11.9 Run-Time Memory Organization

11.9 Run-Time Memory Organization

An operating system like Mac OS, Linux, or Windows puts different types of data into different areas ( sections or segments ) of main memory. Although it is possible to control the memory organization by running a linker and specifying various parameters, by default Windows loads a typical program into memory using the organization shown in Figure 11-6 (Linux is similar, though it rearranges some of the sections).

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Figure 11-6: Typical Windows run-time memory organization

The operating system reserves the lowest memory addresses. Generally , your application cannot access data (or execute instructions) at the lowest addresses in memory. One reason the OS reserves this space is to help detect NULL pointer references. Programmers often initialize pointers with NULL (zero) to indicate that the pointer is not valid. Should you attempt to access memory location zero under such OSes, the OS will generate a 'general protection fault' to indicate that you've accessed a memory location that doesn't contain valid data.

The remaining seven areas in the memory map hold different types of data associated with your program. These sections of memory include:

  • The code section, which holds the program's machine instructions.

  • The constant section, which holds compiler-generated read-only data.

  • The read-only data section, that holds user -defined data that can only be read, never written.

  • The static section, which holds user-defined, initialized , static variables .

  • The storage section, or BSS section, that holds user-defined uninitialized variables.

  • The stack section, where the program keeps local variables and other temporary data.

  • The heap section, where the program maintains dynamic variables.

Often, a compiler will combine the code, constant, and read-only data sections because all three sections contain read-only data.

Most of the time, a given application can live with the default layouts chosen for these sections by the compiler and linker/loader. In some cases, however, knowing the memory layout can allow you to develop shorter programs. For example, as the code section is usually read-only, it may be possible to combine the code, constants, and read-only data sections into a single section, thus saving any padding space that the compiler/linker may place between these sections. Although these savings are probably insignificant for large applications, they can have a big impact on the size of a small program.

The following sections discuss each of these memory areas in detail.

11.9.1 Static and Dynamic Objects, Binding, and Lifetime

To understand the memory organization of a typical program, we've first got to define a few terms that will prove useful in our discussion. These terms are binding, lifetime, static, and dynamic .

Binding is the process of associating an attribute with an object. For example, when you assign a value to a variable, we say that the value is bound to that variable at the point of the assignment. The value remains bound to the variable until you bind some other value to it (via another assignment operation). Likewise, if you allocate memory for a variable while the program is running, we say that the variable is bound to the address at that point. The variable and address are bound until you associate a different address with the variable. Binding needn't occur at run time. For example, values are bound to constant objects during compilation, and such bindings cannot change while the program is running.

The lifetime of an attribute extends from the point when you first bind that attribute to an object to the point when you break that bond, perhaps by binding a different attribute to the object. For example, the lifetime of a variable is from the time you first associate memory with the variable to the moment you deallocate that variable's storage.

Static objects are those that have an attribute bound to them prior to the execution of the application. Constants are good examples of static objects; they have the same value bound to them throughout the execution of the application. Global (program-level) variables in programming languages like Pascal, C/C++, and Ada are also examples of static objects in that they have the same address bound to them throughout the program's lifetime. The lifetime of a static object, therefore, extends from the point at which the program first begins execution to the point when the application terminates. The system binds attributes to a static object before the program begins execution (usually during compilation or during the linking phase, though it is possible to bind values even earlier).

The notion of identifier scope is also associated with static binding. The scope of an identifier is that section of the program where the identifier's name is bound to the object. As names exist only during compilation, scope is definitely a static attribute in compiled languages. (In interpretive languages, where the interpreter maintains the identifier names during program execution, scope can be a nonstatic attribute.) The scope of a local variable is generally limited to the procedure or function in which you declare it (or to any nested procedure or function declarations in block structured languages like Pascal or Ada), and the name is not visible outside the subroutine. In fact, it is possible to reuse an identifier's name in a different scope (that is, in a different function or procedure). In such a case as this, the second occurrence of the identifier will be bound to a different object than the first use of the identifier.

Dynamic objects are those that have some attribute assigned to them while the program is running. The program may choose to change that attribute (dynamically) while the program is running. The lifetime of that attribute begins when the application associates the attribute with the object and ends when the program breaks that association. If the program associates some attribute with an object and then never breaks that bond, the lifetime of the attribute is from the point of association to the point the program terminates. The system binds dynamic attributes to an object at runtime, after the application begins execution.

