Socket Options

Socket Options

The getsockopt function is most frequently used to get information about the given socket. The prototype for this function is

int getsockopt (     SOCKET s,      int level,      int optname,      char FAR* optval,      int FAR* optlen );

The first parameter, s, is the socket on which you want to perform the specified option. This must be a valid socket for the given protocol you are using. A number of options are specific to a particular protocol and socket type, while others pertain to all types of sockets. This ties in with the second parameter, level. An option of level SOL_SOCKET means it is a generic option that isn't necessarily specific to a given protocol. We say “necessarily” because not all protocols implement each socket option of level SOL_SOCKET. For example, SO_BROADCAST puts the socket into broadcast mode, but not all supported protocols support the notion of broadcast sockets. The optname parameter is the actual option you are interested in. These option names are constant values defined in the Winsock header files. The most common and protocol-independent options (such as those with the SOL_SOCKET level) are defined in WINSOCK.H and WINSOCK2.H. Each specific protocol has its own header file that defines options specific to it. Finally, the optval and optlen parameters are the variables returned with the value of the desired option. In most cases—but not all—the option value is an integer.

The setsockopt function is used to set socket options on either a socket level or a protocol-specific level. The function is defined as

int setsockopt (     SOCKET s,      int level,      int optname,      const char FAR * optval,      int optlen );

The parameters are the same as in getsockopt except that you pass in a value as the optval and optlen parameters, which are the values to set for the specified option. As with getsockopt, optval is often, but not always, an integer. Consult each option for the specifics on what is passed as the option value.

The most common mistake associated with calling either getsockopt or setsockopt is attempting to obtain socket information for a socket whose underlying protocol doesn't possess that particular characteristic. For example, a socket of type SOCK_STREAM is not capable of broadcasting data; therefore, attempting to set or get the SO_BROADCAST option results in the error WSAENOPROTOOPT.

SOL_SOCKET Option Level

This section describes the socket options that return information based on the socket's characteristics and are not specific to that socket's protocol.


optval Type


Winsock Version



Get only


If TRUE, socket is in listening mode.

If the socket has been put into listening mode by the listen function, this option returns TRUE. Sockets of type SOCK_DGRAM do not support this option.


optval Type


Winsock Version





If TRUE, socket is configured for sending broadcast messages.

If the given socket has been configured for sending or receiving broadcast data, querying this socket option returns TRUE. Use setsockopt with SO_BROADCAST to enable broadcast capabilities on the socket. This option is valid for sockets that aren't of type SOCK_STREAM.

Broadcasting is the capability to send data so that every machine on the local subnet receives the data. Of course, there must be some process on each machine that listens for incoming broadcast data. The drawback of broadcasting is that if many processes are all sending broadcast data, the network can become saturated and network performance suffers. To receive a broadcast message, you must enable the broadcast option and then use one of the datagram receive functions, such as recvfrom or WSARecvfrom. You can also connect the socket to the broadcast address by calling connect or WSAConnect and then use recv or WSARecv. For UDP broadcasts, you must specify a port number to send the datagram to; likewise, the receiver must request to receive the broadcast data on that port also. The following code example illustrates how to send a broadcast message with UDP.

SOCKET       s; BOOL         bBroadcast; char         *sMsg = "This is a test"; SOCKADDR_IN bcast; s = WSASocket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0, NULL, 0, WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED); bBroadcast = TRUE; setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, (char *)&bBroadcast,     sizeof(BOOL)); bcast.sin_family = AF_INET; bcast.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(INADDR_BROADCAST); bcast.sin_port = htons(5150); sendto(s, sMsg, strlen(sMsg), 0, (SOCKADDR *)&bcast, sizeof(bcast));

For UDP, a special broadcast address exists to which broadcast data should be sent. This address is A #define directive for INADDR_BROADCAST is provided to make things a bit simpler and easier to read.

AppleTalk is another protocol capable of sending broadcast messages. AppleTalk also has a special address used by broadcast data. You learned in Chapter 4 that an AppleTalk address has three parts: network, node, and socket (destination). For broadcasting, set the destination to ATADDR_BROADCAST (0xFF), which causes the datagram to be sent to all endpoints on the given network.

Normally, you need to set only the SO_BROADCAST option when sending broadcast datagrams. To receive a broadcast datagram, you need to be listening only for incoming datagrams on that specified port. However, on Windows 95 when using IPX, the receiving socket must set the SO_BROADCAST option in order to receive broadcast data, as described in Knowledge Base article Q137914, which can be found at This is a bug in Windows 95.


optval Type


Winsock Version





Allows true connection acceptance or rejection from WSAAccept.

This option allows applications to conditionally accept or reject incoming connections at the protocol level. For example, by default, this option is off for TCP and any incoming SYN packet is acknowledged with an ACK+SYN even if the application has not called the accept, WSAAccept, or AcceptEx functions. When this option is enabled, the connection is not acknowledged until the application calls one of the accept functions. In the case of WSAAccept and a conditional accept function, the connection is not acknowledged until the conditional accept function returns CF_ACCEPT. This option must be set before the listen call.

The drawback to enabling this is if the application does not post an accept or return CF_ACCEPT in a timely fashion, the client's connection request will time out with an error (WSAETIMEDOUT). For TCP/IP this option is off by default while for ATM, it is enabled by default. This option is available on Windows 2000 and later versions.


optval Type


Winsock Version



Get only


Returns the number of seconds the socket has been connected

SO_CONNECT_TIME is a Microsoft-specific option that returns the number of seconds a connection has been established. The most frequent use of this option is with the AcceptEx function. AcceptEx requires that a valid socket handle be passed for the incoming client connection. This option can be called on the client's SOCKET handle to determine whether the connection has been made and how long it has been established. If the socket is not currently connected, the value returned is 0xFFFFFFFF.

This option is especially relevant in the case of AcceptEx. If an application posts an AcceptEx with a receive buffer, then the AcceptEx will not complete until data is received on the client connection. A malicious application could perform a denial of service attack by making many connections without sending data. To prevent this, the server should cycle through all client sockets outstanding in AcceptEx calls to see if they have been connected but the accept has not completed. Refer to Chapter 6 for more details.


optval Type


Winsock Version





If TRUE, debug output is enabled.

Winsock service providers are encouraged (but not required) to supply output debug information if the SO_DEBUG option is set by an application. How the debug information is presented depends on the underlying service provider's implementation. To turn debug information on, call setsockopt with SO_DEBUG and a Boolean variable set to TRUE. Calling getsockopt with SO_DEBUG returns TRUE or FALSE if debugging is enabled or disabled, respectively. Unfortunately, no Windows platform currently implements the SO_DEBUG option, as described in Knowledge Base article Q138965. No error is returned when the option is set, but the underlying network provider ignores the option.


optval Type


Winsock Version





If TRUE, SO_LINGER is disabled.

For protocols that support graceful socket connection closure, a mechanism is implemented so that if one or both sides close the socket, any data still pending or in transmission will be sent or received by both parties. It is possible, with setsockopt and the SO_LINGER option, to change this behavior so that after a specified period of time, the socket and all its resources will be torn down. Any pending or arriving data associated with that socket is discarded and the peer's connection is reset (WSAECONNRESET). The SO_DONTLINGER option can be checked to ensure that a linger period has not been set. Calling getsockopt with SO_DONTLINGER will return a Boolean TRUE or FALSE if a linger value is set or not set, respectively. A call to setsockopt with SO_DONTLINGER disables lingering. Sockets of type SOCK_DGRAM do not support this option.


optval Type


Winsock Version





If TRUE, messages are sent directly to the network interface without consulting the routing table.

The SO_DONTROUTE option tells the underlying network stack to ignore the routing table and to send the data out on the interface the socket is bound to. For example, if you create a IPv4 UDP socket and bind it to interface A and then send a packet destined for a machine on the network attached to interface B, the packet will in fact be routed so that it is sent on interface B. Using setsockopt with the Boolean value TRUE prevents this because the packet goes out on the bound interface. The getsockopt function can be called to determine if routing is enabled (which it is by default).

Calling this option on a Windows platform will succeed; however, the Microsoft provider silently ignores the request and always uses the routing table to determine the appropriate interface for outgoing data.


optval Type


Winsock Version



Get only


Returns the error status

The SO_ERROR option returns and resets the per-socket–based error code, which is different from the per-thread–based error code that is handled using the WSAGetLastError and WSASetLastError function calls. A successful call using the socket does not reset the per-socket–based error code returned by the SO_ERROR option. Calling this option will not fail; however, the error value is not always updated immediately, so there is a possibility of this option returning 0 (indicating no error). It is best to use WSAGetLastError.


optval Type


Winsock Version



Set only


If TRUE, the local port that the socket is bound to cannot be reused by another process.

