


message queue manager, Queue Manager Availability

WAS-XD, Scalability

scalar functions (static queries), Scalar Functions

scaling, server \r enterprise, Scaling Up-and-Out – Enterprise Scenarios

scheduled (business rule state), Rules and Rule Implementors

Scheduler for asynchronous threads, WebSphere Application Server Extension APIs

schedulers \r schedulers, Schedulers

schema definitions, importing/exporting, Data Tools

schema mapping \r schemamapping, Generate a Schema Map

SCM (source code management) \r scm, Source-Code Management

scriptlets, JSP \r dynamicadd, Adding Dynamic Content

Secure Association Service \t, see ibm authentication protocol

secure-HTTP (HTTP/S), Defining Security Constraints for Web Application Components, Certificates and Transport-Level Protection

security, The Security Model, Privileged Code

authentication \t , see authentication

authorization \t , see authorization

certificates, The Security Model

certificates \r certificates, Certificates and Transport-Level Protection

challenge mechanisms \r challenge, Challenge Mechanisms and Controls

credentials \t , see credentials

delegation \r delegation, Delegation

distributed component associations \r distcompassoc, Secure Associations Between Distributed Components

enabling, Enabling Security

JAAS (Java Authentication and Authorization Service), JAAS 1.0

Java programming interfaces for \r javasecurity, Java Security Programming Interfaces

JCE (Java Cryptographic Extension), JCE

JSEE (Java Secure Sockets Extension), JSSE

J2EE security model, Protecting J2EE Resources, J2EE Programming Interface

J2EE security model \r j2eesecurity, The J2EE Security Model

J2SE classes for, Security

key terms and principles \r keyterms, The Security Model

middleware management \r mmsecure, Securing Middleware Management

policy validation and evaluation, Application Assembler, System Administrator

privileged code \r privcode, Enabling Privileged Code

privileged code \r privilegedcode, Privileged Code

programmatic security \r progsecurity, Programmatic Security

requesting additional permissions, Privileged Code

resource authorization, Deploying the Application

runtime functions, System-Related Runtime Functions

servlet attributes for, Servlet 2.3

session data, Session Security

synchronizing role names across application \r synchronizing, Synchronize Security Role Names

trust associations (identity assertions), Security Architecture, BASIC Authentication, FORM Authentication, CLIENT-CERT Authentication, Identity Assertions, Credential Mapping

trust associations (identity assertions) \r trustestab, Establishing Trust in the User

user registries \t , see user registries

WAS model for, The Security Programming Model

web application, Securing the Application

web services, Web Services Security

WebSphere model for \r securemodel, Security Architecture

WebSphere model for \r webspheremodel, The WebSphere Security Model

WebSphere system topology, Certificates and Transport-Level Protection, Configuring your DMZ, Network Authentication, Credential Propagation and Resource Protection

WebSphere system topology \r topology, The Topology of the Security System

WS-Security standard, WS-Security

security \r security, Chapter 13: Securing your Enterprise

security association interceptor, Security Architecture

security constraints, Establishing Trust in the User

security constraints \r secconstraints, Defining Security Constraints for Web Application Components

security roles

granting principals to \r prinroles, Granting Principals to Roles

security roles \r secroles, The Roles-Based Authorization Model

SELECT clauses with multiple elements, Multiple Element SELECT Clauses

Sequence Diagram, Profiling and Performance Analysis

serve-servlets-by-classname-enabled (servlet descriptor), serve-servlets-by-classname-enabled

server communication, securing \r certificates, Certificates and Transport-Level Protection

server configurations

list of \r WAS_basics, The WebSphere Application Server

adding applications to, Add the Application to the Server Configuration

creating \r servconfigcreate, Create the Server Configuration and Data Source

server instance clusters, Key Topography Terms

adding/removing servers in \r clustersadd, Adding and Removing Servers in the Cluster

creating \r clusters, Creating a Cluster from an Existing Server

dynamic routing updates, Dynamic Routing Updates

EIS integration \r integration, EIS Integration

enterprise topology, Serving to the Edge

enterprise topology \r enterprise, Scaling Up-and-Out – Enterprise Scenarios

large enterprise topology \r large, Large Enterprise Topology

message queue managers, Queue Manager Clustering

multi-server topology \r multiserver, Multi-Server Scenarios

rippling \r clustersadd, Rippling a Cluster

single-server topology \r singleserver, Single-Server Scenarios

server instance clusters \r clustering, Clustering

server instances \r server_instances, WebSphere Studio Server Tools

server network, managing

adding/removing servers in clusters \r clustersadd, Adding and Removing Servers in the Cluster

