinations of different dimension values much like a spreadsheet macro references worksheet cells with specific lookups and references to ranges of values.


PostgreSQL supports a straightforward implementation of the SELECT statement. It supports JOIN and subquery applications. PostgreSQL also allows the creation of new temporary or permanent tables using the SELECT...INTO syntax.

SELECT [ALL | DISTINCT [ON (select_item [,...]) ] ]  [AS alias [(alias_list)] ] [,...] [INTO [[TEMP]ORARY] [TABLE] new_table_name] [FROM [ONLY] table1[.*] [,...] ] [ [join type]JOIN table2 {[ON join_condition] |    [USING (column_list)]} [WHERE search_condition] [GROUP BY group_by_expression] [HAVING having_condition] [ORDER BY order_by_expression [{ASC | DESC    | USING operator][,...] }] [FOR UPDATE [OF column [,...]] [LIMIT {count | ALL} ][OFFSET [number_of_records]] ]


[ALL | DISTINCT [ON (select_item [,...] ] ]

Supports the ALL and DISTINCT keywords of the ANSI SQL standard, where ALL (the default) returns all rows (including duplicates) and DISTINCT eliminates duplicate rows. In addition, DISTINCT ON eliminates duplicates on only one the specified select_items, not on all of the select_items in the query (example below).


Includes the standard elements of a select_item list supported by the ANSI SQL standard. In addition to the asterisk (*) shorthand to retrieve all rows, you can use table_name.* to retrieve all rows from an individual table.

AS alias [(alias_list)]

Creates an alias or a list of aliases for one or more columns (or tables in the FROM clause). AS is required for select_item aliases, but not for FROM table aliases. (Some other database platforms treat the AS as an option when declaring an alias.)

INTO [[TEMP]ORARY] [TABLE] new_table_name

Creates a new table from the result set of the query. Both TEMP and TEMPORARY are acceptable usages to create a temporary table that is automatically dropped at the end of the session. Otherwise, the command creates a permanent table. Permanent tables created with this statement must have new, unique names but temporary tables may have the same name as an existing table. If you create a temporary table with the same name as an existing permanent table, the temporary table is used to resolve all operations against that table name while in the same session as the one that created it. Other sessions will continue to see the existing permanent table.

FROM [ONLY] table1 [,..]

Specifies one or more source tables where the data resides. (Be sure to specify a join condition or a theta WHERE clause so that you don't get a Cartesian product of all records in all tables.) PostgreSQL allows inheritance in child tables of declared parent tables. Use the ONLY keyword to suppress rows from the child tables of your source table. (You can turn off this default inheritance globally with the command SET SQL_Inheritance TO OFF.) PostgreSQL also supports nested table subqueries (see the SUBQUERY Substatement section). The FROM clause is not needed when used for computation:

SELECT 8 * 40;

PostgreSQL will also include an implicit FROM on SELECT statements that include schema-identified columns. For example, the following query is acceptable (though not recommended):

SELECT sales.stor_id WHERE sales.stor_id = '6380';

GROUP BY group_by_expression

Allows group_by_expressions that can be the column name or the ordinal number of the column (as determined by its position in the select_item list). An example illustrates this concept under the ORDER BY entry just below.

ORDER BY order_by_expression

Allows order_by_expressions that can be the column name, its alias, or the ordinal number of the column (as determined by its position in the select_item list.) For example, the following two queries are functionally identical:

SELECT stor_id, ord_date, qty AS quantity FROM sales ORDER BY stor_id, ord_date DESC, qty ASC; SELECT stor_id, ord_date, qty FROM sales ORDER BY 1, 2 DESC, quantity;

In single table SELECT statements, you may also order by columns of the table that do not appear in the select_item list. For example:

SELECT * FROM sales ORDER BY stor_id, qty;

ASC and DESC are ANSI standard. If not specified, ASC is the default. PostgreSQL sorts NULL values as higher than any other value, causing NULL values to appear at the end of ASC sorts and at the beginning of DESC sorts.

FOR UPDATE OF column [,...] LIMIT {count | ALL} ][OFFSET [number_of_records]] ]

Limits the number of rows returned by the query to the maximum specified by the integer count. The optional OFFSET keyword tells PostgreSQL to skip number_of_records before starting to return rows. You should make sure you have an ORDER BY clause when using LIMIT or you may get an unexpected result set. (PostgreSQL 7.0 and greater treat LIMIT/OFFSET as a hint and use it to create optimal, possibly very different query plans.)

PostgreSQL supports a handy variation of the DISTINCT clause DISTINCT ON (select_item [,...]). This variation allows you to pick and choose the exact columns that are considered for elimination of duplications. PostgreSQL chooses the result set in a manner much like it does for ORDER BY. You should include an ORDER BY clause so that there's no unpredictability as to which record is returned. For example:

SELECT DISTINCT ON (stor_id), ord_date, qty FROM sales ORDER BY stor_id, ord_date DESC;

The above query retrieves the most recent sales report for each store based on the most recent order date. However, there would be no way to predict what single record would have been returned without the ORDER BY clause.

PostgreSQL supports only these types of JOIN syntax (refer to the JOIN Subclause section for more details):

FROM table1 [,...] {    CROSS JOIN table2 |    [INNER] JOIN table2 [ {ON join_condition |       USING (column_list)} ] |    LEFT [OUTER] JOIN table2 [ {ON join_condition |       USING (column_list)} ] |    NATURAL [LEFT [OUTER]] JOIN table2 |    RIGHT [OUTER] JOIN table2 [ {ON join_condition |       USING (column_list)} ]|    NATURAL [RIGHT [OUTER]] JOIN table2    FULL [OUTER] JOIN table2 }



Retrieves all records of both table1 and table2. This is syntactically the same as FROM table1, table2. The results are a Cartesian product (usually a very bad thing!).


Retrieves those records of both table1 and table2 where there are matching values in both tables according to the join condition. Note that the syntax FROM table1, table2 is semantically equivalent to an inner join without a join condition (i.e., a Cartesian product). When using FROM table1, table2, be sure include the join condition(s) in the WHERE clause. If you leave out a join type, PostgreSQL assumes you want an inner join.

Shortcuts the need to declare a join condition by assuming a USING clause that names all columns that have the same name in both tables. (Be careful if columns have the same name but not the same datatype or the same sort of values!) NATURAL is mutually exclusive of a specified join condition via ON or USING.


Retrieves all records in the leftmost table (i.e., table1) and matching records in the rightmost table (i.e., table2). If there isn't a matching record in table2, NULL values are substituted. You can use LEFT OUTER JOIN to find all the records in a table even when there are no counterparts in the joined table. For example:

SELECT j.job_id, e.lname FROM jobs j LEFT OUTER JOIN employee e ON j.job_id = e.job_id ORDER BY d.job_id


Retrieves all records in the rightmost table regardless of whether there is a matching record in the leftmost table. Analogous to a LEFT JOIN.


Retrieves all records in the inner join in addition to all records that have no matching records on both the left and right sides.

ON join_condition

Declares the condition(s) that join the result set of two (or more) tables together. This takes the form of declaring the columns in table1 and table2 that must be equal. When multiple columns must be compared, use the AND clause.

SQL Server

SQL Server supports most of the basic elements of the ANSI SELECT statement, including all of the various join types. SQL Server offers several variations on the SELECT statement, including optimizer hints, the INTO clause, the TOP clause, GROUP BY variations, COMPUTE, and WITH OPTIONS.

SELECT {[ALL | DISTINCT] | [TOP number [PERCENT]    [WITH TIES]]} select_item [AS alias]  [INTO new_table_name ] [FROM {[rowset_function | table1 [,...]} [AS alias]] [ [join type]JOIN table2 {[ON join_condition] ] [WHERE search_condition ] [GROUP BY {grouping_column [,...]| ALL}] [ WITH { CUBE | ROLLUP } ] [HAVING search_condition ] [ORDER BY order_by_expression [ ASC | DESC ] ] [COMPUTE {aggregation (expression)} [,...]    [BY expression [,...] ] ] [FOR {BROWSE | XML { RAW | AUTO | EXPLICIT}    [, XMLDATA][, ELEMENTS][, BINARY base64] ] [OPTION (<hint> [,...]) ]



Specifies that only the number of rows are retrieved in the query result set. If PERCENT is specified, only the first number percent of the rows are retrieved. WITH TIES is used only for queries with an ORDER BY clause. This variation specifies that additional rows are returned from the base result set using the same value in the ORDER BY clause, appearing as the last of the TOP rows.

INTO new_table_name

Creates a new table from the result set of the query. You can use this command to create temporary or permanent tables. (Refer to SQL Server's rules for creating temporary or permanent tables in the CREATE/ALTER TABLE Statement section.) The SELECT . . . INTO command quickly copies the rows and columns queried from other table(s) into a new table using a non-logged operation. Since it is not logged, it is not affected by COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements.

FROM {[rowset_function | table1 [,...] ]}

Supports the standard behavior of the ANSI SQL FROM clause, including nested table subqueries. In addition, SQL Server supports a set of extensions called rowset_functions. Rowset functions allow SQL Server to source data from special or external data sources such as XML streams, full-text search file structures (a special structure in SQL Server used to store things like MS Word documents and MS PowerPoint slide shows within the database), or external data sources (like an MS Excel spreadsheet).

Examples are shown below. (Please see the SQL Server documentation for the full description of the available FROM {[rowset_function | table1 [,...] ]} options). Among the many possibilities, SQL Server currently supports the following rowset_functions:


Returns a derived table from a specified table that contains at least one full-text index TEXT or NTEXT column. The records derived are based upon either a precise, fuzzy, weighted-match, or proximity-match search. The derived table is then treated like any other FROM data source.


Similar to CONTAINSTABLE except that records are derived based upon a meaning search of 'freetext_string'. FREETEXTTABLE is more useful for ad hoc queries against full-text tables, but less accurate than CONTAINSTABLE.


Provides a means of sourcing data external to SQL Server via OLE DB without declaring a linked server, such as an MS Excel spreadsheet or a Sybase Adaptive Server database table. It is intended for the occasional ad hoc query. If you frequently retrieve result sets from external data sources, then you should declare a linked server.


Executes a pass-through query against a linked server. It is an effective means of performing a nested table subquery against a data source that is external to SQL Server. The data source must first be declared as a linked server.


Executes a pass-through query against an external data source. It is similar to OPENDATASOURCE, except that OPENDATASOURCE only opens the data source; it does not actually pass through a SELECT statement. OPENROWSET is intended for occasional, ad hoc usage only.


Provides a query-able, table-like view to an XML string.

GROUP BY [ALL] (group_by_expression) [WITH {CUBE | ROLLUP} ]

Supports the ANSI SQL standard with some variations. The first noticeable difference is in syntax. Where the ANSI standard clause is GROUP BY [{CUBE | ROLLUP}] (grouping_column [,...]), SQL Server uses GROUP BY [ALL] (group_by_expression) [WITH {CUBE | ROLLUP} ].

GROUP BY ALL tells SQL Server to provide group_by categories even when the matching aggregation is NULL. Normally, SQL Server does not return a category whose aggregation is NULL. It must be used only in conjunction with a WHERE clause. WITH {CUBE | ROLLUP} tells SQL Server to perform additional higher-level aggregates of the summary categories. In the simplest terms, ROLLUP produces subtotals for the categories, while CUBE produces cross-tabulated totals for the categories.

The GROUPING function can be used to help differentiate normally occurring NULLs from the NULLs generated by ROLLUP and CUBE behavior.)

This example groups royalty and aggregate advance amounts. The GROUPING function is applied to the royalty column.

USE pubs SELECT royalty, SUM(advance) 'total advance',    GROUPING(royalty) 'grp'    FROM titles    GROUP BY royalty WITH ROLLUP

The result set shows two NULL values under royalty. The first NULL represents the group of null values from this column in the table. The second NULL is in the summary row added by the ROLLUP operation. The summary row shows the total advance amounts for all royalty groups and is indicated by 1 in the grp column.

Here is the result set:

royalty        total advance              grp ---------      ---------------------    --- NULL           NULL                     0 10             57000.0000               0 12             2275.0000                0 14             4000.0000                0 16             7000.0000                0 24             25125.0000               0 NULL           95400.0000               1


Functions normally as specified by the ANSI SQL standard. However, you should remember that SQL Server allows a variety of collations that can affect how the result set is evaluated. Thus, under certain collations "SMITH" and "smith" might evaluate and sort differently. Also note that you cannot ORDER BY columns of TEXT, NTEXT, or IMAGE datatype.

