The Container

The basic IoC container in Spring is called the bean factory. Any bean factory allows the configuration and wiring together of objects using dependency injection, in a consistent and workable fashion. A bean factory also provides some management of these objects, with respect to their lifecycles. The IoC approach allows significant decoupling of code from other code. Additionally, along with the use of reflection to access the objects, it ensures that application code generally doesn't have to be aware of the bean factory, and generally doesn't have to be modified to be used with Spring. Application code needed to configure objects, and to obtain objects using approaches such as singletons or other approaches such as special factory objects, can be completely eliminated or significantly curtailed.


Typically, only a very small amount of glue code in a typical Spring-based application will actually be aware of the Spring container, or use Spring container interfaces. Even this small amount of glue code can often be eliminated by relying on existing framework code to load bean factories in a declarative fashion.

The Bean Factory

Different bean factory implementations exist to support somewhat varying levels of functionality, in practice mostly related to the configuration mechanism, with XML being by far the most common representation. All bean factories implement the org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory interface, with instances able to be accessed through this interface if they need to be managed in a programmatic fashion. Sub-interfaces of BeanFactory exist that expose extra functionality. A partial listing of the interface hierarchy includes:

  • BeanFactory: The basic interface used to access all bean factories. The simple getBean(String name) method allows you to get a bean from the container by name. The getBean(String name, Class requiredType) variant allows you to specify the required class of the returned bean, throwing an exception if it doesn't exist. Additional methods allow you to query the bean factory to see if a bean exists (by name), to find out the type of a bean (given a bean name), and to find out if there are any aliases for a bean in the factory (the bean is known to the factory by multiple names). Finally, you may find out if a bean is configured as a singleton; that is, whether or not the first time a bean is requested it will be created and then reused for all subsequent requests, as opposed to a new instance being created each time.

  • HierarchicalBeanFactory: Most bean factories can be created as part of a hierarchy, such that if you ask a factory for a bean, and it doesn't exist in that particular factory, a parent factory is also asked for the bean, and that parent factory can ask a parent factory of its own, and so on. As far as the client is concerned, the entire hierarchy upwards of and including the factory being used can be considered as one merged factory. One reason to use such a hierarchical layout is to match the actual architectural layers or modules in an application. While getting a bean from a factory that is part of a hierarchy is transparent, the HierarchicalBeanFactory interface exists so that you may ask a factory for its parent.

  • ListableBeanFactory: The methods in this sub-interface of BeanFactory allow listing or enumeration of beans in a bean factory, including the names of all the beans, the names of all the beans of a certain type, and the number of beans in the factory. Additionally, several methods allow you to get a Map instance containing all beans of a certain type in the factory. It's important to note that while methods from the BeanFactory interface automatically take part in any hierarchy that a factory may be part of, the ListableBeanFactory interface applies strictly to one bean factory. The BeanFactoryUtils helper class provides essentially identical methods to ListableBeanFactory, which do take into account the entire bean factory hierarchy. These methods are often more appropriate for usage by application code.

  • AutowireCapableBeanFactory: This interface allows you, via the autowireBeanProperties() and applyBeanPropertyValues() methods, to have the factory configure an existing external object and supply its dependencies. As such, it skips the normal object creation step that is part of obtaining a bean via BeanFactory.getBean(). When working with third-party code that insists on creating object instances itself, it is sometimes not an option for beans to be created by Spring, but still very valuable for Spring to inject bean dependencies. Another method, autowire(), allows you to specify a classname to the factory, have the factory instantiate that class, use reflection to discover all the dependencies of the class, and inject those dependencies into the bean, returning the fully configured object to you. Note that the factory will not hold onto and manage the object you configure with these methods, as it would for singleton instances that it creates normally, although you may add the instance yourself to the factory as a singleton.

  • ConfigurableBeanFactory: This interface allows for additional configuration options on a basic bean factory, to be applied during the initialization stage.

Spring generally tries to use non-checked exceptions (subclasses of RuntimeException) for non- recoverable errors. The bean factory interfaces, including BeanFactory and its subclasses, are no different. In most cases, configuration errors are non-recoverable, so all exceptions thrown by these APIs are subclasses of the non-checked BeansException. Developers can choose where and when they handle these exceptions, even trying to recover from them if a viable recovery strategy exists.

The Application Context

Spring also supports a somewhat more advanced bean factory, called the application context.


It is important to stress that an application context is a bean factory, with the org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext interface being a subclass of BeanFactory.

Generally, anything a bean factory can do, an application context can do as well. Why the distinction? It comes down mostly to increased functionality, and usage style:

  • General framework-oriented usage style: Certain operations on the container or beans in the container, which have to be handled in a programmatic fashion with a bean factory, can be handled declaratively in an application context. This includes the automatic recognition and usage of special bean post-processors and bean factory post-processors, to be described shortly. Additionally, a number of Spring Framework facilities exist to automatically load application contexts, for example in the Web MVC layer, such that bean factories will mostly be created by user code, but application contexts will mostly be used in a declarative fashion, being created by framework code. Of course, in both cases, most of the user code will be managed by the container, and won't know anything about the container at all.

  • MessageSource support: The application context implements MessageSource, an interface used to obtain localized messages, with the actual implementation being pluggable.

  • Support for application and framework events: The context is able to fire framework or application events to registered listeners.

  • ResourceLoader support: Spring's Resource interface is a flexible generic abstraction for handling low-level resources. An application context itself is a ResourceLoader, hence provides an application with access to deployment-specific Resource instances.


    You may be wondering when it's most appropriate to create and use a bean factory versus an application context. In almost all cases you are better off using an application context because you will get more features at no real cost. The main exception is perhaps something like an applet where every last byte of memory used (or transferred) is significant, and a bean factory will save some memory because you can use the Spring library package, which brings in only bean factory functionality, without bringing in application context functionality. In this chapter and elsewhere, when bean factory functionality is discussed, you can safely assume that all such functionality is also shared by application contexts.

This chapter and most of this book describe container configuration and functionality using examples for the declarative, XML-configured variants (such as XMLBeanFactory or ClassPathXmlApplicationContext) of the bean factory and application context. It's important to realize that the container functionality is distinct from the configuration format. While the XML configuration format is used in the vast majority of cases by Spring users, there is a full programmatic API for configuring and accessing the containers, and other configuration formats can be built and supported in the same fashion as the XML variants. For example, a PropertiesBeanDefinitionReader class already exists for reading definitions in Java Properties file format into a bean factory.

image from book
Figure 2-1

Starting the Container

From the previous examples, you already have an idea of how a container is programmatically started by user code. Let's look at a few variations.

We can load an ApplicationContext by pointing to the resource (file) on the classpath:

 ApplicationContext appContext =      new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("ch03/sample2/applicationContext.xml"); // side note: an ApplicationContext is also a BeanFactory, of course! BeanFactory factory = (BeanFactory) appContext; 

Or we can point to a file system location:

 ApplicationContext appContext =      new FileSystemXmlApplicationContext("/some/file/path/applicationContext.xml"); 

We can also combine two or more XML file fragments. This allows us to locate bean definitions in the logical module they belong to while still producing one context from the combined definitions. As an example in the next chapter will show, this can be useful for testing as well. Here is one of the configuration samples seen before, but split up into two XML fragments:

applicationContext-dao.xml:     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC "-//SPRING//DTD BEAN//EN"     "">      <beans>   <bean  >   </bean> </beans>     applicationContext-services.xml:     <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC "-//SPRING//DTD BEAN//EN"     "">      <beans>   <bean  >     <property name="weatherDao">       <ref bean="weatherDao"/>     </property>   </bean> </beans> 


Careful readers will note that compared to a previous example we've slightly changed the way we referred to the weatherDao bean we use as a property of the weather service bean; later we'll describe bean references in much more detail.