Note that an object may have a combination of static and dynamic attributes. For example, a static variable will have an address bound to it for the entire execution time of the program. However, that same variable could have different values bound to it throughout the program's lifetime. For any given attribute, however, the attribute is either static or dynamic; it cannot be both.

11.9.2 The Code, Read-Only, and Constant Sections

The code section in memory contains the machine instructions for a program. Your compiler translates each statement you write into a sequence of one or more byte values. The CPU interprets these byte values as machine instructions during program execution.

Most compilers also attach a program's read-only data to the code section because, like the code instructions, the read-only data is already write-protected. However, it is perfectly possible under Windows, Linux, and many other operating systems to create a separate section in the executable file and mark it as read-only. As a result, some compilers do support a separate read-only data section. Such sections contain initialized data, tables, and other objects that the program should not change during program execution.

The constant section found in Figure 11-6 typically contains data that the compiler generates (as opposed to a read-only section that contains user-defined read-only data). Most compilers actually emit this data directly to the code section. Therefore, in most executable files, you'll find a single section that combines the code, read-only data, and constant data sections.

11.9.3 The Static Variables Section

Many languages provide the ability to initialize a global variable during the compilation phase. For example, in C/C++ you could use statements like the following to provide initial values for these static objects:

 static int i = 10;  static char ch[] = ( 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd' }; 

In C/C++ and other languages, the compiler will place these initial values in the executable file. When you execute the application, the operating system will load the portion of the executable file that contains these static variables into memory so that the values appear at the addresses associated with them. Therefore, when the program first begins execution, these static variables will magically have these values bound to them.

11.9.4 The Uninitialized Storage (BSS) Section

Most operating systems will zero out memory prior to program execution. Therefore, if an initial value of zero is suitable and your operating system supports this feature, you don't need to waste any disk space with the static object's initial value. Generally, however, compilers treat uninitialized variables in a static section as though you've initialized them with zero, thus consuming disk space. Some operating systems provide a separate section, the BSS section , to avoid this waste of disk space.

The BSS section is where compilers typically put static objects that don't have an explicit value associated with them. BSS stands for block started by a symbol, which is an old assembly language term describing a pseudo-opcode one would use to allocate storage for an uninitialized static array. In modern OSes like Windows and Linux, the OS allows the compiler/linker to put all uninitialized variables into a BSS section that simply contains information that tells the OS how many bytes to set aside for the section. When the operating system loads the program into memory, it reserves sufficient memory for all the objects in the BSS section and fills this memory with zeros. It is important to note that the BSS section in the executable file doesn't actually contain any data. Because the BSS section does not require the executable file to consume space for uninitialized zeros, programs that declare large uninitialized static arrays will consume less disk space.

However, not all compilers actually use a BSS section. Many Microsoft languages and linkers, for example, simply place the uninitialized objects in the static data section and explicitly give them an initial value of zero. Although Microsoft claims that this scheme is faster, it certainly makes executable files larger if your code has large, uninitialized arrays (because each byte of the array winds up in the executable file - something that would not happen if the compiler were to place the array in a BSS section).

11.9.5 The Stack Section

The stack is a data structure that expands and contracts in response to procedure invocations and the return to calling routines, among other things. At run time, the system places all automatic variables (nonstatic local variables), subroutine parameters, temporary values, and other objects in the stack section of memory in a special data structure we call the activation record (which is aptly named because the system creates an activation record when a subroutine first begins execution, and it deallocates the activation record when the subroutine returns to its caller). Therefore, the stack section in memory is very busy.

Most CPUs implement the stack using a register called the stack pointer . Some CPUs, however, don't provide an explicit stack pointer and, instead, use a general-purpose register for this purpose. If a CPU provides an explicit stack-pointer register, we say that the CPU supports a hardware stack; if only a general-purpose register is available, then we say that the CPU uses a software-implemented stack. The 80x86 is a good example of a CPU that provides a hardware stack; the MIPS Rx000 family is a good example of a CPU family that implements the stack in software. Systems that provide hardware stacks can generally manipulate data on the stack using fewer instructions than those systems that implement the stack in software. On the other hand, RISC CPU designers who've chosen to use a software-stack implementation feel that the presence of a hardware stack actually slows down all instructions the CPU executes. In theory, one could make an argument that the RISC designers are right; in practice, though, the 80x86 CPU is one of the fastest CPUs around, providing ample proof that having a hardware stack doesn't necessarily mean you'll wind up with a slow CPU.