COMPUTE {aggregation (expression)} [,...] [BY expression [,...] ] ]

Generates additional aggregations, usually totals, that appear at the end of the result set. BY (expression) adds in subtotals and control breaks to the result set. COMPUTE and COMPUTE BY can be used simultaneously in the same query. COMPUTE BY must be coupled with an ORDER BY clause, though the expression used by COMPUTE BY can be a subset of the order_by_expression. The aggregation may be any of these function calls: AVG, COUNT, MAX, MIN, STDEV, STDEVP, VAR, VARP, and SUM. Examples are shown later in this section.

COMPUTE, in any form, does not work with the DISTINCT keyword or with TEXT, NTEXT, or IMAGE datatypes.


FOR BROWSE is used to allow updates to data retrieved in a DB-Library browse mode cursor. (DB-Library is the original access methodology for SQL Server and has since been supplanted by OLE DB in most applications.) FOR BROWSE can only be used against tables with a unique index and a column with the TIMESTAMP datatype. FOR BROWSE cannot be used in UNION statements or when a HOLDLOCK hint is active.


Used to extract the result set as an XML document to the SQL Server 2000 client only. You must further define the resulting XML document as either RAW, AUTO, or EXPLICIT. RAW transforms each returned row into a generic XML element with the <row/> element tag. AUTO transforms the results into a simple, nested XML tree. EXPLICIT transforms the resulting XML tree into an explicitly defined shape. However, the query must be written such that the desired nesting information is specified explicitly. You may optionally attach a few extra control features.


Returns the schema appended to the XML document. ELEMENTS returns the columns as subelements instead of mapping them to XML attributes.


Returns the binary data in base64-encoded format. (Binary is the default format for AUTO mode, but must be declared for RAW and EXPLICIT.) FOR XML cannot be used in any sort of subquery, in conjunction with a COMPUTE clause, BROWSE clause, in the definition of a view, in the result set of a user-defined function, or in a cursor. Aggregations and GROUP BY are mutually exclusive of FOR XML AUTO.

OPTION (hint [,...])

Replaces elements of the default query plan with your own. Because the optimizer usually picks the best query plan for any query, you are strongly discouraged from placing optimizer hints into your queries.

Here's an example of SQL Server's SELECT...INTO capability. This example creates a table called non_mgr_employees using SELECT...INTO. The table contains the emp_id, first name, and last name of each non-manager from the employee table, joined with their job description taken from the jobs table:

--QUERY SELECT   e.emp_id, e.fname, e.lname,    SUBSTRING(j.job_desc,1,30) AS job_desc INTO     non_mgr_employee FROM     employee e JOIN     jobs AS j ON e.job_id = j.job_id WHERE    j.job_desc NOT LIKE '%MANAG%' ORDER BY 2,3,1

The newly created and loaded table non_mgr_employee now can be queried like any other table.

SELECT...INTO should be used only in development or non-production code because it is not logged or recoverable.

Many of SQL Server's extensions to the ANSI SELECT statement involve the GROUP BY clause. For example, the GROUP BY ALL clause causes the aggregation to include NULL valued results to be included when they would normally be excluded. The following two queries are essentially the same except for the ALL keyword, yet they produce very different result sets:

-- standard GROUP BY SELECT type, AVG(price) AS price FROM titles WHERE royalty <= 10 GROUP BY type ORDER BY type -- Results type         price ------------ ------- business     17.3100 mod_cook     19.9900 popular_comp 20.0000 psychology   13.5040 trad_cook    17.9700

Compared to:

-- Using GROUP BY ALL SELECT type, AVG(price) AS price FROM titles WHERE royalty = 10 GROUP BY ALL type ORDER BY type -- Results type         price ------------ ------- business     17.3100 mod_cook     19.9900 popular_comp 20.0000 psychology   13.5040 trad_cook    17.9700 UNDECIDED    NULL

COMPUTE has a number of permutations that can impact the result set retrieved by the query. The following example shows the sum of book prices broken out by type of book and sorted by type and then price:

--Query SELECT type, price FROM titles WHERE type IN ('business','psychology')   AND price > 10 ORDER BY type, price COMPUTE SUM(price) BY type --Results type         price ------------ --------------------- business     11.9500 business     19.9900 business     19.9900              sum              =====================              51.9300 type         price ------------ --------------------- psychology   10.9500 psychology   19.9900 psychology   21.5900              sum              =====================              52.5300

The COMPUTE clause behaves differently if you do not include BY. The following query retrieves the grand total of prices and advances for books over $16.00:

--Query SELECT type, price, advance FROM titles WHERE price >  COMPUTE SUM(price), SUM(advance) --Result type         price                 advance ------------ --------------------- --------------------- business     19.9900               5000.0000 business     19.9900               5000.0000 mod_cook     19.9900               .0000 popular_comp 22.9500               7000.0000 popular_comp 20.0000               8000.0000 psychology   21.5900               7000.0000 psychology   19.9900               2000.0000 trad_cook    20.9500               7000.0000              sum              =====================              165.4500                                    sum                                    =====================                                    41000.0000

You could even use COMPUTE BY and COMPUTE in the same query to produce subtotals and grand totals. (For the sake of brevity, we'll show an example query, but not the result set.) In this example, we find the sum of prices and advances by type for business and psychology books over $16.00:

SELECT type, price, advance FROM titles WHERE price >    AND type IN ('business','psychology') ORDER BY type, price COMPUTE SUM(price), SUM(advance) BY type COMPUTE SUM(price), SUM(advance)

Don't forget that you must include the ORDER BY clause with a COMPUTE BY clause! (You do not need an ORDER BY clause with a simple COMPUTE clause without the BY keyword.) There are many permutations you can perform in a single query multiple COMPUTE and COMPUTE BY clauses, GROUP BY with a COMPUTE clause, and even with an ORDER BY statement. It's actually fun to tinker around with the different ways you can build queries using COMPUTE and COMPUTE BY. It's not theme park fun, but what'dya want? This is a programming book!

SQL Server also includes the FOR XML clause that converts the standard result set output into an XML document. This is very useful for web database applications. You can execute queries with FOR XML directly against the database or within a stored procedure. For example, we can retrieve one of our earlier example queries as an XML document:

SELECT type, price, advance FROM titles WHERE price >    AND type IN ('business','psychology') ORDER BY type, price FOR XML AUTO

The results aren't particularly pretty, but they're very usable:

XML_F52E2B61-18A1-11d1-B105-00805F49916B -------------------------------------------------------------- <titles type="business    " price="19.9900" advance="5000.0000"/><titles type="business  " price="19.9900" advance="5000.0000"/> <titles type="psychology" price="19.9900" advance="2000.0000"/><titles  type="psychology" price="21.5900" advance="7000.000

If you wanted the XML schema and/or XML elements fully tagged in the output, you could simply append the XMLDATA and ELEMENTS keywords to the FOR XML clause. The query would look like this:

SELECT type, price, advance FROM titles WHERE price >    AND type IN ('business','psychology') ORDER BY type, price FOR XML AUTO, XMLDATA, ELEMENTS

SQL Server also implements a number of other enhancements to support XML. For example, the OPENXML rowset function can be used to insert an XML document into a SQL Server table. SQL Server also includes system stored procedures that can help you prepare and manipulate XML documents.


SET Statement

The SET statement assigns a value to a runtime variable. The variables may be platform-specific system variables or user-defined variables.








Not supported



SQL Server


SQL2003 Syntax

SET variable = value



Denotes a system or user-defined variable.


Denotes a string or numeric value appropriate to the system or user-defined variable.

Rules at a Glance

Variable values are set for the duration of the session. The value assigned to the variable must match the datatype of the variable. For example, you cannot assign a string value to a variable that is declared as with a numeric datatype. The actual command to create a variable varies from platform to platform. For example, DB2, Oracle, and SQL Server use the DECLARE statement to declare a variable name and datatype, but other platforms may use other means of creating a variable.

The value assigned to a variable does not have to be a literal value. It may be a dynamic value that is derived from a subquery. For example, we assign the maximum employee ID to the emp_id_var variable in the following example:

DECLARE emp_id_var CHAR(5) SET emp_id_var = (SELECT MAX(emp_id)    FROM employees WHERE type = 'F')

In this example, an employee type of 'F' indicates that the employee is a full-time, salaried employee.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

The SET statement is easily transportable between the database platforms. Only Oracle uses a consistently different scheme for assigning a value to a variable. In the following example, we declare a variable on SQL Server called emp_id_var and assign a value to it:

DECLARE emp_id_var CHAR(5) SET emp_id_var = '67888'

Now, we will perform the same action on an Oracle server:

DECLARE emp_id_var CHAR(5); emp_id_var := '67888';


DB2 supports the basic form of SET, assigning values to local variables, output parameters, or special registers. It allows a single SET statement to set multiple variable values at one time. It also assigns values to the columns of a base table in a trigger. The command cannot set both types of variables in a single statement.

SET variable = { value | NULL | DEFAULT } [,...]

The DB2 syntax elements are as follows:


Identifies the target variable. SQL variables must be declared before they are used. A variable may also identify a column in the base table of a trigger.


Describes the value of the variable in a datatype-appropriate format. When assigning values to columns in a trigger, you may also use references to OLD and NEW correlation names. For more information on this concept, refer to the DB2 platform specifics in the CREATE/ALTER TRIGGER Statement section.


Specifies a NULL value for columns or variables that allow NULL values.


Assigns the default value to columns created with the WITH DEFAULT clause or the IDENTITY clause. This option assigns NULL to columns that allow NULL and are not defined with a default or identity clause.

To set a single variable value:

SET new_var.order_qty = 125;

When setting multiple values with a single statement, the number of variables on the left side of the equal sign must equal the number of values on the right side of the equal sign. To set multiple variables in a single statement:

SET new_var.order_qty = 125, new_var.discount = 4;

When using the SET variable = SELECT... variation, the values returned in the result set of the SELECT statement must exactly match the variables item for item in ordinal position and datatype. If the SELECT statement does not return any rows, then null values are assigned to the variables. You can also use the SELECT INTO statement to assign multiple variable values with a single statement.


SET, as a keyword in MySQL, has several uses. First, SET is a MySQL datatype that allows multiple values each separated by a comma. In addition, SET may assign a value to a user variable. That latter use is described here, and the syntax for it is:

SET @variable = value [,...]

When setting multiple values in a single statement, set each value separately with a comma between:

SET new_var.order_qty = 125, new_var.discount = 4;

In addition, MySQL allows the use of SELECT to assign values to variables in the same fashion as that described under the ANSI description of SET. However, there are some weaknesses when using the SELECT method for assigning values to variables. The primary problem is that values are not assigned immediately within the SELECT statement. Thus, for the following example:

SELECT (@new_var := row_id) AS a,    (@new_var + 3) AS b FROM table_name;

the @new_var variable will not possess the newly selected value of row_id + 3. It will retain the value from the beginning of the statement. For this reason, it is a best practice to assign only one value to a variable at a time.


The SET clause is not supported as the method of assigning values to variables. Instead, user-defined variables are simply assigned a value using the assignment indicator :=. The basic syntax is shown here:

variable := value


The PostgreSQL command SET is used to set a runtime variable.

SET variable { TO | = } { value | DEFAULT }

The runtime variable may be set to a string literal designated by value. Using the DEFAULT keyword sets the runtime variable to its default value. PostgreSQL v7.2 supports these runtime variables:


Sets multibyte client encoding on PostgreSQL installations built with multibyte support


Sets the style used to display dates and times. Supported styles include:


Depicts date and time as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS (the default ISO 8601 style).


Depicts the Oracle/Ingres style of date and time, not the date and time style mandated by ANSI SQL.


Depicts the long-time date and time format in PostgreSQL, though no longer the default.


Depicts the date and time as dd.mm.yyyy.

You can further qualify the SQL and Postgresql styles using the keywords as European, US, and NonEuropean, which give dates in the forms dd/mm/yyyy, mm/dd/yyyy, and mm/dd/yyyy, respectively. For example: SET DATESTYLE = SQL, European.


Sets the internal random number generator seed. The value may be any floating-point number between 0 and 1 multiplied by 231-1. This value can also be set via the PostgreSQL setseed function. For example:

SELECT setseed(value);.


Sets multibyte server encoding on servers built with multibyte support.

Here is an example for setting the date and time format to the Oracle and European style:

SET DATESTYLE TO sql, European;

SQL Server

SQL Server supports SET for variable assignments, provided the variables have previously been created with the DECLARE statement, and to define values for cursor variables in SQL Server. (SQL Server also uses the SET statement for a variety of other purposes, such as enabling or disabling session flags like SET NOCOUNT ON.) The platform-specific syntax is:

SET { { @variable = value}     | { @cursor_variable = { @cursor_variable | cursor_name     | { CURSOR [ FORWARD_ONLY | SCROLL ]       [ STATIC | KEYSET | DYNAMIC | FAST_FORWARD ]       [ READ_ONLY | SCROLL_LOCKS | OPTIMISTIC ]       [ TYPE_WARNING ] FOR select_statement       [ FOR { READ ONLY | UPDATE [ OF column_name [,...] ] }       ]   }   }  }   }

The command does not support the DEFAULT keyword, but otherwise supports all the syntax of the ANSI command. The value for server_name must reference a connection named in a previous CONNECT statement, either as a literal or as a variable.