This option is the complement of SO_REUSEADDR, which we will describe shortly. This option exists to prevent other processes from using the SO_REUSEADDR on a local address that your application is using. If two separate processes are bound to the same local address (assuming that SO_REUSEADDR is set earlier), which of the two sockets receives notifications for incoming connections is not defined. The SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE option locks down the local address to which the socket is bound, so if any other process tries to use SO_REUSEADDR with the same local address, that process fails. Administrator rights are required to set this option. It is available on only Windows 2000 or later versions.


optval Type


Winsock Version





If TRUE, socket is configured to send keepalive messages on the session.

For a TCP-based socket, an application can request that the underlying service provider enable the use of keepalive packets on TCP connections by turning on the SO_KEEPALIVE socket option. On Windows platforms, keep-alives are implemented in accordance with section of RFC 1122. If a connection is dropped as the result of keepalives, the error code WSAENETRESET is returned to any calls in progress on the socket, and any subsequent calls will fail with WSAENOTCONN. For the exact implementation details, consult the RFC. The important point is that keepalives are sent at intervals no less than two hours apart. The two-hour keepalive time is configurable via the Registry; however, changing the default value changes the keepalive behavior for all TCP connections on the system, which is generally discouraged. Another solution is to implement your own keepalive strategy. Sockets of type SOCK_DGRAM do not support this option.

The Registry keys for keepalives are KeepAliveInterval and KeepAliveTime. Both keys store values of type REG_DWORD in milliseconds. The former key is the interval separating keepalive retransmissions until a response is received; the latter entry controls how often TCP sends a keepalive packet in an attempt to verify that an ideal connection is still valid. In Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows Me, these keys are located under the following Registry path:


In Windows NT, store the keys under


In Windows 2000, a new socket ioctl command—SIO_KEEPALIVE_VALS —allows you to change the keepalive value and interval on a per-socket basis, as opposed to a system-wide basis. This ioctl command is described later in this chapter.


optval Type


Winsock Version





Sets or gets the current linger values linger

SO_LINGER controls the action taken when unsent data is queued on a socket and a closesocket is performed. A call to getsockopt with this socket option returns the current linger times in a linger structure, which is defined as

struct linger {      u_short l_onoff;      u_short l_linger; }

A nonzero value for l_onoff means that lingering is enabled, and l_linger is the timeout in seconds, at which point any pending data to be sent or received is discarded and the connection with the peer is reset. Conversely, you can call setsockopt to turn lingering on and specify the length of time before discarding any queued data. This is accomplished by setting the desired values in a variable of type struct linger. When setting a linger value with setsockopt, you must set the l_onoff field of the structure to a nonzero value. To turn lingering off once it has been enabled, you can call setsockopt with the SO_LINGER option and the l_onoff field of the linger structure set to 0, or call setsockopt with the SO_DONTLINGER option, passing the value TRUE for the optval parameter. Sockets of type SOCK_DGRAM do not support this option.

Setting the linger option directly affects how a connection behaves when the closesocket function is called. Table 7-1 lists these behaviors.

Table 7-1 Linger Options



Type of Close

Wait for Close?


Not applicable











If SO_LINGER is set with a zero timeout interval (that is, the linger structure member l_onoff is not 0 and l_linger is 0), closesocket is not blocked, even if queued data has not yet been sent or acknowledged. This is called a hard, or abortive, close because the socket's virtual circuit is reset immediately and any unsent data is lost. Any receive call on the remote side of the circuit fails with WSAECONNRESET.

If SO_LINGER is set with a nonzero timeout interval on a blocking socket, the closesocket call blocks on a blocking socket until the remaining data has been sent or until the timeout expires. This is called a graceful disconnect. If the timeout expires before all data has been sent, the Windows Sockets implementation terminates the connection before closesocket returns.


optval Type


Winsock Version


unsigned int

Get only


The maximum size of a message for a message-oriented socket

This is a get-only socket option that indicates the maximum outbound (send) size of a message for message-oriented socket types as implemented by a particular service provider. It has no meaning for byte-stream–oriented sockets.


optval Type


Winsock Version





If TRUE, any OOB data is returned in the normal data stream.

By default, OOB data is not inlined, so a call to a receive function (with the appropriate MSG_OOB flag set) returns the OOB data in a single call. If this option is set, the OOB data appears within the data stream returned from a receive call, and a call to ioctlsocket with the SIOCATMARK option is required to determine which byte is the OOB data. Sockets of type SOCK_DGRAM do not support this option. See Chapter 1 for more details on OOB data.


optval Type


Winsock Version





When set, subsequent calls to socket will return non-overlapped handles.

The socket API returns handles that are overlapped capable by default. However, if the socket is to be used in the C runtime routines, the socket must have been created without the overlapped flag. With Winsock 2, the WSASocket function can be called without specifying the WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED flag. Otherwise, this socket option may be set, which affects all subsequent calls to socket from the current thread so that non-overlapped handles are returned. To set this option, INVALID_SOCKET is passed for the SOCKET parameter to setsockopt with a non-zero optval. To change it back, specify a zero optval. A socket created non-overlapped cannot be used with an overlapped fashion (such as completion routines or completion ports)—the operation will fail.


optval Type


Winsock Version



Get only


Returns the Winsock catalog entry for the socket's protocol

This is another get-only option that fills in the supplied WSAPROTOCOL_ INFO structure with the characteristics of the protocol associated with the socket. See Chapter 2 for a description of the WSAPROTOCOL_INFO structure and its member fields.


optval Type


Winsock Version





Gets or sets the per-socket buffer size for receive operations

This is a simple option that either returns the size or sets the size of the buffer allocated to this socket for receiving data. When a socket is created, a send buffer and a receive buffer are assigned to the socket for sending and receiving data. When requesting to set the receive buffer size to a value, the call to setsockopt can succeed even when the implementation does not provide the entire amount requested. To ensure that the requested buffer size is allocated, call getsockopt to get the actual size allocated. All Windows platforms can get or set the receive buffer size except Windows CE, which does not allow you to change the value—you can get only the receive buffer size.

One possible reason for changing the buffer size is to tailor buffer sizes according to your application's behavior. For example, when writing code to receive UDP datagrams, you should generally make the receive buffer size an even multiple of the datagram size. For overlapped I/O, setting the buffer sizes to 0 can increase performance in certain situations; when the buffers are non-zero, an extra memory copy is involved in moving data from the system buffer to the user-supplied buffer. If there is no intermediate buffer, data is immediately copied to the user-supplied buffer. The one caveat is that this is efficient only with multiple outstanding receive calls. Posting only a single receive can hurt performance because the local system cannot accept any incoming data unless you have a buffer posted and ready to receive the data. Performance considerations are covered in Chapter 6.


optval Type


Winsock Version





Gets or sets the timeout value (in milliseconds) associated with receiving data on the socket

The SO_RCVTIMEO option sets the receive timeout value on a blocking socket. The timeout value is an integer in milliseconds that indicates how long a Winsock receive function should block when attempting to receive data. If you need to use the SO_RCVTIMEO option and you use the WSASocket function to create the socket, you must specify WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED as part of WSASocket's dwFlags parameter. Subsequent calls to any Winsock receive function (such as recv, recvfrom, WSARecv, or WSARecvFrom) block only for the amount of time specified. If no data arrives within that time, the call fails with the error 10060 (WSAETIMEDOUT). If the receiver operation does time out the socket is in an indeterminate state and should not be used.

For performance reasons, this option was disabled in Windows CE 2.1. If you attempt to set this option, it is silently ignored and no failure returns. Previous versions of Windows CE do implement this option.


optval Type


Winsock Version





If TRUE, the socket can be bound to an address already in use by another socket or to an address in the TIME_WAIT state.

By default, a socket cannot be bound to a local address that is already in use; however, occasionally it is necessary to reuse an address this way. A connection is uniquely identified by the combination of its local and remote addresses. As long as the address you are connecting to is unique in the slightest respect (such as a different port number in TCP/IP), the binding will be allowed.

The only exception is for a listening socket. Two separate sockets cannot bind to the same local interface (and port, in the case of TCP/IP) to await incoming connections. If two sockets are actively listening on the same port, the behavior is undefined as to which socket will receive notification of an incoming connection. The SO_REUSEADDR option is most useful in TCP when a server shuts down or exits abnormally so that the local address and port are in the TIME_WAIT state, which prevents any other sockets from binding to that port. By setting this option, the server can listen on the same local interface and port when it is restarted.


optval Type


Winsock Version





Gets or sets the per-socket buffer size for send operations

This is a simple option that either returns the size or sets the size of the buffer allocated to this socket for sending data. When a socket is created, a send buffer and a receive buffer are assigned to the socket for sending and receiving data. When requesting to set the size of the send buffer, the call to setsockopt can succeed even when the implementation does not provide the entire amount requested. To ensure that the requested buffer size is allocated, call getsockopt to get the actual size allocated. All Windows platforms can get or set the send buffer size except Windows CE, which does not allow you to change the value—you can get only the receive buffer size.

