Data Sharing Global Lock Management

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Because data sharing group members can access any object from any member in the group, a global locking mechanism is required. It is handled by the lock structure defined in the coupling facility. The lock structure is charged with managing inter-member locking. Without a global lock management process, data integrity problems could occur when one member attempts to read (or change) data that is in the process of being changed by another member.

Data sharing groups utilize a global locking mechanism to preserve the integrity of the shared data. The global locking mechanism allows locks to be recognized between members.

Global Locking

All members of a data sharing group must be aware of locks that are held or requested by the other members. The DB2 data sharing group utilizes the coupling facility to establish and administer global locks.

The IRLM performs locking within each member DB2 subsystem. Additionally, the IRLM communicates with the coupling facility to establish global locks. Each member of the data sharing group communicates lock requests to the coupling facility's lock structure. The manner in which a transaction takes locks during execution does not change. The only difference is that, instead of being local locks, the locks being taken are global in nature.

DB2 data sharing does not use message passing to perform global locking. The members DB2 IRLMs use the coupling facility to do global locking. Contention can be identified quickly without having to suspend the tasks to send messages around to the other DB2 members contained in the data sharing group. The following list outlines the events that occur when transactions from different DB2 members try to access the same piece of data:

  1. TXN1 requests a lock that is handled by the local IRLM.

  2. The local IRLM passes the request to the coupling facility global lock structures to ensure that no other members have incompatible locks. No incompatible locks are found, so the lock is taken.

  3. TXN2 requests a lock that is handled by its local IRLM. The lock is for the same data held by TXN1 executing in a different DB2 subsystem.

  4. Once again, the local IRLM passes the request to the coupling facility global lock structures to check for lock compatibility. In this case, an incompatible lock is found, so the lock request cannot be granted. The task is suspended .

  5. Eventually, TXN1 executes a COMMIT , which releases all local and global locks.

  6. TXN2 now can successfully execute the lock and continue processing.


Consider specifying TRACKMOD NO for objects used in a data sharing environment to avoid locking problems.

Lock Structures

The coupling facility contains several lock structures that are used for global locking purposes. The lock lists contain names of modified resources. This information is used to notify members of the data sharing group that the various resources have been changed.

Additionally, a hash table is used to identify compatible and incompatible lock modes. If the same hash value is used for the same resource name from different systems (with incompatible lock modes), lock contention will occur. If the same hash value is used for different resource names (called a hashing collision ), false contention will occur. Any contention requires additional asynchronous processing to occur.

Hierarchical Locking

DB2 data sharing introduces the concept of explicit hierarchical locking to reduce global locking overhead (which increases global locking performance). Explicit hierarchical locking allows data sharing to differentiate between global and local locks. When no inter-DB2 interest occurs in a resource, the local IRLM can grant locks locally on the resources that are lower in the hierarchy. This feature allows the local DB2 to obtain local locks on pages or rows for that table space without notifying the coupling facility. In a data sharing environment, locks on the top parents are always propagated to the coupling facility lock structures. (These structures are detailed on the previous page.) In addition, the local DB2 propagates locks on children, depending on the compatibility of the maximum lock held on a table space that also has other members of the DB2 data sharing group requesting locks on it.

P -Locks Versus L -Locks

DB2 data sharing introduces two new lock identifiers: P -locks and L -locks.

P -Locks

P -locks preserve inter-DB2 coherency of buffered pages. P -locks are owned by the member DB2 subsystem and are used for physical resources such as page sets. These physical resources can be either data objects or index objects. P -locks are held for the length of time the pages are locally cached in the local buffer pool. As such, data can be cached beyond a transaction commit point.

P -locks are negotiable. If multiple DB2 members hold incompatible P -locks, the IRLMs try to downgrade lock compatibility. P -locks are never timed out. Because P -locks are not owned by transactions, they cannot be deadlocked. The sole job of a P -lock is to ensure inter-DB2 coherency. P -locks notify the data sharing group that a member of that group is performing work on that resource. This way, the coupling facility can become involved and begin treating the resources globally.

L -Locks

L -locks are used for both intra- and inter-DB2 concurrency between transactions. L -locks can either be local or global in scope. L -locks are owned by transactions and are held for COMMIT or allocation duration. L -locks are not negotiable and, as such, must wait for incompatible L -locks held by other DB2 members to be released before they can be taken. Suspended L -locks can be timed out by the IRLM.

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DB2 Developers Guide
DB2 Developers Guide (5th Edition)
ISBN: 0672326132
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2004
Pages: 388 © 2008-2017.
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