11.9.6 The Heap Section and Dynamic Memory Allocation

Although simple programs may only need static and automatic variables, sophisticated programs need the ability to allocate and deallocate storage dynamically (at run time) under program control. In the C and HLA languages, you would use the malloc and free functions for this purpose, C++ provides the new and delete operators, Pascal uses new and dispose , and other languages provide comparable routines. These memory-allocation routines have a few things in common: they let the programmer request how many bytes of storage to allocate, they return a pointer to the newly allocated storage (that is, the address of that storage), and they provide a facility for returning the storage space to the system once it is no longer needed, so the system can reuse it in a future allocation call. Dynamic memory allocation takes place in a section of memory known as the heap .

Generally, an application refers to data on the heap using pointer variables (either implicitly or explicitly; some languages, like Java, implicitly use pointers behind the programmer's back). As such, we'll usually refer to objects in heap memory as anonymous variables because we refer to them by their memory address (via pointers) rather than by a name.

The OS and application create the heap section in memory after the program begins execution; the heap is never a part of the executable file. Generally, the OS and language run-time libraries maintain the heap for an application. Despite the variations in memory management implementations , it's still a good idea for you to have a basic idea of how heap allocation and deallocation operate , because an inappropriate use of the heap management facilities will have a very negative impact on the performance of your applications. Memory Allocation

An extremely simple (and fast) memory allocation scheme would maintain a single variable that forms a pointer into the heap region of memory. Whenever a memory allocation request comes along, the system makes a copy of this heap pointer and returns it to the application; then the heap management routines add the size of the memory request to the address held in the pointer variable and verify that the memory request doesn't try touse more memory than is available in the heap region (some memory managers return an error indication, like a NULL pointer, when the memory request is too great, and others raise an exception). The problem with this simple memory management scheme is that it wastes memory, because there is no mechanism to allow the application to free the memory that anonymous variables no longer require so that the application can reuse that memory later. One of the main purposes of a heap-management system is to perform garbage collection , that is, reclaim unused memory when an application finishes using the memory.

The only catch is that supporting garbage collection requires some overhead. The memory management code will need to be more sophisticated, will take longer to execute, and will require some additional memory to maintain the internal data structures the heap-management system uses. Let's consider an easy implementation of a heap manager that supports garbage collection. This simple system maintains a (linked) list of free memory blocks. Each free memory block in the list will require two double-word values: one double-word value specifies the size of the free block, and the other double word contains a link to the next free block in the list (that is, a pointer), see Figure 11-7.

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Figure 11-7: Heap management using a list of free memory blocks

The system initializes the heap with a NULL link pointer, and the size field contains the size of the entire free space. When a memory request comes along, the heap manager first determines if there is a sufficiently large block available for the allocation request. To do this, the heap manager has to search through the list to find a free block with enough memory to satisfy the request.

One of the defining characteristics of a heap manager is how it searches through the list of free blocks to satisfy the request. Some common search algorithms are first-fit and best-fit . The first-fit search, as its name suggests, scans through the list of blocks until it finds the first block of memory large enough to satisfy the allocation request. The best-fit algorithm scans through the entire list and finds the smallest block large enough to satisfy the request. The advantage of the best-fit algorithm is that it tends to preserve larger blocks better than the first-fit algorithm, thereby allowing the system to handle larger subsequent allocation requests when they arrive . The first-fit algorithm, on the other hand, just grabs the first sufficiently large block it finds, even if there is a smaller block that would satisfy the request; as a result, the first-fit algorithm may reduce the number of large free blocks in the system that could satisfy large memory requests .

The first-fit algorithm does have a couple of advantages over the best-fit algorithm, though. The most obvious advantage is that the first-fit algorithm is usually faster. The best-fit algorithm has to scan through every block in the free block list in order to find the smallest block large enough to satisfy the allocation request (unless, of course, it finds a perfectly sized block along the way). The first-fit algorithm, on the other hand, can stop once it finds a block large enough to satisfy the request.

Another advantage to the first-fit algorithm is that it tends to suffer less from a degenerate condition known as external fragmentation . Fragmentation occurs after a long sequence of allocation and deallocation requests. Remember, when the heap manager satisfies a memory allocation request, it usually creates two blocks of memory - one in-use block for the request and one free block that contains the remaining bytes in the original block after the request is filled ( assuming the heap manager did not find an exact fit). After operating for a while, the best-fit algorithm may wind up producing lots of smaller, leftover blocks of memory that are too small to satisfy an average memory request (because the best-fit algorithm also produces the smallest leftover blocks as a result of its behavior). As a result, the heap manager will probably never allocate these small blocks (fragments), so they are effectively unusable. Although each individual fragment may be small, as multiple fragments accumulate throughout the heap, they can wind up consuming a fair amount of memory. This can lead to a situation where the heap doesn't have a sufficiently large block to satisfy a memory allocation request even though there is enough free memory available (spread throughout the heap). See Figure 11-8 on the next page for an example of this condition.

