
 < Day Day Up > 


Data access sublayer (Model layer), 48

Data validations, Form Beans, 58-59. See also Validator framework

data-source tag (Struts configuration file), 362-363

attributes, 363

DTD definition, 363

example usage, 363

data-sources tag (Struts configuration file), 363-364

DTD definition, 364

example usage, 364

Declarative exception handling, 151-162

Decorating a unit test, explained, 458

Default module, explained, 166

Default resource bundle, 180

Default URL mapping, 413

define tag (Bean Tag Library), 260-263, 342

attributes, 261-262

example usage, 262-263

Definition extension scenarios, 122

definition tag (Tiles Tag Library), 121, 133-134, 381-382

attributes, 133, 381-382

DTD definition, 381

example usage, 134, 382

name attribute, 120

path attribute, 120

Definitions (Tiles), 119-120

extending, 121-122

using as attribute values, 123-124

definitions-config property, 120, 168

definition.xml file, 456-457

Delegation of requests, 50

depends attribute, field tag, 108

DIGEST authentication, 414

DispatchAction class, 77-80

DispatchAction class extension, 78, 82-84

Ditlinger, Steve, 432

DOCTYPE declaration, 456

for Struts configuration file, 353

for Tiles configuration file, 377

for Validator configuration file, 389

doFilter( ) method, 429

doGet( ) method of ActionServlet, 447

Dot (.) operator, JSTL expression language, 334-335

Downloading and installing Struts and Tomcat, 39

DTD (Document Type Definition) files, 37, 353-354, 377-378, 389-391

DTO (Data Transfer Object), 32, 51

DynaActionForm class, 60-61

Dynamic content, defined, 3

Dynamic Form Beans, 60-61

declaring, 61

naming, 98

in struts-config.xml file, 61, 97-98

Dynamic message, 180-181

DynaValidatorActionForm, 98

 < Day Day Up > 

Struts. The Complete Reference
Struts: The Complete Reference, 2nd Edition
ISBN: 0072263865
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2003
Pages: 134
Authors: James Holmes © 2008-2017.
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