validation Web server controls (ASP.NET), 918–920

ValidationSummary control, 921

value types. See also specific types

basic data types as, 40

for Boolean values, 43

comparing for equality, 147–148

converting between reference types and, 145–146

decimal type, 42–43

defined, 9

floating-point types, 42

integer types, 41–42

memory management, 194–195

performance and, 40

predefined, 41–44

reference types versus, 9, 39–40

for single characters, 43–44

stored on the stack, 9, 39, 194–195

variables. See also constants

anonymous methods and, 177

assigning values, 34

declaring, 33–34

initialization, 34–35

prefixes for names, 75

scope, 35–38, 194–195

unsafe local variables, 206

Vector struct

adding collection support, 248–250

adding formatting expressions, 233–235

overloading operators, 150–157

VectorClass assembly, 310, 312–313

VectorEnumerator struct, 248–250

versioning assemblies

application configuration files, 453–456

getting the version programmatically, 452–453

importance for shared assemblies, 412, 413, 451

private assemblies and, 412–413, 451

publisher policy files, 456–458

runtime version, 459–460

version numbers, 451–452

viewing .NET data. See also ADO.NET; specific topics

data binding, 816–822

DataGridView control for, 801–816

Visual Studio .NET and data access, 822–840

viewstate field (ASP.NET), 905

virtual addressing, 194

Virtual Execution System of CLR, 465

virtual keyword, 114–115, 125

virtual memory, 194. See also managed heap; stack

visibility modifiers, 124–125

visibility of forms, 781

Visual Basic 2005

development of, 5–6

interoperability with .NET, 5–6

Visual Basic 6

class for CLS example, 432–434

converting to Visual Basic 2005, 6

data typing versus IL data typing, 9–10

reading in projects to Visual Studio 2005, 387

unsuitability for .NET, 5–6

Visual Basic .NET

extensive changes from VB6, 6

not case-sensitive, 77

Visual C++ 2005. See also C++

advantages over C#, 6–7

CLR memory type safety tests and, 7

interoperability with .NET, 6–7

mixing managed and unmanaged types in, 6

Visual C++ 6. See also C++

Microsoft-specific extensions, 6

reading in projects to Visual Studio 2005, 387

Visual C++ .NET, 6. See also C++

Visual J# 2005, 7

Visual Studio .NET and data access. See also Visual Studio 2005

building an XSD schema, 827–832

creating a database connection, 822–825

manufactured tables and rows, 835–840

providing a pop-up menu for a row, 832–835

selecting data from a database, 825–826

updating the data source, 826

Visual Studio 2005. See also Visual Studio .NET and data access

accessing other programs from, 373

adding projects to solutions, 385–386

adding TextBox controls to forms, 392–394

for ASP.NET file creation, 906

ATL Project Wizard, 1159–1160

building projects, 399–403

changes from previous versions, 373–374

Class View window, 396–397

compiling from, 372

console project, 381–383

converting VB6 to Visual Basic 2005 and, 6

creating assemblies using, 423–425

creating installers in, 557–567

creating projects, 377–383

creating UDTs, 636–641

creating Web Forms, 906–908

debug and release builds with, 399–401

debugger, 9, 373, 404–407

debugger symbols, 400–401

Design View window, 372, 391–394

designer-generated code separated by, 754–755

design-time debugging, 390

editing configurations, 402–403

Exceptions dialog box, 407

features, 371–373

folding editor (default code editor), 388–390

localization example using, 534–555

MSDN help integrated with, 373

Object Browser window, 397–398

opening projects from previous versions in, 374–376

pinning and unpinning windows, 398–399

project, defined, 383

project files created by, 382–383

project types available, 379–381

Properties window, 394–396

RCW creation, 1164

reading in Visual Studio 6 projects, 387

refactoring tools, 408–410

removing debugging commands, 401

selecting a project type, 377–381

selecting configuration for, 401–402

Server Explorer window, 398

setting breakpoints, 404

setting the startup project, 386

showing and hiding blocks of code, 388–390

simple client application, deployment project as separate solution, 558–562

simple client application, deployment project in same solution, 563–564

solution, defined, 383

solutions versus projects, 383–384

supporting windows, 372

text editor, 371

Toolbox, 391–392

upgrade wizard, 374–376

User-Defined Type template, 636–637

Visual J# 2005 and, 7

Watch window, 405–406

Web Forms, 23

Windows application code, 387

Windows Form applications and, 754–755

void pointers, 209

Professional C# 2005
Pro Visual C++ 2005 for C# Developers
ISBN: 1590596080
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2005
Pages: 351
Authors: Dean C. Wills

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