Now to load and combine the two (or more) fragments, we just specify all of them:

 ApplicationContext appContext = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext(     new String[] {"applicationContext-serviceLayer.xml", "applicationContext dao.xml"}); 

Spring's Resource abstraction, which we will cover in depth later, allows us to use a classpath*: prefix to specify all resources matching a particular name that are visible to the class loader and its parents. If, for example, we have an application that is partitioned into multiple jars, all available on the class- path, and each jar contains its own application context fragment that is named applicationContext. xml, we easily specify that we want to create a context made up of all those fragments:

 ApplicationContext appContext = new  ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("classpath*:ApplicationContext.xml"); 

Creating and loading an XML-configured bean factory is just as simple. The easiest mechanism is to use Spring's Resource abstraction for getting at a classpath resource:

 ClassPathResource res =      new ClassPathResource("org/springframework/prospering/beans.xml");  XmlBeanFactory factory = new XmlBeanFactory(res); 


 FilesystemResource res = new FilesystemResource("/some/file/path/beans.xml");  XmlBeanFactory factory = new XmlBeanFactory(res); 

But we can also just use an InputStream:

 InputStream is = new FileInputStream("/some/file/path/beans.xml");  XmlBeanFactory factory = new XmlBeanFactory(is); 

Finally, for completeness, we show that we can easily split the step of creating the bean factory from parsing the bean definitions. We will not go into more depth here, but this distinction between bean factory behavior and parsing is what allows other configuration formats to be plugged in:

 ClassPathResource res = new ClassPathResource("beans.xml");  DefaultListableBeanFactory factory = new DefaultListableBeanFactory();  XmlBeanDefinitionReader reader = new XmlBeanDefinitionReader(factory);  reader.loadBeanDefinitions(res); 

For application contexts, the use of the GenericApplicationContext class allows a similar separation of creation from parsing of definitions. Many Spring applications will never programmatically create a container themselves because they rely on framework code to do it. For example, you can declaratively configure Spring's ContextLoader to automatically load an application context at web-app startup. You'll learn about this in the next chapter.

Using Beans from the Factory

Once the bean factory or application context has been loaded, accessing beans in a basic fashion is as simple as using getBean() from the BeanFactory interface:

 WeatherService ws = (WeatherService) ctx.getBean("weatherService"); 

or other methods from some of the more advanced interfaces:

 Map allWeatherServices = ctx.getBeansOfType(WeatherService.class); 

Asking the container for a bean triggers the creation and initialization of the bean, including the dependency injection stage we've discussed previously. The dependency injection step can trigger the creation of other beans (the dependencies of the first bean), and so on, creating an entire graph of related object instances.

An obvious question might be what to do with the bean factory or application context itself, so that other code that needs it can get at it. As we're currently examining how the container is configured and how it works, we're mostly going to punt on this question here and defer it to later in this chapter.


Remember that excepting a small amount of glue code, the vast majority of application code written and assembled in proper IoC style does not have to be concerned at all with getting at the factory because the container will be hooking up these objects to other objects managed by the container. For the small amount of glue code that is needed to kick things off, the basic strategy is to put the factory in a known location, preferably somewhere that makes sense in the context of the expected usage and what code will actually need access to the factory. Spring itself provides support for declaratively loading an application context for web-app usage and storing it in the ServletContext. Additionally, it provides some quasi-singleton convenience classes that may be used for storing and getting at a factory, when a better fit or strategy does not exist for storing the factory in a particular app.

XML Bean Configuration

We've seen some sample XML format bean factory definition files, but have not gone into much detail so far. Essentially, a bean factory definition consists of just a top-level beans element containing one or more bean elements:

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC "-//SPRING//DTD BEAN//EN"     "">      <beans>   <bean  >     <property name="weatherDao">       <ref local="weatherDao"/>     </property>   </bean>   <bean  >   </bean> </beans> 

The valid elements and attributes in a definition file are fully described by the XML DTD (document type definition), spring-beans.dtd. This DTD, along with the Spring reference manual, should be considered the definitive source of configuration information. Generally, the optional attributes of the top- level beans element can affect the behavior of the entire configuration file and provide some default values for individual bean definition aspects, while (mostly) optional attributes and sub-elements of the child bean elements describe the configuration and lifecycle of individual beans. The DTD is includedas part of the Spring distribution, and you may also see it online at

The Basic Bean Definition

An individual bean definition contains the information needed for the container to know how to create a bean, some lifecycle details, and information about the bean's dependencies. Let's look at the first two aspects in this section.


For a top-level bean definition, you will almost always want to provide one or more identifiers, or names, for the bean, so that other beans may refer to it, or you may refer to it when using the container programmatically. Try to use the id attribute to supply the ID (or in the case of multiple IDs, the primary one). This has the advantage that because this attribute has the XML IDREF type, when other beans refer to this one, the XML parser can actually help detect whether the reference is valid (exists in the same file), allowing earlier validation of your factory config. However, XML IDREFs have a few limitations with regards to allowed characters, in that they must start with a letter followed by alphanumeric characters or the underscore, with no whitespace. This is not usually an issue, but to circumvent these limitations, you may instead use the name attribute to provide the identifier. This is useful, for example, when the bean identifier is not completely under the user's control and it represents a URL path. Additionally, the name attribute actually allows a comma-separated list of IDs. When a bean definition specifies more than one ID, via the combination of the id attribute and/or the name attribute, the additional IDs after the first can be considered aliases. All IDs are equally valid when referring to the bean. Let's look at some examples:

 <beans>        <bean  />        <bean name="bean2" />        <bean name="/myservlet/myaction" />        <bean          name="component2-dataSource,component3-dataSource"         /> </beans> 

The third bean needs an ID that starts with /, so it may not use the id attribute, but must use name. Note that the fourth bean has three IDs, all equally valid. You may be wondering why you would ever want to provide more than one ID for a bean. One valid use case is when you want to split up your configuration by components or modules, such that each component provides one XML file fragment that liststhe beans related to that component, and their dependencies. The names of these dependencies can (as one example) be specified with a component-specific prefix, such as was used for the hypothetical DataSource in the previous code sample. When the final bean factory or context is assembled from the multiple fragments (or, as will be described later, a hierarchy of contexts is created), each component will end up referring to the same actual bean. This is a low-tech way of providing some isolation between components.

Bean Creation Mechanism

You also need to tell the container how to instantiate or obtain an instance of the bean, when it is needed. The most common mechanism is creation of the bean via its constructor. The class attribute is used to specify the classname of the bean. When the container needs a new instance of the bean, it will internally perform the equivalent of using the new operator in Java code. All the examples we have seen so far use this mechanism.

Another mechanism is to tell the container to use a static factory-method to obtain the new instance. Legacy code over which you have no control will sometimes force you to use such a static factory method. Use the class attribute to specify the name of the class that contains the static factory method, and specify the name of the actual method itself via the factory-method attribute:

 ... <bean          factory-method="getTestBeanInstance"/> ...     public class StaticFactory {   public static TestBean getTestBeanInstance() {     return new TestBean();   } } 

The static factory method may return an object instance of any type; the class of the instance returneddoesn't have to be the same as the class containing the factory method.

The third mechanism for the container to get a new bean instance is for it to call a non-static factory method on a different bean instance in the container:

 ... <bean   />      <bean        factory-bean="nonStaticFactory" factory-method="getTestBeanInstance"/> ...     public class NonStaticFactory {   public TestBean getTestBeanInstance() {     return new TestBean();   } } 

When a new instance of testBeanObtainedViaNonStaticFactory is needed, an instance of nonStaticFactory is first created, and the getTestBeanInstance method on that is called. Note that in this case, we do not specify any value at all for the class attribute.

Once a new object instance is obtained, the container will treat it the same regardless of whether it was obtained via a constructor, via a static factory method, or via an instance factory method. That is, setter injection can be used and normal lifecycle callbacks will apply.

Singleton versus Non-Singleton Beans

An important aspect of the bean lifecycle is whether the container treats it as a singleton or not. Singleton beans, the default, are created only once by the container. The container will then hold and use the same instance of the bean whenever it is referred to again. This can be significantly less expensive in terms of resource (memory or potentially even CPU) usage than creating a new instance of the bean on each request. As such, it's the best choice when the actual implementation of the classes in question allow it; that is, the bean is stateless, or state is set only once at initialization time, so that it is threadsafe, and may be used by multiple threads at a time. Singleton beans are the default because in practice most services, controllers, and resources that end up being configured in the container are implemented as threadsafe classes, which do not modify any state past initialization time.

