

C language

See also C++Builder; Visual C++

drivers for ADS, 24

C#. See C# Builder; Visual C#


See also ADO.NET; Advantage .NET Data Provider; Visual C#

changing user passwords, 414–417

connecting to ADS data with, 401–403

connection parameters for, 401–424

creating tables, 412–414

drivers for ADS, 24

executing parameterized queries, 405–406

executing queries, 403–405

executing stored procedures, 409–410

granting access rights to tables, 412–414

overview, 398–399

reading and writing data, 406–409

scanning result sets, 410–411

template for creating Advantage Extended Procedures, 174, 180

template for creating triggers, 217

using with ADS, 23–24

C++. See C++ Builder; Visual C++


See also Delphi

drivers for ADS, 24

template for creating Advantage Extended Procedures, 174, 176

template for creating triggers, 211–212

using with ADS, 23

cascading updates and deletes, 141–142

CASE reserved keyword, 239, 278–279

CASESENSITIVE keyword, 274

CDX indexes, 31

CEILING() scalar function, 248

CHAR() scalar function, 248

CHARACTER data type, 36

CHARACTER_LENGTH() scalar function, 248

CHAR_LENGTH() scalar function, 248

child table, 136, 309

client time out, setting, 16

client-side cursors and ADO, 373

client-side validation, 125–126

client/server architecture, defined, 7


driver for ADS, 24

tables, 31

using with ADS, 5, 23

code samples

downloading, 454

installing, 452–454

COLUMN reserved keyword, 239, 275


See also fields; tables

defined, 30

comments in SQL, 249–250

COMMIT reserved keyword, 239

COMMIT WORK statement, 299–300

comparing data dictionaries, 118–122


enhancements to, in ADS 7, 26

setting, 16

CONCAT() scalar function, 248

conditional indexes, 69–70

CONDITIONALS keyword, 274

configuring Advantage Database Server, 11–17

connecting to ADS data

types of drivers, 23–24

from C#Builder, 401–403

from Delphi, 332–334

from Java, 354–356

from JBuilder, 354–356, 370

from Perl, 437–438

from PHP, 430–431

from Visual Basic, 376–380

from Visual C#, 401–403

via ADO, 376–380

via ADO.NET, 401–403

via ODBC, 421–426

connection limits, setting, 14

CONSTRAINT reserved keyword, 239, 272


advantages of, 127

alternatives to using, 125–127

comments about, 145–147

creating, 127–129, 133–136, 138–140, 142–145, 272

defined, 92, 124

fail table, 131–133, 136, 141

minimum and maximum, 129

NULL valid, 129

overview, 124

triggers versus, 126–126, 204

CONTAINS() scalar function, 83–84, 249, 293–295

indexes and, 71

CONTENT keyword, 274

CONVERT() scalar function, 249

COS() scalar function, 248

COT() scalar function, 248

COUNT reserved keyword, 239, 255, 286–289

CREATE statement, 239, 252, 271–273


Advantage Extended Procedures, 174–189

constraints, 127–129, 133–136, 138–140, 142–145

data dictionaries, 94–99, 311

data dictionary links, 164–165, 320–321

FTS indexes, 81–83

groups, 112–118, 324

indexes, 71–74, 273–274

referential integrity definitions, 137–145, 319–320

tables, 33–38, 100, 271–273

triggers, 203–226

users, 108–111, 324

views, 151–155, 158–162

creating tables example

from C#Builder, 412–414

from Delphi, 345–348

from Java, 366–368

from JBuilder, 366–368

from Visual Basic, 392–393

from Visual C#, 412–414

via ADO, 392–393

via ADO.NET, 412–414

Crystal Reports driver for ADS, 24

CURDATE() scalar function, 247, 310

CURDOUBLE data type, 27, 36

CURRENT_DATE() scalar function, 247

CURRENT_TIME() scalar function, 247

CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() scalar function, 247

cursor caching, 450


creating live, 253–254

creating static, 254–255

live versus static, 252–256

using live, 254

using static, 255–256

CURTIME() scalar function, 247

custom indexes, 70

Advantage Database Server. The Official Guide
Advantage Database Server: The Official Guide
ISBN: 0072230843
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2002
Pages: 129 © 2008-2017.
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