The SET CONNECTION statement allows users to switch between several open connections on one or more database servers.




Supported, with limitations


Not supported


Not supported


Not supported

SQL Server

Supported, with limitations

SQL2003 Syntax

SET CONNECTION {DEFAULT | connection_name}



Names the connection of the current session. If the connection_name is different from the current session connection name, then the connection context is switched to the connection_name.


Switches to the default connection from any other connection. This enables rapid switching to the default connection without knowing its name.


This command does not end a connection. Instead, it switches from the current connection to the connection named (making it the current connection), or from the current connection to the default connection. When switching between connections, the old connection becomes dormant (without committing any changes), while the new connection becomes active.

Rules at a Glance

SET CONNECTION does not create a connection. It merely switches your connection context. Use the CONNECT command to create a new connection; use DISCONNECT to terminate a connection.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

The SET CONNECTION command is not frequently used, since many users connect programmatically via ODBC, JDBC, or some other connectivity method. However, on those platforms that support SET CONNECTION, the command can be very useful for rapidly changing connection properties without terminating any existing connections.


DB2 supports the following basic form of SET CONNECTION:

SET CONNECTION server_name

The DB2 command does not support the DEFAULT keyword, but is otherwise compatible with the ANSI command. The value for server_name must reference a connection created by a previous CONNECT statement.

Following is a fully embedded SQL program in DB2 that shows CONNECT and SET CONNECTION:

EXEC SQL CONNECT TO SQLNUTSHELL; /* Opens connection to SQLNUTSHELL.  The connection will now    execute statements referencing objects at SQLNUTSHELL */ EXEC SQL CONNECT TO DB2DEV; /* Opens connection to SQLNUTSHELL.   The connection will now    execute statements referencing objects at DB2DEV */ EXEC SQL SET CONNECTION SQLNUTSHELL; /* Now move back to the SQLNUTSHELL connection and execute    statements referencing objects at SQLNUTSHELL.  The    connection to DB2DEV is still available, only dormant. */


Not supported.


Not supported.


Not supported.

SQL Server

SQL Server supports SET CONNECTION, but only in embedded SQL, not within its ad hoc querying tool, SQL Query Analyzer. Although SQL Server supports the full SQL2003 syntax within SQL embedded in other programs, such as a C++ program, it is not used very often. Most prefer the SQL Server specific command USE instead. The platform-specific syntax is:

SET CONNECTION connection_name

The command does not support the DEFAULT keyword, but is otherwise the same as the ANSI command. The value for connection_name must reference a connection named in a previous CONNECT statement, either as a literal or as a variable.

Here is a full TSQL program in SQL Server that shows CONNECT, DISCONNECT, and SET CONNECTION:

EXEC SQL CONNECT TO chicago.pubs AS chicago1 USER sa; EXEC SQL CONNECT TO new_york.pubs AS new_york1 USER read-only; -- opens connections to the servers named "chicago" and    "new_york" EXEC SQL SET CONNECTION chicago1; EXEC SQL SELECT name FROM employee INTO :name; -- sets the chicago1 connection as active and performs work    within that session EXEC SQL SET CONNECTION new_york1; EXEC SQL SELECT name FROM employee INTO :name; -- sets the new_york1 connection as active and performs work    within that session EXEC SQL DISCONNECT ALL; -- Terminates all sessions.  You could alternately use two --   DISCONNECT commands, one for each named connection.

See Also


The SET CONSTRAINT statement defines, for the current transaction, whether a deferrable constraint checks after each DML statement or when the transaction is finally committed. If the session is not currently in an open transaction, the setting applies to the next transaction.




Not supported


Not supported


Supported, with variations


Supported, with variations

SQL Server

Not supported

SQL2003 Syntax

SET CONSTRAINT {constraint_name [,...] | ALL} {DEFERRED | IMMEDIATE}


{constraint_name [,...] | ALL}

Names one or more deferrable constraints where the setting will apply. The keyword ALL sets the constraint mode for all deferrable constraints of the current transaction.


Checks the conditions specified by the deferrable constraint when the transaction is committed, rather than when the DML statements are issued.


Checks the conditions specified by the deferrable constraint immediately after each DML statement is issued, rather than when the transaction is committed.

Rules at a Glance

SET CONSTRAIN defines a value for the constraint mode of all deferrable constraints of the current transaction. If the session is not currently in a transaction, then the SET CONSTRAINT statement applies to the next transaction issued during the session.

The following example sets all deferrable constraints to be checked immediately following the issuance of each DML statement:


The next example sets two constraints to defer their data modification until the transaction is committed:

SET CONSTRAINT scott.hr_job_title, scott.emp_bonus DEFERRED:

Programming Tips and Gotchas

Constraints, when they are defined, may be specified as DEFERRABLE or NOT DEFERRABLE. The SET CONSTRAINT statement will fail if it is issued against a specific constraint that was defined as NOT DEFERRABLE.


Not supported.


Not supported.


Oracle supports the ANSI standard exactly as described, except that SET CONSTRAINT is allowed, as well as SET CONSTRAINTS.


PostgreSQL supports the ANSI standard syntax exactly as it is described. Currently, PostgreSQL only allows SET CONSTRAINT against foreign key constraints, not check and unique constraints, which are always considered IMMEDIATE.

SQL Server

Not supported.

SET PATH Statement

The SET PATH statement changes the value of the CURRENT PATH setting to one or more schemas.




Supported, with variations


Not supported


Not supported


Not supported

SQL Server

Not supported

SQL2003 Syntax

SET PATH schema_name [,...]


schema_name [,...]

Defines one or more schemas as the current path.

Rules at a Glance

SET PATH defines one or more schemas used to qualify an unqualified routine name (that is, functions, procedures, and methods).

The following example sets the current path (i.e., schema name) for unqualified objects to scott:

SET PATH scott;

Then, whenever a routine is referenced during the current session, it will assume the scott schema if no schema is identified.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

When referencing multiple schema names, all the schemas must belong to the current database. (The schemas cannot be on a remote database.)

SET PATH does not apply the schema to unqualified objects like tables or views. It only applies to routines.


DB2 supports several variations on the ANSI standard:




Sets the path, with a slight variation in syntax from the ANSI standard. Note that the equal sign (=) is required.


Defines one or more user-specified paths as the current path. The schema_name may be a literal, a host variable, or a string constant.


Defines the system schemas of SYSIBM, SYSFUN, and SYSPROC as the current path.


Defines the value of the USER special register as the current path.


Defines the value of the CURRENT PATH special register before the SET PATH statement was executed as the current path.

The following example sets the schema scott and the DB2 system schemas as the current path:



Not supported.


Not supported.


Not supported.

SQL Server

Not supported.

See Also

SET ROLE Statement

The SET ROLE statement enables and disables specific roles for the current session.




Not supported


Not supported


Supported, with variations


Not supported

SQL Server

Not supported

SQL2003 Syntax

SET ROLE {NONE | role_name}



Assigns the CURRENT ROLE role to the current session.


Associates the set of privileges associated with the named role with the current session.

Rules at a Glance

When a user session is opened using the CONNECT statement, issuing the SET ROLE statement grants that session the privileges associated with a role. The SET ROLE command can be issued only outside of a transaction.

The value for role_name must reference a valid user role existing on the server. You may specify the role name either as a literal or through a variable.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

Sessions are created using the CONNECT statement, while roles are created using the CREATE ROLE statement.

Most database platforms offer some method of setting or changing the role used during a user session. SET ROLE is the ANSI standard approach to setting the role used during a user session, but it is not widely supported by the different database platforms. Check your platform to find an analogous command supported by your specific vendor.


Not supported. DB2 does not yet support roles.


SET ROLE is not supported. An analogous method to control connection settings in MySQL is controlled in the [client] section of the .my.cnf configuration file in the home directory. For example:

 [client] host=server_name user=user_name password=client_password

To rapidly change between user roles, you can reassign host, user, and password connection properties by assigning new values to MYSQL_HOST, USER (for Windows only), and MYSQL_PWD (though MYSQL_PWD is insecure in that other users can view this file), respectively.


When a user initiates a connection, Oracle explicitly assigns roles to the user. The role(s) under which the session is operating can be changed with the SET ROLE command, assuming the user has permissions to the role. Oracle uses the MAX_ENABLED_ROLES initialization parameter (in the INIT.ORA file) to control the maximum number of roles that can be enabled concurrently. The Oracle syntax is:

SET ROLE { role_name [IDENTIFIED BY password] [,...] | [ALL [EXCEPT role_name [,...]] |  NONE } ;

Options for the SET ROLE command include:


Declares a valid role name already created within Oracle to which the user has been granted permissions. Any roles not specified are unavailable throughout the current session. You can enable multiple roles by providing a list; place a comma between each role listed.


If the role_name has a password, that password must be specified using this clause.


Enables all roles that are granted to the current user, including roles that are granted through other roles, but cannot be used with the IDENTIFIED BY clause.


Specifies a list of roles to exclude from a SET ROLE ALL command.


Disables all roles, including the default role.

Roles with passwords may be accessed only through the statement SET responsibility role_name IDENTIFIED BY password. For example, to enable the specific roles read_only and updater, identified by the passwords editor and red_marker, respectively, for the current session:

SET ROLE    read_only IDENTIFIED BY editor,    updater   IDENTIFIED BY red_marker;

To enable all roles except the read_write role:



SET ROLE is not supported. However, the ANSI SQL command SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION is supported and can achieve somewhat similar results.

SQL Server

Not supported.

See Also

SET SCHEMA Statement

The SET SCHEMA statement changes the value of the CURRENT SCHEMA setting to a user-specified schemas.




Supported, with variations


Not supported


Not supported


Not supported

SQL Server

Not supported

SQL2003 Syntax

SET SCHEMA schema_name [,...]


schema_name [,...]

Defines one or more schema as the current path.

Rules at a Glance

SET SCHEMA defines a user-defined schema to use to qualify an unqualified object, such as a table or view.

The following example sets the current schema for unqualified objects to scott:


Then, whenever an object is referenced during the current session, it will assume the scott schema, if no schema is identified.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

The SET SCHEMA statement cannot assign a schema from a remote database as the CURRENT SCHEMA.

SET SCHEMA does not apply the schema to unqualified routines like functions, procedures, and methods. It only applies to database objects like tables and views.


DB2 supports several variations on the ANSI standard:

SET [CURRENT] SCHEMA = {schema_name | USER } [,...]



Sets the path, with a slight variation in syntax from the ANSI standard. Note that the equal sign (=) is required.


Defines a user-specified schema, of no more than 30 bytes in length, as the current schema. The schema_name may be a literal, a host variable, or a string constant.


Defines the value of the USER special register as the current path.

The DB2 implementation is otherwise the same as the ANSI standard.


Not supported.


Not supported.


Not supported.

SQL Server

Not supported.

See Also


The SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION statement sets the user identifier for the current session.




Not supported


Not supported


Not supported



SQL Server

Not supported

SQL2003 Syntax




Sets the session user and the current user of the SQL session to the context of username, where username may be a literal, a parameter, or a host variable.

Rules at a Glance

This command allows you to switch between users and to run under their permissions.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

Some platforms allow you to use special shortcut keywords, like SESSION USER and CURRENT USER. SESSION USER and CURRENT USER are usually the same thing the username of the currently active session provided by the client. However, SESSION USER and CURRENT USER can diverge in a session when SETUID functions and other similar mechanisms are invoked.

Superuser permissions are required to invoke this command, but you will still be able to switch back to the initial user session even if the current user session does not normally have permission to run SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION.

You might also wish to check the value of the SESSION_USER and CURRENT_USER functions with this SQL statement:


Normally, you should issue SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION before any transactions to set the session and current user values for all transactions that follow. It must be issued as the only command in its transaction batch.


Not supported. Similar functionality is achieved with the CONNECT statement or by logging off the server and reconnecting.


Not supported. You must disconnect your session from MySQL, and then reconnect to utilize another set of user privileges.


Not supported. Similar functionality is achieved using the CONNECT statement or by logging off the server and reconnecting.


PostgreSQL supports the ANSI standard for this command. The only difference, and it is a minor one, is that the ANSI standard does not allow this command during a transaction, while PostgreSQL does not care one way or the other.

