Chapter 6: Working with DB2 Tables, Views, and Indexes


Twenty-three and one-half percent (23.5%) of the DB2 9 Fundamentals certification exam (Exam 730) is designed to test your ability to identify the data types and constraints that are available with DB2 9, as well as to test your knowledge of how and when each one should be used in a table definition. The questions that make up this portion of the exam are intended to evaluate the following:

  • Your knowledge of the DB2 data types available and your ability to demonstrate when and how each data type available should be used

  • Your knowledge of the constraints available and your ability to identify when and how NOT NULL constraints, default constraints, CHECK constraints, UNIQUE constraints, and referential integrity constraints should be used

  • Your ability to create a database table, using data types and constraints

  • Your ability to identify characteristics of a table, view, or index

  • Your ability to identify how operations performed on the parent table of a referential integrity constraint are reflected in the child table of the constraint

  • Your ability to identify when triggers should be used

This chapter is designed to introduce you to the data types and constraints that are available with DB2 and to show you how to construct base tables using any combination of each. This chapter is also designed to show you how triggers can be used to supplement constraints.

DB2 9 Fundamentals Certification Study Guide
DB2 9 Fundamentals: Certification Study Guide
ISBN: 1583470727
EAN: 2147483647
Year: 2007
Pages: 93 © 2008-2017.
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