Here are some of the key points from the certification objectives in Chapter 4.
❑ | It's easiest if you can partition hard disks during the installation process. |
❑ | The fdisk tool can help you create and delete partitions, as well as change partition types. |
❑ | The parted tool can do everything that fdisk can do, and it can help you resize a partition. |
❑ | Linux filesystems can be loosely defined as regular and journaling filesystems. While there are other filesystems available, this chapter describes the essential differences between the older ext2 and the current default ext3 filesystems. |
❑ | If you have the kernel source RPMs installed, you can review supported filesystems. |
❑ | A number of mount options are available for /etc/fstab. The defaults option sets up a partition as rw (read/write), suid (superuser ID and super group ID files allowed), dev (device files read), exec (binaries can be run), auto (automatic mounting), nouser (mountable only by root), and async (data is read asynchronously). |
❑ | Standard filesystems are mounted as defined in /etc/fstab. |
❑ | Portable filesystems such as CDs and USB keys are usually mounted automatically when installed. |
❑ | With the automounter, you can configure automatic mounts of removable media and shared network drives. |
❑ | With Access Control Lists, you can allow specific users access to the files of your choice with the setfacl command. |
❑ | With SELinux, Red Hat has implemented targeted control that protects network daemons, using fine-grained controls. |