SQL Server

Not supported. Similar functionality is achieved with the CONNECT statement or by logging off the server and reconnecting.

See Also


The SET TIME ZONE statement changes the current session's time zone if it needs to be different from the default time zone.




Not supported


Not supported


Supported, with variations


Supported, with limitations

SQL Server

Not supported

SQL2003 Syntax




Sets the current session's time zone to that of the local server.


Sets an increase (with +) or decrease (with -) over the default time.


Specifies the time zone offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) in terms of hours and minutes.


Specifies the datatype of the TIME ZONE value.

Rules at a Glance

This is a relatively simple command that sets the user session time zone to that of the server (LOCAL), or sets the time zone in relation to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) (formerly Greenwich Mean Time or GMT). Thus, an INTERVAL of 2 would advance the time zone two hours greater than UTC, while an INTERVAL of -6 would reduce the time zone by six hours from UTC to the United States central time zone.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

Like most SET commands, SET TIME ZONE can be executed only outside of an explicit transaction. In other words, you do not need to encapsulate the command within a START or BEGIN TRAN and a COMMIT TRAN statement.


Not supported.


Not supported.


In Oracle9i and higher, you can use the following ALTER SESSION command to set the session time zone:

ALTER SESSION    SET TIME_ZONE = {'[+ | -] hh:mm'                    | LOCAL                    | DBTIMEZONE                    | 'region'}

Use LOCAL to revert back to your session's original default time zone. Use DBTIMEZONE to set your session time zone to be the database time zone. Use 'region' to specify a time zone region name such as EST or PST. Use an offset such as '-5:00' to specify your time zone in terms of an hour and minute displacement from UTC. A displacement of '-5:00' means that your time is five hours behind UTC time (e.g., 5:00 A.M. your time is 10:00 A.M. UTC time).

To retrieve a list of valid time zone region names, issue the following query:

SELECT tzname FROM v$timezone_names;

Both of the following commands set the time zone to Eastern Standard Time. The first command does this by specifying the appropriate displacement from UTC, while the second command specifies the time zone region name:


Oracle's time zone support is complex. Steven Feuerstein's Oracle PL/SQL Programming (O'Reilly), contains a good explanation of it in the chapter on datetime datatypes.


PostgreSQL allows a session's time value to be set to the server default by interchangeably using the LOCAL or DEFAULT clauses:

SET TIME ZONE {'timezone' | LOCAL | DEFAULT };

There are some variations from the ANSI standard:


Specifies a time zone by name. The possible values for time zone depends on the operating system. For example, the file /usr/share/zoneinfo contains the database of time zones for Linux servers.


Sets the current-session time values to those of the default time zone as determined by the local server.

For example, 'PST8PDT' is a valid time zone for California on Linux systems, while 'Europe/Rome' is a valid time zone for Italy on Linux and other systems. If you specify an invalid time zone, the command sets the time zone to UTC.

If increasing the time zone over UTC, the plus sign is optional. If an invalid time zone is specified, UTC is used as the time zone.

The following example sets the PostgreSQL time zone to Pacific Standard Time:


Next, the time for the current session is returned to the server's default time zone:


SQL Server

Not supported.


The SET TRANSACTION statement controls many characteristics of data modification, primarily the read/write characteristics and isolation level of a transaction.




Not supported


Supported, with variations


Supported, with limitations



SQL Server

Supported, with variations

SQL2003 Syntax




Changes transaction settings for the current session on the local server and only the local server. Otherwise, the transaction settings for the next transaction are changed, even if the transaction runs on a remote server.


Sets the next upcoming transaction as a read-only transaction. Once the next transaction is complete, transaction behavior reverts to the default settings.


Sets the next upcoming transaction so it may perform transactions that read and write data.


Sets the isolation level for the next transaction in the session.


Allows a transaction to read rows written by other transactions only when they have been committed.


Allows a transaction to read rows which have been written, but not committed, by other transactions.


All sessions can see records that are committed before their first transaction was begun. Other open sessions can see or change only committed rows in the user's current session before their transactions were begun. Consequently, later transactions can add records that might then be visible to the transactions of earlier sessions, but the other sessions must requery to see those records.


All sessions can see records that are committed before their transaction was begun. Other open sessions can see but cannot insert or update records within other user sessions until those transaction are completed. This is the most restrictive isolation level and the default for SQL2003.


Designates the specific number of error messages, int, to capture for a transaction. The GET DIAGNOSTICS statement retrieves these error messages.

Rules at a Glance

When issued, SET TRANSACTION sets the properties of the next upcoming transaction. Because of this, SET TRANSACTION is an interim statement that should be issued after one transaction completes and before the next transaction starts. (To begin a transaction and set its characteristics at the same time, use START TRANSACTION.) More than one option may be applied with this command but only one access mode, isolation level, and diagnostic size may be specified at a time.

The isolation level of a transaction specifies the degree of isolation a transaction has from other concurrently running sessions. The isolation level controls:

  • Whether rows read and updated by your database session are available to other concurrently running database sessions.

  • Whether the update, read, and write activity of other database sessions can affect your database session.

If you are unfamiliar with isolation levels, be sure to read the SQL2003 Syntax section under SET TRANSACTION Statement, since the explanation for isolation levels is offered only in that section.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

The ISOLATION LEVEL clause controls a number of behaviors and anomalies in a transaction concerning concurrent transactions, particularly the following:

Dirty reads

Occur when a transaction reads the altered records of another transaction before the other transaction has completed. This allows a data modification to occur on a record that might not be committed to the database.

Nonrepeatable reads

Occur when one transaction reads a record while another modifies it. So if the first transaction attempts to reread the record, it can't find it.

Phantom records

Occur when a transaction A reads a group of records, but transaction B adds or changes the data so that more records satisfy the query issued by the transaction A. Thus, transaction A possibly reads in the records of transaction B as if they were committed to the database, when in fact the records from transaction B may still be rolled back. Since transaction A is reading records that are not yet permanent, these are called phantom records.

Table 3-5 shows the impact of various isolation level settings on the anomalies just listed.

Table 3-5. Isolation level and anomaly impact

Isolation level

Dirty reads

Nonrepeatable reads

Phantom records






Not allowed




Not allowed

Not allowed



Not allowed

Not allowed

Not allowed


Not supported. DB2 supports all isolation levels, but not through the SET TRANSACTION statement. Isolation levels are controlled instead through the program preparation process and in server-level settings issued by the database administrator.

Although DB2 supports the ANSI isolation levels, it uses different names for them. DB2 also allows users to set the isolation for specific statements, including SELECT, DELETE, INSERT, and UPDATE. DB2 uses the following names for the various isolation levels:


Specifies cursor stability (serializable) as the isolation level.


Specifies no commit as the isolation level. Not supported by DB2.


Specifies repeatable read as the isolation level.


Specifies read stability (read committed) as the isolation level.


Specifies uncommitted read (read uncommitted) as the isolation level.

DB2 also supports two statements, CHANGE ISOLATION LEVEL and SET CURRENT ISOLATION, that change the way that DB2 isolates data from other processes while a database is being accessed.


MySQL allows you to set the transaction isolation level for the next individual transaction, the whole session, or globally across the server, as follows:


By default, MySQL sets the isolation level for the transaction that immediately follows the statement.


Sets the transaction isolation for all subsequent transactions across all user sessions or system threads.


Sets the transaction isolation level for all subsequent transactions of the current session.


Sets a specific transaction isolation level, as described in earlier in the SET TRANSACTION Statement section.

When omitted, MySQL defaults to the REPEATABLE READ isolation level.

The SUPER privilege is required to set a GLOBAL transaction isolation level. You can also set the default isolation level via the MYSQL command line executable using the -transaction-isolation='' switch. Following is an example that sets the all subsequent threads (both user and system threads) to a serializable transaction isolation level:



Oracle allows you to set a transaction as read-only or read-write, set the transaction isolation level, or specify a specific rollback segment for your transactions.




Sets the next transaction as read-only and serializable. This option is not available to the user SYS. The only statements permitted in read-only sessions are SELECT, ALTER SESSION, ALTER SYSTEM, LOCK TABLE, and SET ROLE.


The default transaction style in Oracle. It allows transactions to read and write data.


The default transaction isolation level in Oracle. The same as the ANSI standard.


Sets the transaction isolation level to the ANSI serializable level and requires the COMPATIBLE init parameter to be set to 7.3.0 or higher.


Sets the next read-write transaction to be written to a specific Oracle rollback segment identified by segment_name. Because it applies only to the current transaction, USE ROLLBACK SEGMENT should be the first statement in the transaction. This option is not compatible with the READ ONLY option. The rollback segment must already exist or else this statement will fail.


Assigns a name of 255 characters or less to the current transaction. This option is useful in distributed transaction processing environments, for two-phase commits, because it lets you easily identify which local transactions belong to a single distributed transaction.

The USE ROLLBACK SEGMENT variant can be useful for performance tuning by allowing you to direct long-running transactions to rollback segments large enough to hold them, while small transactions could be directed to small rollback segments that might be small enough to be retained in cache.

The SET TRANSACTION statement should be the first statement in any SQL batch, though Oracle treats it virtually the same as the START TRANSACTION statement. So one could be substituted for the other.

In the following example, the query reports from a bi-weekly process on the Chicago server while avoiding impact from any other users who might be updating or inserting records:

SET TRANSACTION READ ONLY NAME 'chicago'; SELECT prod_id, ord_qty FROM   sales WHERE  stor_id = 5;

In another case, late-night batch processing might create a huge transaction that would overflow all but the rollback segment created to support that one transaction:



SET TRANSACTION in PostgreSQL impacts the new transaction you are beginning only. Consequently, you may have to issue this statement before each new transaction.




Sets the transaction isolation level to the ANSI level READ COMMITTED. This is the default.


Sets the transaction isolation level to the ANSI level SERIALIZABLE.

By default, PostgreSQL supports the READ COMMITTED transaction isolation level. You can set the default transaction isolation level for all transactions in the session by using either of the following commands:

SET SESSION CHARACTERISTICS AS TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL { READ COMMITTED | SERIALIZABLE } SET default_transaction_isolation =    { 'read committed' | 'serializable' }

Of course, you can then override the isolation level of any subsequent transaction using the SET TRANSACTION statement.

For example, you can set the next transaction to the serializable transaction isolation level:


Alternately, you could set all the transactions in an entire session to serializable:


SQL Server

SET TRANSACTION in SQL Server sets the isolation level for an entire session. All queries that follow a SET TRANSACTION statement run under the isolation level set by the statement until it is otherwise changed.




Sets the transaction isolation level to the ANSI level READ COMMITTED. This is the default.


Sets the transaction isolation level to the ANSI level READ UNCOMMITTED. This has the same effect as the NOLOCK optimizer hint.


Sets the transaction isolation level to the ANSI level REPEATABLE READ.


Sets the transaction isolation level to the ANSI level SERIALIZABLE. Similar results can be achieved in SQL Server using the HOLDLOCK optimizer hint.

For example, the following command lowers the transaction isolation level for all SELECT statements during the session from READ COMMITTED to REPEATABLE READ:


See Also


The START TRANSACTION statement allows you to perform all the functions of SET TRANSACTION while also initiating a new transaction.




Not supported


Supported, with limitations


Not supported


Not supported;

see BEGIN TRAN below

SQL Server

Not supported;

see BEGIN TRAN below

SQL2003 Syntax


According to the ANSI standard, the only difference between SET and START is that SET is considered outside of the current transaction, while START is considered the beginning of a new transaction. Thus, SET TRANSACTION settings apply to the next transaction, while START TRANSACTION settings apply to the current transaction

While only MySQL supports the START TRANSACTION statement, three of the vendors (MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server) support a similar command, BEGIN [TRAN[SACTION]] and its synonym BEGIN [WORK]. BEGIN TRANSACTION declares an explicit transaction, but it does not set isolation levels.

Rules at a Glance

The only significant rule of the START TRANSACTION statement is that you must use this statement to control the access mode, isolation level, or diagnostic size of the current transaction. Once a new transaction starts, you must either issue new values for the setting(s) or rely on the default.

Most database platforms allow you to implicitly control transactions, using what is commonly called autocommit mode. In autocommit mode, the database treats each statement as a transaction in and of itself, complete with an implicit BEGIN TRAN and COMMIT TRAN statement.

The alternative to autocommit mode is to manually control each transaction explicitly. Under explicit transaction control, you declare each new transaction with the START TRANSACTION statement. A new transaction may also start implicitly any time a transaction-initiating statement is issued, such as INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or SELECT. The transaction is not committed or rolled back until either COMMIT or ROLLBACK statements are explicitly issued.