A non-singleton, or prototype bean as it is also called, may be specified by setting the singleton attribute to false. It's important to note that the lifecycle of a prototype bean will often be different than that of a singleton bean. When a container is asked to supply a prototype bean, it is initialized and then used, but the container does not hold onto it past that point. So while it's possible to tell Spring to perform some end-of-lifecycle operations on singleton beans, as we will examine in a subsequent section, any such operations need to be performed by user code for prototype beans because the container will no longer know anything about them at that point:

 <bean  />      <bean  singleton="true" />      <bean  singleton="false" /> 

Specifying Bean Dependencies

Satisfying bean dependencies, in the form of other beans or simple values the first bean needs, is the meat and potatoes or core functionality of the container, so it's important to understand how the process works. You've already seen examples of the main types of dependency injection, constructor injection and setter injection, and know that Spring supports both forms. You've also seen how, instead of using a constructor to obtain an initial object instance to work with, Spring can use a factory method. With respect to supplying dependencies to the bean, using a factory method to obtain a bean instance can essentially be considered equivalent to getting that instance via a constructor. In the constructor case, the container supplies (optional) argument values, which are the dependencies, to a constructor. In the factory-method case, the container supplies (optional) argument values, which are the dependencies, to the factory method. Whether the initial object instance comes through a constructor or factory method, it is from that point on treated identically.

Constructor injection and setter injection are not mutually exclusive. If Spring obtains an initial bean instance via a constructor or factory method, and supplies argument values to the constructor or factory method, thus injecting some dependencies, it is still able to then use setter injection to supply further dependencies. This can be useful, for example, when you need to use and initialize an existing class that has a constructor taking one or more arguments, that produces a bean in a known (valid) initial state, but relies on JavaBeans setter methods for some optional properties. Without using both forms of injection, you would not be able to properly initialize this type of object if any of the optional properties needed to be set.

Let's examine how the container initializes and resolves bean dependencies:

  • The container first initializes the bean definition, without instantiating the bean itself, typically at the time of container startup. The bean dependencies may be explicitly expressed in the form of constructor arguments or arguments to a factory method, and/or bean properties.

  • Each property or constructor argument in a bean definition is either an actual value to set, or a reference to another bean in the bean factory or in a parent bean factory.

  • The container will do as much validation as it can at the time the bean definition is initialized. When using the XML configuration format, you'll first get an exception from the XML parser if your configuration does not validate against the XML DTD. Even if the XML is valid in terms of the DTD, you will get an exception from Spring if it is able to determine that a definition is not logically valid; for example two properties may be mutually exclusive, with no way for the DTD to express this.

  • If a bean dependency cannot be satisfied (that is, a bean dependency is another bean that doesn't actually exist), or a constructor-argument or property value cannot be set properly, you will get an error only when the container actually needs to get a new instance of the bean and inject dependencies. If a bean instance is never needed, then there is the potential that the bean definition contains (dependency) errors you will not find out about (until that bean is eventually used). Partially in order to provide you with earlier error trapping, application contexts (but not bean factories) by default pre-instantiate singleton bean instances. The pre- instantiation stage simply consists of enumerating all singleton (the default state) beans, creating an instance of each including injection of dependencies, and caching that instance. Note that the pre-instantiation stage can be overridden through the use of the default-lazy-init attribute of the top-level beans element, or controlled on an individual bean basis by using the lazy-init attribute of the bean element.

  • When the container needs a new bean instance, typically as the result of a getBean() call or another bean referring to the first bean as a dependency, it will get the initial bean instance via the constructor or factory method that is configured, and then start to try injecting dependencies, the optional constructor or factory method arguments, and the optional property values.

  • Constructor arguments or bean properties that refer to another bean will force the container to create or obtain that other bean first. Effectively, the bean that is referred to is a dependency of the referee. This can trigger a chain of bean creation, as an entire dependency graph is resolved.

  • Every constructor argument or property value must be able to be converted from whatever type or format it was specified in, to the actual type that that constructor argument or property is expecting, if the two types are not the same. Spring is able to convert arguments supplied in string format to all the built-in scalar types, such as int, long, boolean, and so on, and allthe wrapper types such as Integer, Long, Boolean, and so on. Spring also uses JavaBeans PropertyEditors to convert potentially any type of String values to other, arbitrary types. A number of built-in PropertyEditors are automatically registered and used by the container. A couple of examples are the ClassEditor PropertyEditor, which converts a classname string into an actual Class object instance, which may be fed to a property expecting a Class, or the ResourceEditor PropertyEditor, which converts a string location path into Spring's Resource type, which is used to access resources in an abstract fashion. All the built-in property editors are described in the next chapter. As will be described later in this chapter in the section "Creating a Custom PropertyEditor," it is possible to register your own PropertyEditors to handle your own custom types.

  • The XML configuration variant used by most bean factory and application context implementations also has appropriate elements/attributes allowing you to specify complex values that are of various Collection types, including Lists, Sets, Maps, and Properties. These Collection values may nest arbitrarily.

  • Dependencies can also be implicit, to the extent that even if they are not declared, Spring is able to use reflection to see what constructor arguments a bean takes, or what properties it has, and build up a list of valid dependencies for the bean. It can then, using functionality called autowiring, populate those dependencies, based on either type or name matching. We'll ignore autowiring for the time being, and come back to it later.

Specifying Bean Dependencies, Detailed

Let's look in detail at the specifics of supplying bean properties and constructor arguments in XML format. Each bean element contains zero (0) or more constructor-arg elements, specifying constructor or lookup method arguments. Each bean element contains zero (0) or more property elements, specifying a JavaBean property to set. Constructor arguments and JavaBean properties may be combined if needed, which the following example takes advantage of. It has a constructor argument that is a reference to another bean, and an int property, a simple value:

<beans>   <bean  >     <constructor-arg index="0">       <ref local="weatherDao"/>     </constructor-arg>     <property name="maxRetryAttempts"><value>2</value></property>   </bean>       <bean  >   </bean> </beans>

From the XML DTD, we can see that a number of elements are allowed inside a property or constructor-arg element. Each is used to specify some sort of value for a property or constructor argument:

 (bean | ref | idref | list | set | map | props | value | null) 

The ref element is used to set the value of a property or constructor argument to be a reference to another bean from the factory, or from a parent factory:

 <ref local="weatherDao"/> <ref bean="weatherDao"/> <ref parent="weatherDao"/> 

The local, bean, or parent attributes are mutually exclusive, and must be the ID of the other bean. When using the local attribute, the XML parser is able to verify at parse time that the specified bean exists. However, because this relies on XML's IDREF mechanism, that bean must be in the same XML file as the reference, and its definition must use the id attribute to specify the ID being referred to, not name. When the bean attribute is used, the specified bean may be located in the same or another XML fragment that is used to build up the factory definition, or alternately in any parent factory of the current factory. However, Spring itself (not the XML parser) will validate that the specified bean exists, and this will happen only when that dependency actually needs to be resolved, not at factory load time. The much less frequently used parent attribute specifies that the target bean must come from a parent factory to the current one. This may be used in the rare cases when there is a name conflict between a bean in the current factory and a parent factory.

The value element is used to specify simple property values or constructor arguments. As previously mentioned, conversion happens from the source form, which is a string, to the type of the target property or constructor arg, which can be any of the built-in scalar types or related wrapper types, and can also be any type for which a JavaBean PropertyEditor capable of handling it is registered in the container. So for example,

<property name="classname">   <value>ch02.sample6.StaticDataWeatherDaoImpl</value>  </property>

will set a String property called classname to the string literal value ch02.sample6.StaticDataWeatherDaoImpl, but if classname is instead a property of type java.lang.Class, the factory will use the built-in (automatically registered) ClassEditor PropertyEditor to convert the string value to an actual Class object instance.

It is easy to register your own PropertyEditors to handle string conversion to any other custom types that need to be handled in the container config. One good example of where this is useful is for entering dates in string form, to be used to set Date properties. Because dates are very much locale sensitive, use of a PropertyEditor that expects a specific source string format is the easiest way to handle this need. How to register custom PropertyEditors will be demonstrated in the description of CustomEditorConfigurer, a bean factory post-processor, later in this chapter. Also, it is a little-known fact that the JavaBeans PropertyEditor machinery will automatically detect and use any PropertyEditors that are in the same package as the class they are meant to convert, as long as they have the same name as that class with "Editor" appended. That is, for a class MyType, a PropertyEditor called MyTypeEditor in the same package would automatically be detected and used by the JavaBeans support code in the Java library, without having to tell Spring about it.

Properties or constructor arguments that need to be set to Null values require special treatment because an empty value element is treated as just an empty string. Instead, use the special null element:

 <property name="optionalDescription"><null/></property> 

The idref element is a convenient way to catch errors when specifying the name of another bean as a string value. There are some Spring-specific helper beans in the framework that as property values take the name of another bean and perform some action with it. You would typically use the form

 <property name="beanName"><value>weatherService</value></property> 

to populate these properties. It would be nice if typos could somehow be caught, and in fact this is what idref does. Using the form

 <property name="beanName"><idref local="weatherService"/></property> 

allows the XML parser to participate in validation, as it will catch references to beans that don't actually exist. The resulting property value will be exactly the same as if the first value tag had been used.

