

C programming language, 463, 537

C++ programming language

ALT Server and, 494

COM objects and, 364, 389

ISAPI extensions and, 524-525

Native Remote Debugging, 502-503

preprocessor commands, 463

security and, 170

web programming and, 422

C# programming language

ASP.NET applications and, 422

ISAPI extensions and, 524

managed vs. unmanaged code, 525

preprocessor commands, 463


ALT Server, 505-507

Basic authentication tokens, 192-193

content, 335

web sites, 67

WS03 as caching server, 231-234

calendar controls, 489

Canonical Name (CNAME) resource record, 232

CAs (certification authorities), 265-272

adding to browser list, 263-265

choosing type, 267-268

client certificates, 266-267

client computers and, 263-265

Enterprise Root CA, 269-270

Enterprise Subordinate CA, 270

list of, 265

requesting certificates, 51-52, 273-277

SSL handshake and, 265-266

Standalone Root CA, 270-271

Standalone Subordinate CA, 271-272

test site certificates, 623-625

verification of public keys by, 262-263

Catch blocks, 480

.cdx file extension, 176

centralized binary logging, 315

.cer file extension, 176

CERT/CC (CERT Coordination Center), 174

Certificate Services, 52

certificate signing request (CSR), 276

certificates. See digital certificates

certification authorities. See CAs (certification authorities)

Certification Authority snap-in, 277-278

Certification Authority web enrollment, 273-275

CGI (Common Gateway Interface), 320, 382, 524

Change Configuration Settings page, Server Extensions 2002 tab, 66-68

CIM (Common Information Model), 248

ciphers, 260

class diagrams, technical specification, 599

class identifiers (CLSIDs), 366, 410, 497


ADO.NET, 443-444

ALT Server, 494

ASP.NET, 459-460

MFC provided for ISAPI, 563-564

classes, COM objects

adding functions to, 390

class interface, 369-372, 390

deploying, 374, 383-384

properties, 390, 391

client certificates

how they work, 266-267

mapping to user accounts, 281-285

requesting from the web, 278

types of digital certificates, 260


authenticating client machines, 56

defined, 572

scripting, FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions, 67

software solutions, 581

use of CAs by, 263-265

web site connections, 31

CLSIDs (class identifiers), 366, 410, 497

cmd.exe, IIS security, 175

CNAME (Canonical Name) resource record, 232


attributed, 512-513

editing data-oriented web form code, 438-441

hardcoding, 350

logic abstraction and extendibility and, 355-356

managed, 525

nonattributed, 513

web site creation and, 617-621

well formed, 417

XML escape, 418-419

Code Red worm, 169-170

code signing certificates, 260

Codebehind files

ASP.NET and, 422-423

ASPX files and, 428-429

editing, 438

web forms, 430-432

collections, ASP request objects, 331-334

colon (:), 555


adding applications to Component Services, 376-380

creating applications, 375

deploying applications, 383-384, 410-412

launching, 376

MTS and, 382

role-based access and, 384-386

COM+ Application Install Wizard, 378-381

Add Application Roles screen, 380

Add Users To Roles screen, 381

Create Empty Application screen, 378

Install or Create a New Application screen, 378

launching, 376

Set Application Identity screen, 379

COM+ Component Install Wizard, 383-384

COM (Component Object Model)

ADO and, 343

architecture, 365

class interface for DLL projects, 369-372

class properties, 391

Component Services. See Component Services

data access support, 389-391

database connection credentials, 391-395

deploying DLL projects, 374

deploying XML enhanced project, 410-412

error handling, 395-397

integrating XML and XSL, 412-419

overview of, 364

registering components (regsvr32.exe), 375

as scripting language, 320

setting up DLL projects, 366-368

testing DLL project deployment, 386-388

testing DLL projects, 372-374

testing XML enhanced project, 408-410

tiers and supporting technologies, 412

VB6 and, 365-366, 388-389

writing to database, 397-406

XML enhanced project (serialization), 406-408

COM DLL. See ActiveX DLL project

command objects, ADO, 350

Common Files, IIS subcomponents, 7

Common Information Model (CIM), 248

Component Designer, Visual Studio.NET

<appSettings>, 469

data adaptor component, 470

event logs, 481

overview of, 462-463

SQL commands, 475

web service controls, 467

Component Object Model. See COM (Component Object Model)

Component Services, 375-386. See also COM (Component Object Model)

adding COM+ applications to, 376-380

comparing server applications and library applications, 381-382

deploying COM+ application, 383-384, 410-412

as DLL server, 382

features, 375-376

loading COM+ applications into, 375

role-based access and, 384-386

Windows architecture and, 381-382

components (COM objects). See also COM (Component Object Model)

ActiveX DLL project and, 366-368

adding to web services, 462-463

automatic version numbering, 368

binary compatibility and, 408-410

class properties, 391

data access support, 389-391

data adaptor component, 470-476

database connection component, 464-468

defined, 376

deploying with Component Services, 375-376

deploying with regsvr32, 375

event log component, 480-482

IIS security and, 174

properties, 369-372

role-based access and, 384-386

showing status of, 387

compressed files, 72-73

Computer Management. See MMC (Microsoft Management Console)

configuration element, web.config, 436

connection control, NNTP virtual servers, 144, 148

connection management

FTP Service, 104

NNTP Service, 143-144

NNTP virtual servers, 142-144

SMTP connection restrictions, 129

SMTP relay restrictions, 130

SMTP Service, 119-120

connection objects, ADO (Active Data Objects), 345, 441

connection strings, ADO (Active Data Objects), 441

connection timeout, 30-31, 104

ConnectionString property, 464-465, 469-470

ConnID, WriteClient function, 562-563

constructor strings, deploying COM+ applications, 410-412

consuming software, 364

contact email, DNS zones, 228

content caching, ASP request objects, 335

content encoding, HTTP compression, 71

content, FTP sites, 89-91

content, web sites

default content page, 44-45

Execute Permissions, 42-44

expiration, 56-57

location of, 34-35

ratings, 58

static content, 42

uploading with FrontPage, 66-67

convlog.exe, 304-306

cookies, 335-338, 338


alerts and, 648-649

counter logs, 644-648

using in Performance Monitor, 645


performance options, 78-79

processor affinity, 82

Windows Server 2003, 4

/create switch, iisftp script, 97-99

cryptographic service providers (CSPs), 52

cscript.exe, 85-86, 251

csproj file, web forms, 433-434

csproj.webinfo (project WebInfo file), web forms, 434

CSPs (cryptographic service providers), 52

CSR (certificate signing request), 276

Custom Assert And Trace Handling Support, ALT Server, 513-514

Custom Errors tab, 60-61, 73

custom HTTP headers, 57-58

custom log modules, 312-314

IIS 6(c) The Complete Reference
IIS 6: The Complete Reference
ISBN: 0072224959
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 193 © 2008-2017.
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