Some platforms, namely DB2 and Oracle, do not support the explicit declaration of a new transaction using START TRANSACTION, but they do support explicitly committing, savepointing, and rolling back a transaction. Other platforms, such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server, allow you to both explicitly declare a transaction with START TRANSACTION and to explicitly commit, savepoint, and roll back the transaction.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

Many of the platforms discussed in this book run in autocommit mode by default. Therefore, it is a good rule of thumb to only use explicitly declared transactions if you intend to do so for all transactions in a session. In other words, do not mix implicitly declared transactions and explicitly declared transactions in a single session. Each transaction that is explicitly declared can only be made permanent with the COMMIT statement. Similarly, any transaction that fails or needs to be discarded must be explicitly undone with the ROLLBACK statement.

Be sure to issue START in a pair with either COMMIT or ROLLBACK. Otherwise, the DBMS may not complete the transaction(s) until it encounters COMMIT or ROLLBACK. Omitting timely COMMITs (or ROLLBACKs) could lead potentially to huge or poorly planned transactions.

It is a good idea to issue an explicit rollback or commit after one or a few statements because long-running transactions can lock up resources, thus preventing other users from accessing those resources. And don't forget to commit (or roll back)! Long-running or very large transaction batches can fill up the rollback segments or transaction logs of a database, even if those files are small.


Not supported. Transactions in DB2 are started implicitly.


MySQL normally runs in autocommit mode, which means changes are automatically saved to disk when completed. If a change fails for any reason, it is automatically rolled back.

MySQL supports START TRANSACTION, but it is merely a synonym for BEGIN. You can suspend autocommit for one or several statements using the BEGIN syntax:




Marks the beginning of one or more transactions.


An optional keyword with no effect.

Issuing the following command can disable autocommit mode for all sessions and threads:


Once you have disabled autocommit, the COMMIT statement is required to store any and every data modification to disk, and the ROLLBACK statement is required to undo changes made during a transaction. Disabling autocommit is only effective with "transaction-safe tables" such as InnoDB or BDB tables. Disabling autocommit on non-transaction safe tables has no effect autocommit will still be enabled.

Earlier versions of MySQL use an update log. However, the update log does not support ANSI transactions unless the tables are defined as InnoDB or BDB.

Transactions are stored in the binary log in a single write operation when the COMMIT statement is issued. Here's an example:

BEGIN;    SELECT @A := SUM(salary)    FROM   employee    WHERE  type=1;    UPDATE payhistory SET summmary=@A WHERE type=1; COMMIT;

Rollbacks issued against non-transactional tables fail with the error ER_WARNING_NOT_COMPLETE_ROLLBACK, but transaction safe tables will be restored as expected.


Not supported. Transactions in Oracle are started implicitly. Refer to SET TRANSACTION on the Oracle platform for more information about how Oracle controls individual transactions.


The PostgreSQL syntax is:




Marks the beginning of one or more transactions.


An optional keyword with no effect.


An optional keyword with no effect.

PostgreSQL normally runs in autocommit mode where each data modification statement or query is its own transaction. PostgreSQL applies an implicit COMMIT for a transaction that completes without an error. PostgreSQL also automatically issues a ROLLBACK statement at the end of a statement that fails. The BEGIN statement allows explicit COMMIT or ROLLBACK of a transaction, which may then consist of multiple statements.

Manually coded transactions are much faster in PostgreSQL than are autocommitted transactions. The SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL should be set to SERIALIZABLE just after the BEGIN statement to bolster the transaction isolation. PostgreSQL allows many data-modification statements (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) within a BEGIN . . . COMMIT block. However, when the COMMIT command is issued, either all or none of the transaction takes place, depending on the success or failure of the command.

BEGIN has a separate usage on database platforms that support their own procedural language, namely Oracle and SQL Server. In these platforms, BEGIN, without the keyword TRANSACTION, is used to mark a new block of procedural code. For this reason, you are advised to include the TRANSACTION keyword for any transactions you write on PostgreSQL. Otherwise, you will face some complicated migration issues, should you ever move your code to Oracle or SQL Server.

Following is an example of BEGIN TRANSACTION in PostgreSQL:

BEGIN TRANSACTION;    INSERT INTO jobs(job_id, job_desc, min_lvl, max_lvl)    VALUES(15, 'Chief Operating Officer', 185, 135) COMMIT;

SQL Server

Microsoft SQL Server supports the BEGIN TRANSACTION statement rather than the ANSI START TRANSACTION statement. It also supports a couple of extensions that facilitate transaction backup and recovery. The Microsoft SQL Server syntax is:

BEGIN TRAN[SACTION] [transaction_descriptor    [WITH MARK [ 'log_descriptor' ] ] ]



Marks the beginning of a transaction. SQL Server allows either TRAN or TRANSACTION.


An up to 32-character name used to identify a transaction, or it can be a variable string datatype (CHAR, NCHAR, VARCHAR, or NVARCHAR) variable up to 32 characters in size. When working with nested transactions, only name the outermost transaction.

WITH MARK log_descriptor

Tells SQL Server to place a mark of name log_descriptor in the transaction log. This allows SQL Server to restore a transaction log up to the specified log_descriptor. In a sense, this allows point in time recovery based on the name of the mark for database set to FULL recovery mode. WITH MARK must be used in conjunction with a named transaction.

When nesting transactions, only the outermost BEGIN . . . COMMIT or BEGIN . . . ROLLBACK pair should reference the transaction name (if it has one). In general, we recommend avoiding nested transactions.

Here is a SQL Server set of INSERT statements, all performed as a single transaction:

BEGIN TRANSACTION    INSERT INTO sales VALUES('7896','JR3435','Oct 28 2003',25,       'Net 60','BU7832')    INSERT INTO sales VALUES('7901','JR3435','Oct 28 2003',17,       'Net 30','BU7832')    INSERT INTO sales VALUES('7907','JR3435','Oct 28 2003',6,       'Net 15','BU7832') COMMIT GO

If, for any reason, any one of these INSERT statements had to wait for completion, they would all have to wait since they are treated as a single transaction.

See Also

SUBQUERY Substatement

A subquery is a nested query. Subqueries may appear in various places within a SQL statement.






Supported with limitations





SQL Server


SQL supports the following types of subquery:

Scalar subqueries

Subqueries that retrieve a single value. These are the most widely supported type of subquery among the various database platforms.

Table subqueries

Subqueries that retrieve more than one values. This type of subquery retrieves more than a row of values.

Nested table subqueries

Subqueries that retrieve more than one column and more than one row.

Scalar and vector subqueries can, on some platforms, appear as part of the expression in a SELECT list of items, WHERE clause, and HAVING clause. Nested table subqueries tend to appear in the FROM clause of SELECT statements.

A correlated subquery is a subquery that is dependent upon a value in an outer query. Consequently, the inner query is executed once for every record retrieved in the outer query. Since subqueries can be nested many layers deep, a correlated subquery may reference any level in the main query higher than its own level.

Different rules govern the behavior of a subquery depending on which clause it appears in. The level of support amongst the database platforms also varies. Some platforms support subqueries in all clauses mentioned earlier (SELECT, FROM, WHERE and HAVING), while others support subqueries in only one or two of the clauses.

Subqueries are usually associated with the SELECT statement. Since subqueries may appear in the WHERE clause, they can be used in any SQL statement that supports a WHERE clause, including SELECT, INSERT...SELECT, DELETE, and UPDATE statements.

SQL2003 Syntax

Scalar, table, and nested table subqueries are represented in the generalized syntax below:

SELECT column1, column2, ... (scalar subquery) FROM table1, ... (nested table subquery)     AS subquery_table_name] WHERE foo = (scalar subquery)    OR foo IN (table subquery)

Correlated subqueries are more complex because the value of such subqueries is dependent on values retrieved in their main queries. For example:

SELECT column1 FROM   table1 AS t1 WHERE  foo IN    (SELECT value1     FROM table2 AS t2     WHERE t2.pk_identifier = t1.fk_identifier)

Note that the IN clause is for example purposes only. Any comparison operator may be used).


scalar subquery

Includes a scalar subquery in the SELECT item list or in the WHERE or HAVING clause of a query.

nested table subquery

Includes a nested table subquery only in the FROM clause in conjunction with the AS clause.

table subquery

Includes a table subquery only in the WHERE clause with operators such as IN, ANY, SOME, EXISTS, or ALL that act upon multiple values. Table subqueries return one or more rows containing a single value.

Rules at a Glance

Subqueries allow you to return one or more values and nest them inside a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement, or inside another subquery. Subqueries can be used wherever expressions are allowed. Subqueries also can often be replaced with a JOIN statement. Depending on the DBMS, subqueries may perform less quickly than joins.

Subqueries are always enclosed in parentheses.

Subqueries may appear in a SELECT clause with an item list containing at least one item, a FROM clause for referencing one or more valid tables or views, and in WHERE and HAVING clauses.

Scalar subqueries can return only a single value. Certain operators in a WHERE clause expect only one value, such as =, <, >, >=, <=, and <> (or !=). If a subquery returns more than one value against an operator that expects a single value, the entire query will fail. On the other hand, table subqueries may return multiple values, but are usable only with multivalue expressions like [NOT] IN, ANY, ALL, SOME, or [NOT] EXISTS.

Nested table subqueries may appear only in the FROM clause and should be aliased by the AS clause. The result set returned by the nested table subquery, sometimes called a derived table, offers similar functionality to a view (see CREATE VIEW). Every column returned in the derived table need not be used in the query, though they can all be acted upon by the outer query.

Correlated subqueries typically appear as a component of a WHERE or HAVING clause in the outer query (and, less commonly, in the SELECT item list) and are correlated through the WHERE clause of the inner query (that is, the subquery). (Correlated subqueries can also be used as nested table subqueries, though this is less common.) Be sure to include a WHERE clause in such a subquery that evaluates based on a correlating value from the outer query. (The example for a correlated query in the earlier ANSI syntax diagram illustrates this requirement.) It is important to specify a table alias, called a correlation name, using the AS clause or other alias shortcut for every table referenced in a correlated query, both in the outer and inner query. Correlation names avoid ambiguity and help the DBMS quickly resolve the tables involved in the query.

All ANSI-compliant subqueries comply with the following short list of rules:

  • A subquery cannot include an ORDER BY clause.

  • A subquery cannot be enclosed in an aggregate function. The following query is invalid: SELECT foo FROM table1 WHERE sales >= AVG(SELECT column1 FROM sales_table...). You can get around this limitation by performing the aggregation in the subquery rather than in the outer query.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

For most all vendor platforms, subqueries should not reference large object datatypes (e.g., CLOB or BLOB on Oracle and IMAGE or TEXT on SQL Server), or array datatypes (such as TABLE or CURSOR on SQL Server).

The platforms all support subqueries, but not every vendor supports every type of subquery. Table 3-6 tells you whether your platform supports each type of subquery.

Table 3-6. Platform-specific subquery support






SQL Server

Scalar subquey in SELECT item list


Scalar subquey in WHERE/HAVING clause

Vector subquery in WHERE/HAVING clause

Nested table in FROM clause

Correlated subquery in WHERE/HAVING clause

Subqueries are not relegated to SELECT statements only. They may also be used in INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements that include a WHERE clause. Subqueries are often used for the following purposes:

  • To identify the rows inserted into the target table using an INSERT...SELECT statement, CREATE TABLE...SELECT statement, or SELECT...INTO.

  • To identify the rows of a view or materialized view in a CREATE VIEW statement.

  • To identify value(s) assigned to existing rows using an UPDATE statement.

  • To identify values for conditions in WHERE and HAVING clauses of SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements.

  • To build a view of a table(s) on the fly (i.e., nested table subqueries).


This section shows subquery examples that are equally valid on DB2, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server.

A simple scalar subquery is shown in the SELECT item list of the following query:

SELECT job, (SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employee) AS "Avg Sal" FROM   employee

Nested table subqueries are functionally equivalent to querying a view. In the following, we query the education level and salary in a nested table subquery, and then perform aggregations on the values in the derived table in the outer query.

SELECT AVG(edlevel), AVG(salary) FROM (SELECT edlevel, salary       FROM employee) AS emprand GROUP BY edlevel

Remember that this query may fail, depending on the platform, without the AS clause to associate a name with the derived table.

The following query shows a standard table subquery in the WHERE clause expression. In this case, we want all project numbers for employees in the department 'A00':

SELECT projno FROM   emp_act WHERE  empno IN    (SELECT empno     FROM   employee     WHERE  workdept = 'A00')

The above subquery is executed only once for the outer query.