As with SO_RCVBUF, you can use the SO_SNDBUF option to set the size of the send buffer to 0. The advantage of the buffer size being 0 for blocking send calls is that when the call completes you know that your data is on the wire. Also, as in the case of a receive operation with a zero-length buffer, there is no extra memory copy of your data to system buffers. The drawback is that you lose the pipelining gained by the default stack buffering when the send buffers are nonzero in size. In other words, if you have a loop performing sends, the local network stack can copy your data to a system buffer to be sent when possible (depending on the I/O model being used). On the other hand, if your application is concerned with other logistics, disabling the send buffers can save you a few machine instructions in the memory copy. See Chapter 6 for more information.


optval Type


Winsock Version





Gets or sets the timeout value (in milliseconds) associated with sending data on the socket

The SO_SNDTIMEO option sets the timeout value on a blocking socket when calling a Winsock send function. The timeout value is an integer in milliseconds that indicates how long the send function should block when attempting to send data. If you need to use the SO_SNDTIMEO option and you use the WSASocket function to create the socket, you must specify WSA_FLAG_OVERLAPPED as part of WSASocket's dwFlags parameter. Subsequent calls to any Winsock send function (such as send, sendto, WSASend, or WSASendTo) block for only the amount of time specified. If the send operation cannot complete within that time, the call fails with error 10060 (WSAETIMEDOUT). If the send operation times out the socket is in an indeterminate state and should not be used.

For performance reasons, this option was disabled in Windows CE 2.1. If you attempt to set this option, the option is silently ignored and no failure is returned. Previous versions of Windows CE do implement this option.


optval Type


Winsock Version



Get only


Returns the socket type (for example, SOCK_DGRAM, SOCK_STREAM) of the given socket

The SO_TYPE option is a get-only option that simply returns the socket type of the given socket. The possible socket types are SOCK_DGRAM, SOCK_ STREAM, SOCK_SEQPACKET, SOCK_RDM, and SOCK_RAW.


optval Type


Winsock Version





Updates a client socket with the same properties of the listening socket

This option is a Microsoft-specific extension used in conjunction with the AcceptEx function. The unique characteristic of this function is that it is part of the Winsock 1 specification and allows the use of overlapped I/O for an accept call. The function takes the listening socket as a parameter as well as a socket handle that becomes the accepted client. This socket option must be set for the characteristics of the listening socket to be carried over to the client socket. This is particularly important for QOS–enabled listening sockets. For the client socket to be QOS-enabled, this option must be set. To set this option on a socket, use the listening socket as the SOCKET parameter to setsockopt and pass the accepting socket handle (for example, the client handle) as optval. This option is specific to Windows.


The following options are socket options specific to the AppleTalk protocol and can be used only with sockets created using socket or WSASocket with the AF_APPLETALK flag. A majority of the options listed here deal with either setting or obtaining AppleTalk names. For more information on the AppleTalk address family, refer back to Chapter 4. Some AppleTalk socket options—such as SO_DEREGISTER_NAME—have more than one option name. In such cases, all of the option's names can be used interchangeably.


optval Type


Winsock Version



Get only


Confirms that the given AppleTalk name is bound to the given address

The SO_CONFIRM_NAME option is used to verify that a given AppleTalk name is bound to the supplied address. This results in a Name Binding Protocol (NBP) lookup request being sent to the address to verify the name. If the call fails with the error WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL, the name is no longer bound to the address given.


optval Type


Winsock Version



Set only


Deregisters the given name from the network

This option is used to deregister a name from the network. If the name does not currently exist on the network, the call will return indicating success. Refer to the section entitled “Registering an AppleTalk Name” in Chapter 4 for a description of the WSH_REGISTER_NAME structure, which is simply another name for the WSH_NBP_NAME structure.


optval Type


Winsock Version



Get only


Returns the default zone on the network

This option returns the default zone on the network. The optval parameter to getsockopt should be a character string of at least 33 characters. Remember that the maximum length of an NBP name is MAX_ENTITY_LEN, which is defined as 32. The extra character is required for the null terminator.


optval Type


Winsock Version



Get only


Looks up a specified NBP name and returns the matching tuples of names and NBP information

This option is used to look up a specified name on the network (for example, when a client wants to connect to a server). The well-known textual name must be resolved to an AppleTalk address before a connection can be established. See the section “Resolving an AppleTalk Name” in Chapter 4 for sample code on how to look up an AppleTalk name.

One point to be aware of is that upon successful return, the WSH_NBP_ TUPLE structures occupy the space in the supplied buffer after the WSH_LOOKUP_NAME information. That is, you should supply getsockopt with a buffer large enough to hold the WSH_LOOKUP_NAME information at the start of the buffer and a number of WSH_NBP_TUPLE structures in the remaining space. Figure 7-1 illustrates how the buffer should be prepared prior to the call (with respect to WSH_LOOKUP_NAME) and where the WSH_NBP_TUPLE structures are placed upon return.

Figure 7-1 SO_LOOKUP_NAME buffer


optval Type


Winsock Version



Get only


Returns zone names from the Internet zone list

This option requires a buffer large enough to contain a WSH_LOOKUP_ ZONES structure at the head. Upon successful return, the space after the WSH_LOOKUP_ZONES structure contains the list of null-terminated zone names. The following code demonstrates how to use the SO_LOOKUP_ZONES option:

PWSH_LOOKUP_NAME     atlookup; PWSH_LOOKUP_ZONES    zonelookup; char                 cLookupBuffer[4096],                      *pTupleBuffer = NULL; atlookup = (PWSH_LOOKUP_NAME)cLookupBuffer; zonelookup = (PWSH_LOOKUP_ZONES)cLookupBuffer; ret = getsockopt(s, SOL_APPLETALK, SO_LOOKUP_ZONES, (char *)atlookup,      &dwSize); pTupleBuffer = (char *)cLookupBuffer + sizeof(WSH_LOOKUP_ZONES); for(i = 0; i < zonelookup->NoZones; i++) {     printf("%3d: '%s'\n", i + 1, pTupleBuffer);     while (*pTupleBuffer++); }


optval Type


Winsock Version



Get only


Returns a list of zone names known to the given adapter name

This option is similar to SO_LOOKUP_ZONES except that you specify the adapter name for which you want to obtain a list of zones local to the network that that adapter is connected to. Again, you must supply a sufficiently large buffer that has a WSH_LOOKUP_ZONES structure at the head. The returned list of null-terminated zone names begins in the space after the WSH_LOOKUP_ZONES structure. In addition, the name of the adapter must be passed in as a UNICODE string (WCHAR).


optval Type


Winsock Version



Set only


Returns the seeded values for the network as well as the default zone

This option returns the seeded values for the network numbers and a null-terminated ANSI string containing the default zone for the network on the indicated adapter. The adapter is passed as a UNICODE (WCHAR) string following the structure and is overwritten by the default zone upon function return. If the network is not seeded, the network range 1–0xFFFE is returned and the null-terminated ANSI string contains the default zone “*”.


optval Type


Winsock Version



Get only


Returns the PAP status from a given server

This option gets the Printer Access Protocol (PAP) status registered on the address specified in ServerAddr (usually obtained via an NBP lookup). The four reserved bytes correspond to the four reserved bytes in the PAP status packet. These will be in network byte order. A PAP status string can be arbitrary and is set with the option SO_PAP_SET_SERVER_STATUS, which we'll explain later in this chapter. The WSH_PAP_GET_SERVER_STATUS structure is defined as

#define    MAX_PAP_STATUS_SIZE        255 #define    PAP_UNUSED_STATUS_BYTES        4 typedef struct _WSH_PAP_GET_SERVER_STATUS {     SOCKADDR_AT            ServerAddr;     UCHAR                  Reserved[PAP_UNUSED_STATUS_BYTES];     UCHAR                  ServerStatus[MAX_PAP_STATUS_SIZE + 1]; } WSH_PAP_GET_SERVER_STATUS, *PWSH_PAP_GET_SERVER_STATUS;

The following code snippet is a quick example of how to request the PAP status. The length of the status string is the first byte of the ServerStatus field.