The list, set, map, and props elements allow complex properties or constructor arguments of type java.util.List, java.util.Set, java.util.Map, and java.util.Properties to be defined and set. Let's look at a completely artificial example, in which a JavaBean has a List, Set, Map, and Properties property set:

<beans>   <bean  >     <property name="theList">       <list>         <value>red</value>         <value>red</value>         <value>blue</value>         <ref local="curDate"/>         <list>           <value>one</value>           <value>two</value>           <value>three</value>         </list>       </list>     </property>     <property name="theSet">       <set>         <value>red</value>         <value>red</value>         <value>blue</value>       </set>     </property>     <property name="theMap">       <map>         <entry key="left">           <value>right</value>         </entry>         <entry key="up">           <value>down</value>         </entry>         <entry key="date">           <ref local="curDate"/>         </entry>       </map>     </property>     <property name="theProperties">       <props>         <prop key="left">right</prop>         <prop key="up">down</prop>       </props>     </property>   </bean>       <bean  /> </beans>

List, Map, and Set values may be any of the elements

 (bean | ref | idref | list | set | map | props | value | null) 

As shown in the example for the list, this means the collection types can nest arbitrarily. One thing to keep in mind is that the properties or constructor arguments receiving Collection types must be of the generic types java.util.List, java.util.Set, or java.util.Map. You cannot depend on the Spring-supplied collection being of a specific type, for example ArrayList. This presents a potential problem if you need to populate a property in an existing class that takes a specific type because you can't feed a generic type to it. One solution is to use ListFactoryBean, SetFactoryBean, and MapFactoryBean, a set of helper Factory Beans available in Spring. They allow you to specify the collection type to use, for instance a java.util.LinkedList. Please see the Spring JavaDocs for more info. We will discuss factory beans shortly.

The final element allowed as a property value or constructor argument, or inside one of the collection elements, is the bean element. This means a bean definition can effectively nest inside another bean definition, as a property of the outer bean. Consider a variation of our original setter injection example:

 <beans>   <bean  >     <property name="weatherDao">       <bean >         ...       </bean>     </property>   </bean> </beans> 

Nested bean definitions are very useful when there is no use for the inner bean outside of the scope of the outer bean. In the preceding example, the weather DAO, which is set as a dependency of the weather service, has been moved to be an inner bean. No other bean or external user will ever need the weather DAO, so there is no use in keeping it as a separate outer-scope bean definition. Using the inner bean form is more concise and clearer. There is no need for the inner bean to have an ID, although it is legal. Note: Inner beans are always prototypes, with the singleton flag being ignored. In this case, this is essentially irrelevant; because there is only one instance of the outer bean ever created (it's a singleton), there would only ever be one instance of the dependency created, whether that dependency is marked as singleton or prototype. However if a prototype outer bean needs to have a singleton dependency, then that dependency should not be wired as an inner bean, but rather as a reference to a singleton external bean.

Manual Dependency Declarations

When a bean property or constructor argument refers to another bean, this is a declaration of a dependency on that other bean. You will sometimes have a need to force one bean to be initialized before another, even if it is not specified as a property of the other. The most typical case for this is when a class does some static initialization when it is loaded. For example, database drivers typically register themselves with the JDBC DriverManager. The depends-on attribute may be used to manually specify that a bean is dependent on another, triggering the instantiation of that other bean first when the dependent bean is accessed. Here's an example showing how to trigger the loading of a database driver:

 <bean  />      <bean  depends-on="load-jdbc-driver"  >    ... </bean> 

Note that most database connection pools and Spring support classes such as DriverManagerDataSource trigger this kind of loading themselves, so this is for example only.

Autowiring Dependencies

We've so far seen explicit declarations of bean dependencies through property values and constructor arguments. Under many circumstances, Spring is able to use introspection of bean classes in the factory and perform autowiring of dependencies. In autowiring, you leave the bean property or constructor argument undeclared (in the XML file), and Spring will use reflection to find the type and name of the property, and then match it to another bean in the factory based on type or name. This can potentially save a significant amount of typing, at the possible expense of some loss of transparency. You may control autowiring at both the entire container level and the individual bean definition level. Because autowiring may have uncertain effects when not used carefully, all autowiring is off by default. Autowiring at the bean level is controlled via the use of the autowire attribute, which has five possible values:

  • no: No autowiring at all for this bean. Bean properties and constructor arguments must be explicitly declared, and any reference to another bean must be done via the use of a ref element. This is the default handling for individual beans when the default is not changed at the bean factory level. This mode is recommend in most circumstances, especially for larger deployments, as explicitly declared dependencies are a form of explicit documentation and much more transparent.

  • byName: Autowire by property name. The property names are used to find matching beans in the factory. If a property has the name "weatherDao," then the container will try to set the property as a reference to another bean with the name "weatherDao." If there are no matching beans, then the property is left unset. This handling treats unmatched properties as optional. If you need to treat unmatched properties as an error case, you may do so by adding the dependencycheck="objects" attribute to the bean definition, as described later.

  • byType: Autowire by matching type. This is similar to the approach of PicoContainer, another popular dependency injection container. For each property, if there is exactly one bean in the factory of the same type as the property, the property value is set as that other bean. If there is more than one bean in the factory matching the type, it is considered a fatal error and an exception is raised. As for byName autowiring, if there are no matching beans, then the property is left unset. If this needs to be treated as an error case, the dependency-check="objects" attribute may be used on the bean definition, as described later.

  • constructor: Autowire the constructor by type. This works in essentially identical fashion to how byType works for properties, except that there must be exactly one matching bean, by type, in the factory for each constructor argument. In the case of multiple constructors, Spring will try to be greedy and satisfy the constructor with the most matching arguments.

  • autodetect: Choose byType or constructor as appropriate. The bean is introspected, and if there is a default no-arg constructor, byType is used, otherwise, constructor is used.

It is possible to set a different default autowire mode (than the normal no) for all beans in the factory by using the default-autowire attribute of the top-level beans element. Note also that you may mix autowiring and explicit wiring, with explicit property or constructor-arg elements specifying dependencies always taking precedence for any given property.

Let's look at how autowiring could work for our weather service and weather DAO. As you can see, we remove the weatherDao property definition in the bean definition, turn on autowiring by name, and Spring will still populate the property based on a name match. We could also have used autowiring by type because the property is of a type WeatherDao, and only one bean in the container matches that type:

 <beans>   <bean  autowire="byName"         >     <!-- no more weatherDao property declaration here -->   </bean>        <bean  >   </bean> </beans> 

It may be tempting to try to use autowiring extensively to try to save typing in the factory configurations, but we would caution you to be very careful when using this feature.


Removing explicitly declared dependencies also removes a form of documentation of those dependencies. Additionally, when using byType or even byName, there is the potential for surprises when more than one bean matches, or no bean matches. For larger, more complicated deployments especially, we recommend you stay away from autowiring, or use it very judiciously, as you may otherwise find you have actually increased the complexity even though you have reduced the amount of XML. Most IDEs now have DTD-aware XML editors built-in or available as plugins, which can save most of the typing when creating bean configurations, so the verbosity of explicit dependency declarations is not as much of a concern as it once would have been. What may work well in some situations is to rely on autowiring for simple low-level plumbing — say, a DataSource — and to use explicit wiring for more complicated aspects. This tends to reduce clutter without causing surprises or sacrificing much explicitness.

Constructor Argument Matching

As a general rule, you should almost always use the optional index or type attributes with constructor-arg elements you specify. While these attributes are optional, without one or the other, the list of constructor arguments you specify is resolved to actual constructor arguments based on matching of types. When the arguments you specify are references to different types of complex beans, or complex types such as a Map, it's easy for the container to do this matching, especially if there is only one constructor. However, when specifying multiple arguments of the same type, or using the value tag, which can be considered to be (in source string form) an untyped value, trying to rely on automatic matching can produce errors or unexpected results.