In the next example, we want to know the names of employees and their level of seniority. We get this result set through a correlated subquery:

SELECT firstname, lastname,    (SELECT COUNT(*)    FROM employee senior    WHERE employee.hiredate > senior.hiredate) as senioritype FROM employee

Unlike the previous subquery, this subquery is executed one time for every row retrieved by the outer query. In a query like this, the total processing time could be very long, since the inner query may potentially execute many times for a single result set.

Correlated subqueries depend on values retrieved by the outer query before being able to complete the processing of the inner query. They are tricky to master, but offer unique programmatic capabilities. The following example returns information about orders where the quantity sold in each order is less than the average quantity in other sales for that title:

SELECT s1.ord_num, s1.title_id, s1.qty FROM sales AS s1 WHERE s1.qty <    (SELECT AVG(s2.qty)     FROM sales AS s2     WHERE s2.title_id = s1.title_id)

For this example, you can accomplish the same functionality using a self join. However, there are situations in which a correlated subquery may be the only easy way to do what you need.

The next example shows how a correlated subquery might be used to update values in a table:

UPDATE course SET ends =    (SELECT min(c.begins) FROM course AS c    WHERE c.begins BETWEEN course.begins AND course.ends) WHERE EXISTS    (SELECT * FROM course AS c    WHERE c.begins BETWEEN course.begins AND course.ends)

Similarly, you can use a subquery to determine which rows to delete. This example uses a correlated subquery to delete rows from one table based on related rows in another table:

DELETE FROM course WHERE EXISTS    (SELECT * FROM course AS c    WHERE course.id > c.id      AND (course.begins BETWEEN c.begins         AND c.ends OR course.ends BETWEEN c.begins AND c.ends))


DB2 supports the ANSI standard subquery types. It allows scalar subqueries in the SELECT item list, nested table subqueries in the FROM clause, and scalar and vector subqueries in the expressions of WHERE and HAVING clauses. DB2 allows correlated subqueries in the SELECT item list and in WHERE and HAVING clauses.


MySQL supports nested table subqueries as select items and in the WHERE clause.


Oracle supports ANSI standard subqueries, though it uses a different nomenclature. In Oracle, a nested table subquery that appears in the FROM clause is called an inline view. That makes plenty of sense because nested table subqueries are basically views built on the fly. Oracle calls a subquery that appears in the WHERE clause and HAVING clause of a query a nested subquery. Oracle allows correlated subqueries in the SELECT item list and in the WHERE and HAVING clauses.


PostgreSQL supports ANSI standard subqueries in the FROM, WHERE, and HAVING clauses. However, subqueries appearing in a HAVING clause cannot include ORDER BY, FOR UPDATE, and LIMIT clauses. PostgreSQL does not currently support subqueries in the SELECT item list.

SQL Server

SQL Server supports ANSI standard subqueries. Scalar subqueries can be used almost anywhere a standard expression is allowed. Subqueries in SQL Server cannot include the COMPUTE or FOR BROWSE clauses. They can include the ORDER BY clause if the TOP clause is also used.

See Also


The TRUNCATE TABLE statement, a non-ANSI statement, irrevocably removes all rows from a table without logging the individual row deletes. It quickly erases all the records in a table without altering the table structure, taking little or no space in the redo logs or transaction logs. However, since a truncate operation is not logged, the TRUNCATE TABLE statement cannot be rolled back once it is issued.




Not supported







SQL Server


Defacto Standard Syntax

Officially, TRUNCATE TABLE is not an ANSI standard command. However, it is a commonly supported statement standard that follows this format:




The name of any valid table within the current database or schema context.

Rules at a Glance

The TRUNCATE TABLE statement has the same effect on a table as a DELETE statement with no WHERE clause; both erase all rows in a given table. However, there are two important differences. TRUNCATE TABLE is faster and it is non-logged, meaning it cannot be rolled back if issued in error. Plus, TRUNCATE TABLE does not activate triggers, while the DELETE statement does.

This command should be issued manually. We strongly encourage you not to place it into automated scripts or production systems that contain irreplaceable data. It cannot be paired with transaction control statements such as BEGIN TRAN or COMMIT.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

Because the TRUNCATE TABLE statement is not logged, it is generally used only in development databases. Use it in production databases with caution!

We strongly advise that you do not write TRUNCATE TABLE statements into the stored procedures or functions of a production application because most platforms do not log the operation nor can they recover an improperly issued TRUNCATE statement.

The TRUNCATE TABLE command will fail if another user has a lock on the table at the time the statement is issued. TRUNCATE TABLE does not activate triggers, but it will work when they are present. However, it won't work when foreign key constraints are in place on a given table.


As of Version 8, DB2 does not support the TRUNCATE TABLE statement.


MySQL supports a basic format for the TRUNCATE TABLE statement starting in Version 3.23:


MySQL achieves the results of a TRUNCATE TABLE command by dropping and recreating the affected table. Since MySQL stores each table in a file called table_name.frm, the table_name.frm file must exist in the directory containing the database files for the command to work properly.

For example, to remove all data from the publishers table:



Oracle allows a table or an indexed cluster (but not a hash cluster) to be truncated. Oracle's syntax is:


TRUNCATE TABLE was first introduced by Oracle, and other platforms soon added support for the statement. Oracle has added more features to this statement than are commonly implemented by other vendors. Oracle's syntax elements are as follows:


Specifies whether an index cluster or a table will be truncated. An index cluster is a physical construct that stores related rows of two tables next to each other physically on disk to speed up joins by lowering I/O. SNAPSHOT LOG and STORAGE options are not available when truncating an index cluster.


Maintains any snapshot logs when a master table is truncated.


Clears out any snapshot logs.


Causes the disk space freed by the deleted rows to be deallocated.


Causes the space allocated to a table to remain allocated to that table, though empty.

For example:


This example command erases all records in the table scott.authors. It also maintains the existing snapshot log and allows the table to keep and reuse the storage space already allocated to it.


PostgreSQL varies little from the defacto industry standard, but does add the optional TABLE keyword:


The TABLE component of the command is optional. For example, the following command erases all the records in the authors table on a PostgreSQL database:

TRUNCATE authors

SQL Server

SQL Server supports the defacto industry standard.

See Also

UNION Set Operator

The UNION set operator combines the result sets of two or more queries, showing all the rows returned by each of the queries as one, single result set.

UNION is in a class of keyword called a set operator. Other set operators include INTERSECT and EXCEPT/MINUS. (EXCEPT and MINUS are functually equivalent. EXCEPT is the ANSI standard.) All set operators are used to simultaneously manipulate the result sets of two or more queries; hence the term "set operators."




Supported, with limitations


Not supported


Supported, with limitations


Supported, with limitations

SQL Server

Supported, with limitations

SQL2003 Syntax

There are technically no limits to the number of queries that you may combine with the UNION statement. The general syntax is:

<SELECT statement1> UNION [ALL | DISTINCT] <SELECT statement2> UNION [ALL | DISTINCT] ...



Determines which result sets will be combined into a single result set. Duplicate rows are, by default, excluded.


Combines duplicate rows from all result sets.


Eliminates duplicate rows from the final result set. Columns containing a NULL value are considered duplicates. (If neither ALL nor DISTINCT are used, DISTINCT behavior is the default.)

Rules at a Glance

There is only one significant rule to remember when using UNION: the order, number, and datatype of columns should be the same in all queries.

The datatypes do not have to be identical, but they should be compatible. For example, CHAR and VARCHAR are compatible datatypes. By default, the result set will default to the largest of two (or more) compatible datatypes, and a query that unions three CHAR columns (CHAR(5), CHAR(10), and CHAR(12)) will display the results in the CHAR(12) format with extra space padded onto the smaller column results.

Programming Tips and Gotchas

Even though the ANSI standard calls for INTERSECT to take precedence over other set operators in a single statement, many platforms evaluate all set operators with equal precedence. Explicitly control the precedence of set operators using parentheses. Otherwise, the DBMS is likely to evaluate them from leftmost to rightmost expression.

Depending on the platform, DISTINCT can incur a significant performance cost, since it often adds a second pass through the results to winnow out duplicate records. ALL can be specified in any instance where no duplicate records are expected (or where duplicate records are OK) for faster results.

According to the ANSI standard, only one ORDER BY clause is allowed in the entire query. Include it at the end of the last SELECT statement. In order to avoid column and table ambiguity, be sure to alias each column for each table with the same respective alias. However, for column naming purposes, only the alias in the first query is used to each column in the SELECT...UNION query. For example:

SELECT  au_lname AS "lastname", au_fname AS "firstname" FROM authors UNION SELECT emp_lname AS "lastname", emp_fname AS "firstname" FROM employees ORDER BY lastname, firstname

Also, while your query may have compatible datatyped columns throughout the queries in the UNION, there may be some variation in behavior across the DBMS platforms, especially with regard to varying length of the columns. For example, if the au_lname column in the first query is markedly longer than the emp_lname column in the second query, each platform may apply different rules as to which length is used. In general, though, the platforms will choose the longer (and less restrictive) column size for use in the result set.

Each DBMS may apply its own rules as to which column name is used if the columns across the tables have different names. In general, the column names of the first query are used.


DB2 supports the UNION and UNION ALL keywords of the ANSI standard, plus the VALUES clause:

<SELECT statement1> UNION [ALL] <SELECT statement2> UNION [ALL] ... [VALUES (expression1, expression2,  ...)] [, (expression1, expression2, ...)] [,...]



Allows you to specify one or more sets of hand-coded values as records in the combined result set. Each set of hand-coded values must contain the exact same number of columns as the queries in the UNION. Separate rows of hard-coded values in the record set using commas.

Although UNION DISTINCT is not supported, UNION is the functional equivalent. The CORRESPONDING clause is not supported.

The datatypes LONG VARCHAR, LONG VARGRAPHIC, BLOB, CLOB, DBCLOB, DATALINK, and structured types are not usable in a UNION (but are usable in UNION ALL).

If the result set has the same column name across tables, that name is used. If, however, the tables have different column names, DB2 generates a new column name. That column is then unusable in the ORDER BY clause or the FOR UPDATE clause.

If multiple set operations are used in a single query, those enclosed in parentheses are evaluated first. Then, the queries are evaluated in left-to-right order. However, all INTERSECT operations are performed before any UNION and EXCEPT operations. For example:

SELECT empno FROM   employee WHERE  workdept LIKE 'E%' UNION SELECT empno FROM   emp_act WHERE  projno IN ('IF1000', 'IF2000', 'AD3110') UNION VALUES ('AA0001'), ('AB0002'), ('AC0003')

The example above retrieves all employee IDs from the employee table that are in any department that starts with "E," as well as any employee IDs from the employee accounts (emp_act) table working in the projects 'IF1000', 'IF2000', and 'AD3110', and always includes employee IDs 'AA0001', 'AB0002', and 'AC0003'.


Not supported


Oracle supports the UNION and UNION ALL set operators using the basic ANSI SQL syntax:

<SELECT statement1> UNION [ALL] <SELECT statement2> UNION [ALL] ...

Oracle does not support the CORRESPONDING clause. UNION DISTINCT is not supported, but UNION is the functional equivalent. Oracle does not support UNION or UNION ALL on queries under the following circumstances:

  • Queries containing columns of LONG, BLOB, CLOB, BFILE, or VARRAY datatype.

  • Queries containing a FOR UPDATE clause or a TABLE collection expression.

If the first query in the set operation contains any expressions in the select item list, then include the AS statement to associate an alias with the column. Also, only the last query in the set operation may contain an ORDER BY clause. For example, you could find out all unique store IDs without duplicates using this query:

SELECT stor_id FROM stores UNION SELECT stor_id FROM sales;


PostgreSQL supports the UNION and UNION ALL set operators using the basic ANSI SQL syntax:

<SELECT statement1> UNION [ALL] <SELECT statement2> UNION [ALL] ...

PostgreSQL does not support UNION or UNION ALL on queries with a FOR UPDATE clause. PostgreSQL does not support the CORRESPONDING clause. UNION DISTINCT is not supported, but UNION is the functional equivalent.

The first query in the set operation may not contain an ORDER BY clause or a LIMIT clause. Subsequent queries in the UNION or UNION ALL set operation may contain these clauses, but such queries must be enclosed in parentheses. Otherwise, the rightmost occurrence of ORDER BY or LIMIT will be assumed to apply to the entire set operation.

For example, we could find all authors and all employees whose last name starts with "P":

SELECT a.au_lname FROM   authors AS a WHERE  a.au_lname LIKE 'P%' UNION SELECT e.lname FROM   employee AS e WHERE  e.lname LIKE 'W%';

SQL Server

SQL Server supports the UNION and UNION ALL set operators using the basic ANSI SQL syntax:

<SELECT statement1> UNION [ALL] <SELECT statement2> UNION [ALL] ...