WSH_PAP_GET_SERVER_STATUS  status; int                        nSize = sizeof(status); status.ServerAddr.sat_family = AF_APPLETALK; ret = getsockopt(s, SOL_APPLETALK, SO_PAP_GET_SERVER_STATUS,      (char *)&status, &nSize);


optval Type


Winsock Version


char []

Set only


This call primes a read on a PAP connection so that the sender can actually send the data.

When this option is called on a socket describing a PAP connection, it enables the remote client to send the data without the local application having called recv or WSARecvEx. After this option is set, the application can block on a select call and then the actual reading of the data can occur. The optval parameter to this call is the buffer that is to receive the data, which must be at least MIN_PAP_READ_BUF_SIZE (4096) bytes in length. This option allows support for non-blocking sockets on the read-driven PAP protocol. Note that for each buffer you want to read, you must make a call to setsockopt with the SO_PAP_PRIME_READ option.


optval Type


Winsock Version


char []

Set only


Sets the status to be sent if another client requests the status

A client can request to obtain the PAP status by using SO_PAP_GET_SERVER_ STATUS. This option can be used to set the status so that if clients request the PAP status, the buffer submitted to the set command will be returned on the get command. The status is a buffer of at most 255 bytes containing the status of the associated socket. If the set option is called with a null buffer, the previous status value set is erased.


optval Type


Winsock Version



Set only


Registers the given name on the AppleTalk network

This option is used to register the supplied name on the AppleTalk network. If the name already exists on the network, the error WSAEADDRINUSE is returned. Refer to Chapter 4 for a description of the WSH_REGISTER_NAME structure.

SOL_IRLMP Option Level

The SOL_IRLMP level deals with the IrDA protocol, whose address family is AF_IRDA. Keep in mind when using IrDA socket options that the implementation of infrared sockets varies among platforms. Because Windows CE first offered IR support, it does not have all the options available that were introduced in Windows 98 and later versions. In this section, each option is followed by the platforms it is supported on.


optval Type


Winsock Version





Puts the IrDA socket into IrCOMM mode

This is another rarely used option needed to communicate with Windows 98 via IrCOMM, which is at a lower level than the level at which IrSock normally operates. In 9-wire mode, each TinyTP or IrLMP packet contains an additional 1-byte IrCOMM header. To accomplish this through the socket interface, you need to first get the maximum PDU size of an IrLMP packet with the IRLMP_SEND_PDU_LEN option. The socket is then put into 9-wire mode with setsockopt before connecting or accepting a connection. This tells the stack to add the 1-byte IrCOMM header (always set to 0) to each outgoing frame. Each send must be of a size less than the maximum PDU length to leave room for the added IrCOMM byte. IrCOMM is beyond the scope of this book. This option is available in Windows 98 and later versions.


optval Type


Winsock Version



Get only


Returns a list of IrDA device IDs for IR-capable devices within range

Because of the nature of infrared networking, devices capable of communicating are mobile and can move in and out of range. This option “queries” which IR devices are within range, and to connect to another device you must perform this step to obtain the device ID for each device you want to connect to.

The DEVICELIST structures are different on the various platforms that support IrSock because the latest platforms that added support also added functionality. Recall that Windows CE offered IrSock support first and as a result the data structures are somewhat different. The DEVICELIST structure definition for Windows 98 and later versions is

typedef struct _WINDOWS_DEVICELIST {     ULONG                       numDevice;     WINDOWS_IRDA_DEVICE_INFO    Device[1]; } WINDOWS_DEVICELIST, *PWINDOWS_DEVICELIST, FAR *LPWINDOWS_DEVICELIST; typedef struct _WINDOWS_IRDA_DEVICE_INFO {     u_char  irdaDeviceID[4];     char      irdaDeviceName[22];     u_char  irdaDeviceHints1;     u_char  irdaDeviceHints2;     u_char  irdaCharSet; } WINDOWS_IRDA_DEVICE_INFO, *PWINDOWS_IRDA_DEVICE_INFO,    FAR *LPWINDOWS_IRDA_DEVICE_INFO;

In Windows CE, the DEVICELIST structure is defined as

typedef struct _WCE_DEVICELIST {     ULONG                       numDevice;     WCE_IRDA_DEVICE_INFO        Device[1]; } WCE_DEVICELIST, *PWCE_DEVICELIST; typedef struct _WCE_IRDA_DEVICE_INFO {     u_char  irdaDeviceID[4];     char    irdaDeviceName[22];     u_char  Reserved[2]; } WCE_IRDA_DEVICE_INFO, *PWCE_IRDA_DEVICE_INFO;

Each of these structures contains a field, irdaDeviceID, which is a 4-byte identification tag used to uniquely identify that device. You need this field to fill out the SOCKADDR_IRDA structure used to connect to a specific device or to manipulate or obtain an IAS entry with the options IRLMP_IAS_SET and IRLMP_IAS_QUERY.

When you call getsockopt to enumerate infrared devices, the optval parameter must be a DEVICELIST structure. The only requirement is that the numDevice field be set to 0 at first. The call to getsockopt does not return an error if no IR devices are discovered. After a call, the numDevice field should be checked to see whether it is greater than 0, which means that one or more devices were found. The Device field returns with a number of structures equal to the value returned in numDevice.


optval Type


Winsock Version





If TRUE, socket connection is in exclusive mode.

This option isn't normally used by user applications because it bypasses the TinyTP layer in the IrDA stack and communicates directly with IrLMP. If you are really interested in using this option, you should consult the IrDA specification at This option is available on Windows CE and Windows 2000 or later versions.


optval Type


Winsock Version



Get only


Queries IAS on a given service and class name for its attributes

This socket option is the complement of IRLMP_IAS_SET because it retrieves information about a class name and its service. Before making the call to getsockopt, you must first fill out the irdaDeviceID field to the device you are querying. Set the irdaAttribName field to the property string on which you want to retrieve its value. The most common query would be for the LSAP-SEL number; its property string is “IrDA:IrLMP:LsapSel”. Next, you need to set the irdaClassName field to the name of the service that the given property string applies to. Once these fields are filled, make the call to getsockopt. Upon success, the irdaAttribType field indicates which field in the union to obtain the information from. Use the identifiers in Table 7-2 to decode this entry. The most common error is WSASERVICE_NOT_FOUND, which is returned when the given service is not found on that device.


optval Type


Winsock Version



Set only


Sets an attribute value for a given class name and attribute

IAS is a dynamic service registration entity that can be queried and modified. The IRLMP_IAS_SET option allows you to set a single attribute for a single class within the local IAS. As with IRLMP_ENUMDEVICES, there are separate structures for Windows CE and for Windows 98 and later versions. The structure for these is

typedef struct _WINDOWS_IAS_QUERY {     u_char     irdaDeviceID[4];     char       irdaClassName[IAS_MAX_CLASSNAME];     char       irdaAttribName[IAS_MAX_ATTRIBNAME];     u_long     irdaAttribType;     union     {         LONG   irdaAttribInt;         struct         {             u_long   Len;             u_char   OctetSeq[IAS_MAX_OCTET_STRING];         } irdaAttribOctetSeq;         struct         {             u_long   Len;             u_long   CharSet;             u_char   UsrStr[IAS_MAX_USER_STRING];         } irdaAttribUsrStr;     } irdaAttribute; } WINDOWS_IAS_QUERY, *PWINDOWS_IAS_QUERY, FAR *LPWINDOWS_IAS_QUERY;

The IAS query structure for Windows CE is

typedef struct _WCE_IAS_QUERY {     u_char     irdaDeviceID[4];     char       irdaClassName[61];     char       irdaAttribName[61];     u_short    irdaAttribType;     union     {         int    irdaAttribInt;          struct         {             int      Len;             u_char   OctetSeq[1];             u_char   Reserved[3];         } irdaAttribOctetSeq;         struct         {             int      Len;             u_char   CharSet;             u_char   UsrStr[1];             u_char   Reserved[2];         } irdaAttribUsrStr;     } irdaAttribute; } WCE_IAS_QUERY, *PWCE_IAS_QUERY;

Table 7-2 provides the different constants for the irdaAttribType field, which indicates which type the attribute belongs to. The last two entries are not values that you can set, but values that a call to getsockopt with an IRLMP_IAS_QUERY socket option can return in the irdaAttribType field. These are included in the table for the sake of completeness.