Consider a bean that has a constructor taking a numeric error code value and a String error message value. If we try to use the <value> tag to supply values for these arguments, we need to give the container a hint so it can do its job. We can either use the index attribute to specify the correct (0-based) argument index, matching the actual constructor:

 <beans>   <bean  >     <constructor-arg index="0"><value>1000<value></constructor-arg>     <constructor-arg index="1"><value>Unexpected Error<value></constructor-arg>   </bean> </beans> 

or alternately, we can give the container enough information that it can do proper matching based on type, by using the type attribute to specify the type of the value:

 <beans>   <bean  >     <constructor-arg type="int"><value>1000<value></constructor-arg>     <constructor-arg type="java.lang.String">       <value>Unexpected Error<value>     </constructor-arg>   </bean> </beans> 

Validating Bean Dependencies

Often, some JavaBean properties on an object are optional. You're free to set them or not as needed for the particular use case, and there would be no easy way for the container to try to help you in catching errors due to a property that needs to be set but isn't. However, when you have a bean in which all properties, or all properties of a certain nature, need to be set, the container's dependency validation feature can help out. When enabled, the container will consider it an error if properties are not supplied either by explicit declaration or through autowiring. By default, the container will not try to validate that all dependencies are set, but you may customize this behavior with the dependency-check attribute on a bean definition, which may have the following values:

  • none: No dependency validation. If a property has no value specified, it is not considered an error. This is the default handling for individual beans when the default is not changed at the bean factory level.

  • simple: Validate that primitive types and collections are set, considering it an error if they are not set. Other properties may be set or not set.

  • objects: Validate that properties that are not primitive types or collections are set, considering it an error if they are not set. Other properties may be set or not set.

  • all: Validate that all properties are set, including primitive types, collections, and complex types.

It is possible to set a different default dependency check mode (than the normal none) for all beans in the factory by using the default-dependency-check attribute of the top-level beans element.

Note also that the InitializingBean callback interface described in the next section may also be used to manually verify dependencies.

Managing the Bean Lifecycle

A bean in the factory can have a very simple or relatively complex lifecycle, with respect to things that happen to it. Since we're talking about POJOs, the bean lifecycle does not have to amount to anything more than creation and usage of the object. However, there are a number of ways that more complex life-cycles can be managed and handled, mostly centering around bean lifecycle callbacks that the bean and that third-party observer objects called bean post-processors can receive at various stages in the initialization and destruction phases. Let's examine the possible container-driven actions (described in the following table) that can happen in the lifecycle of a bean managed by that container.



Initialization begins as bean is instantiated

The new bean is instantiated via a constructor, or by calling a factory method, which is considered equivalent. This hap- pens as a result of a getBean() call on the factory, or the fact that another bean that was already being instantiated had a dependency on this one, triggering the creation of this one first.

Dependencies injected

Dependencies are injected into the instance, as previously discussed.

setBeanName() called

If the bean implements the optional interface, Bean NameAware, then that interface’s setBeanName() method is called to provide the bean with its primary ID as declared in the bean definition.

setBeanFactory() called

If the bean implements the optional BeanFactoryAware interface, then that interface’s setBeanFactory() method is called to provide the bean with a reference to the factory it is deployed in. Note that since application contexts are also bean factories, this method will also be called for beans deployed in an application context, however passing in the bean factory internally used by the context.

setResourceLoader() called

If the bean implements the optional ResourceLoader Aware interface, and it is deployed in an application con- text, then that interface’s setResourceLoader() method is called, with the application context as the ResourceLoader. (To be discussed in the next chapter.)

setApplicationEventPublisher called

If the bean implements the optional ApplicationEventPublisherAware interface, and it is deployed in an application context, then that interface’s setApplicationEventPublisher() method is called, with the application context as the ApplicationEvent Publisher. (To be discussed in the next chapter.)

setMessageSource() called

If the bean implements the optional MessageSourceAware interface, and it is deployed in an application context, then that interface’s setMessageSource() method is called, with the application context as the MessageSource. (To be discussed in the next chapter.)

setApplicationContext() called

If the bean implements the optional ApplicationContext Aware() interface, and is deployed in an application con- text, then that interface’s setApplicationContext() method is called to provide the bean with a reference to the context.

Bean post-processors get “before- initialization” callback with bean

Bean post-processors, which will be discussed shortly, are special handlers that applications may register with the fac- tory. Post-processors get a pre-initialization callback with the bean, which they may manipulate as needed.

afterPropertiesSet() called

If the bean implements the InitializingBean marker interface, then afterPropertiesSet() from this interface is called to allow the bean to initialize itself.

Declared init method called

If the bean definition defines an initialization method via the init-method attribute, then this method is called to allow the bean to initialize itself.

Bean post-processors get “after- initialization” callback with the bean instance as argument

Any bean post-processors get a post-initialization callback with the bean instance, which they may manipulate as needed, as an argument.

Bean is used

The bean instance is actually used. That is, it’s returned to the caller of getBean(), used to set a property on the other bean that triggered its creation as a dependency, and so on. Important note: Only singleton beans are tracked past this point, with prototype beans being considered as owned by the client using the bean. As such, the container will orches- trate only the subsequent lifecycle events for singleton beans. Any prototype beans have to be fully managed by the client past this point, including calling any needed destroy method.

Bean destruction begins

As part of the bean factory or application context shutdown process, all cached singleton beans go through a destruction process, consisting of the actions following this one. Note that beans are destroyed in appropriate order related to their dependency relationship, generally the reverse of the initialization order.

Bean post-processors get “destroy” callback with bean

Any bean post-processors implementing the DestructionAwareBeanPostProcessors interface get a callback to manipulate the singleton bean for destruction.

destroy() called

If a singleton bean implements the DisposableBean marker interface, then that interface’s destroy() method is called to allow the bean to do any needed resource cleanup.

Declared destroy method called

If the bean definition of a singleton bean defines a destroy method via the destroy-method attribute, then this method is called to allow the bean to release any resources that need to be released.

Initialization and Destruction Callbacks

The initialization and destroy methods mentioned previously may be used to allow the bean to perform any needed resource allocation or destruction. When trying to use an existing class with uniquely named init or destroy methods, there is not much choice other than to use the init-method and destroy-method attributes to tell the container to call these methods at the appropriate time, as in the following example, where we need to call close() on a DBCP-based DataSource:

 <bean   destroy- method="close">   <property name="driverClassName">     <value>oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver</value>   </property>   <property name="url">     <value>jdbc:oracle:thin:@db-server:1521:devdb</value>   </property>   <property name="username"><value>john</value></property>   <property name="password"><value>password</value></property> </bean> 

Generally, even for new development we recommend the use of the init-method and destroy-method attributes to tell the container about init methods or destroy methods, as opposed to the other alternative of having the bean implement the Spring-specific interfaces InitializingBean and DisposableBean, with their corresponding afterPropertiesSet() and destroy() methods. The latter approach is more convenient as the interfaces are recognized by Spring and the methods are called automatically, but you are at the same time unnecessarily tying your code to the Spring container. If the code is tied to Spring for other reasons, then this is not as much of a concern, and use of the interfaces can make life simpler for the deployer. Spring Framework code intended to be deployed as beans in the container uses the interfaces frequently.

As mentioned, non-singleton, prototype beans are not kept or managed by the container past the point of initialization. As such, it's impossible for Spring to call destroy methods on non-singleton beans, or involve the bean in any container-managed lifecycle actions. Any such methods must be called by user code. Additionally, bean post-processors do not get a chance to manipulate the bean at the destruction stage.

BeanFactoryAware and ApplicationContextAware Callbacks

A bean that wants to be aware of and access its containing bean factory or application context for any sort of programmatic manipulation may implement the BeanFactoryAware and ApplicationContextAware interfaces, respectively. In the order listed in the lifecycle actions table earlier in the chapter, the container will call into the bean via the setBeanFactory and setApplicationContext() methods of these interfaces, passing the bean a reference to itself. Generally most application code should not need to know about the container, but this is sometimes useful in Spring-specific code, and these callbacks are used in many of Spring's own classes. One situation when application code may want a reference to the factory is if a singleton bean needs to work with prototype beans. Because the singleton bean has its dependencies injected only once, the dependency injection mechanism would not appear to allow the bean to get new prototype instances as needed. Therefore, accessing the factory directly allows it to do so. However, we feel that Lookup Method Injection, already mentioned, is a better mechanism to handle this use case for most situations because with that solution the class is completely unaware of Spring or the prototype bean name.