creating clusters \r clusters, Creating a Cluster from an Existing Server

creating distributed network \r distribnetwork, Creating a Distributed Network

rippling clusters, Rippling a Cluster

server network, managing \r servernetwork, Managing a Network of Application Servers

server status, wsServerStatus

server tools, WebSphere Studio \r server_tools, WebSphere Studio Server Tools

server, standlone \t, see standalone server, managing

servers \t, see application servers

service composition, Architectural Origins and Evolution

service description (web services)

namespace declarations, Namespace Declarations

service implementation definition, Service Implementation Definition

service interface definition \r servinterface, Service Interface Definition

service description (web services) \r servdescrip, Examining the Service Description

Service Endpoint Interface, JSR-109 Enablement Process, The WebSphere Web Services Enablement Process

converting to WSDL document, The WebSphere Web Services Enablement Process, Create PlantsByWebSphereCatalog.wsdl

creating \r servend, Creating the PlantsByWebSphereCatalog Service Endpoint Interface

service implementation definition, Service Implementation Definition

service interface definition (WSDL documents) \r servinterface, Service Interface Definition

service-oriented architecture (SOA) \r soa, Service Oriented Architecture

ServiceFactory class, Locating a Service using ServiceFactory

services bus, Services-Oriented Computing

Services Endpoint Listener, enabling \r listener, Enable the Web Services Endpoint Listener

services, in workflow, Activity Types

services-oriented computing \r services, Services-Oriented Computing

serving servlets by class name, Serving Servlets by Class Name

servlet controller, Creating the Navigation Menu

servlet controller \r servcontroller, Creating the Servlet Controller

Servlet wizard, Creating the Servlet Controller

Servlet 2.3 specification \r servlet, Servlet 2.3


filtering, Filters

internationalization, Servlets

J2EE programming interface \r webappinter, Web Application Interfaces

serving by class name, Serving Servlets by Class Name

servlets \t, see also web applications

session beans, EJB 2.0, Create the ShoppingCart Bean

accessing business processes, Interfacing with Business Processes

cache settings, Session Cache

cache settings \r beancache, Bean Cache Settings

internationalization, Stateful Session Beans

timeout settings, Session Timeout

transactional settings for, Unit of Work Options

session beans \t, see also session data

session data, Managing State, Adding Dynamic Content, Stateful Web Applications Using Session Data, Create the ShoppingCart Bean

WAS extensions, HTTP Sessions

session data \r stateful, Stateful Web Applications Using Session Data

session data\; state management, Stateful Web Applications Using Session Data

setLocale( ), setLocales( ), The Internationalization Service Architecture

setTimeZone( ), The Internationalization Service Architecture

shared business logic \t, see multi-tier distributed computing

shared message queues, Shared Queues

shopping cart, building (example)

creating EJB for \r shoppingcart, Create the ShoppingCart Bean

integrating ELBs to model objects, Implement the Model Code

shopping cart, building (example) \r shopcart, Adding the Shopping Cart

signing in/out of the admin console, Signing In and Out of the Admin Console

Simple Object Application Protocol \t, see soap

simple trigger points, Basic Rule Usage Interfaces

Simple WebSphere Authentication Mechanism (SWAM), Simple WebSphere Authentication Mechanism

single-server topology \r singleserver, Single-Server Scenarios

single-table mapping, EJB Inheritance

Site Developer, WebSphere Studio, WebSphere Studio Overview

data tools, Data Tools

server tools and test environments \r server_tools, WebSphere Studio Server Tools

validators, Validation

Web Services \r services, Web Services Support

XML tools \r xml_tools, XML Tools

Site Developer, WebSphere Studio \r site_developer, WebSphere Studio Site Developer

situational trigger points, Basic Rule Usage Interfaces

SOA (service-oriented architecture) \r soa, Service Oriented Architecture

SOA (services-oriented architecture), Services-Oriented Computing

SOAP, WSDL Concepts

SOAP (Simple Object Application Protocol), Services-Oriented Computing, WSDL Concepts