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Figure 11-8: Memory fragmentation

In addition to the first-fit and best-fit algorithms, there are other memory allocation strategies. Some execute faster, some have less (memory) overhead, some are easy to understand (and some are very complex), some produce less fragmentation, and some have the ability to combine and use noncontiguous blocks of free memory. Memory/heap management is one of the more heavily studied subjects in computer science; there is considerable literature extolling the benefits of one scheme over another. For more information on memory allocation strategies, check out a good book on OS design. Garbage Collection

Memory allocation is only half of the story. In addition to a memory allocation routine, the heap manager has to provide a call that allows an application to return memory it no longer needs for future reuse. In C and HLA, for example, an application accomplishes this by calling the free function.

At first blush, it might seem that free would be a very simple function to write. All it looks like one has to do is append the previously allocated and now unused block onto the end of the free list. The problem with this trivial implementation of free is that it almost guarantees that the heap becomes fragmented to the point of being unusable in very short order. Consider the situation in Figure 11-9.

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Figure 11-9: Freeing a memory block

If a trivial implementation of free simply takes the block to be freed and appends it to the free list, the memory organization in Figure 11-9 produces three free blocks. However, because these three blocks are all contiguous, the heap manager should really coalesce these three blocks into a single free block; doing so allows the heap manager to satisfy a larger request. Unfortunately, from an overhead perspective, this coalescing operation requires our simple heap manager to scan through the free block list in order to determine whether there are any free blocks adjacent to the block the system is freeing. While it's possible to come up with a data structure that reduces the effort needed to coalesce adjacent free blocks, such schemes generally involve the use of additional overhead bytes (usually eight or more) for each block on the heap. Whether or not this is a reasonable trade-off depends on the average size of a memory allocation. If the applications that use the heap manager tend to allocate small objects, the extra overhead for each memory block could wind up consuming a large percentage of the heap space. However, if the most allocations are large, then the few bytes of overhead will be of little consequence. The OS and Memory Allocation

The performance of the algorithms and data structures the heap manager uses are only a part of the performance problem. Ultimately, the heap manager needs to request blocks of memory from the operating system. In one possible implementation, the operating system handles all memory allocation requests. Another possibility is that the heap manager is a run-time library routine that links with your application; the heap manager requests large blocks of memory from the operating system and then doles out pieces of this block as memory requests arrive from the application.

The problem with making direct memory allocation requests to the OS is that OS API calls are often very slow. If an application calls the operating system for every memory request it makes, the performance of the application will probably suffer if the application makes several memory allocation and deallocation calls. OS API calls are very slow, because they generally involve switching between kernel mode and user mode on the CPU (which is not fast). Therefore, a heap manager that the operating system implements directly will not perform well if your application makes frequent calls to the memory allocation and deallocation routines.

Because of the high overhead of an operating system call, most languages implement their own version of malloc and free (or whatever they call them) within the language's run-time library. On the very first memory allocation, the malloc routine will request a large block of memory from the operating system, and then the application's malloc and free routines will manage this block of memory themselves . If an allocation request comes along that the malloc function cannot fulfill in the block it originally created, then malloc will request another large block (generally much larger than the request) from the operating system, and add that block to the end of its free list. Because the calls to the application's malloc and free routines only call the operating system on an occasional basis, this dramatically reduces the overhead associated with OS calls.

However, you should keep in mind that the procedure illustrated in the previous paragraph is very implementation and language specific; so it's dangerous for you to assume that malloc and free are relatively efficient when writing software that requires high-performance components . The only portable way to ensure a high-performance heap manager is to develop an application-specific set of routines yourself.

Most standard heap management functions perform reasonably for a typical program. For your specific application, however, it may be possible to write a specialized set of functions that are much faster or have less memory overhead. If your application's allocation routines are written by someone who has a good understanding of the program's memory allocation patterns, the allocation and deallocation functions may be able to handle the application's requests in a more efficient manner. Writing such routines is beyond the scope of this book ( please see an OS textbook for more details), but you should be aware of this possibility. Heap Memory Overhead

A heap manager often exhibits two types of overhead: performance (speed) and memory (space). Until now, the discussion has mainly dealt with the performance characteristics of a heap manager; now it's time to turn our attention to the memory overhead associated with the heap manager.