Table 7-2 IAS Attribute Types

irdaAttribType Value

Field to Set











To set a value, you must fill in irdaDeviceID to the IR device on which to modify the IAS entry. Also, irdaAttribName must be set to the class on which to set the attribute, while irdaClassName usually refers to the service on which to set the attribute. Remember that with IrSock, socket servers are services registered with IAS that have an associated LSAP-SEL number that clients use to connect to the server. The LSAP-SEL number is an attribute associated with that service. To modify the LSAP-SEL number in the service's IAS entry, set the irdaDeviceID field to the device ID on which the service is running. Set the irdaAttribName field to the property string “IrDA:IrLMP:LsapSel” and the irdaClassName field to the name of the service (for example, “MySocketServer”). From there, set irdaAttribType to IAS_ATTRIB_INT and irdaAttribInt to the new LSAP-SEL number. Of course, changing the service's LSAP-SEL number is a bad idea, but this example is for illustration only.


optval Type


Winsock Version





If TRUE, socket is configured to communicate to IR-capable printers.

It is possible to connect to an infrared printer using Winsock and send data to be printed. This is accomplished by putting the socket in IRLPT mode before establishing the connection. Simply pass the Boolean value TRUE to this option after socket creation. You can use the option IRLMP_ENUMDEVICES to find infrared-capable printers within range. Note that some legacy IR printers do not register themselves with IAS; you might need to connect to them directly using the “LSAP-SEL-xxx” identifier. See Chapter 4 and its discussion of IrSock for more details on bypassing IAS. This option is available on Windows CE, and Windows 2000 and later.


optval Type


Winsock Version



Get only


Gets the maximum PDU length

This option retrieves the maximum Protocol Data Unit (PDU) size needed when using the option IRLMP_9WIRE_MODE. See the description of IRLMP_9WIRE_MODE for more information about this option, which is available on Windows CE, and Windows 2000 and later.

IPPROTO_IP Option Level

The socket options on the IPPROTO_IP level pertain to attributes specific to the IPv4 protocol, such as modifying certain fields in the IPv4 header and adding a socket to an IPv4 multicast group. Many of these options are declared in both WINSOCK.H and WINSOCK2.H with different values. Note that if you load Winsock 1, you must include the correct header and link with Wsock32.lib. Likewise for Winsock 2, you should include the Winsock 2 header file and link with Ws2_32.lib. This is especially relevant to multicasting, which is available under both versions. Multicasting is supported on all Windows platforms except Windows CE, in which it is available on versions 2.1 and later. The new IGMPv3-related multicasting options are defined in Ws2tcpip.h.


optval Type


Winsock Version


char []



Gets or sets IP options within the IP header

This flag allows you to set various IP options within the IP header. Some of the possible options are:

  • Security and handling restrictions. RFC 1108.

  • Record route. Each router adds its IPv4 address to the header (see the ping sample in Chapter 11).

  • Timestamp. Each router adds its IPv4 address and time.

  • Loose source routing. The packet is required to visit each IPv4 address listed in the option header.

  • Strict source routing. The packet is required to visit only those IPv4 addresses listed in the option header.

Be aware that hosts and routers do not support all of these options.

When setting an IPv4 option, the data that you pass into the setsockopt call follows the structure shown in Figure 7-2. The IPv4 option header can be up to 40 bytes long.

Figure 7-2 IP option header format

The code field indicates which type of IP option is present. For example, the value 0x7 represents the record route option. Length is simply the length of the option header, and offset is the offset value into the header where the data portion of the header begins. The data portion of the header is specific to the particular option. In the following code snippet, we set up the record route option. Notice that we declare a structure (struct ip_option_hdr) that contains the first three option values (code, length, offset), and then we declare the option-specific data as an array of nine unsigned long integers because the data to be recorded is up to nine IPv4 addresses. Remember that the maximum size of the IPv4 option header is 40 bytes; however, our structure occupies only 39 bytes. The system will pad the header to a multiple of a 32-bit word for you (up to 40 bytes).

struct ip_option_hdr  {     unsigned char    code;     unsigned char    length;     unsigned char    offset;     unsigned long    addrs[9]; } opthdr; ... ZeroMemory((char *)&opthdr, sizeof(opthdr)); opthdr.code = 0x7; opthdr.length = 39; opthdr.offset = 4;  // Offset to first address (addrs) ret = setsockopt(s, IPPROTO_IP, IP_OPTIONS, (char *)&opthdr,         sizeof(opthdr));

Once the option is set, it applies to any packets sent on the given socket. At any pointer thereafter, you can call getsockopt with IP_OPTIONS to retrieve which options were set; however, this will not return any data filled into the option-specific buffers. To retrieve the data set in the IPv4 options, either the socket must be created as a raw socket (SOCK_RAW) or the IP_HDRINCL option should be set—in which case, the IPv4 header is returned along with data after a call to a Winsock receive function.


optval Type


Winsock Version





If TRUE, IP header is submitted with data to Winsock send calls.

Setting the IP_HDRINCL option to TRUE causes the send function to include the IPv4 header ahead of the data Thus, when you call a Winsock send function, you must include the entire IPv4 header ahead of the data and fill each field of the IP header correctly. Note that the IPv4 network stack will fragment the data portion of the packet if necessary when this option is set. This option is valid only for sockets of type SOCK_RAW. Figure 7-3 shows what the IPv4 header should look like. This option is available only in Windows 2000 and later versions.

Figure 7-3 The IPv4 header

The first field of the header is the IPv4 version, which is 4. The header length is the number of 32-bit words in the header. An IP header must always be a multiple of 32 bits. The next field is the type of service field. Consult the IP_TOS socket option, discussed in the next section, for more information. The total length field is the length in bytes of the IP header and data. The identification field is a unique value used to identify each IPv4 packet sent. Normally, the system increments this value with each packet sent. The flags and fragmentation offset fields are used when IPv4 packets are fragmented into smaller packets. The TTL limits the number of routers through which the packet can pass. Each time a router forwards the packet, the TTL is decremented by 1. Once the TTL is 0, the packet is dropped. This limits the amount of time a packet can be live on the network. The protocol field is used to demultiplex incoming packets. Some of the valid protocols that use IP addressing are TCP, UDP, IGMP, and ICMP. The checksum is the 16-bit one's complement sum of the header. It is calculated over the header only and not the data. The next two fields are the 32-bit IP source and destination addresses. The IPv4 options field is a variable length field that contains optional information, usually regarding security or routing.

The easiest way to include an IPv4 header with the data you are sending is to define a structure that contains the IP header and the data and pass it into the Winsock send call. See Chapter 11 for more details and an example of this option. This option works only in Windows 2000 and later versions.


optval Type


Winsock Version





IPv4 type of service

The type of service (TOS) is a field present in the IPv4 header that is used to signify certain characteristics of a packet. The field is eight bits long and is broken into three parts: a 3-bit precedence field (which is ignored), a 4-bit TOS field, and the remaining bit (which must be 0). The four TOS bits are minimize delay, maximize throughput, maximize reliability, and minimize monetary costs. Only one bit can be set at a time. All four bits being 0 implies normal service. RFC 1340 specifies the recommended bits to set for various standard applications such as TCP, SMTP, and NNTP. In addition, RFC 1349 contains some corrections to the original RFC.

Interactive applications—such as Rlogin or Telnet—might want to minimize delay. Any kind of file transfer—such as FTP—is interested in maximum throughput. Maximum reliability is used by network management (Simple Network Management Protocol, or SNMP) and routing protocols. Finally, Usenet news (Network News Transfer Protocol, or NNTP) is an example of minimizing monetary costs. The IP_TOS option is not available in Windows CE.

There is another issue when you attempt to set the TOS bits on a QOS-enabled socket. Because IP precedence is used by QOS to differentiate levels of service, it is undesirable to allow developers the capability to change these values. As a result, when you call setsockopt with IP_TOS on a QOS-enabled socket, the QOS service provider intercepts the call to verify whether the change can take place. See Chapter 10 for more information about QOS.


optval Type


Winsock Version





IP TTL parameter

The TTL field is present in an IP header. Datagrams use the TTL field to limit the number of routers through which the datagram can pass. The purpose of this limitation is to prevent routing loops in which datagrams can spin in circles forever. The idea behind this is that each router that the datagram passes through decrements the datagram's TTL value by 1. When the value equals 0, the datagram is discarded. This option is not available in Windows CE.


optval Type


Winsock Version


unsigned long



Gets or sets the local interface for outgoing multicast data

The IP multicast interface (IF) option sets which local interface multicast data will be sent from. This option is only of interest on machines that have more than one connected network interface (such as network card or modem). The optval parameter should be an unsigned long integer representing the binary IP address of the local interface. The function inet_addr can be used to convert a string IP dotted decimal address to an unsigned long integer, as in the following sample:

DWORD    mcastIF; // First join socket s to a multicast group mcastIF = inet_addr(""); ret = setsockopt(s, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_IF, (char *)&mcastIF,     sizeof(mcastIF));


optval Type


Winsock Version





Gets or sets the TTL on multicast packets for this socket

Similar to the IP TTL, this option performs the same function except that it applies only to multicast data sent using the given socket. Again, the purpose of the TTL is to prevent routing loops, but in the case of multicasting, setting the TTL narrows the scope of how far the data will travel. Therefore, multicast group members must be within “range” to receive datagrams. The default TTL value for multicast datagrams is 1.


optval Type


Winsock Version





If TRUE, data sent to a multicast address will be echoed to the socket's incoming buffer.