Abstracting Access to Services and Resources

While there are a number of more advanced bean factory and application context features we have not yet touched on, at this point we've seen almost all the lower-level building blocks necessary for successful IoC-style programming and deployment. We've seen how application objects can do their work purely with other objects that have been provided to them by the container, working through interfaces or abstract superclasses, and not caring about the actual implementation or source of those objects. You should already know enough to be off and running in typical usage scenarios.

What is probably not very clear is how those other collaborators are actually obtained, when they can be configured and accessed in such a diverse fashion. Let's walk through some examples, to see how Spring lets you avoid some potential complexity and manage things transparently.

Consider a variation of our weather DAO, which instead of working with static data, uses JDBC to access historical data from a database. An initial implementation might use the original JDBC 1.0 DriverManager approach to get a connection; shown here is the find() method:

 public WeatherData find(Date date) {   // note that in the constructor or init method, we have done a     // Class.forName(driverClassName) to register the JDBC driver   // The driver, username and password have been configured as   // properties of the bean    try {     Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password);      // now use the connection     ... 

When we deploy this DAO as a bean in a Spring container, we already have some benefits, as we can easily feed in whatever values are needed for the JDBC driver url, username, and password, via Setter or Constructor Injection. However, we're not going to get any connection pooling, either in a standalone or J2EE container environment, and our connection is not going to be able to participate in any J2EE container-managed transactions, which work only through container-managed connections.

The obvious solution is to move to JDBC 2.0 DataSources for obtaining our connections. Once the DAO has a DataSource, it can just ask it for a connection, and not care how that connection is actually provided. The theoretical availability of a DataSource is not really a problem; we know that there are standalone connection pool implementations such as DBCP from Apache Jakarta Commons that can be used in a J2SE or J2EE environment, exposed through the DataSource interface, and that in most J2EE container environments a container-managed connection pool is also available, which will participate in container-managed transactions. These are also exposed as DataSources.

However, trying to move to obtaining connections through the DataSource interface introduces additional complexity because there are different ways to create and obtain a DataSource. A DBCP DataSource is created as a simple JavaBean, which is fed some configuration properties, while in most J2EE container environments, a container-managed DataSource is obtained from JNDI and used, with a code sequence similar to the following:

 try {   InitialContext context = new InitialContext();   DataSource ds = (DataSource) context.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/datasource");   // now use the DataSource   ... } catch (NamingException e) {   // handle naming exception if resource missing } 

Other DataSources might have a completely different creation/access strategy.

Our DAO could perhaps know itself how to create or obtain each type of DataSource, and be configured for which one to use. Because we've been learning Spring and IoC, we know this is not a great idea, as it ties the DAO to the DataSource implementation unnecessarily, makes configuration harder, and makes testing more complicated. The obvious IoC solution is to make the DataSource just be a property of the DAO, which we can inject into the DAO via a Spring container. This works great for the DBCP implementation, which can create the DataSource as a bean and inject it into the DAO:

 public class JdbcWeatherDaoImpl implements WeatherDAO {        DataSource dataSource;        public void setWeatherDao(DataSource dataSource) {     this.dataSource = dataSource;   }   public WeatherData find(Date date) {     try {       Connection con = dataSource.getConnection();       // now use the connection       ...   }   ... }     <bean         destroy-method="close">   <property name="driverClassName">     <value>oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver</value>   </property>   <property name="url">     <value>jdbc:oracle:thin:@db-server:1521:devdb</value>   </property>   <property name="username"><value>john</value></property>   <property name="password"><value>password</value></property> </bean>      <bean  >   <property name="DataSource">     <ref bean="dataSource"/>   </property> </bean> 

Now how do we manage to swap out the use of the DBCP DataSource with the use of a DataSource obtained from JNDI? It would not appear to be that simple, given that we need to set a property of type DataSource on the DAO, but need to get this value to come from JNDI; all we know how to do so far in the container configuration is define JavaBean properties as values and references to other beans. In fact,that's still all we have to do, as we leverage a helper class called JndiObjectFactoryBean!

 <bean  >   <property name="jndiName">     <value>java:comp/env/jdbc/datasource</value>   </property> </bean>     <bean  >   <property name="DataSource">     <ref bean="dataSource"/>   </property> </bean>

Examining Factory Beans

JndiObjectFactoryBean is an example of a Factory Bean. A Spring factory bean is based on a very simple concept: Essentially it's just a bean that on demand produces another object. All factory beans implement the special org.springframework.beans.factory.FactoryBean interface. The "magic" really happens because a level of indirection is introduced. A factory bean is itself just a normal JavaBean. When you deploy a factory bean, as with any JavaBean, you specify properties and constructor arguments needed for it to do its work. However, when another bean in the container refers to the factory bean, via a <ref> element, or when a manual request is made for the factory bean via getBean(), the container does not return the factory bean itself; it recognizes that it is dealing with the factory bean (via the marker interface), and it returns the output of the factory bean. So for all intents and purposes, each factory bean can, in terms of being used to satisfy dependencies, be considered to be the object it actually produces. In the case of JndiObjectFactoryBean, for example, this is the result of a JNDI lookup, specifically a DataSource object in our example.

The FactoryBean interface is very simple:

 public interface FactoryBean {        Object getObject() throws Exception;        Class getObjectType();        boolean isSingleton();      } 

The getObject() method is called by the container to obtain the output object. The isSingleton() flag indicates if the same object instance or a different one will be returned on each invocation. Finally, the getObjectType() method indicates the type of the returned object, or null if it is not known. While factory beans are normally configured and deployed in the container, they are just JavaBeans, so they are usable programmatically if desired.


This raises the question of how a deployed factory bean may be obtained via a getBean() call, if asking for a factory bean actually returns its output. This is possible using an "escaping" mechanism to tell the container that you want the factory bean, and not its output. This is to prepend an & to the bean ID, as follows:

FactoryBean facBean = (FactoryBean) appContext.getBean    ("&dataSource");

It's easy to create your own factory beans. However, Spring includes a number of useful factory bean implementations that cover most of the common resource and service access abstractions that benefit from being handled in this manner. Just a partial list of these includes:

  • JndiObjectFactoryBean: Returns an object that is the result of a JNDI lookup.

  • ProxyFactoryBean: Wraps an existing object in a proxy and returns it. What the proxy actually does is configured by the user, and can include interception to modify object behavior, the performance of security checks, and so on. The usage of this factory bean will be described in much more detail in the chapter on Spring AOP.

  • TransactionProxyFactoryBean: A specialization of the ProxyFactoryBean that wraps an object with a transactional proxy.

  • RmiProxyFactoryBean: Creates a proxy for accessing a remote object transparently via RMI. HttpInvokerProxyFactoryBean, JaxRpcPortProxyFactoryBean, HessianProxyFactoryBean, and BurlapProxyFactoryBean produce similar proxies for remote object access over HTTP, JAX-RPC, Hessian, and Burlap protocols, respectively. In all cases, clients are unaware of the proxy and deal only with the business interface.

  • LocalSessionFactoryBean: Configures and returns a Hibernate SessionFactory object.Similar classes exist for JDO and iBatis resource managers.

  • LocalStatelessSessionProxyFactoryBean and SimpleRemoteStatelessSessionProxyFactoryBean: Create a proxy object used for accessing local or remote stateless Session Beans, respectively. The client just uses the business interface, without worrying about JNDI access or EJB interfaces.

  • MethodInvokingFactoryBean: Returns the result of a method invocation on another bean. FieldRetrievingFactoryBean returns the value of a field in another bean.

  • A number of JMS-related factory beans return JMS resources.

Key Points and the Net Effect

In previous sections, we saw how easy it is to hook up objects in an IoC fashion. However, before getting to the stage of wiring up objects to each other, they do have to be able to be created or obtained first. For some potential collaborators, even if once obtained and configured they are ultimately accessed via a standard interface, the fact that they are normally created or obtained through complicated or nonstandard mechanisms creates an impediment to even getting the objects in the first place. Factory beans can eliminate this impediment. Past the initial object creation and wiring stage, the products of factory beans, as embodied in proxies and similar wrapper objects, can serve in an adapter role, helping in the act of abstracting actual resource and service usage, and making dissimilar services available through similar interfaces.

As you saw, without the client (weatherDao) being at all aware of it or having to be modified, we swapped out the original DBCP-based DataSource, created as a local bean, to a DataSource that came from JNDI. Ultimately, IoC enabled this swapping, but it was necessary to move resource access out of the application code, so that it could be handled by IoC.