Each block the system allocates is going to require some amount of overhead above and beyond the storage the application requests. At the very least, each block the heap manager allocates requires a few bytes to keep track of the block's size. Fancier (higher-performance) schemes may require additional bytes, but a typical number of overhead bytes will be between 4 and 16. The heap manager can keep this information in a separate internal table, or it can attach the block size and any other memory-management information directly to the blocks it allocates .

Saving this information in an internal table has a couple of advantages. First, it is difficult for the application to accidentally overwrite the information stored there; attaching the data to the heap memory blocks themselves doesn't protect as well against the application wiping out this control information with buffer overruns or underruns (thus corrupting the memory manager's data structures). Second, putting memory-management information in an internal data structure allows the memory manager to determine whether a given pointer is valid (whether it points at some block of memory that the heap manager believes it has allocated).

The advantage of attaching the control information to each block the heap manager allocates is that it is very easy to locate this information, because the memory manager typically places this information immediately before the allocated block. When the heap manager maintains this information in an internal table, it may require a search operation of some sort in order to locate the information.

Another issue that affects the overhead associated with the heap manager is the allocation granularity . Although most heap managers will allow you to allocate storage in blocks as small as one byte, most memory managers will actually allocate some minimum number of bytes greater than one. This minimum amount is the allocation granularity the memory manager supports. Generally, the engineer designing the memory-allocation functions chooses a granularity that will guarantee that any object allocated on the heap will begin at a reasonably aligned memory address for that object. As such, most heap managers allocate memory blocks on a 4-, 8-, or 16-byte boundary. For performance reasons, many heap managers begin each allocation on a typical cache-line boundary, usually 16, 32, or 64 bytes.

Whatever the granularity, if the application requests some number of bytes that is less than the heap manager's granularity, or that is not a multiple of the granularity value, the heap manager will allocate extra bytes of storage so that the complete allocation is an even multiple of the granularity value. Therefore, there may be a few unrequested bytes tacked on to each allocation request to fill out the minimum-sized block the heap manager allocates. Of course, this amount varies by heap manager (and possibly even by version of a specific heap manager), so an application should never assume that it has more memory available than it requests; doing so would be silly, anyway, because the application could simply have requested more memory in the initial allocation call if it needed more.

The extra memory the heap manager allocates to ensure that the request is a multiple of the granularity size results in another form of fragmentation called internal fragmentation . Like external fragmentation, internal fragmentation results in the loss of small amounts of memory throughout the system that cannot satisfy future allocation requests. Assuming random sized memory allocations, the average amount of internal fragmentation that will occur on each allocation is half the granularity size. Fortunately, the granularity size is quite small for most memory managers (typically 16 bytes or fewer), so after thousands and thousands of memory allocations you'll only lose a couple dozen or so kilobytes to internal fragmentation.

Between the costs associated with allocation granularity and the memory control information, a typical memory request may require between 4 and 16 bytes, plus whatever the application requests. If you are making large memory allocation requests (hundreds or thousands of bytes), the overhead bytes won't consume a large percentage of memory on the heap. However, if you allocate lots of small objects, the memory consumed by internal fragmentation and control information may represent a significant portion of your heap area. For example, consider a simple memory manager that always allocates blocks of data on 4-byte boundaries and requires a single 4-byte length value that it attaches to each allocation request for control purposes. This means that the minimum amount of storage the heap manager will require for each allocation is eight bytes. If you make a series of malloc calls to allocate a single byte, the application will not be able to use almost 88 percent of the memory it allocates. Even if you allocate 4-byte values on each allocation request, the heap manager consumes 67 percent of the memory for overhead purposes. However, if your average allocation is a block of 256 bytes, the overhead only requires about 2 percent of the total memory allocation. Moral of the story: The larger your allocation request, the less impact the control information and internal fragmentation will have on your heap.

Computer science journals contain lots of examples of software engineering studies where the authors determined that memory allocation and deallocation requests caused a significant loss of performance in their systems. In such studies, the authors often obtained performance improvements of 100 percent or better by simply implementing their own simplified, application-specific, memory-management algorithms rather than calling the standard run-time library or OS kernel memory allocation code. Let's hope this section has made you aware of this potential problem in your own code.

Write Great Code. Understanding the Machine, Vol. 1
The Art of Assembly Language
ISBN: 1593270038
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 144
Authors: Randall Hyde

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