By default, when you send IP multicast data, the data will be looped back to the sending socket if it is also a member of that multicast group. If you set this option to FALSE, any data sent will not be posted to the incoming data queue for the socket.


optval Type


Winsock Version


struct ip_mreq

Set only


Adds the socket to the given IP group membership

This option is the Winsock 1 method of adding a socket to an IP multicast group. This is done by creating a socket of address family AF_INET and the socket type SOCK_DGRAM with the socket function. To add the socket to a multicast group, use the following structure.

struct ip_mreq  {     struct in_addr  imr_multiaddr;      struct in_addr  imr_interface;  };

In the ip_mreq structure, imr_multiaddr is the binary address of the multicast group to join, while imr_interface is the local interface on which the group is joined. See Chapter 9 for more information about valid multicast addresses. The imr_interface field is either the binary IPv4 address of a local interface or the value INADDR_ANY, which can be used to select the default interface (according to the routing table).


optval Type


Winsock Version


struct ip_mreq

Set only


Removes the socket from the given IP group membership

This option is the opposite of IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP. By calling this option with an ip_mreq structure that contains the same values used when joining the given multicast group, the socket s will be removed from the given group. Chapter 9 contains much more detailed information on IP multicasting.


optval Type


Winsock Version


struct ip_mreq_source

Set only


Joins a multicast group but accepts data from only the given source

This multicast option joins the specified multicast group on the given interface but will accept data from only the given source IPv4 address (this is know as an include list). This option may be called multiple times to build an include list of multiple acceptable sources. The input structure is defined as

struct ip_mreq_source { struct in_addr  imr_multiaddr; struct in_addr  imr_sourceaddr; struct in_addr  imr_interface };

The first field is the 32-bit multicast address, the second field is the 32-bit IPv4 address of the acceptable source, and the last field is the 32-bit IPv4 address of the local interface on which to join the group.

This option is supported on Windows XP and later versions and requires the local network to be IGMPv3 enabled. See Chapter 9 for more details.


optval Type


Winsock Version


struct ip_mreq_source

Set only


Remove the given IPv4 source from the list of acceptable sources

This option is the complement to IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP. Once one or more sources for a particular multicast group are added via IP_ADD_SOURCE_MEMBERSHIP, this option can be used to remove selected sources from the include list. Using these two options, an application can manage the list of sources to accept multicast data from a given multicast address. This option requires Windows XP and an IGMPv3-enabled network. See Chapter 9 for more details.


optval Type


Winsock Version


struct ip_mreq_source

Set only


Joins a multicast group but accepts data from everyone except the given IPv4 source

This and the IP_UNBLOCK_SOURCE options are used to build an exclude list of sources for multicast traffic. The IP_BLOCK_SOURCE specifies a source from which multicast data will not be accepted. This option may be called multiple times to exclude additional sources. This option requires Windows XP and an IGMPv3-enabled network. See Chapter 9 for more details.


optval Type


Winsock Version


struct ip_mreq_source



Adds the given IPv4 source to the list of acceptable sources

This option removes the given source from the exclude list so that multicast data received from the removed source will be propagated to the socket. This option requires Windows XP and an IGMPv3-enabled network. See Chapter 9 for more details.


optval Type


Winsock Version





If TRUE, do not fragment IP datagrams.

This flag tells the network not to fragment the IPv4 datagram during transmission. However, if the size of the IPv4 datagram exceeds the maximum transmission unit (MTU) and the IP don't fragment flag is set within the IPv4 header, the datagram will be dropped and an ICMP error message (“fragmentation needed but don't fragment bit set”) will be returned to the sender. This option is not available on Windows CE.


optval Type


Winsock Version



Set only


Indicates whether packet information should be returned from WSARecvMsg

This option indicates that IPv4 packet information should be returned as a part of the control buffer passed to the WSARecvMsg API. This function was discussed in Chapter 6. For IPv4, the structure returned is the IN_PKTINFO defined as

typedef struct in_pktinfo {     IN_ADDR    ipi_addr;     UINT       ipi_ifindex; } IN_PKTINFO;

The first field is the 32-bit binary IPv4 address on which the packet was received. The second field is the interface index that can be correlated to a particular network adapter via the IP Helper APIs discussed in Chapter 16.

IPPROTO_IPV6 Option Level

The IPPROTO_IPV6 level indicates socket options that pertain to the IPv6 protocol. Many of these options mirror the IPv4 socket options. These values are defined in WS2TCPIP.H.


optval Type


Winsock Version





If TRUE, IPv6 header is submitted to Winsock send calls.

This option indicates that the application will supply the IPv6 header for each packet of data sent by a Winsock send call. The IPv6 stack will not perform any fragmentation for packets larger than the MTU. Applications must build the appropriate fragmentation headers for each packet sent that is larger than the MTU. This socket option is valid only for sockets of type SOCK_RAW. On IPv6, raw sockets are truly raw. Figure 7-4 shows the IPv6 header.

Figure 7-4 IPv6 header

The first field is four bits in length and is the IP version which is six. The next 8-bit field defines the traffic class. Currently, there are no well-defined values for this field. The 20-bit flow label is used to label sequences of packets that request special treatment. Again, there are no predefined values for this field. The 16-bit payload field is the length of the payload in octets. This includes any extension headers but not the basic IPv6 header itself. The 8-bit next header field indicates the protocol value of the next header. This can either be an IPv6 extension header (such as the fragmentation header) or the next encapsulated protocol (such as UDP or TCP). The 8-bit hop limit field indicates the TTL value for the packet. The last two fields are the 128-bit source and destination IPv6 addresses. See Chapter 11 for examples of using the IPV6_HDRINCL option.


optval Type


Winsock Version





IPv6 TTL parameter

This option is used to set the TTL value to be used on unicast traffic sent on the socket. This is analogous to the IPv4 option IP_TTL.


optval Type


Winsock Version





IPv6 multicast interface for outgoing multicast data

This option is analogous to the IP_MULTICAST_IF option except that it sets the outgoing interface for IPv6 multicast traffic. Also, instead of specifying the local IPv6 interface address for the outgoing traffic, the interface's scope ID is specified instead. The IP Helper function GetAdaptersAddress can be called to obtain the local interface indices. Chapter 9 covers IPv6 multicasting in more detail and Chapter 16 discusses the IP Helper APIs.


optval Type


Winsock Version





IPv6 TTL parameter for multicast data

This option is analogous to the IP_MULTICAST_TTL option except that it sets the TTL option for IPv6 multicast traffic.


optval Type


Winsock Version





If TRUE, data sent to a multicast address will be echoed to the socket's incoming buffer.

This option enables outgoing IPv6 multicast traffic to be echoed back to the sending socket if the sending socket is also a member of the multicast group. This option is analogous to the IPv4 multicast option IP_MULTICAST_LOOP.


optval Type


Winsock Version


struct ipv6_mreq



Joins an IPv6 multicast group on the specified interface

This option joins the IPv6 multicast group on a particular interface. The input parameter is defined as

typedef struct           ipv6_mreq {          struct in6_addr ipv6mr_multiaddr;          unsigned int    ipv6mr_interface; } IPV6_MREQ;

The first field is the IPv6 address of the multicast address to join, and the second field is the interface index (or scope ID) on which to join the group. See Chapter 9 for more information.


optval Type


Winsock Version


struct ipv6_mreq



Drops the multicast group from the given interface

This option drops membership of the IPv6 multicast group from the given interface. The input parameter is the struct ipv6_mreq containing the multicast group to drop from the given interface (scope ID). See Chapter 9 for more information.


optval Type


Winsock Version





Indicates whether packet information should be returned from WSARecvMsg

This option indicates that IPv6 packet information should be returned as a part of the control buffer passed to the WSARecvMsg API. This function was discussed in Chapter 6. For IPv6, the structure returned is the IN6_PKTINFO defined as

typedef struct in6_pktinfo {     IN6_ADDR   ipi6_addr;     UINT       ipi6_ifindex; } IN6_PKTINFO;

The first field is the binary IPv6 address on which the packet was received. The second field is the interface index that can be correlated to a particular network adapter via the IP Helper APIs discussed in Chapter 16.