We hope that one of the main things this will impress upon you is that when you can easily abstract service and resource access like this, and switch from one mechanism to the other at will, there is really no reason to use deployment scenarios and technologies that don't make sense at the particular time you put them into effect. In any case, the client should be agnostic to the actual deployment and implementation scenario.

If you can transparently (to the client) access remote services via RMI, RPC over HTTP, or EJBs, why should you not deploy the solution that makes the most sense, and why would you couple the client to one implementation over another when you don't have to? J2EE has traditionally pushed the idea of exposing some resources such as DataSources, JMS resources, JavaMail interfaces, and so on via JNDI. Even if it makes sense for the resources to be exposed there, it never makes sense for the client to do direct JNDI access. Abstracting via something like JndiObjectFactoryBean means that you can later switch to an environment without JNDI, simply by changing your bean factory config instead of client code. Even when you do not need to change the deployment environment or implementation technology in production, these abstractions make unit and integration testing much easier, as they enable you to employ different configurations for deployment and test scenarios. This will be shown in more detail in the next chapter. It is also worth pointing out that using JndiObjectFactoryBean has removed the need for some non-trivial code in the DAO — JNDI lookup — that has nothing to do with the DAO's business function. This demonstrates the de-cluttering effect of dependency injection.

Reusing Bean Definitions

Considering the amount of Java code related to configuration and object wiring that they replace, XML bean definitions are actually fairly compact. However, sometimes you will need to specify a number of bean definitions that are quite similar to each other.

Consider our WeatherService:

 <bean  >   <property name="weatherDao">     <ref local="weatherDao"/>   </property> </bean> 

In a typical application scenario where the backend is a database, we need to use service objects like this transactionally. As you will learn in detail in Chapter 6, "Transaction and DataSource Management," one of the easiest ways to accomplish this is to declaratively wrap the object so that it becomes transactional, with a Spring factory bean called TransactionProxyFactoryBean:

 <bean  >   <property name="weatherDao">     <ref local="weatherDao"/>   </property> </bean>     <!-- transactional proxy --> <bean     >       <property name="target"><ref local="weatherServiceTarget"/></property>       <property name="transactionManager"><ref local="transactionManager"/></property>   <property name="transactionAttributes">     <props>       <prop key="*">PROPAGATION_REQUIRED</prop>     </props>   </property> </bean>  

Don't worry for now about the exact details of how TransactionProxyFactoryBean is configured or how it actually does its work. What is important to know is that it's a FactoryBean that, given a target bean as input, produces as its output a transactional proxy object, implementing the same interfaces as the target bean, but now with transactional usage semantics. Because we want clients to use the wrapped object, the original unwrapped (non-transactional) bean has been renamed to weatherServiceTarget, and the proxy now has the name weatherService. Any existing clients using the weather service are unaware that they are now dealing with a transactional service.

Being able to wrap objects declaratively like this is very convenient (especially compared to the alternative of doing it programmatically at the code level), but in a large application with dozens or hundreds of service interfaces that need to be wrapped in an almost similar fashion, it seems somewhat wasteful to have so much essentially identical, boilerplate XML. In fact, the container's ability to allow both parent and child bean definitions is meant exactly for this sort of situation. Taking advantage of this, we can now use the approach of having an abstract parent, or template, transaction proxy definition:

 <bean  abstract="true"     >   <property name="transactionManager">     <ref local="transactionManager"/></ref>   </property>   <property name="transactionAttributes">     <props>       <prop key="*">PROPAGATION_REQUIRED</prop>     </props>   </property> </bean>

Then we create each real proxy as a child definition that has only to specify properties that are different from the parent template:

<bean  >   <property name="weatherDao">     <ref local="weatherDao"/>   </property> </bean>     <bean  parent="txProxyTemplate">   <property name="target"><ref local="weatherServiceTarget"/></ref></property> </bean>

In fact, it's possible to get an even cleaner and somewhat more compact form. Because no client will ever need to use the unwrapped weather service bean, it can be defined as an inner bean of the wrapping proxy:

 <bean  parent="txProxyTemplate">   <property name="target">     <bean >       <property name="weatherDao">         <ref local="weatherDao"/>       </property>     </bean>   </property> </bean> 

Another service that needs to be wrapped can just use a bean definition that derives from the parent template in a similar fashion. In the following example, the transactionAttributes property from the parent template is also overridden, in order to add transaction propagation settings that are specific to this particular proxy:

 <bean  parent="txProxyTemplate">   <property name="target">     <bean >     </bean>   </property>   <property name="transactionAttributes">     <props>       <prop key="save*">PROPAGATION_REQUIRED </prop>       <prop key="*">PROPAGATION_REQUIRED,readOnly</prop>     </props>   </property> </bean>

AOP "autoproxying" can provide an even simpler way of capturing commonality between AOP advice on different bean definitions. See Chapter 4, "Spring and AOP," for more information.

Child Bean Definition Specifics

A child bean definition inherits property values and constructor arguments defined in a parent bean definition. It also inherits a number of the optional attributes from the parent definition (if actually specified in the parent). As seen in the previous example, the parent attribute in the child bean definition is used to point to the parent.

The child bean definition may specify a class, or leave it unset to inherit the value from the parent. If the child definition does specify a class (that is different from the parent), the class must still be able to accept any constructor arguments or properties specified in the parent definition because they will be inherited and used.

From the parent, child definitions inherit any constructor argument values, property values, and method overrides, but may add new values as needed. On the other hand, any init-method, destroy-method, or factory-method values from the parent are inherited, but completely overridden by corresponding values in the child.

Some bean configuration settings are never inherited, but will always be taken from the child definition. These are: depends-on, autowire, dependency-check, singleton, and lazy-init.

Beans marked as abstract using the abstract attribute (as used in our example) may not themselves be instantiated. Unless there is a need to instantiate a parent bean, you should almost always specifically mark it as abstract. This is a good practice because a non-abstract parent bean, even if you do not specifically ask the container for it or refer to it as a dependency, may possibly still be instantiated by the container. Application contexts (but not bean factories) will by default try to pre-instantiate non-abstract singleton beans.


Note also that even without an explicit abstract attribute, bean definitions can be considered implicitly abstract if they do not specify a class or factory-method because there is not enough information to be able to instantiate them. Any attempt to instantiate an (explicitly or implicitly) abstract bean will result in an error.

Using Post-Processors to Handle Customized Beans and Containers

Bean post-processors are special listeners, which you may register (either explicitly or implicitly) with the container, that receive a callback from the container for each bean that is instantiated. Bean factory postprocessors are similar listeners that receive a callback from the container when the container has been instantiated. You will periodically come across a need to customize a bean, a group of beans, or the entire container configuration, which you will find is handled most easily by creating a post-processor, or using one of the number of existing post-processors included with Spring.

Bean Post-Processors

Bean post-processors implement the BeanPostProcessor interface:

 public interface BeanPostProcessor {   Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object bean, String beanName)       throws BeansException;   Object postProcessAfterInitialization(Object bean, String beanName)       throws BeansException; } 

The DestructionAwareBeanPostProcessor extends this interface:

 public interface DestructionAwareBeanPostProcessor extends BeanPostProcessor {   void postProcessBeforeDestruction(Object bean, String name)        throws BeansException; } 

The bean lifecycle table shown previously listed at which points in the bean lifecycle each of these call-backs occurs. Let's create a bean post-processor that uses the postProcessAfterInitialization call-back to list to the console every bean that has been initialized in the container.

 public class BeanInitializationLogger implements BeanPostProcessor {        public Object postProcessBeforeInitialization(Object bean, String beanName)       throws BeansException {     return bean;   }        public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(Object bean, String beanName)       throws BeansException {          System.out.println("Bean ‘" + beanName + "' initialized");     return bean;   } } 


This example doesn't do very much; a real-life post-processor would probably manipulate the actual bean instance, and would write to a log file, not the console.


In an application context, bean post-processors are automatically recognized and used by the container, when deployed like any other bean:

<beans>   <bean  >     <property name="weatherDao">       <ref local="weatherDao"/>     </property>   </bean>   <bean  />   <bean  /> </beans>

When the context specified by this configuration is loaded, the post-processor gets two callbacks and produces the following output:

 Bean 'weatherDao' initialized Bean 'weatherService' initialized 

Using bean post-processors with a simple bean factory is slightly more complicated because they must be manually registered with the factory (in the spirit of the bean factory's more programmatic usage approach) instead of just being added as a bean in the XML config itself:

 XmlBeanFactory factory = new XmlBeanFactory(          new ClassPathResource("ch03/sample8/beans.xml"));  BeanInitializationLogger logger = new BeanInitializationLogger();  factory.addBeanPostProcessor(logger); // our beans are singletons, so will be pre-instantiated, at // which time the post-processor will get callbacks for them too  factory.preInstantiateSingletons(); 

As you can see, BeanFactory.preInstantiateSingletons() is called to pre-instantiate the singleton beans in the factory because only application contexts pre-instantiate singletons by default. In any case, the post-processor is called when the bean is actually instantiated, whether as part of pre-instantiation, or when the bean is actually requested, if pre-instantiation is skipped.

