Index N


Nagle algorithm, 538–39

Name resolvers, 113–14

Name servers, 112–13

Name-to-address mapping, 105–22

National Bureau of Standards (NBS), 16

NetBios Names Service (NBNS), 121

Netscape/iPlanet Directory Server, 130

Netstat, 690–91

defined, 690

MS-DOS option definitions, 690

using, 690–91

See also Software diagnostic tools

NetView, 637, 674

Network Access Point (NAP), 527, 533

Network addressing models, 14

Network Address Translation (NAT), 74, 133–37

addresses, 135

checksum fixes and, 136

concepts, 135

configuration illustration, 327

DAT, 134

defined, 133

embedded addresses and, 136

IP fragmentation and, 136

issues, 135–36

Load Share (LSNAT), 511–12

load-sharing proxies, 454

modes, 133–34

operation, 133

operations, 135

PAT, 134

performance issues, 136–37

preconfiguration, 327

SAT, 133–34

security issues, 137, 327–28

Network Attached Storage (NAS), 544–45

Network design, 1–2

cut-price, 8

as cyclic process, 3

defined, 1

elements, 2

feedback, 15

good, 1–2

illustrated, 4

implementation, 14–15

information gathering, 10–12

life cycle, 3–5

as living entities, 3

multicast, 239–300

planning, 12–14

process overview, 3–15

reliable, 391–469

requirements, 5–10

resilient, 464–69

secure, 305–87

sequence, 3–4

specifications, 13–14

suboptimal, 8

Networked system availability, 414–16

in parallel, 415

in parallel and in series, 416

in series, 414–15

Network File System (NFS), 35–36, 520

Network Information Center (NIC), 106

Network Information Service (NIS), 117, 122

Network Interface Cards (NICs), 431, 589

Network Layer

OSI reference model, 18

TCP/IP protocol suite, 27

Network management, 633–708

accounting management, 636

categories, 635–36

CMIS/CMIP, 661–67

configuration management, 635, 667–70

element, 675

fault management, 636

frameworks, 672–74

hierarchical, 675–77

implementation models, 675–78

implementations, 670–75

in-band, 677–78

as key concern, 633

NMS, 634–37

out-of-band, 677–78

performance management, 635–36

platforms, 670–75

policy-based, 699–707

RMON, 655–61

security management, 636

SNMP, 636, 637–55

station, 636

summary, 707–8

technologies, 634–78

troubleshooting tools, 679–99

vendor products, 672

Network management system (NMS), 36, 634–37

defined, 634

event logs, 679

GUI, 634, 635

monitoring, 679

network map, 634, 679

polling agents, 652

using, 679–80

Network News Transport Protocol (NNTP), 526


cost, 9

high-availability (HA), 391–92

LAN, 424–30

leaf, 267

NBMA, 66, 87, 200–201, 249

nonleaf, 267

optimization, 471–548

OSN, 400

OSPF, 193

SAN, 400

star, 418–20

VPN, 349–56, 380–86

WAN, 418–24

Network Service Access Points (NSAPs), 20

Noise, 461

NonBroadcast MultiAccess (NBMA) networks

adjacencies on, 200–201

ARP on, 87

multicast deployment issues, 249

scalability in, 66

Nonleaf network, 267

Nonrepudiation, 306

Non-volatile RAM (NVRAM), 463

Novell Directory Services (NDS), 130

Nslookup, 693–94

Data Networks. Routing, Seurity, and Performance Optimization
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