IPPROTO_RM Option Level

Socket options of the IPPROTO_RM level are used by the reliable multicast transport. These options are declared in wsrm.h. For more information on the reliable multicast protocol available on Windows XP, see Chapter 9.


optval Type


Winsock Version





Specifies the data rate and window size

This option sets the size of the send window, which determines the amount or time data remains valid for repairs. The RM_SEND_WINDOW structure is declared as

typedef struct _RM_SEND_WINDOW { ULONG RateKbitsPerSec; ULONG WindowSizeInMSecs; ULONG WindowSizeInBytes; } RM_SEND_WINDOW

The first field indicates the data rate in kilobits per second. The second field is the size of the window in milliseconds. The last field indicates the window size in bytes. The values supplied for these three fields must satisfy the equation Rate-KbitsPerSec = (WindowSizeInBytes 1024) / (WindowSizeInMSecs 1000).


optval Type


Winsock Version





Indicates the logical size of the packet in bytes to follow

This option is used to send large messages in multiple chunks. For example, if a sender wishes to send a 2 MB buffer as a single packet, for performance reasons it is undesirable to submit a 2 MB buffer in a single call to send. Instead, this option is set to indicate the logical size of the forthcoming packet. Afterward, the sender may send the 2 MB packet in small chunks.


optval Type


Winsock Version



Set only


Flushes the entire contents of the send window

This option flushes the entire contents of the send window so that no more Negative Acknowledgements (NAKs) can be satisfied. This option is currently not implemented.


optval Type


Winsock Version





Indicates how the send window advances

This option specifies how the send window advances. The possible values are an enumerated type:


The first value indicates that the window advances with time. That is, the send data is valid for the amount of time specified in WindowSizeInMSecs field of the RM_SEND_WINDOW structure. The second value indicates that data is discarded only after the send window becomes full as specified by the WindowSizeInBytes field of the RM_SEND_WINDOW structure.


optval Type


Winsock Version



Get only


Returns statistics for a sender socket

This option retrieves an RM_SENDER_STATS structure that contains various network statistics for the session. This structure is defined as

typedef struct _RM_SENDER_STATS {     ULONGLONG   DataBytesSent;          // # client data bytes sent                                          // out so far     ULONGLONG   TotalBytesSent;         // SPM, OData and RData bytes     ULONGLONG   NaksReceived;           // # NAKs received so far     ULONGLONG   NaksReceivedTooLate;    // # NAKs recvd after window                                          // advanced     ULONGLONG   NumOutstandingNaks;     // # NAKs yet to be                                          // responded to     ULONGLONG   NumNaksAfterRData;      // # NAKs yet to be                                          // responded to     ULONGLONG   RepairPacketsSent;      // # Repairs (RDATA)                                          // sent so far     ULONGLONG   BufferSpaceAvailable;   // # partial messages dropped     ULONGLONG   TrailingEdgeSeqId;      // smallest (oldest) Sequence                                          // Id in the window     ULONGLONG   LeadingEdgeSeqId;       // largest (newest) Sequence                                          // Id in the window     ULONGLONG   RateKBitsPerSecOverall; // Internally calculated                                          // send-rate from the                                          // beginning     ULONGLONG  RateKBitsPerSecLast;      // Send-rate calculated every                                         // INTERNAL_RATE_CALCULATION_                                         // FREQUENCY } RM_SENDER_STATS;

The comments for each field from the header file explain the structure so we won't repeat them.


optval Type


Winsock Version





Allows receivers to NAK for any packet in the window

When this option is set, a receiver may NAK any sequence number in the advertise window upon session join.


optval Type


Winsock Version





Sets the outgoing interface for reliable multicast traffic

This option sets the outgoing interface for reliable multicast traffic. The 32-bit binary address of the local outgoing interface is supplied as the input parameter.


optval Type


Winsock Version



Set only


Adds the given interface as a receiving interface

By default, when a reliable multicast receiver is created, it listens for traffic on the default interface (as indicated by the routing table). This option can be used to specify the 32-bit binary IPv4 address of the local interface to listen for traffic. This option can be specified multiple times to add more than one listening interface in the event of a multihomed machine.


optval Type


Winsock Version



Set only


Removes the given interface from the list of receiving interfaces

This option removes the supplied interface from the list of valid receiving interfaces for reliable multicast traffic. The address is supplied as a 32-bit binary IPv4 address.


optval Type


Winsock Version





Sets the increment percentage for the send window

The send window advances incrementally over time so that a portion of the oldest data is discarded to make room for new data sent by the application. This option controls how much data is discarded with each incremental advance. The maximum possible increment value as a percentage of the whole window is defined as MAX_WINDOW_INCREMENT_PERCENTAGE.


optval Type


Winsock Version





Enables forward error correction on the session

This option enables the use of forward error correction (FEC) on the session. This RM_FEC_INFO structure is defined as

typedef struct _RM_FEC_INFO {     USHORT              FECBlockSize;     USHORT              FECProActivePackets;     UCHAR               FECGroupSize;     BOOLEAN             fFECOnDemandParityEnabled; } RM_FEC_INFO;

The FECGroupSize indicates the number of original packets to build parity packets from and the FECBlockSize indicates the number of original packets plus the number of parity packets generated. FECProActivePackets indicates to transmit FEC packets always (instead of only for repair data). The fFECOnDemandParityEnabled allows receivers to request FEC repair data on demand.


optval Type


Winsock Version





Sets the TTL for reliable multicast data sent

This option sets the TTL value for a reliable multicast sender.


optval Type


Winsock Version





Retrieves session statistics on a receiver socket

This option retrieves an RM_SENDER_STATS structure, which contains various network statistics for the session. This structure is defined as

typedef struct _RM_RECEIVER_STATS {     ULONGLONG   NumODataPacketsReceived;// # OData sequences received     ULONGLONG   NumRDataPacketsReceived;// # RData sequences received     ULONGLONG   NumDuplicateDataPackets;// # RData sequences received     ULONGLONG   DataBytesReceived;      // # client data bytes                                          // received out so far     ULONGLONG   TotalBytesReceived;     // SPM, OData and RData bytes     ULONGLONG   RateKBitsPerSecOverall; // Internally calculated                                          // Receive-rate from the                                          // beginning     ULONGLONG   RateKBitsPerSecLast;    // Receive-rate calculated                                          // every INTERNAL_RATE_                                         // CALCULATION_FREQUENCY     ULONGLONG   TrailingEdgeSeqId;      // smallest (oldest)                                          // Sequence Id in the window     ULONGLONG   LeadingEdgeSeqId;       // largest (newest) Sequence                                          // Id in the window     ULONGLONG   AverageSequencesInWindow;     ULONGLONG   MinSequencesInWindow;     ULONGLONG   MaxSequencesInWindow;     ULONGLONG   FirstNakSequenceNumber; // # First Outstanding NAK     ULONGLONG   NumPendingNaks;         // # Sequences waiting                                          // for NCFs     ULONGLONG   NumOutstandingNaks;     // # Sequences for which                                          // NCFs have been received,                                         // but no RDATA     ULONGLONG   NumDataPacketsBuffered; // # Data packets currently                                          // buffered by transport     ULONGLONG   TotalSelectiveNaksSent; // # Selective NAKs sent                                          // so far     ULONGLONG   TotalParityNaksSent;    // # Parity NAKs sent so far } RM_RECEIVER_STATS;

The comments for each field from the header file explain the structure so we won't repeat them.

IPPROTO_TCP Option Level

There is only one option belonging to the IPPROTO_TCP level. It is valid only for sockets that are stream sockets (SOCK_STREAM) and belong to family AF_INET. This option is available on all versions of Winsock and is supported on all Windows platforms.


optval Type


Winsock Version





If TRUE, the Nagle algorithm is disabled on the socket.

To increase performance and throughput by minimizing overhead, the system implements the Nagle algorithm. When an application requests to send a chunk of data, the system might hold on to that data for a while and wait for other data to accumulate before actually sending it on the wire. Of course, if no other data accumulates in a given period of time, the data will be sent regardless. This results in more data in a single TCP packet, as opposed to smaller chunks of data in multiple TCP packets. The overhead is that the TCP header for each packet is 20 bytes long. Sending a couple bytes here and there with a 20-byte header is wasteful. The other part of this algorithm is the delayed acknowledgments. Once a system receives TCP data it must send an ACK to the peer. However, the host will wait to see if it has data to send to the peer so that it can piggyback the ACK on the data to be sent—resulting in one less packet on the network.

The purpose of this option is to disable the Nagle algorithm because its behavior can be detrimental in a few cases. This algorithm can adversely affect any network application that sends relatively small amounts of data and expects a timely response. A classic example is Telnet. Telnet is an interactive application that allows the user to log on to a remote machine and send it commands. Typically, the user hits only a few keystrokes per second. The Nagle algorithm would make such a session seem sluggish and unresponsive.

