Chapter 18 -- Maintaining the Database Through Microsoft SQL Server

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Chapter 18

In Chapter 2, we outlined the prerequisites for the SQL server to successfully host the Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS) 2.0 database. Let's recap those requirements here. Recall that to use SMS 2.0, you must have installed either Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 with Service Pack 4 or later or Microsoft SQL Server 7.0. SQL Server can be installed either on its own server or on the same computer as the site server. The decision as to which location is more appropriate depends on many factors, not the least of which are the performance capabilities of the server itself.

The same decision also affects the way in which the SMS 2.0 installation will proceed. If SQL Server is installed on the same server as SMS 2.0, the SMS Setup program can create the necessary database devices and files for you. If SQL Server is installed on a different server, you will need to define those devices and files prior to installing SMS.

There are several SQL parameters which affect the way the SMS database is handled by SQL Server. Some of those parameters, such as the number of open connections and the amount of memory allocated, were discussed in Chapter 2. Other parameters will be discussed in this chapter.

In this chapter we will focus on some specific tasks and terms, beginning with the SQL Server components used by the SMS database. Then we'll look at the management tools available in SQL Server and discuss how to maintain the SMS database using SQL Server 6.5 and 7.0. Last we'll explore how to modify SQL Server parameters and how to solve the problems that might occur in your SQL server. The intent of this chapter is not to teach you all there is to know about SQL Server. Plenty of good books and courses on SQL Server are available to provide you with that information. Here, however, we will explore how to maintain the SMS database through SQL Server.

It is possible to install and use SMS 2.0 without a working knowledge of SQL Server, but in the long run you will need to master at least SQL Server administration tasks. SMS 2.0 is not itself a database server; instead, it acts as a front end to the SMS database maintained in SQL Server. Therefore, many database maintenance tasks will need to be initiated through SQL Server. Consider taking a class about SQL Server administration, such as Microsoft Official Curriculum (MOC) 832, "System Administration for Microsoft SQL 7.0," or MOC 867, "System Administration for Microsoft SQL 6.5" prior to implementing a multitiered SMS site structure. Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Administrator's Companion (available through Microsoft Press) is also a good source of information regarding the execution of administrative tasks.

Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0 Administrator's Companion
Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0 Administrators Companion (IT-Administrators Companion)
ISBN: 0735608342
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 1999
Pages: 167 © 2008-2017.
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