accessing business processes, Interfacing with Business Processes

Apache SOAP, Apache SOAP

internationalization, Web Services Internationalization

monitoring messages \r monitoring, Monitor the Web Services Messages

sockets, JSSE

source code management (SCM) \r scm, Source-Code Management

Source view (Web Application perspective), Web Application Perspective

spawning threads from applications (deferred execution)

capturing context, Capturing Context

collecting work results, Collecting the Work Results

defining deferred work, Defining Deferred Work

dispatching work \r dispatch, Dispatching Parallel Work

enabling \r deferredenable, Enabling the Deferred Execution Service

joining completion of work, Joining the Completion of Work

listening for work events, Listening for Work Events

spawning threads from applications (deferred execution) \r deferred, The Deferred Execution Service

spawning threads within applications, Process-Related Thread Functions

specific policy by type, Application Assembler

SQL classes, J2SE, SQL

SQL date/time expressions, SQL Date/time Expressions

SQLJ support, SQLJ Support

SSL ID, tracking session ID by, Stateful Web Applications Using Session Data

staff services, WebSphere Application Server Extension APIs

staff services \r staffservices, Staff Services

standalone server, managing, Managing a Single Standalone Server

configuring admin console \r configadminconsole, Configuring the Admin Console

configuring application server \r appserverconfig, Configuring the Application Server

configuring applications \r configuringapps, Configuring the Application

configuring problem determination facilities \r configproblem, Configuring the Problem Determination Facilities

configuring resources, Configuring Resources

installing applications \r installapp, Installing an Application

signing in/out of admin console, Signing In and Out of the Admin Console

starting admin console, Starting the Admin Console

starting and stopping application, Starting and Stopping the Application

starting and stopping server, Starting and Stopping the Server

standalone server, managing \r standalone, Managing a Single Standalone Server

standards organizations, Standards Organizations


admin console, Starting the Admin Console

application servers, Starting and Stopping the Server, Starting a Server, wsStartServer, wsStopServer

applications, Starting and Stopping the Application, wsStartApp

applications \t , see startup service

starting weight, Configuring the Application

startup beans, WebSphere Application Server Extension APIs

startup service, The StartUp Service

creating listener, Creating a StartUp Listener

startup service \r startup, The StartUp Service

startup synchronization option, Configuration Repository

startWork( ) (WorkManager interface), Main Deferred Execution Components

state management

internationalization, Stateful Session Beans

session bean cache settings, Session Cache

session data, Session Timeout, Bean Cache Settings

session data \r stateful, Stateful Web Applications Using Session Data

session data, using, Create the ShoppingCart Bean

state management \r stateman, Managing State

static web projects, Creating the Projects

statically defined queries (J2EE), Dynamic Query

statically defined queries (J2EE) \r statquer, Extensions for Static Queries


application servers, Starting and Stopping the Server, Stopping a Server

applications, Starting and Stopping the Application

strategies, business rule, Rule Client and Trigger Point

string comparisons (static queries), String Comparisons

string-form names, String-form Names

Struts programming framework, Struts and the Struts Tag Libraries

style sheets for HTML pages, Applying a Style Sheet

subjects, JAAS, Principals and Subjects, JAAS

subqueries (static queries), Subqueries, Aggregation, Group By, and Having Clauses

Supports element (activity session), The ActivitySession Service

SWAM (Simple WebSphere Authentication Mechanism), Simple WebSphere Authentication Mechanism

Swing, AWT and Swing

symmetric-key algorithms, The Security Model

synchronization interval, Configuration Repository

synchronization notification (JTA transactions), WebSphere Application Server Extension APIs


configuration repositories \r synchconfigrep, Configuration Repository

synchronizing security role names \r synchronizing, Synchronize Security Role Names

synchronous work, dispatching, Dispatching Synchronous Work

synchronous workflows, The Role for Business Processes, Interruptable Process

system administrator (development role), System Administrator

system management APIs, System Management APIs

system monitoring, System Administrator

system principal, Delegation

System.err log, configuring, Configuring the Problem Determination Facilities

System.out log, configuring, Configuring the Problem Determination Facilities

Professional IBM WebSphere 5. 0 Applicationa Server
Professional IBM WebSphere 5. 0 Applicationa Server
Year: 2001
Pages: 135 © 2008-2017.
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