NSPROTO_IPX Option Level

The socket options in this section are Microsoft-specific extensions to the Window IPX/SPX Windows Sockets interface, provided for use as necessary for compatibility with existing applications. They are otherwise not recommended because they are guaranteed to work over only the Microsoft IPX/SPX stack. An application that uses these extensions might not work over other IPX/SPX implementations. These options are defined in WSNWLINK.H, which should be included after WINSOCK.H and WSIPX.H.


optval Type


Winsock Version





Gets or sets the IPX packet type

This option gets or sets the IPX packet type. The value specified in the optval argument will be set as the packet type on every IPX packet sent from this socket. The optval parameter is an integer.


optval Type


Winsock Version





Gets or sets the IPX packet type to filter on

This option gets or sets the receive filter packet type. Only IPX packets with a packet type equal to the value specified in the optval argument are returned on any receive call; packets with a packet type that does not match are discarded.


optval Type


Winsock Version



Set only


Removes the filter on the given IPX packet

You can use this option to stop filtering on packet types that are set with the IPX_FILTERPTYPE option.


optval Type


Winsock Version





Sets or gets the value of the datastream field in the SPX header

This option gets or sets the value of the datastream field in the SPX header of every packet sent.


optval Type


Winsock Version





If TRUE, enables extended addressing on IPX packets

This option enables or disables extended addressing. On sends, it adds the element unsigned char sa_ptype to the SOCKADDR_IPX structure, making the total length of the structure 15 bytes. On receives, the option adds both the sa_ptype and unsigned char sa_flags elements to the SOCKADDR_IPX structure, making the total length 16 bytes. The current bits defined in sa_flags are

  • 0x01 The received frame was sent as a broadcast.

  • 0x02 The received frame was sent from this machine.


optval Type


Winsock Version





If TRUE, returns IPX header with receive call

If this option is set to TRUE, any Winsock receive call returns the IPX header along with the data.


optval Type


Winsock Version



Get only


Returns the maximum IPX datagram size

Calling getsockopt with this option returns the maximum IPX datagram size possible.


optval Type


Winsock Version



Get only


Returns information regarding an IPX-capable adapter

This option queries for information about a specific adapter that IPX is bound to. In a system with n adapters, the adapters are numbered 0 through n - 1. To find the number of IPX-capable adapters on the system, use the IPX_MAX_ADAPTER_NUM option with getsockopt or call IPX_ADDRESS with increasing values of adapternum until it fails. The optval parameter points to an IPX_ADDRESS_DATA structure defined as

typedef struct _IPX_ADDRESS_DATA  {     INT     adapternum;  // Input: 0-based adapter number     UCHAR   netnum[4];   // Output: IPX network number     UCHAR   nodenum[6];  // Output: IPX node address     BOOLEAN wan;         // Output: TRUE = adapter is on a WAN link     BOOLEAN status;      // Output: TRUE = WAN link is up (or adapter                           // is not WAN)     INT     maxpkt;      // Output: max packet size, not including IPX                          // header     ULONG   linkspeed;   // Output: link speed in 100 bytes/sec                           // (i.e., 96 == 9600 bps) } IPX_ADDRESS_DATA, *PIPX_ADDRESS_DATA;


optval Type


Winsock Version



Get only


Returns information about a specific IPX network number

This option obtains information about a specific IPX network number. If the network is in IPX's cache, the option returns the information directly; otherwise, it issues RIP requests to find it. The optval parameter points to a valid IPX_NETNUM_DATA structure defined as

typedef struct _IPX_NETNUM_DATA  {     UCHAR  netnum[4];  // Input: IPX network number     USHORT hopcount;   // Output: hop count to this network,                         // in machine order     USHORT netdelay;   // Output: tick count to this network,                         // in machine order     INT    cardnum;    // Output: 0-based adapter number used                         // to route to this net; can be used as                         // adapternum input to IPX_ADDRESS     UCHAR  router[6];  // Output: MAC address of the next hop router,                        // zeroed if the network is directly attached } IPX_NETNUM_DATA, *PIPX_NETNUM_DATA;


optval Type


Winsock Version





If TRUE, do not fragment IP datagrams.

This option is similar to IPX_GETNETINFO except that it does not issue RIP requests. If the network is in IPX's cache, it returns the information; otherwise, it fails. (See also IPX_RERIPNETNUMBER, which always issues RIP requests.) Like IPX_GETNETINFO, this option requires passing an IPX_NETNUM_DATA structure as the optval parameter.


optval Type


Winsock Version



Get only


Returns information about a connected SPX socket

This option returns information on a connected SPX socket. The optval parameter points to an IPX_SPXCONNSTATUS_DATA structure defined below. All numbers are in network (high to low) byte order.

typedef struct _IPX_SPXCONNSTATUS_DATA  {     UCHAR  ConnectionState;     UCHAR  WatchDogActive;     USHORT LocalConnectionId;     USHORT RemoteConnectionId;     USHORT LocalSequenceNumber;     USHORT LocalAckNumber;     USHORT LocalAllocNumber;     USHORT RemoteAckNumber;     USHORT RemoteAllocNumber;     USHORT LocalSocket;     UCHAR  ImmediateAddress[6];     UCHAR  RemoteNetwork[4];     UCHAR  RemoteNode[6];     USHORT RemoteSocket;     USHORT RetransmissionCount;     USHORT EstimatedRoundTripDelay; /* In milliseconds */     USHORT RetransmittedPackets;     USHORT SuppressedPacket; } IPX_SPXCONNSTATUS_DATA, *PIPX_SPXCONNSTATUS_DATA;


optval Type


Winsock Version



Get only


Asynchronously notifies when the status of an IPX adapter changes

This option submits a request to be notified when the status of an adapter that IPX is bound to changes, which typically occurs when a WAN line goes up or down. This option requires the caller to submit an IPX_ADDRESS_DATA structure as the optval parameter. The exception, however, is that the IPX_ADDRESS_DATA structure is followed immediately by a handle to an unsignaled event. The following pseudo-code illustrates one method for calling this option.

char  buff[sizeof(IPX_ADDRESS_DATA) + sizeof(HANDLE)]; IPX_ADDRESS_DATA *ipxdata; HANDLE *hEvent; ipxdata = (IPX_ADDRESS_DATA *)buff; hEvent = (HANDLE *)(buff + sizeof(IPX_ADDRESS_DATA)); ipxdata->adapternum = 0;  // Set to the appropriate adapter *hEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); setsockopt(s, NSPROTO_IPX, IPX_ADDRESS_NOTIFY, (char *)buff, sizeof(buff));

When the getsockopt query is submitted, it completes successfully. However, the IPX_ADDRESS_DATA structure pointed to by optval will not be updated at that point. Instead, the request is queued internally inside the transport, and when the status of an adapter changes, IPX locates a queued getsockopt query and fills in all the fields in the IPX_ADDRESS_DATA structure. It then signals the event pointed to by the handle in the optval buffer. If multiple getsockopt calls are submitted at once, different events must be used. The event is used because the call needs to be asynchronous; getsockopt does not currently support this.


In the current implementation, the transport signals only one queued query for each status change. Therefore, only one service that uses a queued query should run at once.


optval Type


Winsock Version



Get only


Returns the number of IPX adapters present

This option returns the number of IPX-capable adapters present on the system. If this call returns n adapters, the adapters are numbered 0 through n – 1.


optval Type


Winsock Version



Get only


Returns information about a network number

This option is related to IPX_GETNETINFO except that it forces IPX to reissue RIP requests even if the network is in its cache (but not if it is directly attached to that network). Like IPX_GETNETINFO, this option requires passing an IPX_NETNUM_DATA structure as the optval parameter.


optval Type


Winsock Version



Set only


If TRUE, do not receive broadcast IPX packets.

By default, an IPX socket is capable of receiving broadcast packets. Applications that do not need to receive broadcast packets should set this option to FALSE, which can cause better system performance. Note, however, that setting the option to FALSE does not necessarily cause broadcasts to be filtered for the application.


optval Type


Winsock Version





If TRUE, do not delay sending ACKs on SPX connections.

If you set this option to true, acknowledgment packets will not be delayed for SPX connections. Applications that do not tend to have back-and-forth traffic over SPX should set this—it increases the number of ACKs sent but prevents slow performance as a result of delayed acknowledgments.

Network Programming for Microsoft Windows
Network Programming for Microsoft Windows (Microsoft Professional Series)
ISBN: 0735605602
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2001
Pages: 172
Authors: Anthony Jones © 2008-2017.
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