SQL Server does not support the CORRESPONDING clause. UNION DISTINCT is not supported, but UNION is the functional equivalent.

You can use SELECT...INTO with UNION or UNION ALL, but INTO may only appear in the first query of the union. Special keywords, such as SELECT TOP and GROUP BY...WITH CUBE, are usable with all queries in a union. However, be sure to include them with all queries in the union. If you use SELECT TOP or GROUP BY...WITH CUBE in only one query, the operation will fail.

Each query in a union must contain the same number of columns. The datatypes of the columns do not have to be identical, but they must implicitly convert. For example, mixing VARCHAR and CHAR columns is acceptable. When returning data, SQL Server uses the larger of the two columns when evaluating the size of the columns returned in the result set. Thus, if a SELECT...UNION statement has a CHAR(5) column and a CHAR(10) column, it will display the data of both columns as a CHAR(10) column. Numeric columns are converted to and displayed as the most precise datatype in the union.

For example, the following query unions the results of two independent queries that use GROUP BY...WITH CUBE:

SELECT ta.au_id, COUNT(ta.au_id) FROM   pubs..titleauthor AS ta JOIN   pubs..authors     AS a ON a.au_id = ta.au_id WHERE  ta.au_id >= '722-51-5454' GROUP  BY ta.au_id WITH CUBE UNION SELECT ta.au_id, COUNT(ta.au_id) FROM   pubs..titleauthor AS ta JOIN   pubs..authors     AS a ON a.au_id = ta.au_id WHERE  ta.au_id < '722-51-5454' GROUP  BY ta.au_id WITH CUBE

See also

UPDATE Statement

The UPDATE statement changes existing data in a table. Use great caution when issuing an UPDATE statement without a WHERE clause, since the statement then affects every row in the entire table.




Supported, with variations


Supported, with variations


Supported, with variations


Supported, with variations

SQL Server

Supported, with variations

SQL2003 Syntax

UPDATE [ONLY] {table_name | view_name} SET {{column_name = { ARRAY [array_val [,...] ] | DEFAULT |    NULL | scalar_expression},       column_name = { ARRAY | DEFAULT |    NULL | scalar_expression}       [,...] }     | ROW = row_expression } [ WHERE search_condition | WHERE CURRENT OF cursor_name ]



Restricts cascading of the updated values to any subtables of the target table or view. ONLY effects only typed (object-oriented) tables and views. If used with a nontyped table or view, it causes an error.

table_name | view_name

The target table or view of the update statement. You need appropriate permissions on the target according to the rules of the platform. Updates against views often have special rules. Generally, it is only advisable to perform an UPDATE against a view if the view is representative of a single table.


Assigns a specific value to a column or row.


Used in conjunction with SET, as in SET column1= 'foo'. Allows you to set a new value for the specified column. You can update as many columns as you like in one statement, though you cannot update the same column more than once in a single statement.

ARRAY [array_val [,...] ]

Assigns the column to an array value or to an empty array (using ARRAY[ ]). This behavior is not widely supported by DBMS platforms.


Sets the column to NULL.


Sets the column to its default value as defined by a DEFAULT specification.


Sets the column to any single value expression, such as a literal string or numeric value, a scalar function, or a scalar subquery.


Used in conjunction with SET is a mutually exclusive option to SET column_name, as in SET ROW = ROW('foo','bar'). This behavior is not widely supported by DBMS platforms.


Used to set a value for each and every column in the table.

WHERE search_condition

Defines search criteria for the UPDATE statement using the search_condition to ensure that only the target rows are updated. Any legal WHERE clause is acceptable. Typically, these criteria are evaluated against each row of the table before the update is applied. If the search criteria is a subquery, the subquery is executed on each row potentially a long-running process.

WHERE CURRENT OF cursor_name

Restricts the UPDATE statement to the current row of a defined and opened cursor called cursor_name.

Rules at a Glance

The UPDATE statement can be used to modify the value of one or more columns of a table or view at a time. Typically, you will update the values in one or more rows at a time. The new values must be scalar (except in row expressions and arrays). That is, the new value must have a single, constant value at the time the transaction is executed, though it can be literal or derived from a function call or subquery.

A basic UPDATE statement without a WHERE clause looks like this:

UPDATE authors SET contract = 0

Without a WHERE clause, all authors in the authors table have their contract status set to zero (meaning they don't have a contract any more). Similarly, values can be adjusted mathematically with an UPDATE statement:

UPDATE titles SET price = price * 1.1

This UPDATE statement would increase all book prices by 10%.

You can set multiple values in one statement as here, where we set all author last name and first names to uppercase letters:

UPDATE authors SET au_lname = UPPER(au_lname),    au_fname = UPPER(au_fname);

Adding a WHERE clause to an UPDATE statement allows records in the table to be modified selectively:

UPDATE titles SET    type  = 'pers_comp',        price = (price * 1.15) WHERE  type  = 'popular_com';

The above query makes two changes to any record of the type 'popular_com'. The command increases their price by 15% and alters their type to 'pers_comp'.

You can also invoke functions or subqueries to derive the values used in an UPDATE statement. In some cases, you may wish to update the specific row that is being processed by a declared and open cursor. The following example shows both concepts:

UPDATE titles SET ytd_sales = (SELECT SUM(qty)                                FROM sales                                WHERE title_id = 'TC7777') WHERE CURRENT OF title_cursor;

This query assumes that you have declared and opened a cursor named title_cursor and that it is processing titles with an ID of TC7777.

Sometimes you need to update values in a given table based on the values stored in another table. For example, if you need to update the publication date for all the titles written by a certain author, you might find the author and list of titles first through subqueries:

UPDATE titles SET    pubdate = 'Jan 01 2002' WHERE  title_id IN     (SELECT title_id      FROM   titleauthor      WHERE  au_id IN          (SELECT au_id           FROM   authors           WHERE  au_lname = 'White'))

Programming Tips and Gotchas

The UPDATE statement alters values in existing records of a table or view. If you update a view, the view should include all necessary (NOT NULL) columns, or else the statement may fail. Columns with a DEFAULT value can usually be safely omitted.

The SET ROW clause is not widely supported among DBMS platforms. Avoid this clause. The WHERE CURRENT OF clause is more commonly implemented on DBMS platforms, but must be used in conjunction with a cursor. Make sure you understand the use and functionality of cursors before using this clause.

In an interactive user session, it is good practice to issue a SELECT statement using the same WHERE clause before issuing the actual UPDATE statement. This precaution enables you to check all rows in the result set before actually performing the UPDATE, helping ensure that you don't alter anything you don't mean to.


DB2 supports most of the standard structures found in the ANSI standard. It includes transaction control features using a transaction isolation level clause (the WITH clause), as well as typed table and view modification, but does not include the SET ROW clause.

UPDATE [ONLY] ({table_name | view_name}) AS alias SET { {column_name1  = { DEFAULT | NULL | expression },        column_name2  = { DEFAULT | NULL | expression }        [,...] } |       { (column_name1[..attribute_name],           column_name2[..attribute_name][,...]) =         ({DEFAULT | NULL | expression},           {DEFAULT | NULL | expression}[,...]) |            SELECT statement  } [WHERE {search_conditions | CURRENT OF cursor_name}] [WITH { RR | RS | CS | UR }]


AS alias

Specifies an alias for the target table or view. This is useful for UPDATE statements that involve lengthy WHERE clauses or correlated subqueries.


Specifies the attribute_name when updating a column that is a structured type.


Controls the transaction isolation level for the update statement (RR is repeatable read, RS is read stability, CS is cursor stability, and UR is uncommitted read). See SET TRANSACTION for details on DB2's transaction isolation levels.

The UPDATE statement must have only one value assignment per column. A column value can be set only once in an UPDATE statement. If any values of the update violate a constraint on the table or otherwise cause an error, then none of the columns are updated. When updating the value of an identity column to the current identity value, just use DEFAULT for that column. (DB2 fully supports updates on structure types, but they are neither commonly used nor quick and easy to explain. Refer to the DB2 documentation for more details on updating structured types.) DB2 allows parenthetical SET clauses where multiple target columns and values are assessed at once (see example later).

DB2 not only allows updates against standard tables and views, but also against typed (object-oriented) tables and views. (Refer to CREATE TABLE and CREATE TYPE for more details on these.) There are some special rules for updating against typed tables and views:

  • The object ID column is not updateable.

  • ..attribute_name must be used in conjunction with a column_name that was previously defined as a user-defined structured type. The attribute_name must be an attribute of the structured type identified as column_name.

  • Updating the column distribution statistics of a typed table requires specification of the subtable that first introduced the column.

  • Multiple attribute assignments on the same structured type column occur in left-to-right order for a SET clause in parentheses, or else in the order specified in the SET clause.

  • The same column may appear many times in a single UPDATE statement as long as each appearance sets a value for a specific attribute_name.

Updating the URL value of DATALINK columns is the same as deleting and then re-inserting them. Updating a DATALINK column with NULL is the same as deleting it. Updating the comment value of a DATALINK without relinking requires passing an empty string for the URL value.

Here are two examples that show how DB2 updates multiple values at once using the standard SET clause:

UPDATE employee SET job=NULL, salary=0, bonus=0, comm=0 WHERE workdept = 'E21'   AND job <> 'MANAGER'

This statement could also be written using a parenthetical SET clause, as follows:

UPDATE employee SET (job, salary, bonus, comm) = (NULL, 0, 0, 0) WHERE workdept = 'E21'   AND job <> 'MANAGER'

Here is an example of a DB2 update against a base table on a type called circles. The circles attributes are owner, radius, X-axis center, and Y-axis center. Since the column C is defined as a type of circle, the UPDATE statement is changing the attributes of a single column:




MySQL supports the ANSI standard with a few variations, including the LOW PRIORITY clause, the IGNORE clause, and the LIMIT clause:

UPDATE [LOW PRIORITY] [IGNORE] table_name SET column_name = {scalar_expression}     [,...] WHERE search_conditions [ORDER BY column_name1 [{ASC | DESC}] [,...] ] [LIMIT integer]



Tells MySQL to delay the execution of the UPDATE statement until no other client is reading from the table.


Tells MySQL to ignore any duplicate key errors generated by PRIMARY KEY and UNIQUE constraints. However, only records that don't generate such errors will be updated.


Tells MySQL to update the rows in the specified order (ascending or descending) of the columns specified.

LIMIT integer

Restricts the UPDATE action to a specific number of rows as designated by the integer value.

MySQL supports DEFAULT value assignment in the INSERT statement, but not currently in the UPDATE statement.

The following UPDATE would increase all prices in the titles table by 1:

UPDATE titles SET price = price + 1;

The following example limits the UPDATE to the first 10 records encountered in the titles table according to title_id. Also, the value of price is updated twice. Those two updates of price are assessed from left to right. First, the price is doubled, then it is increased by 1:

UPDATE titles SET price = price * 2,     price = price + 1 ORDER BY title_id LIMIT 10;


The Oracle implementation of UPDATE allows updates against views, materialized views, subqueries, and tables in an allowable schema:

UPDATE [ONLY]  { [schema.]{view_name | materialized_view_name |     table_name}       [@database_link] [alias]       {[PARTITION (partition_name)] |        [SUBPARTITION (subpartition_name)]}    | subquery [WITH {[READ ONLY] | [CHECK OPTION [CONSTRAINT constraint_name] ]    | [TABLE (collection_expression_name) [ (+) ] ] } SET {column_name1 [,...] = {expression [,...] | subquery} |          VALUE [(alias)] = { value | (subquery)},     {column_name1 [,...] = {expression [,...] | subquery} |          VALUE [(alias)] = { value | (subquery)},     [,...] WHERE search_conditions | CURRENT OF cursor_name} RETURNING expression [,...] INTO variable [,...];

Syntax elements for Oracle's version of UPDATE are:


Tells Oracle not to update rows from any subviews. Applies only to views that belong to a hierarchy.


Applies the update statement to a pre-existing snapshot.


Applies the update statement to a view or table on a remote server made available through a pre-existing database link


Specifies an alias for the table being updated. Oracle allows table aliases, but does not support the AS keyword with UPDATE statements. Aliases can also be supplied for the VALUE clause of an UPDATE statement.


Applies the update to a named partition, rather than to an entire table. You are not required to name a partition when updating a partitioned table, but doing so can, in many cases, help reduce the complexity of your WHERE clause.


Applies the update to a named subpartition, rather than to an entire table.


Specifies that the subquery cannot be updated. In some cases, an UPDATE transaction may actually alter the records used in a subquery. The WITH READ ONLY clause prevents this from happening.


Tells Oracle to abort any changes to the updated table that would not appear in the result set of the subquery.