Bean Factory Post-Processors

Bean factory post-processors implement the BeanFactoryPostProcessor interface:

 public interface BeanFactoryPostProcessor {   void postProcessBeanFactory(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory)           throws BeansException; } 

Here's an example bean factory post-processor that simply gets a list of all the bean names in the factory and prints them out:

 public class AllBeansLister implements BeanFactoryPostProcessor {        public void postProcessBeanFactory(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory factory)       throws BeansException {          System.out.println("The factory contains the followig beans:");     String[] beanNames = factory.getBeanDefinitionNames();     for (int i = 0; i < beanNames.length; ++i)       System.out.println(beanNames[i]);   } } 

Using bean factory post-processors is relatively similar to using bean post-processors. In an application context, they simply need to be deployed like any other bean, and will be automatically recognized and used by the context. With a simple bean factory on the other hand, they need to be manually executed against the factory:

 XmlBeanFactory factory = new XmlBeanFactory(         new ClassPathResource("ch03/sample8/beans.xml"));  AllBeansLister lister = new AllBeansLister(); lister.postProcessBeanFactory(factory); 

Let's now examine some useful bean post-processors and bean factory post-processors that come with Spring.


Often when deploying a Spring-based application, most items in a container configuration are not meant to be modified at deployment time. Making somebody go into a complex configuration and change a few values that do need to be customized can be inconvenient. It can also potentially be dangerous because somebody may make a mistake and invalidate the configuration by accidentally modifying some unrelated values.

PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer is a bean factory post-processor that when used in a bean factory or application context definition allows you to specify some values via special placeholder strings, and have those placeholders be replaced by real values from an external file in Java Properties format. Additionally, the configurer will by default also check against the Java System properties if there is no match for the placeholder string in the external file. The systemPropertiesMode property of the configurer allows turning off the fallback, or making the System Properties have precedence.

One example of values that would be nice to externalize are configuration strings for a database connection pool. Here's our previous DBCP-based DataSource definition, now using placeholders for the actual values:

<bean   destroy- method="close">   <property name="driverClassName"><value>${db.driverClassName}</value></property>   <property name="url"><value>${db.url}</value></property>   <property name="username"><value>${db.username}</value></property>   <property name="password"><value>${db.password}</value></property> </bean> 

The real values now come from an external file in Properties format:

 db.driverClassName=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver  db.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@db-server:1521:devdb db.username=john db.password=password 

To use a PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer instance to pull in the proper values in an application context, the configurer is simply deployed like any other bean:

 <bean       >     <property name="location"><value></value></property>  </bean> 

To use it with a simple bean factory, it must be manually executed:

     XmlBeanFactory factory = new XmlBeanFactory(             new ClassPathResource("beans.xml")); PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer ppc = new PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer(); ppc.setLocation(new FileSystemResource("")); ppc.postProcessBeanFactory(factory); 


PropertyOverrideConfigurer, a bean factory post-processor, is somewhat similar to PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer, but where for the latter, values must come from an external Properties files, PropertyOverrideConfigurer allows values from the external Properties to override bean property values in the bean factory or application context.

Each line in the Properties file must be in the format: 

Where beanName is the ID of a bean in the container, and property is one of its properties. An example Properties file could look like this:

 dataSource.driverClassName=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver  dataSource.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@db-server:1521:devdb  dataSource.username=john dataSource.password=password 

This would override four properties in the bean "dataSource." Any properties (of any bean) in the container, not overridden by a value in the Properties file, will simply remain at whatever value the container config specifies for it, or the default value for that bean if the container config does not set it either. Because just looking at the container config will not give you an indication that a value is going to be overridden, without also seeing the Properties file, this functionality should be used with some care.


CustomEditorConfigurer is a bean factory post-processor, which allows you to register custom JavaBeans PropertyEditors as needed to convert values in String form to the final property or constructor argument values in a specific complex object format.

Creating a Custom PropertyEditor

One particular reason you might need to use a custom PropertyEditor is to be able to set properties of type java.util.Date, as specified in string form. Because date formats are very much locale sensitive, use of a PropertyEditor, which expects a specific source string format, is the easiest way to handle this need. Because this is a very concrete problem that users are likely to have, rather than present some abstract example we're just going to examine how Spring's own existing CustomDateEditor,a PropertyEditor for Dates, is coded and how you may register and use it. Your own custom PropertyEditors would be implemented and registered in similar fashion:

 public class CustomDateEditor extends PropertyEditorSupport {        private final DateFormat dateFormat;   private final boolean allowEmpty;        public CustomDateEditor(DateFormat dateFormat, boolean allowEmpty) {     this.dateFormat = dateFormat;     this.allowEmpty = allowEmpty;   }        public void setAsText(String text) throws IllegalArgumentException {     if (this.allowEmpty && !StringUtils.hasText(text)) {       // treat empty String as null value       setValue(null);     }     else {       try {         setValue(this.dateFormat.parse(text));       }       catch (ParseException ex) {         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not parse date: " +                  ex.getMessage());       }     }   }        public String getAsText() {     return (getValue() == null ? "" : this.dateFormat.format((Date) getValue()));   } } 

For full JavaDocs for this class, please see the Spring distribution. Essentially though, to implement your own PropertyEditor, the easiest way is, as this code does, to start by inheriting from the java.beans.PropertyEditorSupport convenience base class that is part of the standard Java library. This implements most of the property editor machinery other than the actual setAsText() and getAsText() methods, the standard implementations of which you must normally override. Note that PropertyEditors have state, so they are not normally threadsafe, but Spring does ensure that they are used in a threadsafe fashion by synchronizing the entire sequence of method calls needed to perform a conversion.

CustomDateEditor uses any implementation of the java.text.DateFormat interface to do the actual conversion, passed in as a constructor argument. When you deploy it, you can use a java.text.SimpleDateFormat for this purpose. It can also be configured to treat empty strings as null values, or an error.

Registering and Using the Custom PropertyEditor

Now let's look at an application context definition in which CustomEditorConfigurer is used to register CustomDateEditor as a PropertyEditor to be used for converting strings to java.util.Date objects. A specific date format string is provided:

 <bean        >   <property name="customEditors">     <map>            <-- register property editor for java.util.Date -->       <entry key="java.util.Date">         <bean >           <constructor-arg index="0">             <bean >               <constructor-arg><value>M/d/yy</value></constructor-arg>             </bean>           </constructor-arg>           <constructor-arg index="1"><value>true</value></constructor-arg>         </bean>       </entry>          </map>   </property> </bean>      <-- try out the date editor by setting two Date properties as strings --> <bean  >   <property name="startDate"><value>10/09/1968</value></property>   <property name="endDate"><value>10/26/2004</value></property> </bean> 

The CustomEditorConfigurer can register one or more custom PropertyEditors, with this sample registering only one. Your own custom PropertyEditors for other types might not need any special configuration. CustomDateEditor, which has a couple of constructor arguments in this sample, took a SimpleDateFormat with a date format string as the first, and a Boolean indicating that empty strings should produce null values, as the second.

The example also showed how a test bean called "testBean" had two properties of type Date set via string values, to try out the custom property editor.


BeanNameAutoProxyCreator is a bean post-processor. The AOP chapter will talk in more detail about how it's used, but it's worth knowing that it exists. Essentially, given a list of bean names, BeanNameAutoProxyCreator is able to wrap beans that match those names in the factory, as they are instantiated, with proxy objects that intercept access to those original beans, or modify their behavior.


This bean post-processor is similar to BeanNameAutoProxyCreator, but finds beans to wrap, along with the information on how to wrap them (the Advice), in a more generic fashion. Again, it's worth reading about it in the AOP chapter.

Professional Java Development with the Spring Framework
Professional Java Development with the Spring Framework
ISBN: 0764574833
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 188 © 2008-2017.
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