Tells Oracle to further restrict changes based upon a specific constraint.


Allows you to set the entire row value for any TABLE datatype. The SET VALUE clause is very similar to the ANSI SET ROW clause. You can also specify a subquery that retrieves all values needed by the SET VALUE clause.


Retrieves the rows affected by the command, whereas UPDATE normally only shows the number of rows updated. When used for a single-row update, the values of the row can be stored in PL/SQL variables and bind variables. When used for a multirow delete, the values of the rows are stored in bind arrays.


Indicates the variables into which the values brought back by the RETURNING clause should be stored.

Oracle has some important rules about issuing UPDATE statements:

  • UPDATE statements are not allowed against tables or the base tables of views containing a domain index with a status of FAILED or IN PROGRESS. UPDATE statements are also not allowed against any table having an index partition with a status of UNUSABLE. (You can avoid the index partition problem by setting the SKIP_UNUSABLE_INDEXES session parameter to TRUE.)

  • Updates against views can be problematic if a view's defining query contains a join, an aggregate function, a set operator, the DISTINCT keyword, an ORDER BY clause, a GROUP BY clause, a CONNECT BY clause, a START WITH clause, an analytical function, a collection expression, or a subquery. (Under these circumstances, you can use an INSTEAD OF trigger to update the tables underlying a view.)

The following code snippets show some examples of the extensions that Oracle offers in the UPDATE statement. To begin with, assume that the sales table has grown into a large partitioned table. You can update a specific partition using the PARTITON clause, for example:

UPDATE sales PARTITION (sales_yr_2004) s    SET s.payterms = 'Net 60'  WHERE qty > 100;

You can also use the SET VALUE clause to supply a new value for each column in the row identified by the WHERE clause:

UPDATE big_sales bs    SET VALUE(bs) = (SELECT VALUE(s) FROM sales s                      WHERE bs.title_id = s.title_id)                        AND bs.stor_id  = s.stor_id)  WHERE bs.title_id = 'TC7777';

You can return values for review after an update by using the RETURNING clause. The following example updates one row, placing the updated values into PL/SQL variables:

UPDATE employee    SET job_id = 13, job_level = 140  WHERE last_name = 'Josephs' RETURNING last_name, job_id

     INTO :var1, :var2;


PostgreSQL supports the ANSI standard UPDATE syntax with a couple of small variations. PostgreSQL supports the addition of a FROM clause. PostgreSQL's other variations include no support for the ARRAY keyword, but support for an array functionality. PostgreSQL's UPDATE syntax is:

UPDATE [ONLY] {table_name | view_name} SET column_name1 = {DEFAULT | NULL | scalar_expression },     column_name2 = {DEFAULT | NULL | scalar_expression }     [,...] [FROM {table1 [AS alias], table2 [AS alias] [,...]}] [ WHERE search_condition | WHERE CURRENT OF cursor_name ]

Most syntax elements are the same as in the ANSI standard. The only non-standard element is:


Provides the ability to build highly selective join-based criteria when determining which rows to update. FROM is not needed when only one table, the target table, is used to determine the rows updated.

In the following example, we want to update job_lvl for employees who have a job_id of 12 and a min_lvl of 25. We could do this with a large, complex subquery, or we could use the FROM clause to enable us to build a join:

UPDATE employee    SET job_lvl = 80   FROM employee AS e, jobs AS j  WHERE e.job_id = j.job_id    AND j.job_id  = 12    AND j.min_lvl = 25;

All other aspects of the ANSI standard are fully supported.

SQL Server

SQL Server supports most of the basic components of the ANSI UPDATE statement, but it does not support the ONLY and ARRAY keywords, nor does it support array update functionality. SQL Server has extended the capabilities of UPDATE by adding table hints using the WITH clause, query hints using the OPTION clause, as well as more robust variable handling, as follows:

UPDATE {table_name | view_name | rowset} [WITH (hint1, hint2 [,...])] SET {column_name = {DEFAULT | NULL | scalar_expression }    | variable_name = scalar_expression    | variable_name = column_name = scalar_expression } [,...] [FROM {table1 | view1 | nested_table1 | rowset1} [,...]]    [AS alias] [JOIN {table2 [,...]}] WHERE {conditions | CURRENT OF [GLOBAL] cursor_name} [OPTION (hint1, hint2 [,...])]

SQL Server's UPDATE syntax elements are as follows:

WITH hint

Allows the use of table hints to override the default behavior of the query optimizer. Since the query optimizer is quite good at choosing query plans, use hints only with a deep understanding of the tables, indexes, and data affected by the operation. Without this understanding, including hints could result in a decrease rather than an increase in performance.


SQL Server variables must be declared prior to the UPDATE statement in the form of DECLARE @variable. The construct SET @variable = column1 = expression1 sets a variable to the final value of an updated column, whereas SET @variable = column1, column1 = expression sets the variable to the value of the column before execution of the UPDATE statement.


Provides the ability to build highly selective join-based criteria when determining which rows to update. FROM is not needed when only one table, the target table, is used to determine the rows updated. SQL Server rowset functions are described in the SELECT Statement section.

AS alias

Allows you to assign an easy-to-use alias to the table, view, nested table subquery, or rowset function.


Provides the ability to use ANSI standard syntax for joined tables, in conjunction with the FROM clause.


A slight variation on the ANSI standard WHERE CURRENT OF clause. The clause WHERE CURRENT OF cursor_name, when used in combination with a cursor, tells SQL Server to update only the single record where the cursor is currently positioned. The cursor is assumed to be a local cursor, but can be designated a global cursor by using the keyword GLOBAL.


Allows the use of query hints to override the default behavior of the query optimizer. Like the WITH clause, which uses table hints, use query hints only with a deep understanding of the tables, indexes, and data affected by the operation. Without this understanding, including hints could result in a decrease rather than an increase in performance.

The primary extension to the ANSI standard that Microsoft SQL Server offers in an UPDATE statement is a FROM clause. This FROM clause allows the use of the JOIN statement to make it especially easy to update rows in the target table by correlating rows declared in the FROM clause to the rows updated by the UPDATE table_name component of the statement. The following example shows an update using the ANSI style and a rather cumbersome subquery, followed by an update using SQL Server's FROM clause extension, to update the result of a table join. Both statements accomplish the same work, but in very different ways:

-- ANSI style UPDATE titles SET    pubdate = GETDATE() WHERE  title_id IN     (SELECT title_id      FROM   titleauthor      WHERE  au_id IN          (SELECT au_id           FROM   authors           WHERE  au_lname = 'White')) -- Microsoft Transact-SQL style UPDATE titles SET    pubdate = GETDATE() FROM   authors AS a JOIN   titleauthor AS t2 ON a.au_id = t2.au_id WHERE  t2.title_id = titles.title_id   AND a.au_lname  = 'White'

Performing this update using the Transact-SQL style is simply a matter of joining two tables authors and titleauthor to the titles table. To perform the same operation using ANSI-compliant code, the au_id in author must first be found and passed up to the titleauthors table, and then the title_id must be identified and passed up to the main update statement.

The following example updates the state column for the first 10 authors from the authors table:

UPDATE authors SET state = 'ZZ' FROM (SELECT TOP 10 * FROM authors ORDER BY au_lname) AS t1 WHERE authors.au_id = t1.au_id

The important thing to note about this example is that it is normally difficult to update the first n records in an UPDATE statement unless there is some explicit row sequence you can identify in the WHERE clause. However, the nested table subquery in the FROM clause uses a TOP keyword to return on the first 10 records, thereby saving a lot of added programming that would otherwise be required.

See Also

WHERE Clause

The WHERE clause sets the search criteria for an operation such as SELECT, UPDATE, or DELETE. Any records in the target table(s) that do not meet the search criteria are excluded from the operation. The search conditions may include many variations such as calculations, Boolean operators, and SQL predicates (for example, LIKE or BETWEEN).











SQL Server


SQL2003 Syntax

 { WHERE search_criteria | WHERE CURRENT OF cursor_name } 


WHERE search_criteria

Defines search criteria for the statement to ensure that only the target rows are affected.

WHERE CURRENT OF cursor_name

Restricts the operation of the statement to the current row of a defined and opened cursor called cursor_name.

Rules at a Glance

WHERE clauses are found in SELECT statements, DELETE statements, INSERT...SELECT statements, UPDATE statements, and any statement that might have a query or subquery such as DECLARE, CREATE TABLE, CREATE VIEW, and so forth. The search conditions, all of which are described in their own entries elsewhere in the book, can include:

All records (=ALL, >ALL, <= ALL, SOME/ANY)

For example, to see publishers who live in the same city as their authors:

SELECT pub_name FROM   publishers WHERE city = SOME (SELECT city FROM authors);

Combinations (AND, OR, and NOT) and evaluation hierarchy

For example, to see all authors with sales in quantities greater than or equal to 75 units, or secondary authors with a royalty of greater than or equal to 60:

SELECT a.au_id FROM   authors AS a JOIN titleauthor AS ta ON a.au_id = ta.au_id WHERE  ta.title_id IN (SELECT title_id FROM sales                        WHERE qty >= 75)    OR  (a.au_id  IN (SELECT au_id FROM titleauthor                      WHERE royaltyper >= 60)   AND   a.au_id  IN (SELECT au_id FROM titleauthor                      WHERE au_ord = 2));

See Programming Tips and Gotchas next, for more information.

Comparison operators (such as =, < >, <, >, <=, and >=).

For example, to see author's last and first name from the authors table for authors who don't have a contract (i.e., contract value of zero):

SELECT au_lname, au_fname FROM   authors WHERE  contract = 0;

Lists (IN and NOT IN).

For example, to see all authors who do not yet have a title in the titleauthors table:

SELECT au_fname, au_lname FROM   authors WHERE au_id NOT IN (SELECT au_id FROM titleauthor);

NULL comparisons (IS NULL and IS NOT NULL)

For example, to see titles that have NULL year-to-date sales:

SELECT title_id, SUBSTRING(title, 1, 25) AS title FROM   titles WHERE ytd_sales IS NULL;

Be sure not to specify = NULL in a query. NULL is unknown and can never be equal to anything. Using = NULL is not the same as specifying the IS NULL operator. Refer to the section IS Operator, earlier in this chapter, for more information.

Pattern matches (LIKE and NOT LIKE)

For example, to see authors whose last names start with a "C":

SELECT au_id FROM   authors WHERE au_lname LIKE 'C%';

Range operations (BETWEEN and NOT BETWEEN)

For example, to see authors with last names between "Smith" and "White":

SELECT au_lname, au_fname FROM   authors WHERE  au_lname BETWEEN 'smith' AND 'white';

Programming Tips and Gotchas

The WHERE clause may require special handling when dealing with certain datatypes, such as LOBs or certain character sets like UNICODE.

Parentheses are used to control evaluation hierarchy within a WHERE clause. Encapsulating a clause within parentheses tells the DBMS to evaluate that clause before others. Parentheses can be nested to create a hierarchy of evaluations. The innermost parenthetical clause will be evaluated first. You should watch parentheses very carefully for two reasons:

  • You must always have an equal number of opening and closing parentheses. Any imbalance in the number of opening and closing parentheses will cause an error.

  • You should be careful where you place parentheses, since misplacing a parenthesis can dramatically change the result set of your query.

For example, consider again the following query, which returns six rows in the pubs database on the SQL Server platform:

SELECT DISTINCT a.au_id FROM   authors AS a JOIN   titleauthor AS ta ON a.au_id = ta.au_id WHERE  ta.title_id IN (SELECT title_id FROM sales                        WHERE qty >= 75)    OR  (a.au_id  IN (SELECT au_id FROM titleauthor                      WHERE royaltyper >= 60)   AND   a.au_id  IN (SELECT au_id FROM titleauthor                      WHERE au_ord = 2))

The output from this query is as follows:

au_id ----------- 213-46-8915 724-80-9391 899-46-2035 998-72-3567

Changing just one set of parenthesis produces different results:

SELECT DISTINCT a.au_id FROM   authors AS a JOIN titleauthor AS ta ON a.au_id = ta.au_id WHERE  (ta.title_id IN (SELECT title_id FROM sales                        WHERE qty >= 75)    OR  a.au_id  IN (SELECT au_id FROM titleauthor                      WHERE royaltyper >= 60))   AND   a.au_id  IN (SELECT au_id FROM titleauthor                      WHERE au_ord = 2)

This time, the output will look like this:

au_id ----------- 213-46-8915 724-80-9391 899-46-2035


Supported as described above.


Supported as described above.


Supported as described above.


Supported as described above.

SQL Server

Supported as described above.

See Also


SQL in a Nutshell
SQL in a Nutshell (In a Nutshell (OReilly))
ISBN: 0596518846
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 78

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